Zimmerman: The Difference Between a Hate Crime and a Civil Rights Violation

I have written this article to eliminate some confusion regarding federal statutes that criminalize civil rights violations. Zimmerman might potentially be prosecuted for committing a hate crime, if a federal grand jury concludes that there is probable cause to believe that he profiled and killed Trayvon Martin because he was Black.

Since Zimmerman is a private citizen, rather than a state official, and he was acting as a private citizen, rather than acting as a state official under color of state law, he cannot be charged with violating Martin’s civil rights. However, Chris Serino and other state officials potentially could be prosecuted for civil rights violations for the way they conducted their investigation of the Martin homicide, as well as other investigations that resulted in controversial conclusions.

The reason for this distinction in the federal criminal laws is that the Bill of Rights protect private citizens from actions committed by federal and state officials that violate one or more of a person’s constitutional rights that are set forth in the Bill of Rights. Those rights do not apply to actions committed by a private citizen against another private citizen.

For example, each of us has a Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures committed by state or federal law enforcement officials, but the Fourth Amendment does not protect us from unreasonable searches and seizures committed by private citizens.

Therefore, our petition should be asking for a federal investigation of George Zimmerman for committing a hate crime and a federal investigation of the Sanford Police Department and several of its officials for committing civil rights violations.

I hope this eliminates confusion.

225 Responses to Zimmerman: The Difference Between a Hate Crime and a Civil Rights Violation

  1. Matthew says:

    Not quite accurate, professor. While violating a constitutional right must be done by a state actor, there are civil rights statues that do apply to private citizens. The Fair Housing Act is just one example. Another example is Chapter 42 of the United States Code. As an illustration, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1983 only applies to government action. However, 42 U.S.C. sec. 1981 and 1982 apply to the actions of private citizens.

  2. LJ says:

    Here’s the link to the Wikipedia page that I mention in my post.


  3. Jun says:

    Cheorge’s Thank You Card

    “Thank you for giving me money so I can eat at Chick Filet, I mean pay Mark Omara and my living fees. It is unfair that I am being prosecuted and railroaded because I killed a kid for being suspicious and walking about not know what his deal is. I chased him down and shot him, I mean, he beat me near death, and then I shot him. I did not molest my cousin neither, I was playing doctor and it was self defense as well too.


    Cheorge Michael Zimmerman”

  4. grahase says:

    signed on a Thank you card.

  5. grahase says:

    George Zimmerman is selling autographs at the gzdefence fund:

    Please note: the defence fund is not for GZs defence as shown:

    Priority for the funds will be as it has always been, in this order: to pay for George’s living expenses, to pay for costs associated with the defence, and then — only if funds remain — to pay appropriate legal fees. That has always been the priority plan, and we reassert it now.

    • jm says:

      grahase says: “George Zimmerman is selling autographs at the gzdefence fund”

      For real? That enables GZ and contributes to his delusions of grandeur.

      What a sick world we live in when a disgusting killer makes money off of murdering a black teen.

      Lose your job? Got financial problems? Need to be recognized?
      Kill a black person, claim self-defense, and become rich and famous.

      Maybe MOM can write a guidebook on how you too can make a fortune and fame for killing an unpopular minority member.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        I would have shudders if I got close to something George had touched.

      • Rachael says:

        That is so disgusting, selling autographs like he is some celebrity because he killed a kid. Even IF it was in self-defense and justified, that would be just plain SICK!!!!! What a twisted mind he has.

    • Jun says:

      I’d pay money if I could throw tomatoes at GZ LMAO

    • “That has always been the priority plan, and we reassert it now.”
      Oh really?????…….It seems that Georgie’s main priority had been to pay off all of his pre-26, Feb. credit card debts and stash the rest away. Liars..all of them. I wonder how many autographs the treethugs are going to buy?
      Now if they sold toilet paper with Georgie’s (smug smiley) face imprinted on it….I might even be inclined to buy it….. šŸ˜†

  6. colin black says:

    An to be honest this guys story is at least on a par with gz i m o…Says he shot them multiple times because the gun jammed an they laughed at him???Come on…a mean COME ON…Your breaking into some one home an they levell a gun at you an it jams…Two people mind you,,You are either going to run qicksmart away from the person with the weapon.Or rush him an nutralise the threat….The last thing your going to do is stand there as a target laughing.Antaganiseing someone you know for a fact is prepared to kill you….Makes no sense an if he is lieing about that.What else is a lie .He his there bodies…He probably had some grudge annimosity towards thease kids.Invited them into his home an exacuted them…Everything else is stageing..Old geezer wants him some zimmertime before he gets issued a zimmerframe……….m o o…….All possabilites an allegation expoused in my ramblings are probably false an definetly not slanderous just gossipious

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      I’ve never heard of anyone laughing at gun point. Sounds like a bold faced lie by someone who has no experience at holding real people at gun point.

      • jm says:

        Lonnie says: “Iā€™ve never heard of anyone laughing at gun point. Sounds like a bold faced lie by someone who has no experience at holding real people at gun point.”

        Oh you know black teen “thugs” always laugh at burly rednecks who point guns at them and white guys with guns who murder a black kid would never lie. šŸ˜• It sounds like this guy took a page from GZ playbook. Next step, he will have his own website asking for financial support.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Better get a message to him about the secrets of the soap bar! LOL

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          We’re ahead by 95 votes now, only 5 more to get our 100 vote lead back. It seems that overnight the outhouse petition slowed down seriously. I can only believe that the news of the latest shootings, and the similarities with the defenses cited, have given them pause enough to realize that MOM isn’t saying things because they’re true, but only because he’s required to speak that way. Of course, that won’t cost them their “core” supporters, who are obviously insane, but the “wannabe’s” and tag-along’ers have to be seriously shocked. Enough to be a bit hesitant about signing their crazy petition.

    • Jun says:

      I think the story is a lie and I would not doubt if the guy actually kidnapped the kids and then smashed his windows to make it appear as if they broke in

      I think people would be in too much pain from being shot to laugh but that is just me

      • Lonnie Starr says:

        Not to mention the fear! People, even kids, know what guns can do to them, as in kill! Even some animals, like bears, can recognize a gun pointed at them and they run like hell. Bears have evolved to the point where they fear humans carrying sticks, because it looks like a gun, and they have a rich history of what can happen next, to add to their survival instincts.

        Most other animals, you can point a gun at them and they have no idea they’re in any danger at all. But that’s never the case with humans, unless they’ve already taken leave of their senses.

  7. colin black says:

    Some other guy in the States shot two teens he said were breaking into his home an then hid the bodies.An like gz he was the only liveing witness to this alleged crime…Seems to be an epidemic of alleged self defence shoootings recently.

  8. colin black says:

    Another Scot wrote this also applys to George …ā€œOh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceiveā€….Walter Scot…..

  9. colin black says:

    And a native of Scotland

  10. rayvenwolf says:

    OT, but thought I would share- http://www.cnn.com/2012/11/28/us/florida-music-shooting/index.html Another teen has been killed in Florida recently. This time over music blaring from the vehicle he and friends were in outside of a convenience store. Shooter is claiming self defense.

    Shooter fled the scene with his companions, stayed overnight in a hotel, and then went HOME(from the Orlando Sent.).

    Jordan Russell Davis was the same age as Trayvon. His story may not get as much coverage, but his story needs to be told.

    • jm says:

      rayvenwolf says: This time over music blaring from the vehicle he and friends were in outside of a convenience store. Shooter is claiming self defense.

      First and foremost, why would anyone approach someone for loud music in a public place where you are only going to be for a minute or so?

      Sounds like another red-neck idiot who felt braver with a gun and a weasel liar who fired 8 shots into a car and fled, never reporting the incident to the police, then claims self-defense after initiating the confrontation.

      Is it the hot sun in Florida that fries people’s brains?

      • rayvenwolf says:

        “First and foremost, why would anyone approach someone for loud music in a public place where you are only going to be for a minute or so? ” Because some people just have to butt in where they don’t belong.

        “Is it the hot sun in Florida that fries peopleā€™s brains?” I’d say its the water, but I have friends and family who are sane lol.

        Found this via one of the vid bloggers on Youtube and went to the OS article first then went hunting for any others with more details.

        And while his lawyer is doing her job, saying someone acted very responsibly when they fired 8 shots into a vehicle(that was moving as the teens were trying to get away), fled the scene and made no show of even giving a damn after that is insulting. Its insulting to this young man, his family, the other teens and their families AND basic common sense.

