Trayvon Martin Case: Banishing Zimmerman’s Name

Today I am featuring our good friend Tzar and his recommendation that I stop using Zimmerman’s name in the titles to my posts and instead to refer to this case as the Trayvon Martin case.

Upon reflection, I have agreed to follow his recommendation.

Here is his comment and my response.

Hello Professor

I wanted to comment on your choice to title your articles with Zimmerman’s name vs Trayvon’s. In light of Friday’s gas station shooting of a teen over the loudness of the music in his car and how attention seeking The Zimmerman clan has been of late, I thought I would raise the question: Do we give people who want attention like Zimmerman has received incentive to behave like him by mentioning Zimmerman too much. It’s complicated but essentially I wonder if we would we be better served if we referred to the “Trayvon Martin case” instead of the “Zimmerman case”

Here is the excerpt that prompted this post

How the media shouldn’t cover a mass murder

Every time there’s a mass shooting, I remember this piece of footage from Charlie Brooker’s BBC series Newswipe. In it, a forensic psychiatrist outlines the guidelines for news reporting of such a tragedy, assuming that your aim is to prevent further ones.

He says:

If you don’t want to propagate more mass murders…

Don’t start the story with sirens blaring.

Don’t have photographs of the killer.

Don’t make this 24/7 coverage.

Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story.

Not to make the killer some kind of anti-hero.

Do localise this story to the affected community and as boring as possible in every other market.

Just some musings
great article as usual

My response:

Hi, Tzar.

You make a good point that had not occurred to me. I am used to thinking about a criminal case as the defendant’s case, rather than the victim’s case. I’ve always done it that way and so has everyone else I know.

Of course, just because it’s a common practice does not make it right.

I’m going to have to think about this

Thanks, for mentioning it.

Tzar’s response to me:

It is my intimation that the persistent hammering of one name vs another, chisels out monoliths in the consciousness representing not only our better or worser angels, but possibly inspirations to the our better or worser angels.

At the least it would be a fascinating social experiment; to essentially drown out the Zimmerman name and do things such as strictly refer to him as the defendant or the killer and put forth Trayvon’s name repeatedly enough that it can enter into proper martyrdom and social lore. A child’s defamation-notice I said defamation and not simply death-should mean something, it should stay in the society’s psyche. I believe that this kind of approach may help do that, I also believe that this is the kindest and worse thing we could do to vulgarians who openly support Zimmerman’s vulgarity.

One may even want to consider this propagandist approach as sort of a modus operandi or prevention play book whenever these horrible things happen.

Sorry for the flowery language, Just thinking out loud right after my morning coffee. 🙂

Finally, my conclusion.

People say it’s difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. My answer is that a person should always be willing to review and question old beliefs and ways of doing things. We become old dogs, if we don’t.

I also believe that the path to making a better world begins at home with the self. Often it’s the seemingly small change, the minor adjustment or adaptation, that others notice. In this way the ripple becomes a wave and the wave a tsunami.

Thank you, my friend.

I like your idea and I’m not only going to give it a try, I’m going to feature it and credit you on the front page.

516 Responses to Trayvon Martin Case: Banishing Zimmerman’s Name

  1. Malisha says:

    Fogen: FOrgEt his Name

    Fogen: Fool Owning Gun Eliciting Notoriety

    Fogen: Fucking Onanistic Greasy Evolutionarily-impaired Nonentity

    Fogen: Freakin Overindulgent Gluttonous Execrable Nobody

    Fogen: Fraudulent Obnoxious Gross Effeminate Nitwit

    Just for starters…

  2. Lonnie Starr says:

    Okay gang, here’s the petition you’ve been waiting for! We “Leathermanistas” get first dibs on signing.
    we petition the obama administration to:
    Constitutionally Ban “Stand Your Ground” Laws.

    Since the Stand Your Ground laws have been passed in many states, there have been many shootings that appear to have been inspired by these laws. While many of these shootings are not, in fact, covered by these laws, there are likely also some that were not prosecuted, because law enforcement authorities felt, that they lacked the resources to meet the higher standards required to win convictions. It being too easy to concoct a claim of fear for ones own life, while their claimed assailant/opponent is likely to have expired and be unable to testify otherwise.

    Making investigations heavily time and resource consuming exercises that not every jurisdiction can shoulder. Potentially letting criminals go free.

    Created: Nov 29, 2012
    Issues: Civil Rights and Liberties, Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement, Firearms

    Remember, we need 150 votes to go live!

  3. Malisha says:

    Anyone who does what Fogen doesn’t want them to do is exceeding their authority. AND exceeding their authority makes folks like Tim Smith, Officer Santiago (was that it? I forgot HIS name too), Billy Lee and Normie Wolfinger “upset” and “very frustrated” and it derogates the credibility of decent Americans.


  4. FactsFirst says:

    ***BREAKING*** SheLie asks judge to drop perjury charge because Corey exceeded her authority,0,7951118.story

    • racerrodig says:

      The desperation is palpable.

    • Jun says:

      I could be wrong but Corey is assigned on the George Zimmerman case, and Shellie’s crime was involved in George Zimmerman’s case and trial so she has jurisdiction over anything that happens within that case and trial

      and I thought all prosecutors in each district worked with each other as one big jurisdiction

    • Jun says:

      Isnt Shellie’s case


      I am confused by this plan of action

      Hopefully the judge makes an example of her lying under oath, just to send a message across

    • sdunn5 says:

      there is no such thing as Breaking News on the OS perhaps breaking the law but you know what I mean.

    • Xena says:

      The Information is signed by John K. Guy, Designated Assistant State Attorney for the Eighteenth Judicial Circuit.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      My guess is this motion will be denied. The SP was in court and witnessed a perjury, as an officer of the court, the SP had a duty to bring and prosecute the charge.

      @Xena, hey! Don’t take what I said to hard, I’ve been a little off, I’ve been waiting for UPS two days to deliver a package and now they tell me it’s going to be three, while several other, should be simple, transactions have gone afoul and caused me vexation trying to track down what went wrong. So I’ve been scanning mail trying to keep up and moving too fast. I know you have lots of work going on, I only caught that one by accident myself. Okay? No biggie?
      Sorry if I sounded short, I didn’t mean it to be that way.

      • Xena says:

        @Xena, hey! Don’t take what I said to hard, I’ve been a little off,…

        No offense intended and I apologize if I came across the wrong way. I’m the impatient one. 🙂

    • Malisha says:

      That crap won’t do her a bit of good. With the transcript of the hearing they could dismiss this indictment and another state’s attorney would go right back in and draw perjury charges against her the next day; the statute of limitations has not run and she did it in Florida AND she used interstate phone lines to do it on (even though she phoned in-state). Furthermore, she committed fraud on the court, and plenty of other crimes, simultaneously with the perjury. That crap won’t do a bit of good. Venue does not equal jurisdiction; and an employee of the state’s attorney’s office is empowered to act for the state; and the case is STATE V SHELLIE ZIMMERMAN.

  5. sdunn5 says:

    I am offended by the Z family and most offended by the father’s name. Almost as if they made it up RZ= Bob Dylan really??? I do not believe they have the capacity to utilize the association in fact I would bet they have never had music in their life….hmm….hard to listen to music while racing down the streets of Sanford Lake Mary etc. holding a phone and appreciate Maggie’s Farm or She belongs to Me, and Dylan’s 115th Dream while chasing a fugitive that spit at you!!

  6. LJ says:

    Does anyone know how to go about replacing Trayvon’s picture on the Wikipedia page, titled “The Shooting of Trayvon Martin? The picture of Trayvon on Wikipedia, is of Trayvon with gold teeth, high eyebrows and appearing to be evil. The picture of Jorge appears as if he is a clean cut, innocent looking man. This Wikipedia page has bothered me for sometime any help would be appreciated.

    • Xena says:

      You can setup a Wiki account. Editing is tracked, so you might receive an email wanting to know the reason.

      It was my impression that the pic with the gold grill is not Trayvon but was taken from a FB page by a person with the same name who actually lives in Georgia. If you could trace down the source, that might be able in the event you are asked for a reason for making the change.

    • Xena says:

      (I hope this is not a duplicate response. The other one disappeared as I was looking for a link on another screen.)

      LJ, you can setup a Wiki account.

      There is a 4 day and 10 editing waiting period before editing semi-protected pages, in which the Trayvon Martin page is one. However, you can contact others who have edited (look under “View History” for who they are.

      It was my impression that the pic with the gold grill is not THE Trayvon Martin. See the link below for the story.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Well for starters, you can ask them to take that picture down, because it is not Trayvon Martin’s picture, but the picture of another Trayvon Martin who, I believe, lives in New York. The Sanford Trayvon Martin never had any gold teeth. That is not his picture, it is one that the proZ’s found and tried to pass off as Trayvon.

  7. sdunn5 says:

    I love you Tzar & Professor Leatherman!!! I could not agree more. What a beautiful idea, I thank you for putting into words re: Z what I felt in my soul for over 8 months now.

  8. Jun says:


    The Zidiots also get mad when you or anyone says that Trayvon is unarmed

    then they go on an angry rant about the deadly hands of Black Dynamite aka Trayvon LOL

  9. Malisha says:

    I’m trying to understand Fogen’s family. He and Robert Jr. were adopted from Gladys’s sister? Who was their biological father? Were they both adopted at birth? Did they have the same biological father? Sister Suzie — what is her last name? Who are her biological parents? Sister Grace – who are her biological parents? What is the birth order of all four children? Are there other children, either full, half, step- or adopted, who have either Gladys for mother or Robert Sr. for father? Did either Gladys or Robert Sr. have any other spouse before having each other for spouse?

    Oh yeah, and one more question: WTF?

    • jm says:

      How does Robert Z Jr get the name Jr if Robert Sr isn’t his father. Even deeper though, is did Robert Sr have a relationship with Gladys sister and then switch?

      Would love to see that Zimmerman family tree.

      • Lynn says:

        My brother (actually half, yeah it’s messed up) adopted a foster child and they got to put whatever name they wanted on the birth certificate. Kid was “Jimmy” so they gave him James Garland as first and middle name. My brother was a Garland, Jr.

    • Jun says:

      I am willing to bet that the family is inbred LMAO

    • gbrbsb says:

      And now Fogon??? What does that stand for? Sorry me no understand!

      • Malisha says:

        It’s Fogen, gbrbsb: FOrGEt his Name.

        FO (r) GE (t) (his) N (ame).
        FO (r) GE (t) (his) N (ame).
        FO (r) GE (t) (his) N (ame).
        FO (r) GE (t) (his) N (ame).


    • sdunn5 says:

      Malisha I have long believed that G, R etc. started as foster children in that family, it was the only thing that made sense to me!!!!

  10. Malisha says:

    I’ll buy a copy of the signature when Trayvon Martin’s killer (may his name be erased from memory) signs the paper that acknowledges that the Department of Corrections has taken his personal possessions when he reports to serve his sentence. That’ll be worth a mint. Even on the “Black Market.”

    • jm says:

      Malisha says: “I’ll buy a copy of the signature when Trayvon Martin’s killer (may his name be erased from memory)”

      Can’t we privately call the killer Chorge?

      I think Chorge’s signature may be worth some money after he is dead, whether it is by prison inmates or some vigilante on the street if he somehow manages to avoid being found guilty. Is there a minimum amount to donate to get an autograph and is it a live signature or pre-printed.

      I would much rather donate a few cases of Twinkies to ever-expanding Chorge and ShelLie than money for an autograph. It’s so fun to see them grow physically.

      • Jun says:

        It would be poetic justice if Cheorge does somehow walk, and a vigilante kills him and claims self defense

        I think RZ Jr’s face would be priceless LOL

        Everyone can tweet him how the vigilante is the victim, and he was the one screaming, and that Cheorge was committing heinous assault

        There’s already enough loons who want to kill and claim self defense and what goes around comes around eventually LOL

        And we all know Cheorge has a lot of bad history so it can used against him LMAO

        But I dont think he will walk, Corey seems to know how to handle the one’s who commit crimes but want to claim self defense

        There’s just no evidence that Cheorge’s story is true and all the evidence points to him targeting, stalking, chasing, pursuing, threatening and terrorizing a screaming kid who was no threat to anyone, and then murdering him

        • Xena says:

          It would be poetic justice if Cheorge does somehow walk, and a vigilante kills him and claims self defense

          I think RZ Jr’s face would be priceless LOL

          I think about Shakepeare’s Titus. Not kill.

          Just let a White Hispanic put him in a position where he has to wear diapers the rest of his life. Then Junior can go on the media circuit and talk about how the immunity hearing was unfair and the guy got off due to racism because a cameraman was Black.

        • jm says:

          June says: But I dont think he will walk, Corey seems to know how to handle the one’s who commit crimes but want to claim self defense. There’s just no evidence that Cheorge’s story is true and all the evidence points to him targeting, stalking, chasing, pursuing, threatening and terrorizing a screaming kid who was no threat to anyone, and then murdering him.”

          To me it all gets down on the presentation of the evidence in a way that jurors will be convinced. Don’t know if the prosecution is up to speed from what I have seen from them so far.

    • Rachael says:

      LOL “black market” hahaha

  11. colin black says:

    Well if gz has thousands of thank you for donateing autographs replys pre printed..He never needs to worry about running out of toilet paper again.An when he arrives in prison after a few weeks his farts will all be silent.An after a few months the shit wont even touch the sides as it exits his sphincter……

  12. colin black says:

    The defendant and his brother are adopted. Their Mother is the sister of the current mother…………MmmIm a bit slow on the uptake but does this mean that either Robert Senior was haveing sexuall relations with his wifes sister…Or he is not the boys bio Dad?..An if the latter do we no who the bio dad is?

  13. gbrbsb says:

    Anyone have any idea why the Business Insider is reporting today that GZ´s defence fund clocked up $340,000!!!???

    • ellejay says:

      –george’s site had raked in just over $200,000 when he (allegedly) told O’ about it , after the april 20 bond hearing.

      –once O’ took it over, the gzdefense fund pulled in an additional $140,000 from donor$$$.

      • Jun says:

        Is that correct info? so altogether he had $340,000?

        Why the hell does he have no bloodclot toilet paper?

        • racerrodig says:

          No….it’s a tad over $200K total. They want his Zidiot Nation to think it’s far more so they don’t look at it as a lost cause.

          “Be with a Winner…..Don’t Delay….Donate Today”
          (My signature is guaranteed nottorustbustcollectdustriptearshowanywear)
          is what the fine print says !! he he he !

      • gbrbsb says:

        Wow! Profitable business killing unarmed black teens! Of course MOM was only referring to $140 since they took over in May, I forgot about GZ´s own site… and it´s a family business, see… wow! No wonder Business Insider was reporting it… it´s business!

      • Jun says:

        That is a pretty pathetic number considering how widespread the case was

    • Xena says:

      Sounds like an accumulative total since April. Deduct the $35,000 or so that he spent before and while in jail, and the bond fees, and that is what was left to support two homeless, unemployed adults — one in which we know needs a new wardrobe due to weight gain.

      Then too, there are the costs of the depositions in which MOM said he planned 50. A 12 pg depo here runs about $125 to transcribe. If it’s the same in Florida, MOM is spending over $6,000 for 50 transcribed depositions.

  14. colin black says:

    Malisha… “There were Trayvon-like dudes with their pants down,” Mr. Taaffe said.

    Trayvon-like dudes?

    With their … pants down?

    When did Fogen say that Trayvon’s pants were down?

    What kind of dudes is Taaffe referring to
    …………………When gz made his skipping not running remark on the hanrant interveiw…..T fools over at the treeple site last refuge of scoundrels is ignorance…Made much of the fashion amongs some black youth an white for that matter to wear there tousers not around the waist.But have the waist band realy low.An how its impossable to run with trousers practicly at your knees so you have to skip along…Thats what Taffe means by pants down ie the waistband low.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Only thing is, unfortunately for their views, the pictures of the body do not show pants down low! They should have looked before they leaped over the edge of sanity again. 😀

  15. gbrbsb says:

    Pet´s pulling ahead again… almost 100 difference!

