Opening statements in the Zimmerman trial today

Monday, June 24, 2013

Good morning:

Opening statements are scheduled to begin at 9 am EDT, but they probably will not start before 9:15 because both sides are going to want to get a ruling from Judge Nelson before opening statements on the defense argument that several statements by the defendant after the shooting to W13 and the police are admissible pursuant to the res gestae exception to the hearsay rule.

She previously granted the State’s motion in limine to exclude all of the defendants statements after the shooting on the ground that they were self-serving hearsay. The statements at issue today were excluded pursuant to that ruling. Therefore, the defense cannot mention them in their opening statement, unless Judge Nelson reverses her earlier decision regarding these particular statements.

They want to mention the statements during their opening statement because GZ said he killed TRayvon Martin in self-defense.

The State likely will oppose the defense motion with an argument similar to the one that I made in my Friday evening post.

I believe opening statements are extremely important because they provide the first and only opportunity for each side to explain their respective theories of the case to the jury and briefly discuss the supporting evidence. Many lawyers compare an opening statement to a road map. If a lawyer makes a good opening statement, jurors will have a good overview of the case and the evidence that will be presented. If a lawyer makes a bad opening statement, the jurors will be confused and not know what to expect.

An opening statement should not exceed 20 minutes. Therefore, clarity and brevity are important. Detail, not so much.

An opening statement is not an argument. For that reason you will hear the lawyers often say, “We expect the evidence will show ABC or XYZ.

If a lawyer starts arguing what the evidence means, you should expect opposing counsel to object.

Prior to opening statements, Judge Nelson will instruct the jury that the remarks of counsel are not evidence.

Evidence consists of the testimony of the witnesses and the exhibits admitted by Judge Nelson.

I am hoping the State will mention what the evidence will show about GZ’s phone calls before and after he killed Trayvon.

Bernie de la Rionda (BDLR) has to decide whether to introduce any of the defendant’s statements during the State’s case in chief or save them for rebuttal.

He could do it either way, but the less he introduces during his case in chief, the more likely GZ will testify.

Here’s the link to the livestream coverage.


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2,753 Responses to Opening statements in the Zimmerman trial today

  1. gbrbsb says:

    GZlegalcase uploaded the timeline Defence (West) used for opening statement which I am posting here as it may be easier to find it if needed. It may be an idea to post the day’s items and/or evidence posted and videos on the day they occur for quick access.

  2. Tzar says:

    Gattdamn, Mantai is nailing this shit right the fuck down

    lol forgive my language
    good legal arguments make me randy 🙂

  3. Tzar says:

    Wow a juror got struck unduly
    who wants to bet that the defense made up that facebook page that got the black juror struck?

  4. Dave says:

    IIRC the Professor checked in briefly yesterday alluding to a bird-related problem. I hope everything works out all right.

  5. crazy1946 says:

    Has anyone started a pool about when the defense team will force Judge Nelson to declare a mis-trial? I will predict next Monday will be the day….. They are not trying for an acquittal for the Fogdiot, their only hope is to drag this case out for as long as necessary until people disengage from paying attention to it (their hope, not mine)!

    • cielo62 says:

      Sorry crazy but you are crazy if you think that is going to happen! Or else you are not familiar with trials. No reason at all for a mis-trial. I’d take your bet but I don’t like to steal money.


      • crazy1946 says:

        I accept your statement, however I do respectfully disagree! Perhaps you don’t understand the difference between a simple bet and a pool where you estimate what will happen and the time frame that it could happen within. So it is your contention that a mistrial could not happen due to gross acts of willful negligence on the part of the defense attorneys?

        • cielo62 says:

          crazy~ the only sure-fire way to get a mistrial is through JURY misconduct. The lawyers pretty much don’t count. The judge could slap contempt of court on them, fine them and reprimand them, but that doesn’t usually result in a mistrial. I just don’t see that (mistrial) happening.


  6. crazy1946 says:

    8:30, Has anyone heard from the Professor?

  7. chi1224 says:

    Good morning everybody. Does anyone know what time court starts today? Is it 8:30 or 9:00?

  8. Leisa says:

    Good morning folks! Day 2. Ready….

  9. Patricia says:

    Riders up for day 2!!!! Justice for trayvon and family!

  10. crazy1946 says:

    Have you ever sat and thought about what it would really take to see justice in this case? What is justice, and how can it even exist in a corrupt society such as the one we live in today? Perhaps we will see the conviction of this murderer and think justice has be done. However, I will not consider justice to be complete until we find a way to stop this type of murder from happening again. Hate is a good weapon that has been used to control people since the start of time. When we can find a way to remove and banish hate from our hearts, then and only then will justice have been served. Ok, enough rambling from this old man….

    • Jun says:

      There’s not much we can do to be real

      WW2 has been over for many years yet people are still racist against people and are Nazis

      It’s long been proven that Chinese people do not steal people’s jobs yet even Trump still pushes that ideal

      Even the cop told Fogen it was not necessary to stalk Trayvon, yet, Fogen did so anyways

      There’s just unbalanced people in society and unfortunately we live with these people in society

    • MedicineBear says:

      Tomayto : Tomahto
      Old Man : Wise Elder

      Keep “rambling” old man because many of us drink from your sage words.

      Our prayers go up that justice in this case will heal not only eons of inhumanity and oppression, but will heal the corrupt soul of our society as well. Aho!

    • cielo62 says:

      Crazy- unfortunately, the “justice” you seek cannot be achieved by external force. You can’t stop people from hating. The best we as a society can do is prosecute it repeatedly until its made understood that it is unacceptable.


      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Yes, cielo!

        This trial is sending a strong message to all would-be vigilantes that such acts of vigilantism WILL be prosecuted.

        And, let us not forget that it OFTEN will require decent Americans to shine the spotlight (and even sign petitions) on such acts to see to it that these vigilantes will face prosecution.

      • crazy1946 says:

        cielo62, I respectfully disagree with you on the how to end hate. You can’t expect prosecution to reach the end result that you expect. If it could you would not see such a large prison population in this country today. The use of “force” to recondition thought patterns has a special meaning to me. Many years ago I had a male German Shepard pup that was quite head strong and refused to learn anything. I took this pup to a trainer that was recommended to me as being very good. After a few weeks, I decided to go see how the training was coming along, unfortunately for me, I suppose, I arrived at his kennel at the wrong time because he was busy training my pup with a stick! After a few words, I proceeded to train the trainer using his methods. After I paid my fine and had taken the pup home, I started working with him using non-violent methods, it took a while but this pup turned out to be one of the most reliable and most trust worthy dogs I have ever owned. Perhaps the point that I would like to make is that the methods we have used for many years have not worked, and it is time to change course and use other means to resolve the problem? Now, it is time for me to retreat back under my rock and get ready to watch round two of the trial? Have a good day, try to keep your emotions in check (computers cost too much to replace on a daily basis ;_0

  11. Jun says:

    Okay so the 911 Fogen calls are in?

    • crazy1946 says:

      I would think that they would be allowed to be presented, however, with the way Judge Nelson has been ruling, I would not want to bet the house that they will be….

      • type1juve says:

        I agree, she seems slanted towards the defense to me.

      • Jun says:

        I dont know, but according to how the State argued it, she has to let it in under the Business Records exception to the rule and technically it’s not prior bad acts, because that’s what it says under the rules

        I think it also falls under habits

        • cielo62 says:

          Jun- besides, phone calls cannot be considered prior bad acts. Unless they were prank calls or threatening calls, they just go to pattern.


      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        The prior NEN calls where the suspects escaped before the police arrived SHOULD be allowed in because in gz’s 2-26-12 NEN call, gz said, “They always get away.”

        The state has a right to enter those earlier calls to show that gz had FIRST HAND experience of seeing “those that victimize the neighborhood”(his words) get away before the police arrived each time.

        It also establishes gz’s mounting frustration. Taaffe did say that gz was “mad as hell and wasn’t going to take it anymore.”

    • cielo62 says:

      Jun- that will be established at 8:30am Tuesday.


  12. Jun says:

    West is an slimeball IMO

    Many witnesses stated that Fogen was on top of Trayvon when he shot him, yet, West said it is not possible, because Trayvon was shot in the chest

    And then he goes on about a physically impossible maneuver of Fogen’s scoot from under and him ending up on top of Trayvon

    Then he says that witnesses place the struggle near the T, when he damn well knows, that did not happen and the witnesses said the argument happened south on the back pathway

    Then he tries to explain away the NEN call to fit in the address hunt story and it’s just not possible

    Then he uses DD’s testimony to claim Trayvon confronted Fogen, when her whole testimony was that Fogen kept following and chasing and then caught up, and Trayvon simply asked why Fogen was stalking him, and then Fogen attacked Trayvon, and her testimony is supported by witness 2, 1, 18…

    Then he claims only witness 6 saw anything, when 18 saw the whole thing from confrontation forward

    West’s opening does not follow any logical sense, was longer than needed, and the points easily forgotten

  13. Malisha says:

    Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Boo Who?
    Keep crying; you got a late start but there’s time.

    • Jun says:

      Who the hell starts with such a lame joke after a tragic event where the client is proved beyond a reasonable doubt that he killed the kid, and stalked and profiled the kid and made hostile remarks about the kid before killing him

      • MedicineBear says:

        Someone who thinks this trial is all about the inconvenience that has been caused to fogen and the slithering nest of Zimmtilians. Poor forgey porgy! Boo hoo, their lives have been ruined and YOU just don’t get it!

  14. Nellie Nell says:

    Whew, because I have to work during the day and try to listen whenever I can, I am just now getting done with watching the entire proceedings after work and cooking dinner.

    West is a mess. I just do not understand him, I know that his knock knock joke was not appropriate and should have turned off the jury that have been whisked away from their families for however long this trial will take as he ramble on stumbling over pictures and playing the tapes and wiping his freaking nose on his jacket and repeating himself and just being West! The gun to shot the dog should also sit well with the jury, not!

    MOM and his BS. Trying to get the Martin’s thrown out of the courtroom because the Zimmaliars scurried on out of the courtroom which was funny, but no Mark…. they will stay! I especially liked how he said that the noise heard during the 911 call culd possibly be GZ knocking on his flashlight when crossing Sean. If GZ were not hunting for Trayvon in the dark (as the pictures that West had shown) why the hell would he need a flashlight to work anyways??? Way to go Mark, that just proves that your client was looking for Trayvon with his flashlight in the dark…. I hope the jury picked up on that!

    Anyway, I have to turn in to be at work at 7:30am so it is a good thing that I work from home! I am hoping to be able to at least read you all’s comments to keep me up to date.

    Thanks family

    • MedicineBear says:

      EXACTLY about the flashlight! The flashlight tapping is at the end of the NEN call, WELL AFTER he said “okay” to Sean’s suggestion not to follow the teenager.

      If fogen HAD “stopped following” Trayvon into the very dark dog walk area, and if fogen had indeed been heading back to his truck (that was parked on the street in more light), HE WOULDN’T HAVE NEEDED THE FLASHLIGHT.

      Very incriminating for fogen.

  15. DruDo says:

    I missed most of today, but my sis said Trayvon was described as a football player, a linebacker, by one of the scummy defense lawyers (her words), so they’re trying to make him look like this big, bad, scary athlete who fogen was no match for. Unless I’m mistaken, Trayvon only played Youth football until the age of 14. I hope the pros. point that out.

  16. Trained Observer says:

    Late night entry:

    Knock knock.

    Who’s there?


    Gladazz who?

    Gladazz didn’t have to sit through West’s opner, that ‘s who

  17. Two sides to a story says:

    “You can help put an end to media that dehumanizes young Black men like Trayvon and enables a culture in which Black lives are seen as less valuable.”

  18. Rachael says:

    Okay, you guys are just not understanding the whole joke thing (knock-knock joke) with regard to West. Sundance explains:

    What you saw Don West do with the knock-knock joke (albeit stumbly bumbly) was a cognitive reset. When you ask an engaged listening audience (during debate), in this case a jury: “how many pancakes does it take to fill a canoe”? It’s like taking a massive cognitive eraser to a mental white board.

    All prior thoughts are frozen, all ponderings of what you just heard stop; and, most importantly, your focus is unintentionally snapped into position, on the questioner, by the questioner.

    It is a classic old school cognitive reset tool to get people to not only stop thinking about what was previous, but it actually wipes out memory. It’s just the way synapses fire – Awesome job by West regardless of how it made him look.

    I think I’m gonna puke. They can make excuses for ANYTHING.

    • ay2z says:


    • Two sides to a story says:

      For once in his life, Sundance Cracker might actually have a valid point, EXCEPT that West is NO Zen master. He didn’t erase my white board and I doubt it erased the jury’s either.

      • Rachael says:

        Well even if it were true, he kept erasing himself with all his bumbling and stumbling about. Nothing makes me more angry and less attentive than someone inept like that.

    • whonoze says:

      Not synapse reset. Synapse death. Don “The Eraser” West.

    • Malisha says:

      Oh so six jurors listen to something that makes sense and sounds logical and they get it. Then West stands up and says something not only stupid/goofy but irrelevant and inappropriate. Immediately these six jurors forget everything they have heard, everything they know, and everything they have been thinking, and they become putty in West’s hands.

      Hmmm. I guess that IS how it works with six jurors so easily manipulated and so easily “cognitively re-set” by someone like West. And the cops were that way with Fogen. Fogen said, “My wife’s a mess” and Singleton forgot everything including her training as a cop, right? Fogen said, “I mentored kids” and Serino forgot he had shot a kid through the heart, right? Fogen said, “a guy with pajama bottoms was here smoking” and the police forgot standard protocols. And on and on and on. And even Shellie, said “I don’t think we have any money” and it re-set Lester’s cognition.

      Sure! IT WORKS!

      • MedicineBear says:

        Tomorrow Skeletor wants to bond with the jury by opening with a favorite recipe (the jury is all wimmens, and they loves recipes!). What? There won’t be another opening drone tomorrow? Wha . . . ?

    • bydesign2010 says:

      Except I doubt the jurors forgot anything other than Don West needs a dunce cap.

    • Puck says:

      Oh, he’s attempting to try some pseudo-social psychology? Let the resident sociologist respond:

      It’s not a cognitive reset; it’s a destablilization of the setting and discourse, one that today was pulled of very, very badly. The jury’s focus was already in position to listen to West; it did not need to be snapped there. The jarring destabilization created by a crass, offensive, inappropriate joke (for which he semi-apologized after lunch) most probably had the effect of the jurors wondering, “WTF is his deal? If he can be this slimy in his very first statement, what are we in store for? That John Guy was great. What did he say again?”

      So no, Sundance, West created an instant dislike and distrust of him and his integrity, while inadvertently turning the jurors’ reflexive thoughts back to Guy and his awesomeness.

      Come at me, you racist motherfucker. ph34r my mad soci sk1llz.

    • I couldn’t take my eyes of BDLR. BTW I never understood the joke either.

    • Jun says:

      Strictly my opinion and I dont know what the Jurors think, but I think Guy did a good job, was charming, was real, and pointed out all of Fogen’s weak points in a fast and to the point

      West’s opening opened on irrelevant information, a poor joke, and too much long windedness and bore… then he went on about the lies and trying to explain away the NEN call and looked like an idiot… then when the witnesses come in, the jurors will find out that West lied and misrepresented their statements

    • Jun says:

      There’s a reason I call them Tinfoil Hatters

      They do not have mind sets like normal people and they are slightly crazy or batshit crazy

      All that happened was Guy was memorable and they probably dozed off at West

      Guy was straight to the point

      West beat around every bush possible, even the imaginary ones Fogen claims Trayvon hid in LOL

  19. Sophia33 says:

    I am sick of HLN After Dark! Why do I torture myself with this? Why? They never ask the important questions. Like tonight they supposedly recreated the crime scene. They had all of this evidence south of the “T”, yet kept talking about everything happening at the “T”. No one asked, “Why is all of that stuff down there”.

  20. Woow! says:

    I just looked at the first few pages of the NEN call logs for Fogen. On the first page is he following someone in his car (blk Jetta). If so I see why MOM does not want the jury to hear or see this information. That nut case has a history of following people as if he was a cop.

    • MichelleO says:

      The more he got away with, the more emboldened he became. He is so full of pride and arrogance, that this thing just began to build in his mind as a possibility (the killing). Along with his studies in criminal justice, the bouncer positions, fighting with police, speaking like police, and then taking fighting and shooting lessons—this freak was a time bomb just waiting to explode.

      This is absolutely incredible to me. There are people in that community who said that they were afraid of him. I’m surprised that people didn’t come together to report him. But then again, he would have killed someone eventually anyway. Everything he did was building up to it. He was very desirous of such an event happening—and of course he would have the upper hand because he did nightly patrols. And from his nightly patrols he knew the surveillance cameras weren’t working, and he knew all of the areas that didn’t have any light. He was quite willing to take out any individual that he found along those paths.

      • Woow! says:

        “There are people in that community who said that they were afraid of him.”

        Wow I did not know that, I hope some of his neighbors who were afraid of him will get to testify.

      • Malisha says:

        I believe the RTL folks DID get together to complain about him; the SPD refused to listen. Once the lawsuit against THEM gets off the ground we are going to find out stuff that will stretch the boundaries of belief!

      • Woow! says:

        @Malisha lawsuit against SPD or RTL?

      • Malisha says:

        Answer to your question: against SPD and probably te property management company for RTL. AND probably Fogen himself and maybe others. I don’t know enough (may find out more during trial) about who was part of this scheme to set up Fogen as a warlord in Sanford.

    • ay2z says:

      Do you have a date for the call above? Link? Could add that into the video with the evidence number if it gets into evidence.

      Should we keep a running tab on the evidence entered at trial, they said today how many items were expected approx. ?

    • Malisha says:

      And COPS don’t follow people unless there is something going on. A kid like Trayvon would NOT have been followed by a cop.

    • Tzar says:

      Woow! says:
      June 24, 2013 at 10:21 pm

      I just looked at the first few pages of the NEN call logs for Fogen. On the first page is he following someone in his car (blk Jetta). If so I see why MOM does not want the jury to hear or see this information. That nut case has a history of following people as if he was a cop.

      this is an uncomplicated and preventable case of crazy person doing crazy shit regularly and finally doing it crazy enough to get attention. AND he almost had to up the ante-Beyond. Child. Killing- before someone would arrest his crazy ass.

  21. ay2z says:

    Judy asked about a source of the NEN call the Zimmermans made that is sub ject of today’s hearing which will continue at *:30 am. MOM wants to get this tossed. The state is trying to set up the pattern of calling and the mindset of GZ not wanting more of these ‘f’n’ punks’ getting away

    SZ tells GZ not to go out with what sounds like ‘don’t go out there’, to which GZ says “Why not?”

    This kid they have spotted is in a white tank top, black shorts, and he is headed towards the back entrance. they share with the NIN operator.

  22. MichelleO says:

    For the first time today; I understand all of the “depravity” talk going on here last summer. I just got through looking at the powerful opening statement from the prosecution, and was just struck by how superior and annoyed fogen looks. Plus, the fact that SheLie engineered a sick game on the court today. These people just do not give a damn. They are very, very cruel people—all of them. The entire family. I just imagine them gathered around while he and Robbie-the-Racist, were still children. I imagine them hearing powerful stories about how great their father was because he was a magistrate. I can imagine the mother further fueling their sense of superior entitlement with stories about how they are better than “other” Latinos because they are half Caucasian, and have a father who is well-connected. Now wonder this freak of nature went around committing horrible sexual offenses against helpless children, and taunting foreigners at his job. This person needs to be put down as an example to the rest of this filthy family, who regard others with such contempt that they don’t believe that they have any rights. Especially ANY that a fogenaire is bound to respect. They simply don’t think their shat stinks.

    • bydesign2010 says:

      I agree. I too was immediately turned off by Fogen’s arrogance and pompous idignation to even be on trial.

      • Malisha says:

        “the malicious prosecution of MY SON” — you goddabe kiddin!

        BTW only in Virginia could this man have been a Magistrate. Elsewhere, although you do not need honor, honesty or ethics, you DO need a bit of intelligence. There, not so much.

  23. whonoze says:

    Knock knock.

    Who’s there?

    Don West.




    You’re supposed to say, “Don West who?”.


  24. Judy75201 says:

    If it was fogen shrieking, why would it stop at the gunshot when fogen said he didn’t think he had hit Trayvon, and that he needed help to retrain Trayvon? fogen is prisonbound.

  25. whonoze says:

    Knock knock.

    Who’s there?

    George Zimmerman.

    George Zimmerman who?


    George Zimmerman WHO?

    Uh, I forget. I have a bad memory. What was the question?

  26. Mary Davis says:

    fogen: Now he is just staring at me. He’s coming to check me out.

    We know this is a lie because Trayvon did the exact opposite, he ran in fear of fogen. Seems that fogen set this murder up from the beginning. If the jury doesn’t see through this BS God help us.

  27. bydesign2010 says:

    I just can’t believe how George never once looked at the prosecutor as he made his opening statement. His behavior, in front of the jury, is one of arrogance and pompous indignation towards the proceedings. What an ass, is he. I nearly vomited in my mouth as Don West started his opening statements with pointing out the fact that George Zimmerman’s parents were banned from the courtroom until they testify (if they testify) due to to Floridas law about banning witnesses and protecting the interests of the victims family (even potential witnesses). This is a sneaky and underhanded attempt by the defense to further proliferate the idea to the jury that the proceedings are a sham and is a waste of their time. The Martins have so much restrain and resilience, much more than myself, to be sullied and insulted so often and brazenly.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Fogen seemed far more scared than arrogant today. But what do I know? Maybe it’s a mix. He certainly didn’t fall from the tree.

      • cielo62 says:

        Two Sides- really? He looked totally doped up to me. I think MOM and West are afraid that GZ might jump up and do/say something that will seal his fate (faster).


      • bydesign2010 says:

        Well he seemed more involved whenever the defense was speaking and disengaged when the prosecution was. He didn’t bother to look at the jury or illicit any type of emotion. He seemed inhuman to me.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        Fogen looks like a sphincter holding shizzaz back. He seemed fearful at first and later more involved. And yes, at times he looked drugged and dazed too. : /

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        He shows no remorse, like a statue, unmoved, and uncaring to me. Zimmerman believes that he’ll walk and not be prosecuted, so he does not care what they say. Nope! He is a heartless, a bully, and cold-blooded child murdered.

    • Nellie Nell says:

      And yet MOM can never seem to treat AA’s with the slightest of respect!

      I mean, did you see his body language and how he was looking at 15 year old Chad when he asked him the distance from end to end in his backyard?

      He was hostile in delivering his questions to Andrew. MOM just comes off as hostile when dealing with Black people.

      I can only imagine how he will treat Ramona today as she gives her answers, addressing the jury and making sense of what she is saying! This should be interesting to see. We know that he had a fit about the evidence even though he did not object to allowing them in. And it was okay for West to mention “all the break-ins” during his 2.5 stumbling lying OS.

      He acts as if he hates Trayvon’s parents. That mess with bringing the liar GZ friend on the stand for BDLR to beat down, was a peek at how racist MOM really is. After all, his client murdered their kid and yet they have not said one negative thing about the zimm clan not once. In fact, I seem to remember that Sybrina went so far as to say that she did not think that GZ killed her baby on purpose. At how she thought it spiraled out of control and believed it was not an intentional hunt then kill. the zimm clan seems to have forgotten about that and chose to ignore how this family treats them with respect. If any one has any right to be angry, well it would be them, yet they if they are as angry as I am, it never shows.

  28. Now the questions are??????

    1. Was Trayvon reaching for the sidewalk he was armed with when fogen said “He has his hand in his pants”?

    2. Was Trayvon old enough to be in possession of a sidewalk?

    3. Did Trayvon have any training in how to attack with a sidewalk?

    4. How big, or what caliber sidewalk was Trayvon armed with?

    7. How much more of this BS are we gonna have to put up with?

    Ya’ll can fill in 5. & 6. 🙂


  29. groans says:

    Anderson Cooper just announced that MOM will be on his show tomorrow night.


    MOM is not a lawyer … he’s a “talking head” talking about a case that he is trying in a court of law concurrently with being a talking head about it. SMH. I hope JN learns about this.

  30. Puck says:

    I JUST got the fail knock-knock joke. What an idiot.

  31. whonoze says:

    Knock knock.

    Who’s there?

    George Zimmerman.

    George Zimmerman who?

    George Motherfucking Zimmeman, asshole! Are you fucking on drugs or something? What is your deal, anyway, punk!

  32. whonoze says:

    Knock, knock.

    Who’s there?

    Don West.

    Don West who?

    Don, wes thet er bad idear to stot the opening stetment with er nock nock joke.

    • racerrodig says:

      Then he makes it worse and says…….

      “I thought it was funny”


      “I’m convinced it was the delivery”

      Note to West……you don’t fucking count and better quit your day job, you suck at this one.

      Maybe we need to get some hecklers in there just like a lot of real comics have to endure since he insulted The entire Trayvon Martin family, the jury, the Court, and, well….pretty much anyone not named Sundance Crackpot, Robbie the Racist, SheLie and Papa & Mama Z and actual working comedians. .

      Maybe he and Taaffe can start a cesspool business.

      • You mean west won’t be doing his routine at the Comedy Club this weekend?

      • groans says:

        What a sense of humor those zidiots have, eh?

        The rest of us “just don’t get it” – that’s why the American justice system has so dismally failed Gladass and her entire family. It would be oh-so-different if only they all had moved to Peru, I reckon.

      • Malisha says:

        He made the jurors all feel stupid because they didn’t GET IT. What a brilliant ploy, to give them feelings of dismay and bewilderment. Gotta luv the guy! (as opposed to “Gotta love THE GUY!)

        • racerrodig says:

          As my grandfather used to say…..”He couldn’t pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel.

  33. colin black says:

    At least West explained the mystery of why Trayvons body lay so far from the concrete path

    Foggagge claimed he was having his head smashed with

    Trayvon picked it up an assaulted him with it an obviously dropped it back in the centre when he was shot

  34. racerrodig says:

    Happy Birthday Professor !!

  35. ZCBest says:

    Anyone watching After Dark on HLN. I swear a recreated crime scene has blood on the sidewalk! I don’t remember any photos depicting that. Are they just drinking out of Jim Jones’ chalice or what?

    • ZCBest says:

      Too much wine has me forgetting about punctuation…shoot me, and I am in the communications field. Lol, the irony. But I feel at home with you all, so I kicked off my shoes and forgot about the grammar and punctuation. I can do that right family?

      • racerrodig says:

        I’m, sure it’s white and matches his sheet, er, suit….no, I was right the 1st time…his sheet.

      • Xena says:


        …so I kicked off my shoes and forgot about the grammar and punctuation. I can do that right family?

        I’d be more concerned on when you washed your feet than your punctuation. (running and ducking in case you want to get me back) 🙂

        • ZCBest says:

          It was funny so you are safe. I can laugh at myself all night honey!

          Told ya, no propensity towards violence. A verbal tongue lashing, well that is entirely a different story. I’m a Taurus, so my words are weapons that I try to keep in the case. My hubby may have a different view though. LOL

          • Xena says:


            A verbal tongue lashing, well that is entirely a different story.

            As a native Chicagoan, I remember the days of “playing the dozens.” At the end, everyone went home to try and think up more “Your momma” jokes for the next round. And no one was mad either.

            I’m a Taurus, so my words are weapons that I try to keep in the case.

            Taurus ascendant here. 🙂

          • ZCBest says:

            oh the dozens, what fun they were…

      • Ty Flair says:

        @ZCBest you look like Aaliyah she was a great singer.

        • ZCBest says:

          Thanks Ty, she was a beautiful woman so I gladly accept that compliment! And yes, she was a really great singer. Such a loss.

      • Puck says:


        I’m a pest, I know… but if you can tell us more of what you know, that would be awesome…

        • racerrodig says:

          Nobody here is a pest….now that unitron is gone. The state does have far more than the defense can overcome. I know they have phone records that they will use as they need them. The sequence of who called who is what I’m led to believe is very damning.

          The angle of the bullet entry cannot be overcome and the state is going to bang that drum loudly. I know the timeline, which LLMPapa & Lonnie provided so perfectly will be banged also. I believe they will show Fogen’s lies to be catastrophic in his “reenactment” as he would still have been on the NEN call if Trayvon attacked him when and where he says he was.

          West made a telegraphic major blunder by laying out far to much. I do know that they were going to try reasonable doubt with the autopsy and he stated their expert will show that…….he’s in for a rude awakening. The only thing that scared me was early in the jury selection, now we can all see the worst thing that could happen to Fogen did… all female jury with the majority being mom’s.

          The desperation is obvious by the antics shown today.They knew Fogen’s family was not allowed in until they are done testifying. Then to accuse Tracy Martin of what they did??

          It’s pretty much over but the clapping.

      • cielo62 says:

        ZCBest- you betcha! No photos were ever presented with blood on a sidewalk. Probably because such a thing didn’t exist. For sure, that is pure fabrication.


      • Two sides to a story says:

        Love it racer! You inspire even more confidence with your steady opinions.

        • racerrodig says:

          We all knew for the most part this was going to be a circus, but who expected this ass kicking so badly on day 1!! From my sources, who I haven’t talked to since last week about the jury selection, this is just the beginning. We ain’t seen nuttin’ yet. +

          Near the end of the day when Fogens calls were being chronicled and he hadn’t objected, and now see’s where the pattern was going, the look on his face was Pricele$$…….

          Hey moron, your client wants to call the cops on black kids for a hobby…..have a little fire scarecrow…..

    • Malisha says:

      Why not add blood to the sidewalk? After all, it will entertain the viewers. Now bringing in evidence to court of blood on the sidewalk? Not so much.

      • ZCBest says:

        Nope. They did good. A fake juror asked about blood and they said there was none. So they surprised me, tonight. Gotta give them credit.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        Okay, am I missing something here? Is HLN trying to get ratings off of that dead child’s blood?

        I think I’ll keep my thoughts to myself concerning this farce.

  36. ay2z says:

    By Jimminy!! This isn’t a joke… maybe it proves that voice to text lazy reporting can make fools of the media from time to time.

    HLN front page headlines and story titles read:

    Defense attorney’s joke met with CRICKETS online

    By Jonathan Anker
    updated 6:20 PM EDT, Mon June 24, 2013

  37. Dave says:

    A rather belated Happy Birthday to you,Professor, Colin and the other person whose birthday it is but whose name I can’t remember right now. I hope Nikki is OK..

    I’ll be joining you late tomorrow after i’ve dealt with a problem of the automotive variety. Goodnight one and all.

  38. Ty Flair says:

    I’m willing to bet BDLR will do the closing argument his voice is stronger than the rest.

  39. FactsFirst says:

    DID Fogen make another NEN call after he shot Trayvon around 7:20pm? If so, could NEN be who fogen was on the phone with while Jon was taking pics of the back of fogen”s head? I’m asking because of an article I ran across a few minutes ago..

    46. Feb. 26, 2012 – 7:20 p.m.
    “Type: TEL
    Subject: Suspicious activity
    Report: Repeats prior report”

  40. colin black says:

    There doesn’t seem to be any pass for F Taffe amongst friends an family he could have kept gladice an seniors seats warm.
    After all he is full of hot air an not all will escape through his mouth.

  41. MrSykes says:

    I read somewhere that West’s bizarre performance was intentional in order to set Zimmerman up for an appeal based on incompetency of his representation in case a guilty verdict was returned.

    • colin black says:

      No way will incompetent defence work at appeal.
      One case I read of the guy appealing on incompetent council.
      His Attorney actualy fell asleep dureing some witnesses testomany an he didn’t win his appeal

      Another was turned down even although his attorney was drunk

      The bar is very very low you would need a limbo dancing attorney to get down low enough to be granted an appeal for incompetent council.

    • Woow! says:

      Why would an attorney risk his reputation and ability to get future work for 1 murder. That does not make any sense but hey it is W we are talking about. I wonder how much money he and MOM have collected from Zim supporters? He probably can retire.

    • cielo62 says:

      MrSykes- well if it WASN’T the plan, it sure is now!


  42. Rachael says:

    OMG, this is so funny. At a site I won’t mention, they have a picture of Guy (where he is kind of frowning on one side) and this is what they say:

    “A person who talks out of the side of their mouth is usually a shady liar and not someone to be trusted.”

    Have they ever seen the Zmirk?

    • disappointed says:

      They better leave my new husband alone. I personally love the picture. It is kind of telling. He is looking at Fogen like he is a chump they are just to stupid to get it. Or to dumb to care.

    • Judy75201 says:

      They still insist Trayvon was 6’3″. REALLY!!!

      • disappointed says:

        This is why I can’t read other places. No one can be this stupid. To continue with the 6’3 200lbs when today Mr Guy talked briefly about ME report. Apparently they think the State of Florida needs to stoop to the defense level and lie. Just breathe and know another village has lost quite a few idiots.

      • Sophia33 says:

        And the defense in opening droning said he was 5’11

      • Malisha says:

        He’s been growing since he was murdered. Just as he grew in Fogen’s sick imagination in the ten minutes BEFORE he was murdered.

        • racerrodig says:

          Amazingly, West said that Trayvon was 5 – 10 but with the hoodie was well over 6 feet tall.

          Note to all Zidiots and Skeletor : 5 – 10 is 5 – 10 is 5 – 10 and what you wear makes no difference.

          Then he asks Gaugh the 7 – 11 clerk what kind of shoes he was wearing as if the obvious height difference makes Fogen innocent. I guess he was expecting to hear “Oh, I always wear Disco Platforms from the 70’s to work”

          • Xena says:


            Amazingly, West said that Trayvon was 5 – 10 but with the hoodie was well over 6 feet tall.

            That’s because West’s hoodie has an extended, pointy top.

      • ZCBest says:

        @Xena damn I like the way you think.

        “pointy top”

        • Xena says:

          @ZCBest. Sincerely, I feel rather sorry for West — think he’s an alcoholic who saw this case as an enabling factor so afterwards, he can work doing something else and still have time to drink.

      • Rachael says:

        At only 4’9″ myself, I wouldn’t mind a hoodie like that. Anywone know where I could get one?

  43. Judy75201 says:

    New thread, please.

  44. LLMPapa says:

    The State has 220 witnesses.. Wouldn’t mind a bit if Zimmerman’s wife, father, mother and brother, are number 217, 218, 219, & 220.

    • disappointed says:

      Ditto! I love the way you think. Kind of twisted like me.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Haystacking at its finest. Plus I’d enjoy it if they conveniently didn’t call any of them and then forced MOM into it.

      • groans says:

        “Yes, Your Honor, we plan to call them as witnesses. Let’s see … they’re slated to be our final rebuttal witnesses. So the sooner the defense focuses on the issues and picks up its own frickin pace, the sooner this hateful, parasitic family will be able to join in our quest for truth and justice!”

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      Llmpapa, what about the sister running out to update the fogen parents during the trial, isn’t that illegal? Can she tape the testimony & sneak it to them, shouldn’t JN stop her? This bothers me!

  45. gbrbsb says:

    Professor, my belated birthday wishes. I didn’t realise till reading the commentary but you are awash here with well wishers me included.

  46. Judy75201 says:

    Anyone have a link to the calls with Shellie in the background? Work is such a nuisance… Thx.

  47. disappointed says:

    I think I need to file for divorce. I want to marry Mr Guy! Amazing. Watched him again just now. I have no desire to watch West again. I would rather remove my eyes by fork.

    • Rachael says:

      I still want Bernie.

    • ZCBest says:

      and he is quite attractive IMHO

      • disappointed says:

        Yes ZCBest that too! Rachael thank God you do not want my new husband. 😉

      • MollyK says:

        disappointed eyes, you’ll have to fight me for Guy before you can call him your new husband! I find moral outrage irresistible.

      • disappointed says:

        Molly- define fight? As in if I kick your butt I win? Or I kick your butt and you shoot me like Fogen? Maybe we could share him? I call dibs on the best part and you can have the worst part. Now I will need to spend sometime with him to figure out what’s good/bad and I will let you know what you get. 🙂 😉

      • MollyK says:

        disappointed, I had something more like arm wrestling in mind! Or flipping a coin… I see that I called you “disappointed eyes” above. Somehow I turned “says” into “eyes”!

        Today he has only good parts as far as I’m concerned!

      • You guys want to have, like, 10,000 of his babies.

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      I love The young blond guy’s passion. He was like a lion ready to strike when he was arguing! It made me want to be a lawyer for a second! Mr. M, you have my heart!

  48. Happy Birthday, Professor and Collin!

  49. whonoze says:

    Folks, if Tucholski was going to lie, he would have come up with something better than Tracy cursing under his breath outside the courtroom two weeks ago. He’s probably pissed at Shellie right now for trying to blow this molehill up into a mountain and forcing him into his awkward testimony on the stand. It’s seems pretty clear that Shellie exaggerated the hell out of whatever Tucholski told her when she passed it on to MOM, and MOM bought her BS whole without actually interviewing Tucholski prior to calling him as a witness. I pity the guy. Maybe he’ll get a clue as to the kind of people he’s dealing with and begin to pick a better class of friends.

