Welcome to the fifth day of the Zimmerman trial

Friday, June 28, 2013

Good morning:

Welcome to the fifth day of trial.

Here’s the link to the livestream coverage.


The trial resumes at 9 am EDT.

2,421 Responses to Welcome to the fifth day of the Zimmerman trial

  1. Lonnie Starr says:

    On my evidence pile here
    at the top of the page after the world time and local time there is a link “Live Stream Sites” it will take you to a post that includes links to the live stream sites I’ve collected from here, all in one place.

  2. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    Zimmerman could have cut his head on one of those small round water sprinklers in the ground when they were tussling or rolling on the grass.

    • willisnewton says:

      Many things are possible. What GZ claims happened is NOT possible.

      Keep in mind the state does not have to prove EVERYTHING that happened, only that Trayvon was killed by a man with a depraved mindset, and that his claim to justifiable homicide is a lie.

  3. Fred C says:

    Does anyone find it strange that no one seems to actually know gz? I think Rachel’s statement “He by his father’s house” means gz was by TM’s father’s house and that’s why he ran back toward the T. I think gz may have seen Chad at some point near Brandy’s location and that caused him to go that direction. If Chad ever went outside, seeing a black male wouldn’t be so unusual to gz and frank laughy. Just my observation.

    • KittySP says:

      Yes, I found it strange considering he claimed to know everyone and their kids…yet known of the residents testifying actually knew him, except Jenna.

  4. EveryoneIsEntitledToTheirOpinion says:

    THE FIX IS IN… Has anyone notice the jury selection. Clearly Bernie shouldn’t be in this case. He is weak. Where is Ms. Corey a stronger person. Trayvon Martin will not get justice. They jury was not selected to be a jury of Trayvon Martins peers. It was a GZ peers selections. RIP Trayvon the prosecution will not obtain justice. The fix is in…..

    • Trained Observer says:

      You are drawing erroneous conclusions on virtually every point from beginning to end.

    • aussie says:

      Deep breaths please.

      There is no fix.

      Trayvon Martins’ peers???? since when does a jury have to be peers of the victim????

      Since when are middle aged women with children peers of GZ???

      The jury is ok. There’s a good chance whatever little racism they may have is being balanced h by their sympathy for children and teens. They were all people who had not made up their minds about the case, so are open to giving proper consideration to the facts as presented in court (rather than as presented in the media).

      Bernie is ok, too. Not a bulldog. More a smart fox. Brains over brawn. Where he’s not pushed hard on a point, it is either because it is a minor point that doesn’t really matter, or he is going to bring someone a lot stronger to make that point for him.

      Besides, there is zero political advantage to Florida in losing this case. It would just make them the laughing stock of the world. Winning would make them seem a bit less unfair than they look now.

    • cielo62 says:

      EIETTO~ BEGONE retched troll! Geez, according to the COnsititution is SUPPOSED to be a jury of the DEFENDENTS peers!! And where were your OH SO WISE words during the week of jury selection? What an loadmouthed moron you are. Aren’t you needed to place the toilet paper back at your treehouse?


  5. Malisha says:


    Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
    As far as possible without surrender be on good terms with all persons.
    Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story.
    Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit.
    If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter;
    for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.

    Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
    Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
    Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery.
    But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals;
    and everywhere life is full of heroism.

    Be yourself.
    Especially, do not feign affection.
    Neither be critical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is as perennial as the grass.

    Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
    Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings.
    Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself.

    You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars;
    you have a right to be here.
    And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

    Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be,
    and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
    With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy.

    © Max Ehrmann 1927

  6. ladystclaire says:

    I thought W6 recanted his MMA style raining down blows by Trayvon on Fogen. It’s very obvious that, W6, and Jenna are both lying for Fogen. I have a bad feeling about this and, that he is going to get away with his crime. what in the hell is wrong with the state?

    • Malisha says:

      W-6 did actually recant but he was scared and iffy about his recant because the defense was tugging at him and he was afraid of a prosecution rebound on his ass. He said he wasn’t 100% sure of things he had already admitted he did not see or hear at all. He said he couldn’t really tell for certain about things that he had already admitted having NO KNOWLEDGE of. His testimony is now effectively zero. He said as many yays as nays and he looks like a mamby-pamby fool who stuck both feet in his big mouth. Maybe he needs to go train at the MMA gym so he can do the “OWA TAGOO SIAM” exercise more effectively and build up the muscle between his ears.

      • ladystclaire says:

        As for W6 he seemed to be kind of hostile and, I saw the very same thing in Jenna. why do they want to see someone who has killed a kid in cold blood, get away with murder. as for Jenna’s following Robbie the Racist on Twitter, how did that come out and, is the state going to call her back?

        It’s very obvious that Jenna and Jeremy saw and heard more than they are telling. she also made it a point of saying, that she could hear sneakers on pavement. Trayvon was wearing sneakers. if the rest of the folks in Florida are this racist, then GOD have mercy on these people.

    • disappointed says:

      I believe the State left it open to recall Jenna. I think once they put on the rest of their case they will play it by ear. If they want they can recall her before defense takes over. They call her to clear up a couple of issues. 1) did you originally say you heard “what are you doing” and 2) Last time you were on stand MOM asked you if you knew Fogen to be a hot head. You said no but that’s not true is it? No Sir. He assaulted office and had mutual restraining order with ex-girl friend. He beat her. State rest. I think, and I pray I’m right.

  7. gbrbsb says:

    Professor, sorry to bother but up thread I left a long comment which looks like a huge quote which, if you read this, I would be grateful if you could correct. I must have forgotten the end blockquote.

  8. KittySP says:

    What the hell! Why is Tracey Martin ex wife on AC360 with her it’s all about me sob story…I’m just floored by that!

    • Alicia needs to go sit her ass down someplace. No one needs any drama at this critical time. She should know better. WTF is wrong with her?

    • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

      I just got through watching that. Smh!

    • @Kitty,

      Tracy isn’t talking to her anymore. Alicia said Tracy communicated with her early on and he stopped. That’s the problem!

      • LeaNder says:

        He must have his reasons, I am sure. When I heard her change from my stepson to my son, I was slightly startled. Is this lady more concerned about getting into the lime light than about Trayvon’s dead?

    • LeaNder says:

      I just watched it. I think defense has effectively played these people against one another. Although not sure if that was all of it. I wondered about Rachel and Crump for instance.

      But I agree, really peculiar and slightly sick to sit there and speak about “my son”, he wasn’t her son. I think it is a partially a her own type of revenge against Tracy. Pretty transparent. We do not know why he stopped to contact her, but her washing dirty laundry in public tells me all I need to know about her.

      She is playing into the hands of the CTH and team Fogen, is she too stupid to understand?

      Trayvon must have realized he better never talks about his mother with her, and it does not seem she ever did talk with Sybrina either. That’s the crux.

      • LeaNder says:

        I squeezed this sentence in after: Although not sure if that was all of it.

        It should follow: I just watched, although not sure if all of it.

        The direct CCN link did not work for me, so I only saw about 10 minutes.

        In any case I am pretty sure defense plays some divide and conquer games. They hope they can use a couple of dog whistles on the jury.

      • fauxmccoy says:


        alicia has come out with this story before. in no way do i want to deny her own grief and suffering, she too lost someone that she obviously loved and cared for. tracy and sybrina had joint custody and not doubt alicia had spent much time with trayvon.

        where things get sticky, as i see it is that she is feeling left out in the process. her relationship with tracy was ending as his relationship with brandy greene was in progress, they were not yet divorced. this likely causes some hard feelings. in addition, she is left out of the limelight and perhaps rightfully so, wants to make her role clear. tracy and sybrina have stood together through the media onslaught. brandy greene had the decency to step aside, apparently without jealous conflict, alicia does not seem able to do so.

        • LeaNder says:

          alicia does not seem able to do so.

          That is exactly what I do not like, and strictly her behavior makes me wonder if there wasn’t a good reason Tracy got divorced. Imagine Trayvon couldn’t even mention his mother. I seriously doubt he would not have naturally spoken about her circumstances been different, and she is a part of these circumstances.

          What I liked about my youngest sister is when she separated from her husband, they remained good friends. It was necessary too, their daughter was 14 at the tine and she had a hard time with it, much more than my sister. My sister also, I guess intially for her daughter went to see him and his new family and new kids. Much more natural then how she talks about it. He never mentioned his mother? Maybe he sensed he better did not do it?

          • fauxmccoy says:

            leander says

            He never mentioned his mother? Maybe he sensed he better did not do it?

            that was my take on it as well.

          • LeaNder says:

            either that or she would love to take over Sybrina’s part. If I were Tracy that would make me slightly angry.

            My son????

            Bad timing, attractive woman, but many of her statements make me wonder.

        • LeaNder says:

          alicia does not seem able to do so.

          That is exactly what I do not like, and strictly her behavior makes me wonder if there wasn’t a good reason Tracy got divorced. Imagine Trayvon couldn’t even mention his mother. I seriously doubt he would not have naturally spoken about her circumstances been different, and she is a part of these circumstances.

          What I liked about my youngest sister is when she separated from her husband, they remained good friends. It was necessary too, their daughter was 14 at the tine and she had a hard time with it, much more than my sister. My sister also, I guess intially for her daughter went to see him and his new family and new kids. Much more natural then how she talks about it. He never mentioned his mother? Maybe he sensed he better did not do it?

  9. Romaine says:

    I agree with you TEE..I need to see a knock down drag out fight for the justice Trayvon deserves. let the defense talk all the trash they want. I don’t care who the prosecutors bring down to prove their case. there is no inner protection for anyone who violated the law during the investigation or depositions. each individual should be held accountable for their lies and lack of proper procedural processing of the crime committed by the defendant. Bring forth the truth based on facts without fear, or the brotherhood of ones peers.

  10. Judy75201 says:

    I can’t imagine why anyone would think there is any defeat from today whatsoever. Really, that’s just BS.

  11. Michael Stewart says:

    Ebb and Flow; remember ?

    • Two sides to a story says:


    • Ty Flair says:

      @Michael Stewart, this video say it all why give up on BDLR now if it want for them the killer would had walk free. I look at it this way fogen only have six weekends to spend with his family and he is using one weekend now. BDLR will get justice for this kid.

  12. Tee says:

    I will never declare defeat i trust that God got this. My mom use to say you can fool some of the people all of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. That’s what the defence is hoping or to fool us all . I say Bernie is trying to box GZ in so that he has to take the stand, but that means he got to impeach these witnesses. just pissed that Bernie let them lie and he don’t buckle them down. It’s like he’s scared to upset them. The defence drives nails into the witnesses, Bernie need to understand that Trayvon life should not be in vain GZ needs to pay & e expect more.

    • Malisha says:

      You can’t impeach your own witness.

      • Romaine says:

        that’s too bad cause i’d sure nough get jenna, John, and t. smith…
        does anyone think Bernie is concerned about the sanctions Omara filed against him, maybe omara is intimidating Bernie with that?

        • I do not believe Bernie is concerned about those motions for sanctions.

        • LeaNder says:

          I agree, with Fred. Who by the way showed us that these motions are unfounded, smoke and mirrors and possibly attempts at delay, as Nelson realized. That is why she ruled she will deal with matters after the trial. The only thing she may possibly grant is the motion concerning the delay of the deposition of Rachel. Since the videotaping was granted later. And defense can prove it was in their paperwork. Although I think they used a trick to only add it later. But surely not the rest, and there are more allegations. Remember.

          Concerning the videotaping event, BDLR couldn’t care less whatever the outcome. He has a right to object. And in this event it was not completely his fault, since Nelson couldn’t be reached directly.

          If you think that Bernie is intimidated, shouldn’t Nelson be too somehow? After all the writ was granted. I have not seen her change her ruling after that very much as a result. E.g. concerning the earlier calls with the “exquisite” argument by O’Mara the earlier calls that only show good behavior of his client and thus cannot be entered in evidence. Do I need to add an irony alert?

          But concerning the earlier calls, I wondered why Smith was not asked about the event at 02/02/2012 at Taaffe’s house, where Fogen followed “the suspect”, and called back to report the change of address. But it seems that Jonathan Mead was the one arriving first and then contacted Smith via radio.

          Jonathan Mead was deposed by defense on Oct. 17, 2012. He was the first followed by Wagner, the guy who took the photo, Erwin, the man who did the test with Fogen and if I am correct, claims he was present when Tracy supposedly said, no that is not his son, and Ciesla, who watched the event but did not hear what Tracy said since he spoke very low. The man that updated his report the same day Serino filed,, or had to file the R.O.I addition to his earlier Capias concerning the “not my son” event.

          This suggests to me that defense also considers Jonathan Mead’s testimony important.

        • LeaNder says:

          Come to think of it, it also shows that their argument that the earlier calls don’t matter is insincere.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Bernie is no newbie he has hundred of cases under his belt and he has won them using his own inimitable style. By now he knows what the jury is looking for and he has a good idea of what they are thinking and what impresses jurors the most.

      Bernie knows that when the defense badgers witnesses, then blows up these huge fake evidence balloons full of hot air, all it takes is one little puncture to deflate them. Do it once and the jury becomes suspicious of the defense, do it twice and the jury becomes annoyed with the defense. Do it a third time and the jury will be determined to send the client to jail, no matter the Savior himself should appear. It’s just human nature when ticked off, to want to do something about it. Three bad jolts is all the excuse they will need to Ka-boom the kaboodle!

  13. breelee says:

    I loved when Bernie had the PA show with her fingers how big fogens back boo-boos were. That would be a great picture to share. You could barely see her fingers apart.

    If I was Bernie here’s what I would try to prove happened. Maybe there was a “tussle”, but what fogen then did and explains how Trayvon could have been on top was just like people who force others to rear end them.

    Meaning: When fogen decided he was mad and not going to take it anymore, having a teenager “sass” him, he pulled him on top of him with his gun already out. Trayvon knew fogen was trying to make it look like he was attacking him, and knew he was going to shoot to kill. That’s why he was screaming in terror. Not only was he being killed, but was also being framed as the attacker.

    fogen knew if Trayvon was on top it’d look like he was defending himself. And if John really saw Trayvon moving his arms down, that was because he was trying to break free and save his own life since no one was coming out to help. And that Jon pizzes me off. He wouldn’t go help a screaming person, but runs out AFTER a gun shot is heard???!!! I do think the PA helped the state some, and I know MOM freaked when she let it out he was seeing a psych. lol Have a great weekend everyone.

    • Malisha says:

      Fogen was never underneath, in my opinion. He was on top but W-6 couldn’t recant his ENTIRE testimony; he was scared because he had said too much and to recant the whole damn thing would DEFINITELY bust him as at least an accessory after the fact. He had to retain some part of his original lie, which he had told with the idea that it wouldn’t be questioned because the police were so assuring and so protective of anybody who would tell the Fogen self-defense story. This thing really turned around on him and he got scared. My belief is that Trayvon was struggling, yelling, trying to run, being restrained, flailing, and then on the ground with Fogen over him killing him. Period. Not that it matters. Defending himself after being followed and accosted would not make Fogen’s actions into self-defense.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      My guess is they knew gz’s voice because they knew him. They didn’t go out side because they didn’t want to be a witness to gz beating up some black youth. They were okay with that so they ducked inside and let gz have his way. What they didn’t expect was the gunshot! Because they then realized what a terrible thing they had done by not going out to stop the fighting.

      They should not have been okay with gz beating up anyone, but they were and that’s what landed them in the soup. They did not want to face a trial of any sort, because they knew they would lose big time and an enraged jury might destroy the RATL.

  14. Donna Flores says:

    Looking back at the testimony of Good, he said he first spotted trayvon and zimmerman right on top of each other flat, as if Zimmerman was falling and might have grabbed on to Trayvon and brought him down with him, which automatically puts Trayvon on top, which probably freaked him out more. Could explain the small cuts to Zimmerman head, maybe landing on the sidewalk, which is when he yells out. Trayvon was asking for help, Zimmerman was just yelling. The nose, definitely had to be from recoil. I just wish Bernie would have made some suggestions.