    • Tzar says:

      This time over music blaring from the vehicle

      alleged music blaring

      • rayvenwolf says:

        you are right Tzar. The vehicles were parked next to each other so it could just as easily have been “loud”. I really do hope they nail this guy to the wall, because its obvious he had no intention of acknowledging what he did. I am so thankful someone got his license plate.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      “Everybody, soon or late, sits down to a banquet of consequences.”

      . -Robert Louis Stevenson, novelist, essayist, and poet

  11. @YAHTC, thank you so much, i hadn’t seen that before! and let me add, WHATEVER you wanna post please do!! Not everyone has seen other’s sites (like me LOL) and a lot more people read this site but never comment. And they need to see what the evidence is!
    I’ve found out a whole lot of people who don’t necessarily follow every detail of this case will come here and get their info, almost exclusively. Plus its a good reminder to those who have.

    BTW. this witness is devastating for GZ! She is an honest, infallible witness for the state. She’s saw what she saw, and she’s super credible!

  12. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Here is what I have transcribed of the Ashleigh Banfield Interview with Witness 18——


    Ashley Banfield’s TV interview with Witness 18–CNN (April 7, 2012)

    AB–When you hear those voices that night, can you characterize what kind of scream you heard?
    W18–Well, there was two, as I say, yells for help, And the first one was like just a very clear loud yell for help…..But it really is the second one that really will always stay with me. It was kind of almost like a yelp. It was like a devastating, desperate type of yell for help, and , even to a sense, it could even be possibly a cry.
    AB–Did it sound……..could you determine if it was someone who was in his late 20’s or someone who was in his late teens?
    W18–Well, from the very beginning, and I still do feel, that it was the young boy.
    AB–And when you say young boy, do you mean a 17 year old?
    W18–Yes, I kind of…not knowing either person……I just kind of think there was the boy and there was the man…’cause the boy was, well, the person was 17.
    AB–Knowing now what you know…..go back to that night. At the time you didn’t know how old anybody was in that struggle.
    AB–When you heard the yell, did you make a determination.
    W18–I definitely could tell that it was a younger, youthful voice that I heard when they were arguing and I heard them outside my window.
    AB–Tell me more about the argument.
    W18–I didn’t hear the words, but when I opened my window, I could definitely hear someone arguing, some one yelling. It wasn’t like someone was out there having a conversation.
    AB–Were they both yelling?
    W18–I could still hear the younger….again the younger person’s voice. But the really….the other voice was the one that was more dominant and loud.
    AB–What was the younger voice saying, and what kind of context can you give me with regard to that part of the argument.
    W18–Well, you could still hear the other person’s voice, but just not as much as the person that was being the louder aggressor.
    AB–Could you make out anything that was being said between them?
    W18–No, I could not. I just immediately knew that it wasn’t someone having a conversation. It was something very serious.
    AB–It sounded like it was a confrontation?
    AB–Did it sound like one was being confronted and another was defensive, or did it sound like both were confrontational?
    W18–I would have to say both. But, you just really hear that one louder, dominant voice more than you hear the other one.
    AB–The older voice?
    AB–Or the deeper voice?
    AB–Did you ever hear any racial slurs in that confrontation?
    W18–No, ’cause I did not hear any words…..just arguing.
    AB– Did the argument sound serious enough that you thought someone’s going to get hurt here?
    W18–I knew it was something definitely wrong…..um..of course, then when I saw it next, it was two men on the ground, so at that point I definitely knew there was something wrong, and I needed to call.
    AB–When you called 911, what did you tell them?
    W18–I told them that there was two men on the ground; something really horrible is happening.
    AB–Did you talk to the dispatcher at the time that the gunshot went off?
    W18– Yes, I did.
    AB–And, what did the dispatcher ask you, and what did you tell the dispatcher.
    W18–Well, I kind of was watching and talking at the time. And, not, really ever hearing what a gun sounds like in person….it for me….it was kind of a popping noise. So, I think in my mind…..I’m thinking….okay that probably is a gunshot, but you’re in such disbelief that this is happening right outside your window.
    AB–Did you tell the dispatcher, “I think I heard a gunshot?”
    AB–And what did the dispatcher ask?
    W18–I think I just said to him, I hear popping noises, and I think it’s a gunshot.
    AB–Did the dispatcher ask for descriptions of what was going on as you were talking?
    W18–I think it was more that I was describing….because it was like watching a movie, you know, and telling you on the phone, you know, exactly what I’m hearing. In fact, I even thought to myself, “Why am I telling him on the phone what’s going on’.Let me just take the phone and put it right up to the screen…Posssibly he can hear it.”
    AB–Is that what you did?
    W18–Yes, I did.
    AB–You held the phone to the screen so the dispatcher could hear everything?
    W18–Yes, I did. But, I’m not sure at what point I put it up, but I did tell him, “I’m putting it up to the screen. Maybe you can hear it.”
    AB–Where were you looking at the moment the gun fired?
    W18–I was looking at the two men on the ground and heard the gunshot.
    AB–Could you tell who was on the top……who was on the bottom?
    W18–I know it was very dark, but I really would have to say that I thought it was the larger person that was on top.
    AB–And, when the gunfire went off, what happened to the larger man who you think might have been on the top? What happened at that moment?
    W18–Well, I would just say a couple seconds later, that larger man was walking closer to where I could see him.
    AB–Before those couple of seconds, at the moment the gunshot went off, what happened with the larger man?
    W18–Well, obviously the other man……the boy was dead…..and the other person got up and was walking away from the body.
    AB–When you first saw him coming towards you, could you see any blood on his face? Was it light enough for you to be able to see any blood on his face if there was any there?
    W18–It was not light enough for me to see if there was any blood on his face.
    AB–So there could have been, but it’s just not some you could testify to.
    W18–No, I could not testify ’cause I did not see.
    AB–Did he say anything?
    W18–There was a man that came out with a flashlight….uh…..who was a resident and….uh….they possibly were saying things to each other, but I could not hear what the words were.
    AB–Your experience with the police that night….did they ask you any questions? Were they interested in hearing your account?
    W18–Yes. The lead investigator came into my house with another police officer. And I taped what I witnessed.
    AB–What kind of questions did they ask you?
    W18–Just what I saw….what I heard.
    AB–Did they seem…..uh…..Did they seem interested? Were they in depth in their questioning of you?
    W18–I’m not sure I would say in depth…..uh…..Just that I kind of told what I saw and heard. I did offer to show them where I did see the incident…and they said, “Nah, we don’t need to see it.”
    Ab–They weren’t interested in you taking them to that location?
    W18–No, they were not.
    AB–Why do you suppose they weren’t interested?
    W18–You’d have to ask them that.
    AB–Were you surprised?
    W18–I don’t know how investigators think.
    Ab–You offered to take them to the location you saw them fighting?
    AB–And they declined?
    AB–In retrospect, are you surprised?
    W18–I can’t answer either way.
    AB–Did you get a feeling one way or another from these investigators….things they may have said to you while they were in your unit, as to how this all unfolded?
    W18–Well, after I finished my taping, I still was feeling, you know, quite upset. I expressed that….. you know…I would never forget those yells for help and I….you know…..I wish I could have done something…..you know…..in retrospect. And, the lead investigator say to me kindly…..he just said, “Well, if it make you feel any better, the person that was yelling for help is alive.”
    AB–Since that time, the lead investigator Chris Serino has been reportedly…um…an account of his…..has reportedly been to another resident who had a ten year old son who called 911…..that he didn’t necessarily believe Mr. Zimmerman’s story. Does that surprise you?
    W18–Well, it was just kind of bewildering to me at the time to think who……I really thought it was the boy crying for help…..but here’s the lead investigator telling me, “No. It was Mr. Zimmerman….who I know the name now.”
    AB–Where you saw the fight taking place…..was there hard surface anywhere nearby……a sidewalk…a street?
    W18–It’s the back of the complex where the homes…..the back of the homes are facing…. where it happened. And, there is a sidewalk, but when i watched it, they were always on the grass.
    AB–How far away was the sidewalk?
    W18–I would say about 4 feet.
    AB–So they were about 4 feet away from a hard surface?
    AB–If Mr. Zimmerman says that his head was being slammed against the sidewalk and that he was trying to maneuver himself onto the grass……would that make sense according to what you saw.
    W18–Well, I can’t speak for him. I just know from the time that I watched, it was entirely on the grass.
    AB–Were the police receptive to your attempts to fill them in on further details after this incident?
    W18–Well, we had a community meeting with everyone in my development. And, the police officers came and said it was very critical if anybody has anything to say or something they witnessed…..um….and ….uh…..I just know for me, I called the lead detective twice, and I still have not received a phone call back.


