Over Easy: Do you know anything about Morgellons?

November 13, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Good afternoon:

Ryan Ferguson is a free man today. He walked out of a Missouri penitentiary this morning after the Missouri Attorney General’s Office decided not to retry him for the murder of Ken Heitholt. He served 10 years of a 40-year sentence. The only evidence that linked him to the murder was the testimony of an eyewitness who said he saw Ferguson around 2 am standing in a parking lot near the location where the victim’s body was found and the testimony of his codefendant who pled guilty to the murder after providing police with a false confession to the murder. Both witnesses recanted their testimony after Ferguson was convicted and sentenced to prison.

I wrote about the circumstances of this wrongful conviction of an innocent man and the decision by the Missouri Court of Appeals reversing his conviction and sentence on the ground that the prosecution withheld material exculpatory evidence from the defense, which is a violation of the Brady rule.

I write today to encourage discussion and to solicit ideas regarding a vexing problem that Crane and I have been dealing with for the past week. During a routine house cleaning session, she discovered several fungus-like growths on kitchen counters and cabinets. When she first saw them, she thought they were bread crumbs or spilled food. However, they seemed to be attached to the surface and had to be pried loose. She got a closer look, saw black and white hair-like fibers and whitish larvae and thought she was dealing with some type of insect. I disagreed and told her that I thought it was a fungus.

After that discovery, we began noticing similar clumps all over the apartment, as if they had spontaneously sprouted into existence in the blink of an eye.

Then they began to appear as lesions on her hands, arms and face. During the past 48 hours, they have spread into her mouth and nose. This alarming development is the reason why you have not seen an article from either of us for the past several days.

We have not been able to determine what caused the lesions and we are asking for your assistance in identifying it.

Anti-fungal ointment keeps the outbreak from spreading and reduces the size of each infected site, but the stuff spreads quickly and appears to tunnel into the skin.

No, this is not a joke.

We’ve never heard of this thing, so we’ve spent a lot of time on the internet attempting to identify it. With the exception of it spreading to object, the symptoms are similar to Morgellons.

However, the CDC published a paper last year reporting the results of an extensive multi-year study of Morgellons and they concluded that it’s a delusional parasitosis. In other words, it’s an imagined condition.

That’s not helpful and it isn’t going to heal the open sores on her skin.

Have any of you heard about the raging controversy regarding Morgellons or have any experience with it?

We are searching for clues.


This worrisome development is not helping our financial situation. We really do need your assistance.