    • Rachael says:

      And MO’M is such a whiney ass himself.

      • racerrodig says:

        The best was when he said it happened Tuesday before last, making it the 11th !!!! Yep….maybe the news just travels slow in the Zidiot Nation.

        I’m thinking the bags under The Moron Man’s eyes will be floor draggers by about…..say…….Thursday????

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Hi Racer: I’m trying to keep my number of missives low so as not to burden our readers, so they tend to be a bit long. I’m trying to keep to just one or two postings per day.

          The prosecution’s strategy seems clear today, they’ve started slow and are gradually building their case. In the meanwhile Omar is throwing everything at every step they take. This is taking it’s toll on Omar and West and they’re destroying their own credibility in the process.

          We need to remember that every objection is made at some cost! The jurors see that one side or the other is struggling to keep evidence out for some reason. If and when an objection fails to do so, the jury gets to see what the other side was afraid to have come in. That only makes that information more “juicy-full” to the jurors.

          As even now, for example, they’re getting to see that Omar wanted to keep gz’s numerous 911/NEN calls about young blacks, from the jury. In the jurors minds this info has been made all the more notable because of Omar’s objections.

          • racerrodig says:

            Yep…even letting the Police Rep to the NW talk is not hurting them. Let her say he was a nice guy. Nice guys don’t shoot people.

    • Nah, the whole thing is a lie. Shellie is in the courtroom so he can use her for the story. If you listen to Omara, he says that he thought Timothy left the courtroom after the incident but he realizes he’s still there. Hence, Omara is claiming the story happened today by the guy in the blue suit that he is wearing today. Timothy never gives a date when it happened and realizes that he’s trapped by a Tuesday so now he’s stuck. If Tracy wasn’t in the courtroom any prior Tuesdays then he’s looking at perjury charges.

      • Sleuth says:

        @Leroy Eugene Hudson

        Everything you’ve said is true. Someone posted the video of his testimony here, and its all over the internet.

        Timothy Tucholski is a lying racists who looked like he was on something. He didn’t even believe the bs he was trying to sell to the court.

        JN needs to charge him and O’Dirty with perjury, and for trying to perpetrate a fraud on the judicial system. She really does need to know what kind of people are entering her court room.

        Frank Taaffe’s youngest son, William admitted on his MySpace page that he liked committing HATE CRIMES just for the fun of it.

        William was also arrested for assaulting ATF officers.

        The confessed murderer was arrested for the same thing.

        Now there’s Timothy Tucholski.

        There are no coincidences here.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Doesn’t the defense worry about getting sucked into the toxic machinations of this family?

    • Sleuth says:


      I don’t believe a word he said about Mr. Martin. Who in the hell is he that Mr. Martin would even notice him? Timothy was flat out lying. It was a set up. Mr. Martin said no such thing, and JN intuitively sensed that.

      Why do you think Timothy Tucholski was sitting in the witness stand shaking like a leaf and breaking a sweat while being cross examined by BDLR? Something was definitely wrong with him. He looked like he was on drugs or something.

      And as far as She-lie is concerned, what proof is there that she had anything to do with what this liar said.

      If he’s not on the witness list, she needs to take that damn pass from him. He’s a trouble maker like the rest of the zidiot klan. I have no pity for liars. JN should have charged him and O’Dirty with perjury.

      • Rachael says:

        This may be far fetched, but I think MO’M cooked it up to try to keep Tracy out.

      • FactsFirst says:

        Did y’all notice how ole Timothy went from being a family member to a “family friend?” I smell bullshit! O’Mara was desperate to get Tracy grieving/crying in front of the jurors behind outta there, or thugify him.. I hope the prosecution can dig up some dirt on this kat…

      • I don’t think MO’M cooked it up, Rachael, I believe GZ cooked it up because its the same damn story he’s telling. I wish BDLR said:

        “So Tracy Martin looked down, saw your badge and said “you’re going to die tonight motherf—er? oops, I mean he looked down, saw your gun and said motherf—er? Oh sorry again, I mean he looked down and you felt him see your badge(like the force) and then he said motherf—er?”

      • Nef05 says:

        @Rachael – I think he did it to remind the jury of the environment Trayvon came from where his dad was another “big, scary balack man”, making it seem like “this” is the tree that Trayvon didn’t fall far from.

        I think it’s projection. He took the reaction to Sr’s book,and tried to pin the same (with xtra blackness, just because – that’s real scary) on Tracey. 🙄

      • groans says:

        @ Leroy – LOL!

    • Judy75201 says:

      Yeah…but he never said it was what was said, but rather it was what he “heard”. Tracy may have simply given him a disgusted look, and he “heard” “motherfucker”. He refused to testify that Tracy most certainly did say that.

      • Tracy is alleged to be walking through a door, it doesn’t make sense that he read his badge instead of watching where he was going. It should make sense that he’s done this a dozen times to different people but only 1 person accuses him out of the blue? Nah, this whole story is fabricated just like GZ’s story about TM seeing his gun and saying the same thing ‘motherf’r’.

        Now all we have to do is see if Tracy Martin was in the courtroom with Timothy to see if this actually could be a possibility and if not, we got another Zimmerman in jail. By the end of this trial, they’re going to have to build a jail for the Zimmerman klan…er, uh, I mean clan.

    • Malisha says:

      I do not believe Tracy Martin ever spoke one syllable to that guy. EVER. Tracy Martin seems to be in MUCH better control than any of those redneck Fogenites.

  50. Timothy Tucholski says “he looked down, saw my badge and said ‘motherf—er'” Fogen says “he looked down, saw my gun and said ‘you’re going to die tonight motherf—er”. Anybody see a pattern?

    • racerrodig says:

      Seems anyone Zidiot looks down a lot…..that and being a race baiting hate monger…..and saying it’s always somebodies else’s fault.

  51. ladystclaire says:

    Will someone PLEASE, post the link to the site that has a photo of a guy with a tatood face and, a mirror image of the blood on his head, like that of Fogen. TIA and, BTW why do they keep having Frank Taaffe on these shows with his racist hate.

    • tonydphotog says:

      I tried to find it, but no luck. IIRC, I read somewhere that it was a fake photo.

      • Dennis says:

        I hope some experts will testify regarding the photos so we can know once and for all if they are fakes. I don’t think the jury would be happy if they found out the defense is using fabricated evidence.

      • Malisha says:

        It was a fake. It was a red herring or a blue shoe or something. It was a photoshopped picture meant to get people running off on a false lead and actually I ran there for a minute before it was pointed out that the original (which I kept asking for, to my credit) picture was on a white supremacist website without the blood rivulets.

        To me the more interesting question is how the 7:19 blood rivulets were then cleaned up, then didn’t show at the station house, and finally ended up mostly the same at 11 pm that night under different circumstances in different light. Hmmmm.

    • whonoze says:

      The have Taaffe on those shows to draw viewers. Their business is to sell audiences to advertisers. “Controvery” attracts “eyeballs”. It’s just sensationalism for profit, i.e. business as usual for mass media under capitalism.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      It was in a video on YouTube.

  52. Xena says:

    Hmmm. It’s getting interesting on HLN. Natalie Jackson is now speaking and I see Taaffe is there.

    • Sophia33 says:

      Can someone post this? I can’t watch it now.

    • BillT says:

      taafe is utterly clueless.

      • Oscar Terry says:

        I just wish that someone would point out that a contact wound to the clothing but intermediate shot to the body by a directly front to back shot does not mean that the person shot was actually looming over the shooter, but could just as easily have taken place when the shooter grabbed the victims clothes and the victim was pulling back and struggling to get away…

        What a moron

      • Xena says:

        @BillT. Taaffe profiled another guest on the program. He adopts the bigotvoyant theory that Trayvon did not go home because he laid in wait for GZ. That means;
        1. Trayvon would have pre-knowledge that when he ran that GZ would get out of truck and follow him; and,
        2. Pre-knowledge that GZ would run to Retreat View Circle rather than down the T behind Trayvon, and;
        3. Pre-knowledge that GZ would come back down Retreat View Circle and the EXACT time that he would so that Trayvon would be close enough to the T, rather than by his dad’s house, to confront GZ.

        Bigotvoyant theory, all the way.

  53. John Guy:Good Morning.FUCKING PUNKS. THESE ASSHOLES!They always get away. *points at GZ*.Those were the words in that grown. man’s. mouth…

  54. Xena says:

    Jane on HLN is going to re-enact what she says are some of the more controversial issues.

  55. smokeegyrl says:

    It won’t let me open up Leatherman Blog because of a Long Script… So I will be back later. It took me like 6 tries to get this out here. lol

  56. George Zimmerman Trial – Day 1 – Witness Sequestration Hearing

    • ZCBest says:

      I don’t advocate violence…that being said, i want to chew on Tim’s face like a bath salt zombie! (stole that from MobWives) Just to show him how violent a black person can be….ugh these people. They make me absolutely sick.

    • Gawd, is there any honesty in the GZ klan… er, uh clan? The shock on Tracy Martin’s face was like “what the??? Oh yeah, reality check. Why did I think this guy was gonna be honest for a minute?

    • Ok breaking down the lie from Timothy Tucholsky.

      1. Omara says it was a threat and thought Timothy left the courtroom today due to that claim of a threat and yet it happened at least 2 weeks ago?

      2. So if Omara knew that this threat took place 2 weeks ago and saw him today, why wouldn’t he expect him to be in the courtroom since he showed up after the fact?

      3. Implies that Tracy was in his blue suit when this occurred.


      • Sleuth says:

        @Leroy Eugene Hudson

        I so agree. JN needs to charge TIMOTHY TUCHOLSKY and O’Dirty with perjury since both were sworn in.

      • Puck says:

        On 3, Tucholsky was just asked to point out Tracy in the benches as the one who uttered “motherfucker” (oh noze! scary bah-lack man!). As clarification, he was asked if he meant the man (Tracy) who today was in a light blue suit. But it was still a dirty trick – glad JN shut the whole thing down.

    • Elizabeth says:

      That’s a badge?It’s a court pass.
      Now we know why Mr. Crump hasn’t been deposed yet.
      Stay strong Deborah,please!

  57. LLMPapa says:

    Sleuth says:
    June 24, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    Anybody know Timothy’s last name? The one who falsely accused Mr. Martin

    Correct spelling here:

    • Xena says:

      @LLMPapa. LOL!!! Well shit happens, but ShelLIE should have been more careful on whom she chose as her surrogate to tell a 2 week old lie.

    • Sleuth says:


      Hey you! My, My, My. What a heavenly revelation. I just posted it down thread, pretty much figured that much when he started getting the shakes.

      Thank you for the confirmation.

    • Trained Observer says:

      It would be a good bet that any pal of the Z’s would have an arrest record. Hope his parking tickets are all paid up … bad moons and warrants may be arising.!

  58. tharealkeisha says:

    I am so sorry I missed the trial. West put me to sleep. I couldn’t hang

    • willisnewton says:

      Tomorrow should be more interesting as the state works it’s way along the truthful narrative towards how trayvon and GZ moved from the clubhouse area towards the cut thru.

  59. Woow! says:

    I can’t wait for Papa and MamaZ to take the stand. I hope BDLR tear theme a new one.

    JN should ban Fogen sister from the court room (I know she has a right to be there). It is obvious she is running out to tell what is going on inside the court room.

  60. smokeegyrl says:

    Can y’all see me now… or my post … I’m needing advice… HEP HEP!

  61. racerrodig says:

    Karma…….gonna knock him right in the head……

  62. Malisha says:

    Judge Nelson: “Don’t no no me!”

    West: Gooooooooooo to sleeeeeeeeeepppp…

  63. Malisha says:

    West’s tactic: hypnotism.

    You are getttttttting sleepy. Your eyes are growing heavvvvvvvy. Your eyelids are cloooooooooooosing. You are soooooooooo sleepy. You cannot resist sleeeeeeep. The accused citizen is noooooooooott guilty. The accused citizen is innnnnnnnnnocent. He did nooooooooooot murder the pBa-lack “guy.” He was proteeeeecting his neighborhood. He is stillllllllllll the good guy. His butttttttttt was being beaten. His headdddddddd was being slammed. He was alllllllllmost in diapers. You muuuuuuuuuust acquit. Just a minute I forgot where I am. Oh, yeah, goooooooo to sleeeeeep, gooooooooo to sleeeeeeeep, gooooooooo…

  64. colin black says:

    Anyone got Wests opening statement on vt its nearly bed time an Its a cure for insomnia.

    • Xena says:

      @colin black.

      Anyone got Wests opening statement on vt its nearly bed time an Its a cure for insomnia.

      “Fu’king Punks” – Open Thread For Trial

      • groans says:

        Fantastic, Xena!! Thank you for recording and posting (especially since I hinted that you do so some time ago, so I’ll share in your credit 🙂 )!!!!

        • Xena says:


          Thank you for recording and posting (especially since I hinted that you do so some time ago, so I’ll share in your credit 🙂 )!!!!

          You’re welcomed, but I didn’t record it. Croakerqueen123 did. She doesn’t always have hearings uploaded the same day, but I’m happy she did today.

      • groans says:

        @ Xena – Yes, I just noticed that you hadn’t recorded them when I opened one. Are you able to record streaming video with your new toy, though?

        • Xena says:

          @groans. Are you able to record streaming video with your new toy, though?

          No, I cannot record live streaming video with my new toy. Tonight, i read reviews of a software program to record live and it seems that all of them are “screen capture” recorders. That means if I record a live stream, that I can’t do anything else on my computer.

          Now I understand why there are times on Trent’s videos when we see his desktop or another web page.

          I would not be able to comment here, check email nor manage my own blog until after court has recessed.

          It makes me all the more appreciative for those who do record live stream and make it available for us.

          I might still be able to work something out if I can get all my bookmarks on my desktop and work from there while using my laptop to screen capture live video. Right now, I’m too tired to think it through.

    • Sophia33 says:

      No it’s not. It’s a cause of indigestion.

  65. Mary Davis says:

    Yes Granny, he is straight up lying. Wish Tracy could sue his a** for slander. These people are truly dangerous. I think they are really trying to start some kind of race war.

    • Malisha says:

      Hey how come he didn’t call 911 if Tracy Martin cussed at him? What, forgot what pocket he left his cell phone in?

    • Woow! says:

      That guy pretended that he did not want to be on the stand after BDLR started poking holes in his tall tale…

      I bet Fogen friends will think twice before taking the stand to tell lies.

    • Sleuth says:


      Yes, they are. I don’t believe a word he said. They were trying to provoke the AA community. I saw at least 3 clergymen in the courtroom who have been allowed in to observe. Then there’s the NAACP conference over in Orlando setting up for they’re National Conference.

      The controversies involving Paula Deen and the N-word, the cute bi-racial kid in the Cherrios commercial, and the talented little Mexican boy, all of whom which have been part fueled by racists attacks, with the exception of Paula. Sounds like a nice pot stewing.

      JN needs to reign in this crew now. I know she has to cover her but, but this is already getting out of control. Don’t really understand the law or rules as they pertain to friends and family, but if Timothy Turcholski is not on the witness list, they need to snatch that damn pass from him.

      If Sanford have riots, it will surely be due to those zidiots.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:


        I agree with you and Mary that white racists……as gz would say…..are “up to no good” and “I don’t know what their deal is”.

        They are taunting right now in the hopes of riling things up.

        Reminds me of this of this taunting from the past:

      • Mary Davis says:

        @ Sleuth. The sad part is,not only Sanford will have riots but riots will start all over the place. What in the hell is wrong with these people. Racists are springing up all over the place, trying to provoke violence. I hope JN will recognize this trial for what it really is and keep order in her courtroom.

        IMO it seems like the defense is also trying to stir up violence. This murder has brought out the worst in some people, even so called professionals. Never heard of lawyers with no respect for the judge. We see Journalists, Judges, Lawyers, Commentators, Preachers, that are so outspoken and spewing hate, and this is coming from the white privileged. I guess they have had enough and they are showing their true colors. Most AA’s are just speechless and saying WOW. After all this is 2013.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        The question is: how do we render the racists impotent?

        • Supply them all with Sheep?

        • Xena says:


          The question is: how do we render the racists impotent?

          Educating everyone else, and offering bigoted racists their own country, such as a northwestern part of Alaska.

        • cielo62 says:

          YAHTC- just the way that Martin/Fulton are doing. With dignity, grace and class. With self respect and self control. It enrages them (or any bully) to see someone refuse to get rattled, refuse to get angry.


      • Sleuth says:


        I think they’re all pissed off because the plantation days are over, and now they have to pick their own darn cotton! :-)I

        I say, “GET THE PICKIN'”

  66. smokeegyrl says:

    ok… now that I am about to upload this files… so I need suggestions. hep hep

    1. full day

    2. Opening Guy

    3. Opening West

    4. Each Defendant

    5. Motion/Arguments

  67. Sleuth says:

    Anybody know Timothy’s last name? The one who falsely accused Mr. Martin.

    • Malisha says:

      Timothy Tucholski.

      • Malisha says:

        What a bunch of wusses the Fogenites are. Whiners!

        “He said a bad word at me!”

        Who, the victim’s father? Wow. Lucky he didn’t find you suspicious and shoot you in the heart. After all that’s what Fogen did to someone after calling HIM a fucking punk and an asshole. I’d think (even though I firmly believe it didn’t happen and you made a damn fool of yourself saying it did) you got off easy. You look to me like a real suspicious guy who’s up to no good and somepin’s wrong with you.

      • Sleuth says:


      • racerrodig says:

        Playing the 911 call from last year where there was allegedly a burglary, nobody saw the guy but SheLie has a description.

        Gee….how does that happen.

      • Jun says:

        LMAO I did not watch but the guy sounds like an idiot

        Really? He called you motherfucker?

        Tracy did?

        what does that have to do with Fogen targeting, stalking, disparaging, threatening, confronting, attacking, then shooting an unarmed kid with candy, in the fucking heart?

        All I can say is if the jury finds these lies bad about alleged swear words said by Tracy, how they finna feel about Fogen stalking a kid and yelling out disparaging remarks with swear words?

      • Jun says:

        Now that can be used against Omara

        Hey Omara, you consider the word “motherfucker” to be a threat…. what about when Fogen called Trayvon a fucking punk and an asshole, although Trayvon was a kid he did not know, and then pursued him armed with a gun? Huh?

  68. boyd says:

    I see where this is going, the inconsistencies in Fogen’s statement were because of the brutal beating his head took.

    West alluded to that.

  69. colin black says:

    so 8 30 am will be what time in the UK?

    • boyd says:

      add 6 hours I beleive

      • colin black says:

        So two thirty PM UK time mmm

        Might have to get up around 7 AM to get errands done before then…. Thanks to M Omara an his ineptitude.

        Why would he object to the Jurours finding out foggagge only phoned in call about AA I wonder?

    • Nef05 says:

      It will be 1:30pm for you Colin. We’re on Daylight Savings Time, here so you’re 5 hours ahead.

    • LeaNder says:

      Colin, it’s exactly six hours for me. Instead of 3 p.m. it will be 2:30 p.m. But we have summer time. Meaning they steal us one hour in spring and we get it back in autumn. When I lived in London, we didn’t have stuff like that but you did. But forget how exactly it worked then. In any case there was a one hour difference then to the time in Germany too.

  70. willisnewton says:

    What a mess. Yet somehow from all this we are still headed towards justice.

  71. colin black says:

    Yup foggagge could read the BLAHK persons mind he allegedly saw.
    Standing by F Taffes unsecured unlocked home.

    In this crime ridden retreat.
    He said he was smokeing to give the impression it was his house?

    • Malisha says:

      Yeah, the guy was smoking and trying to trick Fogen into thinking he owned Taaffe’s house. Just like Trayvon was skipping away or going away quickly “but not from fear.” Just like Trayvon put his hand in his waistband “to try to intimidate me” [to Singleton]. We call this “self-referential.” The person who believes these things imagines that other people have no reason to be on earth for their own motivations in their own lives; everything they do is calculated to send messages to the self-referential person. The other person (who is so much less important, less real, less significant) does whatever he does to make an impression upon the all-important and all-powerful and all-beneficial Fogen. It’s a delusion of the most bizarre kind. “Yep, he’s comin to check me out.” Man, he doesn’t give a damn about you unless you’re trying to do something TO him; YOU’re the one with all these delusions about other people. The clerk at the 7-11, the dispatcher, everyone else who interacted with Trayvon Martin — none of them had problems with him. Get a LIFE — oh wait a minute, you’re a day late and a dollar short of being able to do that, NOW.

  72. Woow! says:

    Folks over at the TreeH were going crazy this morning trying to google Trayvon’s girlfriend since her name was revealed in open court. One of them posted personal information for wrong Rachel (a 30 yr old.). Admin quickly came in and told them not to publish the personal information because they were accused of Doxing and they do not want to ever have that happen again.

    I wonder if the prosecution sent them a cease and desist letter. I hope those fools don’t harass that young lady.

    • Sleuth says:

      Also heard they’ve posted a whole lot of irrevelant information over there, some of which might get them in legal trouble. Heard they were going to Miami again, to stir up some shyte.

      • cielo62 says:

        Sleuth- make sure you take your coffee mug and look for Cowboy Bill. (I hope I remembered that correctly)


    • Malisha says:

      I hope DeeDee lawyers up and sues their asses.

    • Sleuth says:


      LEO’s = Law Enforcement Officers

    • cielo62 says:

      Woow! And if they DO attempt to fix her, I hope they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


    • groans says:

      I wonder if the prosecution sent them a cease and desist letter.

      I sure hope so, because folks like them aren’t likely to stop voluntarily from any internal sense of common decency!

    • LeaNder says:

      I seriously hope that LEO’s are observing SD and his mudslingers.

      Does Jeralyn have some inside information?

      Does anyone think Witness 8, the prevaricating “Dee Dee” will even show up at trial? I hope she does, so her story can be tested the way it should be tested — by cross-examination in a courtroom, under oath and spoken clearly into a microphone. But I have my doubts that we’ll ever see or hear a word from her at trial.

      just popped up in my mind when I read about the latest CTH activities.

  73. colin black says:

    No Im not on twitter there may be a colin black but its not me.

  74. betterhalf says:


  75. degraveegmailcom says:

    What’d the use of asking if there are objections beforehand if
    if they can ask to strike stuff as it comes up?

    • Malisha says:

      This would follow the same reasoning as a mid-trial or post-trial SYG hearing. Just do whatever you want without regard to the rules; after all, enforcing the rules is unfair; it’s a sign that the court is railroading the defendant. Oh, oops, sorry: railroading the accused citizen.

      Accused citizen will become convicted citizen and then will become incarcerated citizen. Let’s have a little respect here!

  76. Are we absolutely positive West and MOM went to law school?

    • racerrodig says:

      West graduated 215 out of 210 from the College of the Condescending
      The Moron Man attended The University of Mars….then Transferred to U of Anus

      • Puck says:

        Hey racer, was hoping you’d pop in today. Now that the trial has begun, are you able to tell us more about what your LE budidies know?

        • racerrodig says:

          I haven’t talked to any of them since jury selection but I was told stay fast on what we know. Phone records, the bullet angle, the autopsy, and Skeletor telegraphed that one today and the forensics. West’s BS about their expert shooting holes in the states autopsy are BS.

          Notice that West and Taaffe are still holding on to Jon’s MMA story even though it was retracted…..I spell DESPERATION all caps on this one.

          Using despicable means and blatant lies to get Tracy thrown out seals the desperation.

      • cielo62 says:

        Racer- LOL!!


      • groans says:

        Long time, no hear! Glad to hear from you and MMP again.

  77. bettykath says:

    MOM has an objection based on the admissibility of prior bad acts. Is he saying that fogen’s prior calls were bad acts? Can that be extrapolated to his latest call being a bad act?

  78. colin black says:

    there was no limit to M O M INSOLENCE SO


  79. Hey guys!

    Someone tweeted this to me. It’s the arrest record of the POS liar who said Tracy Martin called him a mofo.

  80. Dee says:

    Okay, Professor can they get away with taken taking something out like O’Mara is trying to do with the other 911 calls?

  81. ay2z says:

    West said in his opening, that there was a young boy, 12 years old named Chad, left hom playing video games and had earphones on, so didn’t hear anything of what happened that night.

    12 years old–, West os crackers. Chad is now 15 years old. 15 -1 does not equal 12.


  82. I’m still seething that these POS trash LIED to get Tracy Martin kicked from the courtroom. Just when I think the sloths can’t get any lower they prove me wrong.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      That might be an insult to sloths. They’re kinda cute.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Yes. And there should be blowback on that. This wasn’t a little in chambers convo off the record. His besmirching of Tracy was in open court under oath. JN was clearly when she said “stop it” right now. But Corey needs to go after this slimeball.

      • jm says:

        I think the person who repeated the story, ShelLIE, should be questioned, as to what the slimeball told the accused perjurer.

      • Trained Observer says:

        In addition, once Fogen has been put away, maybe Ben Crump can scare the stuffings out of this slimer with a little civil suit activity.

      • bettykath says:

        The slimeballs were shellie and MOM. This guy isn’t the one who made a big deal about it and just wanted it to go away. It was Shellie to MOM after the Z’s were excluded from the courtroom. A bit of retaliation?

    • Malisha says:

      Fogen and the Fogenites don’t need protection from Pba-lacks; Blacks need protection from Fogen and the Fogenites. They lie on them, they try to frame them, they try to kick them out of public places, they endanger them, they accuse them falsely and they sometimes kill them!

  83. Trained Observer says:

    Most amazing out of the blue unrelated to the case was the “motherfucker” accusation leveled at Tracey Martin b y the Z-fam pal.

    Hope the State doesn’t let this slide and looks into this guy as it prepares its case against ShelLie who had a finger in bringing this alleged incident to MOM’s attention .

    It would be great if cameras could show Tracy and this guy were never within 10 feet of each other on any day the accuser was in court. He’s dumb enough that he doesn’t remember what day, he says, it happened. The slimer was under oath in court — could we see him nailed for perjury and malicious whatever?.

    • racerrodig says:

      Better yet, it allegedly happened Tuesday before last….the 11th.

    • Jun says:

      I did not catch it but seriously, whether or not Tracy called him a motherfucker, what the fuck does that have to do with proving self defense?

      Tracy could have called that douche a motherfucker all day everyday, and it still does not prove it’s self defense

      Is this not opening the door?

      • Malisha says:

        It was just to try to smear Tracy Martin.

        They believe if they smear Trayvon Martin and his family enough, they can achieve jury nullification by having the jury decide, as did that racist radio guy, that Trayvon Martin needed to be killed.

  84. whonoze says:

    It’s not just that GZ’s a habitual 911/311 caller. It’s not just that GZ’s previous call are all about AA “suspects.” It’s that the descriptions of events in them are so similar to his 2/26 call that one can suspect elements of GZ’s account that night were actually drawn from previous events, not Trayvon’s actual actions. For example, it is physically impossible for GZ to have first spotted TM by Frank Taffee’s house as he claims in the “re-enactment.” But he did spot another “suspicious person” by Taffee’s on an earlier occasion.

    • Tzar says:

      I swear if Nelson balks on this one
      I am going to lose my shit

    • KittySP says:


    • Trained Observer says:

      As in Fogen’s brain was so scrambled with booze or whatever that he himself was relating everything as one “deal” when he called NEN?

      I look forward to SPD officers explaining why they never tested this known killer for drugs or alcohol.

      • Dee says:

        They didn’t test him, because a lot of them know Zimmerman he is always over there, he really thinks in his mind he is a cop. That’s why he didn’t lawyer down but talked to the cops and told them everything, because in his mind he thinks that they are going to watch over him, like cops normally do. And they did, until the big fellows came in town.

    • Tee says:

      I watched Taffee interview on HLN, he said that George called because he noticed a black male sitting smoking a cigarette by his home. On the reenactment GZ said he caught a black man looking in Taffee window. They are both awful people and stupid liars.

  85. dianetrotter says:

    Is this THE Tim Tucholski? If so … he is a crook and you can’t believe a word he says.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      It’s just a revoked DL, failure to appear. Doesn’t make him a crook, not that I’m supporting any Fogen fans.

  86. bellesouth says:

    Case on point — and is it ever! Rozelle v. Sec’y, Florida Dept. of Corr., 23 Fla. L. Weekly Fed C 11, 672 F.3d 1000. Haven’t finished reading it yet. but so far, kind of identical

  87. willisnewton says:

    I think the state is holding back some strong evidence until rebuttal.

    • trina cosbie says:

      I believe so too Willisnewton, because of their willingness to dive head first into information given to them without investigating it, prior to releasing it & when the chips of embarrassment land all over their heads, they wipe the sweat off their brows & keep it moving, leaving their tails untucked between their legs. Thinking that they can swipe their mess with their tails when no one is looking & all is forgotten.

  88. Woow! says:

    Fogen’s friend is a criminal like him….. “Tracy called me a mutherf*&^%$”

  89. Trained Observer says:

    OK …here’s where the State has an advantage. Corey can unleash her brigade of case law researchers, while BDLR,Guy and Mathei can have a decent dinner and discuss tomorrow’s line-up.

  90. Dee says:

    Has anyone noticed that Zimmerman sister got up more than a few times to leave the court, her bladder can’t be that bad. She already was already late. They must have called her since they couldn’t go back into court. However, she left out of court a few times. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s not updating her parents, on what’s going on. I don’t trust any of them. They already lied about the money they were receiving hiding it in different safety deposit boxes. I wish they would have caught this.

  91. smokeegyrl says:

    what I can’t understand is why JN has let evidence come in and the defense never objected to it and now is accepting their objections when she made it clear the first time… I would’ve said… sorry you missed out… you had your chance to object the first time… I don’t get it with JN… *sigh*

    • Sophia33 says:

      Every major decision she rules in the defenses favor.

      • smokeegyrl says:

        and that’s strange… because she was a prosecutor before a judge.

      • cielo62 says:

        Sophia and smokeegyrl~ I truly believe that JN is doing her ALL to avoid having even ONE SHRED of complaint for an appeal. She gives them leeway and extra time and all kinds of actually irrelevant things. Even without a pattern of phone calls, I think we see just within that one call, that “these punks; they “always” get away.” ALREADY implying that gz has a deep seated bitterness in the cop’s lack of ability to nab the criminals he calls in. It’s interesting, but again, it’s NOT the whole ball of wax, nor even all that damaging by itself.


      • KittySP says:

        Not so…

      • Dave says:

        She hasn’t actually ruled yet. It seems to me that the general trend of her rulings is to do what’s necessary to move the trial along. She has denied all the defenant’s motions for continuance and even worked way into the evening in a non airconditioned courtroom and on Saturdays to preeempt some of their stalling. (FWIW her middle name is Steinberg.) Along the same lines she ruled in favor of blocking several days worth of boring inconclusive expert testimony. She tends to give close calls to the defendant, but I think that is proper in the interes of justice.

    • Dave says:

      Well, it offers a good excuse to recess until tomorrow.

  92. KittySP says:

    So why is it the state can’t show ‘state of mind’ by going through these call records, showing patterns of him calling in, when the defendant himself, prefaced the NEN call and his own written statement about all the past break-ins. imo, he opened the door for this testimony, don’t know if that’s a valid response from the state…but i would’ve have made a point to state that.

  93. dianetrotter says:

    Is it possible that we won’t hear any testimony about a) Trayvon circling the car, b) You gon die tonight mofo, or c) You got it? If no one heard or saw that, the only way it can get introduced is through GZ.

    • Malisha says:

      Yeahhhh, but I think it’s great technique to build the case on the facts needed and then DARE Fogen to testify and then if he DOES, you have (a) Didn’t you say Trayvon circled the car? and (b) Didn’t you say he told you, ‘you’re gonna die tonight mofo’? and (c) Didn’t you say he sat up and raised his hands in the air and said, ‘you got me or you got it or something’? Didn’t you call him “the suspect” sixteen times? Didn’t you say he called you “homie” and then claim not to know whether he said the word “homie” or not? Huh? Huh genius? Huh? Want to change your testimony? Were you lying then or are you lying now? Huh? Speak up I CAN’T HEAR YOU!

    • Puck says:

      All three are in the walk-through video which is in evidence.

  94. ZCBest says:

    I am a bit pissed that JN, didn’t disallow him from objecting after he initially agreed. Just because he is stupid too. If she gives allowances over stupidity, we are screwed.

  95. Nef05 says:

    Mantei said he’s got two “ins” right? Business records and state of mind? I’m thinking O’Moron is out of luck on this one. I’m glad the jury heard it, could see where it was going, and watched him jump up like he had something to hide.


  96. Dave says:

    That second call was made at 6:45 PM. Was it on the same day of the week as the TM call?

  97. YQ says:

    The evidence was already in, dude. Take this butt-whipping like a man, O Mara.

  98. colin black says:

    J Nelson has a head cold by sounds of her voice,

  99. groans says:

    Whatever JN was reading – Evidence Rule 803(3)? – included “to show motive,” which seems to be where this issue might fall. All those previous calls led to the, “these a$$holes always get away,” which could go to motive.

  100. Rachael says:

    Gee Mark, do you think if these calls were not relevant this would bother you?

    • Xena says:

      Oh-oh-O’Mara is back peddling. He doesn’t want any evidence or testimony that he has no defense for. Rather than objecting, he should have been thinking hmmm — how do I defend this?

      • Rachael says:

        But isn’t that his effn job? Isn’t that what all those ppl sent $$ for? He knew that was coming in. What the hell did he think they were going to do with it. He’s not stupid – well I mean he is, but my point being, he knows damn well and good how damning those calls are and you are right. He should have worked on a defense for them, not an objection. So yes, he is stupid.


  101. breelee says:

    I haven’t read other comments, hope I’m not repeating, but on the 26th fogen was slurring, on the 911 call just played, he was clear as a bell. Gawd I wish the state would point that out since the ball was dropped and no blood work was done. I bet anything he was drunk or on drugs when he murdered Trayvon!

    • Trained Observer says:

      slurring is the best word yet … hard to articulate … but the comparison is notable.

    • whonoze says:

      Maybe not drunk, but for sure a bit tipsy. I will repeat here for the umteenthousandth time that the psych meds GZ was on do NOT cause slurred speech, poor judgement, or increased aggression.

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        Disagree that his meds are not associated with increased aggression. That is specifically stated as one of the possible side effects.

  102. Leisa says:

    8:30 am tomorrow. 😉

  103. gbrbsb says:

    Poor lil GZ… no Shellie, no bro, no papa and no mama… all alone on his ownsome like Trayvon was that night… ha !

  104. colin black says:

    O Mara has halted proceedings by not being dillegent .

  105. chi1224 says:

    Actually recessing for the day will make the jury think– wow the defense must be fighting really hard to keep something damning out..

    • Dee says:

      Yes he is, you didn’t hear shelly said in the back ground your not going after him, and Zimmerman said why. This is just what he did to Trayvon he likes going after people that doesn’t concern him. That’s why he’s trouble now. And O’Mara does want the jury to see that it is a regular thing that he wants to go after people, as though he was a cop or something.

  106. Sophia33 says:

    The bell has already been rung. Forget it!

  107. Rachael says:

    “subsequent conduct!”

  108. Leisa says:

    Mom should not be able to object to what has been admitted with no objection.

    • Nef05 says:

      The argument to that will be his client shouldn’t be penalized for his mistake. I, of course, would disagree with that.

  109. gbrbsb says:

    Motive… he was eating his heart out because the always got away!

    • Dave says:

      That SOB will eat anything

    • Malisha says:

      That was his real issue. These inferiors were getting away with having their own lives and being successful and not having to bow down to HIM. Meanwhile, he wasn’t getting away with a diploma he hadn’t earned or rent he couldn’t pay. HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

      • gbrbsb says:

        And taking boxing and grappling lessons to lose weight and keep fit. HA HA HA HA HA HA !!

        • racerrodig says:

          Then Skeletor goes down the road that Fogen was so busy with his un and underemployment / failing of classes and gym work outs.

          Yep…..A real jewel.

  110. gbrbsb says:

    I am laughing so hard. MOM just almost put his foot in it big time, he almost said “it’s not about the ill will he showed to other suspicious persons” or similar. Check it out on replay if you missed it.

    • chi1224 says:

      Yeah too bad the jury didn’t hear it! I think the state will win this, it goes to “state of mind”.
      Damn, recess for the day!!! Didn’t want that!

  111. colin black says:


    He is only phoneing on Blahks.

  112. Leisa says:

    I think state has this one.

  113. MrSykes says:

    Oh the IRONY of Omara arguing against bringing in acts from the past. The IRONY!!!!!!!!!!

  114. Nef05 says:

    STFU and have a seat.

  115. Sophia33 says:

    Oh my goodness! SMDH!

  116. Sleuth says:

    I think Mantai is trying to established a pattern of profiling.