    • Donna Flores says:

      which is why the phone hit the grass, and Trayvon was saying Get off me Get off me, in teenage languages that means leave me alone, not that the person is literally on you.

      • Ms.X says:

        When people invade my personal space, thats what I say Otherwise I might ask, “Why are ya’ll all up on me?”

    • ladystclaire says:

      You can definitely hear Fogen in the background, mocking Trayvon. every time we hear Trayvon cry out for help, one can also hear Fogen mocking him. it’s there clear as a bell.

      Maybe his justice should be meted out in the street, just like he did Trayvon. either way, like someone else has said, Fogen is a “DEAD MAN WALKING.”

      Each time Trayvon yells out help me, Fogen yells help. this is such a shame and, my GOD I don’t want him to get away with murdering this kid.

    • MrSykes says:

      I honestly think Fogen cut his head by running into one of the sharp tree branches out there in the grass during the struggle.

  15. Sabrina B. says:

    Thanks! It so easy to get discouraged. I forgot that one of the things we found out today is that fogen never said, “help me with this guy.”

  16. fauxmccoy says:

    time wise on trayvon/zimmerman and use of racial slurs
    i agree with this man, as usual


    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Thank for the link to Tim Wise’s excellent piece, fauxmccoy.

      From the article:

      For even if we interpret the term in the light most damaging for Martin, a difference remains between that and the way in which Zimmerman saw Martin as the embodiment of black criminality (and had on several previous occasions when black males entered the neighborhood, including in one case a 9-year old child on whom he called police).

      The difference is this: Martin’s racialized “bias” if we choose to call it that, against Zimmerman, prompted him to attempt to avoid Zimmerman. He ran away from him. Zimmerman’s racialized bias against Martin led him to pursue Martin. And that matters. For if the latter hadn’t happened, no one would know either man’s name today. Martin would still be alive and Zimmerman would still just be a pathetic wanna-be cop.

      In short, comparing these things is like comparing…let’s see…Skittles and handguns.

    • dianetrotter says:

      Interesting! Well thought out!

  17. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    I have never seen such creases on the lower lips……guess it is where he rests his fangs.

  18. Tee says:

    Is this not grounds for a mistrial? I would think.

  19. dianetrotter says:

    Do not be so quick to declare defeat. Prosecution will definitely bring up
    1. Z said don’t call the police because he was on the phone with them (cellphone will prove this lie)
    2. He did NOT ask anyone to help him (as proved by witnesses)
    3. I’m gon git you mothaF (or whatever from the 70s) is not plausible in any of the scenarios witnessed
    4. Me will show no way TM could have said, “You got me! I give.” or otherwise give a departing dissertation prior to dying.
    5. He needs to explain how they moved from the T is that is where he was attacked.

    I’m not an attorney but there is so much left to be done. Angela Corey, BDLR, Mantei, and cute John Guy … they got this.

    • Sabrina B. says:

      Thanks! It so easy to get discouraged. I forgot that one of the things we found out today is that fogen never said, “help me with this guy.”

    • disappointed says:

      As to your #1 today I believe it was MOM who did mention something to John about Fogen saying he called the police whether just then or within 4 minutes. Not his exact words, so I do not believe oh Fogen was on the phone trying to get help out there.
      Let’s not forget we still have all of his phone records. Show me some text and show me who he called on the 26 and 27th. I would also like his daddy’s phone records also.

  20. Tee says:

    This is crazy I couldn’t even watch some of this shit! Sorry for the language I’m mad as hell. They lie on the stand and you can tell the ones that are going to lie just by looking at their face, & Bernie don’t rip them apart he’s to damn easy on them and this isn’t working.

    • jm says:

      Agree Tee. Bernie better have an ACE up his sleeve or he is going to be the biggest goat ever and perhaps targeted more than GZ . He can’t afford to blow this case yet he seems to be doing this either due to incompetence or a fix. Bernie is in a lose-lose situation now.

    • Malisha says:

      You can’t impeach your own witness.

      The defense has not made any real important points with ANY witness so far. Not ONE.

  21. Sabrina B. says:

    Didn’t this man’s son kill himself? Taffe’s? He is a nasty man and I can but feel sorry for what that kid might have had to go through growing up with him.

    • Malisha says:

      One son died of a drug overdose a few years back, and Taaffe was not allowed at the funeral (separate memorial service later) because his ex-wife and his other two kids had restraining orders out against him. THEN his other son died, in a car accident, after having gone public IN THIS CASE about his father being a drunk, an abuser, a liar, and a racist. His ex-wife and daughter STILL have restraining orders out against him.

      What a prize. To be telling other people what’s right and what’s wrong. OMG. Talk about growing CORN! He grows poison IVY!

  22. Puck says:

    MSNBC doing a live GZ trial special at 10 p.m. edt.

  23. Judy75201 says:

    When O’Mara tries to appeal to “reasonable doubt”, I want BDLR to ask, “Is it reasonable to believe that Trayvon attacked a stranger for no reason, sucker punched him, and pounded his head into the pavement a dozen times, all while leaving no DNA of the event, while on his way home from 7/11 with candy and a drink, and on the phone with his friend?”

  24. LLMPapa says:

    I’m not gonna let this shit go by.

  25. My Forehead Tho says:

    To those who haven’t seen West’s daughter’s instagram photo mocking the prosecution and/or RJ, here you go:

    • KittySP says:

      They showed this on HLN Dr. Drew.

      • KittySP says:

        By posting this for all the world to see…they’ve become the face of stupidity! “That was real retarded, Mr. Don, sir!”

    • Malisha says:

      Uh Oh, very stooooopid.

      BTW I decided, after reading about this earlier, to go get myself some ice cream. Strangely, the freezer at the grocery store was all tied up with string and a sign was posted:


      That does it! I’m gonna sue West for intentional irritation beyond the point of endurance.

  26. Brandy says:

    Hi Professor, cant wait to hear your thoughts on the way this trial is going so far. I would love to hear some uplifting words of wisdom from you 🙂 I am feeling worried about the way things are going!

    I need to shut it all down and watch a movie and spend time with the family. Hope everyone has a great weekend!


    • dianetrotter says:

      I would thing this is a very serious ethical breach – not from an attorney from someone who has been warned to NOT TALK ABOUT IT let alone take victory photo ops.

  27. Judy75201 says:

    I don’t care how often someone claims something happened a certain way. If there are pics, vids, and DNA/physical evidence that don’t support your claim, you won’t be believed at the end of the day–sleazy lying creepy lawyers notwithstanding. Fogen is going to prison.

  28. PYorck says:

    I didn’t see today as negatively as many here. Sure, it was a defensive day, but those witnesses and arguments don’t go away. I think it makes sense that the state addresses them during their own case. At the end of the day the defense didn’t get much out of what were probably their best witnesses. Had the defense called them all for the first time during their own case there would have been the risk that they present a coherent other side of the story that the state doesn’t want you to know about™. What is the defense supposed to do now? Call them all again and ask them the same things? Sure, they are allowed to sit there and insist that they don’t have to prove a thing, but is that really such a great option?

  29. Brandy says:

    I should say on Dr Drew with Mark Eiglarsh sitting in for him, they think the pic is inappropriate as well

  30. Brandy says:

    They are showing the pic of West and daughters that was posted on Instagram right now on HLN

  31. sparger says:

    Looked at the pix of Don west.He has bumps on his bald head. Bernie should put his head and west’s head into evidence to show people have bumpy heads naturally.

  32. Dangit people I wish you would stop calling Don West, Skeletor. Jeez, can’t we be more dignified adults here?

  33. jm says:

    Thank you GrannyStandingForTruth. I heard someone wise on say that the truth from Rachael will not be accepted because of her looks and her dialect. The defense is counting on that. It is sickening and the prosecution can’t afford mistakes. I am getting suspect that the prosecution is either letting things slide on purpose or they are incompetent. Not sure which but today was a disaster they could not afford.

  34. Puck says:

    Here’s when Mantei and Bernie show MOM and West the laptop:

    • Puck says:

      oops, around 2:02

    • Romaine says:

      they are definitely covering up. officer smith perjured himself during his testimony, the defendant was allowed to go to the rest room and clean up on his own…then when he came out of the bathroom discovered the defendants fire arm and retrieved it. there is a statement to this fact. nothing about providing the defendant with a bottle of water and allowing him to clean up in the interrogation room…this is the BS that is annoying me

      • aussie says:

        I’ve seen all the evidence dumps and I don’t recall any such statement at all.

        There was a set of statements all the police made to the FDLE investigators. They are not statements made in any chronological order. They were replies to a number of unrelated questions in no particular order.

        You may be thinking of one of these.

        The firearm was taken from GZ AT THE SCENE and there are several witnesses to that.

      • Malisha says:

        The gun was on the front seat of the squad car as Tim Smith drove Fogen in. Where’s the dashcam? I DID see a report that said Fogen was allowed to go into the restroom by himself, unsupervised, and clean up, and he came out. I definitely saw that.

      • Romaine says:

        i’m not good at attaching links but I will look for what I’ve stated and try to post it

      • Romaine says:

        okay this is a narrative from TC Osteen on march 23, 2012, documenting ofc T smith interview it is in the SOA document doc dump..if anyone has that document review it and you will find the discrepancy i’m referring to.

        I’ve tried to cut and paste it with no success

    • dianetrotter says:

      Selected item is not currently available.

  35. racerrodig says:

    Today was very disappointing but I only saw / heard a few bits.

    However, if you read between the lines, JG said all this blah, blah, blah and this, that and the other thing and yet all of this happened while he was on his way up the stairs to the window (the pussy)

    He admitted he could not / did not see or hear anything resembling any punching or contact.

    Now listen to his call which has the exact same problem that cac’s call has re: the “…he circled my truck…” aspect. His call never cites a fight as it allegedly happened, and he says it sounded like a pop or a rocket. Only when he says there are other people outside with flashlights does he say it was a gunshot. What’s up with that ??

    The PA was a joke, but why didn’t Bernie assail her “if he said his nose was broken, it must have been broken, who am I to argue” line of thought.

    • jm says:

      racerodig “The PA was a joke, but why didn’t Bernie assail her “if he said his nose was broken, it must have been broken, who am I to argue” line of thought.”

      I agree. Bernie was not competent in questioning the PA further. She was awful and Bernie let it stand as if she was capable. Her notes say GZ’s head was normocephalic, atraumatic. No it wasn’t. If he had lacerations the head was not atraumatic. This may be over Bernie’s head and he let it fly.

      • Malisha says:

        Lacerations were skin injuries. No “head trauma.” Ergo no “pounding.”

      • tonya B says:

        trust me im sure BDLR has experts to come in and tell the jury about head injuries …..NO WORRIES…… why would he argue with a PA shes no expert…….

      • Malisha says:

        They will need medical experts to say that the injuries Fogen had were not the result of a life-threatening beat-down IF and ONLY IF the defense puts on evidence of self-defense! By whatever means the defense thinks it can put on such evidence, then there would be plenty of rebuttal witnesses — NONE of whom would be on the witness lists of course because they don’t HAVE to be — to rebut the self-defense claim. So now, the witnesses are testifying to make sure they can’t go on as part of the defense’s self-defense case (they won’t dare try to reverse their testimony!) and whatever they say, who cares so long as they do not say:

        1. That they observed Trayvon Martin START A FIGHT with Fogen and then beat him mercilessly; or

        2. That they heard or knew of any plan on Trayvon Martin’s part to kill a creepy-ass cracka in Sanford.

        The rest of it, no matter. West’s and O’Mara’s inane “theories” of the case consist of “isn’t it possible that…” and no matter what’s possible, reasonable doubt must be based on some kind of evidence or a LACK of evidence on the prosecution side.

        Already we do not have a lack of evidence on the prosecution side. We have more evidence than either the Arias or the Anthony trial had. (In Arias we did not have a recorded statement from the killer that she did not want the victim to get away; in Anthony we did not have the alleged killer’s admission that she had actually killed the victim.) So we’re way ahead and we need to calm our nerves.

  36. ks says:

    Folks please hold firm. I suspect we are being trolled a bit because the folks around here are usually very level headed. Hopefully, the Prof and Crane can do a sweep to see what’s what.

    Anyway, if you step back you’d see that on balance the prosecution had a good start.

    Notice how it’s now established as fact the GZ aggressively perused TM and exhibited similar paranoia behavior in the past?

    Notice how GZ’s simple and self serving narratives of the struggle is gone? All of the witnesses so far report seeing and hearing some sort moving argument and struggle. Not some simple, “he hit me, I fall down, he try and kill me” nonsense.

    Notice how “thug MMA TM” is gone now that we know that GZ was the one who was actually training in MMA and due to his lawyers incompetence, part of his shady personal history is starting to come in

    All that matters with the PA is the report she took the day after. That’s what will be used as evidence not MOM’s could bes and might bes, etc. smoke blowing exercises.

    MOM and West have been boxed in to trying to absurdly gin up GZ’s minor scraps. It’s all they have left and that will be fully taken away next week thought it started today with the testimony about his demeanor and mind scraps.

    • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

      Ks, everyone that voices their disappointment with how this trial is going is not a troll. I’ve posted on here from day one. But, right now, I’m very upset with the way the media has treated Rachel.

      • ks says:


        I’m not talking about you or a lot of the other regulars but there has been an influx of some questionable folks and I suspect some ID stealing.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        @Ks, I apologize. Right now, I can hardly think straight and that’s why I gonna go to my corner and hush so that I can cool off a little bit. Before I came back here, I had read some negative stuff that someone said was posted on West’s twitter account and some other stuff where people were putting Rachel down and it pissed me off because she is just a kid. Nothing pisses me off more than adults verbally or physically abusing kids.

      • ks says:


        I understand and it’s all good. : )

    • Shari says:

      I’m not a sock or troll. I watch the trial as if I were a juror and not on the side of justice for Trayvon. People on twitter were excited about the security footage but I’m not sure how the jury saw it. If negative posts are too demoralizing I can keep it on twitter or to myself. We have been waiting a YEAR. I hope this is all part of some big plan because if not I’m putting my tin foil hat on.

      AC’s office is supposed to be top notch. They have had a year. Fogen needs to go down, we need 0 errors. One of the jurors said Trayvon shouldn’t have been out “so late” at night. What are those other women thinking? What prior bias do they have? I don’t know them or their character can we trust them to take their oath seriously? Who knows

  37. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    I need to take a break. Right now, you can fry and egg on my forehead and it would turn a crispy black inside out. When it comes to abusing children mentally or physically, I do not play. Nor do I partake in upholding any adult who does those type of things.

    And for adults to gang up on a kid, humiliate, insult, and ridicule them in mainstream media let’s me know that we have some mentally unbalanced adults that are no better than child abusers. In fact, adults who participated in tearing Rachel down and destroying that child in mainstream media are child abusers in my book. I don’t care how they try to justify what they did to her, it is inexcusable!

    I pray that Rachel will be strengthen in her spirit, that the public humiliation does not result in her committing suicide, and that her self-esteem is not completely destroyed. I pray that the Lord puts someone in her path that will lift her spirits and encourage her.

    Right now I am too upset to even talk, so I’m going back to my corner and hush.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      You might want to read this article, granny:


      I admire Rachael for her honesty, strength, and ability to stand up to West.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        So much of the media has lost its soul.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        Thank YAHT, that article is my point exactly. Since when does speaking the King’s English determine if someone is a human being or not? The media dehumanized that child and that is what pisses me off. Smh!

        I observed how that child was literally shaking on the stand even talking about Trayvon. When she said, “You don’t understand. You just don’t understand.” And they don’t, nor do they care. She is a hurting and wounded in her spirit child who is grieving over the loss of her friend and now she is being held up for public ridicule. The bible says, “Thou shalt not kill” and people don’t realize that they can kill with their mouth as well. Words are powerful and with the dehumanization of Rachel, I pray that all of those with their unkind words haven’t killed her spirit.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        Sorry, I hit the button accidentally before I said that she is traumatized by the whole ordeal.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        I agree with you, granny.