    (There is a little bit more to transcribe.)

  13. Malisha says:

    I was probably more accurate than I meant to be with respect to the knuckledragger because I had read too quickly. He is very clear about the fact that if he had been in RTL that night, he would not have been beaten up, as Cheorge claims to have been beaten up. Good ole Knuck would have been raining down MMA punches on Trayvon, see?

    Res ipsa loquitor. Cheorge is only “bragging” about being beaten by Trayvon Martin because he needed an excuse to get his gun out. Since Knuck knows that he cannot be charged with a crime for talkin’ trash, he’s bragging by saying that he would have done so much better than Cheorge did by (a) emptying the whole clip into the adversary rather than just killing him once; and (b) beating him up very soundly first.

    Think of it. Had Knuck been there, he’d have beaten Trayvon Martin into a near unconscious state without even getting winded, and THEN taken out his gun and shot six bullets into the beaten, dominated, barely breathing, motionless enemy.

    So it wouldn’t have been “self-defense” for ole Knuck.

    I am beginning to wonder if Knuck is a woman who has a dominatrix personality and can bring it out best by giving herself a “caveman” persona on the web… ooooooooooh! She’s STRICT!

    (Remember, “strict” was the word a young African American teen in RTL used to describe Cheorge when he was patrolling around the neighborhood. Did I say trolling?)

    In slavery days in the South, there used to be “Slave Patrols” of white men who would get together and just ride around at night to see if they found slaves who were “out” without written permission from their masters. Those patrols provided some release for men who might have otherwise felt that they lacked an appropriate amount of control and power for decent Americans. Cheorge’s problem is just that he was born at the wrong time.

    • Jun says:

      LOL and according to him, Trayvon is the thug

      • Rachael says:

        I know. Really. But not really any different than them accusing Trayvon for being a thug because he has tattoos – yet so does George. And George is the one with the violent past history. It seems that all the “thug” mentality they attribute to Trayvon is the “thug” mentality they themselves and George have, so they can only interpret things in terms they understand, which is thuggery. They have no other reference to base life on. They are thugs, so they see thugs. When they accuse Trayvon of doing thug things (that he did not do, but they can only understand it if that was what he had done because they have no other view with which to see), he is a thug, but when old knucklehead (be it knuckles dragging or knuckle bandages) do thug things, they are heroes.

        They are really, IMO, a poor excuse for humanity.

      • Jun says:

        I think its weird this psycho calls anyone a thug, especially a nerdy kid like Trayvon, and the guy is talking about brutalizing another human being beyond apprehension with inhumane treatment beyond belief, even after death

        yep I know for a fact now they are being watched by big brother

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          That guy sounds so full of rage, it would be a real wonder if LE wasn’t interested in knowing how many weapons he owns. I mean, if he doesn’t sound mentally detached from reality, I don’t know who is.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      I am glad you are tying this case to the doings of the past, Malisha.
      Present events……. such as this case, Shelby County’s challenge to the 1965 voting rights act to be heard by the Supreme Court next year, that fed lawsuit against the Meridian, MS school that is handcuffing students for the most minor school infractions & then sending them to jail………..are all trying to undo the advances achieved in the civil rights era.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        “Washington (CNN) — Federal civil rights lawyers filed suit Wednesday against Meridian, Mississippi, and other defendants for operating what the government calls a school-to-prison pipeline in which students are denied basic constitutional rights, sent to court and incarcerated for minor school infractions.

        “The lawsuit says children who talk back to teachers, violate dress codes and commit other minor infractions are handcuffed and sent to a youth court where they are denied their rights.”

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Mississippi town sued over ‘school-to-prison pipeline’
        By Terry Frieden, CNN
        Fri October 26, 2012

      • Malisha says:

        The “school to prison pipeline” is also negating a United States Supreme Court decision known as “In re Gault” that said that a juvenile has the exact same constitutional rights to defense (in the criminal charge arena) as an adult has. Gault has been ignored and rolled back for decades. People have forgotten it ever happened! We’re on our way to abandoning not only democracy but our own Constitution, by the acts of petty potentates (like Smith, Lee, Wolfinger) in little rogue counties (like Sanford) all over the country (like Florida, Mississippi).

      • grahase says:

        …and womans rights as well. Insecure bunch.

    • Rachael says:

      I’m having a great deal of difficulty understanding where he is coming from. He is everything – and worse – that he is accusing Trayvon of. But now that I think about it, it does make sense that he is accusing Trayvon of doing everything that he himself would do, since that seems to be all he knows.

  14. Malisha says:

    HA HA HA the knuckledragger guy called our petition a “flop” when it outperformed HIS?

    His petition needs a viagra prescription. šŸ˜›

  15. Jun says:

    The nutter house attacks are always directed at Crump, Natalie, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, Julison, Trayvon’s parents, Obama

    It is pretty much directed at black people

    There is truly something wrong with people if they cant see that a person, a kid was killed, as the main factor why this is all going on, or that it is wrong somehow

    That a demented man, who thinks he is a cop, plays judge, jury, and executioner with no authority or proof of any wrong doing

    stages a self defense claim

    and plain murders a kid, after stalking and harassing the kid

    Funny how they want Obama to help them yet they all call him racist things behind his back

    • Rachael says:

      “Funny how they want Obama to help them yet they all call him racist things behind his back.”

      I too have found that a bit ironic, especially when they say such awful things about him in relation to this case. While I do find it ironic that they would say those things yet ask for his help, he is a public figure and deriding him is one thing, but it really hurts me when they say such horrible things about Trayvon’s parents. They have no compassion and are inhuman.

  16. grahase says:

    Responding to question further up thread:
    page 10 document dump : Sergeant McCoy notes a gun lying on the front seat of Officer Smithā€™s car.

    Page 23: Officer Smith removes the gun from Zimmermanā€™s holster at the police station after Zimmerman went to the bathroom and possibly washed his hands (plus what else?).

    Which statement is correct? Was Zimmermanā€™s gun already secured at the scene or was it secured at the police department?

    Interesting. Always good to go back to the documents.

    • Rachael says:

      Interesting observation.

    • aussie says:

      1) Smith took the gun from GZ at the scene
      2) the gun was seen, in a plastic bag, on the front seat of the police car
      3) Smith secured the gun in the evidence locker back at the station, nothing in the statement about taking it from George at the station, though possibly the holster was only taken there.

      “Secure” seems to just mean put it somewhere safe, not leave it lying around for anyone to get at. Clearly there are degrees of this, depending on where they are.

    • Lynn says:

      Smith says he cleared the gun and put it in a gun box. Doesn’t say when. Why would he place the gun on the front seat, drive to the station, and then clear and secure the gun?

      He mentions seeing no blood or sweat on it and also mentions the holster on George’s hip. I find it curious that on pg 15 of 183 Serino interview mentions the description for the holster and that it wasn’t attached to a belt. Was this info that Serino gave SA office? GZ was already at the station in the interview room when Serino saw him for the first time.

      Did he have this holster on him when he cleaned up? How were we to know whether it was full of grass/mud from all his shimmeying with his shirt raised if it wasn’t collected before his cleanup? Officer Lynch reminded Smith to get pictures of Z’s cuts but Smith let him go wash up first.

      Smith rubs me the wrong way but can’t put my finger on it yet. Does anyone remember reading that someone TOLD him to uncuff him for the interview? I can’t remember who said it?

      Also, Smith tells us about him overhearing Z going on about asking for help, blah, blah…while rescue cleaned him up in the backseat of the car…Yet Lt. Taylor nor any of the 4 rescue personnel I read statements from remember Z saying anything.

      But the part that bothers me most about Smith was his mobile text transmissions. Starting on pg 176. Everyone else’s reads professional…his are ALL IN CAPS and is just going on about how he plans to get drunk for the next 2 days, beer pong, and how he just wanted to slack at his favorite patrol spot looking like he was working to finish out his shift. I mean, if he brought Z in and didn’t converse with him and that was all his involvement blah, blah…why would that send him on a 2 day drunkfest?

      P.S. I think Wagner was who took the b/w pic of Z. He took pics of Z and Trayvon to show neighbors to identify them.

  17. grahase says:

    Our good friend David Piercy tweets everyone that even Leatherman admits their petition is a flop.

  18. grahase says:

    Ryan Julison has sent the nuthouse an e-mail telling them to correct misinformation. Check it out.

    • grahase says:

      He has agreed to be interviewed by them.