  117. gbrbsb says:

    MOM just added another expletive for GZ, “F*****G A********S”

  118. Girlp says:

    O’Mara realizes how serious those calls are…LOL please let them through JN

  119. fauxmccoy says:

    o’mara …. whadda putz! objecting to exhibits retroactively.

    judge is cool to keep jurors from this horseshit, i think

  120. Woow! says:

    Dumb dumb dumb dumb MOooooooom

  121. colin black says:

    Phoneing up on a Blahk kid again

    An omara moves to strike after offering no objection


    Tge relevance is your clients a serial phone caller on BLAHK PEOPLE.

    An J Nelson grants his do over FFS

  122. Tzar says:


  123. Sleuth says:

    Judge Nelson needs to give O’Dirty a good dressing down.

  124. parrot says:

    “I misspoke when I said, “No”.

  125. The man is Lionel Hutz come to life.

  126. Sophia33 says:

    He is a fool! Just piss of the Judge some more Mark.

  127. Rachael says:

    If you can’t see the relevance, you are an I D I O T!!!

  128. chi1224 says:

    Too bad MOM, the jury heard it!!!! Can’t unring that bell!! LOL Awesome!!

  129. MOM wants to object after he already said he didn’t.

  130. Why was Shelly telling him not to call?

    • Rachael says:

      I thought she was telling him not to go out – I thought he was wanting to chase him down.

      • lurker says:

        That’s what it sounded like to me, as well. But, did you notice that he did the same thing where he started to give the address and then declined to give the street ? Said the same thing about not wanting the suspect to know where he lives. But he was calling from inside his house. Did he think that someone was standing outside the window listening?

  131. Tzar says:

    It’s amazing how different the styles of each prosecutor is (BDLR, Mantai, GUY) and how good each h one is
    Mantai has a fantastic vibe about him, earnest and succinct

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      I’m in love with him, he was loving his job! He is so passionate! Gotta love the State, they make lawyering honorable, wow, thank you, God.

    • Nellie Nell says:

      I love Mantai’s facial expressions….. he knows crap before it leaves the lips of West and MOM. Guy is a smooth fellow. And BDLR is that uncle that does not take any crap at all!

      What a team!

  132. chi1224 says:

    Wow, these other calls are powerful too! I’ve been saying all along Fogen is a paranoid, racist, PSYCHO!! I hear that fat bitch Shelly in the background- Nasty!

  133. ZCBest says:

    This is important, they are establishing a pattern that he made these types of calls and was actively outside looking for folks!!!

    Vigilante ass!

  134. bettykath says:

    OMG. They’re comparing defendant’s old calls to the “new” one.

  135. Rachael says:

    smh – same script

  136. colin black says:

    I was hopeing Sean would’ve been AA but this Lady catalouges an refrences all calls that come into dispatch both emergency an non.

    More intelegence in her big toe than foggagges brain.

  137. chi1224 says:

    Good witness on the stand now. Very articulate and smart.

  138. YQ says:

    Geez, offer her some water. She’s parched. LOL

  139. chi1224 says:

    Here comes Fogen’s multiple calls about suspicious blacks.
    Fogen is a delusional racist.

  140. colin black says:

    My Ramonas up as a record keeper of calls into S P D…

    Chain of custody verification I m o.

  141. Two sides to a story says:

    Good testimony, I thought. Sean’s neither for nor against either side, just calling it like he saw it.

    • Deborah Moore says:

      And, isn’t it nice to know that there are folks who can compartmentalize so that they can handle 911 or NEN calls. No snark. I could never do that. I’m glad others can.
      Good job, son.
      (someone buy him a beer, or soda, or oj.)

  142. Deborah Moore says:

    Catch that Bernie happy smile moment?
    It’s all going according to plan…for the prosecution.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Yeah good so far, but the tough bit, self defence, is still to come.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Sure did. Subtle flash, but he’s pleased, and Sean knows it.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        I understand that this is not over. But, as much as M O M not being stupid, I see and realize what he’s doing as to poisoning the jury….
        Oh, did you hear the way M O M said our not favorite phrase?
        He said it with vehemence.
        He gets paid either way, doesn’t he?

      • Trained Observer says:

        Supposedly he’s working pro bono. Beg site money goes for transcripts, other such costs, plus Fogen’s chow..

  143. gbrbsb says:

    Great so he wasn’t hostile to Sean, what does that prove ?

  144. whonoze says:

    I don’t know if I can take 2-4 weeks of everyone saying “fucking punks,” when GZ actually said “fucking coons.” It’s too Kafkaesque.

    • Rachael says:

      I “hear” you (guess that’s supposed to be a pun). I know it isn’t supposed to matter but it does. First of all because it is SOOOOO clear and second because, in my mind anyway, there is a huge difference between fucking coons and fucking punks.

      • whonoze says:

        Actually, I don’t think there is that big a difference between “punks” and “coons.” You can’t attribute a consistent racism on the basis of a single epithet muttered to one’s self under the breath any more than you can attribute threat to Tracy Martin uttering “motherfucker” to himself under his breath. To me it’s just that courtrooms should deal in facts, and the DEMOSTRABLE fact (via phonetic breakdown and comparison of the component phonemes to GZ’s own exemplars) is that he said “coons.”

    • YQ says:

      I know… I just try to block it out. If he is convicted, the story will be re-written yet once again.

    • lurker says:

      I think it was a choice by the prosecution not to get caught up in side issues.

    • Malisha says:

      I actually think it’s better this way, whonoze. Truth is important but another important thing is value. The value of “fucking punks” is equal to the value of “fucking coons” for a Murder-2 conviction.

  145. Sophia33 says:

    Why didn’t the prosecution ask the dispatcher if Mr. Zimmerman ever said someone was circling his car?

  146. Deborah Moore says:

    Let’s be clear…the wind noise could be because the devil had entered his body and fucking punks became the mantra. No breathing required.

  147. chi1224 says:

    Excellent point, no more sounds of getting back in the car.

  148. colin black says:

    Whom will be next ?
    I don’t like some of or most of the comments across bottom of screen ob channel 9

    Forinstace….Being STUPID doesn’t make someone guilty of murder?

  149. gbrbsb says:

    Yes, hostile. Sean’s doing a bit of the prosecution’s job for them !

  150. ladystclaire says:

    Where is our Leader and his better half? BTW, I hope the professor, had a very Happy Birthday and, may he have many many more.

  151. Rachael says:


  152. YQ says:

    MANTEI!!!! Saving the day!!!

  153. Leisa says:

    Hostile. He wants to tell it…

  154. Two sides to a story says:

    Finally. Hostile. Glad Sean is getting honest here.

  155. parrot says:

    “Hostile.” GOOD WORD!

  156. ZCBest says:


  157. gbrbsb says:

    Brilliant Sean. The suspicious person had left the area, GZ had assented not to follow, so why would Sean be concerned?

  158. Nef05 says:

    “Hostile” excellent Sean!!!

  159. Tzar says:



  160. MrSykes says:


  161. chi1224 says:

    HOSTILE!!! Yep!! Damn right!

  162. amsterdam1234 says:

    Fucking hypocrite, he just tried to have Tracy Martin removed from the court room for allegedly saying mf.

  163. groans says:

    Instead of asking Sean if he had any concerns about this conversation, MOM breaking it into tiny bits so Sean answers over, and over, and over again that he had no cause for concern.

    (It doesn’t add up to diddly squat logically, but you never know what impact it can have on the jury. You know, like if you repeat something enough it tends to become fact in the minds of less discerning individuals,)

    MOM’s doing a good job, unfortunately!

    • Deborah Moore says:

      Especially considering the re-direct, I don’t think MOM did a good job.

    • chi1224 says:

      MOM is not a stupid man. He’s been poisoning the jury pool for a very long time. I personally believe that MOM and West know Fogen is guilty, but they don’t care. That is why they are slime in my book.

      • Malisha says:

        OH it’s OK with me for them to do their best to defend him even if they know he’s guilty. That’s his right: the best defense he can get. But don’t use deliberate lies, suborned witnesses, intentional perjury and witness blaming (if the witness is dead) and witness intimidation (of living witnesses) to accomplish that. Stay within the attorneys’ Canon of Ethics, even in Florida, where you have to put the word ethics into quotes whenever using it.

    • groans says:

      He might be cheating – e.g., he’s leading the witness, too, as well as adding facts not in evidence – but he is getting away with it! And it’s the State’s fault, again, for allowing him to get away with it.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      It really depends. You don’t think so, and the jury might not find it impressive either. I see desperation.

  164. “He had no reason to follow and there was no concern for his safety.”

    Ooops. Just pretend it didn’t happen MOM, maybe the jury won’t notice.

  165. Deborah Moore says:

    Wow. The suspicious person left and there was no concern for the caller.
    That’s evidence, babies.
    So much for stand your ground.

  166. chi1224 says:

    “No concern for his safety”!! Fogen was never in danger!

  167. Judy A Vallejos says:

    I don’t know why but for some reason when JN is making a ruling and telling the dumbfense that they are not allowed or do something that they are doing they can not do it, it makes me feel better to increase the volume when she is telling them.

    Hammer Down

  168. Two sides to a story says:

    Spidey sense. Definitely OM’s been talking to or reading the Treestump.

  169. gbrbsb says:

    And an unofficial psychologist too !

  170. gbrbsb says:

    OMG, Mom want’s to get a non official audio expert in ?

  171. “What do you think that was?”
    “I have no idea.”
    “Could it have been….?”

    Shut up MOM. You can’t change the question because you don’t like the ANSWER!

  172. colin black says:

    Directions not a strong point for foggagge.

  173. Rachael says:

    Besides if it was him hitting the flashlight, sounds even MORE like he is in pursuit

  174. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    MOM and West are officially slime in my book.

  175. Rachael says:

    Considering GZ didn’t seem angry or elevated VS or anything after just shooting anyone either so consider the source. The guy is pathologic.

  176. trina cosbie says:


  177. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    We already knew this was going to be the duh-fense… everyone’s fault but Georgeies!

  178. disappointed says:

    So Fogen is so mentally challenged he thinks which way is he running to get out and run. Not something as simple as NSEor West? And someone declared him stable enough to carry a weapon.

  179. gbrbsb says:

    He could have got out of the car to go into his house… HTF was Sean supposed to know !

  180. gbrbsb says:

    MOM that’s a load of bullshit. Sean already told you he was “recommending” not to follow and GZ had assented. If your not recommending to follow, then keep an eye on means while still in view not to follow to keep him in view!

    • Rachael says:

      What idiot would possibly think otherwise? I mean REALLY!

      • Malisha says:

        He didn’t think otherwise. He’s trying to fit the facts into some puzzle that will come out meaning what happened did not really happen because blah blah blah blah so “We don’t need you to do that” comes out meaning, “we need you to do that” and “do not approach any suspicious persons” means “approach suspicious persons.” It’s just the abuser technology; old as the Hills.

  181. MrSykes says:

    Good job on the dispatcher not buying Omara’s suggestion that “let me know if he does anything” entails “keep an eye on him”.

    • KittySP says:

      Right. I think GZ was still in his truck at that time and according to GZ ‘circled his car’…wouldn’t that fall under “let me know if he does anything”? But remember he claims during his walkthrough that he told the dispatcher that.

  182. Rachael says:

    He answered – he said toward the back.

  183. colin black says:

    Running not skipping.

  184. Boyd says:

    oh now it’s 911 fault

  185. Sophia33 says:

    So they are going to admit that GZ did follow Trayvon Martin?

  186. I see, Zimmy followed because he thought “Let me know” was an implied instruction to follow.

  187. colin black says:

    Was the best address he could give
    He was only a thousand digits out.?

  188. colin black says:

    Sleuth says:

    June 24, 2013 at 2:50 pm

    I see the confessed murderer is waking his arse up now.

    Just the diazipan/vallium wearing off
    Wait till after recess he will drop about 6 more an enter la la land

    Running for the shelter of foggagges little helper.

    • Sophia33 says:

      I agree.

    • Sleuth says:

      Colin, that’s too funny. How in the hell is he going to make it through this (like I really care if he doesn’t).

      Remember, Joonya and “The Shaken Baby Syndrome” bullshyte? Well that’s just how he was looking, almost about to start drooling from the mouth.

  189. Deborah says:

    What is this crap HLN is showing about Tracy Martin cursing at that fool Tucholski ? They are just trying to get Trayvon’s parent out of the courtroom

  190. Tzar says:

    The defense is silly as hell

  191. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    That man is lying. The reason MOM is trying to kick Tracy out of the courtroom is because Tracy was crying and it caught the jurist attention.

  192. chi1224 says:

    I think it’s amazing the defense plays this tape!

  193. colin black says:

    Wheres the skipping an circleing


    Foggage just loves to embellish his LIES.

    You got it?

    Wasn’t that what he alleges Trayvon said after he murdered him.

  194. Sleuth says:

    I see the confessed murderer is waking his arse up now.

  195. Leisa says:

    He still hears the same noise after GZ said ok. He did not stop following. Who hoo.

  196. YQ says:

    Damn I love this lawyer!!!!

    • Deborah Moore says:

      He’s adorable. He’s the guy who questions the nervous witness. Yes? Like a cousin. You’d give him anything. Nice job.

  197. Rachael says:

    GZ knew full well he didn’t want him to follow – he said it in his own handwritten statement that he was told not to follow.

  198. colin black says:

    Stareing whilst black actually makeing eye contact with me!

  199. chi1224 says:

    It’s hard to believe West actually played this during HIS opening. Fogen straight up sounds like a paranoid crazed NUT!

    • groans says:

      There was method to his madness. West got to remove any shock value – they heard it from the defense first. AND West added plenty of defense spin and extraneous “factoids” and thereby present it in the way that the defense wants the jury to first learn about it.

      That’s done to defuse the impact of negative facts/evidence, but the spin and factoids was an extra bonus for the defense because no one objected to their going beyond the boundaries of opening statement … until 2 1/2 into the opening statement.

  200. YQ says:

    Interesting to hear the NEN call after they deposed the clerk.

  201. chi1224 says:

    Fogen sounds like a psycho on the 911 call

    • Deborah Moore says:

      I’m still trying to figure out what he sounds like.
      George sounds hyped up, excited, and some other things. The other things are what I’m wondering about.

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      I agree, chi1224.

      • racerrodig says:

        Yep….now O’ Mara, who didn’t object to the previous calls of Fogen being in evidence finally saw where Mr. Mantei was going with it and once again, somebodies jaw was on the floor….sidebar, and the Judge quoted where the law says it probably will.

  202. Rachael says:

    But GZ tried to keep a life-threatening call from being made later.

  203. YQ says:

    This is getting good…. time for the “we don’t need you to do that” testimony.

  204. Trained Observer says:

    Angel a Corey walsk back in a minute later just before 3rd wit starts

  205. groans says:

    #3 Sean Noffke

  206. Deborah Moore says:

    It might have been interesting to hear just how many customers that man dealt with. Maybe.

  207. Trained Observer says:

    Angela Corey just walked out after second wit concluded

  208. Leisa says:

    If the kid didn’t get freaked out by the group of guys that came in after Trayvon (and he didn’t) what the hell is Mom thinking?

  209. Sleuth says:

    Hope Sean explains the “We don’t need you to do that”.

  210. Rachael says:

    Again with the height. He was measured on the slab. Cut it out you idiot.

  211. YQ says:

    LOL, he didn’t get any goodies from the store clerk. Nada.

  212. lurker says:

    OK–the ME’s report is not sufficient to establish Trayvon’s height?

  213. Nef05 says:

    Here we go with the Trayvon was ” a big scary balack man”.

    • looolooo says:

      Notice in the video that the 7-11 clerk seemed to feel at total ease with Trayvon in his store. He even turned his back on him, and made no effort to keep an eye on Trayvon. Even though 7-11’s and the like get robbed ALL THE TIME. Trayvon was NOT threatening or menacing in any way.

  214. disappointed says:

    WTF? Where is MOM going with this?

  215. colin black says:

    M O M insinuateing that Trayvon was some how suspious to the 7 11 guy

  216. Rachael says:

    Fricken asshole. Why would he remember anything? He didn’t stand out at all in any way.

  217. chi1224 says:

    F-ing O’Mara trying to act like the clerk got suspicious! Not working!

  218. colin black says:

    Foggagges going to be wanting some diazipan soon this is getting to real for him…

  219. Two sides to a story says:

    Trayvon’s dressed like an athlete, not like a thug.

  220. groans says:

    Poor Sybrina and Tracy, having to watch these videos.

  221. Deborah Moore says:

    M O M: If anything goes wrong with it, I don’t want it to be my fault.
    Could be speaking of the whole trial, ya think?

  222. YQ says:

    O’Mara, of course you don’t know how to use a laptop. That might explain why you couldn’t open the BIN file.

  223. Sophia33 says:

    They are going to play, the “Trayvon bought a blunt card now”

  224. gbrbsb says:

    Mom & Co’s swaying coming up soon I presume ?

  225. Tzar says:

    poor Trayvon
    look how skinny his legs are
    *sad smile*

  226. Sophia33 says:

    It was good that they put Chad up there. Showed that they didn’t have a bunch of thugs in the family. A handsome, well-spoken young man.

  227. Rachael says:

    Trayvon looks pretty skinny to me!

  228. chi1224 says:

    This is good too, it shows that Trayvon did not appear “suspicious” to the clerk.

  229. colin black says:

    7 11 employee whom served Tratvon.

  230. gbrbsb says:

    GZ’s nightmare… too many black people in his sight !

  231. Brandy says:

    Brandi’s son was so nervous, Bless his little heart

  232. Rachael says:

    Poor kid. That must have been hard. For anyone.

  233. FactsFirst says:

    Good job, Chad Joseph (NOT JOHNSON)! Trayvon would be soooo proud of you..

  234. groans says:

    Witness 2 – Andrew Gaugh

  235. Ty Flair says:

    If he did call him a MF it’s the dam truth all of them are one.

  236. lurker says:

    Good choice for an opening.

    O’Mara knew better than to try to intimidate him.

  237. Sleuth says:

    The confessed murderer is starring this kid down and breathing deep.

  238. Sleuth says:

    Chad is such a handsome young lad.

  239. Judy A Vallejos says:

    I am a bit behind on things. Busy this morning and have to go to sleep for work tonight.

    I just saw that West opened with a knock knock joke. That just shows how little they think of the serious tragedy that has occurred. I am so sadden by all of this. For the Martin family.

    I hope and pray that Justice comes swift.

    Will be back reading to catch up on everything, thanks to all who post here.

    Hoodies Up

    Justice for Trayvon!

  240. Rachael says:

    Just got done working for a couple hours. Guess I have a lot of catching up to do.

  241. Two sides to a story says:

    Poor kid must be really nervous. Looks good though.

  242. chi1224 says:

    This is great, he will establish for the jury that Trayvon was a normal teen, doing normal stuff, not some thug out looking for trouble. This will cause the jury to ask themselves- why would this teen, Trayvon attack fat fuck Fogen for no reason??? The answer is, he wouldn’t!

  243. disappointed says:

    thought he was 12 last year West?

  244. Sophia33 says:

    His last name is Joseph not Johnson!

  245. Tzar says:

    Chad Josephs is up first
    handsome lad

  246. colin black says:

    first witness chad joseph?

  247. disappointed says:

    poor kid!

  248. groans says:

    1st witness: Chad Joeseph.

  249. disappointed says:

    here we go first witness!!

  250. Valerie says:

    BDLR: who said it ?

    • Rachael says:

      What’s this? What did I miss?

      • Sleuth says:

        A guy named Timothy, a friend of the zidiots, told O’Dirty Mr. Martin called him an muther f—ker during his (Timothy’s) bathroom break.

        O’Dirty gave JN the impression occurred this a.m. However, under cross exam by BDLR, the guy said it happened 2 weeks ago. But it didn’t tell any of the court officers, only told She-lie.

        O’Dirty wanted Mr. Martin to be removed from the courtroom. JN said he could stay. I didn’t believe this guys story, and neither did JN.

        These zidiots are beyond cray-cray.

      • groans says:

        Wasn’t it great how completely mellow and unrattled Tracy Martin was? You could just look at him and know: There’s a man with a clear conscience.

      • Trained Observer says:

        And notice how BDLR quickly made O’Mara and the scum-wit look like fools … on zero notice, with no time to research.

      • aussie says:

        Yes he has… he’s had over a year to “research” MOM & Co being fools. Not too hard to prove, either.

  251. gbrbsb says:

    Getting back to business notice how West was justifying (even before we know exactly which classes he took) the “grappling” classes , i.e. that GZ didn’t chose classes because he wanted to do that or because he was good at it but was obliged to take any classes that fitted in with his schedule.

    I posted above Wiki’s definition of grappling. Certainly explains the excruciating shrieks on the 911 call and also what GZ was doing with his arms and legs while Trayvon was supposedly punching him in the face, pummelling his head into the concrete, and trying to smother him with both hands… while all that was supposedly happening GZ had two legs and two arms free to buck, grapple, wrestle, and hold.

    And anyone wonder why he never told the police he had taken grappling lessons… is that a resounding NO !?

  252. Trained Observer says:

    From now on Tracy & Sybrina need to be surrounded by friends and fam to protect from this sort of attack by Fogen fans. Disgusting. JN should call attorneys into chambers and rip O’Mara a new one for airing that nonsense.

    • groans says:

      Isn’t that how AA’s are treated by racists all the time? Made to feel like they’re “in trouble” and better be on their “best behavior” at all times? Just like their work has to be better than others’ at the office?

      • ZCBest says:


      • Malisha says:

        Correct. The “default assumption” for white racists is that white = right and allegations that a white was not right are made in bad faith and for pecuniary gain. The “default assumption” that goes hand-in-hand with this is that Blacks are always doing wrong unless some white authority keeps them in line and prevents it; when there is a lack of control over them, one can easily ATTRIBUTE bad behavior to them and not need to prove it.

  253. Woow! says:

    Osterman better be careful and not let MOM get him in trouble once he get on the stand if he wants to keep his job. He is already on thin ice being that he can not fly anonymous.

  254. colin black says:

    Bill Sheafer an some dude apoligiseing for bad languge.

  255. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    Fair is fair… my parents and his parents too…. (EYE’s a rollin)

  256. Valerie says:

    Why does the judge have to repeat herself over and over to West and Omara …

    • MichelleO says:

      So that when she puts rat-ass away, the tree apes won’t rape and pillage the communities, peoples, and properties they so hate.

    • MrSykes says:

      These guys look like bona fide amateurs today.

    • Yorazigo says:

      To me it smells very much like a set up by defense for an appeal for lack of competent counsel – with JN on record time & again explaining the law to defense lawyers (i.e., don’t know the law or rules evidentiary procedure = incompetent counsel). I’d like to get Professor’s perspective on this angle.

  257. elcymoo says:

    This defense team’s behavior wobbles from pathetic to petty, but it never strays far away from bizarre.

  258. colin black says:

    So not only Trayvon on trial his Father to that family an there aqaintances have no shame.

  259. whonoze says:

    F’crissakes. Tracy Martin’s a man. If he’d wanted to curse at this guy, he’d have looked him in the face. He was looking down. He could have been cursing to himself about something else. Maybe his new shows for court were giving him a blister. This witness seemed to understand that whatever he heard was trivial, and seemed embarrassed that ShelLie had blown it up into something that got him up in the box…

    • jm says:

      ShelLIE is a lying pig who I have new contempt for after today, not to mention MOM using this hearsay idiot’s statement. They are FOOLS, lying self-indulgent fools.

    • groans says:

      I just wish Bernie had asked, “WHO told you to come here and testify to this?” But, he didn’t.

    • Malisha says:

      He was looking down. He could have been cursing to himself about something else. Maybe his new shows for court were giving him a blister. This witness seemed to understand that whatever he heard was trivial, and seemed embarrassed that ShelLie had blown it up into something that got him up in the box…

      Or, of course, Maybe Tracy Martin said NOTHING and this entire thing is a lie made up out of whole cloth. The witness could have lied to start with or Shellie could have lied on HIM but either way, it could be a lie and the witness got scared he’d end up with a perjury charge against him so he waffled himself out of the situation with BDLR’s help.

      I trust NOTHING that any of the Fogenites ever says. EVER.

    • Sleuth says:

      I don’t believe Mr. Martin ever said anything to that little peeps squeek. It took the zidiot klan 2 weeks to come up with that lie. Judge Nelson saw right through it.

  260. MichelleO says:

    If there were ever a family that should be put on view and ran out of town, it is these people. Imagine the amount of suffering and pain they have inflicted on people and communities throughout the years. Why lightening has not struck these dirty freaks from the face of the Earth, I do not know.

  261. Trained Observer says:

    I think this segment was designed to stir up trouble outside the courtroom, to get beg site funds rolling in … to distract from John Guy’s powerful opener.

    • concernedczen says:

      Yep. Fortunately, the jury will hear nothing of it.

    • MichelleO says:

      It’s amazing how many people like them they keep finding to be their friends. I would not want to work, play, or live near any of these people. The amount of bullshat they must keep up. The amount of lives they must have tampered with or destroyed. They are truly frightening.

  262. Boyd says:

    and another no one saw or heard it but him. Just like George.

  263. So the jury got to see BOTH the defense lawyers get bitched slapped by the judge for their lack of understanding of the law 🙂


    • whonoze says:

      No MMP. Jury was not in the room.

    • groans says:

      God, I hope the jury wasn’t in the courtroom for that last abuse of process!

      I mean, the State came out looking good, but the jury should NOT be privy to these defense’s ridiculous, vindictive games!!

  264. groans says:

    Professor and/or Crane Station, if you’re out there –

    I think we need a new page. With 1,800+ comments already, this page is acting slow and weird (taking forever to post comments or refresh)

  265. ay2z says:

    O’Mara is hypocriting it again, ‘but judge’, they might be listing witnesses to keep them out of the courtroom’– Does he forget who FIRST listed family to keep them out? Wasn’t that why the state countered?

  266. looolooo says:

    OMG! WTF! silently shaking my head. speechless.

  267. Sleuth says:

    These zidiots will not stop at nothing. And nothing they pull will prevent the confessed murderer from being found GUILTY and sent off to prison.

  268. Trained Observer says:

    Under skilled grilling by BDLR, witness waffles … we learn he doesn’t even remember what day this allegation happened. Ends up looking like a typical Zim-ass..

    JN sez forgeddabout it, Tracy and Sybrina are staying in. …

    • Dave says:

      I thought Bernie handled the crossexamination brilliantly. He let the guy save face and shift the responsibility entirely to O’Mara.

  269. MichelleO says:

    SO, now that the Fulton/Martin’s know that the fogainaires will be borrowing tactics and operating from the Tricky Dick School of Dirty of Tricks, they had better be aware and on their best behavior.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Their behavior has been impeccable. It’s the Zims who behave like the turds they are …

  270. chi1224 says:

    I had to my computer for a few minutes earlier, did West finally finish his bullshit OS? Does anybody know who the first witness will be??

  271. Tzar says:

    If there ever was a doubt as to the lowly character of the Zimmerman klan, it ought to be gone now

  272. Valerie says:

    i can not believe what just happened…Omara is so pitiful.

  273. ay2z says:

    Damn, Shellie is causing problems with her lying again. She’s playing a risky game.

    • MichelleO says:

      I’m glad that their active propensity for mischief and hijinks has been outed. This only demonstrates what kind of people they truly are. They haven’t missed a step yet in demonstrating that they are sewer rats in human form.

      • jm says:

        Obese self-indulgent sewer rats who will stop at nothing to have their way. The whole Zimmerman clan is dishonest and manipulative.

    • looolooo says:

      is there anybody out there who still feels sorry for ShelLIE? I never have, and never will. She and Tubo deserve each other.

      • Malisha says:

        WELL I feel sorry for her because she DOES deserve him.

        • jm says:

          Never, ever, ever felt sorry for ShelLIE since the prison phone calls and her phone testimony after hiding the money in different accounts in order to defraud the court. She and GZ think alike and are both low-life low-intelligence cons who appear to be greedy self-indulgent people who think they are above the law. .

    • Two sides to a story says:

      I think we can now see that Shellie hasn’t turned state’s witness.

  274. fauxmccoy says:

    what a flipping zoo

  275. chi1224 says:

    Now sit down O’Mara you POS!

  276. Sleuth says:

    Great decision Judge Nelson!

    • jm says:

      Judge Nelson will not be played for a fool by the azzhat defense attorneys.

      • Sleuth says:

        Just like the defense. They seem to be forgetting one very important fact, 7 women will be deciding this case, yet they continue to show a huge lack of respect.

  277. Bottom line! The defense doesn’t want jurors to see Tracy Martin crying in court.

    • fauxmccoy says:

      did not occur to me, but upon seeing those words, i know you are right. i think you could add that the defense also wanted to portray tracy martin as the ‘angry black man’ when he has been nothing but a grief stricken yet fully composed, gentle man for all the world to see.

      thank you for opening my eyes further to the state of race relations in florida (and likely elsewhere).

  278. ZCBest says:

    Wow. That is all I have to say. Thank you JN for seeing through that desperate act.

    • cielo62 says:

      ZCBest~ Pure tit-for-tat. No Zimmerscum family in the courtroom, well then NO Martin family in the courtroom. VERY childish.


  279. Deborah Moore says:

    It smells like M O M in my kitchen.
    I object!

  280. disappointed says:

    How about you put the friend out, I mean if he scared. smdh

  281. Nef05 says:

    Oh, WTF – a “security issue” may have been involved. Sounds like the fallacious “death threats” their always moaning about.

    • Nef05 says:

      *they’re* – fingers typing faster than the brain.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        As in, those people?
        Recess for ten, everyone.
        Anyone up for, shit, I couldn’t spell the word I wanted.
        Anyone up for some exercise?
        Step away from the computer.
        Big arm swings.
        Wiggly your fingers while you’re swinging.
        Three to the front, then reverse for
        three big swings. Wiggly your fingers.
        Cool, now you may step a way for a drink.
        Your choice.
        (Geez, this is so intense.)

      • Two sides to a story says:

        Helps to have a pet to get up and play with!

      • Nef05 says:

        Yep, “they’re” as in fogen’s family. They were told to submit the “death threats” to the prosecution, since that is a crime. I don’t believe they ever showed anything to the state to prove it though.

      • Malisha says:

        Ever seen those ads about not having cable? THey start with, “When you have cable you [some little mis-hap].
        When you [little mis-hap] you [some other consequence]”
        and they end up with utter catastrophe.

        In that vein, here is the evidence of the death threats:

        When a Fogen Family member was in the store,
        someone coughed.
        WHen someone coughs he can spread disease.
        When someone catches a disease they can get very sick.
        Very sick people sometimes die.
        SOmeone made death threats!

  282. KittySP says:

    So what does Tracy uttering MF’r to him over two wks ago have to do with this case?

  283. disappointed says:

    Wow Mr Martin does not have enough on his plate. Please keep adding to it, you idiots.

  284. MichelleO says:

    These people (the foganaires) sure are petty and STUPID

  285. Boyd says:

    no it wasn’t mukker fukker it was mukker crapper.

    and it was maybe 2 weeks ago

  286. Sophia33 says:

    This defense is so low! SO LOW!!!!


  287. Two sides to a story says:

    2 weeks. Hella stupid.

  288. Sleuth says:

    This guy admits to attending hearings during jury selection but had no previous encounters with Mr. Martin.

    Now, what makes him think Mr. Matin was talking to him, that’s IF, Mr. Martin even said that.

    • groans says:


      And why was that guy wearing a “Zimmerman Family” court pass if he’s not family?

      • jm says:

        You gotta know sneaky shady lying ShelLIE had something to do with this caper. I hope she ends up in jail for her perjury charge.

      • Sleuth says:

        Sounds like a set up to me.

      • Sleuth says:

        Exactly. He seemed pretty calm until BDLR lit into him. It was clearly a set up. I mean, he waited over 2 weeks before he reported it. I don’t believe his story at all. Just what would Mr. Martin gained by calling him an muther…..anything?

        • jm says:

          It is my understanding it allegedly happened 1-2 weeks ago and this weirdo mentioned it to shady ShelLIE who then reported it to MOM after she and the other Zimmerman Klan members were kicked out of court.

          I think this would never have come up if it weren’t for the Z Klan being kicked out of the courtroom.

          For the record, I don’t believe it happened and the guy was just an idiot who thought he could pile on Tracy Martin to gain favor with the Zimmerman Klan because that’s how they roll. Ugly, ugly ugly people.

      • groans says:

        Brought back memories of Ben K, and how he got used and thrown into a fire by the defense and that vengeful “lawyer” of his.

        Toxic, toxic group, those zimmernuts!

    • I don’t believe a word of it whatsoever. Tracy and Sybrina have carried themselves with dignity and grace. O’Mara wants to tear down their character and to tie it to Trayvon. FAILED! Judge Nelson ain’t having it!

  289. FactsFirst says:

    hell naw… I can’t

  290. Two sides to a story says:

    Sheesh. Zs will try anything.

  291. A person is claiming Tracy Martin cursed at him coming out the courtroom. On that O’Mara is trying to get Tracy Martin banned from the courtroom. The defense is in big trouble. Now they have friends lying for them in open court. Just put the fking handcuffs on Zimmerman already. He is guilty as charged.

  292. groans says:

    GOOD GOD – There are no lows that the defense will not stoop to!! Do they EVER STOP WHINING, these zimmernuts?

    WHY, OH WHY, must JN dignify this with a hearing!

  293. Tzar says:

    These people have no shame
    if there ever was any doubt that they were racist

  294. Trained Observer says:

    Another Zim family slimeall . CLaims Trayvon’s father uttered “motherfucker” to him as he was holding door .

    JN” “Let’s stop it right now.”

  295. Sophia33 says:

    “What is your objection?” ”
    “He is harassing the witness”

  296. Woow! says:

    I had to step away from my office for a moment what is this guys testifying about? and what the JN just overrule MOM on?

  297. Sleuth says:

    Sounds like a sho’ nuff set up to me.

  298. Sophia33 says:

    What you believe you heard!

  299. tonya B says:

    get em bernie

  300. Tzar says:

    These guys are fucking clowns

  301. gbrbsb says:

    I cannot believe what is happening ?

  302. Sophia33 says:

    You tell he is lying. How much are they going to put this family through!!!!!!

  303. Boyd says:

    ha ha Genius MOM never thought that the Zimmerman would be chased out of court.

    now MOM is going to baby level stuff with crump.

  304. Leisa says:

    Is he going to lie on the stand? Of course he is, he is a member of Fogen’s family.

  305. Deborah Moore says:

    (Don’t fuck with Deborah.)

  306. disappointed says:

    This is shit! Leave the VICTIM’S family alone.

  307. whonoze says:

    Too bad jury doesn’t get to hear JN spanking MOM.

  308. Ty Flair says:

    I’m confuse who side West is on.

  309. Nellie Nell says:

    Can MOM be any more of an asshole??? Gosh, I despise that fool!

  310. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    Wow… so petty… no defense is what that tell me

  311. Woow! says:

    Why is this fool trying to get Sabrina and Tracy thrown out of court?

  312. Sophia33 says:

    Tracy Martin is looking at O’Mara like he is crazy. This is so tacky on O’Mara’s part to try. Trying to drag Tracy Martin’s name through the mud.

  313. disappointed says:


  314. Leisa says:

    Shut him down!

  315. Tzar says:

    These guys are clowns

  316. Judge Nelson to O’Mara: “Don’t no no me”.

  317. Dave says:

    These jackasses are not just pissing the judge off but they are pissing a female judge off in front of an all female jury.

  318. Sleuth says:

    I sure want to hear this evidence against Mr. Martin. There they go, making up shyte as they go along.

    O’Dirty is just intimdated by Mr. Martin’s presence.

  319. Boyd says:

    so their case is Eloise, the (Usual) the crime lab screwed up, and witnesses are lying.

    what happened to the time line? West never accounted for that time from the NEN call ending to the ‘sucker punch’

  320. lurker says:

    What did I miss?

    Is O’Mara trying to clear the courtroom?

  321. colin black says:

    Mr Martin cursed at one of foggagges family members?

    Mmm lets guese junior ?

    • cielo62 says:

      colin~ Good thing it was only a curse and not a right hook to the schnoze. THAT would definitely cause a real broekn nose!


  322. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    JN to MOM: don’t no no no me. Lol

  323. fauxmccoy says:

    “don’t ‘no, no, no me either'”


  324. Nef05 says:

    O’Mara is trying to put more BS in the public domain.

  325. Leisa says:

    Don’t no no no me either. Ha ha ha

  326. disappointed says:

    dont no no me!

  327. MrSykes says:

    Don’t no no no no me either. Bahahahahaha!

  328. colin black says:

    Focus O Mara stay on point he is as useall trying to get more in than is allowed.

    Foggagge is the defendant not the victim,

  329. Sophia33 says:

    Praise the Lord he finished!

    And Judge Nelson is annoyed.

  330. Why the hell does Zim need his mommy and daddy in court?

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      They need GZ to look as if coming from a good upstanding family, and Trayvon from a broken family with Sybrina as the aiming single mother and Tracy as the dead beat father who isn’t there.
      Just the stuff to confirm the racial biases.

      Again to all my AA brothers and sisters here, I am so sorry for not recognizing the severity of the racial prejudice you have to live through everyday.