        However, thankfully, Rachael’s strong spirit won’t let West turn her around. She has an inner strength to call it as she sees it.

        Right now, I have to have hope that BDLR will shine next week and prove that gz’s story is a lie. I do not want to worry right now. I am still feeling the devastating effects of the Supreme Court decision gutting the core of 1965 Voting Rights Act.

        I am glad your spirit shall not be moved or turned around, and that you, too, call it as you see it in your other recent post:

        >But I learned something new out of this whole ordeal. Speaking the King’s English determines who is human and who is not. A child killer is considered a hero. We live in a sick, strange country.

      • Malisha says:

        RIDICULOUS! They’re trying to tear down Rachel because she dominated West and stood up for the truth in that courtroom. No game, no shame, and no nonsense; when she said he was saying something that was “retarded” it was not, as the journalist incorrectly noted, the idea that Trayvon attacked Fogen; it was the idea that Trayvon LIED to her about his intention to escape Fogen, but then instead chose to take him on. Rachel said it was retarded because Hell YES IT WAS!

      • groans says:

        Thanks for that link, YAHTC!

  38. sparger says:

    Some all of you need to come off that ledge. Today wasn’t the best date but it wasn’t the worse. The prosecution needs to regroup and counter all the dumb arguments West and Omara put on today. Monday is a new day.

    • jm says:

      The prosecution doesn’t get a day off. They need to be on their best game everyday. They blew it today.

      • Judy75201 says:

        You don’t know what is to come. Neither do I. So I think your judgment is premature.

        • jm says:

          Every day should be a win. No I don’t know what is to come but I do know there has been doubt planted in the juror’s mind so far.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        @jm, yes, they did. It’s almost like it’s a setup to fail in winning. I’ve already said a few posts ago how I felt it was gonna turn out. It’s part of America’s ugly history.

        But I learned something new out of this whole ordeal. Speaking the King’s English determines who is human and who is not. A child killer is considered a hero. We live in a sick, strange country. I’m trying my best to believe that it’s gonna work out, but I can’t help feeling ashamed to be called an American.

      • KA says:

        I have to disagree with you. Let me tell you a few of my thoughts…

        I do not think the State wants a he said/she said decision. The witnesses today were not qualified to give much of an opinion on GZ’s health or the location of the bodies when the gun was fired….but a medical expert on head injuries, blood flow, and brain damage is. A witness that contradicts the stories of other witnesses is not an absolute expert as it was admittedly dark…but a ballistics expert, a medical examiner, and other forensic experts ARE qualified to say the most likely position of the body when the gun went off and whether Trayvon was on the bottom or top in the most likely and probable scenario.

        I do not think BLDR wants to waste his questions on nonexperts. It is FAR more powerful to ask the questions from the absolute experts the FIRST TIME that will clearly blow “self defense” out of the water.

        Let O’Mara have his playtime with amateurs, he will not be so slick with the professionals that have absolute data in front of them.

        I remember in the Arias trial, the abuse experts were very compelling to jurors, but the horrible gravity of the murder and planning was far more powerful.

        John Guy, in his opening statement said it will be shown that GZ did not need to kill Trayvon, he WANTED to. He also talked about the punctuation of the screams at the gunshot…which I think is damning to the thought that the one with the gun made.

        I think, by the time the prosecution rests, it will be clear that GZ shot him because he WANTED too.

    • ks says:

      Exactly. There’s was some good pro-prosecution testimony today and think about it, if John was the best “defense” witnesses, then GZ is in trouble. From a strategy standpoint, the prosecution is methodically dismantling the defense piece by piece.

      • KA says:

        Jurors are humans. We all make decisions, big and small, each day taking a lot of data into account. We are always faced with positive and negative consequences of a decision and we make the decision that makes sense taking ALL the data into account. The State HAS to present data that is potentially risking or the defense will nail when it is their turn. which is more damaging

        This shows the potential defense side of the story AND M2 is still appropriate.

      • tonya B says:

        @KA I totally agree with you 100%

    • Sophia33 says:

      I did not see today as a bad day, like I thought Tuesday. I looked at it as an information presenting day. More of a foundational day that didn’t hurt or benefit either side. It was just laying the framework.

  39. towerflower says:

    I went trolling and the Z supporters are awfully quiet on their sites. Nothing on today’s hearing at all. Wonder what’s up with that. Did they finally go underground where they belong?

    • Justice for Little Trayvon says:

      Wow, what a day for the prosecution, but when are they (the prosecution) going to bring up all the facts that prove murder 1.
      You know, like that Bad Man George got out of his car, and the Racist PROFILLED Little Trayvon. We all know Bully George followed Little Trayvon, and Little Trayvon was just Standing his Ground just like that Florida Law reads. Doesn’t the Asshole George know you can’t shoot an Unarmed Innocent Little Black Boy who is Standing his Ground, that that’s murder 1.

      • cielo62 says:

        JFLT~ They are not going for Murder 1, even though the evidence sure does point to it. They are charging Murder 2. Otherwise, the prosecution would need to convene a Grand Jury to bring Murder 1 charges.


        • Lonnie Starr says:

          @JFLT: The prosecution can’t just pick any old witness and put on any set of facts they want to establish. You have to have certain witnesses to put only discrete parts of the case into evidence. The complete story, therefore, will be made up of sentences, paragraphs and even just exclamations, each made by different witnesses as appropriate for what they can say, either because of their training, experience or observations.

          People who know what trials are like, are not paying attention to what the attorney’s say, because that is not evidence. Only the statements made by the witnesses, and the items accepted by the court into evidence, are what the jury will have to base their decision upon. If a juror were to raise any claim, that were based on anything outside of what has been heard and accepted during the trial, they should be challenged and will have to discard that argument if so.

          Omar keeps making statements and remarks that he hopes jurors will be confused into thinking that it was evidence and not his remarks. But, in reality, so far, he has nothing he can use to make an effective closing statement with.

    • Malisha says:

      It is possible that someone has put the word out on them. Crazy Cracker went south saying he was gonna get all this incredible “bombshell” stuff on Trayvon that was gonna bust the case wide open. They found out who Rachel was. They have been spouting off like crazed Baskerville Hounds — perhaps someone got a little visit from the FBI asking if they were planning violence or conspiring to deprive someone of constitutional rights under color of state law. Who knows. It might very well be that some e-mail traffic gave some federal agency pause .,.. dahn da dahn dahn ….. Daaaaaaa!

  40. sparger says:

    I love how George is at once morbidly obese and much smaller than Trayvon at the same time.

  41. Since Don West is discussing the case with his daughters about witnesses, then maybe Bernie needs to bring this before the court about the photo.The defense shouldn’t be allowed to put Rachel Jeantel back on the stand just to attempt to humiliate her for his daughter’s pleasures.

    • jm says:

      Sorry but after today I think Bernie is incompetent. He let so many things fly with the medical provider I am more than discouraged Bernie is either not up to the task or is blowing this case on purpose.

      • JM

        I am soo disappointed with Bernie’s performance. I’m disappointed Bernie hasn’t been more aggressive when he’s had the chance.

      • Malisha says:

        I don’t think Bernie is incompetent. Not at all.
        If he’s gonna try to throw this case it won’t be for stupidity at all but for political reasons. Perhaps to show that the SPD shouldn’t be punished because after all it was an unwinnable case. Anything is possible. But I have not seen any evidence that he is beginning to LOSE so all that speculation is probably just “distress brought on by fatigue and loneliness.” We’re all tired. We’re all feeling the intense loneliness that was represented by Rachel’s presentation, without Trayvon in the world any more. We felt the existential loneliness called forth by the death shriek. We saw Sybrina’s eyes dart around in pain and we saw Tracy sobbing in the gallery. We’re hurt and tired and angry and I think we’re over-reacting to some minor disappointments in the last day.

        We saw that many witnesses SUPPORT Fogen but they couldn’t put on any evidence that would HELP him. Remember that. The biggest piece of evidence this WEEK in my opinion (that had not yet been revealed) was the MMA thing.

        We’re doing fine. Take six deep breaths and let them out slowly.

        Tray-von. (breathe)
        Benja-min. (breathe)
        Mar-tin. (breathe)
        will beeeeee (breathe)
        remembered (breathe)
        and blessed. (breathe)

      • aussie says:

        Guys, he does not have to prove every single tiny teeny little point.

        Let the defence torture a witness for an hour over a single word. All that really achieved was to burn Rachel’s testimony into the brains of the jurors.

        There are things the State is letting slide, to make them easier to forget. Or which they’ll later bring someone else for, someone better qualified, or someone to show it from a different angle. Or to lull the defence into thinking they don’t regard it as a big issue.

        This trial is a jigsaw puzzle. They’re leaving sections and moving on to another, then coming back. And in the end, if a few littler pieces are MISSING it does not matter – the total picture will still say MURDER 2.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        I thought BDLR could have done better, but he also made many good points without being hostile and pushing the witnesses, which I think shows his experience and wisdom. He has an easygoing style compared to OM and West.

    • Judy75201 says:

      I’d say Don West is “disgusting” the case LOL.

    • type1juve says:

      Mr Don shouldn’t be allowed within 10 feet of any black witness in this case.

  42. PiranhaMom says:

    I have a question for Professor Leatherman –

    And including all the legal eagles aboard —

    After the prosecution brings ALL its witnesses in, has them examined by both the prosecution and the defense, setting the stage to REBUT the defense when the defense brings all its witnesses in (with the prosecution using SPD clips of GZ’s multiple claims and refuting them), then BDLR/team wraps up in a slam-bang closing argument — OR — big OR here — can O’Mara thwart all that by, at the end of the prosecution’s witnesses, by announcing “we rest our case and call for a dismissal” or equivalent?

    Thus denying BDLR the chance to rebut the defense’s few stupid witnesses, denying BDLR the chance to use the SPD videos, and denying the prosecution its Scud Missile closing argument?

    Sending the sequestered jurors home EARLY in appreciation – if they do acquit?

    O’Mara just gets to say “The prosecution has failed to deliver proof beyond a reasonable doubt that my injured client committed M-2 thus you must acquit. We rest our case.”

    How does the process work?

    Please tell me it’s not legally possible.

    • Beverly says:

      I think it can be done to say we are sure the State did not meet the burden of proof and move for a verdict….. so therefore the defendant is not guilty. That would be so extremely risky in this case, but it has happened.

  43. anita says:

    ~youallhave thoughtfulcomments, You’re100% right, I wasn’t raised to call young girls b——, but, I’s been a long week, I had knocked back 2 drinks. I would be ashamed for my mom to know I had referred to these girls like this. Sometimes we need reminded to be respectful. Thanks again, looking forward to next week. Hopefully more incriminating testimony against fogen

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      What a dear you are to take the time to understand my feelings about the word and to be so great to write me, anita!

      A toast to you!

      Enjoy your restful weekend!

  44. willisnewton says:

    GZ thinks he won’t have to testify I’m guessing at this point.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Because the PA read what gz told her about the punching and headslamming?

  45. riisey007 says:

    HLN just reported it but Valez says it was tweeted on Tuesday and that as before Rachel testified.

    • elle says:

      So they were making fun of Selene and that makes it better how?

      • riisey007 says:

        Elle, it does not make it better at all, it is absolutely disgusting how arrogant and cocky West is and how elitist he has raised his daughter. A lot of people assumed it was aimed at Rachel because everyone saw how bad he treated her. Michael Skolnik even brought it up tonight on Jane Vale show.

      • elle says:

        Their spin will be interesting. Can you imagine my child acting like that? I would be so ashamed.

      • elle says:

        Dang it: your child.

  46. RobertSF says:

    It looks like Molly West has deleted all her twits. I don’t do social media, but I do do photoshop. I took that ice-cream photo and made a little change to it.

    If you like it, distribute it.

  47. mobjack says:

    I think the MMA angle can easily turn the case around.

    Someone who practices 9 hours a week takes it very seriously. Would they really fear for their life if they got into a fight?

    Even if Trayvon was on top at one point, Zimmerman could easily counter it and get the advantage, especially if he weighed more.

    It would also give confidence to go an detain someone if you think they looked suspicious.

    • Rachael says:

      They might have to be careful with that though, someone who practices 9 hours a week and takes it seriously and still “felt he had to) resort(ed) to a gun might be (by some) believed that it was necessary.


      • HereslookingatYou says:

        the jurors are fools if they believe someone who claims they laid there all of 40secs couldn’t defend themselves for a minute more knowing police where on the way and the person claiming this trained in MMA and made NO attempt just blew this kid away

    • Malisha says:

      No need for the MMA thing to “turn the case around,” but in principle I agree to the notion. The case started off weighted for the prosecution because we have the facts and the evidence. It went heavily for the prosecution for three days while the defense smelled no better than an outhouse in August. Then the defense began to look slightly less hopeless because people heard that Fogen MIGHT have had a bump and he MIGHT have gotten sat upon for 10 seconds and he MIGHT have been near the T. But then it became obvious that he had no serious injuries and that he trained intensively — INTENSIVELY — as an MMA fighter, for six months, before marking, tailing and killing Trayvon Martin. He’s t-o-a-s-t and we should all go get ice cream cones to confirm it.

      • Cercando Luce says:

        The picture of Don West and his daughters mocking witnesses in a murder trial will cut my ice-cream calories for sure. I do not want to be like THEM.

  48. Sabrina B. says:

    Was it Florida where the man shot at the black teens in the car, killing one, at the gas station? I believe he claimed they intimidated him and he thought he saw a gun. He then went to the hotel to party afterwards only turning himself in the next day. I think this will become a problem if fogen is set free. Racists will know what to do and say after they gun down random blacks that may walk in their neighborhood.

    • towerflower says:

      That happened in Jacksonville, FL. His name is Michael David Dunn, he didn’t like their loud music and he got into a verbal argument while his girlfriend was in the store. He said he saw someone aim a gun at him and he fired in self-defense. He fled the scene when his girlfriend came out and he promptly left town to his home in Satellite Beach, FL (east Central FL). He didn’t count on someone getting his license plate and he turned himself in when word got out. This is another SYG that will go nowhere. The 4 kids, one of which he killed, were not armed.

      • aussie says:

        AFTER allegedly seeing the gun, he turned his back on them, walked back to his vehicle, got inside and got out HIS weapon.

        If he were really afraid for his life, and had managed to make it back to his own vehicle, the sensible way to save his life would have been to drive off. Or at least lie on the floor. NOT walk back towards them as a full-size standing target (after they dumbly neglected to shoot him in the back while they had the chance, as he first walked away).

      • Sabrina B. says:

        Thanks, I vaguely remember the details. It is pretty scary to think there will be more of this. If I lived in Fl. I would move.

  49. Big Willie says:

    I just realized, Trayvon must’ve got “crazy ass cracker”, from Chris Rock’s stand-up routine.

    • KA says:

      I bet you are right. Trayvon used many things in his social media posts that came from movies or songs….

      This is worthy of a distribution.

    • Malisha says:

      Trayvon Martin’s build — just like Chris Rock. Skinny, long drink of water. Compared to “obese” 205-pound MMA-trained muscle-bound side-arm-toting poster boy for anger management fail.

  50. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Are any of the news channels reporting on the photo that Don West’s daughter posted?

  51. tharealkeisha says:

    I’m severely frustrated. They better get this one right. I can feel something bad happening.

    • Malisha says:

      Ever since Foge got a permit to carry a gun, something bad has been happening. But struggles against bad things are difficult and discouraging and they are STRUGGLES. So let’s take our vitamin pills and move forward.

  52. acemayo says:

    The news wants GZ free
    And the people like GZ to be able
    To kill male for any reason again
    From the bible
    to many other sources
    People believe black’s are evil

    • EdgySF says:

      I often wonder where it comes from…and I think you’re right.

      I have two friends deathly afraid of “snakes” because of the Bible. They came from fundamentalists Bible thumpers…

      It’s clear to me that people see through filters. When I see Rachel, I see beauty, tenderness, authenticity, intelligence, strength and sadness. But, apparently, people who are culturally isolated and spoiled see a non-human who is unworthy of respect much less credibility.

