Zimmerman: LLMPapa and Marinade Dave Are Back in the House with Part III

November 11, 2012

Papa titles Part III as A Walk With Marinade Dave.


Thanks, Gentlemen


If you missed them:

Part I

Part II

Zimmerman: LLMPapa and Marinade Dave Are Back in the House with Part II

November 10, 2012

Here is Part 2.


You are doing a fine job.

Mighty fine.

Pins and needles waiting for Part III.

Enjoy everyone.

Zimmerman: LLMPapa, Marinade Dave and Trent Sawyer Are in the House I

November 9, 2012

Here is the first of a three-part collaboration between LLM Papa and David Knechel

It’s all in the timing . . .


Thank you gentlemen.

You do fine work and deserve to be on the main page.

Per Xena, here is Trent Sawyer’s video, who also is collaborating on this important work.

Thank you, Trent.