  16. Rachael says:

    There are 142 headlines this morning stating GZ is selling autographs because he needs money. I know some at the outhouse were offended at it being called selling autographs, but that IS what it is. I do believe this will be his downfall because it once again reminds everyone of who GZ is and what he has done. And even if they believed he had every right to do what he did, this would have to turn their stomachs. As I told RZjr in my email to him, there are people in my city living in tents with no food who have done nothing wrong either who are much more deserving of help than his brother. But the fact is, he killed a young man, a teen, a minor – and regardless of whether or not it was self-defense, regardless if it was justified, he has no reason to expect to profit from it. He had no regrets. He said it was God’s plan. Well turd, did you ever stop to think so is this?

    I’m kind of glad now that he did this, because this will be his undoing. I understand there are differences between “them” and “us,” but I can’t believe the difference would be so great that ANYONE would believe he should profit by selling his autograph for killing a child, regardless of how or why. It is just disgusting and really sheds a light on what kind of people he (and his family) is.

    • Rachael says:

      Plus I guess if they are all so offended at headlines stating “selling autographs,” now they will have something to do – they can sue all the publications. ROFLMBFAO!!!

    • Brown says:

      Rachael wrote:
      I do believe this will be his downfall because it once again reminds everyone of who GZ is and what he has done.

      EXACTLY!! No matter how he tries to spin it the damage is done. T

    • Jun says:


      OOH Poor me, I killed a kid, after stalking him, terrorizing and threatening him, and then purporting concocted lies with my cult type attitude is just pathetic

      Not a lot of people will feel sorry for him

      and I agree with you… his lack of compassion for what he did, the fact that this was never self defense, and he still acts like an asshole

      the inmates are gonna have fun with him

    • Xena says:

      It is just disgusting and really sheds a light on what kind of people he (and his family) is.

      County jails are filled with people awaiting trial because they cannot afford to make bail. GZ made bail using other people’s money, but can’t afford to live free on bail without other people continuously giving him money. Rather than him considering alternatives and adjusting his life-style, he wants others to financially support him. That speaks volumes about his mental state.

  17. Lonnie Starr says:

    Us 564 Them 475 … We’re pulling away again!

    The difference had fallen to less than 50 in their favor, it’s now just 11 votes away from becoming a 100 vote difference again. Seems their “Big Push” is over. My guess is that these latest shootings by crazed gunmen has sapped them of their public support.

    Supporter who don’t mind being seen mindlessly supporting a cause that has at least a veneer of plausibility. When that cause appears to be coloring itself crazy, support has to abate. They, at least, may be coming to realize, that every new body that drops, falls at their feet.

    Time to start talking about the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) which furthers the passage of laws like SYG, they formulate the legislation and hand it to right wing partisan legislators to sponsor as is, intact, without the legislator having to do anything more than file the bill and talk it up, to get special interest campaign funding.

    It’s time to make ALEC a household word, and bring it out of the “conspiracy theory” zone where Karl Rove and others like him, hope it will remain, while it goes ahead and does the Koch Brothers work unchallenged.

    • Malisha says:

      Excellent point, Lonnie, and another issue along the same lines: Look at all the killings that are being done by crazed gun owners who have serious mental problems, records of alcohol abuse and domestic violence, etc. What is happening is that we, as a society, are cranking up our every-day fear-factor. After 9/11, it was cranked up by the government assuring folks that at any moment, Sharia-obsessed Muslims were going to break down their doors and force their daughters to submit to indignities. Now, that has kind of abated and what has taken its place is the hum-drum ho-hum fear of young Blacks who don’t look obsequious enough and who have enough money for hoodies, young anybodies who play loud music shamelessly in public parking lots, and general “riff-raff” wherever they may appear. What’s going on?

      Fear that we don’t have enough CONTROL.

      That’s what ALEC is all about, increasing CONTROL. Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, etc. etc. etc. ad nauseam. The trend is this: Get yourself armed up to the max. Then you can kill folks if it looks like they are not easy to control.

  18. grahase says:

    BREAKING: Fri I will be doing National Market interview regarding the Petition. I invite all to forward me topics theyd like addressed on the air.

    In addition to the Petition I will discuss a variety of topics. e-mail: and I will answer on air. Thx

    I am at a loss for words. Why isn’t something being done. Taaffe is mouthing off – he is on the witness list. Junior is on the list discussing the case, The Osterman’s are on the list and even wrote a book.

    Enough already. There HAS to be a law about this type of behaviour. The media is just lapping it all up.

    • Rachael says:

      Whooboy, I just wrote to him, but I doubt he’ll have the bals to answer me, much less answer me on air, beside, I’m sure he will be getting thousands of other emails pftttt lol.

    • Jun says:

      Actually its a good thing. RZ Jr will be opening the character evidence door and be objected on hearsay in court

    • Jun says:

      If RZ Jr is gonna be a witness for character, they should subpoena all his media footage to use against him

    • Rachael says:

      “I am at a loss for words. Why isn’t something being done. Taaffe is mouthing off – he is on the witness list. Junior is on the list discussing the case, The Osterman’s are on the list and even wrote a book.

      Enough already. There HAS to be a law about this type of behaviour. The media is just lapping it all up.”

      I cannot even begin to tell you how disgusted I am by all of this.

      • Malisha says:

        I think it is better and better to encourage these bozo’s to do more media. It will end up providing all kinds of unexpected presents to the prosecution for their trial. Keep’em talking.

        • jm says:

          I only wish someone would book GZ. Love to see GZ on Oprah explaining God’s plan and his lack of remorse and regret to her.

          I’m bored with RZ, Jr’s double talk although interestingly, he has switched his story to focus on lack of Zimmerman racism from the broken nose from the original head bashing where GZ thought he would be wearing diapers early on his PR tour.

          Osterman and wife were interesting and contradicted George’s story so let them talk. Wonder how many books they ended up selling and if he and Chorge are still BFF after the Dr. Phil show.

          Taaffe is an obvious nut case and an alcoholic.

          Let them talk. They end up hanging Chorge with their own words. They contradict Chorge’s contradictory stories.

        • racerrodig says:

          “I think it is better and better to encourage these bozo’s to do more media.”

          ABSOLUTELY !! Let ’em talk. What got Zidiot in trouble in the 1st place….his mouth (NEN call) what made things a bit worse, his mouth, his dad’s mouth and Jr’s mouth….Reenactment and interviews. What made things unwinable for him…Talk, talk, talk.
          Do more interviews I say.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Yes!!! At some point in time they’ll remember that they had a right to remain silent, and that anything they say can be used against them in a court of law. They’re gonna wish they had remained silent!

          Although it isn’t needed for the trial, I’d bet the SP would like to know who notified “he who should not be named”, that there was a target available.

  19. Another unarmed 17 year old killed in Florida with a guy claiming SYG and self-defense… they are comparing it to George Zimmerman and the Trayvon Martin case…. (My apologies if someone else has posted this… I haven’t read any other comments just came to post this.)

  20. gbrbsb says:

    Sorry if it´s a repeat but I just found this gem of a Thanksgiving wish at Gladys& Belated I know, but at least too late for anyone to choke on the turkey! (I would link but they may decide to remove it now it´s past and I feel it should be preserve). I wonder if the “compassionate and caring children” includes GZ who cut of mum´s electricity? and the PS with the donation of “several dozen blankets to local shelter”, isn´t it just so very very “touching” !!!

    Happy Thanksgiving
    Posted on November 22, 2012 by admin

    Thank you for visiting.

    We wish each of you a Happy Thanksgiving.

    Although our life is very much in disarray, we count our blessings. My lovely wife and I have freely given one another love and support for 37 years. We are truly blessed to have raised wonderful, compassionate, and caring children.

    Recent developments in George’s legal battle have been positive. Although we realize there is still a long road ahead, we remain optimistic. Our lives have been forever altered. However, we simply look forward to the day that George, and every family member, can move forward.

    We are extremely thankful to have the encouragement and prayers of so many. You will certainly be in our prayers this Thanksgiving.

    God Bless You.

    Robert Zimmerman

    (It has been very cold here lately. Thanks to you, we were able to donate several dozen blankets to a local shelter. Everything is greatly appreciated)


    • Rachael says:

      “Robert Zimmerman

      (It has been very cold here lately. Thanks to you, we were able to donate several dozen blankets to a local shelter. Everything is greatly appreciated)”

      People should contribute to them because they are taking up contributions for a local shelter?

      Why is he saying that? Why wouldn’t I contribute to my own local shelter?

      • gbrbsb says:

        Not sure if I get you, Rachael? RobertandGladys web while claiming they always refused donations have a link for “supporters” to “contribute” to “our greatly increased living expenses, and our eventual relocation” as according to them since GZ was arrested the “peaceful, and secure life” they knew is gone. It just seemed pathetic how to convince public opinion that they are this so generous family the family keep trying to prove how generous they are, i.e. GZ claims to mentor black kids, ma and pa claim to give blankets to their local shelter! while people who are generous just keep quiet!

      • Rachael says:

        Exactly – that’s my point. It is all for show.

      • Rachael says:

        And it is disgusting. Like you said, people who give to others, do so without bragging about it. Here these disgusting people try to show how wonderful they are by bragging about it. As if that is going to make me want to contribute to them because they are such “loving” “giving” people.


        God, the make me so sick!!!!!!

      • Jun says:

        LMAO Much like the Sherman Ware claims

        Next we will hear they have adopted a child from an African Village

        and funny how they say they refuse donations and then ask for money LMAO

        Then they claim they are in danger so on the constant move yet they are publicly giving away blankets

        Blankets from where? I thought they were destitute LOL

        • racerrodig says:

          “Here’s a free blanket courtesy of our supporters.”

          “What’s that Mark….you have a bill…..up yours.”

      • racerrodig says:

        It’s been very cold where… FL ?? Huh, what ??

    • Jun says:

      When did compassionate children mean

      1) Cheorge molesting his cousin for 10 years and attempting rape when she was 16 or so

      2) Screwing up the electricity in the house of his parents/grandmother

      3) Running with a street gang and getting a gang tattoo

      4) Abusing prescription drugs

      5) Attacking cops

      6) Beating up a lady at his job as a bouncer

      5) Harassing and bullying an Arab American co-worker and then manipulating the people at his job with lies and phone calls (sound familiar)

      6) Attacking his ex and then getting a restraining order because of it

      7) Kicking a dog for no reason

      8) Stalking and terrorizing a lil boy and accusing the kid with stealing with no proof and the cops even verified the kid never stole anything and the kid’s dad had to come outside and defend him

      9) Stalking, harassing, and threatening others with his wannabe Gestapo, Nazi stronghold on his complex on how the residents should act, with his wanna be Charles Bronson impression and aggressive patrols with a gun

      10) Targeting, stalking, and threatening then killing a kid, then purporting lies and manipulating the public and law enforcement with lies

      11) Scheming the court for passports and money

      12) Starting and instigating a racist cult of demented people

      13) RZ Jr. goes on TV purporting lies and repeating lies and obstructing justice

      14) RZ Sr going around purporting lies and repeating lies and obstructing justice (cant wait for his perjury charges)

      Did I get them all?

      • racerrodig says:

        15) using God as an alibi

      • Jun says:

        God’s mysterious… did not even notice his work till now LMAO

      • gbrbsb says:

        @Jun “Did I get them all?”
        I reckon you did… until more info comes out!
        I just visited R& for a last look before closing the window and scrolling down from the Thanksgiving wish there´s a post dated 18 October. BINGO, it appears Papa Zim is behind the Malicious Prosecution idea.

        There are a couple of gems like “Everyone involved seems to have an agenda. Politics, notoriety, and primarily financial gain have driven this entire case.”… very fitting the “financial gain” bit! And also “Most information presented as ‘fact’ by the media and certain attorneys will be shown as completely false.” wadya wanna bet “certain attorneys” appear here!!!

      • Jun says:

        LMAO at him complaining that the case is about financial gain

        then blammo, he asks for $20 for Chick Filet and toilet paper LMAO

      • Rachael says:

        Nope, you forgot one. The guy he got in a road rage incident and chased him down until the police came and the guy thpught hisnamewhowillnotbementioned wad going to assault him. I’ll post a link when I get home I’ll post a link, texting from my phone right now.

      • Rachael says:

        @Jun – here is another I did not know about:

        Zimmerman accused Tim Hudik of slashing his tires. Hudik told police he had recieved so many harrassing texts from Zimmerman that he was considering a restraining order.

      • Jun says:

        Rachel… he should contact the state, he can get at least a 25 year restraining order since Cheorge would be behind bars LOL

      • Malisha says:

        Jun, try as you may, you will never get them all.

    • racerrodig says:

      “Recent developments in George’s legal battle have been positive.”

      Let me tell you what happened. RZ jr said “Hey Cheorge…I think you’re winning…” because there has been nothing that turned the table at all.

      Oh, and they donated blankets because they are so compassionate…..really ??

  21. grahase says:

    For those who do not watch Nancy Grace:

    During the Caylee Anthony search and subsequent trial of her mother for Murder, Nancy Grace covered almost every moment. Yet, she never mentioned the mothers name. She referred to her as Tot Mom. Caylee was always Caylee to Nancy Grace. I always thought it right and proper.

  22. ellejay says:

    Xena says:

    November 28, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    I was under the impression that the brother-in-law was actually Junior — ShelLIE’s brother-in-law.

    –no, as we found out when O’ wrote his letter to judgeL—the guy behind the website/ $$’s was george’s brother in law (AKA) “ken” (scott wilson, married to 1/2 sister dawn (AKA ‘suzie’.)

    —as colin black pointed out recently—george referred to “ken” in a jailhouse call as “the big brother he always wished he’d had” b/c he couldn’t even talk to robZjr.

    –now that we see robZjr out doing the Z media tour/reality show—(have they kissed and made up?) or is the upcoming “new george Z defense fund site”(complete w/ a ‘message from george’ and autographed cards) george’s way of striking back at robZjr?

    –either way, i say ,go at it boys—bernieDLR is loving it.

    • Xena says:

      @ellejay. I heard about GZ’s half-sister but could never figure out from what parent or when.

      Well, Osterman spilled the beans about Junior in his statement when he said that GZ’s older brother is gay. Osterman talked as though he had never personally met Junior. There’s a gut feeling that maybe Gracie encouraged GZ’s molestation of his cousin in hope of preventing him from being gay — because as a Roman Catholic, she doesn’t believe that people are born that way.

      That family gets more complicated with each passing day.

      • rayvenwolf says:

        If you go by AMMO’s statement the half sister is through GZ’s father. She and GZ were close as Mommie dearest, sis and Jr didn’t really treat her like family.

        • Xena says:

          So I wonder if Papa Zim was married previously? Either his wife died or he wasn’t married, because I can’t see the Roman Catholic church approving marriage to a divorced man.

          There’s something mystical about Jorge and ShelLIE’s marriage too. For him to claim being such a good altar boy, Sondra Osterman married them. They were not married by the church.

      • rayvenwolf says:

        Assuming he was married before if it wasn’t annulled, they would not acknowledge any following marriages(Dad’s last wife was Catholic -.-) I always got the feeling she might have been the result of an affair, just for how she was treated. Or rather supposedly treated as we know how credible AMMO is.

      • grahase says:

        The defendant and his brother are adopted. Their Mother is the sister of the current mother.

        • Patricia says:

          @ grahase –

          You are correct. GZ and RZ’s mother was originally their aunt.

          Also, speaking “familiarly” there are now two Patricias in this student body. Welcome aboard to the new! “New Patricia,” be sure to sign the petition!

          Yours for Justice,

          Old Patricia

        • Xena says:

          The defendant and his brother are adopted. Their Mother is the sister of the current mother.

          I heard that too, but there is a resemblance between George, Junior and Papa Zim.

      • tonydphotog says:

        I find it really hard to believe that he wasn’t drinking at his own son’s wedding reception. I, also, don’t think he has much class buying a bottle of wine at a gas station.

        I think he fled the scene because he was afraid of getting a DUI, not because he felt threatened by the teenagers. If he fled because he felt threatened, then why didn’t he go to the police station to report what he did in self defense? After all, he claims he did nothing wrong.

        • Xena says:

          I think he fled the scene because he was afraid of getting a DUI, not because he felt threatened by the teenagers.

          There was a warrant out for his arrest in another county too. But, he was still carrying a gun. Way to go Florida. That must be what is meant by only criminals have gun.

      • tonydphotog says:

        Sorry, posted in wrong location.