    • grahase…….I saw it……and all the other garbage that they spew. They were talking about weapons and ammo and one outhouser who goes by the name of knuckledraggingwino posted a comment that included this statement: “….GZ’s shot placement was near perfect. If it had been me I would have pumped a few more rounds into him, but if it had been me TM would have been the one getting his ass kicked.”
      And this is from the site that posts the Lord’s Prayer, has a picture of a chapel in the woods, and continues talking about God and being good Christians……..all the while supporting a killer who also bore false witness against Trayvon… šŸ˜ˆ

      • Rachael says:

        Why would someone want a name like knuckledraggingwino? Thay augjt to tell you something. He’s a neanderthal. Can’t even pick his dragging knuckles off the floor, stand upright and walk like a man. The hatered spewed there, especially towards Trayvon’s family is unconscionable.

    • Rachael says:

      Recently? I don’t see it.

      • grahase says:

        It is there now separate from the George Zimmerman thread. They are not talking about Zimmerman much. It is all about Julison today and the usual Natalie Jackson and Benjamin Crump. Finished with DD for awhile, and still on the pings and Trayvons phone records.

      • grahase says:

        On the nutter site, type in Root Cause. That is the heading of the Julison e-mail received at 9:10 on the 27th.

  19. KA says:

    Hi, I just wanted to pop in quickly and share an article I just read. It may have already “made the rounds”, but it is a heartwarming glimpse into the son, nephew, friend, and teen that Trayvon is. It was sourced by his family, friends, coaches, etc. I thought some here may want to read it themselves.


    • @ KA, i just read it. thank you for so much! wow, this is just too much, he was soooooo loved…Losing Trayvon, for such a beautiful loving family and friends, it’s even worse than i could ever dreamed. Trayvon was special and so are they, they just don’t deserve this! unbelievable!

    • Rachael says:

      Thanks. I posted that a while back but it is always good to repost it (and reread it) to make sure everyone gets to see it and have a glimpse into the child he was and the love of his family he was surrounded by. Trayvon had a place in this world. He was real, and he will be missed. And there will be justice.

      • Rachael says:

        And like Brown said, I want Trayvon back. We all do. But that isn’t going to happen. But we can keep him in our hearts forever and never forget him. When justice has been served and GZ is behind bars, he will be forgotten. He does not deserve to be acknowledged. But Trayvon will live on forever in our hearts and memories.

      • grahase says:

        Maybe the magazines need to know about the petition.

    • Jun says:

      Send them the petition

  20. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Does any one know why and how long the surveillance camera at the Retreat’s front gate was inoperable? I wish Inv. Singleton had asked George, “Oh….how long has it not been working.”

  21. Jun says:

    Will RZ Jr. be testifying to Cheorge’s character at trial?

    I am hoping he opens doors with him calling Cheorge a decent American at trial LOL

  22. cielo62 says:

    ~^..*< totally beat up trying to keep up ! 395!

    • @Cielo, give it up!!! you just can’t do it! not every single post!!LOL dont be like me and end up 3-4 days behind cas you’re convinced you’ll miss something you’ve never heard before that will totally change your life!! trust me, i’ve been there, and it’s a sad lonely place! LOLO šŸ˜¦

  23. Tzar says:

    Hello Professor

    I wanted to comment on your choice to title your articles with Zimmerman’s name vs Trayvon’s. In light of Friday’s gas station shooting of a teen over the loudness of the music in his car and how attention seeking The Zimmerman clan has been of late, I thought I would raise the question: Do we give people who want attention like Zimmerman has received incentive to behave like him by mentioning Zimmerman too much. It’s complicated but essentially I wonder if we would we be better served if we referred to the “Trayvon Martin case” instead of the “Zimmerman case”

    Here is the excerpt that prompted this post

    How the media shouldn’t cover a mass murder

    Every time there’s a mass shooting, I remember this piece of footage from Charlie Brooker’s BBC series Newswipe. In it, a forensic psychiatrist outlines the guidelines for news reporting of such a tragedy, assuming that your aim is to prevent further ones.

    He says:

    If you don’t want to propagate more mass murders…

    Don’t start the story with sirens blaring.

    Don’t have photographs of the killer.

    Don’t make this 24/7 coverage.

    Do everything you can not to make the body count the lead story.

    Not to make the killer some kind of anti-hero.

    Do localise this story to the affected community and as boring as possible in every other market.


    Just some musings
    great article as usual

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      I hope someday there will be a permanent memorial to Trayvon with his statue.

    • very interesting. and i see exactly what you mean. I’ve thought of that from time to time, especially in this case. more specifically the use of the murderer’s name in the news titles instead of Trayvon. i first noticed it on Orlando sentinel’s website. they have two identical webpages. one is clicked on george zimmerman and the other is Trayvon Martin.

      when i asked i was told it was b/c the case is the state v. g.z. and not Trayvon. i kinda accepted that reason at the time.

      but i see what your saying. and i don’t know what would be a better way to deal with it. i guess it also a psychological thing too. like we wanna know what is going on with this idiot so then we will search for his name. but when we want to learn about Trayvon we’ll search his name. But now, since Tray is gone, and we pretty much know all we’re ever really gonna know about him, we won’t be offered many more stories about him anymore.

      • grahase says:

        In the beginning, it was unarmed teen. I think minors committing crimes cannot be named. Then it was Trayvon Martin in the headlines when it finally appeared he was the victim. Of late, it is all about Zimmerman and that is because it is Robert in the news.

    • Xena says:

      Well, it is the George Zimmerman case and not the Trayvon Martin case because Trayvon is not on trial. I’ve seen headlines that read “Trayvon Martin’s Shooter” and simply, “Florida v. Zimmerman.”

    • Jun says:

      Only part I agree with is that they shouldnt turn them into a media sensation for money like many stations have because that motivates people to do crap like that

    • Hi, Tzar.

      You make a good point that had not occurred to me. I am used to thinking about a criminal case as the defendant’s case, rather than the victim’s case. I’ve always done it that way and so has everyone else I know.

      Of course, just because it’s a common practice does not make it right.

      I’m going to have to think about this

      Thanks, for mentioning it.

      • Patricia says:

        @ Tzar and @ Professor

        It’s “State of Florida vs Zimmerman” — but it’s also:

        “The Trayvon Martin Murder” or,

        “The Killing of Trayvon Martin.”

      • Tzar says:

        It is my intimation that the persistent hammering of one name vs another, chisels out monoliths in the consciousness representing not only our better or worser angels, but possibly inspirations to the our better or worser angels.

        At the least it would be a fascinating social experiment; to essentially drown out the Zimmerman name and do things such as strictly refer to him as the defendant or the killer and put forth Trayvon’s name repeatedly enough that it can enter into proper martyrdom and social lore. A child’s defamation-notice I said defamation and not simply death-should mean something, it should stay in the society’s psyche. I believe that this kind of approach may help do that, I also believe that this is the kindest and worse thing we could do to vulgarians who openly support Zimmerman’s vulgarity.

        One may even want to consider this propagandist approach as sort of a modus operandi or prevention play book whenever these horrible things happen.

        Sorry for the flowery language, Just thinking out loud right after my morning coffee. šŸ™‚

        • People say it’s difficult to teach an old dog new tricks. My answer is that a person should always be willing to review and question old beliefs and ways of doing things. We become old dogs, if we don’t.

          I also believe that the path to making a better world begins at home with the self. Often it’s the seemingly small change, the minor adjustment or adaptation, that others notice. In this way the ripple becomes a wave and the wave a tsunami.

          Thank you, my friend.

          I like your idea and I’m not only going to give it a try, I’m going to feature it and credit you on the front page.

      • Tzar says:

        Thank you, my friend.

        I like your idea and Iā€™m not only going to give it a try, Iā€™m going to feature it and credit you on the front page.

        Well look at me blushing from flattery. Coming from you Professor, “that’s high praise!”


    • @colin, that’s ok, but i don’t know why everyone isn’t signing it. maybe and i know this is a problem we can’t do much about now, but i think it would get much MORE attention if Trayvon was in media more offten.

    • grahase says:

      If you ask me the Piercy petition has doubled in one day and I think people are confusing the two. The Piercy numbers were fairly stagnant even after RZs interview. Today, double the signatures. Some people don’t read what they are signing and may not realize there are two different petitions.

      • Jun says:

        That is why yall should send in the specific links to the petition

        however, Piercy’s petition is frivolous and would help out the case against Zimmerman anyways, so it is no biggie

        1) George has no case for malicious prosecution. There was probable cause to believe a murder was committed. There is evidence. The biggest evidence is George stalking and killing a kid.