      Mollywest was “trained” by her family that she is better than “others.”

      She’s knows who Fogen was talking about when he said “those aholes always get away.” She knows who belongs and who is an outsider. She knows intuitively what he is really saying…what he means.

      I wonder how many white supremacists have been attracted to this case. Maybe West volunteered for this…maybe they thought he was a secret weapon because of his dedication and passion….

    • Malisha says:

      Only news stations with the “wagenda” want him free and enabled to kill pBa-lack kids. We’re in the midst of a battle here and we are winning; we don’t get every single hill but we don’t get discouraged either. We strategize.

  53. RobertSF says:

    As much as I support the prosecution, I have to say I think BDLR bungled Lindsee Folgate’s testimony.

    He didn’t ask about the drugs Zimmerman was taking.

    He didn’t get the PA to say that if Zimmerman had come in with bumps on his head, she would have noticed them.

    He didn’t get the PA to explain what “atraumatic” and “normocephalic” meant.

    He didn’t get the PA to talk about the cuts to the tip of Zimmerman’s nose, particularly whether they could have been the sole source of his nose bleeding.

    He didn’t get the PA to express skepticism that a pounding of the head against concrete would have produced such superficial injuries.

    He didn’t get the PA to convert the metric size of Zimmerman’s cuts to inches. Most people can’t visualize 0.5 cm, but most people know that a cut 3/16″ long is barely a boo-boo.

    He didn’t ask the PA if she knew that Zimmerman had a special chair at work precisely for sacroiliac pain.

    He didn’t ask the PA if Zimmerman’s two head lacerations would have been more consistent with rubbing against a sharp metallic object, like a sprinkler head embedded in the grass, than with slamming repeatedly against concrete.

    He didn’t ask the PA if Zimmerman’s assorted minor abrasions, so minor they were not evident the next day under examination, could be more consistent with rubbing against grass than hitting against concrete.

    He didn’t ask the PA if, clinically speaking, Zimmerman was a big stinking bag of poo. Ok, maybe not that question, but certainly the above. I sure hope BDLR has a medical expert in the wings to discredit Zimmerman’s story, but said expert will at best be going by photographs. Nothing could beat the medical practitioner who personally diagnosed Zimmerman.

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      You said it all at the end…. EXPERT… she is a physicians assistant.. set the defense up to show their cards…. the defense made some major mistakes this week…. we shall not forget that..

    • mobjack says:

      She gave good testimony, but O’Mara started using her as his own expert witness. Hopefully BDLR has a better qualified medical expert who won’t be lead so much by the defense to counter everything.

      • Sabrina B. says:

        I don’t believe he does. Which is why he got pissed and said what are the symptoms for a gunshot wound to the chest? He still could have emphasized fogen’s complaint more, something like “This man that had such a traumatic experience last night that he felt the need to kill a kid, came into your office the next day complaining of a prior problem with CONSTIPATION and STONES?!!”

      • mobjack says:

        I thought he was just mocking O’Mara when he asked that question about the gunshot.

    • towerflower says:

      There was a hearing early on about his medical records and the Judge went through them and decided what could and could not be brought in. I bet the drugs were on the out list.

    • uhoh says:

      I think the sidebar with JN limited the scope of BDLR’s direct exam. IIRC, five of the six jurors are mothers and know all about scrapes and cuts.

  54. dianetrotter says:

    from christculturenews.com about Don West and daughters
    Anyone who watched the last two days of testimony in the Zimmerman trial knows that West had a difficult time getting Jeantel to repeat words he tried desperately (and succeeded in doing at times) to put in her mouth. In addition, Jeantel spoke very low, had bad grammar (ebonics) and expressed attitude and impatience at times.

    This apparently means she’s “stupid,” if the conjectures about Molly West’s now deleted Instagram photo are correct.

    As you can guess, online users are not amused and have been throwing the “stupid” word back at the Wests for this inappropriate photo…especially since Ms. West’s father “killed it” during the murder trial of a 17-year-old (Zimmerman was charged with second-degree murder). Check out some reactions:

    “Y’all hear about Don West’ daughter photo….she talkin bout stupidity but that’s the dumbest thing you can do when a case still in progress”

    “@Mollywestttt No, Molly West, you clearly have NOT ‘beaten stupidity’- you’ve enshrined yourself and father #DonWest in the Hall of Fame”

    “First Don West’s knock knock joke and now this stupidity. Privilege comes in many shades. @PiaGlenn @lolojones”

  55. Sabrina B. says:

    This photo of the “stellar” West, can this have consequences considering Rachel is still under subpoena? Could this be a form of intimidation?

  56. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    I wonder if Don West knew his daughter posted this photo with the caption on Instagram. I will reserve judgement as to West’s involvement, but his daughter has displayed terrible judgement. I’d say the smarter person is Rachel imo.

  57. John D says:

    This is a terrible tragedy

  58. YQ says:

    It’s about to look really bad for the defense when they compare these small bruises to a gunshot wound. Affirmative defense=meet force with force. They have to prove that the injuries were life threatening.

    • Ms.X says:

      They really don’t. The burden of proof is on the state.. Please don’t forget that.

      • YQ says:

        They just established the issue of GZs injuries today and the psychological state of GZ shortly after the killing. They even added that he trained in MMA.

      • Malisha says:

        But it’s not a comparison of injuries.
        It’s a story of what happened.
        Who did what to whom?
        Fogen aggressed upon, stalked and killed a kid.

  59. Don West, what kind of culture is it when a defense attorney’s daughters belittle people they don’t know but yet refer to them as stupid?

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      West and his daughters should make a public apology.

    • Romaine says:

      don’s just as bad, he took them to get the ice cream and probably was his celebration idea…I guess that’s good parenting

    • towerflower says:

      His daughters need to look in the mirror and thank the good Lord that they were lucky enough to live the life they have. Others aren’t as lucky to have the things in life or the education that Daddy bought you.

      Guess the apples didn’t fall from the tree after seeing the way West treated Rachel on the stand.

  60. Judy75201 says:

    @Boyd upthread: If there was actually a “fight”, how do you explain the lack of DNA on Trayvon’s hands? Just curious. Thanks.

    • Dave says:

      While I don’t know enough about DNA evidence to address that issue, I think that there has been enough eyewitness testimony to establish that there was some sort of a fight, probably a series of feints, misses, maybe a few light connecting blows followed by some wrestling on the ground.

      • Judy75201 says:

        I can definitely see a struggle, but there is no way there was a sucker-punch that broke a nose or even one grabbing & smashing of a head into concrete, much less two dozen.

      • Ms.X says:

        Yeah, but they make it seem like Trayvon was beating an armless george zimmerman. Why didn’t the police check either one for defensive wounds? A person who has been studying MMA for a year & a half just layed there & took the ass whipping? If Trayvon made those scratches instead of the tree or bushes, some kind of DNA evidence would’ve been found. He would’ve had bruising on his hands, BUT HE DIDN’T! Trayvon’s blood is crying out from the ground.

    • boyd says:

      Hey Judy no worries. I don’t care what it’s defined as and who got bruises. , Fogen started it.

      • Judy75201 says:

        Thanks Boyd. What I was really interested in was if you think a fist-fight can happen without leaving DNA?

  61. anita says:

    Just saw the photo of West & his f-ing girls, one of the most sick depraved, spoiled ass b—–s I’ve ever seen,but, look who raised them.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Are you new here, Anita?

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        I deplore what his daughters did but I don’t like your strong labels except for “sick” and “depraved”

      • anita says:

        Yes, I’m new. I first posted 12 days ago, more or less. I’ve been reading you guys for 8 mo. I feel I know most of you regulars, I have come to respect you guys. I promise I never posted on any blog, ever I only started here because of the way I feel about this case.I’m mid 50’s W girl, childless, animal lover, married, liberal, grew up midwest. Ask cielo62, she read my first post & welcomed me . Thanks for asking, Hoodies Up

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Welcome, Anita.

        I guess, as a woman, I do not like to hear or read the word “b….ch”

      • Woow! says:

        I don’t like to hear a women called that word either but in some cases it fits and this is one of them.

  62. EdgySF says:

    The irony is that it was really, really STUPID of Molly West to post that snap.

    Ohhhhhh, the irony!!!! She is such an idiot. She messed up BIG time.

  63. Sophia33 says:

    Can someone explain why I can only hear this theme song when Mr. Don speaks?

  64. EdgySF says:

    Molly West is the ultimate “mean girl.”

    How self-entitled, clueless and spoiled can a girl be?

    Truly appalling.

    Unfortunately, mollywesterners are not uncommon.

    • Nef05 says:

      Is Molly the one with the sunglasses, or the one with the unfortunate resemblance to her father?

      Just noticed. I’ve typed Trayvon’s name so many times the “T” key is blank on my keyboard. I’ve worn the lettering off.

  65. colin black says:

    We need photos from jail when he appeared before judge with his bald head.

    Can someone pc savvy scan for fogggagge in his prison blues an buzz cut .
    Try for angles we can enlarge an compare to thease alleged swllings an bumps on hjs noggin.

    Instant cure for foggagges constipation

    Jurours return none make eye contact with him an all look to Trayvons Parents and smile.

  66. crazy1946 says:

    I guess my processor is operating rather slow today, but it just dawned on me that about an hour before the end of the session a man with a blue dress shirt and tie entered the court room and went to a blonde headed younger lady and escorted her from the court room. I think I saw a badge at his belt line, but not positive on that. It now occurs to me that this man escorted Don (the weasel) West’s evil spawn from the courtroom. I hope he is proud of his spawn, they swim in the same cess pool that he dwells in….. If some one has this session recorded, please take a moment and check and see if what I saw is right… Thanks in advance…

    • colin black says:

      If its so it will be by design off privilege an not because of any real or alleged wrong doings on her behalf.

      She was escorted out of court an then to her car .

      Which another deputy would have valet for her.

      Wext would have demanded it as entitlement same as m o m would if he had family present.

      Same was the zimspin mob need escorts every where.

      There the familfY of a V I P









      I could go on all night.



      • Two sides to a story says:

        Ooo, you’re pissed, Colin.

        One can only hope the daughter was escorted somewhere to be talked to about her cute (not) little post.

    • PiranhaMom says:


      That’s a nice-lookin’ serious intelligent-seeming guy … so I noticed him. Pays attention to the entire proceedings.

      JUST before he got up (I think he exited the courtroom, then returned to that line of seats, then beckoned the woman to come with him, and she did) I noticed he has an audio wire in his ear.

      Secret Service-style.

      I think he was called out to look at something (I expect it was a laptop outside the courtroom door, with that ice cream cone post), then he returned and called the woman to escort her out.

      My guess he’s with Alicia Corey’s team.

      May be some serious blow-back a-coming!

      • crazy1946 says:

        After seeing the “Ole Poop” look on both MOM’s and West’s face’s when they looked at the laptop, combined with the smug smile on BDLR when Judge Nelson asked if there was anything else that need to be covered today, and he said nothing that could not wait until Monday! MOM started to say something and then just basically closed his mouth for once and sunk back into his chair looking very much like he wanted to craw under the desk! Monday morning means he and West get to cry out to the tree slum for a way out of this fix they are in, over the weekend! The Japanese way with a sword would be very appropriate for West, but he is too much of a coward to accept that much responsibility for his actions. I predict that they will try to offer a fake apology instead. A gag rule is coming, that in and of itself will be good punishment for the movie star wanna be MOM! Can you imagine just how hard it will be for him to tell a reporter “NO COMMENT”? To those of you that have written off federal hate crime charges against the Fogdoit, I suggest you wait until the end of this trial, they will not and no one should ever think they would, file any charges against the Fogdoit or any member of the Sanford PD while this trial is still unfinished.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        ‘Bout time and well-deserved too.

  67. HereslookingatYou says:

    splainin—above typo

  68. HereslookingatYou says:

    the shot IT claims laying down is impossible without bending your elbow and it could not be a straight front to back…
    they will bring in the ME and firearms experts…
    plus how will the jury react to…I moved my other hand out of the way in order not to shoot it and I aimed and fired..IT has some spailin to do…

    • crazy1946 says:

      I would suggest you not actually try to recreate that scene, or you might cut your forehead and break your nose and get cuts on the end of your nose from the rear sight hitting you in the face…

      • HereslookingatYou says:

        LOL gotcha ..
        and I have no insurance to go get my likely…oh excuse me broken nose examined

    • fauxmccoy says:

      not just ‘moved its hand out of the way’
      lifted up the photo button to place a precise shot (likely with gun muzzle)

  69. Woow! says:

    Off topic….

    Last year a 30 yr old male was driving drunk and veered into the opposite lane on a two way highway striking a car killing all seven of its passengers. This was his 4th DWI.

    The court never notified the family that this guy was only being sentenced to 35 years with the possibility of parole for good behavior. There were protests but the judge would not budge. This guy’s uncle/father was a former state senator.

    The supreme court says he must serve at least 85% of his 70 year sentence but the judge ruled can get out in 29 yrs.

    original story: http://theadvocate.com/news/police/3224805-123/report-gerald-drank-12-beers

    supreme court ruling: http://theadvocate.com/home/5973026-125/greensburg-man-who-killed-7

    A week later a man of Mexican heritage hit a family of two, 1st dwi and he got life. During that same time a black man on his second DWI killed no one and got 50 yrs.

    Being a minority in America is biotch…

    • Judy75201 says:

      I feel the tide changing. I really do. I know it’s too little to late, but I honestly expect BIG changes in the next decade, and I believe this case is the harbinger.

  70. gbrbsb says:

    Anyone know if the prosecution can vary their theory of what happened as the trial progresses ?

    • Nef05 says:

      Their theory is that it didn’t happen the way fogen said it did. There’s no need to change it. (IMO)

      • gbrbsb says:

        If the State’s theory is simply that it didn’t happen how GZ says it did then there is no reason to change that, but I had the impression they had a theory of exactly how it happened and if their theory follows more or less the most dominant here I think they may have to change it or come unstuck.

        I asked because something amsterdam posted along with the “punctate” abrasions MOM went on about, as well as the other abrasions, the tiny lacerations, and the alleged “bumps”, along with what Rachel and other witnesses have testified up to now, and added in the mix GZ´s “These assholes they always get away”, I think there is another theory not really looked at, at least in depth, which seems very plausible and provable and would mean GZ shot Trayvon while he was trying to get away.

        It would also fit with there not being any scuffing to Trayvon’s knuckles, nor any of GZ’s DNA on Trayvon’s hands. It would show that any cries for help GZ says he made and witnesses say they heard, (I have isolated several from the screams I think are his as they are in the same tone and cadence as his exemplars but nothing like the voice of the screams), were in fact him calling for someone to help him restrain Trayvon, which also fits with what he said during the re-enactment.

        The theory I’m thinking would also not have to debunk or disprove any of the witnesses, not one, because it fits with all their testimonies. Nor would it have to rely on the jury disbelieving several witnesses either which IMO may be a difficult leap for them.

        It wouldn’t even be important who was on top or bottom because it would mean Trayvon was indeed trying to get away, which, as amsterdam brilliantly observed, is the ONLY way they could have “moved” from grass to pavement without changing position as John described, i.e. with Trayvon on top and GZ holding on to him with one of his grappling techniques and being dragged along under him while Trayvon was pulling forward trying to get away. It would explain the mini abrasions on ALL parts of GZ’s head, not just on the back, as he was dragged and bumped along, as well as his being more wet at the back, and explain nobody hearing any punches, just scuffling. It would even explain John saying it could have been that the one on the top was trying to push the one on the bottom down… and away I add. Indeed it would explain so many things IMO as it all fits in place.

        Usual caveats, IMBW, IMHO, IANAL or forensic or whatever, and it is just a theory, but think about it, look back on the testimonies so far, it doesn’t contradict anything far which which has to be a bonus, and IMO at least it all makes sense and leaves GZ shooting Trayvon so he couldn’t get away like the other fucking punks that always did and so he couldn’t be arrested for illegally detaining someone !