      • nemerinys says:

        @grahase, @patricia,

        Please link to cites for GZ family bio. I didn’t know about the adoption aspect.


      • Rachael says:

        “You are correct. GZ and RZ’s mother was originally their aunt.” WHAT??!!! Oy Vey!!!!

        • racerrodig says:

          And they made all sorts of fun on Trayvon’s family about “…who’s your daddy…” All I can say is

          A hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha !!

      • aussiekay says:

        This again???

        I have not seen it ANYWHERE that GZ and RZJr are adopted…… except on this blog, posted ad nauseam by Ajamazin, in cryptic block quotes from some Spanish language genealogy site, with NO EXPLANATION how she believes the references to be to this family.

        Googling the names on that site turn up numerous identical names with different histories, age, locations etc. There is a listing for the purported “real” mother, together with the birth of ONE child (a daughter), a divorce and a remarriage, the timing of which would suggest she managed to have the two boys out of wedlock????? I don’t think so………… oh and this makes Grandmother actually a grand-aunt, too.

        This genealogy suited Ajamazin, as one “grandfather” in it had a published oral history which makes it probable that he was CIA, a connection Ajamazin was also pushing.

        I haven’t heard a whisper of suggestion from anyone else about this adoption theory. And I really don’t want to rehash it again; she told me to stop this nonsense when I insisted on evidence that she had the right people.

        • Xena says:

          I haven’t heard a whisper of suggestion from anyone else about this adoption theory. And I really don’t want to rehash it again; she told me to stop this nonsense when I insisted on evidence that she had the right people.

          @Aussiekay. While I find any information about GZ interesting, I don’t put much thought and effort into his family’s history. He’s on trial for murder — not coming from a dysfunctional family, which is my opinion regardless of his family tree.

      • Jun says:

        I believe that it was because he was drinking and because he murdered a kid, recklessly used a gun, and tried to kill other kids, over loud music, that he tried to run… good thing witnesses took down his license plate, car, and description

      • looneydoone says:

        Xena, The resemblance between the 2 boys and papi zim ???
        Perhaps they would be grandchildren of papi zee’s maternal aunt, Cristina born 1921 in Lima, Peru (not “peruvian”, except by accident of birthplace)

        Or so it seems….
        daughter Maria-Cristina born in Brussels 1952
        son Fernando born in la Habana, Cuba in 1955

        “That family gets more complicated with each passing day”…quite the understatement, Xena

        • racerrodig says:

          Inbreeding results in mental retardation or whatever name one wants to use. I have never seen any normal thought process by DAD (Dumb Ass Defendant) have you??

        • Xena says:

          @looneydoone, I tried not putting too much effort into researching and learning about ZImmerman’s family tree because by the time I heard about it, all internet links in those articles had been wiped as no longer active or page not found. There was one where it was alleged Robert’s dad married a woman from Peru, which would make Papa Zim part Peruvian.

          Based on what I read, before his death, Papa Zim’s dad lived in Minnesota and that peeked my interest because it was during the time that GZ mentioned to ShelLIE about going “up to heaven.” There’s a St. Cloud, MN. However, the link provided in that article to support that was deactivated — “page no longer available.”

          It does seem rather strange that Papa Zim would start having children so late in life. I mean, there are men who become established in their career, and then marry younger women to start a family. However, it seems that Papa and Mama Zim are about the same age and retired at the same time. If she retired at the age of 62, and around the time that GZ turned 18, that would make her 44 when giving birth to GZ. And yet she had another child thereafter.

      • looneydoone says:

        re; the family tree and all the sites “wiped clean”

        I found them all with little effort, as you say, many have since disappeared……BUT I caught them prior to the removals and modifications, and kept the info.

        RJ Sr’s father (according to ancestry sites since modified as recently as Oct 2012) married a woman born in Washington DC who was the daughter of Cuban diplomat Mariano Brull y Caballero (they wed Dec 1947 in Ottawa) They had 4 sons
        Roberto (Rob) Zimmerman Brull born 1949 in Lima, Peru
        Phillip Zimmerman Brull born 1/24/1951 in Bangkok, Thailand
        Mark Zimmerman Brull born 10/17/52 in Brussels, Belgium
        Michael Zimmerman Brull born 10/1/1957 in Washington, DC

        This Mr Zimmerman was career Foreign Services officer (joined in 1947 after graduation from Harvard). He died of a massive heart attack at age 79 in Washington DC. His wife died from injuries sustained in a hit and run accident Dec the same year in DC
        here’s a link to an interview he gave shortly after retiring

        Several curious coincidences, no ironclad proof…
        is this what you made reference to ?

        • Xena says:

          Okay. Let me see if I get this right. So Robert Zimmerman Sr., George Zimmerman’s dad, is actually bi-racial, Latino and White??

          • Patricia says:

            @ Xena, from (old) Patricia:

            This is long, and filled with assumptions, but here’s my understanding of the Z Family Tree:

            Let’s look at this 3-generationally:

            Grandfather Robert Zimmerman, US Ctizen of German heritage (likely back to the influx of German immigrants to the US in the late 1800’s and whatever else got mixed in since that time), as a young State Department employee (specialty, economics) met a vivacious Cuban lady, Gladys, whose father was, as I recall, the 2nd-in-command at the Cuban Embassy in Washington D.C.

            The Cuban family got posted to Canada, and Robert heads up north for his wedding to Gladys at the Cuban Embassy in Ottawa. 1947 as I recall. Robert and Gladys travel during his career at State. A son is born. His name was Roberto. They call him “Rob.” He’s a US citizen with 50% Cuban bloodline.

            Roberto (“Rob”) has a career in the military and the State Department. Generally that really means he’s an on-board “spook” for the CIA (or its precursor), as having a naval attache (or even cultural attache) on staff at one of our Embassies abroad is how these guys get into foreign countries – with US protection if they are caught spying. (They are “expelled” – just shipped home to the US, and in retaliation, that country’s Naval attache or cultural attache in Washington is “expelled’ – called back to his own country) . It’s a little diplomatic dance.

            Somewhere along in his travels, Rob meets and marries Gladys, who I understand is Catalonian by birth or heritage – a sector of Spain that is fiercely independent.

            Rob and Gladys bear two daughters (lineage: 25% German-American, 25% Cuban, 50% Catalonian Spanish).

            They also have two sons, who I understand were brothers, born in Peru, who were born to Gladys’s sister and Glady’s sister’s husband. I do not know the reason that Gladys’s sister and her husband relinquished the two boys to Gladys and Rob, but there are often tragedies in families that result in family unification in an unanticipated way – but happy for all. Robert and George are then adopted by Rob and Gladys. I doubt the boys’ names were “Robert and George” originally, but those are the names given to the two boys upon adoption.

            They are taken fully into the family, it is merged, and the older boy is “Robert Zimmerman, Jr.” as the first son in the family. Thus the boys are both adopted, legal siblings of the girls – and are “former” cousins. The blood link is to Gladys’s parents.

            My understanding is that the two boys genetically are 50% Catalonian Spanish (their mother) and 50% “maybe Peruvian” (their birth father).

            Now, that is my understanding. from earlier months in this class. I do know that I have Rob’s (GZ’s father) history correct as I have seen the documents. The rest comes from reports four or five moths ago from a student no longer in the class.

            Here are my comments on all this: kids are kids, and if it happened this way, it was an admirable attempt to unite and blend a family. It would also be simpler to describe the relationship between the boys and the girls as “half siblings” instead of “my brothers who were my cousins, then we adopted them.” What the four children share are grandparents on their mothers’ side. Don’t forget that 25 years ago people were still touchy about adopted status – in some families. And don’t forget that Gladys’s mother – Cristina – also became part of the blended family – and she is grandmother to all four kids.

            I want to bring up one issue that’s bothered me or some time: the story that Osterman tells about Gladys beating George as a kid. Nobody else tells that story. There is little that Osterman says that I am willing to believe. If Osterman heard that from George, it’s likely another “Pity me, I’m the noble victim” lie spouted by George. Gladys worked hard in an executive position in the courts. She brought home good bread. She relied on her mother Cristina to be the loving grandmother who stayed home and cared for those kids. It appears that Gladys was stuck with the job of being the disciplinarian. Well, every family needs one.

            My own beloved children are actually step-children but I always referred to them as “our kids.” Occasionally I was asked if I was “really” their mother (because I would have been a teen at their births.)

            I would just smile and say, “No, actually, they were wedding gifts.”

            I have been blessed.

          • Xena says:

            I want to bring up one issue that’s bothered me or some time: the story that Osterman tells about Gladys beating George as a kid.

            GZ would probably describe a slap on the hand to teach not to touch the stove, a beating.

          • cielo62 says:

            What an awesome answer!

            Sent from my iPod

      • looneydoone says:

        I registered on your site last night
        If you’d like more info e-mail me

        *IF* papi zee is the son of Robert Walter Zimmerman Becker and Silvia Brull Baralt he’s no more “Peruvian” than his 3 brothers would be considered Belgian, Thai or Washingtonians

        They are Austro/Hungarian, German, Catalonian Spanairds who emigrated to Latin America and the Chicago region….the Brulls are Catalonian….the Zacharie, Hutchins, Baralts etc emigrated to Cuba from Europe and the USA (NYC and Washington DC) during the time when Cuba was ruled by Spain.
        try this

        • Xena says:

          @looneydoone, thanks for the info and for commenting on Blackbutterfly7. I think I already responded to your comment. If not, please forgive me and I will do so soon.

          For now, I have to put understanding GZ’s family tree on the back burner. It is indeed interesting and might explain why GZ feels that he’s entitled to do whatever he wants to do and receive special treatment.

  23. Jun says:

    okay so now the Zidiots are saying Cheorge is not half white, he’s half jewish, and it is the fault of the edited phone call

    call it hunch but I was fairly sure it was the fact that Cheorge called Trayvon a “fuckin coon/punk” and “an asshole that always gets away” and “shit he’s running” and then goes after the kid running away from him because he’s being a weirdo night time stalker creeper

    • Xena says:

      HA! GZ couldn’t leave it at “He looks black.” He had to pipe in later, “And he’s Black.”

      Well, how can the Zidiots know what GZ has and has not said. They don’t listen to him. They make up his story as they go along even when it contradicts GZ’s own words.

    • Malisha says:

      George Zimmerman is not a Jew.

      Check with Adam Sandler.

      George Zimmerman is not a Jew.

      A Jew is someone who has a Jewish mother. Gladys Zimmerman is not a Jew. In fact, neither is Robert Zimmerman Senior. Zimmerman is a German name.

      George Zimmerman may be many things, but he is not a Jew.

      • Rachael says:

        Even if RZsr was a Jew, that would not make GZ Jewish. Judaism is passed down matrilineally (by the mother). There is no “half-Jewish” either (as in IF his father was). You are either Jewish because you were born of a Jewish mother or you are not Jewish.

        But I think everyone here knows that. I just feel like adding my $0.02 cents this morning. LOL

      • Jun says:


        I dont make the stuff up

        I wrote a comment, laughing at the Bill Maher video where he says that George is a “BIG FAT FUCKING LIAR” LMAO

        Then some guy wrote that the state has no proof of premeditation, and I said they dont but they dont have to prove that, they just have to prove he killed the kid, it was illegal, and he did it with a depraved mind disregarding human life

        He wrote some looney crap that did not make any sense, so I told him that George gave away the proof himself in his phone call, and his other statements, and also his actions speak of a depraved mind

        Then blah blah blah from the guy

        then like 3 or 4 months later someone looks up my comment to reply to me and stated that it was the edited phone call that makes Cheorge look bad

        I told him u gotta be kidding me… its Cheorge’s own actions and words that make look like a demented person and deranged

        The guy then claims that the case is proof they are trying to make all white people look evil and it makes white people look evil

        I told him he’s an idiot, the case is about a half hispanic half white person named George, not every white person in America was arrested for this, just the half hispanic half white idiot who murdered the kid

        Then he calls me stupid and says that Cheorge is not white, he’s a Jew


        • racerrodig says:

          Let me say this. Many of the posters that support him are his dad, jr, Osterman, Z himself, SheLie and some others. I have my source and my connections and I did a test on several sites. This is about desperate manipulation. I’d like to say exactly how we did this but trust me, he does not have that many die hards anymore. On HP LetJusticePrevail is his dad…..this is a fact.

          Read what he says then listen to his interviews. Of course my guys have far better proof at this point….electronic proof.

          • Xena says:

            Let me say this. Many of the posters that support him are his dad, jr, Osterman, Z himself, SheLie and some others.

            I think we attracted Junior here the other night in another thread — don’t think he’s been back to respond either.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            We’re ahead by 105 votes now: our 610 to their 505

            Looks like whatever they did, they blew it big time.
            But something they did disgusted their followers! 😀

          • BlushedBrown says:

            I know they come over and see what we are talking about, maybe when I copied some of those rules, they got scared! HA!

          • racerrodig says:

            Hey Jr. Take a flying leap. Only racist sheep buy into your filth. They don’t believe it, but follow nonetheless.

        • Xena says:

          @Jun, It’s like arguing with a 5 yr old who insists that the moon is made of green cheese. They throw everything against the wall that they can, hoping something will stick. The one argument that I find so immature is when they argue it’s not illegal to get out of the car. That’s correct, but NW rules say don’t do it. The Zidiots are ignorant about liability.

          If Jorge did not know that what he did was wrong, he would not have lied. If he was standing on Retreat View Circle (as he stated to Serino and Singleton) when the dispatcher said “We don’t need you to do that,” and if he went to RVC for an address, why didn’t he give the address to the dispatcher? See, this is logic that Jorge’s defenders do not use. They prefer to contradict his own statements.

      • Jun says:

        I am not a computer whiz but I believe you that you can track a person’s posting to an IP address and also figure out their IP if they try tricks such as proxies and such. From there you can make a connection. I am guessing a lot of the posters are the ZimmKKKlan as I dont see anyone else in the world that fanatic to defend such nonsense

      • Jun says:

        I agree it is not illegal to get out your car but it is not always a good idea because when you say a bunch of angry hateful remarks beforehand while stalking a kid, then when the kid notices and tries to run away, you blurt out “Shit He’s Running” and then get out of the car and run after the kid running away with a gun, that shows intent to pursue and get the kid running away from you because he saw you were stalking him

        and just because something is legal (depends on the circumstances with certain actions), it can be construed as illegal action, and if getting out of a car is part of a commission of a crime, than it can be deemed an illegal action as part of the initiation of said crime, as well, something being legal does not mean it is always a reasonable and smart motive of action

        because if Cheorge simply did not act out of control and think before he acted, he would not be in this mess, and a kid would still be alive, and there still would be barely any crime in the complex like other residents have stated, and part of that action was choosing to chase after a kid after creeping him out by stalking him by car with intention to get the kid

        On the Benjamin Crump page, he made a point that “smoking is legal, but is it a smart idea”?

        • Xena says:

          @Jun. I agree.

          On the Benjamin Crump page, he made a point that “smoking is legal, but is it a smart idea”?

          Oh yes! The Zidiots lack logic.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Getting out of the car was more than not just smart, it was a rule given to Fogen to prevent the very kind of misunderstanding that could lead to tragedy in NW situations.

            Sure, get out of your vehicle whenever you want, just as long as you are not engaged in a relationship with another person that might be misunderstood. Misunderstood because you consider that person to be suspicious and have given them offense by watching them closely.

            Fogen already knew he had offended and frightened Trayvon Martin, and he decided to do nothing to put those fears to rest. Instead he decided to willfully raise them to the next level, by appearing again near Trayvon, after Trayvon had thought he lost Fogen. Such that now he was able to raise the level of TM’s fears to sheer terror.

  24. Lynn says:

    Just reading latest on Dunn. His lawyer says the teens drove off after Dunn fired at them, and he fired four shots as they left to “make sure they did not fire the shotgun.” So let me get this straight, he shoots 4-5x into the car parked hitting the kid a couple times…kids drive off and he shoots 4x more? The woman he was with buys some wine and they get in the car and drive to their hotel, sleep, then drive home the next day. He didn’t drink anything at the wedding or reception but felt the need to go to a gas station to buy a bottle of wine. In one article his lawyer says he didn’t want to throw himself to the wolves in a strange city with no representation. Another article says he fled because he thought the kids would call their friends to come harm him. If he felt threatened he would call police or get out of town asap, not go back to the hotel and chill with a bottle of wine. Talk about depraved mind!