        2) David Piercy and his minions have no credibility whatsoever and are idiots

        3) The feds have already investigated, are still investigating, and have not gone against the state in their indictment so anything else they do would simply serve to double authenticate the evidence against Zimmerman and prove again that there is no malicious prosecution and that there is probable cause to believe murder was committed

        4) The info they give, allows the feds to aptly investigate the signees as they are all future hate crime perpetrators or other crimes since they feel a kid being killed should not be investigated or prosecuted as that shows how demented their minds are. To not investigate killings and simply take a killer at their word would be a disservice to the country and their oath to the country and the state, and simply as honorable people.

        5) I could be wrong but it can be construed as obstruction of justice, the acts they are committing

        6) Many of the Piercy signatures are phonies and jokes. The guy and his minions have a reputation for trolling, being creepy demented weirdos, no house training, and having multiple profiles all over the net and fakes. Its fairly easy to sign up and sign the petition, which I believe if they checked the IP’s and any other tricks such as proxies, they can find that this is in fact true.

  24. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Brown, here is my reply to you from three L. posts back that I think you might have missed:
    George states he was on top holding Trayvon down when he asks Witness 6 for help. Remember Witness 6 didnā€™t help, but went inside to call 911 and heard the shot while he was inside. According to GEORGE, this means Witness 6 could NOT have seen Trayvon on top.

    I think George made up the story of getting on top of Trayvon after he shot Trayvon because he ASSUMED Witness 6 HAD seen George on top BEFORE he shot Trayvon.

    ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..I really do NOT think Witness 6 discerned the clothing colors as he said he had. BUT, George HIMSELF was worried that Witness 6 HAD, in fact, SEEN George on top, and so, George fudged with the timing and said he (George) was on top because he had to hold Trayvon down AFTER he shot Trayvon.
    I can quote all of the statements if you would like. However, I know from reading all the posts from this forum that it probably is not necessary since you all are great sleuths.

    • Rachael says:

      I’m not sure I understand. GZ was seen on top of Trayvon after he shot him.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Not by Witness 6. Witness 6 went to his porch during the wrestling. Yet, George says that AFTER he shot Trayvon, he got on top of Trayvon and asked for Witness 6 to help him. Witness 6 did not help but went inside to call 911. While he was inside, Witness 6 heard the shot..

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        You see, Witness 6 only saw them wrestling. George fudge on the timing and said Witness 6 came out AFTER he shot Trayvon.

      • Rachael says:

        Okay. I misunderstood what you were saying. Sorry.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        I am having trouble with clarity since I can’t link as a newcome and I am used to being able to quote statements in light grey on Newsvine. I will go find the quote from George. Thanks for your replies, Rachael.

      • Jun says:

        This is what witness 6 says

        On the 911 call he says he saw wrestling and then went inside and a shot was fired

        He then says during interrogation that he thinks he saw an MMA attack and George was asking for help

        When asked another time by FDLE about what happened, he claimed that Trayvon was perhaps simply pinning Cheorge down and holding him down, potentially trying to defend himself. FDLE than brought up the direct contradictions to his previous two different statements, to which, witness 6 then claimed then he wasnt sure what he saw, but he thinks he saw Trayvon on top maybe pinning him, maybe hitting him, he wasnt sure and now is not sure who was yelling for help

        When Bernie interrogates him, witness 6 claims that he never heard any hitting or striking noises but simply a struggle or wrestling

        Now combined with Cheorge’s high def police photos, the forensics, Cheorge was never struck at all or sidewalk head bashed and only wrestling can be concluded from witness 6’s statement and that witness 6 could be incorrect in his assessment of who was on top but he did see a struggle, and he also claims Cheorge was wearing white or red

      • Xena says:

        I am having trouble with clarity since I canā€™t link as a newcome and I am used to being able to quote statements in light grey on Newsvine.

        When I was a newbie, I had that problem too. If you click “Notify me of follow-up comments via email” you can read all comments via email and when wanting to reply, click the “reply” button at the bottom and it will put your reply in the “thread.”

        To quote from another comment, copy what you want to quote. You can do that by highlighting and using Ctrl C or right click your mouse and click copy. Then write;

        Paste what you are quoting. Then write;

        Sorry, but if I write it together, it will recognize it as a code and you won’t see the actual code.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Thank you so much, Xena. I think I get it now.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        using Ctrl C or right click your mouse and click copy. Then write;

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        hmmm…….it did not turn light grey

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        It did not turn light grey…..hmm

    • ChrisNY~Laurie says:

      Was it witness number 6 that George asked to not call 911 and help him restrain Trayvon? I can’t remember…but either way I always thought that George was lying about getting on top of Trayvon after he shot him and pulling his arms apart to see if he had anything in his hands..I saw and saved the leaked photo of Trayvon faced down and his hands were NOT away from his body. George mixes half truths into his stories.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Oh, Jun and Rachael, I am so embarrassed….it was the witness with the flashlight that George says came out while he (George) was on top. I am slipping.

    • “You All” said: I really do NOT think Witness 6 discerned the clothing colors………
      I have had a problem with the issue of “clothing colors” since I first read the witness statement.
      Question: Were there any street lights or porch lights that illuminated the area where the witness observed the struggle?
      Reason: Our ability to discern colors is greatly diminished in low light due to the fact that our eyes have fewer cones (that detect color) than rods
      So, was this witness really able to see what color the clothing was?

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Witness 6 said he looked
        “through the sliding glass door, through the blinds, and there’s only a porch light, so I couldn’t truly see what was out in the grass area.” Then he opened the sliding glass door and looked out.

      • Malisha says:

        I don’t think any of them saw colors — they were led —

  25. boar_d_laze says:

    A lot of people are struggling with this.

    “Charging” a person with “a crime,” means charging them with acting in violation of an actual and specific law. We can’t just make up crimes as we go along. Even scumbags are protected by the Fifth Amendment.

    Typically “hate crimes” aren’t charged as independent crimes but as enhancements to other crimes. That is, certain motivations are more culpable than other motivations for the same act, and therefore carry a higher penalty.

    However, proving motive can be so problematic that the attempt weakens the prosecution for the act itself. In this case, Mr. Zimmerman is charged with Murder in the Second Degree. If convicted, he’s going to the can for at least twenty years. How much more do you want?


    • jm says:

      BDL says: “In this case, Mr. Zimmerman is charged with Murder in the Second Degree. If convicted, heā€™s going to the can for at least twenty years. How much more do you want?”

      I want this disgusting lying murderer to meet the same end to his life either in prison or by an armed vigilante just like him and to be scared to death when he sees it coming.

      • boar_d_laze says:

        My bad. The minimum penalty for Murder 2 with a gun in Florida is twenty five years in prison, before the possibility of parole.

        That’s enough for just about anything.

        • jm says:

          BDL says: “The minimum penalty for Murder 2 with a gun in Florida is twenty five years in prison, before the possibility of parole. Thatā€™s enough for just about anything.”

          So if someone murders your child and shows no regrets and no remorse, lies and blames your child for the murder and maligns the child’s name, 25 years in prison is enough?

          I don’t think Chorge has got 25 years no matter what. Prison or on the street, he will meet the same violent end as Trayvon Martin.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Since all George has is demonstrated lies to rest his claims of self defense/SYG upon, remove them and the remaining evidence suggests:

            George’s earlier lies and misinformation is in preparation to setup a SYG/SD claim, for a murder he intended to commit. Otherwise why conceal and/or attempt to falsify his earlier movements and actions, when and if he intended to do nothing that would constitute a serious crime?

            Without his lies, proximal to the fatal events of that night, his earlier efforts to falsify his own activities, supports a view of premeditated murder. Since, without a serious crime as his expected conclusion of the matter, he has no reason at all to lie, conceal and/or falsify his earlier conduct.

            His earlier conduct tends to support a view, that he knew he would need cover for a very serious crime he was planning to commit, and therefore had a need of a story, that would help him get away with it.

          • I agree.

            For example, he had to have known before the incident that a private citizen cannot confront, restrain and interrogate another private citizen at gunpoint, especially an unarmed child, without having to face serious and unpleasant legal consequences. We now have good reason to believe that he never was in any actual danger of suffering a significant or serious injury. Therefore, with the police on the way and their arrival imminent, the only reason to kill that makes any “sense” to me is that he executed Trayvon to prevent him from being a witness against him. Moreover, because the situation in which he found himself was readily foreseeable, he must have planned to silence him and claim self-defense to escape legal consequences.