  331. Brandy says:

    Just read a twitter comment from Kathie Belich a reporter for a Orlando News station and is sitting in the courtroom, anyway she said that when West said that Mr Martin changed his mind about who was screaming that one of the female jurors showed a big reaction of surprise!

    • Trained Observer says:

      Interesting! Doubt we’ll learn that from the OS.

    • LeaNder says:

      Kathi Belich, WFTV ‏@KBelichWFTV 6h

      One juror had a very serious expression as she heard how Martin’s father changed his mind and said it was his son. #Zimmermanon9

      Hmm, I wonder which.

  332. tonya B says:

    omg about DAMN time

  333. Tzar says:

    Breaking news: Trayvon Martin was armed with a deadly sidewalk!! Conversely we are all armed when we go outside in them there big cities with them fancy sidewalks.

  334. Nef05 says:

    More “relaxation” of the rules? Why don’t we just throw them all out, O’Moron?

  335. Boyd says:

    I knew it 11th grader Trayvon became Jason Bourne kill a guy with concrete pavement.

    The most unbelieveable national crime case I’ve ever heard

  336. Woow! says:

    OU-oh somebody’s about to get an arse spanking.

  337. colin black says:

    Armed himself with a concrete side walk ?

  338. West is about to get spanked.

  339. bunny620 says:

    He’s finally done! Hooray!!!

  340. Dave says:

    West doesn’t follow JN’s pronunciation of “Voir dire”.

  341. “Armed himself with a concrete sidewalk.” How big was that hoodie pocket?

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Imagine that, Trayvon had his own personal sidewalk weapon. Clearly the jurors will know that gz could not have accessed the sidewalk weapon and taken it away from Trayvon.

      West should be working in a straight jacket! And inside a cage to boot.

      gz isn’t liking this one bit. hahahaha

  342. ladystclaire says:

    WTF is this judge doing by allowing this jack nut to go on like this because , it’s definitely not an opening statement. this is BS by this court to allow this.

  343. willisnewton says:

    prof – can we get a new thread soon? this one too hard to load on mobile devices. (happy bday)

  344. amsterdam1234 says:

    This is pathetic.

  345. colin black says:

    PerfectlyImperfect says:

    June 24, 2013 at 1:21 pm

    After a year and a half he never made it past standing and hitting the bag. Bahaha!


    So he did abuse Shellie with violence.

  346. willisnewton says:

    BDLR still shaking his head. Love it.

  347. MrSykes says:

    West is all over the place. Why does the judge have to lecture him about basic trial procedure? This is embarrassing to watch.

  348. Boyd says:

    My God playing 7th grade type football makes you a hand-hand combat killer. I never knew that

    • Malisha says:

      I guess anybody who wants to rape a cheer-leader or kill a football player has a freebie-card NOW if these bozos get an acquittal. Short skirt = rape me and football = kill me. Oh, and basketball = I’m a racist.

  349. Nef05 says:

    Is this not the THIRD time, she has had to explain opening statements to him? For the love of Mike!

  350. groans says:

    HALLELUJAH! A couple of objections! And guess what – they’re being sustained if the State would just OBJECT to this travesty!!

    WTF is State strategy in letting West testify and argue the evidence like this?! I swear, I’m starting to think like Malisha – is the State throwing this case?

    I know you all think West’s opening is piss poor, but he is planting the defense’s story in a big way, and up front. It can be VERY prejudicial – meaning, leading the jury to the killer’s side before the first piece of evidence is introduced – which is why it’s improper for opening statements.

    It’s improper because it’s very effective, but does not promote the interests of evidentiary-based fact finding and, therefore, justice.

    This trial is off to a TERRIBLE start for the State, and unfortunately it’s the State’s OWN FAULT. It is truly sickening.

    This killer is going to be acquitted, if this is an indication of how things will go throughout trial.

    • Sophia33 says:

      There are so many things that can be refuted. I think that is why they did it.

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      There were a bunch of outright lies. If the evidence shows West was outright lying, jury may lose confidence in everything he has said.

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      I don’t think he is planting anything that is helping… I think he is making the State case longer because he already contradicted his own clients statements several times… but that’s just me…. we shall see, but I think the Jury will see him as a bull shitter and attribute that to GZ

    • Two sides to a story says:

      I think it went well for the state. They’ll be able to present counter-evidence for most of this spiel.

    • Malisha says:

      Right now, Groans, I’m not of the opinion the State’s throwing the case. If they had allowed a plea deal, I’d say that absolutely. But now I’m not thinking that. I’ll have to analyze and re-analyze repeatedly I’m sure but right now I think the State chose not to argue with Judge Nelson because she doesn’t change her rulings after hearing arguments, and they know they can disprove all West’s crap so they’re drawing him into the ambush. West is becoming more and more careless, which is what his client did on 2/26/2012 and for a month thereafter.

    • cielo62 says:

      groans~ thanks for totally discounting the intelligence of the entire jury, as well as ignoring the avalanche of solid forensic evidence. There is NO WAY gz will walk, no matter HOW long and stupid West’s OS is. Don’t be so quick to throw in the towel.


      • groans says:

        @ cielo62 – Thanks back (not!) for putting words in my mouth. And if you don’t think there’s a risk of acquittal, I’ve got some property in Florida to sell you.

        • cielo62 says:

          Groans- aside from more than one racist juror, NO I don’t believe there is a chance in hell of an acquittal. Your post totally implied you have no faith in this judge, no faith in this jury and no faith in the strength of the the evidence taken in total. Keep your Florida property; it’ll be washed out with the next hurricane.


        • cielo62 says:

          Groans-,”This killer is going to be acquitted, if this is an indication of how things will go throughout trial.” Your words. Total lack of faith.


      • LeaNder says:

        groans, this was much too much for the jury to be able to digest. Remember they were selected based on the rule that ideally they did not know anything. And most of the people don’t know much. You should not look at it our way.

        There are a series of contradictions they cannot grasp as easily as we can after the extensive Frye hearing. But they may still wonder if an uncle has ever heard his nephew cry like that. Then they were presented with the additional complication that you cannot, supposedly, differentiate between a girl and and elder man’s scream and that the voice changes very much in the process of screaming. So what exactly is it? West was very chaotic and forgot he had to be very efficient and in that context less or at least a much easier to understand red line may have been much more.

        I am usually the naysayer here, the one coloring outcomes in deep dark blacks. Let me tell you, this wasn’t bad at all. They are aware this is the defense speaking, some may remember West from his media inquiries and beyond. Don’t forget.

        BUT: I think it is of the uttermost importance that the prosecution gets the evidence in that they had to interrupt today. Since the last call before February 26, shows a specifically important development compared to earlier calls and events. I am not a good Catholic so the Almighty may not listen to me, but if you will join Tracy & Sybrina’s requests tor prayer. This is really important evidence for the state, THEY HAVE TO GET IT IN.

      • groans says:

        Keep your Florida property; it’ll be washed out with the next hurricane.

        LOL, cielo62!! Proof that you really DON’T “get” much that comes from outside of the box you’ve erected in your mind!

        Love you, anyway! 🙂

    • Dave says:

      If the defense is intent on looking foolish and annoying the judge and the jury, why would interrupt them?

    • gbrbsb says:

      I see what you mean groans. On the one hand it seems ridiculous but on the other it is worrying, I have always worried that all they have to do is plant a reasonable doubt and that is not so difficult.

      How much did he lie we will have to wait the experts, but Whonoze had a thought upthread that they are putting everything now to rest as soon as the prosecution does and hope they have sewn just enough doubt.

      • willisnewton says:

        i’m thinking whonoze is on to something. He usually is dead-on right about whatever he says. And certainly the defense has acted to “try” this case anywhere but in the trial proper. Now they are attempting to do it during opening and closing, where before it was in pretrial and in the yellow press.

        • gbrbsb says:

          I am convinced that’s what they are doing willis. Sow just one reasonable doubt, lay the foundation of just one possible, even if improbable, alternative to the State’s narrative and they meet their goal of self defence. And they only have to meet it for the last seconds or minutes of the altercation if I understand correctly the use of deadly force by an aggressor.

          And West said it loud and clear when referring to Trayvon being armed with a concrete weapon and an expert testifying to the “lumps” GZ’s head… I bet that’s why he grew his hair so we can’t see what bumps are there naturally?

          IMO Defence is going to argue and have an expert testify that any blunt trauma to the head can be fatal and therefore GZ was “reasonable” to fear for his life. Can the State’s experts defeat that? IDK. They would surely need to prove that absolutely nothing of what he says is trustworthy, nothing of what he claimed was possible, that his account of the event is so flawed as as to leave nothing believable, nothing a juror can rely on. Usual caveats understood IANAL, IDK, IMHO.

          • cielo62 says:

            Gbrbsb- I don’t believe that the defense can overcome the absolute lack of DNA on Trayvon’s person. What did GZ fear? The head bashing could not occur without a very firm grasp on a wet, sweating slimy melon of a head. Just grabbing it with sufficient firmness would have resulted in tons of DNA under Trayvon’s fingernails. As we heard, there is none.

            FROM THE CLUTTERED DESK OF Cielo62

          • gbrbsb says:

            You’re an early-bird or am I getting my zones wrong?

            I so so hope you are right Cielo, because if GZ walks, I for one am convinced justice will not be served. The prosecution must demonstrate that what GZ says is not possible and that even if it were he is such a liar that it would be reckless and not reasonable doubt to believe him.

            I do get the feeling that the State doesn’t have much more to go by than what we got, just lets hope it will be enough.

          • cielo62 says:

            gbrbsb~ The state has WAY more than we know, INCLUDING phone records, texts and emails. Don’t give up.


          • gbrbsb says:

            Give up, Cielo ? Never.

            Just trying to be realistic so as not to feel too much of a jolt if something goes wrong, and feel more of a rush, if it all goes right. I must say I would be satisfied with a manslaughter verdict as I think the prosecution has a very high burden for M2 because of the reasonable doubt.

          • cielo62 says:

            gbrbsb~ In all honesty, a manslaughter verdict would result in a 30 year minimum sentence as well. Still not bad. 🙂  Hoodies up, my friend!


          • gbrbsb says:

            Yes, onwards with hoodies up! : – )

  351. gbrbsb says:

    Who takes “grappling” classes to lose weight !!! Sumo fighters certainly don’t!

    Herewith folks WIKI’s definition of grappling:

    Grappling refers to techniques, maneuvers, and counters applied to an opponent in order to gain a physical advantage, such as improving relative position, escaping, submitting, or injury to the opponent. Grappling is a general term that covers techniques used in many disciplines, styles and martial arts that are practiced both as combat sports and for self defense. Grappling does not include striking or most commonly the use of weapons. However, some fighting styles or martial arts known especially for their grappling techniques teach tactics that include strikes and weapons either alongside grappling or combined with it.

  352. Sophia33 says:

    OMG! He is going to keep going. Objection! Objection!

  353. Leisa says:

    This is beyond embarrassing!

  354. Woow! says:

    BDLR just shoot his head…teeheee!!!

  355. amsterdam1234 says:

    Bernie is shaking his head.

  356. Lonnie Starr says:

    The state low balled their opening, thus revealing they feel they have much strength there. The defense is being long winded and convoluted, showing there’s terrible weaknesses there.

    West says gz was not following Trayvon, then he says, gz first saw Trayvon near Taaffe’s then drove around and parked at the clubhouse, where he called NEN. But, by this time the jurors already knew from West’s own map, that Trayvon had to pass that way to get home. GZ gets on the phone and starts calling Trayvon all kinds of names and cursing. Like an idiot West plays the tape for them several times, each time issuing convoluted statements about why gz was doing the right thing.

    Trayvon, according to West, passes gz’s car then heads into the cut through as gz drives around to TTL and parks. No mention that Trayvon tells DD that he’s being followed before that point.

    Now, after having told the jury that gz wasn’t following Trayvon, the NEN call “he’s running”, the door opens and closes and gz is heard running. Shawn asks: “Are you following him?” , “Yes!” West portrays that as an acceptable telling of truth! But wait, won’t the jurors think “Hey mister, I thought you told us he wasn’t following the kid?” But that’s when West decides that some obfuscation is the order of the day and he launches into a convoluted story.

    DD, according to West, is a witness to Trayvon’s determined assault on gz by way of a sucker punch that knocks gz to the ground. Then he tells the jury that, “Once you’re being straddled on the ground the fight is pretty well over, you’re helpless!” And of course, Trayvon takes full advantage of that and begins banging gz’s head, mercilessly on the pavement. Then starts throwing MMA style blows, nearly killing gz who has no other choice but to draw his weapon and fire or be killed.

    gz registered fear and loathing at West, then deep depression set in. The spectators seem to thing the jurors weren’t being impressed and the prosecutions crew stepped down their intense concentration on West. Obviously West had gone so far off the beam, recovery was simply not going to be an option for the defense. gz, needless to say, is negatively impressed.

  357. willisnewton says:

    “you only have one choice” – “get a gun”
    objection sustained.

  358. Two sides to a story says:

    More lies. Animal control officers often use pepper spray on aggressive dogs.

    • Dave says:

      Mail carriers too. I’ve used it and it works. In fact it works better on dogs than it does on humans because of there ultrasensitive noses.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Someone please remind me the breed of dog GZ has. It’s coloured like a doberman but much heftier and is a kudos dog here yob’s use to fight.

      • Xena says:


        Someone please remind me the breed of dog GZ has.


        • cielo62 says:

          Xena- rotters are not used in dog fighting these days. It’s the pitbull.


          • Xena says:


            Xena- rotters are not used in dog fighting these days. It’s the pitbull.

            Right — but GZ’s neighbor had a pitbull (Big Boy) who did not bite anyone so he believed he needed a gun. GZ’s dog is a Rottweiler. The Rotts that I’ve met are big, sloppering puppies.

          • cielo62 says:

            Xena- true that, about being big slobbering puppies! I think that tidbit will sit poorly with at least 2 of the jurors. Having been in animal rescue or being an animal lover, they will understand that connection between animal cruelty and hurtful psychopathology.

            FROM THE CLUTTERED DESK OF Cielo62

          • Xena says:


            Having been in animal rescue or being an animal lover, they will understand that connection between animal cruelty and hurtful psychopathology.

            Absolutely. Big Boy hadn’t bitten anyone. All GZ needed was some dog biscuits or a jacket. But I get the feeling that ShelLIE is afraid of her own shadow and plays the role of the Southern Belle who has to be protected from everything.

        • gbrbsb says:

          Thanks Xena it’s been bugging me since West decided to tell the jury about GZ’s reason for having a gun. He probably has the rottweiler for the same reason.

        • gbrbsb says:

          Thanks… had been trying to remember the name all that day.

      • cielo62 says:

        Gbrbsb- probably a put bull. All thugs and wannabe thugs get those. They are used in illegal dogfighting.


        • gbrbsb says:

          It’s a rottweiller, I couldn’t remember but Xena posted it. Here it iis a status dog albeit not as bad as the pits and the staffies. Purely by its size and jaws they are dangerous if not managed properly by a firm hand, so still fit with your description which I concur with. I hate people who have dogs as a symbol.

      • cielo62 says:

        Gbrbsb- probably a pit bull. All thugs and wannabe thugs get those. They are used in illegal dogfighting.


      • lady2soothe says:


        All thugs and wannabe thugs get those

        🙂 I’ve had 2 pits and they are loveable and fantastic animals, omg am I on the way to being a thug at 60? I had no idea I had a new career coming my way 🙂

        • cielo62 says:

          Lady2soothe- LOL! “Grannies from Heck”. Unfortunately, that is the way they are perceived. Many “tough guys” get them as an accessory to their image. Like I said before, dogs reflect the way they are treated. No doubt you loved your fur kids, so they loved you back. Poor pits. They don’t deserve the rep they’ve gotten.


          • lady2soothe says:

            @ cielo62:

            Us Grannies’ need to show we’re still bad B’s as I adjust the brim of my cap backward, flip up my hoodie, cross my arms gangsta style, lean to the side and mad dog the milk man! I remembered you’re Mom to four legged kids so I knew you’d know exactly what I meant. 

            L2S (Lady2Soothe)

        • gbrbsb says:

          Except in very rare cases IMO it is always the owner’s fault if a dog is aggressive and bites someone. For me the problem of big dogs is simply about size which means there can be serious consequences if the owner is an irresponsible. Same problem with guns.

  359. amsterdam1234 says:

    Dog lovers and rescuers on the jury are not going to like this.

  360. colin black says:

    who is eloise? I never saw her on the witness list

    AA Lady whom allegedly says the screams were foggagges I think.?

  361. Two sides to a story says:

    Good grief. Do they really need to narrate the history of the gun purchase in an opening statement?

  362. willisnewton says:

    blame the dog! George is a hero for wanting to shoot a dog!

  363. Tzar says:

    Oh shit he bought up the dog at opening
    this guy is an idiot

  364. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    Hey guess what? Junior tweeted something leading people to believe that Fogen didn’t use his membership at the gym, west just told us he did. Ooh he wasn’t good enough to go in the ring with the hard core fighters. Doesn’t matter, he used his membership and did indeed retrieve traing for boxing and all the gym offers. BAM!

    • Malisha says:

      I thought Junior was gonna STFU until after acquittal? Who poured water on him again?

      • ChrisNY~Laurie says:

        Malisha, This was when the State released the information a week or two ago. Although I don’t think Junior will keep quiet for the whole trial. He’s a media whore remember? Lol

  365. Trained Observer says:

    Boxing? Now Fogen depicted as Mr. Softy.

  366. amsterdam1234 says:

    Grappling class. Georgie porgie learned how to restrain someone and apply an arm, shoulder and wristlocks.

  367. Xena says:

    Of course GZ is “soft.” He thought his gun was all the power he needed. That’s how thugs think.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Don’t forget his dog too. Can’t remember the breed’s name but it is one of those they use for kudos over here and fighting. And didn’t you just love it when West told the jury with the two animal rescuers about why GZ got the gun… to shoot dogs !

      • cielo62 says:

        Gbrbsb- and to think I told someone that wouldn’t even come up! Animal lovers KNOW the connection between animal abuse and psychopathology!


      • groans says:

        @ gbrbsb – I just listened to that part! How bizarre is that?! West goes on in his lullaby voice yakking about the killer moving into RTL, blah, blah, blah. Then he starts talking about a dog “harrassing” the killer and, especially, his wife (by existing? off of a leash?).

        Then how bizarre…. West says the killer did what ANY normal person would do to resolve a problem with their neighbor’s dog.

        He considered pepper spray … but was afraid (remember, he’s paranoid) that it would cause the dog to bash the killer’s head into a concrete sidewalk for a full minute. Nope; can’t have that.

        So, just like ANY other normal person, he chose the only other option available to him. He got a gun … to deal with his neighbor’s beloved dog!


  368. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    After a year and a half he never made it past standing and hitting the bag. Bahaha!

  369. willisnewton says:

    oh golly, he went to boxing and grappling class because they fit into his busy schedule. Of being a loser.

  370. Leisa says:

    High school football coaches do not put up with a kid with an attitude no matter who he is……

    • Trained Observer says:

      I believe Trayvon dropped out of football after his freshman year . Definitely wasn’t blaying his junior year when murdered.

  371. Ty Flair says:

    I guess West is putting his opening statements and his closing statements together. They have no case.

  372. Trained Observer says:

    Bet Adam at the gym is not pleased at being associated with a guy who supposedly got his butt beat …not to mention a murderer.

  373. KittySP says:

    I have had enough of this non opening statement. So now John w6 is an expert in MMA fight positions?! This is beyond ridiculous!

  374. willisnewton says:

    west addressing the gum owner, says he saw the injuries of GZ a few days after I guess GZ was still attending.

  375. colin black says:

    Bring back the graph guy with colour chatrs he was easyer to listen to.

  376. Boyd says:

    notice how Trayvon goes up 2 lbs to158 and Fogen goes down 5 pounds from 200.

  377. Xena says:

    West is testifying for GZ.
    Keep doing evil, West. It’s coming back on GZ.

  378. Sophia33 says:

    OMG! GZ literally just dozed.

  379. Sophia33 says:

    So Trayvon was a football player and was good at it. How many thugs are a part of extracurricular activities.

  380. Boyd says:

    who is eloise? I never saw her on the witness list

  381. Tzar says:

    “this is a lot of information”

    Woah, I never thought of that, maybe if we had a some kind of procedure where this information could be presented by both sides and deliberated upon, that would be really useful
    but darn it, we don’t, so poor West has to present all of it this morning.

  382. fauxmccoy says:

    “yes sir, i understand” to judge nelson when she says ‘objection sustained’ smdh

    • ic2fools says:

      john guy is fuming, Nelson is putting her foot down today and not letting west get away with bullshyte.

      good john guy is on top of defense trying to testify for fogen! OBJECT! GUY OBJECT.

      once again she has to tell west,

  383. chi1224 says:

    Fogen trying to steal Trayvon’s screams pisses me off to the point of rage. He is pure evil.

  384. Sophia33 says:

    JN had to cut him off. JN had to explain to him what an opening statement is. How embarrassing.

  385. willisnewton says:

    judge instructs west on what an opening statement is.

  386. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    This is too much for me, they should have just printed off treehouse bullshit and given it to the jury and saved everybody a whole day. It’s pretty sad that so many people in Fogens past claim the screaming is Fogen… I’m starting to think that maybe his momma beat him or Junior tortured him somehow.

  387. MedicineBear says:

    Skeletor just handed some damning evidence to the Prosecution on a silver platter! The flashlight that fogen was tapping (to get it to work) is indeed audible on the NEN call — but NOT “as he gets out of the car”. It is TOWARD THE END OF THE NEN CALL . . . which means HE WAS CONTINUING TO FOLLOW Trayvon into the DARK dog walk. If he was returning to his truck, he wouldn’t have needed the flashlight! I hope the Prosecution follows these comments.

  388. Sophia33 says:

    Why did they need to point out she was an african-american woman?

  389. Deborah Moore says:

    So, now, this is the part where West gets Dinged.
    That’s closing. This is opening.
    Interesting how this is playing out. Well, yeah, duh me.

  390. Leisa says:

    Who was with Mr. Martin at police station when tape was played. Was it Brandy Green? She can testify to what he said.

  391. Nef05 says:

    They were “powerfully impacted” by Trayvon’s screams, not by Tracey saying anything.

    I despise West so much!

  392. Tzar says:

    so West decided to give opening and closing arguments today
    If only he could just skip the trial

  393. Puck says:

    Check out how Guy is staring at West.

  394. Sleuth says:

    Now, why doesn’t The Wiester tell the jurors just how soon Mr. Martin went to listen to the tapes.

    AFTER just being shown a picture by SPD Chaplain of his child, that Mr. Martin describes as, a tear on Trayvon’s cheek, eyes rolled back, and saliva coming from his mouth.

  395. groans says:

    HALLELUJAH! An objection! WTF is State strategy in letting West testify and argue the evidence like this?!

  396. Trained Observer says:

    Oh, fancy that … Norm Wolfinger mentioned. Did I hear an objection? Was that sustained? Still, does that open the door to go after Wolfie’s negligence?

  397. Trained Observer says:

    State better poise to object — West is yammering about what happened (or didn’t) long after.

  398. willisnewton says:

    “more stuff started to happen in town” here comes the racism

  399. Sophia33 says:

    West doesn’t want to go there. GZ said he wasn’t his voice.

  400. Nef05 says:

    Bull! That was immediately after he ID’d Trayvon in the morgue. He wasn’t saying “No” to the ID. He was voicing a verbal reaction to the what he heard, denying it – as any grieving father would.

  401. Xena says:

    Look at the stare Guy is giving to West — because West is not giving the entire story.

  402. gbrbsb says:

    WTF there are two voices at least one a soft voice yelling “help” or “help me” and I have all isolated out the 5 times I can distinctly hear them. But you cant yell “help” with a soft voice and create ear piercing shrieks at the same time… not even the best ventriloquist can do that.

  403. whonoze says:


    Do you think West is laying out the whole case in the opening to set-up a possibility that the defense can rest immediately after the State rests, and go right to closing claiming the State hasn’t met it’s burden, figuring that’s their best chance? In short is West basically trying to do all the testifying now, so the Zimmie-tale won’t get cross-examined.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Sure it must something like that, whonoze, because he is literally trying to counter and counter counter every single argument the State could ever use all just in the opening.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Sounds like it could be their way of trying to do the self-defense hearing within the trial – ??

    • willisnewton says:

      interesting theory. If the prosecution is waiting to bring out the big guns during the rebuttal phase, it makes sense not to have a long defense.

      I think you might be on to something. They have wanted to draw out the prosecution since the beginning.

      The prosecution OTOH wants to wait and pounce when their best evidence can make the most impact, and that would be late in the trial, closer to the verdict.

  404. vickie s. votaw says:

    Did you hear what he said about fogen’s uncle & the scream, o Jesus, I am stunned.

  405. SearchingMind says:

    On a positive note, West has – inadvertently – laid out the complete defense case to the prosecution. IMO, this “opening statement” is a huge strategic error. Justice for Trayvon!

  406. chi1224 says:

    Here we go, he is going to say Tracey Martin denied it was Trayvon

  407. Trained Observer says:

    Out on errands, back and West’s still droning on? Apparently is job is to bore and muddle.

    The “event” was Feb. 26. Please, it was a killing, not an event..

  408. Sophia33 says:

    Is Chad’s last name really Johnson?

    • cielo62 says:

      Sophia~ No. It’s Green, I believe.


    • LeaNder says:

      I once saw an interview with her former husband. If I remember correctly he was in some type of US sport, football, maybe.

      I don’t know your customs with family names. Over here we can keep our own family names if we marry if we want, but we have to decide which name the kids get, if there are any. In any case, we can get our own name back we took our husbands once divorced. … Whatever the case is here, he may still carry the name of his father.

  409. disappointed says:

    No Sybrina does NOT want that to be her child begging for his life, only to be IGNORED you POS!

  410. chi1224 says:

    WANTS it to be his voice!! I am fuming over here! SIT DOWN WEST!!

  411. MrSykes says:

    Trayvon’s mother WANTS it to be her son’s voice???? I think I’m gonna puke.

    • Deborah Moore says:

      He’ll answer for that. One way or another.
      (Not a personal threat from me, just me imagining how this might play out.)
      Opening Statements101.

    • crazy1946 says:

      Actually, I can’t imagine that any mother would want that voice screaming in the last moment of their life to be their child!! West deserves a special place in hell for that comment!

    • gbrbsb says:

      It was immensely cruel to say that. Why would Sybrina want it to be Trayvon’s screams of pain. Those screams will haunt her for the rest of her days. Damn the man!

      • LeaNder says:

        What is on his or O’Mara’s mind, or on Fogen senior’s for that matter is that she wants to cash in on the cry only. They will bring that up too. Good luck with that one. That’s an argument that will work only on people without a moral compass.

        • gbrbsb says:

          No moral compass whatsoever LeaNder. And did you see them trying to or get GZ’s parents and family in or bar even Sybrina and Tracey ?

          • LeaNder says:

            Yes. including the sick little stage appearance of a Shellie friend. They are really lucky the jury cannot watch the whole theater. But if today tells us anything it must necessarily slip in during the next couple of days.

          • LeaNder says:

            Yes. including the sick little stage appearance of a Shellie friend. They are really lucky the jury cannot watch the whole theater. But if today tells us anything it must necessarily slip in during the next couple of days.

  412. Two sides to a story says:

    Fogen zone-out.

  413. ay2z says:

    Guy is taking nores, hope he reminds the jury that they should not that their notes are today about lawyers statements, not to be referred to as ‘evidence’.

    Jurors might bring them in to deliveration, and forget this is not testimony by a witness.

    • ay2z says:

      Guy is taking notes.

    • PiranhaMom says:


      re: “Jurors might bring them in to deliberation, and forget this is not testimony by a witness.”

      I want to hear JUDGE NELSON emphasize this during her Jury Instructions.

  414. Brandy says:

    What a CROCK OF SHIT about the uncles’ comments! Wow

  415. willisnewton says:

    west claims GZ has an uncle who will testify its GZ screaming. Also friends and co-workers. He does not say for sure that he will produce all these witnesses.

    • cielo62 says:

      willisnewton~ FRIENDS AND COWORKERS have heard gz scream like that?? What were they doing? Throwing darts at him?


      • gbrbsb says:

        And is no one there saying there is more than one voice. I have isolated 5 or 6 “Helps” and/or “Help mes” but those funnily enough are not the several screams. All the H’s and HM’s are soft spoken, the screams are “desgarradores” and some coincide with the H’s and HM’s in the background and you can’t do both at the same time.

  416. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    There really should be a time limit on opening statements and perhaps there will be after this. Wtf this is just ridiculous.

    So Fogens uncle supposedly knows what he sounds like screaming huh? How’s that?

    • gbrbsb says:

      Cos the whole family beat the little man silly when younger!

      • racerrodig says:

        So we’re to believe that his uncle. not even having been told about this, months later, his back to the TV, on his computer, heard someone screaming, then gets shot and says out of the blue…

        “Holy Shit Martha………that’s my nephew Fogen !!!!!!!!!!”

        We’re gonna buy that….anyone ????? anyone ???

          • racerrodig says:

            That’s kind of what of what I thought. The HLN commentators are saying Fogen should be measuring himself for a jumpsuit !!

            We knew this was coming………..They just said the defense is getting smoked for the most part.

    • LeaNder says:

      Good comment, he is countervailing his own argument. It was either someone screamed for his lief or it was just another scream everybody was familiar with. West seems to think these ladies are stupid.

  417. Sophia33 says:

    OMG…George’s uncle! What?!

  418. ay2z says:

    He testifying what the experts said that won’t be coming in? Or do they plan to bring in their own experts to do this? And if so, what about rebuttal by the state if this is offered in their case on direct?

    They aren’t going to put on a case, they are doing that now?

  419. gbrbsb says:

    What a liar. That was one or two of the scientific community not the whole lot !!!

  420. disappointed says:

    50 year old man does not sound like a girl!

  421. Sleuth says:

    This is the voicemail message I referenced up-thread. The confessed murderer left this message for Frank Taafee while he was in hiding, and still trying to get his story straight.

    The confessed murderer leaves a message for Taaffe saying, “I’m sorry for the lost of your son”. This sounds like the same poor excuse of an apology he gave to the Fulton/Martin family during the first bond hearing in April 2012.

    Taaffee’s youngest son died a few years ago. So what’s up with the very belated condolences for Taaffe’s son?

    Frank’s estranged daughter, Meredith, also posted her disgust with the confessed murderer. She sends her apologies to the Fulton/Martin family.

    Just wondering if it will be played during the trial.

  422. Two sides to a story says:

    On to the voice . . . lies.

  423. disappointed says:

    OMG! Voice experts. I am anxious for the state to start the display of evidence against Fogen.

  424. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    Is west deliberately lying or has he not studied the evidence in this case? He just said Fogen was tapping his flashlight while getting out of his truck and we can hear it on the NEN call, umm, no that noise was well after he got out of his truck.

  425. Sophia33 says:

    I think the state is going to regret not fighting harder on the hearsay.

  426. ay2z says:

    I knew this was coming. West you idiot, the BIG flashlight was NOT in a pocket, it was IN HIS HAND, so said GZ to SErino, and we KNOW this is the correct flashlight, because Serino confirms with GZ that the flashlight in his hand, was the one “NOT CLICKING ON”.

    Here is the recording between Serino and GZ.

  427. diary73 says:

    What is he doing????? Why is he permitted to spend all this time giving testimony??? I never heard of anything like this. Why is Judge Nelson permitting this?

  428. Woow! says:

    Is W going to waste the entire day on his opening testimony uhm I mean statement?

  429. Sophia33 says:

    The hearsay statement.

  430. chi1224 says:

    I wonder if any of the jurors are asking themselves- Why would Trayvon Martin attack George Zimmerman?? Zimmerman was nothing to Trayvon, he was a complete stranger.

  431. Sophia33 says:

    But Zimmerman didn’t say anything about them fighting until the reenactment. Before that, he was saying that he fell down at the “T’ and TM jumped on him at the “T”.

  432. lurker says:

    Finally got around to claiming that there is evidence to show that the action started at the t and moved South.

  433. gbrbsb says:

    Yes, torch at the T exactly where he dropped it when he bumped into the tree at the T where he got the nose job, the scratches, etc.

  434. willisnewton says:

    “where was George going?” says west, and then leaves out “looking for an address” as even one of the options

  435. Brandy says:

    My God, how long is this idiots opening statement going to last? Make it stop lol

  436. Tzar says:

    Is it me or does West come off like a bad car salesman?

  437. Xena says:

    Look at West using 2 hands to demonstrate tapping on the flashlight. GZ had his cell phone in one hand and he was talking on it.

  438. willisnewton says:

    that was not tapping on the light “when he exited his vehicle” it was tapping when he reached the T

  439. Sophia33 says:

    That flashlight did work.

  440. Two sides to a story says:

    Jump up and confess, George.

  441. lurker says:

    OK–now West is back to his pics and rambling again.

  442. Nef05 says:

    So there’s enough “good” DNA to support self defense, but all other DNA that supports the prosecution is corrupted/tainted. That doesn’t even make any sense.

    He’s so full of it, it’s not even funny. If I was on the jury, I’d be wondering where they got this fool.

  443. breelee says:

    Ahhh, another reason fogen was on top of Trayvon, rubbed his knees on the ground. That proves Nothing!

  444. tonya B says:

    haha so he shows the jury trayvons pants but not fogens?????? wow

  445. Two sides to a story says:

    Fogen may have had Trayvon on his knees with his gun pointed at him.

  446. gbrbsb says:

    Yeah, dirt on knees, but where’s the dirt on GZ’s backside… his pants are crystal clear with whiter than white stitching !

  447. Two sides to a story says:

    I can hardly wait until most of this stuff is refuted by the prosecution.

  448. disappointed says:

    Is Trayvon’s blood on the hoodie itself? I never noticed it.

  449. chi1224 says:

    Why isn’t the prosecution objecting to this?? West is trying to give expert opinion, he is NOT the expert!

    • Sophia33 says:

      I think he wants to let them hang themselves.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        I think so too. Pretty good for a newbie. Ha. Just poking ya.
        Shutting up, now.
        It’s just that West is so crazy making boring. Distraction.

    • KittySP says:

      @chi1224, because jurors aren’t supposed to take what’s said in OS as evidence. He’s supposed be stating they have evidence that will refute the prosecution’s case. In stead he’s helping to convict his own client.

  450. Deborah Moore says:

    It can be true that you’re unprepared, running scared.
    Oh, gosh, I came back after errands. Ran, actually, because I’m Watching This.
    I keep wondering if MOM was considering it a mistake to put West up first. But, they had lunch to talk about dog shit. And, this is what he told him, Apologize for being a Poor joke teller.
    Freaking gross.
    I know I haven’t been commenting, but I’m just Too Engrossed in what is going on to say anything.
    All y’all are doing Just Fine.

  451. crazy1946 says:

    It seems as if the defense is now holding their version of a trail! Does anyone know when they will give their opening statement? I suppose this is one way to get Fogdoits version into the trial without him having to suffer from cross examination? I don’t think we will see the Fogidiot on the stand….

  452. Two sides to a story says:

    What a sack of lies about TM’s hands and how he should have his own blood – the med ex clearly showed he bled out internallly.

    • Sophia33 says:

      Good point.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Yes, TSTAS even though according to GZ he shot Trayvon from below (blood, gravity etc.) and even though he left Trayvon face down in the grass (again, blood, gravity etc.) there was no blood iirc on Trayvon’s outside only a big pool of it inside. If West want’s to show Trayvon’s own blood on his shirt and hoodie then GZ should have killed him another way.

  453. Tzar says:

    oh he just threw the medical examiner under the bus
    good luck with that

    • Deborah Moore says:

      Throw the police, medical examiner And the witnesses under the Bus.
      Sorry, I’m going to shut up now and just Follow.

  454. lurker says:

    Maybe there really was blood but the ME missed it?

    Sorta like those witnesses who saw something different but they were wrong.

  455. Nef05 says:

    So Trayvon sis a ground and pound, but the only injury to his hand was a small cut – isn’t that the prosecution’s argument? Do you even HEAR what you’re saying, Mr. West.

    And now the ME is Incompetent? R U kidding me???

    • Nef05 says:

      West is officially an IDIOT!

    • Yorazigo says:

      Interesting – incompetent ME and “shoddy” autopsy were what defense expert asserted in Casey Anthony case.

    • Yorazigo says:

      Called “shoddy,” by the way, because ME didn’t saw off the top of the baby’ skull (there was nothing left but bone, and skull was already open on the bottom (which gave a complete view of the inside).

  456. chi1224 says:

    There is no DNA West! Shut up!!

  457. gbrbsb says:

    I thought they would argue the rain and lack of bagging… hope prosecution has good forensics because this and the bumps on the head are my bet the places where they will try and raise a reasonable doubt.

    Why is West giving the whole case in opening ?

    • lurker says:

      I think that this is why they rely on fingernail scrapings. I expect the experts to be able to explain.

      • gbrbsb says:

        Yeah, was imagining the same… but remember all they gotta raise is RD so hope they have something we don’t know to back up the rest.