    • Jun says:

      He’s a liar. The witnesses saw what happened, including the other kids in the car. The witnesses noted his license plate right away. Oh well. Might as well add another 5 years to his sentence for lying.

    • rayvenwolf says:

      Wait what? Before it was just he thought he saw a gun, now he’s claiming he saw a shotgun? *rolls eyes* This guy just need to put his head down and plead guilty before his lawyer makes things worse for him rattling off his embellishments.

      “In one article his lawyer says he didn’t want to throw himself to the wolves in a strange city with no representation.” Yeah right and I’m a nun on my days off. Dunn had zero intention of going to the authorities, even after finding out someone had died from his “responsible actions.” His GF is a piece of work too. Who sleeps calmly next to a man who just shot at teens for no good reason?

      • Xena says:

        His GF is a piece of work too. Who sleeps calmly next to a man who just shot at teens for no good reason?

        A woman with a bottle of wine and an empty jelly glass.

        • rayvenwolf says:

          Good point. And yeah just found another article mentioning the shotgun deal. Either Dunn’s lawyer is an idiot or she’s listening to what he’s now making up and hasn’t read his statement to the police. -.- She just needs to STOP talking.

    • tonydphotog says:

      I find it really hard to believe that he wasn’t drinking at his own son’s wedding reception. I, also, don’t think he has much class buying a bottle of wine at a gas station.

      I think he fled the scene because he was afraid of getting a DUI, not because he felt threatened by the teenagers. If he fled because he felt threatened, then why didn’t he go to the police station to report what he did in self defense? After all, he claims he did nothing wrong.

  25. Patricia says:

    @ everyone supporting Justice for Trayvon –

    Lorrie’s petition hits #500 with Mark S., followed by Crystal R. from Chicago as #501, Lili F. as #502, Brittany B. from St. Louis as #503, Andreus from Baltimore as #504 — all in 2.5 days.

    The Putz’s petition struggling at 461 after 11 days …

    • Xena says:

      Ahhh. Ain’t that sweet that GZ has 461 supporters nationwide. Oh, let’s change that. Deducting the joke names and those with three accounts, it’s more like 100 supporters nationwide. He should be so proud.

  26. gbrbsb says:


    New “emisiva” 7 hrs ago from O‛Money… never better named as its titled: “THE NEW GEORGE ZIMMERMAN DEFENSE FUND”

    I only gave it a quick once over, but here´s few gems: It appears we are going to have a running account of the donations and expenses, etc; To date it has apparently only raised $140k and neither O´Money nor West have been paid one penny… sorry, dolar!; it appears donors, or as he calls them “Zimmerman supporters” are concerned the funds will be used to pay attorney fees, quote… “there has been a persistent concern amongst some Zimmerman supporters that donations meant to support George could be used instead for attorneys fees. This simply is not the case, and it has never been the case…”

    And my favourite up to now:

    “While the fund has been independently managed, very little has been done to solicit donations.”

    So we can expect a real media push… hope GZ does lots and lots and lots of interviews so he can tie himself in tons of inextricable knots.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Oh please, just re-read the address and found another gem:

      “… his actions were justifiable self-defense with the purpose of preventing further great bodily harm or even death AT THE HANDS OF AN ATTACKER WHO HAD ALREADY CAUSED HIM GREAT BODILY INJURY” (emphasis is mine).

      I´d love to be able to repeat here as very fitting Malisha´s wonderfully expressive post with all the hahahahas, ooooooohs, and stop it hurts… etc. when they started the petition, but can´t find it so leave my laughter to the imagination.

      • PYorck says:

        Everybody who has ever cut themselves shaving has suffered that level of great bodily injury at some point.

      • racerrodig says:

        “… his actions were justifiable self-defense….” According to
        who ??

      • Malisha says:

        gbrbsb, tell me a bit more about what my post was responding to and I’ll go find it if I can. I can’t remember what you’re referring to because so many posts make me laugh (cackle, snort, giggle, fall and bump my noggin)… 😀

        • gbrbsb says:

          I’m almost sure it was you, Malisha. 4, 5 or maybe 6 lines of onomatopœia; laughing, crying, etc. interspersed with exclamations, “stop…”, “I can’t…”, “It hurts” etc., within the last 5-10 Leatherman posts. I believe in reply to Rachael, who gave the news and link that the zimmernuts had set up a petition. I meant to reply at the time ‘cos It was like I could see you, you made me laugh so much… even more than the petition itself!

      • Malisha says:

        gbrbsb, I found it; it was in response to something Rachael said, and here it is:

        Rachael, Oh HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA oh no oh no it hurts, noooooo HA HA HA HA HA OMG OMG I just FOTF laughing my ass off and bumped my head and it felt like my head exploded ouch ouch ouch HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA noooooo, noooooooo! STOPPIT stoppit I can’t breathe!

      • Malisha says:

        gbrbsb, glad to give you a laugh. At heart, I’m a lie-down comedienne. (That is, I would be a stand-up comedienne but nobody laughs when I stand up; as soon as I get horizontal they laugh.) The reason is that I’m so damn angry all the time that I say these funny things — they’re only funny because people assume I don’t really MEAN them! And then I laugh at my own jokes a lot, that helps, as you have seen.

    • Rachael says:

      This is all so disgraceful. If he really does believe this was all Go’s plan, why is he not accepting this part of God’s plan too instead of begging for money. Even if his actions were justified, why doesn’t he act like a man and take responsibility for his actions instead of expecting everyone else to pay for him. He did this, he belives he was right and has no regrets, so why is he entitled to whine about it. Yes, he is a pussy.

      • racerrodig says:

        “Yes, he is a pussy.”

        Thanks !! I’ve been wanting to say that since April.

      • Jun says:

        whats even worse is how that guy can tell such a bold faced lie and keep a straight face

        like really please, you barely have any injury, you were seen fiddling with your head after murdering a kid (likely to smear the minor bleeding around to try to make it look worse, there is no forensic evidence the kid even touched you, he was screaming for help (RZ and Omara can lie all they want, it sounds nothing like George, it sounds like a kid, and the witnesses said it sounded like a kid, and the recording sounds like a kid), and you were the attacker, not the defender

        SMH at the lengths people go to deny the truth so they dont have to face responsibility

      • Tzar says:

        whats even worse is how that guy can tell such a bold faced lie and keep a straight face

        a depraved mind is how

      • Rachael says:

        @ Jun:

        “like really please, you barely have any injury”

        I think it was on the dimwitman’s blog (but I can’t be sure) where it was said that proof was that GZ had injuries and Trayvon had none.

        NONE?!!! WTF do you mean NONE?!!! TRY A GSW TO THE HEART!!!


    • From the gzdefensefund site…….”The original fund was formed by George Zimmerman – – before his arrest……..”
      Why would he set up a “defense fund” BEFORE he was arrested?
      1)…..Does GZ have to pay taxes on ALL the donations he has collected?
      2)…..How much money has GZ collected so far?
      3)…..If the Bush era tax cuts to the wealthy are allowed to expire, and if taxes are increased for those making over (I believe) $250,000….and if GZ’s total donations goes over that amount…….he just might be forced to sell more than just his autograph to raise money for his taxes. He and SheLie might have to go “walkin’ the streets” together..

      • gbrbsb says:

        Clever, didn´t twig that one. So let´s see… GZ scarpers into hiding before any of the supposed “death threats” and sets up a defence fund before he´s charged… hmmm… extrasensory perception? All in God´s plan?

        I always ROTFL every time they bring up the bit about “not rushing to judgement”… SWTF did GZ do that night!

      • Malisha says:

        It might be that those are gifts and thus only taxable if over a certain amount, say ten thousand or something. I don’t know tax law at all.

        • racerrodig says:

          You cannot solicit a gift, and since he panhandles on the internet and he is not a registered charity or non profit organization…he has a tax problem. He’ll fight it for sure, but he owes about 70K.

      • racerrodig says:

        Maybe the Government will pass a “Murderers Panhandling Tax Base” just for DAD (Dumb Ass Defendant) MOM (Moron O” Mara) will challenge it but won’t get paid, as usual.

        Let the Games Begin !!

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Good more money for Tracy Martin to seize. His lawyers need to get started with civil suits to at least get court supervision of funds donated to GZ so that he can’t spend or hide them again!

  27. Rachael says:

    Jr. will be on some national tv show friday to discuss the petition.

    • Xena says:

      With only 448 signatures, he needs to go on international television and buy commercial time.

      • gbrbsb says:

        Xena, read my post below ´cos we may just be seeing that very soon!

        • Xena says:

          In Junior buys commercial time, I suspect that he will be arrested for obstruction of justice or some likened statute. IMO, the only reason none of them have been silenced by a court of law yet is because everyone knows there aren’t enough GZ supporters to fill a public washroom of 5 stalls. Just the fact that he has to beg, and come up with marketing plans to beg, says that other than those supporters he already has, no one else cares.

          • gbrbsb says:

            Agree. Do you happen to know how much O´Money said had come in up to the million dollar bail? I think it was around 140k so evidently money hasn´t been pouring in since. I bet that´s why GZ´s going to personally sign and send “thank you” cards… more like, “please, sir can I have some more” cards!

          • Xena says:

            I thought it was around $120k that remained when MOM took over the fund, but I could be mistaken. Regardless, GZ has been broke for some time with outstanding, unpaid invoices since before he went on Hannity.

            GZ is not asking for money to pay MOM and West. He wants other people to feed and clothe him and ShelLIE. He is asking for public assistance, but through private donors. And Junior says he is decent? That’s not decent. There’s not one company owner who supports him that will give him a job?

          • gbrbsb says:

            But who or how will he pay legal fees? Is he entitled to Legal Aid, or whatever called in the US? In the UK all criminal prosecutions carry LA for the defence… even Augusto Pinochet was awarded it when he fought extradition to Spain for human rights violations based on “universal jurisdiction”!

          • Xena says:

            But who or how will he pay legal fees? Is he entitled to Legal Aid, or whatever called in the US?

            O’Mara has said that he was going to file a petition asking the court to find GZ indigent. That way, the State will pay MOM for legal representation. MOM has not filed that petition. It’s my impression that he cannot because of the open and active legal defense fund. The court would no doubt want to know what’s preventing the fund from significantly increasing.

            GZ’s situation is unique. Most people have family or friends they can bunk out with while out on bail. They apply for public assistance to sustain them, or find some sort of lawful employment. ShelLIE had not been charged with perjury when this case started, but was yet unemployed and has apparently remained unemployed.

            What GZ is doing is living off other people’s money and it’s because of that, that he has nothing remaining to pay his lawyers. IMO, I can’t see the court declaring him indigent because if he is unable to live free on bail, he should have kept his behind in jail while awaiting trial.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Well, what ever happened yesterday or last night it wasn’t good for them. Their petition votes have stalled and we’ve been climbing all along. They’re 491 to our 588, we’re now just 3 votes away from regaining our 100 vote lead. Then we should start increasing our lead. So, whatever they’ve done it not only isn’t working, it’s turning their own people off.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            That’s right, and they had to lay out 100k for the bail bondsman’s fee. That leaves them 40k to work with since the bail hearing. Living and security expenses have probably eaten that up pretty much.

          • gbrbsb says:

            Such a shame…!!!

          • racerrodig says:

            Yeah, don’t ya just hate it when your blood money donations don’t go as far as you hoped.

    • Jun says:

      Someone should propose Lonnie’s petition on TV… maybe go on the same show and then RZ Jr will actually be faced with being confronted with all his lying

      • Xena says:

        Jun, will you volunteer as a media contact? Seriously. There’s a team working on something in the background.

        Anyone else interested?

      • Rachael says:

        What would need to be done? I might be able to.

        • Xena says:

          What would need to be done? I might be able to.

          I don’t want to say much more because the Zidiots are watching. You can post a comment on If you haven’t commented previously, your comment will go to moderation. There, I will have your email address and email you with the details.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Be sure to mention the petition and put it’s url in the comments on news sites and in blog comments where ever it’s allowed. The petition url:

          Here’s a version you can post to the comments on youtube:
          h t t p : / / t i n y u r l . c o m / b u g n 2 9 2 remove all the spaces and enjoy the video, then sign the petition for Trayvon

          Because youtube rejects urls in comments, this one has all spaces added so it isn’t recognized as a url. All the user has to do is copy it and then remove all the spaces.

      • Jun says:

        I am down to go on TV

        I’d love to confront RZ Jr on all his lies and make him look stupid in front of millions

    • rayvenwolf says:

      Of course he will. Good thing we don’t have cable, otherwise a remote get put through the screen.

  28. Malisha says:

    “There were Trayvon-like dudes with their pants down,” Mr. Taaffe said.

    Trayvon-like dudes? ❓ ❓ ❓

    With their … pants down? ❓ ❓ ❓

    When did Fogen say that Trayvon’s pants were down?

    What kind of dudes is Taaffe referring to?

    uh… ❓

    • Jun says:

      Well Cheorge has allegations of rape and molestation so the pants down thing… well maybe Taffe is admitting a confession Cheorge has made LOL

    • Xena says:

      Trayvon-like dudes? ❓ ❓ ❓

      With their … pants down? ❓ ❓ ❓

      It’s Taaffe stereotyping. “Trayvon-like dudes” are Black male teens who wear low-rider pants underneath their waist to show-off designer underwear. Trayvon was not dressed like that so guess what that leaves to associate with Trayvon?

      • gblock says:

        Oh, so that was the point of the fad of guys wearing their pants below their butts – to show off their boxers? I always thought that looked really ridiculous.

        • Xena says:

          Oh, so that was the point of the fad of guys wearing their pants below their butts – to show off their boxers? I always thought that looked really ridiculous.

          It’s the guys’ answer to girls who wear low-riders that show off the back of their G-strings.

    • Maybe Taaffe has been hitting the bottle a little too hard. Instead of seeing pink elephants, he sees Trayvon-like dudes with their pants down……..

      • sdunn5 says:

        coupled with his “short term vision” and voila!!! BTW I have zero relation to this Dunn person but I do have 2 brothers who live in Montana that would be happy to take care of this puke!

  29. Jun says:

    When stuff like this hits the international news, it makes some Americans to appear like Nazis and Terrorists

    A man stalks and chases a kid, threatens and terrorizes the kid, before killing him…. and according to his cult, it is the kid that committed the crime for walking down the street

    A man shoots up a car because kids had loud music and speeds away… and now according to the same cult it is the kids with loud music committing the crime

    • Xena says:

      All Florida needs is for a tourist to be killed and the perp claim SYG. Maybe then the tourism industry will take a stand.

      • gbrbsb says:

        It already happened… the Japanese student who got lost with a friend on the way to a Halloween party and was shot when he approached a house to ask for directions… The shooter got off with SYG!

        Someone important, I can´t remember who, said against the law years back when SYG started that one day a trick or treater would get shot… they did!

        • Xena says:

          I vaguely heard about that. The killer actually got off with SYG? That has gone too far. And I bet that young man could have walked up to any door where he lived in Japan and felt safe with an adult answering the door.

          • gbrbsb says:

            Yes it was terrible… the Japanese went into shock and national mourning… . A journalist friend of mine was correspondent there and apparently hardly anyone has a gun so shootings are unheard of. It was all over the news here too.

  30. Jun says:

    You gotta be pretty pathetic to notarize and fan a guy who stalked and killed a kid that was unarmed and not dangerous

    I mean, if you want to look like a tough guy, at least fan someone that is not such a huge pussy, an idiot, and doomed LOL

  31. Malisha says:

    “who thinks he is Columbo” — well, Columbo is very humble. And Columbo doesn’t constantly remind everybody that he has to protect his wife. And Columbo is smart. Maybe we could go with, “and thinks he is SuperMan” — he changes clothes in a phone booth and has a split personality.

  32. colin black says:

    thanks xena…@colin black, I too have a problem with “Trayvon Martin case” for the reasons you state. Trayvon is not on trial. Also, as long as what is commented pertains to the TRUTH about the case, I say put his name to it. Let the search engines and GZ himself find info on the internet that addresses the evidence rather than only info that promotes GZ as a hero for killing Trayvon.