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Okay, here is a link to a sketch of a man crawling.

        How do you speculate gz would be holding on? Would it be from an earlier grab to his sweatshirt?

      • gbrbsb says:

        Yes exactly, crawling like in the picture. Sometimes Trayvon could have been as high as that even higher perhaps, others pulled down by GZ’s grappling techniques, and with GZ holding on to anywhere he could as he was bumping his stupid head along the ground. GZ could have been grappling with his legs around Trayvon’s waist, legs, or hips, linking them around one of Trayvon’s legs, maybe at times grabbing Trayvon’s arms with his hands (remember he had no defensive wounds), grabbing at Trayvon’s T-shirt, hugging his waist, whatever he could at each moment, and maybe at one moment he grabbed Trayvon’s under shirt and thus left his blood on it. Or maybe with his hands, or at least one of them, he was simply desperately trying to get to his gun !

        Remember the flailing arms, the pushing down, but no sound of punches, hits, head hitting concrete, etc. only scuffling noises, noises on grass, etc. And remember too, none of GZ’s DNA on Trayvon, nor under his fingernails. And the I’m begging you, the long shrieks that now thinking could be someone as they are trying to get away because I still can’t see someone screaming with a gun pointing at them, at least I have lived that experience myself and with all my feistiness and temper I was as meek as a lamb.

    • Dave says:

      As I understand it the theory is simple;

      The defendant profiled Trayvon.
      The defendant pursued Trayvon.
      The defendant confronted Trayvon.
      The defendant murdered Trayvon.

      I don’t see anything to change.

      • Malisha says:

        Prosecution doesn’t need to prove exactly what happened at every moment. Even had Trayvon “thrown a [or “the first”] punch” and even if Fogen had injuries [besides the wuss cuts], they do not affect the elements of Murder-2 or the outcome.

        He chased Trayvon in a car. Demonstradum.
        He got out and chased him on foot. Demonstradum.
        He confronted him and did not identify himself as a harmless neighbor who was just checking up on things. Demonstradum and Admitted as well.
        No matter what scuffle ensued, his injuries were not serious.
        He deliberately aimed at Trayvon’s heart and shot him dead.
        He did not render aid, call for aid, or try to provide or arrange assistance to an injured youth on the ground in the rain.

        His. Ass. Is. In a SLING. (That’s Slang.)

        • dianetrotter says:

          Malisha, “Deliberately aimed at his heart” just went through me. You are right. He could have shot him in the thigh easier than the heart. Zimmerman was not trying to stop an attack. He was trying to kill him. Murder in the 1st degree.

      • gbrbsb says:


        Prosecution doesn’t need to prove exactly what happened at every moment.

        I agree, Malisha, they most likely don’t, but more importantly, nor does GZ have to prove his version either, and if the prosecution don’t leave the jury with at least an idea of what could have happened, one that doesn’t include several witnesses in some sort of conspiracy, then the POS’s version could be the only one they are left with.

        Even if the defence proves without a doubt that GZ lied every which way he could, about the pursuit, about the sucker punch, about the fight, etc., IMO that may not be enough to overcome his claim of self defence, which, if I understand it correctly, which I think I do, under Florida law allows him to meet deadly force with deadly force (here is where Trayvon’s alleged deadly weapon, the concrete paving, put forward by the defence will come into play) even if he had been the initial aggressor, so long as the jury finds a reasonable doubt that he could have been in reasonable fear of his life or serious bodily harm.

        And that’s my problem with the theories to date. The visual witnesses heard so far have, IMO, sown, a lot of reasonable doubts both in respect of the the position of the two during the scuffle/fight and how it progressed, making it difficult to see without doubt that GZ is lying, while the PA reeled of quite a lot of information about the seriousness of any blunt traumas to the head, i.e. that any blunt trauma can be very serious, and that’s assuming the defence don’t bring a trauma expert to opine as well. Because, if the jury don’t already know that even a light blunt trauma to the head, without any bleeding, cuts, or immediate consequences, can be fatal, (e.g. Natasha Richardson), the defence I am sure will clarify this with an expert to explain it fully, perhaps even with the example I have given, and I cannot see any honest and upright medical expert disputing this.

        GZ’s argument of self defence does not arise during his pursuit, nor when he claims he was sucker-punched, only at the moment he shot Trayvon. It is at this point he claims to have been in fear of his life or serious bodily harm because Trayvon, armed with the concrete pavement was slamming his head into it, and there’s no denying he has some bumps and abrasions to prove at least that something happened. And the PA’s questionnaire ? Nausea, vision, tingling, etc. questions to ascertain if there were any consequences. The fact that the day after it became clear he had no serious injury is no more than hindsight. My bet is the defence will argue that how could GZ be expected to know they weren’t serious while his head was being slammed into the pavement. How could he know that one of the alleged blows would not leave him comatose, paralysed or dead? How many blows to his head would he be expected to take before shooting in self defence? indeed, I don’t think I even need to bet because they have been arguing this for a while now, iirc since they dropped SYG.

        IMO, for the prosecution to give the jury a plausible alternative to GZ’s hitting the concrete by Trayvon’s hand, and without having to argue that three, or more, intelligent witnesses, precisely those nearest to the melee, are wrong, lying or in a conspiracy, is IMO extremely extremely important to prevent this POS walking away from because of a “reasonable doubt”.

        IMO, the theory of Trayvon trying to escape with GZ holding on to him to prevent him from getting away while being dragged along, appears to fit everything while doing away with the need for conspiracies which IMO the jury will not easily accept. It fits with both witness and police testimonies, medical evidence, opinion and testimony, as well as fitting any forensic evidence, opinion and testimony, and leaves the defence’s claim of Trayvon’s “deadly weapon”, exactly how and where it would remain, as the ground under GZ over which he was dragged.

      • gbrbsb says:

        Ooops, sorry forgot something to do with the final blockquote. I will post the professor down thread to see if he can kindly correct it.

    • PiranhaMom says:


      Your theory that Zimmerman shot Trayvon while Trayvon was struggling to escape, while Zimmerman was grasping Tray’s shirts and being dragged along by Tray’s super-human adrenaline-fueled attempt to break free and run – thus opening the space between Zimmerman and Tray sufficient for the gun to be deployed – and a very “lucky” shot by Zimmerman to prevent “the asshole from getting away,” holds water.

      Tears. Entirely possible.

      Trayvon drops & Zimmerman climbs aboard. Maybe he REALLY wondered if he shot him! Checking for exit wound.

      Rises in view of everyone.

      Concocts story …

      Yeah, gbrbsb. plausible. Very.

      • gbrbsb says:

        Thnx PM, but I could only form it because of amsterdam’s fulminating comment that the only way the struggling pair could, as john said, move from grass to pavement without any change in position whatsoever and with the dark hoodie on top, and John affirmed this more than once iirc, was if Trayvon was moving forward trying to get away and GZ was holding on (and I think to more than to just Trayvon’s T shirt, e.g. he could have had his legs round Trayvon in a grappling/wrestling position explaining why several witnesses saw only one person in the dark. As amsterdam said, the one on top absolutely cannot drag the one on the bottom if nigh horizontal because they need their hands.

        Apart from the fact I think it all seems to make sense and fit into place, I also like it because it requires no conspiracy theories either which I think the jury might find very difficult to accept.

      • willisnewton says:

        I agree with both you and amsterdam. Let’s assume for argument’s sake the very worst, that somehow TM was on top and wanted to harm the man underneath him who out-wieghed him so drastically. W6/John Good saw then first on the grass (he says) then on the sidewalk, and then the body ends up in the grass. How did they move so far if the person on top was acting to FIRST harm the other person and NEVER to get away, as GZ claims in the end of his utterly false narrative?

        If they rolled over and over, possibly that could be the case, but again think about GZ’s story – in his version(s) he NEVER once grabbed Trayvon with his hands, ever. It’s as though he HAD no arms or hands during the struggle at all, except to reach for his “cell phone” at first and his gun at the very end.

        No instead imagine the movement from grass to sidewalk to grass as one where the teen was able to be on top by luck or pluck, but the one on bottom was using his body weight as a anchor to hold the teen close down too him.

        What did John Good /W6 see briefly? “Hands going down.” Like they would be if Trayvon was trying to get OFF of someone who was holding them by the sweatshirt while laying on his back and stubbornly not letting go.

        It’s possible Trayvon bonked GZ’s nose with a head-butt in this position, after being chased and tackled. It’s PROBABLE that someone in this position would be trying to smother or poke at his opponents face – but seemingly this would have been BEFORE any nose bleeding. We know there was no blood or DNA from GZ On TM’s hands or under his nails.

        Imagine you are being held down by the person under you. Wouldn’t you try to move 90 degrees to twist your way off? If you managed to lift your opponent up a bit, might they not hit their head when you collapsed or lost “footing” with one of your hands that you were desperately crawling with?

        What’s most telling to me is what GZ leaves OUT. Seriously, who gets in a life or death struggle and does nothing with their hands?

  71. Sabrina B. says:

    After I thought about it for a while. Despite all that has happened, I think what will strike, jurors more is that he went to the doctor the next day and complained of constipation and tonsils and needing a note for work.

  72. Shari says:

    We should do a hashtag on twitter of #WebOfLies and tweet all the lies Fogen told. I just did one.

  73. disappointed says:

    The photo of west and daughters, did Bernie show him this? Is that when West walked out with his laptop right before the MMA stuff came in?

  74. Woow! says:

    I missed the PA testimony except for the first few minutes. From reading your comments I cannot tell what happened. Can someone recap for me.

    Also I would like to say this and it is not my intention to offend anyone on this board. I would like to express my opinion based off my own life experience.

    I am trying to keep the faith that justice will prevail and CAC will go to jail for the crime he committed. I have my doubts because being raised in Louisiana and Mississippi and seeing how the gold ol boy system works… the all white female jury has me worried. I still cannot understand why at least one black person did not get on that jury.

    I know that the ladies on the jury are mothers and not racist but I have a nagging feeling prickling up my neck that one of the jurors is going the cause a problem. Can someone calm my nerves.

    • Danita says:

      I think I might make the nerves worse, sorry but im scared this is not been a good week for us. I really hope BDLR has something up his sleeves. My god all of the witnesses so far seem to be backing the defense…..not sure where this is headed.

      • colin black says:


        An Rachell gave him concrete boots an suite for good measure
        GET IT

        Or are you retarded?

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      One of the jurors is a mixed race black/Hispanic woman with 8 children. So far I believe the prosecution has laid a great foundation that 1. Trayvon was being followed by GZ 2. GZ had pint up frustration that “suspects” were getting away with crime and he intended on detaining the one he just spotted to have him nice and captured for the police who were on their way. 3. GZ followed Travon in car then on foot until he was close enough for Trayvon to have a conversation with him. 3. A struggle ensued when GZ tried to detain Trayvon and a scuffle began. 4. No one really saw much but what they did see contradicts GZ’s story of what happened. 5. The injuries GZ sustained during the scuffle were not life threatening. 6. GZ murdered Trayvon out of a depraved mind of thinking he was in a life treating fight for his life and shot Trayvon out of ill will hatred or spite for criminals, but in reality Trayvon was begging for his life. 7. At the very least a manslaughter conviction is warranted because GZ created the whole situation which resulted in the death of a kid running home Scared…..

      Did that help?

    • riisey007 says:

      I am here living in the south now, I was born and raised here. I really am put off by prosecution. I can’t understand why they did not go for the jugular on so many things. It seems from watching hln that prosecution let everything get away from them. They are talking about the damage that John did to the prosecutions case but no one seems to be talking about the PA who sai Zimmerman has been participating in MMA type fighting 3 days a week, I am really curious seeing how this should have shined a light on Zimmerman as the one on top. I just don’t get that!! If prosecution is going to wow anyone it better be soon. I just feel like this poor kid is being made the butt of jokes. If prosecution doesn’t take over and lead this case it will look like Zimmerman was only charged to calm African Americans. This is gonna be a circus by the end.

      • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

        The only thing I saw was the defense making a fool of them selves. They told jokes, possibly opened the door to previously inadmissible evidence to GZ’s past violent offenses, past medical history i.e seeing a psychologist, thrown temper tantrums, and had to be corrected on criminal law procedure all week long. The prosecution put those witnesses up there to testify, this is their case! BDLR knew exactly what they were going to say, they have set the defense up to put up their best defense so that they can rubut that shit away… when the real experts come it’s bye bye, clink clink for GZ’s ass…. This is a chess match, it’s not show them every thing you got at once…. Think about all the major mistakes that have been made by GZ’s defense in the first week…. the prosecution is doing great!

      • Two sides to a story says:

        Some of the stuff you’re talking about will come in the closing statements. The PA can’t say that much about the MMA – only that she asked him about aerobic exercise to lose weight and he indicated he was doing MMA and it wasn’t helping.

  75. colin black says:

    am I on right thread yet ?

  76. boyd says:

    The professor should open Saturday with “The defense proved there was a fight”

  77. diary73 says:

    Did Don West’s daughter post a “We beat stupidity cones” Instagram yesterday?????? A picture of West and two females in a car with ice cream cones. Posted by someone with the handle Molly Westttt. My daughter just showed it to me a copy of it. I have the screen shot. I really hope that is someone else who is trying to get him in trouble and not actually a post by his daughter.

    • concernedczen says:

      Yes, that was West’s daughters and then they left the courtroom after it came out. There are news stories on it.

    • boyd says:

      would he have allowed it to be posted if there was not a sequester.

      it’s bullshit he’s out having fun and they are stuck in a hotel. NO TV,Radio or internet

      Can they hit the Liquor store? I’d get a half-gallon of courvoiser

    • elle says:

      I find it interesting that it is not okay for Trayvon and DeeDee to use “racial slurs”, but it is okay for his daughter’s friends to use them on Twitter. Hmmmmm….

  78. ay2z says:

    Defense had big points today, But still, doesn’t mean that Trayvon or anyone, has not got the right to defend themselves when tracked down and caught in a dark ‘alley’ area. He doesn’t have any right to respond or fight to get away if the other guy is able to pull his gun and kill him.

    That right is outweighed by the right of the man to clim self-defense by shooting to kil and effectively keeping quiet, anyone but himself.

  79. Donna Flores says:

    I am so pissed at the State, they could have done way better. Could he have asked her if those injuries could have been sustained from rolling on the ground, or the recoil of the gun or falling on the cement. GRRR..

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Yes. I was disappointed they didn’t mention that. But they may have reasons – other more compelling evidence or arguments.

      • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

        Remember… This door is still OPEN! she was a medical assistant…. They will get a read doctor to bring home those points… there is more to the bruising being gone the next day… think about it! beyond a reasonable doubt… put the doubt out there plane as day… Then rebut it with an even more credible witness!

    • Dave says:

      O’Mara was going after “reasonable doubt”. The defendant MIGHT have suffered head injuries that COULD have been serious and MIGHT have been caused by his head being slammed onto concrete POSSIBLY on the evening of 2-26-2012.

      Is this enough to raise a reasonable doubt in the minds of the jurors about whether the defendant, at the moment that he pulled the trigger, was not in reasonable fear of imminent death or grievous bodily injury?

      The defendant’s entire case rests on those little bumps and scratches.

      • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

        Exactly, they will get a real medical expert.. a doctor to crush the doubt by explaining that his injuries were superficial at best…. laying a foundation to build a house!

    • dianetrotter says:

      They will probably call an expert to discuss how the gun works.

    • Malisha says:

      My question is why prosecution did not effectively object to the defense calling for speculation on the part of the PA when she could not reasonably speculate as to the etiology of any injuries she saw. That’s just NOT in her bag of tricks. Was he too tired?

      • jm says:

        Sorry for Bernie fans, but I have always felt he was incompetent with little strokes of brilliance but overall, I think he is not up to the task. He is going to blow this. The other prosecutors are way more competent and I wish Bernie would sit down and shut up. Nice guy but incompetent.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      The prosecution realizes that the best way to deal with Omar is to let them get their heads as far into the noose as they can, before pulling the chair out from beneath them.