    • He is providing too much information for the jury to assimilate and he is presenting it in a disorganized way which does not help.

      • gbrbsb says:

        He appears to be arguing the whole case ! Is it because GZ is not going to testify and after opening they will be a bit with one hand behind their backs?

      • Ya think?……….The guy is a trig book full of tangents……..How can ANYONE follow him?

      • LeaNder says:

        disorganized, was my impression. Very, very bad. Concentration would have been much more efficient.

        Someone in there seems to have come up with the grand theory that still they can fold in the foregone SYG hearing case presentation.

        So many helping hands and no one to assist him with the stage prop and cards?

  458. Sophia33 says:

    Good point about the blood on the heart.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Not at all. There was very little blood on the sweatshirts. TM bled out internally and the medical examiner measured the blood in his chest cavity.

  459. You shouldn’t need to tell the jury what’s intriguing. It either is or isn’t. Kinda like jokes are funny or not.

  460. lurker says:

    Now he’s walking back his earlier statement that bruising was found on Trayvon’s knuckles.

  461. ay2z says:

    West is presenting ‘evidence’, by saying ‘we will find that out when we get the rest of the evidence.’

  462. chi1224 says:

    Bring on the witnesses, I can’t stand listening to West much longer.

  463. Tzar says:

    The defense is non-existent
    this is why we have to suffer through this horseshit

  464. Oh the blood was wiped off because shoddy police work. And the ME didn’t take hand photos.

    Excuses, excuses. It was there but you can’t see it because everybody elses fault. Shut up West.

  465. Sophia33 says:

    So is claiming the ME is lying?! Seriously?!

  466. Sophia33 says:

    OMG! They are going to say that all of that blood wiped off from moving the body.

  467. lurker says:

    Someone must have reviewed his script over lunch. He just told the story fairly succinctly. He is getting down to specifics and not rambling so much.

  468. fauxmccoy says:

    how dumb does west think these ladies are? ok, if the tea is in the pouch pulling hoodie down, what pray tell is pulling down the undershirt? those holes are aligned and no getting around that fact. nice try at a snow job, ‘yawn’.

  469. Dave says:

    “He had the gun and Thank God!”

    • Deborah Moore says:

      I heard that. He’s trying to prejudice the jury.
      If this ghoul is the best way they have to defend (deleted), this says So Much.
      Facts and evidence speak. Go prosecution.
      Bullshit dancing is all the defense has.
      But, no. No sympathy for the Devil.

  470. Two sides to a story says:

    Someone will want to ring Mr. West’s bell pretty soon.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Fogen wants to ring his bell but . . . has . . . had . . . just . . . too . . . many . . . doggy downers . . . *snort* . . . zzzzzzzzzzzz . . .

  471. Woow! says:

    This is too funny…

    “wests opening will be one that future defense lawyers will follow. I have never seen opening statement used to present evidence of defense case…ahead of the prosecution case”

    You don’t have to guess where this came from.

  472. chi1224 says:

    “Thank God” he had the gun??? Fuck you West!

  473. Dee says:

    Because Zimmerman was holding Zimmerman shirt after he swung Zimmerman to the ground, and as Zimmerman was still holding the his shirt in his hand, he then aimed and shot him that why.

  474. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    It also separates when the shooter has a hold of the victims shirt along with his wrist when he shoots!

  475. Nef05 says:

    WRONG!!! Inside sweatshirt matched holes and there was no weight on it!!!

  476. Oh the fabric fell away because Trayvon was leaning over him. How convenient.

    • cielo62 says:

      Ryan~ That bunch of “expert Knox” BS was blown away MONTHS ago! I guess West didn’t get the memo.


  477. Tzar says:

    now he is presenting Knox’s is bullshit

  478. Dave says:

    It sounds like we’re going to hear from “Mr. Expert”.

  479. Sleuth says:

    Guy referred to the GSW as a ZERO CONTACT SHOT. Is he trying to infer that Guy was lying?

  480. ZCBest says:

    And the freaking joke was just not funny. Two thumbs down for being corny.

  481. chi1224 says:

    Is West trying to testify?? STFU he is NOT an expert!

  482. Sleuth says:

    I sure hope The Wiester changed his jacket after wiping his snotty nose all over it.

  483. groans says:

    Oh … West explains it. HIS focus is on the details! Really? OK, now I get it. 🙄

  484. chi1224 says:

    West your info is “technically” WRONG!

  485. Nef05 says:

    Bad news when you have start your presentation after lunch with an apology for being offensive.

    • Sleuth says:

      I think its due to whatever it is that he’s drinking from that high ball glass sitting on his podium.

  486. Defending the joke. STOP!

  487. MichelleO says:


  488. Hope fogen was just writing a suicide note 🙂

  489. groans says:

    I believe I see “punctate” abrasions on the killer’s face RIGHT NOW!

    • lurker says:

      OK. I had to look it up. Punctate abrasions refers to the powder burn or tattoo around a gunshot wounds. Didn’t West use the word “punctate” in relationship to the lacerations on the back of the head?

      • groans says:

        I thought it was in relation to tiny marks on his face and forehead (the ones we’ve said look like came from a bush or a tree).

      • groans says:

        But I don’t believe I’ll bother replaying West’s opening just to find out! 🙂

      • Malisha says:

        Serino called them “capillary type lacerations.” You can get them from sneezing too hard.

  490. willisnewton says:

    I’ve seen middle school kids give better speeches

  491. Nef05 says:

    Goodness, we’re almost up to 1500 posts.

    FYI – for anyone interested. Radioshack has computer speakers, 16w w/subwoofer on sale for $20. I ran and got them during lunch and I’m very pleased with the sound. Good depth.

  492. Dee says:

    There back! Oh and Happy Birthday to you Professor. Got to go!!!

  493. ZCBest says:

    I just keep thinking of BLDR’s face when Skeletor delivered his knock-knock joke!

    If BLDR was like most of my friends, the caption would be “gives the side eye to the fool making jokes during a murder trial”.

  494. Dee says:

    Wait a minute I thought the burden was on the prosecutor why is he sounding like he is trying the case? I am confused and bored with him.

  495. Sophia33 says:

    You see how O’Mara put an end of West’s ramblings. It was like calling timeout in a football game.

  496. Wendie Dox says:

    how long was that?????

  497. uhoh says:

    Will Don West continue with his opening statement while everyone else is at lunch?

  498. lady2soothe says:

    Happy Birthday Professor, Colin and my sister Kim!

  499. Michael Stewart says:

    Malisha upthread:

    “Knock Knock.
    Who’s there?
    Shimmy Who?
    Shimmy your ass right into that prison cell, Fogen.”


    Don West’s opening statement after lunch: Ladies and ladies of the jury; A priest, a Rabbi, and George Zimmerman walk into a bar……

    Wait for it.

  500. Ty Flair says:

    The way West is going he could not get fogen out of a traffic ticket. Fogen is so drug up I wonder if he know he is in court today.

  501. ladystclaire says:

    This old gray BASTARD is making me pretty sick.

  502. ladystclaire says:

    How the hell, can Fogen be lying on the wet grown in the fight of his life, had had not one single speck of grass, wetness or mud on the back of his jacket? BTW, they haven’t recessed for lunch yet.

    • crazy1946 says:

      It has been suggested that the reason for nothing on the back of the jacket is because the jacket was not on during the altercation…

      • Sleuth says:

        The female resident who was identified as a Canadian native, said she saw the confessed murderer sitting in the police car wearing nothing more than a BEIGE SHIRT and jeans. She never mentioned anything about a red jacket.

      • Malisha says:

        But Tim Smith said the back of his jacket was covered with rain and grass, right? Did they forget which lie to tell and then forget which one to corroborate too?

    • Sophia33 says:

      I have seen one picture of him having wetness on the back of his jacket. It was the lower part of the jacket.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Fogen lies on his back . . . and on his feet, while sitting, walking . . . he constantly lies (whatever his position).

  503. LeaNder says:

    “Knock, knock. Who’s there? George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who? You’re on the jury,” said West.

    I don’t get it. What is this supposed to mean. Or what is supposed to be funny about this?????

    I guess we will get more of that stuff. They feel much too sure about them..

    So far the only thing we learned is that DD’s phone disconnected at 7:15:43.

    • crazy1946 says:

      It is the “if you can’t impress them with your brilliance, then dazzle them with bulls**t ” defense that the MOM/West team has deployed! I suppose when you have no other defense then that is the one you must attempt to sell?

    • Dee says:

      That was so disrespectful to the family when this man is up their for killing their son. He is talking to mothers in this jury. That was not a good thing for West to have done, I don’t know what he was thinking about. This may have stopped them from really focusing on what he is saying, because Zimmerman is either trying to look sad or this man is putting him to sleep.

    • cielo62 says:

      Leander~ It’s supposed to mean that if you DON’T know George Zimmerman, then you qualify to be on the jury. NOT funny.


    • Malisha says:

      LeaNder, I didn’t get it either.
      Apparently it means that you would get on the jury if you never heard of George Zimmerman and thus had to ask “WHO?”

      It’s dumb.

    • LeaNder says:

      Thanks all, crazy, far worse than that, more like Dee suggests. Just as when Mom tries to express empathy and then grins, it may come back to haunt them. To follow up on expressing sadness with not even a good joke, rips the mask off what was said earlier. These jury members are no cabbages. It was also indirectly a very unfortunate way of telling them, if you knew him–or knew more about him?–You wouldn’t be allowed to be in here. And ironically the day ends with the jury not being allowed to learn more about the knock, knock, knocker? Interesting.

      Malisha, special thanks for letting me know you didn’t get it either, appreciate it. 😉

      Yes, cielo, not funny but showing their mindset. It will show more and more as we move on.

      This was not a bad day.

  504. Two sides to a story says:

    Here’s the family presser that a lot of us missed this AM

    • chi1224 says:

      Thank you

    • ay2z says:

      We, I think I can say this, all hold onto Trayvon’s smile too.

    • lady2soothe says:

      To Sybrina and Tracy: The prettiest smiles hide the deepest suffering. The prettiest eyes have cried the most tears, and the kindest hearts have felt the most misery. Your strength, perseverance, fortitude, courage and grace have been an example to everyone. May God continue to sustain you.

    • Yorazigo says:

      Thank you for posting. I missed seeing this interview this morning. Commendation to Ben Crump, Sybrina & Tracy – totally supportive of justice for Trayvon – their position simply stated, truthful, gracious, honorable, courageous and unswerving despite all of defense supporters’ efforts against them!!

  505. Dee says:

    Oh my goodness! Do you see the skies were over the court house. Looks like they are going to have seriously bad weather coming through, not a good sign for Zimmerman, a dark cloud covering him as well However, to me west is giving the prosecution an opening to tear their butt apart as well Alternatively, is that just what I want to see, I don’t know. However, he is wherein me out!! With all of this babbling that is not making any sense. He is trying to confuse the jury after that great opening that Jon Guy made. You know it bad when your own attorney is putting you asleep, George Zimmerman looks like is literally falling asleep. He already has ADD that why he couldn’t stay in that car that night, He like action.

  506. colin black says:

    ITS 6 PM IN UK what time is it in Florida now?

  507. dremn2004 says:


  508. annahkonda says:

    Don West needs to be admitted to a nursing home. Probably to the Dementia Unit. He does not know which way is up.

  509. crazy1946 says:

    I suppose the request from the defense to sequester the witnesses is another attempt to get the family of the victim out of the court room? I do hope that the state has provided protection for “DD”, she will need it with the tone from some of the Fogdoits fan sites…

    • groans says:

      It reminds me of when MOM asked for a gag order preventing any witnesses from talking to each other before trial. (And then he kept wanting to continue the trial.)

      I think I see a pattern recently. When JN pauses noticeably before responding to a request, she ends up ruling for the defense. She paused and even challenged MOM about tossing Crump out of the courtroom, but then she did. And now she’s got a long pause going on, so it doesn’t bode well for her decision after lunch.

      (There are lots of superstitions in the jury trial business, probably because people have learned that they can’t predict what will happen by relying on the law and reason!)

  510. colin black says:

    So whats for dinner raw liver for West an some fa fa beans

  511. BahamaMama says:

    Can this get any worse? West looks like a bumbling fool! Why is he trying the case in his opening statement?

  512. YQ says:

    FOGEN, this is really happening bruh. This ain’t “cops and robbers”, this is real. He is feeling it now.

  513. Sophia33 says:

    One of Zimmerman’s biggest supports on HP was saying how bad the prosecutions opening statement is. Now that says A LOT!

  514. bettykath says:

    does anyone have a link to the state’s opening? I had to go to car repair. got back in time to hear west. missed all else.

    • Leisa says:

      It is here further back in the thread.

    • groans says:

      Look upthread – someone posted Trent’s video. (Others will probably be posted later today / tonight.)

    • ic2fools says:


      I’m watching it now. I love watching Trent, but the audio is better at the above link.

      sorry Trent…

    • ic2fools says:

      @bettykath you will also find the complete upload of opening statements for State and Defense broken into parts,
      i.e. part 1 part,2, part 3. and so on…

      hope it helps :-).

    • Two sides to a story says:

      So far, I only know of Trent’s up – there will be clean copies up at other sources later today.

      Here’s Part 2 of Trent-s – I put Part 1 upthread.

    • bettykath says:

      thanks all! thanks trent!!

  515. Leisa says:

    It’s not normal to have all of this stuff presented during opening is it?

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Sure would have been lot more effective to simply do a simple 20-minute opening countering everything that Guy said – a narrative from defendant POV without all the bells and whistles. Leave the charts and diagrams for later. Talk about how the defendant had to defend himself, period. It would come off as more believable to the jury.

    • Rachael says:

      No. They whole idea of opening statements is to lay out your case that you will support later with facts. To do what he is doing will only confuse the jury and at the beginning, the judge stated not to take what the attorneys say as evidence – so basically, he has said nothing.

      He should have just laid out his case as strongly as possible in a way to hit it home with the jury and follow it up later as evidence because otherwise just said what he has said is meaningless at this point.

      What a waste of time and oxygen.

      • SoulSistaWoo says:

        I think West is taking this opening as an opportunity to present his false narritive at least twice and maybe again in closing… Banging the defense case into the minds of the jury.

      • gbrbsb says:

        No, No Rachael, not nothing, West said an awful lot… of bullshit!

    • Malisha says:

      ABNORMAL in the extreme.

  516. groans says:

    No hint from Guy that the State has any surprising, devastating evidence that we haven’t been privy to.

    • Puck says:

      GZ’s phone records and texts were sealed at the very beginning because they contained information prejudicial to his case. I think these will be used in the state’s rebuttal.

    • willisnewton says:

      I felt the same – but possibly the prosecution is holding back some ammo for rebuttal.

      • groans says:

        Does the State get a rebuttal OPENING statement?

      • Malisha says:

        The State would not even MENTION rebuttal in opening because the defense has not put on its case yet. You don’t want to show the defense WHERE your “disprove” holes are because that might help them create new stories to avoid the holes. REBUTTAL is the State’s secret weapon in a purported self-defense case.

  517. SearchingMind says:

    Professor, where are you? This is maddening. It seems West does not know what an opening statement means. It surely can’t get any worse.

  518. Sophia33 says:

    This is just bad. West is saying things that can be shot down. He is leaving out things. He is fumbling, stumbling, disorganized. Just bad.

  519. willisnewton says:

    West is putting forth a similar false narrative, similar but not the same mind you, that GZ presented to SPD.

    If the jury hears the evidence and witness testimony I think they ate going to hear I predict at least a manslaughter conviction.

    If the jury hears what I HOPE they hear I predict a murder 2 conviction.

    The defense is not eloquent. The defendant is not credible. His story is an obvious fabrication on many levels.

    • groans says:

      The defense just needs to give the jurors something to hang their hats on in the event they are not inclined to convict. (While, of course, poking holes in any evidence the State puts on.) The jurors get to decide who’s credible and they also might not give a hoot who’s eloquent.

      • Malisha says:

        I don’t think all six jurors can be fooled by an empty load of blah blah. If they want to hang their hat on something to acquit, it will take a lot more than this!

    • Malisha says:

      I think West’s entire production was for Outhousers and press; it had no value as an opening statement for the case itself.

  520. Wendie Dox says:

    what just happened? i went to pee and came back to the seal…

    • willisnewton says:

      Recess for lunch – west was about to speak on forensics – his opening unfinished

    • Malisha says:

      Now I spoke with two lawyers who are friends of mine. Both were astonished that Judge Nelson let West turn an opening statement into an open-ended asinine ramble. Neither thought it would do much good but both were amazed and had never heard an opening statement anything like that before.

  521. groans says:

    So far, West has been droning on with his own hearsay and opinion testimony for 1 hour 45 minutes. And apparently nowhere near being finished.

  522. bettykath says:

    West is firmly planting the idea of self-defense. He isn’t just talking about what the evidence will show, he is showing the evidence and commenting on it.

  523. colin black says:

    West is all over the place.

  524. Woow! says:

    I’m watching MOM before the opening statements began and it is as some predicted a few boards back. All that chest thumbing on compelling Crump to be deposed was BS. To this day he still has not taken his depo.

  525. ay2z says:

    West seems to be laying out the whole defense case in detail, so does this mean more or less likely, the defendant will testify? I think not.

  526. MichelleO says:

    You know, I’m just waiting for West to break out a storybook about the Three Little Bears and read it to the court.

  527. colin black says:

    lunch recess how long an hour?

  528. fauxmccoy says:

    tweet by charles blow (love this guy!)

    Charles M. Blow ‏@CharlesMBlow 18s

    Is the defense strategy “death by a thousand map?” I’m trying figure the strategy here… #Zimmerman

    • Two sides to a story says:


    • SoulSistaWoo says:

      Yes, I have respect for Charles Blow as a true and honest journalist… He broke this case nationally and has remained in contact with Sybrina Fulton and although he is a journalist, he refuses to reveal intimate conversations between the two. That says he has a lot of integrity as a human being and can sit aside the journalist in him, even if it cost him an exclusive.

  529. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    Zimmerman claimed that he was not following Trayvon, but West just said out his own mouth that Trayvon asked Zimmerman why are you following me, which is telling points to evidence that Zimmerman was following him.

  530. Nellie Nell says:

    Black eyes for work but later that day during reenactment the black eyes had cleared up??? Amazing healing powers he has!

  531. Puck says:

    Bailiff just brought a note from the jury to JN.

  532. groans says:


    I know nothing about criminal trial strategy, but I’ll take an ignorant stab at it, anyway.

    Rachel (DeeDee)?

  533. Dave says:

    That lady in pink looks like she wants to strangle West.

  534. gbrbsb says:

    So hold on… did GZ go to the doctor to get a back to work certificate or what because West just said he went to work to tell them he wasn’t going to be able to work… something doesn’t add up… what am I talking about, nothing of what West is saying adds up.

  535. Trained Observer says:

    If Fogen’s head got banged pretty hard on cement, as West claims, it must have been as a child, which might explain his high school academicperformance — a couple up from the bottom of a class of more than 300. .

  536. colin black says:

    He also claimed he was mugged but shot the mugger.

  537. Sophia33 says:

    Zimmerman didn’t have black eyes in the reenactment the next day.

    • bettykath says:

      the same day that west claims he had black eyes at work he didn’t have them at the walk-thru. if you want to get out of work b/c you’re sick, you look and sound sick when you call in. Why didn’t he call in? needing more witnesses to tell how horrible he looks? did he wear those ugly bandaids in to work?

  538. chi1224 says:

    The jury is probably wishing West would STFU!! His unending rambling nonsense is NOT evidence. SIT DOWN WEST!

  539. lurker says:

    Oh, I hope they question Shellie on exactly what sort of “nursing student” she was. And how she “fixed up” those injuries AFTER being seen by the PA. Just ask why she put knuckle bandages on his head.

    • jm says:

      If PA and EMS did not bandage GZ’s head why would ShelLIE?

      • Leisa says:

        So we could not see how “pathetic” his serious injuries really were. I bet she put dark eye shadow around his eyes before applying the big ass bandage in his unbroken nose! 😉

    • Leisa says:

      She is only a nursing assistant if I am not wrong. 2 years is 1/2 of the required 4 to be a nurse.

    • Dee says:

      I am so glad that crook got out of the room, because he lied already under oat and is not afraid to do it again. She shouldn’t even be in court period after they were caught lying to the court.

  540. amsterdam1234 says:

    The jury must be hating him by now.

  541. Sophia33 says:

    So GZ’s job supports the wannabe cop element?

  542. colin black says:

    Ha foggagge checked up on bad loans.

    He was an expert after all.

  543. smokeegyrl says:

    OGod I can’t listen to this man. He is giving their whole case…

  544. Dee says:

    He didn’t ask for a lawyer because he thought this cop were his friend he knew them from going to the police station. In Zimmerman mind he really thinks that he is apart of the police force. Look how sad he is trying to look, the state is about to eat him up, because he has lied so much. These cuts were done with the butt of his own gun I guarantee it. Everything is used by Zimmerman right hand that night even though he is left handed. Hum strange. if he was smart he would have told them his gun was own the left side of him he may have gotten away from it. The vertical cut or closer to the right side of his head as well, easy done to himself with his own gun, to make it look as though his head was being bashed against the side walk. Don West is just babbling he is trying to confuse the jury to put doubt in their minds but this will not work, because he is boring me, and I am sure after John Guy got to them all they are thinking is what he had said.

  545. MrSykes says:

    West: “Zimmerman went to work the next day to tell them he wasn’t going to work.” I can’t make this stuff up!

  546. but he still wanted to get paid so he was using his booboos!!lOLOL

    west is testifying in the trial again!!

  547. Dave says:

    GWOT reference.

  548. Rachael says:

    So that’s why Sr. said he heard GZ scream like that as a teenager? That why he was 315/317 in his graduating class – or did they just drop him on his head as a baby?

    And who bashed Mr. West’s head on concrete? He’s pretty scrambled up too.

    Bandaged it up? Oh hahahaha. Can’t wait for THAT!

  549. colin black says:

    Licanced officer forever or until he was sacked.

    • jm says:

      Good lord what does lots of air marshals because of awful things that happened have to do with the murder of Trayvon Martin by GZ? On top of the rambling, West’s voice annoys me. He sounds like he has a bad case of dry mouth.

  550. Dave says:

    Diagnosis from photographs!?!

  551. colin black says:

    The confessed murderer left a voicemail message on Frank Taafee’s answering machine a week or so after he murdered Trayvon saying, “I’m sorry about the lost of your son”.

    Thing is, Taafee’s son had been dead for a few years.

    Wonder if they’re going to play the tape?

    Yes as it proves foggagge can forsee future events ect.
    He was talking about F Taffes other son whom was about to die.

  552. lurker says:

    “When you get your bell rung, stuff happens.”


    • Malisha says:

      Well then we know that stuff’s gonna happen ’cause Fogen’s gettin’ his bell rung good now.

      BTW, when they played the scream tape, anybody get a good look at FOGEN’s face?

  553. Ms.X says:

    Red shirt, bottom, black shirt, top. Thats why the photos with the blood show it running toward the front of his head. We all know that blood defies gravity and drips up instead of down.

  554. Tzar says:

    he just lied in the opening
    no state expert agreed that Zimmerman’s head hit concrete

  555. disappointed says:

    big knots lumps ROFLMAO

  556. Two sides to a story says:

    I don’t know of any clean copies of opening up yet, but Trent’s is up. I’m playing into the first few minutes. So far, I don’t hear any comments from him.

  557. amsterdam1234 says:

    His nose was unbroken.

  558. Hi Fred, why are my posts not showing up?

  559. Nellie Nell says:

    So the defense is the same shit that they have been saying from the beginning? What a fool!

  560. colin black says:

    red shirt bottom black shirt top.

    Lack of D N A Trumps any thing a biased witness allegedly saw an then changed his mmind as to what he saw.

    • MedicineBear says:

      So does forensic evidence of blood trails going toward fogen’s chin and off the end of its snout. Unless their strategy is to convince six silly wimmins that gravity doesn’t exist (what does wimmins knows anyways but to make sammiches and fetch da beers?).

  561. Sleuth says:

    The confessed murderer left a voicemail message on Frank Taafee’s answering machine a week or so after he murdered Trayvon saying, “I’m sorry about the lost of your son”.

    Thing is, Taafee’s son had been dead for a few years.

    Wonder if they’re going to play the tape?

    • Leisa says:

      I have seen this posted before and I checked and his son was killed in August 2012.

      • Nef05 says:

        That’s the second son he lost. Sleuth is speaking of the first one.

      • Sleuth says:


        Yeah, I read about that one. I was referring to his youngest son, William who died a few years ago, I think in2008.

        William Taafee has a MySpace page in which he posted he loves committing hate crimes.

        Interestingly, William was also arrested for the same identical crime that the confessed murderer was arrested for, assault on ATF/LEO’s.

      • Malisha says:

        Leisa, that was his OTHER son. The one who died in the accident published an open repudiation of his father. Very VERY critical of Taaffe who was abusive and whose ex-wife and CHILDREN had protective orders out against him so much so that they had to have separate funerals for his first son, who seems to have died of a drug overdose years back. Totally describes his father as a liar, abuser, and someone “up to no good.” Also he was swaying.

    • Leisa says:

      He did lose a second son years before too.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Taafe lost a second son in an auto accident at the time.

  562. Wendie Dox says:

    this is unending… cant be right. I hope he totally lost the jury

  563. MrSykes says:

    I have a feeling with all this rambling West is eventually going to impeach his own client unwittingly.

  564. Tzar says:

    john good is going to get destroyed on the stand

    • what happened to their buddy the EMT guy who said his stupid head was 45% covered in blood?? did he change his mind about committing a felony fuckup again on nation wide tv for zimmy??

  565. colin black says:

    Washes up gets rid of evidence

  566. George Zimmerman Trial – Day 1 – Part 1 (Opening Statements)

  567. Rachael says:

    I am getting agitated.

  568. tonya B says:

    OMG west just lied big time Fogen refused going to the hospital

  569. Sleuth says:

    Now show the jury the pictures of him AFTER paramedics cleaned up the evidence.

  570. Sleuth says:

    No, he didn’t ask for a lawyer, he went into hiding so he couldn’t be arrested.

  571. lurker says:

    Witnesses all lawyered up–never seen anything like it. What is he implying.

  572. Leisa says:

    Takes any tests that are offered. He came soooo close.

  573. colin black says:

    Yup he gave as many staements an as many versions as they wanted.

  574. ay2z says:

    West just enters the ‘test’ into his opening… which we know was the voice stress test. (“he took any test that was offered).

  575. gbrbsb says:

    Will he say “possibly broken nose” or just “broken nose” ?

    OMG doesn’t say “broken nose”, after all this time saying a broken nose they get to court and don’t say it !!!

  576. disappointed says:

    Tremendous blows, now I have heard it all.

  577. disappointed says:

    The blood is glistening. Is Trayvon’s blood glistening?

  578. here we go! LOL pleaseeeeeee let this be the smack down for gz i’ve been waiting for!
    attack that fake pic!

    • gbrbsb says:

      In my professional opinion it is not fake and it has been accepted in evidence, so we best deal with it as is. If I had done a retouch of that kind GZ would have looked a whole lot more beat up than that.

      All that pic shows is a bump from walking into a tree that went down immediately, a nose bleed as a consequence of that, and a few scratches from the same walking into trees or bushes as Trayvon had no blood on his hands or under his fingernails.

      • from my untrained eye. i know it’s touched. you can check the pics again on my page if you click my name. it’s a terrible job and i really can’t wait to see if the state had it checked.
        and i’m not sure if it is in evidence yet is it? just because they showed it?

        WTF did he just say???what??? the state says his stupid head banged on cement????????

      • MedicineBear says:

        Plus, all the blood trails are evidence that FOGEN was on top — back-of-head ketchup…er…blood running toward chin and blood drip on tip of nose. It’s forensic evidence that disproves defense’s lie that fogen was lying on his back. He was lying (still is) just not on his back.

      • Dave says:

        Whether it’s fake or not, we don’t really know when it was taken. It wasn’t turned in until a month after the crime.

      • Malisha says:

        Nothing has been accepted into evidence yet; that happens during the evidentiary phase of trial, still coming up. It can be in the “evidence dumps” and still not make it in.

        I remember what O’Mara said when ABC first showed that pix:

        The defense does not know IF or HOW it will use that picture.

        • gbrbsb says:

          IMBW but I’d stake my reputation as a professional that if is is not accepted it will be for some other reason, not because it’s for fake. But more worry, how can they use if not accepted yet. They discussed numbering on Saturday and IIUC JN agreed with both sides they were not going to have to present everything to the clerk for numbering etc.

          Completely different system here. Evidence both sides has to be delivered 4 copies or more to court several days prior all lettered and numbered.

  579. colin black says:

    Fogen seriously looks drugged to me.

    yup diazipan /valium

  580. ay2z says:

    Trayvon well over 6′ tall (???) compared to the store clerk who was 5 foot 10″ tall…. photo from an uber wide angle store security video lens– can’t compare the two ‘side by side’ on a wide angle video with one person closer to the lens than the other”

    • standingwave says:

      Exactly, it’s all about perspective. Stick to the facts, Mr. West. 5-11, 158 lb is indeed skiinny compared to 5′8″ 200 lb (Sanford PD Offense Report, the night of the shooting)

  581. lurker says:

    If he’s 5’11” he’s 5’11”

    Doesn’t matter what he’s wearing. West said he was wearing shoes and a hoodie so he was well over 6′.

  582. Dave says:

    Chad had headphones on and didn’t hear the commotion. Therefore he couldn’t have heard Trayvon, who didn’t have a key, if he knocked on the door. That would explain whyhe didn’t grt into the house.

  583. Sophia33 says:

    A 158 pounds at 5’11’ is’t skinny?! WHAT?!

  584. chi1224 says:

    Fogen seriously looks drugged to me.

  585. colin black says:

    Sophia33 says:

    June 24, 2013 at 11:10 am

    This is crazy. West has skipped over the actual confrontation

    No Trayvon done the SKIPPING that night.

  586. Sleuth says:

    The zidiots and the defense seem to think Trayvon was so closed to home, about 60 yards away, and for some strange, unknown reason, SPD could not walk that distance to Ms. Green’s house and knock on the door and show them the picture.

    • KittySP says:

      @sleuth – OK! that’s been my issue with SPD…so in response to West statement of him not being identified for lack of trying…it was lack of trying!

    • kllypyn says:

      he was 360ft from home when he was would have taken him 2.1/2 minutes to walk home if he had been left alone.

  587. lurker says:

    Rambling all around.

    “We’ll talk about that later.”

    “We’ll talk about that in a few moments.”

  588. KittySP says:

    RZ Jr., that sure is some secret weapon you got there!

  589. ladystclaire says:

    These folks on HLN, are acting as if this is a sporting event.

    • looolooo says:

      Don’t they always? Notice that InSession isn’t following this case AT ALL! And Ms. Grace has been suspiciously distracted by other, lesser know matters. One time obvious Trayvon supporter, Vinnie Politan has been very vague about who he now suupports. Mike Brooks has made it crystal clear that he supports fogen 100%! Even CNN’s livestream app isn’t streaming this case. Casey Anthony and Jodi Arias sure got their attention. Why the difference with this case?

      • Malisha says:

        Mel Brooks supporting Homie Fogen is not even a surprise. Mel Brooks who calls a cop an antisemitic epithet and who adds a demeaning sexualized misogynistic term. Should it surprise anybody that he has the identical personality disorder as a child-murderer? Fogen might have been able to confine himself to nasty rhetoric and shameful verbalizations if he had been rich and famous. The fact that he was an utter failure led him to experience the need to KILL an “inferior” to prove his own alleged worth.

  590. Nef05 says:

    What happened to all that B-grade movie dialogue and night of the living dead cussing and fussing the corpse did, West?

  591. Leisa says:

    Oh I have the answer to anyone who says Fogen’s family had to hide because they were afraid and have received death threats. I find it odd that Casey Anthony’s parents still live in their house and did not go into hiding. You can’t tell me that trial was any less emotionally charged than this one. Nobody gives a damn about his family one way or the other.

  592. Sophia33 says:

    This is crazy. West has skipped over the actual confrontation.

  593. colin black says:

    ay2z says:

    June 24, 2013 at 11:07 am

    West “Somebody keeps moving my stuff, sorry”

    “your honour…. ” (state)



    Chain it up like your client did to his stuff.

    Shot didn’t penetrate his HEART

    It turned it into mincemeat.

  594. Sleuth says:

    IIRC, there was a Canadian resident who stated she SAW him in the back seat of police car. She said the confessed murderer was only wearing a beige shirt and jeans.

  595. Tzar says:

    Damn they let nose the picture in

  596. dianetrotter says:

    If your head is being pounded, there would be interruption or jerky sound to the screams. West didn’t mention “You gon die tonight mofo.”

  597. Tzar says:

    West is approaching senility
    he ruminates and tangents unintentionally and while taking great effort not to.

  598. tonya B says:

    extra strong trigger puller aye west ……….. that just goes to prove that he wasn’t near death because he wouldn’t have been able to pull the trigger esp if he was almost a vegetable

  599. Sleuth says:

    He just said it. The Kel-tec has tons of recoil.

    • Malisha says:

      Strange that when Serino interviewed Fogen three times he never asked him about the recoil on his kal-tec. Hmmm.

  600. Rachael says:

    “As long as you’re responsible.”

  601. ay2z says:

    West “Somebody keeps moving my stuff, sorry”

    “your honour…. ” (state)


  602. disappointed says:

    Holster no big deal. Why not tell him the location of the holster?

  603. parrot says:

    Z shows his impatience when the State just made an objection.

  604. “Someone keeps moving my stuff”

    Romper Court…. 😐

  605. Sophia33 says:

    West: Someone keeps moving my stuff.

  606. Sleuth says:

    And Ofc. Smith arrived first, but took his sweet time getting over to where the murder took place.

    • Dave says:

      It was prudent to wait for backup when approaching a killer.

      • Sleuth says:

        Think we all know that, at least I do. Ofc. T. Smith had been called to RATL by the confessed murderer 3x in the previous 3 weeks prior to Trayvon’s murder. Sgt. Raimondo sure didn’t seem to have any trouble finding his way.

  607. Nef05 says:

    “Flat affect” – code word for the psychologist, they had the juror “knowing his name” issue. Now we know what he’s on the list for.

  608. gbrbsb says:

    Always wondered… Is there any forensic evidence for his beaten butt ?

    • Trained Observer says:

      Don’t recall seeing any photos of his black and blue moon.

      (possibility makes me queasy 🙂 )

  609. Woow! says:

    W just said Fogen got his butt beat!! really, I don’t know any grown man that would admit a teen kicked his butt.

    • Malisha says:

      Since a guy Fogen’s size would not GET his butt beat by a teen-ager. And any teen-ager would know it, just looking at him at his 205-pound tugboat posture. I’m not buying that Trayvon Martin was a complete idiot; he wasn’t 315 out of 317 in his class, either.

      • concernedczen says:

        and how was GZ soft when he was a former bouncer? They don’t usually hire “soft” people for those kinds of jobs.

  610. disappointed says:

    Squatter running around playing cops and robbers and he was so drugged up and drunk he did NOT know what Sate he was in. And this is the person the neighbors called if there was trouble? GREAT.

  611. amsterdam1234 says:

    We don’t need witnesses. West knows what they actually saw.

  612. MrSykes says:

    I think this is the first time ever that West actually uttered the words, “What the evidence will show…”

  613. Sleuth says:

    Johnathan also asked the confessed murderer if he used a 9mm or 40. He never said the confessed murderer was staggering.

  614. Two sides to a story says:

    Flat affect 24 and 7.

  615. Rachael says:

    Good Mr. West – highlight what murder is once again. Thank you!!

  616. parrot says:

    Vitals don’t lie.

  617. ay2z says:

    West “he was beating me up so I shot him”

    ‘breathing hard, getting his butt beat.. then suddenly calm”

    Ok– “he probably ddin’t now what state he was in, much less his emotional state.”

  618. What was fogen just writing?

    “Goodbye cruel world”?

  619. Unabogie says:

    Does anyone have a video of Jon Guy doing the opening statement?

  620. Woow! says:

    I wonder of Jon’s testimony will match what W just said.

  621. lurker says:

    West is just making stuff up as he goes along, isn’t he?

  622. colin black says:

    yes he took a picture of georges head hith his cell phone

    a picture with foggagges head with his cell phone to his ear.

  623. Rachael says:

    Why would there be? USE YOUR HEAD!!!

    I’ll repost from yesterday:

    YQ – did you see LLMPapa’s video down aways? You really don’t need an expert.

    GZ said he couldn’t breath because he was being suffocated by Trayvon. You yourself said there are texbooks on human sound. So I’m sure you understand the physiology inovlved. If you are being suffocated, you can’t get air in, you can’t get air out. Therefore, you can’t scream. So how was GZ screaming?

    The same thing works with the gunshot. You shoot someone in the heart and lung and their lungs collapse, you may get some sound of whatever air is left coming out, but not being able to get any air in or air out, the screaming would stop.