            In fact, I suspect that his phone call to 311 was designed and scripted to conceal his actual intent and what he was doing as well as to set-up his claim of self-defense. Much of what he said during that call (e.g., “We’ve been having a lot of break-ins in the neighborhood,” and “I don’t know what his deal is,” plus his unwillingness to identify where he lived and where he was when he made the call) is identical to other calls he made. This suggests to me that he was following a script with intent to deceive the police.

            Yes, I believe the murder was premeditated to conceal the assault and battery by silencing Trayvon permanently.

            I suspect others may have been involved and important clues to their identities will be found in his cellular phone records.

            If I were prosecuting this case, I would have tasked law enforcement with identifying the subscriber of every number he called or who called him that day, getting their records to identify and investigate any pattern of communication. After evaluating the possibilities and estimating the probabilities, I would identify and interview each individual

          • jm says:

            Professor says: “Yes, I believe the murder was premeditated to conceal the assault and battery by silencing Trayvon permanently.”

            Why do you think GZ committed assault and battery? In other words, do you think he ever really believed Trayvon was “up to no good” and “suspicious” at the time he spotted him and wanted the recognition for stopping a “criminal” but his anger and resentment took over when he shot and killed Trayvon?

          • No, I do not believe the anger and resentment “took over when he shot and killed Trayvon.”

            I believe the anger and resentment had already developed into a full blown hatred that had focused on Trayvon before the encounter Sunday night. I think Trayvon had been spotted in the neighborhood by others who had reported his presence to GZ and, without any evidence to support it, GZ concluded that Trayvon “did not belong there” and “was up to no good.” In short, Trayvon became the white whale in Moby Dick and GZ was the captain of the vessel hunting him.

            I think he had decided to confront, interrogate and kill Trayvon before he left his house that night.

            The assault and battery occurred when used he force and a painful wrist lock to disable and control Trayvon while he interrogated him in an attempt to find out who his fellow gang members were and where they lived. Instead of answers, he got denials and screams for help. He killed him when he ran out of time.

            The larger than life Black Gangsta with superhuman powers who kills people with his bare hands MMA style while speaking in 20-year-old B movie ghetto slang is GZ’s Moby Dick, a projection of his imagination. He is a comic book villain and GZ’s description of their encounter is a scene from a movie in his head in which he is the hero who vanquishes evil after narrowly escaping death.

            It’s not real and to be honest I am not certain that GZ can always reliably and accurately distinguish between the fantasy world that he inhabits as a crime fighting hero and the real world in which he fails at everything he attempts to do.

            Trayvon Martin, of course, bears no resemblance whatsoever to that ghost.

            Basically, GZ is a nut case and I am more interested in his story and why he is the way he is than I am in what he did or did not do.

            GZ then projected all of his insecurities and inadequacies about himself and his failed life into a resentment of Blacks in general and a focused hatred on Trayvon in particular, as a symbol of what he does not like about Blacks.

            Of course, this case is about racism. It always has been.

            There is no way to understand why it happened unless one examines it from a racist point of view.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            What we’re saying is there never was any concern that TM was a criminal or anything else. This whole thing was a conspiracy by GZ and a person or persons unknown.

            You can’t start 10 minutes beforehand, to start setting up a SYG/SD defense that you do not already believe you will need!

            If you start setting up a defense that a homicide will require, then you have to have known that there would be a homicide committed.

            Otherwise, your NEN call would simply stick to the truth! You would faithfully report events as they unfolded, not even giving a second thought to any need for a defense for a homicide, because in this case you would have no idea, or intent, for a homicide to happen.

            Thus this story would go from “I received a call from a NW’er that a suspicious person was entering the grounds and I put off my trip to go shopping to have a look”, yada yada. “I parked here I saw this and that, I called the NEN , the suspect ran and I followed! Sure I was told to stop, but they always get away, so I continued to keep an eye on him”. Of course, if GZ had been telling the truth, if TM had come back towards him, he’d have scampered back to his truck. Any confrontation would have taken place along the way back to his truck and not in a place that was towards Trayvon’s house.

            That tells us who was following whom.

            Worse yet, or let’s say much, much, much worse yet, GZ is wearing blood from wounds that Trayvon could not have caused!
            So, if a homicide had not been planned, of what utility would these blood soaked wounds have been, if TM was alive to explain that he did not cause them? No utility at all except they’d serve only to make GZ himself look very strange and scary! But, not so if there is a homicide and the only witness against GZ is dead. In which case the wounds and blood, practically turn into badges of honor.

            When one first encountered this story, it was expected that a certain amount of lies would be told. It was not until it was determined that so many material lies were being told, that the story took on an extremely chaotic view. A view that went well beyond any reasonable version of what a crime of happenstance should contain.

            At first you saw people scratching their heads, trying to justify it all with a view that perhaps GZ was intending to make himself a hero, with a plan to simply detain a “thug” suspect, and had that plan go horribly wrong.

            But, in that view, “He’s got his hand in his waist band”, never seem to quite fit right, because we all know from news stories, that bespeaks a person who is armed. GZ, later backs off the idea that he was trying to give that impression, but if he wasn’t, why did he say it? He says it because it’s a precursor to a defense for a homicide that he already intended to commit.

      • Brown says:

        I want Trayvon Martin back. šŸ˜„

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Me too. šŸ˜¦

      • Rachael says:

        Isnt’t there an extra penalty because Trayvon was a minor?

      • Rachael says:

        By the way bdl, where the HELL have you been???! So glad to see you.

      • ladystclaire says:

        DITTO! I want George to know the same kind of fear that Trayvon knew, when he was begging for his life. Zimmerman doesn’t deserve any kid glove treatment. the POS took the life of a child and he knew Trayvon was just that. his brother needs to just stfu and let his brother whom he had no communication with what so ever, until now. for all we know, they are still not on speaking terms with each other.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        I think we should work to fight any form of vigilantism. We have to be consistent.

      • Xena says:

        JM. Cheorge will meet a more violent end. He’s done bad things since his childhood that he has not repented from. Ever hear that saying “Only the good die young”? Well, GZ should live to be 100 because everyday of his life will be a living hell; homeless, lonely, unemployed; bankrupt. If acquitted, he will still spend many nights behind bars for pandering, stealing, and assault.

        His nightmare has only just begun.

      • grahase says:

        Isnt there anything added on for murdering a minor.

      • grahase says:

        Vigilantism is illegal and GZ should also have been charges with that. But, I guess SYG laws just about eliminates people being charged with vigilantism.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        yep…….that is what is so scary about the SYG law, grahase.

    • Malisha says:

      I agree, BDL, which is why I am not concerned about the petition, or really either of the petitions, actually performing the role they are ostensibly designed for. I think the role of our petition is not so much to get Cheorge charged with a crime other than the one he is now faced with, so much as getting the issue back onto some circulating vehicle on the Net. It is doing that quite nicely. Of course, their petition has no purpose at all, calling as it does for an investigation that cannot lead to any action the government can take. And the more their petition is seen, the more ours is seen and understood.

      BTW I think “a decent American” is code for “a white man.”

      • A decent American= dog whistle= white, says RZjr. cept, he keeps forgetting they ain’t white enough to include themselves. at least not in my book. and i wrote my own book, so i know!!>LOLO

    • jm says:

      Great video.

      I imagine that horrifying GZ face is the last thing Trayvon saw and I despise Robert Zimmerman Jr for trying to spin his evil brother into a “hero” instead of the racist murderer he is.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Well done, LLMPapa.

      • Operacarla says:

        I am such a huge fan LLMPapa..I am certain that you provide so much comfort to the Martin family. Thanks!

      • Two sides to a story says:

        It would be one thing if RZ Jr. would defend his brother in a different way, reminding people of GZs good traits, introducing him in a more intimate way that only a family member can, but the way he’s embraced the Treeper party line is less than credible.

      • jm Re: GZ face is the last thing Trayvon saw…….and not just that calm face in the picture, but a face filled with ungodly rage, screaming at him, and then pointing a gun at him, and then…..

    • Jun says:

      When was race ever used to damage Cheorge’s credibility?

      I think his credibility is damaged from his scheming and lying, manipulation, harassment, molestation, animal abuse for kicking a dog, attacking cops, assaulting a woman, stalking others in his complex with a gun, aggressive behavior with his gun in the complex, jumping to unreasonable conclusions, killing a kid, being a racist

      Does RZ just talking without looking at facts and evidence?

    • Rachael says:

      Ha ha! Wonderful!