    Reply coco black z k a eccossie possie,

  33. Jun says:

    You know what i noticed about Florida

    Its the only state where you dont worry about the thugs and the gang bangers

    You have to worry about crazy rednecks who think everyone else in the world is a thug or a gangbanger

    A baby? Your mom will kill you

    Walking home from the corner store? Stalked and killed by some looney NW Captain self appointed who thinks he is Columbo and everyone in the world is a punk feeling lucky

    Music too loud? Get shot by some crazy redneck while he was shopping for snacks and gas

    Playing basketball at a park? Get threatened with a gun by some crazy old redneck named Dooley

    What do they have in common? They all lost it over the most minute trivial issues and act like a damn Nazi

    I gotta give Corey and other state prosecutors props for dealing with this nonsense on a daily basis

    At least in other state’s, the motives are understood, as it is generally gang stuff or some other motive

    In Florida, the motives are off the wall for all the violence

    • Dennis says:

      Have you been following the Jeffrey Pyne case. This honor student/high school valedictorian killed his mother supposedly because he endured a lifetime of abuse by her. She was mentally ill, she tried to kill him before, and she supposedly threatened & possibly tried to kill his 10 year old sister. I am really upset with the fact that the father allowed this dangerous person to be around his children. I’m not sure if there is enough evidence for 1st degree murder since it is already purely circumstantial evidence. It would be very tough to be on that jury.

      • Jun says:

        so he admitted to killing his mom?

      • Dennis says:


        He has not shown any remorse or confessed. He has pleaded not guilty. Nancy Grace was covering the first or second day of the trial last week. She is not trying to defend him or claim he is innocent, but she claims that the prosecution doesn’t have enough evidence to prove that he committed the murder beyond a reasonable doubt. There is no physical evidence that links him to the murder, only circumstantial. I think he did it for sure, but I am shaky on whether he will be convicted. I wouldn’t say the mother deserved what she got, but I honestly don’t know how she was allowed to live in that house. She tried to kill him and his younger sister before so I am just shocked at how the father allowed this woman to stay in that home when she is clearly a danger to everyone.

    • racerrodig says:

      I guess with all of NJ’s issues, we’re not that bad off.

    • Dennis says:

      Did you see the latest news regarding Casey Anthony? The computer forensic detective that handled the Anthony case was so incompetent that she did not check the Mozilla Firefox history, only Internet Explorer.

      Casey did a search for “fool-proof suffocation methods”. What shocks me is how a child is found dead, mouth duct-taped, in a trash bag, and thrown into a swamp like trash, and people actually believe this was an accident. If you combine the forensic evidence with the computer searches for “how to make chloroform” with the character evidence of how Casey acted, it is clear this was a murder. A mother that “loves” their child will not get a tattoo that means “Beautiful Life” after their child dies. The tattoo says it all, too bad they picked the 12 village idiots from that county to decide that case.

      • Jun says:

        technically it was a hung jury so they can retry her I believe

        and also the last trial could be construed as being a fraudulent trial

      • Rachael says:

        Nope. She was found not guilty. She can write a book and tell the world she killed her, but she cannot be tried again.

        However, if there are any federal charges they can bring (but there do not seem to be apparently):

      • Rachael says:

        Jun – why do you say it could be construed as a fraudulent trial?

      • Jun says:

        I dont know how this is fraudulent as a trial, just trying to be positive, as I know people can be retried if the original trial was based on fraud, therefore there was no “jeopardy” at all and the double jeopardy rule does not apply

        either way, I thought 2 voted guilty and the rest not guilty… is that not hung?

      • Rachael says:

        Nope. She was found not guilty of murder. She was found guilty of 4 counts of lying to police, misdemeanor charges. I still don’t know what you mean by a fraudulent trial.

      • Rachael says:

        For example, the GZ camp is trying to say that his trial is based on made up charges, therefore fraudulent.

        Was the evidence against her was manufactured and fraudulent?

        AFAIK, a fraudulent trial is a defense. She can’t use it as one because she was already found not guilty.

        But I could be way wrong.

      • Jun says:

        Scroll down where it says fraud and a new trial

        basically if the trial was fraudulent in any way, say paid jurors, biased jurors, the evidence was a fraud, pretty much anything, they can retry it based on new evidence

      • Rachael says:

        They cannot retry it based on new evidence.

      • Jun says:

        If they have new evidence, it means the trial from before was based on fraudulent information as the newest piece was not there, which would change the course of the case

        That is what I am reading according to the exceptions to double jeopardy

        and I also heard in rare cases they motion to set aside judgement and reverse the decision on appeal

      • Rachael says:

        Trying her for new evodence would be double jepoardy. Like I said, she could go on nationwide tv and say she committed murder, she can write a book about it. She was tried, found not guilty, trying her again (on new evidence) would be double jepoardy.

      • Jun says:

        Yes but the trial was based on false information found to be true and according to the exceptions, such as a trial based on fraud, then the defendant was never in jeopardy, therefore, it is not double jeopardy

        But either way, they dont have enough anyways

        I am basing it what is written on wikipedia

      • Rachael says:

        LOL okay, I have to leave this now because I don’t know what you mean about false information that was true and was never in jeopardy.

      • gbrbsb says:

        If anyone´s interested, the UK abrogated the Double Jeopardy rule in cases of murder if new compelling evidence came to light a few years back mainly because of a very nasty killing of a young black youth, in a way the UK´s Trayvon Martin, who was brutally knifed to death just for being black by a group of white supremacist juvenile thugs.

        The first trial the thugs got off… wait for it… due to police incompetence and institutional racism (sounds familiar?!) but everyone knew they were guilty so gone Double Jeopardy and with advances in forensics throwing up new evidence they were re-tried and sentenced… unfortunately as juveniles so not for long enough!

        Here´s the link to Wiki if anyone´s interested:

      • Jun says:

        Read the link

        If a trial is fraudulent

        that means the defendant was never in “jeopardy”

        therefore, double jeopardy does not apply, and a new trial can be had

        I am not saying it applies here but there are exceptions to double jeopardy

        • The exception you mention rarely applies.

          When a defendant is found not guilty by a jury, the Double Jeopardy Clause prevents a retrial by the same sovereign. That means that another sovereign, such as another state or the federal government, can prosecute the defendant, provided that they have jurisdiction to do so.

          You are most likely to see this happen in a drug case because both the state and the feds have concurrent jurisdiction over drug offenses.

          You will occasionally see a state prosecute a defendant, who was acquitted of the same offense in another state, when the crime committed was of a continuing nature with criminal acts committed in both states. A couple of examples are a kidnapping that occurs in one state and the victim is murdered in the second state, or a conspiracy to commit a particular crime is formed in one state and the crime that is the object of the conspiracy is committed in the second state.

      • grahase says:

        Sorry Jun – she was found NOT GUILTY. They may find evidence that absolutely proves her guilt. But, too bad, so sad. It is over. She was found not guilty. Game over.

      • gblock says:


        If additional evidence is found after the trial is over, that is not enough for the trial to be found fraudulent. A probable exception would be if some of the evidence presented earlier is actually found to be false.

        In the US, the prosecution needs to be careful not to proceed to trial until they think they have enough evidence to make their case, since it is likely to be their only chance.

      • Jun says:

        I am not saying it applies in Casey Anthony

        Even the prosecutors did not sound confident it was her who killed the baby (The prosecutors did not sound that upset she was not found guilty)

        I am just saying that if there is any type of fraud found in a trial, be it new evidence, corrupt jurors, anything, a new trial can be done nowadays

        And I also read that they can motion to set aside judgement, if there is new evidence, and there is enough to move forward or change a verdict

        I agree everything should be done in one go though

        But I am talking about extenuating circumstances

      • Rachael says:

        @Jun “If they have new evidence, it means the trial from before was based on fraudulent information as the newest piece was not there, which would change the course of the case

        That is what I am reading according to the exceptions to double jeopardy

        and I also heard in rare cases they motion to set aside judgement and reverse the decision on appeal.”

        No. It doesn’t matter what evidence is found later, it does not matter if she confesses later. She was found not guilty and cannot be tried again. Period.

        There is no reason to appeal, she was not convicted.

        This is why there is no statute of limitations on murder. Prosecutors do not want to risk someone getting off only to later find there was evidence they were guilty but now it is too late. They want to make sure they have everything before charging someone just so this very thing does not happen.

      • Jun says:

        I’m just going by what I read on the internet

        It says that if a trial is based on fraud at all, a new trial is not prevented because the defendant was never in jeopardy

        and i also read in rare cases they simply motion to set aside judgement and than reverse on appeal

        My understanding of what constitutes fraud is

        1) What was presented was not true and found out later, either evidence, juror, or something else

        I agree everything should be done with one shot and they should be sure right away if they have their guy and have the evidence to back it up

        but what I mean by new evidence, is if something turns up, is sound, and would have been enough to change the course of a trial, then a new one can be formed, if there is enough, to show for example, the former trial was based on fraud of some form

      • grahase says:

        No matter what, i is still hard to put Casey Anthony in front of that computer. You and I both know, it would be blamed on George.

      • Malisha says:

        I’ve gotto say, though, that if the prosecution is so negligent it cannot make the case, that is part of the system just as it is part of the system that most of the public defenders, at state level, nation-wide, are unable to provide an adequate defense, whether because they don’t care, they’re aren’t paid enough, or they just plain prefer to see their clients go to jail for a while than press their constitutional rights. Ruth Bader Ginsburg has observed that the defendants who get the death sentence are the ones who could not afford a vigorous defense. So in my opinion, when the prosecution falls down on the job, that’s very sad but it should not be “corrected” by taking constitutional rights away from defendants to correct for it.

    • Tzar says:

      I think it’s example making time
      we can start with Trayvon’s stalker and killer

  34. Jun says:

    The Dunn guy who killed a kid over loud music is now claiming the kids had a gun when there was no gun found anywhere. Dang, what people will say and do, to not face responsibility for killing a kid. They will lie cheat steal then face up to it. I hope they give him life.

    • racerrodig says:

      Does that Piece of Chit (Pardon my French) have a friend named Osterman by chance…..Taaffe maybe, dare I say it Zidiot ?

      • Jun says:

        The other idiotic thing with this Dunn guy is he shot at a car 8 to 9 times, at a gas station. The bullets could have ricocheted and hit a gas pump, sparked, and then the whole block would be on fire. They should also charge him with reckless use of a firearm.

      • Jun says:


        If you actually look at the facts of the case, Dunn pretty much acted like a gangbanger that pulled a drive by on a bunch of kids listening to music and the gangbanger did it for street cred into a gang

        but according to his lawyer it is responsible to fire 8 to 9 rounds at a gas station, into a car with kids in it, and then speed away

        • racerrodig says:

          Sounds perfectly normal to me. Yep, I hate rap or hip hop so out comes old Mr. 9 mm and on my way I go.

          He had just been to his son or daughters weeding reception, do I dare say he may have been a bit smashed ?

          So he lawyer needs to add that “..any drunken responsible gun owner….”

          Oh, my bad, “Drunken” and “Gun” anything defy “Common Sense” and “Responsible”

    • Dennis says:

      “When all the evidence has been flushed out, I believe that it will be extremely clear that Mr. Dunn acted as any responsible firearm owner would have under the same circumstances,”

      Sounds just like O’Mara, claiming his client is innocent when all of the evidence says otherwise. The evidence proves there was no gun that was supposedly aimed at them. He open fired on a car full of teenagers, and killed one of them. Since there was no gun, Dunn’s story and the story of his girlfriend are false.

      Dunn, his girlfriend, and his attorney are lying scum, plain and simple. Dunn murdered an innocent person, then fled the scene of the crime. His attorney is now an accomplice to murder in my eyes.

      • Jun says:

        Its a cut and dry case… there were lots of witnesses… Dunn and his girlfriend will be impeached for lying and bias during a murder trial and may get perjury because it is obvious the kids never had a gun or were any threat at all. They were inside the vehicle when shot at. Dunn tried to run away but was caught because witnesses took down his license plate tag. He is a typical dirtbag who will lie cheat and steal if he does not have to face up to his crime so he is trying the SYG crap.

      • racerrodig says:

        His lawyer sounds about as bright as a 2 watt bulb. No responsible gun owner would have done that. He rates right up there with Z and every other lunatic arrested for killing someone. 8 or 9 shots into a stopped vehicle because of loud music ?? Duhhhhh Earth to Dillweeds

      • Dennis says:


        Wow. He admits to shooting them after they were no longer a threat. That is definitely murder. People like this are just stupid because they do not exercise their right to remain silent. Like this prosecutor said in a murder case in Florida, every time you pull the trigger there must be a continuous threat. You could say that every shot you fire is a separate case of self-defense. You only have the right to protect yourself, not the right to play executioner.

        • Brown says:

          What is also disturbing to me is, if you heard them, seen them, you had a freakin’ gun. All that was needed to be said was, :”Hold it right there, you entering my house illegally, don’t move! Dial 911. While holding them at gunpoint. They were teenagers, do you think they would of moved with a gun pointed at them? Nobody dies, they go to jail not you. This shoot first ask questions later has got to stop!!!

          • racerrodig says:

            I went on HP and the same Zidiot are cheering this killer on.

          • Brown says:

            Unbelievable! My God, have they no shame.

          • racerrodig says:

            Not an once….But it’s Gods plan…..the unknown I’d be afraid of if I were them. Wait !! What am I saying…

          • Xena says:

            By law, he could shoot them because they broke into his house. However, he positioned himself so he could shoot in their lower extremities. After doing that, to shoot them again AND move their bodies, well — it demonstrates a truly depraved mind.

          • Brown says:

            Yes, but just because the law says you can and would be justified, doesn’t mean you have to. A warning shot in the air, would of even been better then a leg. I just think gun owners have double the responsibility, then people who don’t carry guns. There should be a requirement for gun owners, that they attend a class of how to avoid using their gun and when they should use their gun. And they should have to renew it just like a teaching license or drivers license. You don’t attend the recertification you lose your license.

      • Jun says:

        I bet you these kids did not even break into the house…. he straight up kidnapped and murdered them and staged the scene

        either way, its overkill

      • Jun says:

        This is pretty much what happened

        The guy pulls up beside the kids car

        starts screaming at them to turn it down

        the kids said no, they dont have to (its their right)

        The guy gets angry and starts screaming some more

        He then fires 8 to 9 shots into the car, killing one of the kids

        He takes off

        Witnesses take down his license information and description of the perp and what happened

        He gets caught and is held without bail

        He claims self defense and the kids had a gun

        the kids were found to be no threat and had no weapon, not even a gun, at all

        • Xena says:

          I wonder if there are video cameras for the parking spaces of that convenience store? Also, I read that there was a warrant out for the perp in another county.

      • rayvenwolf says:

        When I read that after reading how he and gf made like bats out of hell, spent the rest of the night at their hotel, SAW the news, and STILL went home like nothing happened I was LIVID.

        I hope the nail his ass to the wall and throw an entire law library at him.

      • esentrick says:

        In reference to Haile and Nicholas case – It makes me wonder why the charges were 2nd degree murder and not 1st degree murder. What was chilling is the murderer knew one teen was gasping for air, they were no longer threat to him. It is one thing if the HO shot and instantly killed an intruder or if the intruder died as a result of the GSW, but once he noticed Haile was not completely dead, he intentionally killed the her. Would’nt that make it 1st degree;”An intentional killing by means of poison, or by lying in wait, or by any other kind of willful, deliberate and premeditated action”?

      • Lonnie Starr says:

        As bad as they sound, the lawyers dismissive remarks are required pro defense fare. Actually, by the way the lawyer has fashioned his statement, which is so obviously unsupported by the facts, it sound more sarcastic than defensive.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      He who must not be named. ; {

    • If the kids would have had a gun, I think that they would have used it in “self defense” after this maniac started firing on them!

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      You don’t really expect criminals to simply confess and accept a huge bundle of time behind bars? They will try to bargain for the least sentence they can, and that requires they try to put up a defense of some kind. Not that it will work, but they have to try, sitting behind bars after not even having tried to get a better deal would eat them out from inside.

      Of course, true contrition would be nice! Might even have gotten him something, but that “day” is gone with his attempt to mount a defense when obviously there is none. Well, because we all have to have our rights, he has to have his. So he has something to bargain with, even if it’s no good. I doubt he’ll be stupid enough to try his defense on a jury. It’s just a matter of cutting a deal that removes him from society for a very long time.