    How is it GZ was screaming while being smothered and Trayvon stopped screaming once shot?

    Does that REALLY take an expert?

    GET IT MR WEST???!!!!

  624. amsterdam1234 says:


  625. gbrbsb says:

    He’s given the exact same story as they have distributed to the press, nurtured in the treehouse and other blogs.

  626. Sleuth says:

    FAILING BIG TIME! Can’t wait to hear the witnesses, especially Johnathan. Can’t wait to see if he still has the same testimony.

  627. lurker says:

    Jonathon just decided to take a picture.

  628. ay2z says:

    West illustrates nicely, that fogen was thinking about himself with “am I bleeding”?

  629. colin black says:

    Why would there be cries for HELP?


    No need for cries for help antmore


    How can he get away with saying that?

  630. Woow! says:

    Unbelievable, JN should put a stop to this.

  631. ay2z says:

    Jurors will have all these notes to fall back on. Hope they remember it is not EVIDENCE until it comes into trial by witnesses under oath.

  632. disappointed says:

    Struggled to his feet. Killing me with the mis-truths. Must be related to the Anthony family.

  633. Yamiche Alcindor : People in the public seating area are wiping their faces. That 911 call’s effect is lingering in the courtroom atmosphere.

  634. Leisa says:

    Here comes the picture of the bloody head…

  635. lurker says:

    He “struggled to his feet?”

    Seems there is a witness who says he jumped up.

  636. Sophia33 says:

    When you are on trial for second degree murder and your attorney is even boring you, you are in trouble. Zimmerman looks like he is nodding off.

  637. amsterdam1234 says:

    The prosecution is going to kill West with this. They are going to show West is lying about what a witness said with the witness himself.

  638. Sleuth says:

    He’s gone on much longer than Guy did. Why?

  639. MrSykes says:

    The dejected look on Fogen’s face tells me that he regrets not having plead guilty.

  640. Yamiche Alcindor-USATODAY reporter:

    Jurors looking upset during screams and gun shot.

  641. lurker says:

    No more cries for help–why would there be?

    Well, Z, claims that he was asking for help to restrain.

  642. ay2z says:

    West just knocked ‘he was smothering me’ out of commission.

  643. Nef05 says:

    This was such a bad idea. The minute the prosecution examines John and he tells the jury that he didn’t see all that, the jury is going to know BARD, that the defense straight up lied to their faces!

  644. Judy75201 says:

    Why would there be? Because fogen said he thought he missed him!

    • Judy75201 says:

      Sorry, this was in response to West saying that fogen stopped screaming because there was no more need (paraphrase).

    • Ms.X says:

      He also said he was trying not to shoot his hand, which supports the prosecution saying he was shot @ point blank range.

  645. Ms.X says:

    Why are they letting West introduce all this unsubstantiated hearsay? This is crazy.

  646. disappointed says:

    Trayvon Martin kept hitting. Hitting with what? No blood or dna on Trayvon’s HANDS!

  647. chi1224 says:

    Trayvon Martin kept on hitting….. omg there is NO DNA you dumbfuck!

  648. Sleuth says:

    And I believe John bust the confessed murderer on his big azz head. The confessed murderer states he SAW John come out, and said John would not help him.

    Yep, John changed his story and said he did not see anyone going MMA style on anyone. And never heard anything that sounded remotely to anyone having their head banged on concrete. He said what he saw taking place, was taking place on the grass.

    Stop deliberately getting it twisted Wiester.

  649. FactsFirst says:

    ***West opening statement***
    “Knock, knock. Who’s there? George Zimmerman. George Zimmerman who? You’re on the jury”


  650. Sophia33 says:

    This is bad.

  651. Two sides to a story says:

    Red actually looks gray in the dark until you shine a light on it – depends upon how keen your vision is.

  652. colin black says:

    Yes foggagge knows all about mma.

    Jon bs that he has already withdrawn is being used in opening statements?

  653. lurker says:

    Ground impound and fists striking blows? Ummmm, I don’t that is going to be his testimony.

  654. disappointed says:

    He is using testimony that has been recanted?

  655. Tzar says:

    again with the recanted testimony

  656. ay2z says:

    For safety reasons, hunters should always wear red to be noticed by other hunters. Not that they do, but an extra safety conscious ‘hunter’ would do, like a hunting NW person out to stop a f’n co… punk from getting away this time.

  657. Rachael says:

    Yeah – like the person you are defending who was working out in a MMA gym maybe?

  658. Nef05 says:

    If he says “MMA”, I’m going to scream very loud!

  659. colin black says:

    yup West most people in that gated community can clearly see colours.

    especialy colours of peoples SKIN.

  660. lurker says:

    Clearly see colors? Sorry West–you just showed people how dark it was. First think you lose in low light is colors.

  661. gbrbsb says:

    How long can West take ? He’s already tripled or quadrupled the prosecutions opening.

    • Rachael says:

      THAT’s the strategy. Of course they won’t remember a think West said – but because he takes so long, they won’t remember the defense’s opening argument either – except to know that it wasn’t long, boring and starting with a bad joke.

  662. Rachael says:

    I wonder how much the prosecution paid West to be onboard with them. Dang.

  663. colin black says:

    Jon GOOD

    Jonny be good on the stand an tell the truth.

  664. Sleuth says:

    John is not the only person who SAW, so did witness #14, who ran back inside with his dog after he SAW a person on the ground yelling for help.

  665. Tzar says:

    West does not come off as credible

  666. colin black says:

    No West no one is following what you mean.
    Not even the defendant is going in the same direction as you.

  667. lurker says:

    He is telling that there are other witnesses–but they are just wrong.

    Again–bad debate strategy. Don’t outline the other side’s case for them.

  668. amsterdam1234 says:

    I can’t believe that West can make things worse than GZ himself.

  669. Rachael says:

    So WHAT? WHAT IS your point?

  670. ay2z says:

    Woah, did he just say it couldn’t happen that way because she saw it after the shot when “GEORGE ZIMMERMAN WAS ON TOP OF HIM”?


    And did he just say ‘she (Jane S) did not see a muzzle blast”? Does he realize what he just said? Supports the muzzle being pushed into Trayvon’s chest.

    • ay2z says:

      She didn’t see a flash in the blackness because why? Because the gun was too close, and possibly the hooded sweatshirt was gathered in the left fist of Z, and blocked any flash, even ishe could have seen the gun go off.

  671. diary73 says:

    West: “I don’t know if you are following what I mean…”

  672. Puck says:

    “I’m not trying to jump ahead too much” – STFU you hack.

  673. Sleuth says:

    Jane is witness #18? Lady getting ready to walk her dog. Who saw, and heard groan, moans, and gurling. She also heard John witness #6 say he was calling 911.

    Hell no, there not following anything you say, except your many inconsistencies.

  674. KittySP says:

    Lord he’s putting his own client to sleep.

  675. diary73 says:

    What is West doing? He is helping the state! Does he even know how inept he appears? What is his point? Now he is saying that witnesses were wrong??????

  676. Ms.X says:

    Lying in wait is different than HIDING. If the shooter was yelling, he would keep yelling after the shot something like, OH MY GOD! I SHOT HIM! CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE!

  677. Nef05 says:

    If I was on the jury I’d be ready to strangle this guy by now. What did JN say, “Get to the POINT!”

  678. Brandy says:

    OMG! Like a grown man with a gun is going to be screaming for help like that! are you fricken kidding me!!!

  679. colin black says:

    Yes West those were the screams of someone fearing for there life.

    And there was only one person whom feared for an lost there life.

    State rests

  680. Rachael says:

    Yes, someone desperately needing help before they got shot!!!! And you KNOW that because Jeremy wants someone there NOW. Because he KNOWS someone is going to get shot and YOU, Mr. West, just very nicely pointed that out to the jury in your opening statement.

    Thank you.

  681. disappointed says:

    Stopped it before the operator asked do you hear the screaming anymore?

  682. Sleuth says:

    We can clearly hear Trayvon begging for his life. “I’m begging you”. Oh how I wish his parents didn’t have to hear that. Their child last cries.

    Lord, be with them.

    • Rachael says:

      No kidding. Shows how much they love Trayvon and believe in justice to put themselves through this. I’m not really a “God person,” but God be with them and bless them. I don’t know how I could do it.

      • Sleuth says:

        Rachel, that’s okay. Ms. Fulton is a Christian who has a strong faith in God, and so do I. And it’s times like this that our faith and beliefs are challenged, but at the same time we learn to rely on God’s favor and strength, and humble ourselves before Him.

        I don’t profess to speak for Ms. Fulton, but I think I can comfortably say, she knows that people from all walks of life, various religious backgrounds, and ethnic groups, believers in God, and non-believers are praying, sending love, light, healing, etc. for her family regardless. And I am sure she appreciates it all the same.

        This trial is not about religion or national origins, but equal and fair justice under the laws of this land. This cause is for all the black, white, brown, red, and yellow Trayvon’s of this country. They are all God’s children.

        I appreciate everything you’ve done on this journey for the purpose of seeking justice for Trayvon.

        God uses ordinary people to carry out His will. He used a liar, Jacob, who became father of a nation. Who used a harlot, Rahab, to assist Joshua.

        And whether you realize it or not, God chose YOU, and is using you too for a time a time such as this. I can’t think of a higher calling, and you my friend, answered the call. For that, I say thank you.

        Just keep thinking about what LLMPapa said in the Father’s Day video, “It’s going to be all right”.

        Keep the faith, and be very blessed. 🙂

    • cielo62 says:

      Sleuth~ Truth. Strength and comfort to them.


    • SoulSistaWoo says:

      We will continue to pray and send out positive thoughts and energy to the family of Trayvon… and may our words of prayer and positive thoughts continue to strengthen the Trayvon Martin’s family.

    • breelee says:

      Someone tweeted Sabrina ran out, poor thing. Also that E-6 is really straining to see all pictures. One alternate keeps yawning.

  683. ipadbeau says:

    setting the groundwork for the “ineffective assistance of counsel” grounds for appeal.

  684. Sophia33 says:

    “The screaming over and the shot has been fired.” Seriously? He just proved that Trayvon was screaming. OMH.

  685. colin black says:

    Gunshot screaming stops .

    Once heard is enough West.

  686. SoulSistaWoo says:

    OMG… West is a FOOL! He is giving the jury multiple opportunities to hear the 911 call w/the screams… Um Lovin It!

    He really thinks women are illogical idiots and will not take the time to digest that call and all the possibilities or non-possibilities!

  687. Two sides to a story says:

    I missed West’s opening bomb and just watched at GG – check out BDLR and Guy in the background.

  688. chi1224 says:

    I’m glad the jury heard Trayvon screaming right off the bat

  689. Nef05 says:

    Somebody needs to “help” his azz find an opening statement, ’cause this is WHACK!

  690. Sleuth says:

    Did y’all just here that? The Wiester just outted his own client about the gun.

  691. Woow! says:

    I am in disbelief that MOM let W present opening statements. I am really beginning to wonder if this has been a charade by MOM to get quick money because he has done absolutely nothing to defend this guy although there is no defense to present.

    A good lawyer would have advised his client to take a plea by now.

  692. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:


  693. “Digress for a moment”…….DUDE all U been doin’ is digressing

  694. willisnewton says:

    west: “i’ll digress for just a moment” lol

  695. Sleuth says:

    Me thinks The Wiester has been dipping into his clients meds. I’m just sayin’.

    He is so confused, and must be confusing the hell out of the jurors. No surprise though.

    Sit him down already.

  696. Rachael says:

    GOD – I want to reach through my monitor and grab him by the neck.

  697. disappointed says:

    Is this seriously the BEST they could do? I mean SERIOUSLY? 16 months and this is what they come out swinging with?

    • chi1224 says:

      They never had a case they could work with, all they had was racist hype and Fogen’s lies. That is the truth of the matter. I’m just glad it’s coming through loud and clear.

    • ic2fools says:

      Okay! So what happened to ‘you got a problem homie? Unhuh, all that time defense has been pushing a lie.

      well then John Good ay, well John Good did bad…

  698. colin black says:

    The gunshot tape about to be played….

  699. parrot says:

    Did he just say thirty seconds between the end of Rachel’s call and the beginning of the 911 call?

    • disappointed says:

      I think that is what Mr Guy also said.

      • concernedczen says:

        That doesn’t help the defense. So supposedly a life-threatening fight occurred for about 1 minute’s time and George just had to shoot the kid. He couldn’t protect himself without a gun for 60 seconds or so?

  700. chi1224 says:

    wtf this is beyond bad

  701. parrot says:

    West: “I’m trying to remember.” Hahahahaha!

    • ay2z says:

      he reminds jurors to note this and note that, you know, because it is evidence, what he says.

      Interesting that he now gives the gentle Rachel, credibility as to what she heard. What the heck happened to ‘You got a problem, Homie??” (with or without homie, that was his story. Add ‘you do now.” to that.

      None of which gentle Rachel heard, according to West. Poor fogen’s number is up.

      • parrot says:

        That’s what I meant, ay2Z. He’s corroborating Rachel!!
        He’s admitting it took the 30 seconds plus the 45 or so seconds into the 911 call for Z to kill Trayvon!

  702. Rodlen says:

    Does anyone actually understand West?

    Will he ever shut up?

  703. diary73 says:

    Again, is this an opening statement?????

  704. willisnewton says:

    someone please get screenshots of these defense exhibits

    • gbrbsb says:

      But we don’t really see them willis, they’re always facing the jury whenever I look ! Hope they will film them front on during the trial.

  705. Puck says:

    “Why are you following me for?” was NOT the last thing DeeDee heard – it was “What are you doing around here?”

  706. Rachael says:

    I don’t care how it fits together, I want you to tell me how it shows that Trayvon ATTACKED GZ? And how the hell would Trayvon know GZ was following him unless he was? I mean how could he “lie in wait” if GZ wasn’t out there? If he had gone back to his truck. Are you trying to prove the state’s case? Go ahead. Fine with me.

  707. willisnewton says:

    evidence map photo annotated

  708. colin black says:

    Asking a reasonable question is confronting some one?

  709. disappointed says:

    Zimmerman never told the police that WEST! Trayvon’s opening line was you gotta problem homie?

  710. Sophia33 says:

    The last thing she heard was Zimmerman saying ‘What are you doing around here?”

  711. parrot says:

    No, West, she also heard Z’s response: “What are you doing around here?”

  712. Tzar says:


  713. Dave says:

    GZ looks lijke he KNOWS that he’s screwed.

  714. colin black says:

    Trayvon had plenty of time?

    Deffendant had even more time to return to his truck.

  715. Nef05 says:

    What happened to “You got a problem, Homie?”

  716. willisnewton says:

    here he goes… west says “TM decided to confront”

    “choosing not to do that, either left and went back or just hid”

  717. Did I just hear

    “I’ll use my words”?….WTF?


  718. lurker says:

    Had plenty of time to go home–who cares? No law says he had to go straight home.

    • Malisha says:

      No law said he even had to HAVE a home. Fogen wouldn’t have been allowed to kill him even if he were HOMELESS.

      This is about still trying to blame Trayvon for getting killed, as if we should presume that the KILLING part of this was a perfectly natural default setting for any wannabe.

  719. gbrbsb says:

    He just tried to confuse the jury mixing up premeditated murder with M… didn’t he ?

  720. Woow! says:

    Law schools are going to use MOM and W as examples to teach their students how not to put on a trial. These jokers are the laughing stock of the legal community.

  721. Sleuth says:

    They are going to have to lower his dosage of medication if he keeps dozing off through the trial.

    He has certainly lost that pep he had in his step for the last 2 weeks.

  722. colin black says:

    Rachel Gentell gonna tell


  723. Ty Flair says:

    The defense got fogen money from these raciest donors,drug fogen up and spend the hell out of that money. They have no case.

  724. Michael Stewart says:

    Think Progress:

    George Zimmerman’s Lawyer Opens Trial With A Knock-Knock Joke

    What a freaking disaster for the defense.

    • Malisha says:

      I don’t even effin GET the knock knock joke!

      Try these:

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      A suspicious guy.
      A suspicious guy WHO?
      A suspicious guy who’s gonna get killed.

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      A guy who looks like he’s up to no good.
      A guy who looks like he’s up to no good WHO?
      A guy who looks like he’s up to no good other than creating a scheme team to railroad a good guy.

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      These assholes.
      These assholes who?
      No, these assholes WHAT? These assholes they always get away.

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      Hoodie WHO?
      Hoodie who’s gonna make you wish you never killed

  725. lurker says:

    Love the pic from later on showing darkness. Sun goes down at 4:30 in February?

    • standingwave says:

      Sunset was at 6:23pm that evening. Civil twilight ended at 6:46pm, nautical twilight at 7:14pm.

    • Yorazigo says:

      Clouds and rain would have lessened amount of light, and it would have been dark earlier than normal. Dark with no street lighting is VERY DARK.

  726. Nef05 says:

    Does West not know the jury is going to hear all that slurring in this audio and realize he’s wasted?

  727. colin black says:

    Attends self defence fighting gym for 18 mnths an still couldn’t defend himself against A SKINNY CHILD

    Without shooting him through the HEART whilst he had him in wrist lock/

    • Malisha says:

      All that time on his back being beaten, not once did he try to use his hands to push, punch, hold, slap, or unbalance Trayvon; not once did he try to use his hands to cover his own face, peel Trayvon’s fingers off his head, disengage Trayvon’s hands from smothering him, or deliver a karate chop to Trayvon’s midriff. He just lay there making sure not to get any defensive wounds until it was time to remember he had a gun.

  728. Dave says:

    West is going to drag this out as long as possible and try to keep the jurors’ minds occupied trying to follow what he’s saying and off of Mr. Guy’s Opener.

  729. Rachael says:

    Yeah, whenver someome so susupcious I have to call the police comes to check me out, I ALWAYS get out of my car to see where they’re going.

  730. Yorazigo says:

    They’re putting on their “no money” show with these exhibits!

  731. willisnewton says:

    west hasnt yet said which way the truck was allegedly facing.

  732. MrSykes says:

    Are you kidding me? Re-playing the NEN call????

  733. Rachael says:

    And if it was so dark, how could GZ later say he “felt” Trayvon “SAW” his gun.

    Thanks for pointing that out West.

  734. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    My live stream is cutting in and out, but from what I can hear, West’s opening statement sounds absolutely ridiculous. Am I missin any good points presented by him or is all jumbled confusing bullshit?

  735. willisnewton says:

    what photo is he showing?

  736. Two sides to a story says:

    Is Fogen falling asleep? LOL!

  737. colin black says:

    Yup then drugs are kicking in foggagge seems to wnt a nap.

  738. amsterdam1234 says:

    There you have it, what was the kid doing outside.

  739. willisnewton says:

    here it comes. “Trayvon had time to go home” red herring.

    • KittySP says:

      and in that same instance GZ had time to return to his vehicle.

      • KittySP says:

        just because GZ did walk through going towards the ‘T’ doesn’t mean that was the route he took. He wouldn’t incriminate himself by revealing the way he actually went.

  740. Two sides to a story says:

    Damn, he’s putting all sorts of words in Fogen’s mouth. I know West is just narrating the story, but still, prosecution can easily refute many things he’s saying.

  741. amsterdam1234 says:

    It is even better when West tells it.

  742. willisnewton says:

    unless you have memorized the name of (the only three streets there are)

  743. Rachael says:

    Good God, he’s even putting the defendant to sleep. I know he’s been kinda sleepy all along, but you would think today of all days he’d be wide awake.

    • MrSykes says:

      Yep. He was noticeably more alert during Guy’s opener. Worried even.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Yes,did you see Fogen lick his lips a minute ago? He must be feeling like a trapped animal having to suffer through this embarrassment being presented, of you want to call it that, on his behalf.

  744. Beverly says:

    Im not watching; just here. Can anyone see O’M and how he is responding?

  745. colin black says:

    Foggagge looks to be on diazipan /vallium.

    • Malisha says:

      My guess too, Colin. 5 milligram t.i.d. prn being scared to death because you’re gonna go to prison.

  746. Sleuth says:

    The confessed murderer is looking as though he doesn’t remember any of that shyte The Wiester is talking about.

    The zidiot is thinking, “Duh, I thought her name was DD. You mean I sent my homies after the wrong person? Why you keep calling her Rachel”?

  747. tonya B says:

    why did west mention that trayvon and chad was home alone?????? brandy green is a good friend of mine we grew up together since elementary she has always been a great friend to me it hurts to hear these people trying to make her out to be a bad person she is in fact one of the sweetest people you could meet…..

    • chi1224 says:

      I’m sure she is Tonya, don’t worry West’s tactics here are not working. If anything he pointed out that Trayvon was a child! But certainly old enough to be home alone, that point will not be lost on these mothers on the jury!

    • Sleuth says:

      Still looking at a map and don’t know where the hell he is. The confessed murderer only 3 streets to memorize.

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      That info was irrelevant considering 16 and 17 year olds can babysit.

    • Nef05 says:

      He;s mistaken his audience. The jury is mothers. 17 yr olds are more than old enough to stay with a 12 yr old, and we all know it. No worries for Brandy.

      • bettykath says:

        babysitting is the primary “occupation” of 15-17 year olds, especially girls. The age of the babysitter depends on the age/s of the child/ren, how many are to be watched, and how well they behave with a sitter. 2-year old twin boys might need 2 babysitters! lol

    • Sophia33 says:


      Please tell Brandy that we know better.

    • Sleuth says:

      Pay him no mind, he’s just making up shyte as he goes along. It’s his job to make the attorney’s for Trayvon look bad. We all know he is lying. He can’t even keep his train of thought,

      To my knowledge, it was well within Florida law for Trayvon and Chad to be left home alone.

      I got that same impression as you have about Ms. Green. I sweet lady who cared dearly about Trayvon.

    • gbrbsb says:

      I think he mislead saying Trayvon was “hanging out” with a 12 year old because I thought Trayvon was baby sitting chad?

      Anyway “thugs” don’t “hang out” with 12 year olds!

      • tonya B says:

        this guy is nuts…….. trayvon was trying to get back home to watch the allstar bball game

      • Malisha says:

        12-year-olds actually baby-sit. And they dog-walk. Alone. On rainy evenings. And they go to 7-11 alone too. And they walk home. Where West lives, maybe they don’t because they’re always afraid, so they don’t go out alone until they’re 18 and can get a CCW license!

    • cielo62 says:

      tonya~ because the defense has done that with EVERYBODY associated with this case. INCLUDING Trayvon supporters.


    • ay2z says:

      because Trayvon was bad guy leaving kid alone.

  748. Rachael says:

    No, GZ did NOT stop 1) because you can hear that he didn’t stop and 2) because he told Serino that he wasn’t following, he was going in the same direction. he admitted it.

  749. Tzar says:

    Man…wtf is this bullshit?

    • willisnewton says:

      chewbacca defense. google it. Sowing massive bullshit and confusion for the purpose of obfuscation of real facts.

      • fauxmccoy says:

        we called him ‘chew-bacco’ in our house, cause of the wookie hair that looked like it was stained with tobacco juice … works well here too 😉

      • Malisha says:


        Defense = ambiguity, confusion, complexity

        Complexity = “here’s a map and blah blah blah”
        Confusion = hand, waistband, numbers, addresses, phone calls
        Ambiguity = to thug or not to thug, that is the question

    • MrSykes says:

      He’s just rehashing the NEN call. He has no case.

  750. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Haha…GZ stopped. If that’s the case, Trayvon Martin would be alive.

  751. Puck says:

    AC’s eye rolls and expression are awesome.

  752. ay2z says:

    What?? West just added yet another version, Trayvon was ‘staring’ at him with hand in waistband at the dogwalk after Trayvon had already run away back behind houses. In the pitch black. ‘Staring at him and hand in waistband at the T area??? Where he parked his car after leaving the clubhouse and going east on ttl? What an idiot.

  753. Two sides to a story says:

    ZZZzzzzzzzz. *snores*

  754. Ms.X says:

    Objection! We don’t know for sure if Tray had his hand in his waistband. He had on a hoodie with a pouch, so most likely he had his hand in his pouch. Hearsay, no proof.

    • ay2z says:

      What we know, is this is a NEW version of where fogen was and Trayvon was, completely new and in a different place.

    • Nef05 says:

      I agree, it was cool and rainy that night. Every reason to have your hand in a warm fleece pocket.

    • Malisha says:

      I don’t think he had his hand either in his waistband OR his pocket; Fogen’s account of what happened is not to be trusted about ANY details.

  755. fauxmccoy says:

    if i had a gas oven, i’d be sticking my head in it about now, just to make the bad thing stop.

  756. colin black says:

    West forgot the skipping an the doubleing back an circleing


  757. Wendie Dox says:

    did I read somewhere that he was a family law lawyer?

  758. MrSykes says:

    I almost want to be convinced that this guy is a stealth attorney for the state. Hard to believe that someone can be this bad except on purpose. My goodness.

  759. amsterdam1234 says:

    They need the clubhouse videos. They show Trayvon had to pass GZ’s car to get home.

    • willisnewton says:

      also the map GZ marked shows this. Also W8s intrerview w Crump shows the car to pedestrian chase. Also the NEN call can only be reconciled with the middle position parked facing the kiosk

  760. Sleuth says:

    But wait until witness #8 start talking about this creeping looking man following Trayvon. Can’t wait.

  761. Trained Observer says:

    West talks about a car door … was it not a schruck?

  762. Boyd says:

    okay west story does not match george’s story.

    if you listen to the re-enactment video he said Trayvon came from the ‘T’ and circled his car and then ran off. West totally eliminated that.

  763. Sophia33 says:

    Does anyone know yet what the defense plans to prove?

  764. At what time DD’s call ends? At 7:11:??. The stream stopped right there.

  765. Brandy says:

    This is so painful to watch! Wow, I am embarrassed for him

    Lord, he was born a RAMBLIN MAN, trying to make a living and doing the best he can. lol

  766. Nef05 says:

    So they’re blaming fogen getting out of the car on Sean, needing to know where Trayvon went? Then what happens to “getting an address, finding a street sign and meeting a cop I had previously called – you twit?

  767. SearchingMind says:

    This is no longer an opening statement. West is presenting the defense’s entire case! A good indication that GZ will NOT BE TAKING THE STAND! (I hope this post comes through)

  768. colin black says:

    He is hopeing the jury wrote something down as he forgot?

  769. amsterdam1234 says:

    His story sounds better when you hear it with cth echo. Doesn’t sound so good in court.

  770. Yorazigo says:

    “Was he following TM? Yes he was.”

  771. bunny620 says:

    Did he just admit Fogen followed Trayvon with his truck?!

  772. Sleuth says:

    His client is looking in his direction now, but avoiding Guy’s direction.

  773. I love West. he is closing the trap on his client repeating his lies just after Guy told the jury about his web of lies!!!! He just explained that TM never circled GZ’s truck. This is so great!!!

  774. willisnewton says:

    West is presenting GZ’s false narrative hook line and sinker.

    leaves of when GZ moves his car.

    now insisting the reason GZ left his car is becasue he was instructed to. what a crock of shit

  775. chi1224 says:

    Shit he is running

    He was scared of Fogen!!

  776. amsterdam1234 says:

    No kidding

  777. Sophia33 says:

    Drinking water.

  778. Trained Observer says:

    The best way to distract from an extraordinarily powerful opening from the State on how Fogen murdered Trayvon is to attempt a “when I was a boy” yarn, followed by a knock-knock joke.

    Yet it’s not working.

  779. Sleuth says:

    Yukes! Did The Wiester just wipe his snotty nose on his jacket sleeve?

    He better lay off the vodka, oops, meant to say water.

  780. crazy1946 says:

    I think we should now know the defense strategy! The strategy is to be so inept that a re-trial will be ordered because of poor defense for the accused! Sad to say, it will probably work….

  781. Brandy says:

    Happy Birthday Professor! Today is my sister’s bday too!
    Hope you have a great day!

  782. Sophia33 says:

    This is so bad. It’s like he is just flailing. There appears to be no focus.

  783. willisnewton says:

    if this guy does anything else – else besides what? standing at the mail kiosk?

  784. chi1224 says:

    Please get an officer over here— that just proves how delusional Fogen’s thinking was that night

  785. Stormwatch says:

    I hope the state has a good witness to attest to the source of Zimmrman’s facial injuries being gun recoil. There’s no bleeding from the nostrils. The source of the blood is the cut just above the upper lip. There’s two identical sized pinholes at the tip of his nose. His Kel-Tec 9mm is notorious for excessive recoil. Probably explains the absence of Zimmermn’s blood on TM, except for the tiny spec. He didn’t really start bleeding until he fired the gun.

    • SearchingMind says:

      Did you hear what Guy said about the medical exerminer? ‘He will take you through the path of the bullet. It wasn’t to the left. It wasn’t to the right. It wasn’t up, it wasn’t down. It went straight down the middle’ – This evidence is a killer of ‘self-defense claim’.

  786. colin black says:

    So the gps records out if there insisting on the cut through route.

  787. willisnewton says:

    He is trying to claim GZ parked in the clubhouse parking lot. FAIL

  788. Ms.X says:

    Why cant we see the powerpoint? I want to see it. West you suck, dude.

  789. willisnewton says:

    West keeps trying to highlight the moment the call dropped between TM and w8? what’s the relevance? He won’t say.

  790. ay2z says:

    Did this guy start trial law last year? Is this his first presentation ever?

  791. Did you catch the look on West’s face during Bernie’s opening? Hilarious! His jaw is hanging open and he looks absolutely dumbfounded! Someone should have told him the trial starts today! 😉

    • Sleuth says:

      Yeah, I caught. In fact I posted the same thing up-thread. I’m getting the same impression, he was not prepared.

      Maybe he thought the instructions Judge Nelson gave the jury on Friday, were meant for him. i.e. no tv, no computers, etc. Doesn’t appear as though he was ready this morning.

      Maybe it’s just some bad acting.

  792. Sleuth says:

    The Wiester know darn well Florida does not have a set standard for an age requirement for minor children to be left with older siblings or friends.

    He’s really screwing up on his timelines. Keeps changing them. First it was a 30 sec. difference, now 24.

    • Malisha says:

      Well, one thing you can do if you think a mother shouldn’t leave her kid home alone at 7:00 p.m., is to kill somebody. That generally helps. Yup.

  793. Nef05 says:

    This timeline does not favor fogen. WTH is West doing?

  794. colin black says:

    West just admitted that Trayvon was not an ADULT whilst getting in a dig about them being unsupervised

    Way to convict your client in front of jury of Mothers

  795. lurker says:

    Had to get in there Brandy Green has a different last name from her son and that there were no adults at home.

    • Girlp says:

      Maybe she was married before and took back her maiden after she divorced….but it really has nothing to do with anything if she wasn’t.

  796. willisnewton says:

    This is the “chewbacca defense” at work. Just pile up so much BS that no one can make sense of anything.

  797. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    he called Brandy Green’s son Chad Johnson, the NFL wide receiver, they all look a like right…

  798. Sophia33 says:

    More fumbling. More fumbling. More fumbling. This is crazy.

  799. Sophia33 says:

    Did he leave parts of the call out?

  800. Ms.X says:

    Chad Johnson is Ochocinco. West is such a dumbass!

  801. disappointed says:

    No adult home that night! OMFG they are old enough to be home at 6 or 7pm!

  802. KittySP says:

    west is not properly prepared with his exhibits. they aren’t even marked. He should’ve had one large board with the various area’s sectioned off. would have been best if he used iPad that was then connected to a larger monitor that would allow him to zoom in on various sections as he goes along. He’s not good at using visual aides.

  803. Nellie Nell says:

    The killer is feeling the heat!

  804. Rachael says:

    There were a few things you forgot to mention you idiot.

  805. Sophia33 says:

    The defense cut out parts of the 911 call. I didn’t hear the part where they told him “We don’t need you to do that”.

  806. parrot says:

    Listening to himself, Z must be wishing with all his might that he could go back in time.

  807. willisnewton says:

    OMG west HIGHLIGHTS the EXACT statement the proves GZ was lying about ever being in the clubhouse parking lot.

    he’s by the clubhouse now?
    yeah, now he’s coming towards me

    this PROVES GZ was parked facing the mail kiosk.

    Thanks, west.

  808. Yorazigo says:

    Very primitive with his little charts. Pointing at features in RT@TL to one chart using those in his other hand!

  809. SearchingMind says:

    Is West working for the Prosecution?! I am quite puzzled by his presentation. Dumb, dumb, dumb. Either West does not understand the facts very well or he is willfully destroying GZ. Wao, I am loving this.

  810. Nef05 says:

    Did they just just edit the part about “There’s been breakins in my neighborhood”?

  811. disappointed says:

    Oh sweet the NEN call coming in. Dumb-asses played this right after the Prosecution pointed out that Z did not commit to location to meet.

  812. Trained Observer says:

    By now the jury is thinking, quit telling us what we’re gonna hear or see and let’s get on with the real deal.

    Actually, I think this snore is deliberate from the defense to cover up the fact that there simply is no defense for what Fogen did.

    • degraveegmailcom says:

      It’s impossible to follow what he is talking about and it is not
      Maybe he is using some kind of hypnoses method.
      He keeps repeating CONFUSION

    • SoulSistaWoo says:

      Me too TO… I think West agenda is to bore the Jury and everyone else into tuning him out… He does NOTHING to keep a listeners attention… only to bore.

  813. colin black says:

    Faux West is heading south fast

  814. TashaTexas77048 says:

    Hysterical they are forced to still go with the “head banged” “brutally attacked” route even after the jury knows he only when to the doc for a return to work excuse, he trained in martial arts and he was in good physical condition at the time(unlike his current state of oversized fatfuckishness)

  815. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    I am getting so upset, every site i go to the audio keeps cutting out..Please Please someone tell me which one is working good today

  816. Valerie says:

    Why does west not use a pointer?? So unprepared.

  817. willisnewton says:

    is west using old aerial photos when the RATL was under construction?

    he keeps outing witness names

  818. ay2z says:

    fogen is struggling to keep his eyes open, West could have been his druggies placebo.

  819. Nellie Nell says:

    Why is West getting on my nerves right now! This does not appear to be an opening statement. Sounds like he is giving testimony to the events! Will he have anything to argue when the time comes? What a fool!

  820. I cannot believe West opened with a knock-knock joke! What a moron.If zimmy weren’t a murdering imbecile I’d almost feel sorry for him!

  821. disappointed says:

    Wow this is horrible.

  822. Malisha says:

    I can just see Rene’s article:

    “The prosecution was very unprofessional and actually CURSED at the jury! Mr. West, however, was gentlemanly and helped the jurors begin to heal, by telling them knock knock jokes and reminding them of the good old days when Bpa-lack mobs didn’t railroad good guys.”

  823. lurker says:

    Eloise Dilegard–saw Z’s truck and decided to ask what was going on–is this one of the phone calls?

  824. Tzar says:

    He needed 20 minutes to set this up?

  825. colin black says:

    Wasn’t Georges Shtuck was finance companys truck

  826. Sophia33 says:

    One guy on HLN said that if he were George Zimmerman he would be putting on handcuffs now. Haha.

  827. ay2z says:

    Oh, did West just bring up dog shit?

  828. fauxmccoy says:

    is it just me, or is west a disaster? i wish i were capable of an objective view, but i’m not. will stick with disaster.

  829. willisnewton says:

    west is LOSING his train of thought and rambling all over the place, pathetically.

    points out where the truck was supposedly parked

    eliosie delogard saw the truck parked somewhere…. more on that later west says

  830. Tzar says:

    West just admitted that Martin was on the phone at the time that his client alleges that Martin ambushed and punched. Don’t know about you but I do all my ambushes while on the phone with my girlfriend

  831. colin black says:

    Wests all over the place getting Sean the dispatch mixed up with wittnesses

  832. Sophia33 says:

    He doesn’t know who one of the witnesses was talking to? He didn’t prepare for this?

  833. ay2z says:

    Help! I am about to feel sorry for fogen!!!

  834. tharealkeisha says:

    Is the jury sleep. I’m in tears

  835. willisnewton says:

    west just outed w11’s name

  836. fogens sitting there………………….

    “FUCK…there’s someone dumber than I am….I don’t even believe his shit 😦 “

  837. Sophia33 says:

    This is boring. But at least he is orienting the jury so that the prosecution doesn’t have to waste time doing so. What evidence are they going to present.

  838. willisnewton says:

    west is trying to sow confusion about call times. Pretending that the call that dropped between TM and W8 has any connection to the start of the fight.

  839. Rachael says:

    May I ask someone WTF West is doing? Why isn’t he laying out the case? The jury was already told that they were not to take opening statements at evidence. WTF is he doing?

  840. Trained Observer says:

    Is this a nationwide or global first? Knock-knock jokes at a murder trial opener?

    Long after all the details are forgotten, including the pig defendant himself, the knock-knock biz will be remembered. Stupid … tasteless, and yet so apropos for Fogen.

  841. Wendie Dox says:

    I have to say… Guy must feel like arnold schwarztnegger in the ring with danny devito.