      Bernie may have a real doctor come in and explain what the PA said and why it was wrong. But for now, it’s sufficient to have the jury note that, none of the injuries she diagnosed in the photo today, did she find present and document in her real physical exam of the patient, contemporary with his appointment.

  80. Two sides to a story says:

    Oh my gosh, the West family ice cream cones are from Chik-fil-a, which shows you something about their politics – I boycott Chik-fi-la for their ugly treatment / rhetoric about the gay community.


    • disappointed says:

      We boycott chick-fil-a also. As far as the caption is concerned it does not surprise me that these people think they are better than Rachel. To me the fact he decided to defend a child killer says a lot about his character. It is one thing to defend but to smear the deceased, well I think that sums it up.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        “does not surprise me that these people think they are better than Rachel”

        LOL – she held her own. She’s not stupid and he’s stupid and so are his daughters if they think so.


    • type1juve says:

      The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. We’ve seen their stupid dad in action so I’m not surprised. On another note, RJ owned his ass this week in court.

    • gbrbsb says:

      I cannot believe it. That is disgusting. If they are referring to Rachel, what right have they… sorry I forgot, they do have a right, the right dollars gives them to look down on others less fortunate… wow, and a lawyer, upholder of the law, teaches his children this kind of prejudice and classist behaviour !

  81. Tzar says:

    He had her on the ropes and did not realize it.
    Hematomas do NOT resolve overnight, they are subcutaneous collections of blood that resolve over several days (through phagocytic mechanisms) and they are often accompanied by ecchymosis or visible purpling of the skin
    that was a huge mistake by Omara to use that terminology and have her agree to it and an even bigger mistake for BDLR to let him get away with it
    Since State was present at deposition, I must assume he chose not to review and prepare to destroy him for using that terminology.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      The state countered it a bit with the dialogue about bumpy heads. And the PA said she didn’t note hematomas at the examination – OM was talking about the picture with the injuries and not as Fogen actually looked when she saw him.

      • Tzar says:

        that is the point
        if “HEMATOMAS” are not present on Monday then they were not there on sunday
        now the usual inflammatory bump from interstitial fluid extravasation secondary to blunt trauma wil go down someone with ice an pressure
        but once there is blood involved, the red blood cells have to be removed by inflammatory cells through the lengthy process of phagocytosis (eating them). the process often leads to hemachromatosis, the release of hemoglobin molecules in the tissues which leads to the yellowing you see in the skin several days after a severe skin bruise.

        Point being
        1. the bump from the blood will be there the next day
        2. the discoloration will persist for a while with hematomas

        so there is no fucking way that a head with several subcutaneous hematomas should be examined as normocephalic and atraumatic the next day!!!

        so if he wanted to he could completed shook her up.

      • Cercando Luce says:

        Tzar, I love your post.

      • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

        Tzar please send this talking point to Michael Skolink his press coordinator email is Rachel@noerdlingermedia.com excellent post!

    • Tzar says:

      Remember the very next day she examined him as normocephalic atraumatic

      this contradicts her testimony that he had a hematomas on his scalp the day before

      even worse she mentioned the potential risk of epidural hematoma
      which have a very specific neuro-clinical sequelae and the sine qua non of “worst headache of your life”
      Zimmerman definitely did not have that and if she was a good clinician should not have even spoken those words in this context.

      • jm says:

        Medical provider was bad and Bernie was bad not knowing the mistakes she made.

      • boyd says:

        I’m not in medicine but I could tell she was going beyond her pay grade speculating, trying to help her patient so he comes back.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        There’s a larger picture here.
        This Prosecution has a plan, and they make any point they can in later testimony.
        Ya Got It?
        Big eyes, folks, Big Eyes.

    • kllypyn says:

      there was no hematomas. i just looked it up and saw pictures he had nothing

  82. YQ says:

    Now, where were we? The Stand Your Ground statute reads….

  83. towerflower says:

    I wonder what some of these experts are seeing vs what we saw. Not one mention of the MMA experience. They are all praising MOM and saying they left the jury to mull over his extensive injuries. Said that a dismissal is in the bag.

    I thought it was brilliant on BDLR to have both Jon testify about the MMA and then the PA talk about fogen’s MMA training. Now put two and two together jury.

  84. Sabrina B. says:

    Trying to be optimistic. BDLR is doing the best he can. Got some excellent points in concerning MMA and head lumps. MOM is slick at getting witnesses to cast doubt on their answers. It takes a lot of slime to be proficient at that. Bernie seems like a wholesome, righteous man and can not stoop to that level. There is still the jury of moms to take into consideration. Nothing else will tell me that child did not have a right to walk home without being chased and eventually shot.

    • type1juve says:

      Yes, and he did give that jury something to think about over the weekend.

    • boyd says:

      he ain’t slick unless you are a little slow. he tricked both Johns today

      • Deborah Moore says:

        Are the girls in that photos both his daughters?
        The one in the back. lick, lickling with her tongue?
        Not one of them asked if Daddy was to hard on the girl?
        I think I should shut up before I say something really mean.
        It always works out, in the end, doesn’t it?
        Just imagine.

    • boyd says:

      Rachel was well aware West was trying to get her to change her answers/ If people do change them , they don’t care. or their slow

    • Cercando Luce says:

      I am worried the mothers might not see persons browner skinned than themselves as meriting equal treatment under the law.

  85. Grrr thunderstorm knocked out my internet connection. Did Bernie do well on cross? Is the PA thru testifying?

  86. YQ says:

    Zimmerman has to testify.

  87. type1juve says:

    This lying mofo was getting MMA training 9 hours a week and he would have us believe he just laid there like a rag doll getting his ass beat. God please don’t let the jurors fall for this stupid shit!

  88. Dave says:

    9 hours of MMA training per week plus regular shooting practice ($.75-$1.00 a round). It’s no damn wonder he couldn’t pay his bills and was flunking out of college.

    • tonya B says:


      • tonydphotog says:

        So wrong.

      • crazy1946 says:

        Tar, feather, rail, out of town for all three of those perverts…..

      • crazy1946 says:

        Hmmm, this was from a man who said he had no knowledge of anything involving the internet, who also by the way touch types on his laptop! Some how I suspect this is what I think BDLR was showing the defense, look for a motion to silence MOM and his openly racist side kick West come Monday morning! Actually it would not surprise me if West requested to be allowed to drop from the case come Monday, I don’t think this would look very good to the Bar if a complaint was filed about something like this happening during a trial…. IMO

      • Two sides to a story says:

        West is stupid to think he bested her. She definitely bested him.

      • dianetrotter says:

        This is a form of bullying. It is insensitive and unprofessional. It shows what he is teaching his children. He really needs to be reprimanded ASAP.

    • Are you sure they are his daughters? It looks like he picked them up on the side of a street.

      Am I thinking like a lawyer now?

    • bellesouth says:

      Aha! That’s the pic of Don West with a daughter or two, caption: “We Beat Stupidity” That was what was shown to Don West and O’Mara. Oops. Who’s stupid now?

  89. Romaine says:

    question: since the defendant claimed his was a victim of a brutal attack wouldn’t the state pay for his injuries under the violent crimes fund/act? which would mean he would suffer no monetary loss

  90. MedicineBear says:

    Good on Bernie — the last thought he left in the jury’s mind before the weekend break was: compare the killer’s little boo boos to A FATAL GUNSHOT WOUND TO THE CHEST!!! Plus cac practicing MMA 9 hours a week! Way to play the clock Bernie!

    • Deborah Moore says:

      And, That Is A Note to those who fret over how he’s running his case.
      Big Picture. Eye On the Prize.
      (and, a note to Ms. X who said she wanted the prosecution to be more hungry.
      Don’t be so much about shallow appearances.
      They wouldn’t be even prosecuting this case if they didn’t think they have the evidence to convict.
      You just got to have some faith.
      (I choose that over cynicism.)

  91. Tee says:

    I recorded all of today’s testimony did anyone from the gym testify for the prosecution today?

  92. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Well we haven’t had the medical examiner testify and we haven’t had Chris Serino testify. So there is plenty more to come.

  93. MrSykes says:

    Anyone hear about the pic circulating of Don West celebrating with his daughters over ice cream cones sometime after opening arguments? “We beat stupidity” is the caption. Looks like it may be going viral.

  94. crazy1946 says:

    I don’t know what BDLR showed MOM and West on the computer, but what ever it was it caused an oh poop look on their faces! Monday morning should be interesting to say the least!!

  95. dianetrotter says:

    You guys are awesome. Thank you for responses to my CAC concern.

    • crazy1946 says:

      dianetrotter, have a wonderful weekend! Go take a walk on the river front, but wait till this evening until it cools a little, and enjoy the night..

      • dianetrotter says:

        I’m in Fontana, CA, but will go to LR July 3. There’s a lot of action on the river front. I’m also going to Hot Springs Village. I plan to buy a house there on one of the lakdes! You have a great weekend too.

    • DruDo says:

      diane, I used that term a while ago, but apparently missed a discussion regarding that. (I had dr’s.appt this aft.) If I had realized it’s now not acceptable, I would have chosen another way of describing Zimmerman. I just went with the flow, but will now choose my words carefully. Being reprimanded and finding out afterwards that it’s a no-no isn’t particularly pleasant.

      • Beverly says:

        I do not think you have to worry quite so much. It certainly is not a compliment, but more on par with redneck which can be taken any number of ways. Yes, it is not at all politically correct, but it does not have the tone of a racial slur that I have ever heard.

      • dianetrotter says:

        No one’s reprimanding …. I don’t thing. I do appreciate your concern.

      • dianetrotter says:

        Beverly, I wish my fingers worked better. THINK
        To Crazy1946 … I meant LAKES

      • DruDo says:

        Beverly, I’m not worried, just very surprised that someone described it as a racial slur. I have never heard it used as a racial slur, either, and if I had, I wouldn’t have used it, particularly if I had been aware there had been a discussion about it. Oh, well, learn something new every day, I suppose.

    • MedicineBear says:

      I appreciate that you feel differently, but I will continue to use CAC in solidarity with Trayvon and Dee Dee. THEY called him exactly right and I honor that pure, honest recognition. If this CAC had been honestly called on his tish earlier, Trayvon and those who loved him would not have had to pay the ultimate price that disingenuous “PC” taboo words cost.

      In Clark Gable’s famous words, “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” (Shocking! “Damn” was an offensive term during that time).

      We need to listen to the young people who “get” what our older calcified sensibilities won’t let in — they can teach us. Kids like Trayvon and Dee Dee are the revolutionaries breaking down oppressive inequality, intolerance, and bigotry by taking back the power of “taboo” words. They are the founding fathers and mothers of a healed humanity. The first step in healing a CAC is to call it what it is. Let us learn THAT from Trayvon and the brilliant Diamond. Cheers!

  96. Deborah says:

    Zimmerman had Mixed Martial Arts training and was seeing a psychologist. Great job Bernie — let the jury sleep on that for the weekend.

  97. dianetrotter says:

    Because he does MMA 3x a week, they should question rather or not some knots could be attributed to his exercises.

  98. boyd says:

    what? they can’t do anything on the weekend? wtf. If I’m a juror, I simply find out who asked for this sequester and fry his client.

    • Nef05 says:

      Think about next weekend. The 4th is on Thurs. They might be off on Friday, too? Though JN is trying to get this done, so maybe not. But, if they do – that’s Th, F, S, Su in sequester.

      No cookouts, no picnics, if they’re lucky the state might spring for hot dogs/burgers, chicken/ribs, roasted veggies, and sides – but everyone knows that’s not like being home with family and friends. Kids running with sparklers, fireworks, cold beer, fresh lemonade, Margaritas by the pitcher, peach cobbler, pecan pie, Red/white and blue strawberry/blueberry shortcake with fresh berries and cool whip, deviled eggs…
      I’d be pissed. I think I just made myself hungry… 🙂

  99. Shari says:

    I may have to stop watching. This man has NO LIFE THREATENING WOUNDS. Why are people thinking the PA HELPS him?? You can’t kill someone for those small knicks!!!!!!!

  100. chi1224 says:

    I have some dinner guests coming and I have nothing ready lol….. so I gotta roll even though I want to read all your comments, have a great night everyone. HOODIES UP!!

  101. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    What a day! I wonder why Don West didn’t do as much today as he has done on other days.

    • Moreover, when it was is turn, he would get MoMs advises very often I noticed.

    • Beverly says:

      I think the team is really unfortunate. West looks unhealthy or he should have a hair transplant. Surely he cannot be really that bald that he could not grow some side hair rather than be completely and ghastly bald. And O’M is so long-winded he will bore people to death; he seems to prevail b/c folks just can’t take it any more, but I am not sure that is a winning strategy.

    • dianetrotter says:

      After seeing the Instagram, it is obvious why he sat his A** down today. He might not be there Monday.

    • Ice cream brain freeze, perhaps?

  102. smokeegyrl says:

    I bet she won’t be his doctor anymore.

  103. DruDo says:

    3 days a week, 3 hours a day of MMA, but he feared for his life from a skinny kid.

  104. Brandy says:

    Wow!!!!!! Bullshit question!!!!

  105. Two sides to a story says:

    LOL – OM couldn’t snake out of the MMA.

  106. disappointed says:

    3 wks 3 hours a day. Gun shot wound to chest.

  107. boyd says:

    the psychologist eh? we get to bring in the drugs, what they do, etc etc, and side effects.

  108. lurker says:

    MMA–3 hours/day, 3 times/week.

  109. chi1224 says:

    This witness has swung things in the states favor, imo. Fogen’s “injuries” are a joke. No lets talk about Trayvon’s HANDS with NO injuries! Sorry if you are throwing punches your knuckles get abrasions, I know this for a FACT. I worked in a prison and treated MANY people who were in fights. We always documented the hands, and they ALWAYS had abrasions! This kind of stuff needs to come out to expose Fogan’s lies!

  110. Deborah Moore says:

    Go Bernie. Break this chick. I know someone who is an EMT. Took her years to finally get certified. This EMT reminds of the person I know. Hungry, eager to strokes, attention, 15 minutes of fame. Sorry, EMT chick. I’m biased and I don’t like the way you are speculating Way beyond what you know.
    She doesn’t know Bernie could eat her for breakfast before he picks up his NYT.
    PS – Grrrrrrr.
    PS – To Malisha from earlier – Keep Truckin’. Ha.

  111. bellesouth says:

    He can afford a psychologist and MMA training three times a week!

    • Deborah Moore says:

      But, not rent.
      Let’s see what special attention he can afford while in jail.
      ‘Cause that’s where he’s going.

    • gbrbsb says:

      But not an X-ray on his nose !

      • Deborah Moore says:

        He’s a sad boy.
        He’s made mistakes.
        He’s a liar.
        Bye Bye, Georgie Porgie.

      • ladystclaire says:

        To be honest, I don’t see how they can get up in front of the jury, and say he had a broken nose when in fact they have NO medical proof as in X-rays. as for his head injury, Trayvon is not responsible for those little very MINOR lacerations that he himself could have caused himself, when he walking around in pitch darkness, he could have very well knocked himself in the head with the butt of his gun.

        If he didn’t do it, one of his fellow racist neighbors helped him out with those boo boos. there was a photo on one of the threads here, with a link to a web site, where a man with facial tattoos on his face, who also had a bloody head that is IDENTICAL to that of Fogens and, I believe this should be brought to Bernie’s attention.

        Both of the photos they entered are not real and, the state needs to call them out on it.

  112. My Forehead Tho says:

    Bernie needs to rephrase his questions. The witness will never admit to a definite answer like ” Fogen didn’t have…”. He should instead say “It’s highly unlikely that Fogen had…”

    Having her constantly correct him isn’t a good look

  113. bellesouth says:

    Mom looks pissed!