  35. Jun says:

    There is a lot of sick people in this world

    • Rachael says:

      OMG – yes, there are. The knuckledragger is at it again with some of the sickest racist stuff ever. It is probably a good thing I can’t post at that site.

      And this whole thank you note from GZ is THE most disgusting thing EVER!!!! Like he is some kind of a celebrity that he is selling autographs? WTF?

      I mean even IF it was self-defense and it was totally justified, selling autographs for having killed a kid, even IF it was legit is just downright DISGUSTING!!!! No one – BUT NO ONE would do that!!!

      How much lower can he go? REALLY!!!

      And he calls himself a God-loving Christian???!!!! OMG!!!

      • racerrodig says:

        The epitome of “Blood Money”

      • Rachael says:

        racerodig, you have NO idea how upset I am by this!

      • Tzar says:

        The epitome of “Blood Money”


        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Keep a sharp eye on Florida real estate values, they should be trending down as SYG killings continue to grace the news.
          No longer the retirement state of choice and people begin to flee out of fear for their loved ones.

      • Malisha says:

        I’m sorry, I can’t get upset about this. I’m laughing so hard. Fogen selling his autographs! He couldn’t graduate junior college and now he’s a hero to a bunch of ignorant racist losers, OMG I can’t stop laughing! Look how America must look to civilized countries when stuff like this is in the newspapers!

      • Jun says:

        Obama just tells them

        “Look, it is just a super tiny population that are mentally handicapped and crazy but um… stay out of Florida LOL”

      • Mary Davis says:

        @ Rachel. Remember the jail house calls when SheLie said “Oh Georgie honey, you are a hero now. He is a hero for killing a kid. I guess he will sign it Your Hero. The whole family is sick, sick, sickkkkkkkk.

  36. Dennis says:

    I would have to agree with Tzar. This case is about justice for Trayvon Martin by the the prosecution of his killer, and the investigation of the police department for not charging his killer.

  37. Breaking news !

    I know everyone doesn’t want to miss this great opportunity ! LOL LOL

    Murder suspect George Zimmerman today announced plans to ramp up fund-raising, writing on a website that if you act now, he’ll send you a thank you card “personally signed by George
    The full article is at the Orlando Sentinel !

    • Brown says:

      I noticed that in the article, it is now neighborhood watch volunteer not Captain.

    • racerrodig says:

      I’m pretty sure that won’t sit well with the jury. Trust me…they have not raised 340K…..I have my source. The same one who says he will owe about 70K in taxes come 2013……that he doesn’t have.
      Notice Moron O’ Mara gets paid last and Z is going to pick someone to dole out the cash……

      • If Georgie can’t get the money to pay his taxes, maybe they can throw him in jail for tax evasion……. 😀

        • racerrodig says:

          Yep…..he doesn’t have a clue as to what the future holds. If he thinks he’s being “picked on” now, I can’t wait for the Zidiot Nation response to his upcoming tax issue.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Everyone here should know: You can’t be jailed for “tax evasion” just because you can’t pay. If you file your taxes truthfully and simply state you can’t pay, that’s not evasion. It’s only evasion if you file a false return. Claiming to owe less in taxes than you really do, without any ability to justify your deductions. If you filed an incorrect amount, but you can show that you relied on a rule or rules, even if in error, that cannot be called evasion.

          Payment of taxes is voluntary, it’s the declaration of what is due that is not. Of course, non payment falls under another chapter of IRS rules.

          • racerrodig says:

            “Payment of taxes is voluntary,…”: Well, not exactly. Your post is correct other than if you state you owe XYZ amount, it is mandatory you pay. Investigation, audits, prosecution will surely follow. My son’s Godfather was an IRS criminal investigator and & I have a customer who does this very thing.

          • Xena says:

            Actor Wesley Snipes is in prison for failure to file taxes. His tax advisors (sovereign citizens) have been prosecuted.


          • racerrodig says:

            Failure to file is one thing, but it is mandatory to pay once an amount is determined.

          • Xena says:

            It’s been awhile since I followed the Snipes case. IIRC, it began as an income tax evasion case. Snipes argued based on his sovereign citizen tax adviser that federal taxes were unconstitutional. After tying up the court and being made to look like a fool, Snipes filed his tax returns and paid his taxes. He was unaware that he bought into a sovereign citizenship theory. The IRS argued that he could not “cure” a violation to prevent criminal prosecution after wasting the court’s time and resources.

            Then something came in concerning his tax advisers, who while being prosecuted, Snipes’ charges were reduced to failure to file with a sentence of 3 years in Club Fed.

      • LOL! Hey, it was tax evasion that finally brought down the mighty Al Capone!

        • Xena says:

          I’m wondering how many complaints were formally filed by original donors who believe GZ committed fraud by using the money to pay off debts and serve himself an advantage by making new purchases? If there are formal complaints, the feds may be looking into that as an interstate crime.

        • Brown says:

          IRS is bigger then CIA FBI DOJ SPD, combined!!

          • racerrodig says:

            I have a real good connection there, my son’s Godfather and his ex-partner. When I say “Trust Me” take it to the bank.

            He owes about $70K in taxes….All together now “Trust Me” !

            70K he doesn’t have.

          • Xena says:

            He owes about $70K in taxes….All together now “Trust Me” !

            Would you happen to know if the donors will not be able to right off their “gifts”?

          • I do not believe the donations are taxable to the recipient because they are gifts and not income. They are not taxable to a donor unless they exceed a certain amount, which I believe is $160 K.

            I’m not sure about the limit. Could be higher. Don’t believe it’s lower. Tax law was not my specialty.

          • racerrodig says:

            My IRS connections tells me as Z solicited these they are not gifts. This was discussed at length months ago. As he is using this for a stated purpose they are taxable. if he never asked, they are not.

          • Xena says:

            My IRS connections tells me as Z solicited these they are not gifts. This was discussed at length months ago. As he is using this for a stated purpose they are taxable. if he never asked, they are not.

            See, that is also what I thought. The fact that he put up a website and asked for money takes it out of the realm of being a gift. Also, he specifically presented that donations would be used for legal fees and living expenses. Past-due and accrued debts and purchases of cell phones do not fall under those categories. He betrayed donors, many of which I am sure still have car payments and didn’t donate to GZ so he could pay off his car loans.

          • racerrodig says:

            Back in May or so I plastered this all over HP and excerpts of the statutes provided by my guys. The Zidiots stopped arguing and at that point they were at about 190K..There was huge drop off in donations and the amount of Zidiots on HP dropped immensely that had what appeared to be “regular people.”

            From that point on the hard core racist Zidiots took over using the multiple names and it was so obvious as they would loose track of what name they were using at that moment and respond to what one of us said to one of his other sock puppets.

          • Xena says:

            From that point on the hard core racist Zidiots took over using the multiple names and it was so obvious as they would loose track of what name they were using …

            There is one on Yahoo comments who admits to having 36 different Yahoo accounts. Alexander the Great is his original handle. He also admitted that his original motivation was to use the accounts to thumbs down comments of pro-Trayvon contributors to hide them, and thumbs up his comments so that they could not be hidden.

            That started around May. Since then, he posts under his separate identities using each character as part of stories that he writes in comments. For instance, one character is an avatar of Trayvon in a Superman cape named “Super Thug.” Super Thug has a family and Rev. Sharpton is an uncle. So Super Thug begins with a comment about flying over Florida, and SuperSybrina replies telling Super Thug what to steal on his way home. SuperUncleSharp comments for Super Thug to make sure he beats up on a White Cracker — and so the story continues as a thread in Yahoo comments.

            Yahoo allows that filth. When I have time, I get contact info for the advertisers and let them know what they are supporting.

          • racerrodig says:

            i remember Alexander the Racist now that you mention it. Typical of their mentality. Matt, Pat, Cat Rugar did the same thing. I did a search for him and found out he is a member of a White Supremisct Neo Nazi group and found a youtube video of him at a camp in which he was shooting at a target with about 25 new members behind him. He then turned and fired at them, as part of the initiation. They all ducked, but when I posted the link on HP he disappeared.This is what type of jackass supports him.

          • Xena says:

            i remember Alexander the Racist now that you mention it. Typical of their mentality. Matt, Pat, Cat Rugar did the same thing. I did a search for him and found out he is a member of a White Supremisct Neo Nazi group…

            Why doesn’t that surprise me? He said that he lives in Arizona. I wish it were on the moon. He is nasty — filth. When I first commented on Yahoo, he put me on his radar. His back-patters were Ken Tague and Dr. Smoker, who I suspected where just other accounts/personalities.

            If he was posting to HP, you can bet that he was also using his other 35 accounts to reply to himself and bombard Trayvon supporters with filth.

          • racerrodig says:

            I called him “Racist Pig DeLuXX” among other things. I just can’t figure out why the Zidiots hate me so much ??

          • Xena says:

            I called him “Racist Pig DeLuXX” among other things. I just can’t figure out why the Zidiots hate me so much ??

            They hate anyone who doesn’t follow them; unquestionably believe them; or refuses their bait to turn focus to race.

            I remember challenging one of his percentage arguments. Making it simple as possible, I introduced a city with a population of 250,000 with 85 percent White, 10 percent Black, and 5 percent other. So, here’s the percentages; 8 percent of the inmates in jail in that city are Black; 5 percent White.

            For the “Racist Pig DeLuXX” he is happy to hear that the percentage for Blacks is more than for White. But wait a minute! Based on the population for that city, there are only 25,000 Blacks. 8 percent is 2,000. OTOH, the White population is 212,500, with 10,625 in jail!

            After that is when he started impersonating pro-Trayvon supporters by using their handles and posting filth as them.

          • racerrodig says:

            He’s still there using versions of others names and ridiculous avatars. He’s still a Racist Pig.

          • Xena says:

            He’s still there using versions of others names and ridiculous avatars. He’s still a Racist Pig.

            At one point, I complained about the avatars to Yahoo. They make the complaint procedure as humanly difficult as possible and it was a month of going back and forth with them. That’s when I decided to contact advertisers.

            I have noticed that Yahoo has really cut-back on its articles about GZ’s case. They are no longer on the front-page news.

          • racerrodig says:

            This is the place to be, trust me. I see over on HP there are very few Zidiots bellowing about the “Thank You for Being a Racist” cards.

          • racerrodig says:

            I recall only if it’s a registered non profit or charitable organization, which his defense fraud, er, fund is not.

          • racerrodig says:

            You can’t, by law, solicit “gifts” unless of course it’s on Santa’s list.

            That reminds me…..Santa, I didn’t send you a list, well…..since 1962, but I believe in you so how about a nice long prison stay for the DAD (Dumb Ass Defendant)

          • jm says:

            Are donations taxable?

          • racerrodig says:

            In this case, yes as he asked. He is not registered charity nor a non profit organization. It is unearned income. He is using it for personal expenses.

            If this were nontaxable, all of us should panhandle on the internet for a living. Even beggars are supposed to claim what they get.

            That reminds me….donate to racerrodig @………..and I’ll tell your all when I get my IRS notice.

        • racerrodig says:

          Yeah…he didn’t have all the electronics and internet either. I’d say murder 2 & tax evasion are in the plans now.

      • Patricia says:

        Racerrodig yes you are on target(no shopping intended) let the games begin! Shel’lie can change the game to Deal or No
        Deal if she pleas out and divorces george fl law 50/50 split . What say you Shel’lie ?

        • racerrodig says:

          Sometime in Jan / Feb this will get real ugly. Not that we won’t laugh our collective asses off, but ugly for them. Something tells me DAD (Dumb Ass Defendant) will wish his head had exploded.

    • Brown says:

      I also gather that he (GZ) is appointing a new site manger of his choosing. I wonder how long it will take O’mara to bail or for him to replace counsel. Hmmmm. Control issues.

      • racerrodig says:

        Looks like Zidiot will have 5 former lawyers soon. Imagine that…

          • racerrodig says:

            He’ll call Jose Baez and act surprised when he’s told it would be a conflict.

            “….um, Mr. Baez…this is Cheorge Z and I’d like you to take over my case from Mr. O’ Mara. …, he doesn’t listen to me and I can’t get him to make this all go away. …Oh, um and he keeps asking to get paid. Um, why would I do that….I didn’t have to pay the caterer for my graduation party…..or my rent, after all…..I’m an American Hero.”

          • Brown says:

            I am going to repost something from BccList, its funny. Be right back

          • racerrodig says:

            I’ll be here………………done yet ??

          • Brown says:

            I was having a discussion with WasSoInteresting @ BccList about this article.

            A written portion reporting GZ hosing kids (so called bullies in his mind) with a garden hose. This is the converstion and joke/story line that came about.
            Exactly, who’s bullying who now. When I read that article, I said is this guy crazy or what, who does that. Now summertime playing around with people you know, that’s one thing, but just outright hosing people down, WTF. If my kid came home wet and told me that some man wet him for no reason, I be out of that house in a split second bringing my kid with me to point him out. I would of gave him a talking to more like a a real harsh once over, that he never ever look or touch my kid with anything or there will be trouble. And even if and that’s a big if my kid did something, you still have no right to touch him or her with anything, you come to me first. End of story. People like GZ have to be put in check, because it will only get worse, case in point, Trayvon Martin.

            wassointeresting on November 23, 2012 at 8:06 pm said:

            Ha!! Maybe it’s me, must be low on iron or something…. But seriously, in thinking about your comment earlier, GZ being a concerned citizen/helpful neighbor is one thing, but gosh darnit, hosing neighborhood kids and making them feel uneasy sitting in their own driveway does deserve a good smack upside the head literally or figuratively from someone until he learned to mind his own business!

            My response:

            You know I was thinking about that part of the article were he would knock on peoples door and tell the them it was late, they better close their garage door. I thought about it and I said to myself this is how this would of played out if it was my house.
            GZ: Knock Knock
            LB: Yes who is it?
            GZ: Ummm, do you know its late and your garage is open.
            LB: Opens door, Yeah ok so it is, my husband is working in there.
            GZ: Ummmm ok I just wanted to let you know that it was open.
            LB: Ok, I just told you my husband is in there.
            GZ: Oh ok, well I want you to close it because its late.
            LB: First off, its my garage and I don’t know who you are, but I will close it when I’m good and ready.
            GZ: Well, I was just trying to be neighborly.
            LB: good for you, now get off my property.
            GZ: Well, there has been some break ins and I just want to
            LB: HON, get in here please.
            end of story.

            Her response:

            wassointeresting on November 23, 2012 at 9:39 pm said:

            This would be a neighbor across the street from you calling 911 (Warning: this is my attempt at humor after a trypophan laced turkey leftover dinner)

            Neighbor: Hi, we’ve had one break-in and some thefts in the neighborhood, and there’s this real suspicious guy here.
            911: Ok, is he white, black or hispanic?
            Neighbor: He looks hispanic, but that’s not why he’s suspicious.
            911: Of course not, now what’s he doing?
            Neighbor: He was driving really slowly around the neighborhood with his lights off.
            911: Ok, that is suspicious. Did you see which way he went?
            Neighbor: He parked down the street, now he’s just walking up the street with a flashlight, shining it at all the houses.
            911: What is he wearing?
            Neighbor: A dark red and black jacket, blue jeans and boots. He’s across the street now, he’s just staring into my neighbor’s open garage. I don’t know what his deal is.
            911: OK, where do you want to meet with the officer.
            Neighbor (gives address)
            911: We’ll make sure he calls you when he’s in the area.
            Neighbor: Wait, now he’s going up to my neighbor’s house. You better get an officer out here right away.
            911: Ok, he’s on his way. Is he doing something else?
            Neighbor: I hear her yelling at him, she shut the door in his face.
            911: Ok, just call us if he does anything else ok?
            Neighbor: OK (end call).

            A minute later the officer arrives:
            Officer: What’s going on here?
            GZ: She broke my nose, I feel like my head is going to explode.
            Officer: Oh yeah? Ma’am, can you explain this?
            Loree: His exploding head?
            Officer: No, what happened before.
            Loree: Yeah, it’s late at night and he’s at my house telling me I should close my garage door.
            Officer: Ok, he claims you broke his nose.
            Loree; Oh really? Where? I can’t see anything.
            GZ: Right here (points to a perfectly normal nose).
            Loree: Well praytell, how did I break it? I didn’t even touch you!
            GZ: You slammed the door in my face. It’s a “closed fracture”
            Loree: Well, let’s see, how is it that your face was inside the frame of my door anyhow? Were you trying to follow me inside?
            GZ: No, my nose was just sticking in the same direction as you, I wasn’t following.
            Officer: Ok, lady, you got a defense?
            Loree: Yep, he shouldn’t have been standing on my ground.
            Officer: Sir, what do you say to that?
            GZ: Ummm….I got nothing.