  842. ZCBest says:

    He is an idiot for sure.

  843. colin black says:

    Nef The State already named her in Guys opening

  844. 20sec!!! What a liar – 7:15:43 good to know. 1minute scuffle guys. We now know it to the second

  845. willisnewton says:

    West is pretending the timeline is favoring the defendant. This is understandable. It’s the “attack them on their strengths” strategy.

  846. colin black says:

    Rachel Gentele

    Loved a gentle Boy whom foggagge visously murdered.

  847. tonya B says:

    the lady sitting behind sybrina is very emotional

  848. Nef05 says:

    He just outed DeeDee, BEFORE HER TESTIMONY!!! WTF!!!

  849. diary73 says:

    Is this an opening statement??????

  850. SearchingMind says:

    My posts are not coming through

  851. Judy75201 says:

    George himself admitted in a police interview that he understood that the NEN operator meant that he was not supposed to follow Trayvon.

    • Malisha says:

      Well he said he WAS following but then he added (to Erwin), “And I WASn’t following”…

      And he said to Serino, “I wasn’t following him, I was just going in the same direction,” and Serino chuckled and said, “That’s following.”

  852. lurker says:

    Bad debate strategy to make a reference to the other side’s argument (you have probably heard that he was told not to get out of the car). Just plants it in the mind of those who haven’t heard it and reminds everyone else.

  853. willisnewton says:

    so WEST introduces the idea that GZ followed TM with the car. He’s really going there? What an idiot. Where was GZ when this happened?

    • SoulSistaWoo says:

      CU… “Where was GZ when this happen?” You ask…. Outside his car, far far far away from his Schruck!

  854. Sleuth says:

    He call NEN because he KNEW there would be a much slower response time.

    I bet he wished he had listen to Sean.

  855. colin black says:

    Going to play foggagges non emergency call in opening statement ?

  856. lurker says:

    Is it usual to present this much evidence within the context of an introductory statement? He’s going to play the NEN call tape.

    • SoulSistaWoo says:

      I was wondering the same thing. Aren’t they suppose to simply bullet point the evidence they intend to present to prove their case…

  857. chi1224 says:

    Is he going to play Fogen’s NE 911 call???

  858. i don’t believe west is actually losing it, i think he’s doing this purposely for theatrics and to be able to say shit he’s not allowed from time to time and claim ignorance!

    he’s already started to baffle them with bullshit!

  859. chi1224 says:

    So WHAT was suspicious????

  860. Sleuth says:

    Dang, he’s already boring his client.

  861. Sophia33 says:

    OMG this is bad. Even GZ supporters have to admit this.

  862. colin black says:

    Ms Dorval wanted a point person

    An accused loves to point the finger at Black people.

  863. Ty Flair says:

    I hope they give fogen a extra ten years for that dam joke.

  864. SoulSistaWoo says:

    LOL… The defense actually went with the head banging story… after Guy said more than once that there was NO Fogen DNA on TM hands or Under his finger nails… *SMH*

  865. Trained Observer says:

    Fogen sucker punched in the face — West claims, neglecting to mention that the punch may have been gun recoil.

  866. Fred. Am I the only one moderated here? We may need to be introduced. I was a blogger with Amsterdam, Whonoze, Willi, etc at bcclist and then at Whonoze. I helped building the base to Whonoze YT video about the cctv. I also have a photo album ( about the case. I tend to keep quiet anf thoughtful.

    • 2dogsonly says:

      Your work, along with whonoze, Willi, Amsterdam,bcc’s, and princss6, was the blog Miami Herald praised. There was two more but the technical proficiency and how NLME required everyone to first cite reference before conclusion is still THE GOLD STANDARD!

      I am so happy to see you posted your link on twitter today. I cited it on WS. And happy you posted it here.

      Just giving an opinion is probably more fun than instructive and a whole lot harder.

      Job very well done, you frigging genius, you.;-))

      Wasn’t today perfection.

  867. ZCBest says:

    West needs to go West…far far West. The pacific ocean sounds good, cause he just sucks. Yay for us!

  868. Trained Observer says:

    Dufus that he is, even Fogen seems embarrassed by this ramblerama.

  869. Well we now know who graduated high school behind fogen……mr. west…………….

    “knock knock”?………WTF?

  870. colin black says:

    Caught his attention because?

    He was BLACK?

  871. Sophia33 says:

    HLN is even talking about the knock knock joke.

  872. Nef05 says:

    Couldn’t make a powerpoint and use a laser pointer, with that $40K worth of “upgrades”, you jerk?

    • LeaNder says:

      That’s what I thought, all this manpower and these little platelets apparently not even done by any of the many helping hands. At least I doubt. Would have been much more efficient on a screen, much less fumbling around too.

      I didn’t get the joke, do they still need to entertain their supporters? Does anyone remember it.

      Something about the jurors being luck to be on the jury? I wasn’t paying much attention, since I couldn’t believe what was happening.

  873. degraveegmailcom says:

    ‘its so sad,and Martin family has a right to grief but here’s a joke!’

  874. Sophia33 says:

    HLN cut him off.

  875. Sophia33 says:

    More fumbling.

  876. Tzar says:

    FALSE: People that live there always used that path
    especially the kids

  877. Sleuth says:

    The Wiester just failed big time….looking right at the map but just like his client, he doesn’t know where he is, or what street he’s on.

    Will somebody help him find his way to Sesame Street, or the street Trained Observer mentioned, Lincoln and Maple Street?

    He just told the jurors a lie. Thank God, this is not considered evidence. Many young children and teens who live at RATL use the cut through as a short cut to get home.

  878. ay2z says:

    Is that Fred pacing around in frustration, we hear in the background??? Geeze. I hope the jurors remember that sympathy plays no part.

  879. Sophia33 says:

    An attempt at personal stories, knock knock jokes and maps. Really? I know I keep saying this but I’m in shock.

  880. SearchingMind says:

    West is now providing GZ’s ultimate path to the gallows. That map will come back to hunt GZ and hurt him badly.

  881. MrSykes says:

    I really have to believe that West is trying to intentionally sabotage Fogen’s case.

  882. willisnewton says:

    West telling lies about TM being seen at the shortcut.


  883. Don West told a knock knock joke? GTFOOH!

  884. colin black says:

    Liar it was a common short cut

  885. Yorazigo says:

    I missed a few early minutes. Did JN rule on the res gestate? If so, what was the decision?

    • ZCBest says:

      She allowed in the two statements to W13 but not the statement to Tim Smith.

    • willisnewton says:

      judge allowed the statements to jon/w13 re he was beating me up and i had to shoot him and im unsure about the statement to the ofc tim smith…. but i think in the end she allowed both. BDLR didnt put up much of a fight at all, which surprised many, myself included and also BDLR didnt mention the pic of the phone to GZ’s ear, the bloody head photo

    • Yorazigo says:

      Typo spellcheck took over — “gestae”

  886. Dave says:

    It looks like West’s map is blocking the jury’s view of the defendant.

  887. Patricia says:

    Don is already stepping in dog shit!!!!!!

    • Malisha says:

      If he puts his foot into this case, he cannot avoid stepping in it. The problem is that after doing that, he shoves his foot into his MOUTH!

  888. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    MSNBC…”It’s a strange bumbling start I have to say…” legal
    discussing the defense’s opening statement.

  889. Judy75201 says:

    Gad I’m already sick of West.

  890. Sophia33 says:

    This is bad!

  891. lurker says:

    Emphasizing the “t.” Can’t imagine that is going to be helpful to their case–as the evidence supports that the action did not take place there.

  892. Tzar says:

    HE is lost on his own fucking presentation

  893. Sophia33 says:

    I am embarrassed for West. And I don’t even like him. Knock, knock jokes?!

  894. bunny620 says:

    Ok now that we have all been oriented to the neighborhood. Show us what the evidence will reflect!

  895. The street that cuts through. I always wondered if that was the cut through GZ was talking about in his NEN call.

  896. disappointed says:

    a few feet of the t intersection. LIAR!

  897. colin black says:

    West opens with a joke
    QUITE APT the entire defence is a bad joke

  898. Trained Observer says:

    Good thing this isn’t after lunch. Jury would be asleep by now.

  899. willisnewton says:

    more rambling. pathetic. mentions the mailboxes that GZ worked so damn hard to leave out of any account.

  900. disappointed says:

    West like his client does not know the street names.

  901. Puck says:

    West is fucking up and Fogen knows it – he looks terrified.

  902. Sophia33 says:

    West is just a fumbling around. What?!

  903. Tzar says:

    what the fuckity fuck fuck?

  904. KittySP says:

    Bernie’s expressions are priceless!

    • looolooo says:

      True, but he’d better be careful not to enter into Jeff Ashton territory with his facial expressions and body language.

  905. willisnewton says:


  906. Trained Observer says:

    Here it comes ….show and tell time.

  907. Sophia33 says:

    Knock, knock jokes!!!!

    Oh my! And it BOMBED!

  908. tharealkeisha says:

    Wait West is gone nuts

  909. ay2z says:

    Is Papa in the courtroom?

  910. chi1224 says:

    viciously attacked?? What part of NO DNA don’t you understand?? I can’t believe how bad West is sucking…. wait a minute, yes I can

  911. Trained Observer says:

    Knock, knock jokes? You gotta be kidding, West.

  912. disappointed says:

    Attacked viciously with Trayvon’s imaginary hands.

  913. Sophia33 says:

    He is telling jokes?!!!

  914. Patricia J-C says:

    I wish I had a switch. Some people just need a good old fashioned but whipping.

  915. FactsFirst says:

    DEFEND your RATCHET ass client!!! Stop trying to MINIMIZE a childs MURDER!

  916. willisnewton says:

    OMFG what a shitty opening.

  917. Knock Knock. Who’s there? West the clown.

  918. Big Willie says:

    West is a joke!

  919. lurker says:

    Don West fails as a stand up comic. Not endearing.

  920. Tzar says:

    West is fucking awful at this

  921. Rachael says:

    What an ass. Yes, I WILL hold it against you. Dang.

  922. ay2z says:

    “I grew up in a small town and started in a radio station with two listeners……”

    Judge Nelson ‘Sustained’– it’s ‘personalizing’… ‘supposed to be what the evidence will show.”

    ‘Sometimes you have to laugh to keep from crying…. let me tell you a little joke… you are the perfect ‘ audience for it. ‘Don’t hold it against the defendant.’

  923. Sophia33 says:

    What’s wrong with West. What is this long pause for. Why is he talking about his mother? Whoops the judge cut him off.

    • Malisha says:

      West wants to be trusted by the jury so he mistakenly thinks if he kinda rambles at them like a friendly ole guy, they’ll just disregard all the evidence and say, “Hey, let’s vote the way this guy West wants us to, OK?” because they’re just a half a dozen silly women. Nothing to get real about. Just like Fogen was figuring, just go along with his killing a kid because folks would go along with HIM since he was so “good guy-ish” and nobody would care about “the suspect.”

      HEY! Did Guy mention Fogen calling his victim “the suspect”?

  924. Trained Observer says:

    “George Zimmerman’s parents are also grieving” … because they’ve had their retirement interrupted and the whole world knows what a mess the family is …

  925. TashaTexas77048 says:

    He also squirmed when Guy said he went to the doctors office to get an excuse to return to work.

    Really a knock, knock joke??

  926. fauxmccoy says:

    OMFG — get the hook!

  927. chi1224 says:

    He is terrible!!!

  928. Wendie Dox says:

    oh damn….. youre kidding me, right?

  929. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    It’s so sad, but let me tell you a joke.

  930. willisnewton says:


  931. Tzar says:

    “The evidence will show that this is a sad case”

    Thanks bro, we had no fucking idea

    • Malisha says:

      Well the proseCUtion’s evidence will show that this is a sad case, but the defense evidence won’t. The defense evidence will show that this is an OUTRAGE. The defense evidence will show that this is an ATROCITY. An appalling case of police corruption! And a case of a self-righteous psychopathic murderer rallying a gang of racist FUCKING PUNKS behind him.

    • fauxmccoy says:

      tzar, i love you man!

  932. Nef05 says:

    Wow – he didn’t get a whole 2 minutes in before he F’d up. It’s going to be a long morning.

  933. disappointed says:

    this is not a laughing matter

  934. fauxmccoy says:

    don west, spanked immediately! HA!

    • fauxmccoy says:

      and now a joke??? WTF?????????

      • William Walton says:

        Faux, all kidding aside, West may have come to the conclusion awhile ago that Omara suckered him into this trial with visions of winning, becoming famous, and retiring after they wrote their books. However, once he got involved, saw the evidence, interviewed the client, he is thinking WTF did I get myself into listening to Omara.

  935. Wendie Dox says:

    shut down. bam.

  936. willisnewton says:

    lost his train of thought seriously already. rambling strewn with odd pauses. GUY OBJECTS, sustained.

    West is LOSING IT

  937. chi1224 says:

    LOL West is SUCKING already!!

  938. MrSykes says:

    What in the heck is West doing????????

  939. bunny620 says:

    West is already starting off badly. WTF GZ’s parents grieving because they can’t see the opening statements?! Now he’s discussing his family?

  940. disappointed says:

    This is not about you West!

  941. Dave says:

    AC shifted her position so the jurors could get a good look at Tracy .

  942. Tzar says:

    WTF is he doing? no one cares why the parents are not here
    this is about you fucking client

  943. disappointed says:

    wtf? Pointing out why they are not in there? Stupid.

  944. Rachael says:

    He has me bored already.

  945. willisnewton says:

    “this is a sad case, of course….” West opening.

  946. Tzar says:

    Shut up West!
    Keep the Martin’s names out of your mouths

  947. parrot says:

    “This is a sad case.”

    Then he grins.

  948. disappointed says:

    I hate defense opening statements. Riddled with lies and the jury seems to forget it is not evidence.

  949. amsterdam1234 says:

    It looks like he is about to burst out in tears.

  950. RobertSF says:

    West INTENDS to speak for two hours? It’s 10:44 now, so that will mean he’ll finish at 12:44, making the jurors go hungry. Either that, or he will split his statement, which doesn’t sound smart.

  951. Dee says:

    He better have eaten his self crazy because the food in jail is said to be horrible. But he better lose some weight face, because he may have to use that kick boxing in prison. Someone like Zimmerman is not to be trusted he lied, from the very beginning when he said he was looking for his phone, why? He already called the police who else was he calling. Zimmerman exposed his gun to this kid and Trayvon brought him down by tackling him. Zimmerman self inflicted these wounds with the back of his own gun, I have been saying this from the beginning. Just as he hit his self over the head as well. He had to show that he was getting his head so called bashed against the cement.

    Here we go….back in court

  952. Sophia33 says:

    HLN is saying that the Defense use of multimedia is going to cause the information to stay in their heads longer. I don’t think Guy needed multimedia. But that’s just me.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      I don’t think he needs it either. And I think using it in opening isn’t as effective.

  953. diary73 says:

    Excellent opening! Plaudits!

  954. willisnewton says:

    everyone at the bench again. get your popcorn for the fantasy movie.

    • Sleuth says:

      There The Wiester go with that shyte……..avoiding calling Trayvon a kid or teenager,

      Who really gives a rats but that the zidiots aren’t in the courtroom at this time.

      There own sick arse son brought all of them into this and they all went along with the lies and scheming.

      The Wiester, respect your mother, but this case is not about yo momma dude. Don’t you remember, this is about Trayvon Martin.

      And this ain’t no f—king SHOW! Cut the freakin’ jokes.

  955. chi1224 says:

    I wonder what the sidebar is about?? What is the defense trying to pull now?

  956. crazy1946 says:

    Any bets as to whether West will try to introduce the scream in now with their version of who was screaming?

  957. Sleuth says:

    Looks like O’Dirty dropped 2 of the 3 Robert Palmer girls.

    • willisnewton says:

      might as well face it he’s addicted to lies.

    • PiranhaMom says:


      Who are “the Robert Palmer girls?”

      • Sleuth says:

        The women sitting together at the table behind the defense. The ones he has gone each time pj’s with FB accounts. I believe they are doxing, and following comments posted to various blogs.

      • Sleuth says:


        Oooops! Too many typos. Sorry about that. What I meant to say:

        The women sitting together at the table behind the defense. The ones he has gone to each time pj’s with FB accounts have been dismissed. I believe they are doxing, and following comments posted to various blogs, and other social media content.

  958. disappointed says:

    Wonder what defense is trying to sneak in.

  959. Tzar says:

    Guy seems to be complaining about something adamantly to the judge

  960. TashaTexas77048 says:

    Zimmerman put his head down, shifted in his chair and started sweating about the brow when Guy said Zimmerman lied about Martin coming back to circle his car and when he said the bullet went in from front to back. Fat, guilty, pig.

    • TashaTexas77048 says:

      Oh and he also squirmed noticeably when they said Martin was found face down in the grass just as Zimmerman had left him (no attempt to rescusitate), when they said Martin labored and took his last breath (didn’t die instantly) and when they said his hands were found under his body as he clutched his chest (Zimmerman lied about the reason for being on top of Trayvon)

    • Sleuth says:

      And he avoided looking towards the direction of Mr. Guy and the jurors. GUILTY AS SIN.

    • Malisha says:

      The bullet did go in from front to back, didn’t it? I’m confused!

  961. Rachael says:

    From elsewhere:

    “Looking at George, it will be hard for the jury to imagine him as the MMA workout king from the gym. It is a joke.”

    Yep. He put on weight for the acting part of his life.

    • willisnewton says:

      he put on weight because he doesn’t have access to the street drugs and steroids he may have been taking previously, IMO.

      They guy is so full of pills that he rattles. We shall see if any of this comes out at trial but they dude eats prescription meds like they were skittles. He’s a walking side effect.

    • breelee says:

      RT @NatJackEsq : Heart’s breaking 4 Sybrina & Tracy b/c I can anticipate the mis-characterization, mis-directions & accusations coming n Def…

      RT @coreybking : @SybrinaFulton Your tears break my heart, but know you do not cry alone…millions cry with you!

      You said it Mr. Crump.

  962. groans says:

    Guy’s opening was 33 minutes.

    How many hours do you all predict for West’s opening?

  963. ay2z says:

    Anyone have any idea how long the state’s opening was? I was lost in it, and am sure the jurors were too.

    “… not Bailieys….” for a year and a half before killing Trayvon, he was training kickboxing, MMA…”

    So he wasn’t there to lose weight….ThasssssRIGHT!!

  964. gbrbsb says:

    I am just remembering GZ’s face when Guy shouted those first words “FUCKING PUNKS”… it went a sickly pale colour and he didn’t stop looking decidedly puckish from there on. Not sure in the UK with all the the pomp and ceremony of our wigged and robed courts it would be such a hit though… but how I just love it, so effective!

    • Trained Observer says:

      Only in America 🙂

      • Plantain Republic says:

        “Only in America” America. The ONLY country on earth that has the attention of the entire rest of the world! Good or bad, right or wrong. How bad can we be? The world hangs on our every word and action.

        Only in America. 🙂

    • Malisha says:

      Excuse me. His face looked “PUKISH” — in one of those rare “spelling matters” situations, a “puckish” face is sprightly, elfin and cute. I don’t think you meant that!

      • gbrbsb says:

        Ooooops! Yes I meant puke as in puke… the yellow greenish brownish stuff you think of when you say “puke”. I’m a dreadful speller and trusted the WP dictionary !

  965. Tzar says:

    a martial arts trained former bouncer shot a unarmed untrained skinny kid dead. Did I mention that he outweighed the kid by 40 lbs and he is claiming self defense.

    • looolooo says:

      I do wish that Guy had mentioned fogen’s stint as a bouncer for ILLEGAL house parties.

      I also wishe he had mentioned various resident complaints about his aggressive/obsessive behavior while patroling.

      Does anyone know IF fogen ever tried to register his NHW program?

  966. colin black says:

    And all that self defence training he could easly subdue Trayvon without deadly force

    As Guy said he killed him because he wanted to.

  967. heartofhearts says:


  968. Valerie says:

    Mr. Guy said: the circling of the truck never happened. Impossible !!

    • willisnewton says:

      He’s right and it’s easy to prove that he is right. I hope in the trial he shows WHY it never happened that way – GZ lied to obscure chasing the teen with his car, IMO. I think THAT can be proven too. They may be saving detail like this for specific rebuttal. I hope so.

  969. heartofhearts says:

    I think the defense team just run as fast as they can down the freeway in the wrong direction

    • willisnewton says:

      GZ wanted to her the opening IMO to learn if the state had any hidden evidence that was slam-dunk before he decides if he wants to try to flee justice. It’s the obvious strategy.

      We won’t ever know how close he came to running if he decides to stay.

  970. zim had Trayvon in a hold. that’s why he screaming in pain. that’s what zim was doing the whole time, trying to hold Trayvon down in one of his learned holds! but Trayvon was a gangly slight kid and he was able to wiggle out at times.. but that pos kept at him and wouldn’t leave him the fuck alone!!!!

    • willisnewton says:

      keep in mind that while that is probably true, the state needs to present what it can prove to a jury occurred and prove it beyond a reasonable doubt.

      GZ killed the teen and so we don’t know what happened exactly.

      Many things are possible. What GZ claims happened is not possible.

  971. Dee says:

    Jon Guy, did and excellent job making a picture of what happened in his opening. I bet that they will show that Zimmerman had to be holding on to Trayvon shirt when he shot him. When Trayvon finally got away from Zimmerman. Zimmerman caught Trayvon by the shirt swinging him to the ground, and as he was holding Trayvon’s shirt in one hand the other hand was used to aim and shoot Trayon point blank into Trayvon chest killing him instantly. This is why the bullet hole in his shirt did not line up with the bullet hole in Trayvon chest.

    • Dee says:

      Lol, Don is easy on the eye’s as well, he put you into that deep attentive level of listening. I hope that the family can make it through the full trail, it is eating them up already. I thought the DA was crying was she?

  972. Christopher Charles says:

    When fogen is in the custody of the Florida Department of Corrections will he be placed in protective custody? It seems to me that he will be in great danger. He’s an evil, unrepentant liar.

  973. colin black says:

    Ao was Guy used as eye candy for opening statements
    I wasn’t impressed to be honest

    I can think of many commentaters here whom could have done better

    Geez I wish we had Martinez to unleash on his fat ass

    • bunny620 says:

      I too felt like Guy didn’t drive it home nearly as well as I hoped he would. He left a few points out, and brought up a witness statement who later recanted. Now we have the defense about to begin their show with props and all. SMH.

  974. Valerie says:

    Excellent opening by Mr. Guy !!

  975. I loved that introduction from Guy. That said I was hoping for indications of additional evidences. It looks more like they are going to detail GZ’s lies that we know already about.
    BTW, just wanted to tell you that even if I’m not a usual blogger here, I was reading you guys. Thanks for the comments.

  976. bunny620 says:

    I wonder why the prosecution mentioned witness 6 statement about Trayvon being on top at all. Unless the whole point is to show Fogen overpowered Trayvon and reversed positions, then fired the gun. I just don’t know about that one.

  977. Mojo says:

    6 female jurors and the State uses this handsome, confident, well-spoken male attorney for their opening statement. Did I mention handsome? It’s genius!

    • racerrodig says:

      As a happily married 57 year old white male, I thought the same thing, then comes Skeletor…..blah, blah, boring blah.

      Now he’s rambling on about Osterman and his training……..

  978. colin black says:

    Skellator wants props for his opening statements

  979. willisnewton says:

    dog and pony show… i wonder what they have besides the bloody head photo and the swollen nose shot? Will they try to thug-ify Trayvon? Does the pope fart thru silk?

  980. heartofhearts says:

    I want to hear the defense opening before I have to go to work. Why weren’t they prepared? geez

  981. Sophia33 says:

    Yeah there was someone behind the Martin’s who was crying as he was delivering his opening statements. I think he didn’t fight hard on the hearsay statements because they just gave GZ more ammo to hang himself.

  982. Trained Observer says:

    I liked the way Guy at pivotal points turned around to look at Fogen as if he were the scumsucker of the earth. Very effective.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Just desserts: By opening with ” ‘Fucking punks … These assholes’ … those were the words from this grown man’s mouth,” second chair John Guy effectively used a defense strategy to drive home a point for the State.

      All that time spent trying to transform “coons” into “punks” … and it still came back to bite Fogen’s fat ass.

      The gesture pointing to Fogen while calling him a grown man was a nice touch. Defense efforts to create a situation of “two men” fighting ain’t gonna fly.

      Trayvon was a kid. Killer Fogen was a “grown man.”

      • exactly. they best not try and call Trayvon a grown man after all that! that aint gonna work in the courtroom. not when the kid was 158 lbs and barely 17 and dead at the hand of a 28 yrs old man with all kinds of training in self defense!

    • fauxmccoy says:

      the derisive curl of his lip is spectacular!

      (and i have no illusions – this is theater)

  983. heartofhearts says:

    Defense just gave the jury time to absorb all that was just said!

    Sounds like West is going to give the opening statement…will leave a bad taste in their mouth for the duration of the trial.

  984. John Guy, YOU did it! Very powerful. I’m still in tears.

  985. gbrbsb says:

    The defence is all excited setting up the audio visual equipment for their “shock and awe” style attack showing GZ’s ding on the nose he got from walking into the trunk of the tree round the T and the usual nose bleed, the teeny weeny itsy bitsy scratches on his face from the branches of the same tree, and the two piffling little scratches on the back of the head made while he was trying to disentangle himself from the tree.

    • SearchingMind says:

      By so doing they will inadvertently provide GZ’s ultimate path to the gallows. The worst thing the defense can do no is to draw a diagram of what happened, because that diagram will not fit the physical evidence and GZ’s storieS. The best the defense could do is to hold off opening statements – for now at least.

      • gbrbsb says:

        Yes, gonna be great fun them trying to say how he was being pummelled into the concrete, bashed around the face and nigh suffocation with the two pathetic little pics after what Guy just said… Or maybe they’ll say he an advanced Terminator and self heals in secs.

  986. smokeegyrl says:

    I just got approved from youtube to do more than 15 minutes, so my recordings of this trial will be there. I have tested it out… and great sound and visual. so look forward to it if you missed any parts of it. I won’t be able to converse on my pc… while recording but will try on my Samsung.

  987. SE says:

    That guy that did the opening statement is what I dreamed to be in my public speaking class.

  988. chi1224 says:

    I hope Fogen is shitting his pants right now

  989. amsterdam1234 says:

    I think this opening statement may have thrown the defense off. I think they were expecting, just like I did, that the prosecution was going to keep GZ’s statements out, to force GZ on the stand. But it appears the prosecution is going all out on his lying ass.

    • chi1224 says:


    • willisnewton says:

      possibly Guy was ready with THAT opening and BDLR was ready with the other, depending on how the judge ruled on the “excited utterance” exception motion.

      I too was expecting a KISS opening where the defense would be drawn out to put GZ on the stand.

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        If their strategy would’ve been KISS, it wouldn’t have just applied to the opening statement but to their entire case in chief. I think they completely surprised the defense. They are not on a break for nothing.

      • concernedczen says:

        That’s a good point Willis. I bet you’re right.

    • cielo62 says:

      amsterdam~ I, too, thought what you thought. WOW! They are so confident that they don’t CARE if gz takes the stand! WOOHOO!


    • Two sides to a story says:

      I’ve always said Fogen profiled, pursued, and killed Trayvon Martin and said so in his own words more than once. I had no doubt the pros would use his words.

    • And did you see West’s face?! His jaw on the floor, he looked like he couldn’t believe the prosecution was…prosecuting!

  990. Sophia33 says:

    They were smart to use Guy also because the defenses team looks like a bunch of crypt keepers.

  991. SearchingMind says:

    ‘He will take you through the path of the bullet. It wasn’t to the left. It wasn’t to the right. It wasn’t up, it wasn’t down. It went straight down the middle’ –

    Translation. Foggen narative (i.e. Trayvon on to of him, straddling him, etc.) is physically impossible. Tumbs up to LLMPapa and Professor!

  992. Wendie Dox says:

    very very impressive.

  993. Yorazigo says:

    Cheers to Jon Guy! Shaeffer on WFTV very impressed with his opening statement. I sure am!

  994. Dave says:

    Angela Corey was watching very closely and looked seriously impressed. I predict a bright future for Mr. Guy.

    • willisnewton says:

      this is good cop/ bad cop i think. BDLR is going to be the one to endear himself to the jury I’m guessing while Guy will be the harsh one.

      • concernedczen says:

        they will take Mr. Guy’s harshness better than from Bernie as Mr. Guy is younger, very handsome, and also white.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Yes … she gets points for assigning first and second chair. If Fogen is dumb enough to testify, I wonder which one will tear him apart? I presume BDLR, but clearly Guy is up to the job.

      • MollyK says:

        He certainly is. But I think it is highly unlikely that GZ will go on the stand. They can’t ppossibly think that he could stand up to cross-examination. Watch them ask again for special treatment, direct examination but no crosss!!

      • willisnewton says:

        they have to rely on the “excited utterance” alone to establish assertion of self defense I’d imagine. We will see if it works or not.

      • Ms.X says:

        I say let Guy have at him.

    • breelee says:

      RT @renestutzman : Don West going old style re openings Has got a stack of notecards on podium. Pacing, hands in pockets. Nearly ready to go…

  995. smokeegyrl says:

    Good Morning all, I missed the first 19 minutes… but I caught the first opening… Guy did a good job… What the heck is west going to do with his theatrics. lawda mercy and Fogen’s stoic face… I missed the part of the earlier comments of what Timeline didn’t the prosecution have ready?

  996. Wendie Dox says:

    That was an opening statement worthy of THE GOOD WIFE. perfection. Not a single fumble. DId he ever in look down at notes?

  997. ay2z says:

    gbrbsb, we got out answer, didn’t we? About why John Guy, he was good.

    West needs to go hide behind his ‘demon’steratives.

  998. Sleuth says:

    Did y’all notice, the confessed murderer sat there the whole while avoiding looking in the direction of Guy and the jury. Also seems as though they may have doped him up.

    The Wiester, sitting there with is jaws dropped. The defense did not see this coming.

    I think this case will be over much sooner than the 4 weeks they predicted.

  999. SearchingMind says:

    ‘He will take you through the path of the bullet. It wasn’t to the left. It wasn’t to the right. It wasn’t up, it wasn’t down. It went straight down the middle’ –

    Where are you LLMPapa, you and Professor have been right from the get go!

    • breelee says:

      Omg, Guy is my new hero. I’m bawling so hard but so proud of the state right now. Tracy and Sabrina are breaking my heart, bless those wonderful people.

      I’m trying to gear up for west, I have to control myself not to take it out on my laptop.

  1000. cielo62 says:

    recess. Audio visual, huh? Will we see hidden video of Black Dynamite Slim in action? They’ve got NOTHING.

  1001. Judy75201 says:


  1002. Patricia says:

    John guy is the guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  1003. Trained Observer says:

    Fine quiet close by Guy. Tells jury they’ll know in their heads, hearts and stomachs what happened. West sits there looking slackjawed … duh, he surely must be processing.

  1004. Wow! Speechless, crying, so powerful!

  1005. fauxmccoy says:

    great job, mr guy!!!

    (west still ‘processing’)

  1006. chi1224 says:

    What a powerful OS from the state!

  1007. omg i can’t wait to see how pathetic west’s opening will be compared to that horrible story.

  1008. willisnewton says:

    “We are confident at the end of this trial that you wil know in your head in the heart and in your stomach, that George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin not because he had to, but because he wanted to.”

  1009. KittySP says:

    Wooo-hooo! Love this ‘Guy’! Using all GZs and words of witnesses against him…trained at a gym, not Bally’s, but won that specializes in fighting, ‘MMA’ style! Speak Lord, your will be done!

    • Dee says:

      Trayvon is going to have his day. The Lord will allow them to talk for Travyon through the science of forensic. Trayon did have Zimmerman blood on him, but Zimmerman has Trayvon blood on him. How can you beat up someone and do not get blood on Trayvon, especially holding a bloody nose and mouth. I said it before I truly believe Zimmerman injuries was self-inflicted by himself with the butt of his own gun. I just hope they checked it out when they picked him up, but he could have wiped it off as well. However, his head injuries are not consistent with someone beating their head against the cement. It would leave just two vertical cuts.

  1010. Leisa says:

    You will know on your head and your heart and your stomachs that GZ did not have to kill Trayvon Martin. He wanted to. Damn!

  1011. tonya B says:

    lol the look on West face

  1012. Two sides to a story says:

    West’s jaw was dropped . . .

  1013. Tzar says:

    “He wasn’t as large as he is now”
    true that!

    • Ms.X says:

      I hope they have a huge 3′ x 4′ photo of fogen the night he murdered Tray. He looked so menacing & mean, not like the goody 2 shoes he is pretending 2 be now.

  1014. Wendie Dox says:

    There it is.. Trayvon Martin was right handed… I was waiting for that, to shut up the Zimbots.

  1015. Trained Observer says:

    Guy: [Fogen not as big as he is now … attended} … “A gym where they teach you to fight … kickboxing … MMA

    for a year and a half.”

  1016. willisnewton says:

    Medical examiner mentioned. describes TM;s slight build. 158 pounds. no bruised knuckles

  1017. Sleuth says:

    So glad Guy planted those 4 words early into the jurors mind.

  1018. Rachael says:

    Got it!!! No way could he have not taken Travyon in a fight.

  1019. cielo62 says:

    Nice outline! Will cover everything.

  1020. willisnewton says:

    here is comes about the fight gym

  1021. ZCBest says:

    OMG…he said he wasn’t nearly as large as he is now!!!

  1022. disappointed says:

    not nearly as large!

  1023. cielo62 says:

    “About to commit a crime.” PROFILED.

  1024. cielo62 says:

    “Do NOT be the vigilante police”.

  1025. ZCBest says:

    This is better than I could have prayed for.

  1026. cielo62 says:

    West will muddy the waters. It’s all he can do.

  1027. willisnewton says:

    No mention of the car-to-pedestrian chase yet. Very disappointed.

  1028. Sleuth says:

    Looks like The Wiester is starting to get po’d. I guess he underestimated Guy’s skills.

  1029. Sophia33 says:

    “Listen carefully when the screaming stops”

  1030. Wendie Dox says:

    “listen carefully when the screaming stops”… genius.

  1031. cielo62 says:

    “Listen carefully when the screaming stops.”

  1032. Trained Observer says:

    Don’t know what he’s done in the past, but this could be the best opener performance of Guy’s career. This is easy for the jury to follow.

    What’s poor West gonna do to offset this? Lie … cheat … have a hissy?

    • ChrisNY~Laurie says:

      I watched him on tv on one of those crime shows, possibly 48 hours. He was awesome then as he was today.

  1033. Shari says:

    Witness saw Trayvon on top at one point. Who is that

  1034. willisnewton says:

    John W6 described in opening as seeing no MMA, no head on concrete, no flesh on flesh.

  1035. Tzar says:

    They are trying to neutralize Jon in opening statements

  1036. cielo62 says:

    OOOOOH! NO slamming!

  1037. Mojo says:

    Does anyone else want to reach the screen and beat the living crap out of that fat piece of shit?

  1038. Sophia33 says:

    HLN is a trip. They have cut off the Prosecution.

  1039. willisnewton says:

    mentions the length of the verbal exchange as not as GZ claimed

  1040. John Guy’s opening statement is powerful. I can’t stop crying..

  1041. Two sides to a story says:

    Fogen’s parents should be glad they’re not inside the courtroom.

  1042. Two sides to a story says:

    Guy is deadly. Rockin’ and rollin’.

  1043. Sleuth says:

    OMG! A zero contact shot. Can’t wait for Amy Seaworth (?) to testify.

  1044. Leisa says:

    I wonder if any jurors are crying?

  1045. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    GZ is a total scum bag!

  1046. willisnewton says:

    nothing about a possible phone call from GZ between hanging up with NEN and the shot fired. I was wondering if GZ may have called someone during that time or not. I guess thats my answer

  1047. Wendie Dox says:

    Guy is soo smooth. love him.

    • MrSykes says:

      Yeah this dude rocks. Just came from seemingly out of nowhere and lit it up. Still laughing at Don West’s reaction, mouth agape, completely dumbstruck.

  1048. Nef05 says:

    “That was physically impossible”

    “No Blood, No DNA”

    I LOVE HIM!!!

    Good morning everyone. 🙂

  1049. Sophia33 says:

    Now, I think I am seeing why BDLR didn’t fight the heresy statements. He is trying to hang GZ with his lies.

  1050. Leisa says:

    He looks so pompous sitting there.

  1051. cielo62 says:

    Did you hear the gasp! STRONG!

    • Malisha says:

      My MAN! My MAN! Fogen announced his intentions and his depraved self-aggrandizing murderous attitudes before he chased down his prey and shot him in the heart! Crumble up and die, child-killer; there aren’t enough psychotropic drugs in the WORLD to change what you have done! You can’t erase others’ pain caused by you and you won’t avoid YOUR PAIN about to be tasted.

  1052. MrSykes says:


  1053. amsterdam1234 says:

    The prosecution may want those hearsay statements in, if they have evidence from that professor that GZ knew exactly what he should be saying.