  114. gbrbsb says:

    If he can afford a psychologist why not an x-ray of his nose ? GZ’s and the defence’s argument about his fear of the cost does not make sense.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      He needed to have the psych sign off on the Adderall and any other psych drug. Most MDs won’t prescribe these.

    • DruDo says:

      He can afford MMA 3 times a week, but can’t afford medical care for his boo-boos. Didn’t she say he has insurance? He didn’t want to go to the emergency room because he knew his boo-boos didn’t add up to “life-threatening” and he’d be busted.

  115. Romaine says:

    y doesn’t Bernie ask how the visit to the doctor was paid

    • gbrbsb says:

      And how could he afford a psychologist but not an X-ray ?

    • ladystclaire says:

      We all know why he refused medical transport that night because, he knew he had no broken nose and there was also no head banging on concrete took place either.

      He also knew they would have done a blood draw on his ass and, that they would have found a mixture of alcohol as well as his meds, which when mixed makes for a pretty potent combination and he knew that.

      It’s really something how someone can kill a kid in cold blood and, have a support base because of the victim’s race. this murderer has been treated better than any other murderer, in this country. he has also managed to bring out his fellow racist all over the country. these very same people have done nothing but disrespect Trayvon and his family as well as his friend Rachel.

      Ignorance is bliss and, it has infected all fifty states that make up the U,S.A. because, some in this country think it’s more than OK to chase, confront and kill a 17 year old kid because of his skin color and nothing more. like Mr.Guy said, he didn’t shoot Trayvon because he had to, he shot Trayvon because he wanted to.

  116. fauxmccoy says:

    here we go with the psych … keep going bernie!

  117. YQ says:

    Bernie’s turn…

    Bernie knocking down the cards… O’Mara scowling in the background..


    He rules out ENT while he’s there…

  118. DruDo says:

    “Story”=Fairy Tale=Lies

  119. chi1224 says:

    Something else, Bernie should ask, could someone scream if they were choking on blood from the nose!

  120. gbrbsb says:

    She noted ATRAUMATIC Bernie, ATRAUMATIC… please ask her what it means.

    • disappointed says:

      Haha! Psyche doctor.

      • Tzar says:

        no not the psych
        normocephalic atraumatic is specific language that refutes all of OMara’s bullshit
        he needed to corner her
        she had to either discredit herself as a diagnostician or discredit her previous testimony

    • Tzar says:

      normocephalic atraumatic is specific language that refutes all of OMara’s bullshit
      he needed to corner her
      she had to either discredit herself as a diagnostician or discredit her previous testimony

      • gbrbsb says:

        I know, just that I forgot the “normocephalic” which I remember looking up at the time.

        I am angry. Bernie did not point this out and ask her to explain exactly what it meant. He started to by saying she had said a lot of big words and could she explain, but then bungled it by getting her to fix on the nose alone when his whole self defence claim rests on the head. And IMO this is so so important, because wrongly or rightly I am convinced the trial will boil down to self defence and GZ isn’t claiming he shot Trayvon in self defence, i.e. “in fear of his life”, when he was allegedly sucker-punched by Trayvon, but when he claims Trayvon was banging his head on the pavement. It’s ONLY at the time he shot can GZ claim self defence NOT before.

        I am furious with the defence today. I just hope they either have something forensically stunning, which I can’t help doubting, an expert on trauma and they bring it up then, or that the jury has a dictionary, better a medical one, and decides to look it up.

        • Tzar says:

          They ought not expect he jury to use a medical dictionary to parse this out and there is a low probability that they could.
          this is the state’s job!

          • gbrbsb says:

            Are you sure Tzar? The jury can’t be expected to know and the trial cannot cover every single word. Here in the UK the jury can and does ask for clarifications, definitions, maps etc. if relative.

            If not please someone tweet it loud and clear so the Defence may get it because I don’t see how they can bring it back in so at least it should be noted in closing, or asked of another expert… or can they bring her back even though she was fully dismissed ?

            I hope I am wrong, but IMO it is imperative that everything about what she saw to do with his head be crystal clear clear to them.

      • Malisha says:

        @gbrbsb, angry with the prosecution today, right?

        Appalled at the defense, angry with the prosecution?

        But I think it’s OK; I think we’re chugging along just fine.

        • jm says:

          Normocephalic, atraumatic head means there is nothing wrong. If that is what the medical provider put in her notes, it means her notes are not to be trusted, any more than Jon’s testimony who does not know the difference between vertical and horizontal.

  121. Two sides to a story says:

    Important redirect. Bernie is bringing it back to reality – all the PA saw was two small lacerations, swelling of nose, SI pain.

  122. Elizabeth says:

    OH for chrissake!
    Objections! Hearsay as to how he got any injuries at all.

    Was he lucky to escape with is life?Geez!

  123. disappointed says:

    Thank God Bernie ask these questions about skull.

    • jm says:

      I am so bored with it “could be” by this chick. If there were lumps wouldn’t she document lumps and swelling.

  124. Brandy says:

    Bring it Bernie!

    • ic2fools says:

      OkAY! Time for Kokopellis’ gym witnesses! Time for Kokopellis’ videos I don’t care if Fogen is just walking in the door.

      Bring it Bernie!

      Hand duh-fense their lies to them on a silver platter!!!

      • jm says:

        I don’t like the way Bernie crossed this medical provider. She states GZ had black eyes. He has black eyes today. Is that hereditary or caused by a possible broken nose? She was very vague and said the lumps were not documented. If there were lumps would she have documented them. Was that an oversight in her medical records.

        • ic2fools says:

          It wasn’t an oversight, if she saw them they would have been documented.

          My thought is those were knots he already had and she had seen before and/or use to seeing because of his intense MMA workouts.

          Fogen needs to go on somewhere with that mess of lies.

        • ic2fools says:

          I;m not worried about Bernies’ cross of the medical provider. I am more concerned about Bernie questioning Kokopellis’ gym witnesses and has the State been able to acquire videos of Fogens’ intense MMA exercise. Did those intense MMA exercise include sparring, when was the last day he was at the gym before 2/26?

          I believe all of us are about to be shocked as we are about his intense MMA exercise 3 times a week.

      • Malisha says:

        On 2/27/2012 his “black eyes” were from Nurse Maybelline.

        Knock Knock.
        Who’s there?
        Nurse May.
        Nurse May who?
        Nurse Maybelline here, Fogen, to put on your black eyes.

  125. gbrbsb says:

    Oh please, how the fuck could Trayvon in the dark, without a torch or two, in the those few seconds, have known that his attacker was shaven !

  126. YQ says:

    MOM is trying to evade the traps, the jurors might not think that those injuries look so vital now…

    …improving his way through the med report and trying to pin her to “fatal injuries”…

    he got “residual effects”, all of these are just possible injuries now..

    Zimmerman looking disturbed, demoralized.

    O’Mara on bandages… he encounters another trap, the injuries are continuing to shrink out of play…

    O’Mara emptied out…

  127. Brandy says:

    geeze Omara, thou PROTEST TO MUCH, coming off a little desperate

  128. Leisa says:

    She did see those injuries and did not cover them the next morning so why did Shellie feel the need to cover them?

    • towerflower says:

      show, show, and more show

    • ladystclaire says:

      That dizzy witch (B) covered them for his debut of his reenactment with Serino. this was only done for cause and effect and, IT MADE HIM LOOK LIKE THE VILLAGE IDIOT THAT HE IS.

      BTW, I didn’t think those fake ass pictures were going to come in as evidence. why didn’t the prosecution object to those fakes and, when are we going to get to his sealed evidence or will we?

  129. DruDo says:

    Bernie, where are you?

  130. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Does O’Mara realize that he is showing gz’s boo boos to a jury full of MOTHERS??

    They can recognize that those boo boos are no big deal.

  131. gbrbsb says:

    Ok so MOM is aware of all the comments on the huge butterfly plasters and is trying to cover that.

  132. MrSykes says:

    “It doesn’t necessarily have to be bandaged.”

  133. disappointed says:

    no band-aid needed.

  134. Brandy says:

    Another reason GZ is constipated, he is COVERING his ass lol
    sorry, just releasing some frustration here with humor 🙂

  135. disappointed says:

    Nursing student, haha

  136. Beverly says:

    O’m acts likes he expects to seduce the answer that he wants from the witness; repulsive and inappropriate.

  137. FactsFirst says:

    Did she just say, “GZ was ALREADY seeing a psychologist”? Another door opens???

  138. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    Over doing it…. non-life treating

  139. Nellie Nell says:

    I don’t think she is feeling MOM

  140. Brandy says:

    How can this doc know what his intentions are in this examination, pure speculation

  141. gbrbsb says:

    Back/bottom of spine pain from falling on his back… that’s laughable because GZ clarified in the re-enactment he didn’t fall on his back but stumbled along up the T.

  142. lurker says:

    Object Bernie–asking her to conclude whether or not Zim was using her as a shill!

  143. ic2fools says:

    MOM you can twist this or fix it, you fool. Intense MMA exercise, come on now.

    MOM prove those injuries are not from that intense MMA exercise, oh yeah that is right Bernie is up next!

  144. fauxmccoy says:

    did o’mara open door to the psych meds???

    already seeing a psych.

  145. Tzar says:

    he has a complaint of SI pain
    that is no the same as having an SI injury

  146. gbrbsb says:

    All of the small abrasions could be consistent with what amsterdam concluded about how John saw them move while on the ground, i.e. horizontally, without changing position from the grass to the pavement with GZ hanging on to Trayvon who was trying to escape and therefore dragging GZ along with him.

  147. DruDo says:

    Even if TM did punch him in the nose, he would have been defending himself against GZ in the first place.

  148. Brandy says:

    Fogens head is evidence, they need to shave his head and see what his scalp looks like now and compare with incident photos

  149. type1juve says:

    I sure hope Bernie can clean this mess up!

  150. disappointed says:

    thrown on ground? thought he fell down? hit in nose and fell down right there?

  151. fauxmccoy says:

    BMI based on height to weight very inefficient. muscle mass is best determined through either calipers or submersion, will not show up in height to weight comparison.

  152. MedicineBear says:

    Would these injuries be consistent with the person running into a tree? Consistent with a self inflicted wound?

  153. boyd says:

    Did trayvon dent his head in?

  154. towerflower says:

    His BMI does not mean he is not athletic……

  155. MrSykes says:

    Most athletes have BMI’s in the “obese” range.

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      Very true.

    • BillT says:

      running backs in the nfl with almost NO body fat are “obese” under the BMI……..ost of the players in the NBA would be called obese under the bmi….any person that works out and develops muscle MASS is obese according to the bmi…it measure body MASS and in no way addresses fat content.

  156. lurker says:

    Oh–poor baby, not healthy.

  157. disappointed says:

    Normal if he takes adderall

  158. Tzar says:

    what did his head look like before?
    what does it look like now?

  159. fauxmccoy says:

    ‘hight points’ … like his meds???

  160. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Ask her if those little bumps on his head could be the beginning of horns.

  161. ic2fools says:

    Fogen knots came from MMA exercise at the gym that week! I hope State introduces videos of Fogen working out/MMA fighting at the gym that week.

    Bernie is about to hand MOM his and Fogens knots to him on a platter.

  162. RobertSF says:

    In carpenter’s terms, the two lacerations are 3/4″ and 3/16″ long.

    I sure hope the state has a separate medical expert to establish that smashing a head against concrete would result in much, much worse trauma than a couple of little cuts.

  163. tonya B says:

    oh just wait I bet Bernie is about to fall out his seat

  164. Woow! says:

    I like that she keep saying “the shape of the head itself”….no swelling MOM

  165. Two sides to a story says:

    The defense overdoes their crosses and their directs. They’d be a lot more effective if they’d run through their questions once and then walk away.

  166. disappointed says:

    We need photos from jail when he appeared before judge with his bald head.

  167. MedicineBear says:

    Why is she looking at a photo — she examined the condition of his scalp IN PERSON the day after it happened! How did she miss all these things at the physical exam just hours after the killer’s struggle with his victim?

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Because the injuries were not severe and many of them resolved by the time Fogen saw her.

  168. lurker says:

    She says the bumps could be just the shape of his skull.

  169. bellesouth says:

    We’re all so sick of looking at this gross head! Sight abuse!

  170. gbrbsb says:

    If it resolved itself in 12 hours it was not serious.

  171. Tzar says:

    Does the state really not have a trauma doc to rebutt this nonsense

    • KittySP says:

      UUUUGGGHHHH! Really not feeling how state wrapped up this week. Sure hope there’s a method to this madness!

      • jm says:

        I agree. The State (Bernie) did a bad job with this medical person. Maybe his only focus was on MMA but there should have been more to refute this person’s testimony after MOM questioned her. I also did not like this vague doctor with her could have or possibly could or maybe, etc.

      • KittySP says:

        He has to do better at not only eliciting testimony that favors their case, but also that it is so damaging to the defense that on cross, there’s no room for reasonable doubt.

      • Malisha says:

        This week was very fine indeed.

  172. Local 10 Zimmerman ‏@WPLGZimmerman

    Zimmerman’s legal team Spokesman Shawn Vincent said he had to talk to Don West and would likely issue statement on Instagram post

  173. Shari says:

    Maybe I’m a debbie downer. I read on twitter the jury is taking notes except for the ER worker. A lawyer said she helps the defense case. None of this proves his life was in jeopardy. He said he HAD to shoot to save his life. I don’t understand why people are impressed by this “likely broken” comment.

    • fauxmccoy says:

      it has been commented before by people seeing the jury that about 3 are active note takers and 3 are not. i would not attach any special significance. likely the CNA, while not having the education of a PA understands this all well enough to not need notes.

  174. lurker says:

    Trying to get her to say that all of the abrasions on the front and side were from concrete.

    Totally inconsistent with the story of lying on the back and head banging. He would have to be rolled around and lifted up by his feet to put all that in contact with the deadly concrete.

    • dianetrotter says:

      If the front is from concrete, that suggests that Trayvon was on top of his back at some point bashing his face into the concrete.

  175. dianetrotter says:

    wftv doesn’t have the buffering problems. I’m ignoring the comments so I won’t get ticked.

  176. Nellie Nell says:

    Yes, different head shapes! That CAC has a lumpy head under that hair which is why he has let it grow in!

  177. fauxmccoy says:

    oooh, some head have bumpy shapes all on their very own.

    thanks, ms PA!

  178. Sabrina B. says:

    Head shapes! Yes!

  179. gbrbsb says:

    The blood near the beard MOM pointed to is NOT an abrasion, it is the end of the blood trail as shown in the bloody nose photo which was not cleaned up properly.

  180. Brandy says:

    This is pissing me off, he could already have previous scaring, discoloration on his scalp again like most people

  181. Nellie Nell says:

    Mild swelling! I love Lindzee and she sees through MOM and she is not going to give him what he wants. It could be or any other surface she says!

    • Malisha says:

      Could there be internal bleeding?
      Could there be hematomas?
      Could there be kidney failure?
      Could there be fibrous histiocytomas?
      Could there be — I dunno, I just wanna say some more scary medical words so people think Fogen was gonna die.

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      Could be.
      Could be who?
      No, could be what! Could be whatever!

  182. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    I am tired of the “It coulds”

  183. Tzar says:

    it’s a trail of blood you idiot

  184. disappointed says:

    so Trayvon picked him up by feet and slammed head into concrete?

  185. Sabrina B. says:

    That’s dried blood!

  186. Brandy says:

    Omara is soooo ANNOYING!!

    • KittySP says:

      Annoying yes. But also well prepared. He’s not stupid, he knows the evidence the state has on GZ and he’s a skilled critical thinking attorney. He’s gonna take that evidence along with the witness and make them work to his advantage. If the state doesn’t start viewing that evidence and analyze it properly, applying every likely scenario, it’s gonna be in trouble.

      As someone who’s done work as Sr. QA analyst testing software…I would have to test development code in test environment before it gets to production…there’s positive and negative testing scenarios. For me, writing the negative scenarios, I wanted to find ways that would break their code. That way it flushed out defects in the code early on. It was no challenge for me test the scenarios I knew were gonna work.