    • Tzar says:

      you’ve done it again
      I love it

    • you know, every time i see this pic i keep forgetting to ask, why the hell is this pic in B/W??? who does that? if this is the witness, who took the pics, why would he take them in black and white????

      wait a minute! didn’t the ‘photographer’ *only* take 2 pics?? i thought he said he only took 2. one of Tray’s body and one of the idiot’s stupid head<<<<< the one were it looks like he was talking on the the PHONE from behind????

      so who took this one??? does anyone know???????? wtf is going on here????

      • grahase says:

        Officer Smith took that pic. Apparently, this is a faxed copy. I know when I send faxes, the date and time are stamped on the document and I don’t see that on the photo. I think this is the one that took 22 days to get because he had forgotten he had it. I am sure someone here knows for sure.

      • grahase says:

        Officer Mead says that he took 2 photos of Zimmerman’s FACE with his personal I-phone. He reported downloading those photos to his company issued laptop that same night, and deleting them from his personal I-Phone.

        Several days later, he received a note from an investigator saying that they had NO photos of Zimmerman’s injuries.

        Officer Mead then reported emailing the 2 photos of Zimmerman’s FACE to the investigator.

        Then, the police dept. said that photos of Zimmerman’s HEAD were taken by them the night he killed Martin.

        More discrepancies.

        Below I said Smith. But, it was Mead. Sorry. Hopefully, Prosecutor Corey noticed the discrepancy in the reports.

    • Xena says:

      LLMPapa. I simply love you.

      Will there be a part 2 with the middle eastern co-worker and the potted palm court scene?

    • grahase says:

      Great video and it doesn’t even include his taking an oath to tell the truth in court and proceeding to lie in more than one instance. Lying, perjuring , and violence does not a decent American make. Thumbing your nose at the court system and to a family whose son was murdered does not a decent American make.

    • Malisha says:

      Cheorge’s credibility did not have to get indicted, by the way. Cheorge voluntarily gave up his credibility and it fled. It was last seen at the Judge Kenneth Lester bond hearing.

  26. Thanks for clearing all this up Professor. I hate to be wrong when i try talking all legal-like!! LOL Makes me look stupider than i really am!

    So, the difference is, to be charged with a civil rights violation (which is a federal crime), you must be part of the state or federal government.

    A private citizen can be charged with a hate crime, which is still a federal crime. It’s just that an ordinary idiot like GZ, isn’t acting under the color of the law(enforcement/government), so he just gets to answer to the hate crime laws. But, it doesn’t mean he didn’t actually violate Trayvon’s civil rights, it’s just that his crimes as a private citizen aren’t treated the same as a federal agent, for example, would be treated if they had done the same crime? something like that…

    i think i get it. can we change the wording in the petition?? edit maybe??

    • Malisha says:

      Don’t touch the petition, let it fly all over the place; its job is to reinvigorate the field for Trayvon Martin and his family. It doesn’t have to be “accurate” to do that and it doesn’t have to be “legally cognizable” to do that — theirs is neither of those, after all, and all ours is really necessary for is to get people to read it, remember the case, and get that feeling back, that feeling that says, “Hey, you can’t get away with THAT!”

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Right on!

      • OK OK calm down!! NO BODY touched it!! damn!! lolol

      • Xena says:

        Malisha, that’s the way I feel also. There is also that little feeling that says the Zidiots need to see that there are more people concerned for justice for Trayvon, than concerned for a 29 yr old loser who bought a gun to kill a dog and ended up killing an unarmed 17 yr old who he stalked and followed.

      • grahase says:

        IMO – there is nothing wrong with the petition. If the civil rights violation charge can only be lodged against Government reps., it is time to change the law to INCLUDE private citizens. This petition can be used as a first step in getting there. Next step, is to lobby legislators and the legislators to add to the law. Do you all not think civil rights violations should include private citizens.

        It is also my opinion that GZ was NOT acting as a private citizen that night. NW volunteers should be charged with violating the rules of the program. NW are acting as the eyes and ears of LE – are they not.

      • gblock says:

        I notice that RZ Junior signed our petition – #411.

      • What, Robby Z signed ours? Well, ain’t that a decent american there? i gotta give him his props, PUBLICLY on twitter!

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Can’t change the words of the petition, there’s no edit button. But the only change needed would be minor, just insert the word “case”, so that it reads “investigate the Zimmerman case”. for civil rights violations…

  27. grahase says:

    The Criminal Code of Canada says a hate crime is committed to intimidate, harm or terrify not only a person, but an entire group of people to which the victim belongs. The victims are targeted for who they are, not because of anything they have done. A hate crime is one in which hate is the motive and can involve intimidation, harassment, physical force or threat of physical force against a person, a group or a property

    In Canada it is also a crime to incite hatred. Sections 318 and 319 are the relevant sections of the Criminal Code.

    Section 319 deals with publicly stirring up or inciting hatred against an identifiable group based on colour, race, religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.

    Under section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act it is a “discriminatory practice” to send hate messages via telecommunications equipment, including the internet.

    • grahase says:

      Added section 13 for the likes of some individuals using YouTube, Twitter, etc. to send hate messages. I would name a few in this case. But, I am certain their activities are being monitored.

      • God, i WISH we could criminalise racist hateful speech on you tube and everywhere else!! we can’t do anything /bc of free speech. But if they threaten, on the basis of some racist BS maybe then…

      • Jun says:

        Canada is more forward in evolution in terms of hate crime law

        however, even in the states, hate speech can be characterized as slander

        and in a way, I feel allowing free speech of it in the states has some positive points because generally people like that will make an ass out of themselves in the public and face public scrutiny anyways

      • ladystclaire says:

        I know for a fact that the sky is the limit on you tube when it shouldn’t be. free speech or not, people shouldn’t be allowed to use the “N” word at all. there are some sites where this kind of $hit is not allowed and, it shouldn’t be allowed there either. why is it that some sites can prevent this word or other vulgar words to be used and yet you tube continue to allow it to go on at their site.

      • Jun said: “……people like that will make an ass out of themselves in the public and face public scrutiny anyways.”
        Intelligent folks will scrutinize and condemn racist behavior but it’s quite evident that there are way too many racists who feed on and embrace this kind of behavior too……. šŸ˜Æ

      • Two sides to a story says:

        @LadyST – I believe the difference is that a YouTube video is accessed voluntarily, and so free speech issues apply, unless of course, that person or persons are also engaged in more organized activity that incites violence.

      • grahase says:

        Hate speech laws in Canada include provisions in the Criminal Code of Canada, provisions in the Human Rights Act and in other federal legislation, and statutory provisions in each of Canada’s ten provinces and three territories. The Criminal Code prohibits “hate propaganda.” The Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination on various grounds, and forbids the posting of hateful or contemptuous messages on the Internet.

        Section 1 restricts the granted freedoms by making them subject “only to such reasonable limits prescribed by law as can be demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.”

        In short — there is free speech and then there is hate speech.

      • Jun says:

        Look at

        Denise Helms

        The UCLA girl who said those racist things about Asian people

        I say let them talk and express themselves

        What you do and say can and will be used against you in real life too

        So let them face the consequences from society LOL

  28. Jun says:

    I could be wrong but I was under the impression even a private citizen can not infringe on our rights because I feel most citizens would have issue with a private citizen and complete stranger going through your stuff or violating any other of your human rights

    There has got to be something federal that opposes such action

    George has no authority or right to stalk and infringe on one’s freedom to walk home with bloodclot candy and ice tea, especially a kid

    I am sure there is some sort of crime he can be charged with federally

      • Jun says:

        I beg to differ

        There is no way, a common citizen can just infringe on another’s liberty

        There has to be a crime associated with such acts

      • Jun says:

        I beg to differ

        There is no way it is constitutionally valid for someone that is a private citizen to be authorized to take away another’s liberty like in this situation

        I am sure there is something within federal law that can be arranged

        You cant just go around stalking and manipulating another person’s liberty to walk home

      • grahase says:

        – laws yep – harassment, stalking, assault, forcible detainment without authority — to name a few

    • @Jun, of course that moron had NO RIGHT to touch that boy, much less stalk, chase, harass and kill him in cold blood! that’s why he’s going to prison. Those are just the obvious crimes that any normal citizen can see!
      But the federal crimes commited against Trayvon were apparently committed by the law enforcement agents, like serino, billy bob and wolfinger. they can be investigated for and charged with civil rights violations because they were acting for the state.