  1054. Tzar says:

    I take it back
    GUY is not Bland at all
    he is a tyrant at the lectern

    • fauxmccoy says:

      YES!!!! i think this opening, made by the younger mr guy was far more powerful than what bernie would have done. this was a calculated, shrewd move and i applaud!

      • jm says:

        Mr. Guy’s presentation was brilliant. I could feel the contempt he had for the lying GZ for murdering an innocent kid. Not sure Bernie could have done this without becoming over-excited/dramatic. Mr. Guy pulled the audience/jurors in.

  1055. Judy75201 says:

    I love this ASA.

  1056. Yorazigo says:

    Who is the young woman behind Sybrina? Anyone know? In tears as Guy describes Trayvon’s death.

  1057. gbrbsb says:

    Join the club… and bet you liked Guy saying circling the car was “physically impossible”… ha!

  1058. disappointed says:

    Liar he never hit you!

  1059. Sleuth says:

    And that sick arse child killer sitting there trying to doze off.

  1060. Wendie Dox says:

    I’m not an expert, but to me this asa is a rock star.

  1061. Puck says:

    AC turned around and smiled at Sybrina in support.

  1062. Sleuth says:

    Am I the only one thinking Guy harvested parts of his opening statements from this blog? 🙂

  1063. Rachael says:

    In IT’S own words. I love it. Not his, but IT’S

  1064. Judy75201 says:

    The first thing I saw after I arrived at work was Tracy crying. Anguish.

  1065. Trained Observer says:

    Fogen, dry-eyed, being forced to relive from victim’s standpoint …
    Tracey shedding tears.

  1066. Mojo says:

    As the father of two sons who are not much older than Trayvon. I find it nearly impossible to look a Tracy in the courtroom and not break down.

  1067. amsterdam1234 says:

    I am bawling already.

  1068. Sleuth says:

    Sybrina and Tracey are crying. This has got to be so, so, painful for them. I pray that God continue to strengthen them throughout this process.

  1069. Wendie Dox says:

    the sight of tracy martin is breaking my wonder defense didnt want them in the courtroom.

  1070. gbrbsb says:

    The phone next to the body… I said before, that is where Trayvon fell.

    CPR, something GZ did not care a fuck about doing !

  1071. disappointed says:

    Wake up Fogen YOU DID THIS!

  1072. Rachael says:

    I’m aching for Sybrina and Tracy.

  1073. chi1224 says:

    This is making me cry….

  1074. willisnewton says:

    mentions Raymondo’s CPR efforts and his discarding the rules about using a mask for mouth to mouth

    • Leisa says:

      I’m glad Raimondo did something because Smith and Ayala didn’t do shit to help Trayvon while they stood there talking to the killer and looking at his gun.

  1075. KittySP says:

    just revealed ‘DDs’ real name!

  1076. omg poor tracy i’m so sorry

  1077. Leisa says:

    Poor Mr. Martin.

  1078. MrSykes says:

    Dude this is really freaking intense.

  1079. willisnewton says:

    mentions the end of the phone call, the “shall I have the police meet you at the mailboxes,” and then GZ changes his mind

    Guy: “becasue he wasnt going to the mailboxes, and he wasnt going back to his car”

  1080. colin black says:

    are thet cutting sound every time they think the word fucking is comeing up?

  1081. Sophia33 says:

    That’s right the mailboxes!

  1082. SearchingMind says:

    “There was this defendant riding around in his car – “ Fogen was patrolling.

    • ks says:

      Yes! If the prosecution shows it GZ is done. The whole ‘I was just going to Target…” narrative is the lie we all thought it was.

      • Ms.X says:

        I pray the judge allows the prosecution to review the prior calls made by gz. How did he constantly have a report to make if he wasn’t patrolling? It also shows his control freak statr of mind or personality disorder. I wish JN would stop bending over for the defense.

  1083. Sleuth says:

    Did Guy just call out witness #8 name? Rachel Gentel (?)

    Dispatcher Sean Nofky(?)

  1084. KittySP says:

    GZ sitting there with that blank stare on his face…looks as if he wants flee that courtroom screaming, “I lied, I’m guilty!”

  1085. disappointed says:

    oh Lord. F****** PUNKS is opening statements!

  1086. Yorazigo says:

    Wow. GZ WAS on patrol that night.

  1087. John Guy firing straight out of the gate. He ain’t playing today! FUCKING PUNKS! THESE ASSHOLES!

  1088. Trained Observer says:

    Angela Corey present in pink. Tracey Martin just behind in blue sportcoat.

    • Ms.X says:

      So many of them were choking back tears during the opening, even Mrs. Corey. The circumstances of Trayvon’s death are so very tragic. Heart breaking.

  1089. willisnewton says:

    Sean the NEN dispatcher named. god help him too.

  1090. MrSykes says:

    Hahaha Fogen is shaking in his freaking boots.

  1091. SoulSistaWoo says:

    Dee Dee’s name is Rachel… and Our Rachel has been on this blog hold a strong position for Trayvon in Rachel Gentil’s absence… Thank you Rachel!

  1092. Sophia33 says:

    LIES. That is right!

  1093. fatboy is just looking straight forward….he doesn’t want to hear this…..too bad asshole


  1094. lurker says:

    Did he just name Witness #8?

  1095. willisnewton says:

    wow W8 named. god help her

  1096. evil mark omara may he regret for the rest of his life the nasty evil race baiting and victim bashing this child.

  1097. Two sides to a story says:

    If I were Fogen, I wouldn’t survive opening statements.

  1098. Trained Observer says:

    Guy effectively turning around and giving Fogen derisive looks as he telll what he did.

  1099. Tzar says:

    Dee Dee has a pretty name: Rachel

  1100. chi1224 says:

    Guy is doing awesome!! Look at Fogen’s face!!

  1101. Sleuth says:

    Oh Shyte, Guy ain’t messing around this morning. F—KNG PUNSK! My man is straight out the “The Heat of The Night”.

    So glade he refers to Trayvon as a boy, the confessed murderer a grown man.

    Go on Guy, wit cho bad self!

    • Malisha says:

      Sleuth, yes yes. “Malice or ill will” is already established. FOGEN ADMITTED to “Fucking Punks.” And THAT is sufficient for the “malice or ill will.” Now all that’s needed will be “depraved mind.” HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!

  1102. disappointed says:

    love the look on Guy’s face while looking at Fogen!

  1103. Yorazigo says:

    Powerful opening words!

  1104. willisnewton says:

    State mentions lies to police.

  1105. Trained Observer says:

    Whoa … “funking punks … those assholes always get away”

    What an opener. Don’t hold back Mr. Guy

  1106. Rachael says:

    When he screamed “FUCKING” in the courtroom, it made me jump!

  1107. KittySP says:

    I’m glad she let those statements in…if I were the state I would use those in my direct questioning of those witnesses that he made those ‘excited utterances’ to…is that something they are allowed to do?
    Also, the overt pessimism of some when things aren’t going in the way of the defense is disheartening! It’s one thing to express disappointment over a ruling, objection, etc. We want to remain, positive, upbeat, encouraged, and faithful that justice will prevail.

    • fauxmccoy says:

      agreed – there will be ups and downs throughout this whole process. we need to keep the faith and trust that the state has done it’s job and i believe they have.

  1108. Leisa says:

    Damn. If Mr. Guy has me in tears already, I am in trouble here.

  1109. amsterdam1234 says:

    Dude, say it again.

  1110. tharealkeisha says:

    checking in

  1111. FactsFirst says:


  1112. SoulSistaWoo says:

    SHOTS FIRED accross the court room! Guy Opeing words… FUCKING PUNKS!

  1113. tonya B says:

    fuckin PUNKS

  1114. Sharelle says:

    I loved how he started! I was startled by him saying “f******* punks!”


    go MrGUY!

  1116. ZCBest says:

    I love Guy already!!!!!! Started with a bang!

  1117. chi1224 says:

    Coming out strong!! Yes!!

  1118. disappointed says:

    Damn! Way to start!!

  1119. Leisa says:

    That’s the way to start!

  1120. Rob says:

    Self serving, and hearsay allowed in, we all know he’s guilty but i’ve been in florida all my life and this case is BS, to the point that they are just trying to satify the AA community, and it sickens me to see, to much leway to the defense in this case, many AA have been killed and profiled and nothing gets done about it, this case is air tight for the prosecution but it’s going to be put on Trayvon that it was all his fault but we know better, and that the nature of florida

  1121. Lynn says:

    Wasn’t it when GZ was in the car that Smith said he overheard him say he was asking for help? That was some time later.

  1122. concernedczen says:

    Hopefully the state has something to impeach witness 13, because he for sure is lying and trying to help Zimmerman.

  1123. Shari says:

    I am bothered that the prosecution has no time line. They had a year and access to all of the evidence.

  1124. Sophia33 says:

    Happy Birthday Professor and Colin.

  1125. willisnewton says:


    perhaps however the state is waiting to surprise witnesses of the defendant on this issue when they are on the stand.

    • Rachael says:

      I’m hoping the more lies let in, the more the State will prove them to be so.

    • PiranhaMom says:

      @Willis –


      “Perhaps however the state is waiting to surprise witnesses of the defendant on this issue when they are on the stand.”

      That’s what I expect Bernie to see as his “saving grace,” negating Fogen’s self-serving claim of self-defense,

  1126. chi1224 says:

    Please dear God don’t let any racists be on that jury

  1127. Sleuth says:

    Now why in the heck was O’Dirty and The Wiester acting surprised when those parasites called zdiots were asked to leave the court roo,?

  1128. FactsFirst says:

    seriously thinking about moving to another country.. SMDH…

  1129. Tzar says:

    How could the prosecution not be keen on the time line?

  1130. ZCBest says:


  1131. Sophia33 says:

    Why didn’t Bernie fight harder? This is b.s.

    • chi1224 says:

      Maybe he thinks it won’t matter?? Fogen said he was screaming for help. If the jury concludes Fogen wasn’t the one screaming, they will know he started lying from the very start

    • Malisha says:

      Bernie correctly identifies Judge Nelson as someone who comes into court with her decision on the matter prepared on the day she renders it. Unlike West, he realizes that he needs to work within the boundaries she establishes. That part I agree with. Fighting harder won’t change her mind; it WILL, however, change the relationship between the judge and the whining irritating advocate who keeps saying but but but …

      • PiranhaMom says:


        Re: “Bernie correctly identifies Judge Nelson as someone who comes into court with her decision on the matter prepared on the day she renders it. Unlike West, he realizes that he needs to work within the boundaries she establishes. That part I agree with.”

        Agree also. Bernie also knows that if this concession is granted to the defendant, “DeeDee’s” testimony for the prosecution is protected and should now go unchallenged.

  1132. boyd says:

    is the 911 operator testifying? I say this because George implies he did what 911 asked him to do.

  1133. Sophia33 says:

    The fix is in.

  1134. Two sides to a story says:

    Fogen is breathing hard and fast.

  1135. ay2z says:

    He’s all alone now, isn’t he?

  1136. Surrealdreamer says:

    What just happened? They lost me

    • Two sides to a story says:

      JN is allowing Fogen’s statements to w13 and police in to opening statements as excited utterances.

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      The defense managed to get two hearsay statements made by GZ in, based on a hearsay exception rule that the statements were made within a certain amount of time after the event took place. West lied about the timing and the prosecution didn’t have their facts ready to refute his claim.

      • Sleuth says:

        You caught that too.

      • willisnewton says:

        the statement to W13 was allowed. Was the statement to the officer allowed or not? SHe seemed to be onthe verge of not allowing it.

      • Malisha says:

        The two statemets:

        “The guy was beating on me so I had to shoot him” and
        “I was yelling out for help but nobody helped” —

        OK, although I do not agree at all that they are “res gestae” in any way shape or form, what do they prove? They are self-serving statements made by a guy who just killed somebody. Look at any cop show on TV. They catch the killer who immediately says:

        “He was trying to kill me” and “I was all alone screaming and nobody came…”

        Law and Order Criminal Minds Monk Columbo Hill Street Blues NCIS Miami CSI The Wire Incorporated.

        I must say she is giving the defense every single possible advantage.

        He’s still dead meat. I’m very comfortable here in my hoodie.

  1137. chi1224 says:

    I already feel sick….

  1138. Tzar says:

    this is awful!

  1139. fauxmccoy says:

    just stating for the record — a 6 person jury is lame in the extreme.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Easier to bond and get consensus with six than 12. Keep the faith.

    • William Walton says:

      Faux, I would not call the 6 lady jury lame. They most likely come back ans surprise you. Reminds me of a female engineer in the Bighorn basin who bitched that the tubing, rods, etc. were not steamed. KR the director for the field told her they were so she should not get her panites in a wad. The engineer stormed off and KR whom I had worked with when I was a Amoco asked “You did not say anything?” Tol KR that I learned early on that if two girls were going at it, stay out of it or they will join forces and turn on me. KR just laughed. No, I feel the 6 ladies will hold their own.

  1140. chi1224 says:

    So Fogen’s lies are in?

  1141. amsterdam1234 says:

    Why didn’t the prosecution have their facts ready?

  1142. Trained Observer says:

    Unwise of West to mention Mr. Z getting his butt beat.

  1143. whonoze says:

    Not going well here. West is lying and BDLR doesn’t know the timeline.

  1144. Sophia33 says:

    She let those statement in? SERIOUSLY?!!!!

  1145. Good morning everyone, I’m present and accounted for.
    Happy Birthday Professor!
    Hoodies up!

  1146. Tzar says:

    Why is Bernie not fighting this harder?

    • gbrbsb says:

      Because I don’t think he can fight it. He said Saturday he was going to look over the weekend but there were 8 res gestae exceptions and she read at least two I think that applied.

      • Tzar says:

        I think also they can show that the killer’s knowledge and training in the law would make his statements not trustworthy

        • gbrbsb says:

          I know BDLR was going to look over the weekend to see if they could avoid it presumably but just because GZ knows some law wouldn’t seem to me to be enough to prove those statements could be tainted, and first they would have to have the trial to prove he knew the law. IDK Tzar, it is a shame but we will have to live with it.

    • concernedczen says:

      Doesn’t make any sense. Also doesn’t make any sense why Mr. Guy is doing the opening statement when he has hardly spoken at all during any of the hearings so far.

  1147. gbrbsb says:

    I fear the two statements are going in… one of 8 bloody res gestae !

  1148. boyd says:

    the lawyers are ambushing JN so she can make a mistake. They have been doing this since day 1.

  1149. Surrealdreamer says:

    Hi and Good Morning to everyone,

    Last week there was a discussion going on about West chewing tobacco. I wanted to point out that I dont think that is what he is chewing.
    I dont know if anyone has heard of Global Grinds but I heard about them on a T.V show and they are caffeine pouches that include some of the same ingredients as energy drinks. They are pouches that are placed in the lip just like a chew pouch, you are recommended not to spit out the juice type substance created by saliva.

    Each of the potential investors tried the pouches and said they felt an almost immediate rush of energy. My ex husband was a chewer of tobacco and I honestly do not know how you could chew like it appears West is doing and not spit. I definitely think he appears to have a chew pouch of some kind in his mouth. It also might explain some of his strange behavior. Just a thought

    Have a great day everyone.

    • Malisha says:

      Caffeine — makes sense. I take mine in tablet form like long-distance truckers (cheaper than coffee and doesn’t taste bad). I never looked into “chew caffeine.” Gross!

  1150. Lynn says:

    Spontaneous? Witness 13 had time for a photoshoot before Smith got there.

  1151. Rachael says:

    Birthday Greetings Professor and Colin. Here we go! Put on your seatbelts and get ready for the ride!

  1152. amsterdam1234 says:

    I am furious already.

  1153. disappointed says:

    staggering? Good thing he was not swaying.

  1154. Trained Observer says:

    Is that a leopard print headband on JN to accompany the rust-colored ruffled neck apparel? Grrrrr … go get ’em JN.

  1155. Tzar says:

    Oh man Bernie is gonna let this shit ride
    this is bullshit

  1156. breelee says:

    Hoodies up! Love the look on fogens face, knowing his supporters aren’t there to back him up. I’m sure we all needed a laugh today. Btw, does anyone have Directv? If so, is your trial showing channels out also? I smell a rat, its my only ones not working. I wanted it for back up incase my internet goes down. tia

  1157. chi1224 says:

    damn it, is she going to rule in favor of the defense again?

  1158. Deborah Moore says:

    Imagine the jury in the next room, waiting, waiting, waiting.

  1159. Trained Observer says:

    Fogen with hands clasped … looking concerned. Maybe misses his consultant pal.

  1160. gbrbsb says:

    Tracey isn’t going to be a witness… it must have slipped passed me!

  1161. Leisa says:

    They can’t claim any statements to Officer Smith are admissible because his report said there were no statements made to him correct?

    • Malisha says:

      Ayala says that he overHEARD Fogen telling the EMT that he had been yelling for help but nobody helped him. Smith said Fogen had grass etc. on the back of his jacket as if he was on the ground on his back. (Fogen rolled in it to get his scent?) Eau de murderer on the dog path.

  1162. bunny620 says:

    Hopefully West can address this picture or diagram he wants to show in opening in less than 10 minutes. These delays are annoying.

  1163. ay2z says:

    It used to be ‘here come da judge’… now O’Mara has rewritten it to ‘P*** off the Judge…. P*** off the judge”

  1164. Shari says:

    They want the state to answer to a motion they never gave them a copy of!!!!

  1165. Trained Observer says:

    Mr. Guy from the defense offiially doing the opener.
    West now blathering … JN wants to know if he’ll be mentioning in opening? No? Then we’ll have a hearing on that …

  1166. Tzar says:


  1167. disappointed says:

    oh Lord trial by ambush.

  1168. gbrbsb says:

    Res gestae coming up right now… please m’am !

  1169. Leisa says:

    JN wants none of the bs in her courtroom today.

  1170. ChrisNY~Laurie says:

    Hahahaha…. Fogen is pissed because his family had to leave the courtroom! I’m loving it!

    • disappointed says:

      Yep Trayvon is the victim. Think he is mad cause Trayvon is still considered the victim and Fogen desperately wants to be the victim.

      • Malisha says:

        If there’s a rule on witnesses in Florida, since Senior was the one who testified that the scream was “absolutely” his son’s voice, I think it is right that he shouldn’t be in the trial. None of Trayvon Martin’s family ever crossed the lines of appropriate comments in the media and NONE OF THEM ever testified in this case.

      • Justchill says:


  1171. jm says:

    Love Judge Nelson. I don’t think she is fond of MOM and his BS.

  1172. Tzar says:

    West has another matter

    • jm says:

      West is a JERK. Hope Judge Nelson puts him in his place and doesn’t entertain his BS any more than she does MOM’s

  1173. gbrbsb says:

    Why Guy for opening statements ?

  1174. amsterdam1234 says:


  1175. Sophia33 says:

    Libation poured. A whole lot of ancestors called on.

  1176. Shari says:

    He really hates Crump. HA HA HA HA HA!!! Burn MOM Burn up inside. Get angry. If your client had NOT KILLED A CHILD you wouldn’t be here.

  1177. Tzar says:

    “I don’t want to argue with the court so now I will begin to argue with court”

  1178. Sophia33 says:

    Sorry, they were trying to get Trayvon’s parents removed. Nice to see Zimmerman’s family kicked out.

  1179. Trained Observer says:

    More oral “movements” from MOM. JN not having it.

  1180. bunny620 says:

    Ha! They never deposed Mr. Crump, I guess that rule is out of the window!

  1181. Two sides to a story says:

    Oh, Crump does lots of pressers . . . the kettle calling the pot black.

  1182. disappointed says:

    None the less to JN, lmao!

  1183. bunny620 says:

    O’Mara wants Crump out of the court room!

  1184. Shari says:

    Lord hold my hand he keeps calling the CHILD VICTIM “Mr. Martin.”

    • Sleuth says:

      That’s because he’s an idiot. Since the beginning of this case he has tried to convince the court of public opinion that this case is about 2 men, rather than about a grown arse man who murdered a child.

      If anything, at this point, he should be referring to Trayvon by his full name, or as it is often done, Master Trayvon Martin.

  1185. Leisa says:

    He sure hates Mr. Crump.

  1186. disappointed says:

    Press conferences? Pot meet kettle!

  1187. gbrbsb says:

    MOM you are soooooooo desperate !

  1188. disappointed says:

    why does he not want Crump there?

  1189. fauxmccoy says:

    m’om showing what a sleazebag he is right from the start. what a scumbag.

  1190. tonya B says:

    is omara trying to get the trayvons parents out the courtroom

  1191. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    HLN live tv has some early fireworks regarding who should be allowed in the court room…. victims family only! MOM wants GZ family judge says no

  1192. Dave says:

    MOM: “I’m not prepared.”

  1193. Shari says:

    What is wrong with MOM. He wants the court to ignore rules in “fairness” to both families and use her discretion to allow the killers family in. These people care nothing about the law they think they are above it.

  1194. disappointed says:

    oh my God!

  1195. gbrbsb says:

    So you should have addressed it at pretrial MOM !

  1196. Leisa says:

    Kicking Fogen’s parents out of the courtroom.

  1197. chi1224 says:

    How dare that POS O’Mara try to force Trayvon’s parents out of the courtroom!

  1198. MrSykes says:

    Here we go folks! A year and a half in the making. Man I’m nervous.

  1199. gbrbsb says:

    Ok, so GZ will remain silent… ha !

  1200. Trained Observer says:

    SheLie in a navy jacketed ensemble with white trim. Why is it Size 22s think when squeezing into an 18 that they’ll look trimmer?

  1201. GirlP says:

    Hoodie’s up! I’m praying for you Trayvon and your family…let justice be done you did nothing to deserve what Zimmerman, O’Mara and West have done to you…Trayvon you will have victory!

  1202. chi1224 says:

    By the way in case anyone is interested, if you have an iPhone or iPad there is an app for this trial, with a live stream. It’s free in the app store on itunes.

  1203. ay2z says:

    Good morning to all!!
    (It’s pouring rain outside, and the early dawn light is breaking somewhere behind the clouds)

  1204. Santrina says:

    Good Morning everyone and Happy Birthday to Professor and Colin mine was yesterday. Have to work today but I get to watch the first two hours. I am glad this day is here and the real evidence will be heard and seen. Fogen will be convicted!!!!

  1205. Trained Observer says:

    Fogen just walked in with the missus.

  1206. ic2fools says:


    Theres’ Angela Corey!

    • gbrbsb says:

      What channel ? I’ve checked all and only one I can find without a picture of GZ over the screen is NBC which keeps to the seal, but none are transmitting yet… or are they ?

      • ic2fools says:,

        sorry so late replying, just got home

        • gbrbsb says:

          Thnx everso ic, but would feel a bit of an idiot if I still hadn’t found a working channel by now… my plea for cover was before court even started !

          • ic2fools says:

            Okay, sure your right! West is un-amazingly inept. this does not sound one bit like a opening statement more like an creaking loss.

            why in the heck didn’t he have a larger areial blown up on a tri-pod using a pointer to show locations, ah just bad totally bad visiual. the State will straighten that out with more precise evidence. Thank goodness the State will do a good job to clean up defense hot mess.!

      • vickie s. votaw says:

        I listened to opening statements on hln, it sucked but at least I got to hear Mr. Guy, he was great!

        • gbrbsb says:

          Yes, great guy, Guy.

          I use NBC (loudest sound and best vision) but when I posted Tzar was posting seeing people in court and I wasn’t seeing anything but it was because it was a brief instant and they cut it off again.

  1207. chi1224 says:

    omg I was just reading over at CNN, I can not stomach Fogen’s supporters. I am so sick of racists who are still trying to smear the victim in this case! I pray that no closet racists are on that jury, that is the ONLY thing that worries me in this case.

  1208. disappointed says:

    Good morning, it looks like a beautiful day to start the final leg of Justice for Trayvon.

  1209. ay2z says:

    Happy Birthday, Prof!!

    Oolin, How did I not know??? I was talking to you last night too!!
    A wee toast fa’ ye!! Happy Birthday!

    On this day…. equality, it’s comin’ yet,

  1210. Tzar says:

    Cameras are on
    The killer just walked with his wife leading the way

  1211. Judy75201 says:

    At last. Hoodies UP!

  1212. Deborah Moore says:

    Hoodies Up!
    (I’m actually just waiting for my hair to dry first. That’s okay, isn’t it?)
    I’m in my seat and ready.
    Thanks to the Prof and all the fine students here to help everyone get through this.
    I feel so anxious this morning.

    • ic2fools says:

      HOODIES UP!!!!!

    • Beverly says:

      I do too, and alittle sick. I keep having flashbacks of the OJ trial and the sister of Ron. She seemed really devasted by the whole thing and yet was there everyday, I think. What horrible things humans can do to other human beings.

  1213. rayvenwolf says:

    Will be playing catch up around three since it’s not like I can watch everything at work.

  1214. amsterdam1234 says:

    One thing we know for sure with Judge Nelson presiding, the proceedings will begin on time.

  1215. gbrbsb says:

    Professor, I posted a comment not 10 mins ago which finds itself sequestered by moderation… but I am moderate… at least most of the time… well I do try to be at least !

  1216. Shari says:

    Can’t believe we’re finally here.

  1217. amsterdam1234 says:

    Martin family is about to give a statement.

  1218. jm says:

    I am hoping GZ is forced to take the stand and praying BDLR plays his cards correctly and Judge Nelson’s ruling will be in favor of the prosecution.

    I mean what does GZ have to hide that his lawyers would not want him to take the stand? Who better to explain the self defense than GZ?

    PS: Whatever became of GZ’s wife’s perjury case?

    • Trained Observer says:

      Perjury case pending.

      • abbyj says:

        T.O., Good morning. Today, at last.
        Now that you mention SheLie, any thoughts as to whether she’s pregnant? Looks as if she might be. . . maybe not, though.

    • Leisa says:

      They decided to wait until this trial is over to peruse that charge.

    • chi1224 says:

      I hope that after Fogen is convicted that the liar Shellie goes down in flames too.

    • ic2fools says:


    • Malisha says:

      But a jury is not allowed to hold it against a defendant that he chooses not to take the stand. Fogen’s in a tight spot UNLESS, miraculously, a witness shows up in blue tights and a red cape and says, “I saw the whole thing. I was busy leaping over a tall building in a single bound when I saw a suspicious guy – but since I was in mid-air at the time, this young man, the accused citizen, took care of it for me. It was self-defense. Then I tried to find a phone booth to change clothes in, to go back to being a journalist (named Crenay Klutzman) and I learned that there were no more phone booths so I had to come to court in my dress clothes. Oooh I just love your TIE!”

  1219. fauxmccoy says:

    no rest for the wicked here in california – been up all night waiting for this moment.

    just went out to get skittles for breakfast and had a lovely chat with the younger black hispanic clerk at the 7-11. said i was waiting for this day for a long time and was hoping GZ would hang from his toenails.

    happy birthday to fred and colin, may your days be blessed!

    love to you all!

    • fauxmccoy says:

      and i hope that sybrina gets her thyroid checked. having had my own removed, i know what an enlarged thyroid looks and feels like and stress can bring that on. may the martin/fulton family find peace and justice.

      • Trained Observer says:

        These thyroid situations can be tricky. Many docs are not sufficiently competent to diagnose difficulties.

        • fauxmccoy says:

          @TO — thyroid problems are definitely tricky. i had graves disease that was mishandled so bad that i have some permanent damage. sybrina’s looks enlarged to me, but our nursing pals could probably say more.

      • i know what you’re thinking about. i noticed that myself. she may already be getting treatment for it because hopefully she’s seeing therapist or someone.

      • abbyj says:

        X2 Faux. Agreed. And how could Sybrina not have been under the worst stress any living being could go through during this last year?

    • ic2fools says:

      @fauxie, Trained Observer and Rachel

      Good Morning!

      My livestream playback working!!!

      (operatic) OOOAHHHHHHHHAAAA!!!! 😆

      • Rachael says:


        • ic2fools says:

          rachael, wth is west doing? this does not sound like opening statement, damn fool is just give the whole case scenrio. why in the world did that fool have little aerials and not a larger blow up with a pointer. arrrgghhhh!!!!! i missed john guy, my 3g lost connect arrrrggghhh!!!!
          but hey at least it works! thanks so much

        • ic2fools says:

          what happened who did Judge Nelson kick out of the courtroom, was it the outhouse squirrels?

        • ic2fools says:

          Ha! Judge Nelson — told Omar “Stay focused”

  1220. Beverly says:

    Good Morning All…O Lord what a morning. Prayers for the family. To add to comments about Opening…Of course time when lawyers make big impression; sounds like West intends to get off to a bad start. We’ll see.

  1221. gbrbsb says:

    Less than two hours away from what will to date surely be the most important and fulfilling day for the blog, and without wanting to steal anyone’s thunder, I post this because I am sure the Martin’s would not mind as Doreen Lawrence reached out to them from the UK soon after Trayvon was shot and the Martin’s visited here last year to meet the Lawrence family and with them pay homage to two dead innocent teens. A tragic story, as Trayvon’s, but with a silver lining too because of the changes it bought.

    Today in the UK we awakened to another whistle blower, a police investigator, who was pressured into spying on the parents of our own Trayvon Martin, Stephen Lawrence, a studious black teenager, hoping to become an architect, murdered some 20 years ago by 5 or more white supremacist thugs, only two of which were able to be brought to justice last year and only thanks to police reforms to counter institutional racism and changes to the UK’s double jeopardy law introduced apropos for the case.

    Apparently the police wanted the investigator to dig up any dirt he could find on Stephen’s parents and best friend, who was walking home with him the night he was stabbed to death, as a smear campaign to justify their lack of action and resolve but the contrary worked. From wiki:

    The case became a cause célèbre and one of the highest profile racial killings in UK history; its fallout included profound cultural changes to attitudes on racism and the police, and to the law and police practice, and the partial revocation of double jeopardy laws, before two of the perpetrators were convicted almost 20 years later in 2012.

    History was written with Stephen as it will surely be with Trayvon too. I know the Lawrence’s will surely be thinking of the Martin’s along with us all today and throughout the trial.

    Article from the Sun about the Martin’s visit to the UK to meet the Lawrence’s last year:

    Anyone interested, “The murder of Stephen Lawrence”, wikipedia entry covers all that had to change here to bring even two of the killers to justice.

  1222. heartofhearts says:

    Standing for Trayvon Martin. May the truth be revealed clearly and leave no reasonable doubt.
    This case has become one of good vs. evil and I pray good prevails.

  1223. two sides to a story says:

    Good morning – I’m awake WAY too early for my time zone. Apparently even my subconscious mind doesn’t want to miss this. Thank you, Mr. L, for your guidance on opening statements and what to expect..

  1224. pat deadder says:

    Happy Birthday Professor and Colin.Hope I’m right.If not happy day.On my way to work thank goodness for all of you.

  1225. amsterdam1234 says:

    Goodmorning everyone. I’ve got my hoody up.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Hoodies up!

      Justice for Trayvon!

      • Ms.X says:

        JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON! What did he do wrong? He was walking home, minding his own business. Who did he shoot? Any violence he may have committed was in self-defense only & there is no proof that he was violent. Trayvon’s poor parents have been the epitome of patience and peacefulness & zimmerman’s parents have been vile, racist & disgusting. Let them all reap what they’ve sewn.

  1226. KittySP says:

    Good morning Prof. Fred and rest of the ‘Leatherman Law’ students. Just wanted to repost prayer from June, 10.

    May God continue to bless us all!

    Heavenly Father, I give you all the glory, honor, and praise today. For you alone are worthy to be praised. I come humbly before you in the presence of Jesus Christ, to give thanks, praying, believing and receiving that you would place a hedge of protection around the city of Sanford Florida today, and for the duration of this trial.

    Father, I pray that you would touch the hearts, minds, and souls, of all those directly involved with this case. I pray for both the Fulton/Martin, and Zimmerman families to seek you for all their needs and to have forgiveness in their hearts. Give them Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

    I pray Lord, for those that have been selected as jurors in these proceedings to be open minded and view the evidence that is presented before them and make informed judgments based on the evidence alone, and not be swayed by what they’ve seen or heard in the media. I pray that both the state and the defense are well prepared in presenting their cases so that they can help the jury do what they’ve been chosen to do. I pray that you would continue to strengthen and help Judge Nelson to be patient, and to maintain authority, and order, in her courtroom.

    I pray for all the witnesses that have to come and give their testimony. I pray for those living in RATL that they are truthful in their telling of what occurred that evening to the best of their recollection. Pray that those who are called to give expert testimony, for them to be knowledgeable, focused, and well prepared.

    Lord God, for the rest of us that are on the outside looking in, the media, the general public, especially those of us that are commenting on blogs and other social media outlets. Help us Lord, to remain civil to one another and to be reminded, that the battle is not ours, it is Yours.

    Lastly Lord, I pray for the defendant George Zimmerman. Father God, I ask that you would touch his heart right now Lord, that he would do what he knows in his heart to be true.

    Father, I pray all these things, in Jesus Holy name. Amen

  1227. Leisa says:

    Good morning! Hope Fogen is crapping himself today!

  1228. Yorazigo says:

    Good am, y’all.

    Professor, do you think note taking will help us as we watch the trial? If so, any recommendations as to what to look for?

    Thank you!

  1229. Trained Observer says:

    Good morning!

    “… the less he [BDLR/GUY] introduces during his case in chief, the more likely GZ will testify.” — Frederick Leatherman

    Let’s hope for brevity!

    • fauxmccoy says:

      CNN is reporting that ASA Guy will be opening for the state and that west intends to take 2 hours. . . shooting himself in the foot before he leaves the starting gate. (shocker!)

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        Leave it to West to talk for 2 hours about an event that took less than 10 minutes.

      • Malisha says:

        West’s opening, though, could be summarized in 20 minutes. Even in 2 minutes:

        My client.
        It is wrong and even his father agrees.
        He tried to protect his neighborhood.
        He’s fine and upstanding.
        He never did anything wrong.
        You should stick to that story no matter what you hear.
        Because that’s the only story you should be allowed to hear.
        Everything else is a scheme.
        For money.
        And my client is just a potted palm.
        Who loves Black people.
        And who should be a judge.
        And all that stuff about him doing a bad thing:
        Forget about it.
        He has.

      • Patricia says:

        Good morning faux, John Guy is my guy ! His motto is “We handle cases where bullet meets flesh”.
        Justice for trayvon!!

      • racerrodig says:

        Been 3 1/2 hours now and he even put Fogen to sleep……and all for a grand total of $750.00 an hr. for a grand total of $2,625.00…..what a deal.

        Skeletor made a big deal that Trayvon was almost home a very short distance now he just said Chad “…was way down there..”

        And it’s very important that the Arizona can was full and that a hoodie made him well over 6 ft tall and 158 is far from skinny.

        What a dork.

      • towerflower says:

        When he made a big deal about how full the can was, I’m afraid he is going to say that TM was hitting him with it and it is no longer full…..lost it’s seal. I hollered at my phone when he talked how TM grew well over 6′ tall with his hoodie and shoes.

      • Ms.X says:

        I hope the prosecution doesnt make the same mistakes made in the Casey Anthony trial. I think Marsha Clark was discussing it on Rev Al’s show today. The problem is this: Many jurors on the CA trial were influenced by the unsubstantiated statements of Baez. He said he was going to prove that Caylee drowned in the pool & Casey’s dad sexually molested her AND HE NEVER DID. Yet the jurors mentioned those items as having influenced them to have a reasonable doubt. You can bet that MOM has studied this case left & right & will be employing the same tactics. The prosecution can’t take this for granted. They have to refute EVERY LIE those bastards drop. Look at all the misinformation West put forth just today. The jurors will have enough to keep up with discerning the facts. They can’t let them think a fiction is a fact. If I were the prosecution I’d be endlessly objecting. I wouldn’t let West get away with saying the hands weren’t bagged properly, or Trayvon had a piece of sidewalk in his pocket or air to ground missle in his pocket. It needs to be refuted immediately. The prosecution of the CA trial thought the jurors would just discern the truth AND THEY DIDN’T. I just wouldn’t leave it to chance.

  1230. Rachael says:

    good morning!

    • Good morning, everyone!

      This day has finally come. I pray the jurors follow the evidence so that justice will be done. So be it in Jesus Name.

    • Xena says:

      Good afternoon!

      Happy birthday professor. May you have many, many more. Symbolic that opening statements begin on your birthday.

      Justice for Trayvon!

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Wow 2,296 comments already!

      Anyway, the prosecution wants to discuss with the witness on the stand the 911 and NEN calls gz made, because they show he calls mainly on blacks. O’Mara is objecting and JN has asked for case law to support the prosecutors stand, before she rules. She’s ordered 8am tomorrow to hear the motion so the trial can continue at 9am. Stay tuned.

      • racerrodig says:

        Even the HLN commentators are saying Fogen should be measuring himself for a jumpsuit !!!!!!!!!!!

        I knew this would be a bad month to be real busy in the shop, I’m only about 2,000 behind.

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