            I think we take our act on the road 😆
            Sorry for the long post, but i had to tie everything together for it to make sense. 🙂

          • racerrodig says:

            You’re killing me…I love scripts….

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Of course the correct response would have been to file charges of assaulting a minor against GZ. He’d be arrested and he’d have to either be found guilty or plead. Then he could also be sued and be required to pay your attorney and court costs. That might have calmed down his visions of being a neighborhood hero. He’d probably have redirected his anger, but at who? Not you, because you’d beaten him and he’d realize he could be beaten again if he tried anything else, since that would accrue as harrassment and another charge and another suit as well.

            Too bad no behavior modification actions were pursued against him. The outcome might have been different if they had. Trayvon would still be alive. Of course, as things stand, it doesn’t look like the Police might have been very helpful, perhaps that’s why the neighborhood was so scared of George? If so, we’ll get an ear full at trial.

            It certainly won’t help the defense if people begin coming forward with tales of having feared Chorgie.

          • Brown says:

            Different people have different responses when it comes to their children. I have zero tolerance, for what he did. (hosing kids down). Like I said on BccList, he would of gotten wet or beat with that hose if it was me. I would gladly go to jail for one of mine. No problem there for me. I take that shit seriously. I don’t want you to get the impression of me that I am violent person, but I am very very maternal when it comes to kids, grandkids etc. It’s just my nature. Like WSI, a lioness protecting her cubs. 🙂

          • Brown says:

            Copied from NT times article.

            A 17-year-old African-American, Teontae Amie, who lives at the Retreat, recalled that Mr. Zimmerman once wrongly accused his friend of stealing a bike. “When you see him, you think automatically that he might try something,” said Teontae, who added that he kept his distance from the neighborhood watch coordinator.

            I hope he makes it on the witness list.

      • Jun says:

        Omara has to defend that idiot and also not get paid

        karma is a funny muthafucka LOL

        • racerrodig says:

          Oh Yeah…..I can see the press conference now.

          Moron O’ Mara “…well it’s I think undisputed that my clients nose is broken. Now I know that I said that some time ago and despite that assertion, there was no proof. But now there is undisputed proof my ex-clients nose is broken now. I can’t see how it couldn’t be with the size of the bat I used on him…..”

          “The next time I ask to be paid for all of my unethical services….somebody better listen.

      • Xena says:

        I also gather that he (GZ) is appointing a new site manger of his choosing. I wonder how long it will take O’mara to bail or for him to replace counsel. Hmmmm. Control issues.

        Remember at his last two hearings, that MOM all but ignored GZ. That was very telling since MOM and West coo-cooed over GZ at this bond do-over hearing.

        MOM is a lawyer — not a guardian. When he took on GZ as a client with his problems being unemployed and homeless, he also took on managing the donations and issuing GZ allowances.

        By believing theories promoted by the treeslum, I’m pretty sure that the depositions consumed much of the money. MOM is not so stupid as to want to continue wild goose chases based on theories. Who knows? Maybe the DOJ and FBI has already told MOM to go stick it.

        The bottom line is that GZ needs to concentrate in preparing for his immunity hearing. Maybe his focus on begging is because he can’t handle preparing his case.

        • racerrodig says:

          “Maybe his focus on begging is because he can’t handle preparing his case.”

          I’d say just dealing with Z would instill a massive attack of Lethargy,
          or maybe a “…who the f cares anymore…” would be more accurate. I’m sure he’s getting fed up with the bullS from all sides.
          Lets face it, the pressure from the Conservative NuThouse must be just a bit over the top. Racist’s tend to be that way.

          • Xena says:

            Lets face it, the pressure from the Conservative NuThouse must be just a bit over the top. Racist’s tend to be that way.

            Oh yes, and because they are superior and entitled to being obeyed, they probably send 100 emails a day to MOM with instructions on what to do. And of course, GZ would not take that to mean that they believe they are superior to him but rather, they are simply “helping.”

          • racerrodig says:

            “Helping” A hahahahahahahahahahaha

            A word of advice to all you of The Zidiot Nation, keep helping, help even more. Hell, the more advice you give Moron O’ Mara the better, after all he is overworked what with all of those interviews and internet work he has to stay up on.

            Hell………trek on down to his palatial 1200 sq ft home office and dig right in. he need’s your help, so pitch right in !!

            Don’t Delay….Do it Today !!

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            At some point any rational lawyer has to realize the outhouse is non-productive. His only interest in their opinions is that they can help him get paid. That could pair MOM with Rue Paul, lol “I just wanna get paid!” He might just give him a call. hahaha.

          • racerrodig says:

            “At some point any rational lawyer…..” I had to reread the 1st 6 words several times. I hear ya loud & clear, but it’s Moron “’s undisputed my client had a broken nose” O’ Mara here.

            Just sayin ….!!

        • Brown says:

          GZ has control, anger, rage, and other issues. He thinks that if HE is in control he can make this work out in his favor. Coming up with him signing his name on thank cards is pure GZ. That is in essence who he is. I am so important this will generate funds. I am getting beat up on those blogs, I know this will get my “fans” to love me once again. He loved the attention, he loved the media talking about him. He needs to be reassured, coddled endlessly. The only ones who are or did anything for him got hammered in the media and or blogs. He may try another interview, not Hannity, it would have to be someone a little bit more reputable. I think what he is trying to do but a little to late is make amends to his dying public. He sees as we do, it has very little to do now with supporting him. It is now become hate speech, trash the victim trash, trash the family.
          GZ is sitting at home reading articles by Rene. That’s it. That is not enough for him. He needs more. This thing with the new mangement on the site, is to let HIS supporters he is going to take control now. To assure them, you see I am taking control back. For him to go that route as O’mara has done with Treehouse, taking their advice and agreeing with them assures them that they and he (GZ) are of one mind. One mindset.

          • racerrodig says:

            I hope he signs about 100K of them, goes broke from buying “Thank You for Being a Racist Like Me” Thank You Cards and all those signature Sharpies, then gets arrested for littering when 99,995 of them are blown all over the neighborhood on trash day.
            LetJusticePrevail will get 3 trying to horn in on the profits thinking he can sell them in the years to come SheLie,needless to say, will have one to cherish, and the last one gets used as a dart board in Corey’s Office when he is convicted.

          • Xena says:

            @Brown. Those 2 days without toilet paper must have really upset GZ.

            What it tells me is that GZ has very few financial supporters. Even when his Facebook page was up, it only had 242 “likes.” If that demonstrates his supporters on a national level, they would not take up all the desks in a large high school.

            Giving them a thank you card with his signature is not going to compel them to sacrifice paying their bills when he spent about $35,000 getting out of debt using other people’s money.

          • Brown says:

            I don’t think his supporters will get the card and put it on their mantle. Or take it their employment, and say “Hey look what I got for donating to GZ the guy who killed that black kid”. Its easy to support him behind a computer, its another in real life. I have seen people where T-shirts, buttons, hoodies, with Trayvon’s picture on it. To this day people are still wearing them. What I don’t see are people walking around with the same attire for GZ.

          • Xena says:

            What I don’t see are people walking around with the same attire for GZ.

            Right. Seems like there should be one person in America with a T-shirt business willing to print T-shirts that GZ can sell to raise money.

            I bet that Junior becomes the new administrator of GZ’s fund. He has no reputation to sacrifice and is already tainted.

          • Brown says:

            What about that brother in law or whoever they were talking about in code on the jailhouse calls, what about him? Maybe he will be the overseer. Didn’t he do the first one?

          • Xena says:

            I was under the impression that the brother-in-law was actually Junior — ShelLIE’s brother-in-law.

          • racerrodig says:

            Peter Pan……yeah..that’s the ticket !!

          • Brown says:

            How do you run out of toilet paper. I buy that even when I don’t need it right then, because eventually you will. 🙂
            Memo to O’mara:
            Please buy toilet paper in bulk, go to Sam’s Club!!!

          • racerrodig says:

            When we are down to the last 20 or so rolls, my wife says “..we’re out of toilet paper…” of course if her Rendezvous gets to about 1/4 tank it’s “….I’m out of gas…” But I love her & that’s what matters.

          • Brown says:

            She’s right! …….The only thing that matters is love, so true.

          • racerrodig says:


      • Jun says:

        Look at Omara too… he’s stressed out dealing with deranged demented idiots that are Cheorge and his crazy supporters… they all have no self control…. and he’s out of unethical ideas to use so he is turning into using fake pictures from the Conservative Tinfoil hat for his defense… which the judge and jury will just think he’s an idiot… dude has aged 30 years just from this case… OMARA looked like a normal guy in his mid 30’s to now, he looks like he is 50 to 60 years old

        • racerrodig says:

          I think he’s about to punt. It’s not even halftime and I think it’s just about Game Over Man for Moron O’ Mara.

          • Xena says:

            I think he’s about to punt. It’s not even halftime and I think it’s just about Game Over Man for Moron O’ Mara.

            I wish that I had his time of birth to look up his astrological chart. MOM’s birthday is 3 days after Trayvon’s. They are both Aquarius. That gives them more of a connection to each other than MOM is connected to GZ, who is Libra.

            Remember that song out of “Hair”? Harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust …. It’s true. However, unless there are influences from other planets, Aquarians are not very patient with certain characteristics in others, such as control, meanness, greed, ignorance, and unwillingness to compromise. Aquarians can be an Abraham Lincoln, or a Dick Cheney, neither of which would put up with GZ’s crybaby ways for too long. One would declare war, and the other would simply shoot.

          • racerrodig says:

            When I read Z is a Libra, I wanted to cry. He gives us all a bad name.

          • Xena says:

            When I read Z is a Libra, I wanted to cry. He gives us all a bad name.

            LOL. Like Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle gave us Aquarians a bad name. LOL!!

            GZ has a planetary lineup that makes him abuse authority. One of his planets in Virgo gives him a perfectionist complex. Correct discipline in the way of teaching and showing would have helped him as child. It’s too late now. Seeing himself as an authority, he sees everyone else as weak.

          • racerrodig says:

            I don’t know much about that stuff but if you ask me Cheorge has more to do with Uranus, not you specifically, but an Anus fits him somehow.

            You know what I mean !!!

        • Brown says:

          Yes I agree O’mara does not look good. The evidence is so huge, and he also has to contend with his client on a daily basis. If I was him I kick Nejame in the balls for recommending him.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Bet his client list has suffered greatly. He’s not looking very stately as a lawyer one can trust should.

          • jm says:

            Speaking of MOM looking not so stately, did you think he distanced himself from GZ during the last 2 hearings, not friendly or conversant with GZ as previously and exiting the courtroom before GZ left? I think there was a client/attorney storm brooding back then. At first I just thought it was due to GZ’s obvious medicated state that MOM avoided him, but this new development plus RZ Jr’s media tour, may be the reason MOM acted the way he did in the 2 previous hearings.

            MOM does not appear to be a man in charge. Of course if he was actually paid $400 an hour, he could overlook the Zimmerman clan craziness, but if he isn’t being paid and the shots are being called by the sleazy Z clan, I would think he would want to exit the case. Can MOM fire his client? If so, will the trial be delayed past June 2013?

          • racerrodig says:

            “Can MOM fire his client?” The attorney code of ethics says yes. Uhrig & Co did….he also had a female lawyer for a few days who fired him before Uhrig, her name escapes me.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            My guess is that MOM, by now has realized or heard that his client does not intend to pay him from his tin cup receipts. What could make MOM more angry than to have to go back to the state for pay? Only to be told not until the fundraising effort is shuttered.

            Worse yet, there may be papers in the works to seize control of any new money and place it under a courts control, so that it can’t be frittered or given away, before the Martin’s are compensated.

            In that vein if his family has been providing financial support, they may be liable for any judgement obtained against “he who should not be named”.

          • He can withdraw, but only with the court’s permission. To get that permission, he must file an appropriate motion explaining why he wants out.

            Irreconcilable differences and refusal to comply with the terms of a fee agreement often are sufficient grounds for withdrawal.

            The closer to trial that the motion is filed, the less likely it will be granted.

            The court may deny the motion if withdrawal would require a continuance of the trial date.

            If he wants out, he better file the motion ASAP.

      • Jun says:

        I think Nejame was playing a prank on Omara by recommending him. Potentially Omara pulled a prank on Nejame a while back and this is payback LOL

      • Jun says:

        Desperate times call for desperate measures…

        a man like Cheorge must destroy a toilet with his bombs

        and add to it his raging IBS

        toilet paper was a savior to him

      • Xena says:

        AHA! Revelation moment. Maybe O’Mara is separating himself from the defense fund so he won’t have to march by the Zidiots’ demands.

        • Brown says:

          By the new year, new counsel.

          • Xena says:

            By the new year, new counsel.

            Think so? Well, he has a hearing coming up in about 2 weeks. Let’s see how MOM behaves. He can’t proceed in the case the way GZ and the Zidiots want him to. He’ll end up with a whole lot of nothing, and nothing either to defend GZ against the lack of DNA on Trayvon to support the beating GZ alleges.

          • Brown says:

            I think O’mara is giving him more rope to hang himself with so he can remove himself. The more control O’mara gives up, the more reasons he can tell a judge or him that he can not be effectual counsel anymore.

            I think right now changes are going on in the background.

            I have an idea, can you do a chart for him, for yesterday, since the annoucement was done then. Lets see what the stars says, couldn’t hurt.

          • A discovery review hearing is scheduled for December 10th. Judge Nelson scheduled it as one of a series of monthly discovery review hearings that can be cancelled by the parties, if there are no disagreements for the judge to decide. Judge Nelson scheduled these hearings at the request of both parties to reserve adequate time well in advance to avoid last minute scheduling conflicts and adjustments after her schedule fills up.

            I am pretty sure there will be some questions for her to decide, so I am predicting the hearing will happen.

            We will have to wait and see.

          • Xena says:

            I am pretty sure there will be some questions for her to decide, so I am predicting the hearing will happen.

            Yes. O’Mara is already crying about not having information from Trayvon’s cell phone that the SPD was unable to retrieve without a PIN — although they did retrieve info of the last calls.

      • If O’mara leaves…..would it be possible for Robert Jr. to take over the case…..after all, the Zimclan knows so much more than all those dummies who won’t follow their orders and still want to be paid.

        • racerrodig says:

          The Zidiots claim Jr is a lawyer. I found quite a few RZ’s as lawyers but I find it impossible to believe this RZ is….a little help here.

        • Brown says:

          Anything is possible with that family. They have a superiority complex that they love feeding.

          • jm says:

            RZ Jr probably needs a job and the payback for his PR media tour defending sleazy GZ would be he be put in charge of the new website.

            The Zimmerman family is beneath contempt, crass, ugly and now beyond belief for capitalizing on the murder of Trayvon Martin in order to make money for a bunch of lazy lying losers. Aside from justice for Trayvon, I want GZ to be found guilty because of the ugliness of the family in justifying the murder by maligning the victim, family and their support team and then appealing to racists/dimwits for financial support.

      • gbrbsb says:

        The “trypophan laced turkey leftover dinner” must have inspired you… brilliant script… I spilt and spat my tea and even gurgled some!

      • racer…..Hope you’ll feel better soon. 🙂

    • Xena says:

      Surely, he can think of selling something more valuable than his signature. (snicker)

      • racerrodig says:

        Who the hell would actually want a signature from “The Most Hated Man in America” Not I said all of those with Common Sense…Not I.

        • Xena says:

          Who the hell would actually want a signature from “The Most Hated Man in America”

          If I weren’t a spiritual person who believes in doing no harm, I’d donate to get his signature. Then I would contact my relatives in Louisiana for my great-aunt’s book of instructions on how to encant a spell that would make GZ admit to every wrong he ever did, on camera, posted to Youtube.

          • Brown says:

            No harm in getting the truth, I say send it to them. 🙂

          • racerrodig says:

            I may live in NJ but my mom is Cajun French & Choctaw Indian. Spells…….I can get some help on that one.