      I think that’s what we’re talking about here. The difference between who can be charged with civil rights violations by the feds, and GZ who can be charged with a hate crime AND murder by the state and feds. Right, did i get it right?


      • Xena says:

        Shannon, I believe you are right. If I were a lawyer however, I would try arguing that the SPD used GZ as their agent to violate Trayvon Martin’s civil rights, resulting in committing a hate crime. That would take some evidence of conversations which may not be hard to get if catching Taaffe after he’s had several drinks.

      • Logi says:

        i believe all of their phone records will come into play for the Feds. I can’t wait to see them. I also cannot wait to see Georges phone records. I believe we will find a possible accidental dial to 911 from George at the time he attempted to detain Trayvon. I am waiting……

    • Malisha says:

      One citizen infringing on another citizen’s rights is either committing a crime (such as murder-2) or committing a tort (such as wrongful death) or both (such as George Z) or neither (such as … any of the many cases that have been dismissed from courts all over the country whether rightly or wrongly.

      OJ was acquitted of a crime and then found liable of committing a tort. He did not like that. But then, of course, he got custody. He did like that although the kids didn’t. But there are two different systems for criminal prosecution (state does things that involve state interests) and civil litigation (state has no interest in the outcome unless of course it is a civil litigation against the state).

    • ; Xena says:

      November 27, 2012 at 10:35 pm

      Shannon, I believe you are right

      is this pasteing? lol cas i deff wanna quote this!!LOL

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      The idea is that your state will have laws that allow state and local officials to deal with citizens who transgress your rights. Thus the Federal Authorities, need only take over if the state officials fail to perform their duties, in the Constitutionally required fashion.

      The Feds don’t get involved in enforcing local law, since that would obviously interfere with your States Right to govern itself.

  29. jimmyxxx says:

    Anyone hear anything about the new murderous rampaging whitey out for black teen blood?

    Some sick fuck in Florida shot another kid. Commenters on the local news site are supporting it, because loud music.

    • Jun says:

      he’s gonna be dropping soap in prison

      he’s just a typical guy, who happens to be white, acting like some street gangbanger…

      who knows he did something wrong (hence him running when he killed the kid and tried to kill the other kids in the car)…

      so he tries to claim self defense

      it made big news because that community rarely sees things like that happen

      • Two sides to a story says:

        Absolutely crazy that he fled the scene and had to be arrested later. Did you guys see his lawyer make a public statement? Thinks the facts of the case will exonerate him? LOLOLOLOL. Unbelievable. And he was on his way to his son’s wedding, sad.

      • Jun says:

        Officer Schooner pretty much concluded that the kids remained inside the car when shot at, and Dunn instigated a confrontation regarding the music. The kids made no credible threat or any threats and were unarmed and inside a car. Dunn shot at the car about 8 or 9 times and then fled the scene in his car. Officer Schooner says that the teens admit their music was loud but Schooner says that is no reason to open fire on them. Some nearby residents were witnesses and they stated that it is a nice neighborhood where things like that rarely happen and a female stated that she is going to be careful with her music because of the lonney bin and she agrees that it is unreasonable to shoot at someone over loud music. Dunn is gonna go to prison, it is straight up manslaughter with a firearm. I dont know how this idiot and his lawyer are gonna claim self defense. It reminds me of the Raul Rodriguez case.

        • cielo62 says:

          Jun~ I thought of Raul Rodriguez right away as well. Loud music and an intentional confrontation with people on their own property. Well we saw how that turned out (40 years in prison).


  30. Two sides to a story says:

    I’ve always felt, like Malisha, that’s there’s a chain of unhappy events in this case. GZ seems more feckless and perhaps mentally and emotionally impaired than evil, unable to step up like a man and admit to his error; then SPD does a half-azz job and probably is steeped to some degree in institutional racism to boot, considering FL culture (and I lived there and have ties to native-born Floridians, so know what I’m talking about) not to mention a possible conspiracy to clear the case; OM comes along with his hardline and perhaps borderline unethical approach to GZ defense and gets his licks in; GZ family doesn’t like the spotlight turned on their dysfunction and stirs the pot some more . . . the public joins in on one side or another – messy, messy, ad infinitum.

    Just ‘fess up, GZ, and take your lumps!

    • Two sides to a story says:

      PS – What I was trying to say is that there seems to be a long string of liability and loose cannons all over the dang place.

      • jimmyxxx says:

        Another white entitled psychopath killed a black teen in Florida this weekend. Commenters on the local news sites are blaming the kid for his “loud music”. Mouthbreathing pieces of shit.

  31. johnw344 says:

    Mr.Leatherman I have been following your articles since Zimmerman has been arrested and charge with 2nd degree murder, your articles has been very enlighten. Yes I truly believe that Zimmerman have commited a hate crime along with murder, unlike some who has failed to look at all the evidence that has come out objectively. Also I believe within my heart that he killed TM in cold blood, after listening to his 911 recording to police dispatch along with all the evidence, if it wasn’t TM it would have been a another young AA male, believe me!!!

  32. Malisha says:


    IF indeed someone from a prior HOA meeting, before 3/1/2012, did call the police more than once to complain about George running around with a loaded gun “patrolling” the neighborhood; and

    IF indeed those calls were ignored deliberately by Chief Lee and/or someone instructed by him to lay off George and not “interfere” with his activities; and

    IF indeed at the 3/1/2012 HOA meeting this frustrated person was “escorted out” of the HOA meeting for complaining about that;


    could not George have been acting in concert with the SPD to deprive Trayvon Martin of his constitutional rights inasmuch as the state actors (SPD, Lee and others) negligently provided an unsafe environment for Trayvon Martin to walk through to get home that night?

    If a public building negligently provides an unsafe environment and someone falls and breaks their neck, there’s liability. If a guy named George broke the railing in a public building and someone informed the building management that it was unsafe, but it was never fixed, and then someone fell through the railing to their death, there’d be a wrongful death suit.

    Just saying… ā“

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Meaning that George was the “loose cannon” that caused fatal damage because it was not secured by the SPD?

    • Xena says:

      Cheorge gave himself authority as NW captain to follow Trayvon via vehicle and then on foot. Add to that, that he conducted NW with a loaded gun. George knew, or had good reason to know, that NW rules forbid both of those actions which easily concludes that he impersonated a police officer.

      • Jun says:

        I believe so too

        I think the obvious reason is that Cheorge is trying to cover the truth with deliberate lies as to those mentioned actions above in your post

      • that’s why GZ never told the dispatcher he was NW or was armed. in the recent past he DID inform the dispatch he was NW, what made that day different? hmmm, was it because he was planning on shooting someone that night? he couldn’t admit he was NW because he knew he needed to act ignorant about being armed while on his FAKE ASS patrol, and deny he was on patrol.

        He also knew from the CW courses ALL ABOUT the SYG laws, so he had to act ignorant even of the knowledge of them!! His nasty smirk on hannity gave him away! Sick MFer!

        Well it won’t work this time asshole! the whole world is watching and waiting for you to pay with your ass for what you did that night.

        And he will pay. It won’t bring Trayvon back, but it’s the only thing we can give him and his family. At the least, Trayvon will get proper representation and the fair protection he deserves.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          The trouble with this version of his story is, he called the NEN number, as NW’er’s are instructed to do, and not the 911 number which any concerned, non-NW’er would do.

          Although he acted like he had an emergency on his hands, “they always get away!”, he reported it as a non-emergency event. Non emergency means a slower response. Why would he want a slower response if there was no emergency?

          He’s all over the place with why he needed to do this or that, and why he wasn’t doing exactly what he was doing. My best guess is if a jury hears it all, he’s toast. If the jury gets a coherent view of the facts GZ is toast. Any defense GZ tries to put on, is negated by his own words and the evidence, therefore he’s toast.

          Over on bcclist.com the investigators there, working with the cctv data/materials, are now beginning to focus on the “notification” aspect of the case.

      • Jun says:

        I dont even know why he lied about the SYG thing of having no knowledge of it

        Whether he knows it or not, it still applies however it applies in law and Jeb Bush, who signed off and wrote the law, said he feels it does not apply here

        and it is rather laughable for him to claim it since he went to law school and claimed to graduate and wanted to be a cop and that self defense has been a part of law since America was begun

      • grahase says:

        Did he not hand out pamphlets as a NW person and post himself as the contact if anyone saw something suspicious and could not get in touch with police. Just those two examples indicate to me that he was NW 24 7. For his notice to say call him tells me he is acting as though he is a replacement for the police. I say this because — who can never get in touch with police.

    • Xena says:

      Malisha, check your email, please.

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