          • Brown says:

            I have some people in Puerto Rico, that can do it, lets all get the cards and send them out for “Truth Spells”. 😈

          • racerrodig says:

            I’ll take “Irreversible Evil Voodoo Spells” for $5,000.00 Alex

          • Xena says:

            I’ll take “Irreversible Evil Voodoo Spells” for $5,000.00 Alex

            Be nice now. Voodoo requires a doll and something from the person that contains their “essence.” Maybe if GZ licked the envelopes he sends the thank-you cards in ……. LOL!!

          • racerrodig says:

            My bad…..

          • Xena says:

            I may live in NJ but my mom is Cajun French & Choctaw Indian. Spells…….I can get some help on that one.

            Oh my, what have I started? LOL!!!

            I live in Illinois, but my dad was a “Guisey” from New Orleans along with some Native American roots whose trace in the family tree was lost through the years. I grew up with the burning of sulfur in the basement at least once a year. It was said that it discouraged bad spirits and “hanks” from visiting. 🙂

          • racerrodig says:

            Sulfur……Yeeesh !

          • Xena says:

            Sulfur……Yeeesh !


            Shall we talk about bird features left on front porches? LOL!!!!!

          • racerrodig says:

            Not while I’m sick.

          • Xena says:

            No harm in getting the truth, I say send it to them. 🙂

            Oh, but there’s some temptation within me that would end up being a “spirit” in the spell; i.e., I would really like the video to end with GZ putting his gun in his mouth and blowing his brains out. Until I am squeaky clean on the inside, I won’t tempt bad karma.

            With GZ, karma is just beginning to payback. In several months, it will make a big deposit in his account and it won’t be money. It won’t be pretty for him. He won’t be able to use any tone of voice or words to change its mind. He won’t be able to stop it.

          • Brown says:

            Got it, wouldn’t want Karma coming back to me and saying hey remember that bad thing I did for you, well you must pay that back threefold upon you.

      • Jun says:

        As sick as I think it is, there is a small minute community of racists and people obsessed with killers that are fanatical about them.

      • Tzar says:

        those cards have blood on them…have these people-who would support this- no decency?!!!!

      • Jun says:

        You’d have to have every black magic voodoo spell in America to get truth out of that lying machine

      • Two sides to a story says:

        Damn, OM’s escalator is truly now in the basement parroting the Treeper line – Yuk

        • Xena says:

          Per the website:

          Although neither Mr. O’Mara nor Mr. West have received any payment to date for their services, there has been a persistent concern amongst some Zimmerman supporters that donations meant to support George could be used instead for attorneys fees.

          IOWs, the masters want to make sure that their slave is taken of rather than paying the overseer.

      • Xena….What, like having SheLie “walk the streets”?……..sorry….lol

        • racerrodig says:

          Thanks !! I kind of have the flu, my stomach is a wee bit volatile and you said SheLie walking the streets……..I’m sending you the doctor bill…….and the carpet cleaning bill. { – :

        • Xena says:

          Xena….What, like having SheLie “walk the streets”?……..sorry….lol

          GREY WINTER SKY — BE NICE. It’s unlawful to discriminate against blind men.

      • grahase says:

        Trent Sawyer and I were tweeting for awhile today. I said that next it will be Junior sending autographed Christmas cards with a family picture for those who donate. Trent replied: Ya, but the faces will be blurred. LOL

    • Tzar says:


    • Malisha says:

      Oh he’s a celebrity now, selling autographs!

      How’s he gonna sign? using his name (may it be forgotten) or:

      Captain, NW, SuperHero, head bloody but unbowed

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Ah, he’s trying to play the collectable angle. Obviously there will be so few sold, that like even Gacy or Manson mementos they may gain some value over the years. Trouble is, the serious collectors who might pay later, will already have them today while they’re cheap. Leaving later “investors” with little if anything to show for their efforts, like Franklin Mint memorial coins and plates, they’re cheaper now than they were when they were purchased new.

    • Mary Davis says:

      Bonnie, Can you give me a link please.

  38. fauxmccoy says:

    great idea, tzar and thank you professor for your follow through. you both have my resounding endorsement!

  39. Tzar says:


    🙂 just kidding
    I am flattered that you chose to try my suggestion.

  40. probalance says:

    Professor I just wanted to point out (although off topic) Halle Berry’s daughter’s father said he was punched and his head was slammed into the concrete driveway and look at the results—-+ THIS is what Zimmerman should have looked like. Here’s the link.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Exactly what I was thinking last night when I saw a broadcast about that confrontation. There are also many poignant and painful pictures of battered women online. If GZ looked like Hallie Berry’s ex or any of these women, then he may have had some justification for what he did. As it is . . . pfft. GZ isn’t much different than FL perp who shot up the SUV full of teens. May his name be forgotten as well.

      • probalance says:


      • Malisha says:

        But even if “Forgotten Name” (hereinafter referred to as “Fogen”) had been horribly beaten up, which he was not, there was STILL no justification, because had he been horribly beaten up, it would have been as a result of his terrorizing a kid who was defending himself. Furthermore, nobody could ever believe that Fogen was horribly beaten up without getting even one punch, one slap, one bite, one kick, in, the whole time. Speck me to b’lieve that? Not any time before dementia sets in!

    • Xena says:

      Trayvon must hit like a little girl.

      I remember a domestic violence case once where the man claimed that the woman scratched him first, causing him to defend himself. He had a little scratch on his hand. The woman had a black eye, busted lip, and a loose tooth. The judge told him that he used excessive force when his scratch was not the equivalent to what a kitten would do.

      • Malisha says:

        Remember the case in Brooklyn where the man (Joel Steinberg) beat up his wife and killed their adopted child? He stood in front of the police when they booked him and said, “SHE DID IT.” He had abrasions only one place on his body: his knuckles. His victim, Hedda Nussbaum, looked like a punching bag, and her daughter was in the morgue.

      • Jun says:

        LOL I noticed a lot of defendants when caught red handed will just tell a bold faced lie in hopes it will work

      • rayvenwolf says:

        I used to say that Trayvon must have had baby fists and the sidewalks in Florida had to be made from marshmallows.

      • Lonnie Starr says:

        It really doesn’t matter how weak Trayvon’s punch might or might not be, without any trace on his hands, we can’t even theorize that TM ever touched GZ. You are referring to a view that was created as a self serving narrative, by the very person who survived the encounter and hoped to explain away his criminal activity. It’s high time he lost the right to have his own version of that night being used.

        As far as a man defending himself from the attack by a physically inferior woman, well, I could see the scratching ability being fearsome, IF the man were making his living on his good looks, as a model or actor etc. And we do know that sometimes the “weaker sex”, as anyone else, can become so psychologically distraught that they will attack and continue to attack in sheer, uncontrollable rage. In such a situation, I would consider that a hard, openhanded slap, would be a reasonable response. That being the kind of response that is often displayed as being sufficiently “therapeutic”, to attenuate uncontrollable behavior.

        Any medical people able to remark on that?

      • ed nelson says:

        R U kidding? Girls can be damned good at violence! My ole girl freind deliverd a… pretty damned good right hook to me… I almost went down… but no… she was all… apologetic about how she had put the cool on me…

        I slapped her once or twice, but I think in a fight she would beat me up.

        well for one thing, women are not all that less strong than the average man… It is true that there are huge strong men.

        But in the average life of wee, the women can be almost as strong as the average dude!

        I am strong in some sense… worked for 40 yrs at heavy lifting etc…. but to tell you the trueth…

        I got punked by a woman on breaking arms! the girl took me down!… Bummer!

        • Xena says:

          Well Ed (batting eyelashes) I’m of that delicate generation of women — violin, piano fingers — and would never, ever, think of using my hands in any manner other than to bring joy — unless typing about GZ, that is. 🙂

          • BlushedBrown says:

            Ed is old school…. slap slap…. then tickle tickle… Bad Mama Jamma

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            I gave banishing Z’s name, some thought over night and, although it sounds like a worthy effort, I think it’s probably the wrong way to go.

            What we’re shooting for is to get his name out of the mass media limelight. Not off the comments boards of blogs, because we’re living in a digital world and without his name appearing somewhere, search engines won’t find the articles/opinions/blogs and even if they do, the reader won’t understand what they’re seeing.

            For example the google might find this blog, but the summaries won’t contain an easily recognizable clue as to what we’re discussing, so the reader moves on. In short, all we’re doing really, is hiding our opinions. That’s never a good thing.

    • racerrodig says:

      We’ve been saying that since early on. I can tell you from being in a fight or two as a kid……that’s pretty close.

      Anyone here ever fall off a moving bike and scrape some skin…

    • Rachael says:

      Look at this man’s face – he is now blind in that eye. Watch the video starting at 2:56. One punch to the face.

    • acemayo says:

      you can get pictures from all over the world, war pictures, riot
      pictures, fights, ER rooms, somehow G Zimmerman got hit or
      beat the same way, but his pictures show something else

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      I’m sure the SP can draw many photographic examples of head-to-concrete injuries, they’ll probably leave it to their medical examiners/professionals to select the ones to present. If it’s at all necessary. Like I said, GZ has done himself such a disservice in the defense department, the SP’s office has to be one of the happiest places to work until the June court date.

  41. Malisha says:

    Wow, beautiful post, beautiful concept.

    And now I go back to a meditation on the Hebrew phrase (Y’mach Sh’mo V’Zichro) which means, literally, “May his name be forgotten.” This was used as an automatic add-on every time one of the Nazi war criminals was mentioned. I heard it throughout my childhood: “Eichmann, may his name be forgotten…” “Hitler, may his name be forgotten…” “Goering, may his name be forgotten…”

    It is a very potent and significant curse, even though it tends to make people remember the name it is appended to (“What did HE do? Must have been HORRIBLE!”).

    It really means what we really should achieve: deny the wrongdoers their fame, their significance, their ability to live on in memory. I remember once describing the worst characteristic of my ex-husband: “Because he cannot do anything to make anyone or anything better, he can only become significant by doing harm, so he has become a specialist.”

    These are tiny people, like pestiferous insects or pathogens. They can only do harm. That is what Trayvon Martin’s killer was. May his name be forgotten.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Malisha, you have given me words I was looking for. I have one of those ex-mates who is a specialist in harm. Oh, do I ever. May his name be forgotten!

      • Me too…but mine’s not yet “ex”…..we just live apart, thankfully. Right now, my most treasured companion is….peace.
        At some later date, after GZ’s trial, we can talk about control freaks, psychological abuse, mind games, walking on eggshells, etc. and the destruction it causes. 😯

      • Malisha says:

        For starters, the book “Coercive Control” by Evan Stark, Rutgers University.

    • Tzar says:

      Oh man, I like that enough to wish I spoke Hebrew and I am definitely will use the English incantation!

      • Malisha says:

        Tzar, you may use the Hebrew too if you like. I have transliterated it. It sounds like: Yeh-Mach-Sheh-Moe-ve-zich-roe but it can be shortened to “Yemshemoe!”

      • Tzar says:

        Tzar, you may use the Hebrew too if you like. I have transliterated it. It sounds like: Yeh-Mach-Sheh-Moe-ve-zich-roe but it can be shortened to “Yemshemoe!”

        totally using both
        thank you

  42. Lonnie Starr says:

    Sounds good to me, will start pushing GZ’s name into the background from here.

  43. colin black says:

    Trayvon is innocent an not on trial .Just as we are appallled disgusted at m o m an the treeple for makeing TRAYVON the aggressor .And there attempts to put his records prevous conduct under the microscope an defame his memory .HE IS NOT ON TRIAL……ZIMMERMAN is he is the SUSSPECT also the ACCUSED DEFENDANT…..none of thease words descriptions apply to TRAYVON….As far as Im concerned the up comeing trial will be the trial of gz…Because thats what it is…Trayvon is the most important person in this scenario .He lost his life at the hands of crazed killer vigilante nutjob,This entire tragic scenario is the Trayvon Martin Story..But the case for murder is aimed entirely at one man an one polce force for enableing him i m o………..

    • Xena says:

      @colin black, I too have a problem with “Trayvon Martin case” for the reasons you state. Trayvon is not on trial. Also, as long as what is commented pertains to the TRUTH about the case, I say put his name to it. Let the search engines and GZ himself find info on the internet that addresses the evidence rather than only info that promotes GZ as a hero for killing Trayvon.

      • Jun says:

        IMO, they gotta stop sensationalizing these murderous deranged idiots because it motivates people like them to commit crimes like that

      • Tzar says:

        Xena, I got nothing but love and respect for you.
        That is all.

        PS: Also I just want to tell you that the more I think about this banishment idea, the more I realize how powerful it is, it holds the kind of power we only find in rituals.

        • Xena says:

          Tzar, nothing but respect for you too.

          I’m toying with how “Trayvon Martin’s Killer” will play in titles and headings for general type blog postings that I would use.

  44. racerrodig says:

    For many months on HP I referred to the murderer as “Z (I still can’t stand to type his name)” I may have done that here in fact, but I consciously try not to use his name.

    I never use anything other than “Trayvon” and never TM or Martin as I believe he deserves more respect.

    Until recently HP called it “The Trayvon Martin Case” and only changed it because the Zidiots carped about it being the murderers case.

    And that’s why they are more hateable every day….but that’s just me.

    • ladystclaire says:

      @racer, I’m right there with you in every respect of your comment. what really got to me at HP was how the murderer’s worshipers complained about the small photo of Trayvon, being used in the banner at the top of the page. we all know how that turned out don’t we? Trayvon’s photo was removed and now they have peppered that blog with all photos of the child killer. it doesn’t matter to HP that some of us don’t want to look at this thing and, no matter how much I complained about this issue, nothing was ever done about removing his image. it’s just like them not caring about how mean and hateful these people who support this POS, speak so vile about a deceased murdered child, they continue to allow this to go on at their site. I will never apply for another account there and, that’s a fact. I was banned for no reason what so ever and, that is not a place that I care to be associated with ever again. those who worship this POS are running things over there and, they are having those who support Trayvon and his family banned for no reason what so ever. I see where they had Ken banned again and, he has opened up another account. I refuse to do that as I am happy to be here with you guys. I’m on the side of truth and honesty. ABOVE ALL I’M ON THE SIDE WHERE THIS KID IS BEING RESPECTED IN DEATH, JUST AS HE WAS IN LIFE. BTW, I can’t stand the sight of GZ!

      • Operacarla says:

        I think there is a special place in hell for those who would slander an innocent murdered child. …on a different topic, does anyone know how I could send a Christmas card to the Martin family? It will be the first Christmas without Trayvon. I feel so bad for them. I hope they read this site from time to time so they know that there are those of us out here who feel that they have been wronged in everyway! Thank you all for your opinions, research and videos! Justice for Trayvon!!!

        • Xena says:

          …does anyone know how I could send a Christmas card to the Martin family?

          That is so precious. You can send it in care of;
          Parks and Crump
          Attorneys at Law
          240 North Magnolia Drive
          Tallahassee, Florida 32301

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Hey, while you’re at it, why not send them some petition news? A letter might just get through and get us a media mention?

          • Xena says:

            Hey, while you’re at it, why not send them some petition news? A letter might just get through and get us a media mention?

            Lonnie, I thought about that in addition to Pastor T.D. Jakes. Our project can be sent to them. However, I need help. Currently, I have projects going for 3 attorneys and one involves making and waiting on return phone calls. I get a late start in the afternoon on other things, such as replying here. Right now, I’m spread out a bit thin.

          • BlushedBrown says:

            Please check email.

      • racerrodig says:

        I was banned from there the day after the election for no freaking reason at all. I loved ripping the Zidiots about why his mommy used pictures from when the spawn of the devil was an infant to about 10 years old. They had the gall to rip the picture of Trayvon at the top which was taken only weeks before his murder.

        So they can have the racist’s take over there, it shows what trhey are.

        As Scotty says “..beam me up Spock….there’s no intelligent life here.”

      • I commented on HP on the Michael Dunn case also noting the Zimm case… My comments were deleted. It seems that the racists to want to control what’s being said about their “heros”.

  45. Brown says:

    Thank you for your excellent and thoughtful posts. You and the Prof are much appreciated.

  46. bettykath says:

    Tzar, Excellent point. Thanks, Professor, for featuring it and changing the focus.

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