      • groans says:

        I gotta agree, KittySP. Everyone here likes to dis MOM as a joke. He’s not a joke (though he’s great fodder for jokes), and is scoring points. Don’t know if they’re enough points yet, but the defense is definitely scoring points. And if the media discussions are any indication of what jury discussions might be like, it ain’t pretty right now.

        (To the Negativity-Silencing police: Rest assured, I have not given up. But I can look at things from multiple perspectives, and consider it important to do so.)

        • cielo62 says:

          Groans- then it’s a good thing that the Jury is sequestered. They can’t read the amazing load of bullshit that is being peddled by the media. I have totally lost my respect for many of my regular news outlets. The prosecution is doing well tho they certainly could have nailed the PA better. Cynically I wonder if media outlets want the same kind of revenue generating outrage that emerged after the Casey Anthony trial. GZ is clearly guilty IF you bother to educate yourself about the available evidence.


  187. gbrbsb says:

    MINI bruisings, he tried to correct himself but he said MINI !

  188. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    BDLR Needs to ask on redirect what symptoms would one have if they experienced severe head trauma to the point of blacking out…

  189. Mike says:

    Mom is losing the battle with the PA she took him to school on some things

  190. KittySP says:

    Say what you want MOM does his homework…I just hope Bernie and the boys step it up!

  191. Brandy says:

    The doc was not concerned about lump, therefore no MRI was taken

  192. Nellie Nell says:

    I can not stand CAC MOM! I can not wait until that guilty verdict is read! He thinks he is slick with all this bullshit about under the scalp injuries…. If he had injury to his brain as he suggest, I doubt that he would have been so coherent.

  193. disappointed says:

    brain injury or skull fracture yet NO E.R. visit, no xrays.

  194. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    and the possibly of serious head injury WAS ruled out.

  195. fauxmccoy says:

    o’mara discussing subdural injuries that never happened.


  196. Brandy says:

    if not it. ooops

  197. Tzar says:

    this testimony is stupid
    she is testifying way out of her depth

  198. smokeegyrl says:

    Why isn’t BDLR objecting right now!

  199. bellesouth says:

    Smash is a term of art???

  200. boyd says:

    MOM creating a new medical report from the family practice on the stand Now he has internal bleeding …. possibly.

  201. ic2fools says:

    MOM just messed up with that pic. Fogen did not use ice he declined ice. I haven’t heard he had taken any inflammatory mediciation.

  202. Leisa says:

    They need to shave his head so we can compare bumps. He grew hair to hide them.

    • Tzar says:

      I hope the state is not that stupid to let all that slide

      • Lonnie Starr says:

        People… Bernie knows as much about this case as we do, if not more, much more! As we can see he already knew how small the gap was between DD’s phone call ending and the 911 call beginning.

        When this witness took the stand, he noticed her reluctance on direct to come his way and stand by her initial observations. So, knowing how Omar works, Bernie decided to sit back and see how far she and Omar would go.

        Turns out they went overboard! Which is why “silence is golden”, by keeping quiet and not objecting, he allowed their confidence in their own constructions to build and build. Until they grew so confident that they were getting over, they even turned to citing the shadows in the photo as bruising.

        Once they were finally finished, Bernie lowered the boom: Miss, funny thing is, that you didn’t notice these terrible injuries when gz was sitting in your office over a year ago. Then, all you could document was these two tiny sharp force injuries, that have no bruising around them. Do you really mean to say that you let someone so damaged, to simply walk out of your office with a prescription to wash his wounds with soap and water?

        What school did she say she graduated from? Perhaps it too needs to be looked at, eh? OR, is it possible that she is lying? Oh nooooo! She’d never do that! Hahaha

        • Tzar says:

          hope you are right

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            It wasn’t for nothing that Omar decided he could use the PA to get what little evidence of wounds he could get into the record. He could have gotten a few little things, and that would have been better than nothing, because at least he’d have some testimony about wounds in evidence, and he could expand and expound on it later.

            Instead of accepting what little he could legitimately get on the record, he decided to try to “steal something”. When he got away with that and Bernie did not seem to notice, Omara went for a little bit more… and a little bit more… and a little bit more. The witnesses was being helpful and cooperative and Bernie seemed not to care or distracted, so Omar decided to take the plunge and raced ahead, getting more and more than he’d ever have hoped to get on the record.

            When suddenly Bernie stood up for redirect and tore everything down and washed it away. Even the little bit that Omar could have legitimately gotten was swept away. Worse the loss of credibility in the jurors eyes, when they saw what a medicine show Omar had wasted their time mesmerizing them with, they are not doubly on guard not to let him do it again. Before they form any opinions now, they’ll wait to see what Bernie has to say. That is never a good thing, to have the jury waiting for your opponent to speak to evaluate your claims.

            Bernie tricked Omar into “throwing him into the Briar Patch”.

  203. YQ says:

    Picture not helping O’Mara’s case. Zimmerman looking disturbed, perhaps embarassed by his chronic problems with constipation He’s pondering the cred of the professionally-employed blonde plain jane.

    Again, O’Mara trying to improv and go somewhere… he’s emphasizing the head injury… but this isn’t going to work-she can’t diagnose him from the witness stand…

  204. Brandy says:

    Now, Bernie needs to ask it HUMPTY DUMPTY could just have a LUMPTY head like most people

  205. MedicineBear says:

    Finally, an expert on gravity and blood flow! Tell us what would happen with blood flow on the back of the head if one was laying on their back.

    • PiranhaMom says:


      Re: ” Tell us what would happen with blood flow on the back of the head if one was laying on their back.’

      Bear, what would happen from lying on grass so wet that it soaks GZ’s jacket and sticks grass all over it – is that it would MESS UP and DISSOLVE the bloody tracks – getting blood on the grass(which SPD could not locate) UNLESS Zimmerman was mounted ON Trayvon at all times after sustaining those “cuts.”

      The lacerations don’t “cut” both ways. Proves he was NEVER under Trayvon, NEVER being assaulted by Trayvon. Never DETAINED by Trayvon. ALWAYS able to FLEE Trayvon.

      Zimmerman NEVER in fear for his MISERABLE LIFE.

      Frickin’ GUILTY!

  206. gbrbsb says:

    He is using her as an expert witness not just a witness to what she saw and what he told her, but it must be allowed because Bernie hasn’t objected.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Bernie was smart not to object, he allowed them to build up the confidence they needed to go on a tear and they did! Not only did skull abnormalities become hematomas but even the shadows became bruises! gz was clearly on his last legs when they wrapped up with a smiling finish.

      Then Bernie rose on redirect to point out that, this wasn’t some mere abstract exercise, but that they had been actually talking about a real person who had appeared physically in person, in her offices.
      He noted that although she was diagnosing some terribly damaging injuries today, from the photos, she noted none of this when gz was in her office, asking her to document his injuries!

      So now she’s been hung out to dry and she took Omar’s credibility down with her.

  207. Dave says:

    She’s on dangerous ground, diagnosing from photos.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Dave said “She’s on dangerous ground, diagnosing from photos.”

      Most especially when she’s diagnosing thing she didn’t notice, when she had the live person in her own office over a year ago, and did not notice anything then.

  208. Sabrina B. says:

    Why doesn’t she say she couldn’t tell by pictures? What kind of doctor would speculate?

    • tonya B says:

      she isn’t a dr

      • jm says:

        Did she suggest further testing because of head injury? Why not? Does she think the lacerations are consistent with his head being slammed multiple times against cement?

    • Leisa says:

      Not a doctor.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Well, that’s because she isn’t a doctor, just a 2 year certificate holder as a medical assistant. But as you say, why she didn’t uphold her own examination is nothing less than incredible.

      She examined gz in her office and, what she’s saying now is, that she failed to note all these massive injuries that were staring her right in the face! Obviously she is on gz’s side for some strange reason, and she got carried away by Omar’s bold proposals, simply because she saw that the opposition was quiet and not objecting.

      As Bernie stayed silent both she and Omar grew wildly confident that what they were saying could not be disproved. As their confidence grew their claims got wilder and wilder… Finally, after they had had enough rope, Bernie rose and put a resounding end to their nonsense, by reminding them and the jury that, she had ignored all these claimed injuries, when she had gz in her office, complaining about being traumatized. At that time all she could find to document was those two tiny cuts and an unsupportable claimed “likely broken nose”.

      The ever so toxic gz has taken down yet another victim.

      • cielo62 says:

        Lonnie~ Actually, a PA has a very detailed medical education (I know, I tried it, but couldn’t pass neurobiology). She is NOT a “medical assistant” as in a 2 year Associates Degree. BUT she is NOT an MD and not credentialed to make serious diagnosis. That is WHY she listed and also TOLD gz to to a specialist. And gz refused.


        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Okay point taken, but my point was she was being used outside the scope of her expertise. Plus she was repudiating her own examination, as if she had ignored injuries that “might have been present” a year ago, but that she didn’t notice.

          She doesn’t need this case and she certainly is getting nothing from gz. She should have stuck to her original examination and not allowed herself to be led astray of it. But, it seems to me that she choose to side with gz and now she’s tarnished enough to have a very troubled career from here on, if she has one left at all. Yet another toxic take down by the beast!

          • cielo62 says:

            Lonnie- I agree. It was stupid to go beyond her credentials. It wasn’t worth it.

            FROM THE CLUTTERED DESK OF Cielo62

  209. Tzar says:

    The state needs to deal with these fake head bumps

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      You spoke too soon, Bernie totally destroyed Omar’s little pity party with her on redirect. She also did not notice that gz’s little sharp force cuts on his head were not consistent with the blunt force trauma being claimed. So much so for her credibility and probably her career as well, since this is nationally televised. No insurance company would want to have to cover her, with this kind of baggage available to discredit her in any potential lawsuit.

  210. KittySP says:

    I can’t believe how none of the first responders, or this PA fail to notice that the blood isn’t flowing from his nostrils as is typical with being punched in the nose, repeatedly.

  211. Leisa says:

    Come on. She should only be testifying to the medical exam that she did. How can she testify on pictures?

  212. gbrbsb says:

    Yeah MOM, but he shot Trayvon because he says he feared for his life, not because of the sucker-punch, so where you going with this when there was none of GZ’s DNA on Trayvon’s hand or under his nails. And how did he get the broken skin on the nose… A TREE !

  213. looolooo says:

    Where’s all the swelling from the 20 or 30 blows that Trayvon allegedly rained down on him? He SHOULD look like Mike Tyson got to him.

  214. disappointed says:

    Oh there is the picture, please ask her if he is flat if it bleeds like that.

  215. Sabrina B. says:

    Why is he focusing on blood lying down. That simply draws attention to the fact that the blood is running down.

  216. MedicineBear says:

    So ask what drugs and icing he did at the SPD in the 5 hours between the two pictures!

    • groans says:

      No one did, did they? SMH.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Both he and the SPD can only wish there were 5 hours between the first photo and his nose being healed. Unfortunately for them, there are some pretty clear pictures of gz as he exited the car at the station and walked to the interview room. No medication and no ice packs there at all. This physicians assistant has sullied her own reputation and made herself look biased and silly. Why? What kind of rapport had she established with gz?

      This is why Bernie didn’t interrupt Omar and her while they went on a rapidly growing tear for the gold. Only to have themselves and their false constructs smashed back to earth, when Bernie noted for the jury, that at the time gz was in her office, being examined by her, all she documented at the time was the two tiny sharp force injuries to his head.

      Not a word in her reports about how those skull irregularities Omar pointed out, were in fact hematoma’s etc. They would have been both bruised and tender to the touch, eh? She certainly would have notice them and investigated further “given the story she had been told”, of how gz came by those two tiny cuts. She went down in flames and took Omar’s credibility with her. The look on her face after Bernie finished his brief but effective redirect was priceless.

  217. disappointed says:

    Talk about gravity from back of head.

  218. Sabrina B. says:

    White blood cells reduced his swelling in an hour.

  219. LOL!

    Now O’Mara sees a bone protruding…

  220. colin black says:

    colin black says:

    June 28, 2013 at 2:02 pm

    Our client was ever so compliant after he shot an murdered a CHILD for non compliance with neighbourhood regulation an statues according to his rules.

    Walking whilst Blahck in any an all weather conditions is illegal.
    There is no curfew or time of day no cut of point 24 …7

    Being a Child an walking whilst BLAHCK same as above but twice as illegall

    Any person whilst being Blahck not compliant with his Authauritie will face summery instan execution.

    A Glasgow test.

    Id like to give him a GLAASGOW KISS.



    colin black says:

    June 28, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    Morbid obeasty creepy crackerassedniggarapist

  221. gbrbsb says:

    I love that. They would have first cleaned him up to be able to evaluate the injuries, which means you can’t evaluate GZ’s injuries from the photographs at the scene of his face and head.

    Anyone notice he is using her as an expert witness ? How cheap!

    • groans says:

      Well, at least she is sort of an expert (no offense to other PAs). What was worse was when he used the EMT as an expert for things beyond and EMT’s expertise.

  222. MedicineBear says:

    Oh boohoo, Omara, you POS, he had a back ache from ATTACKING AND KILLING A KID!!!!!

  223. ic2fools says:

    MOM lookin kinda green around the gills..

  224. dianetrotter says:

    .5 Centimeters = 0.1968503937 Inches

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      A fifth of an inch, slightly less than one quarter inch. Not even surrounded by swollen or damaged tissue?!?!? My but that concrete was sharp! Here I thought that a sidewalk would be a blunt instrument, pardon me!

  225. Well another thing proven we have always known…in the medical profession we call it constipation…..or in other words the patient is full of sxxt FOS 🙂

  226. Leisa says:

    Speculation. Good objection

  227. Leisa says:

    Bull. He had bad back as we know by his use of special chair he locked to his desk.

  228. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    She said it could have been broken… no exray and GZ declined to go to Ear nose and throat to confirm… superficial wounds… he got his bell rung one time by TM got scared and shot him… made up a story about a pounding given that small head cuts give …. I think he LIED!

  229. gbrbsb says:

    Even if his nose was broken, and there is only her “likely” to say it is, GZ is claiming he had to shoot to save his life during the altercation on the ground BUT NOT, ABSOLUTELY NOT, when according to him Trayvon sucker-punched him at the T.

    I personally still believe he walked into one of those low crown trees on RVC after he hung up with the NEN OP, and the small scratches in a windswept direction that Tzar marked, as well as NONE of GZ’s DNA under Trayvon’s fingernails when they would be the only things Trayvon could have used to scratch him with.

    • Leisa says:

      He fell into the bushes and smacked himself in the nose with his own flashlight.

      • Malisha says:

        nose, gun recoil
        head, could be anything. “capillary type lacerations not coincident with” a life-threatening beating.

  230. Sabrina B. says:

    Doesn’t fear loosen the bowels?

  231. Brandy says:

    Time for Omara to spin, spin spin!

  232. ic2fools says:

    Bernie paalluuhleesssee have surviellance videos from that gym for that week.

    FOGEN GET IN THE BOX!!!!!!!!

  233. lurker says:

    Darn–I wanted Bernie to show the video with the big bandages and ask her if she had applied them, to see her laugh!

    • Ms.X says:

      That would be GREAT! Then ask if she would’ve used those bandages for his injuries. Since omara is talking direction of blood, now might be a good time to ask if the direction of the blood flow is consistent with laying on your back.

  234. FactsFirst says:

    O’HaHa jumped up FAST that time! LOL!!! LMAO!!! LOL!!!

  235. fauxmccoy says:

    damn, damn, damn – no mention of psych meds. JN sustained o’mara’s objection on that?

  236. Brandy says:

    I knew GZ was full of shit! would explain the constipation LOL

  237. disappointed says:

    Bet he is pooping pants now.

  238. fauxmccoy says:

    2 lacerations on back of head — 2 cm and 0.5 cm
    lacerations required no sutures due to lack of depth and healing

    pupils equal and reactive to light — normal
    bilateral black eyes
    no other trauma noted to head (bumps likely normal)

    slight swelling/bruising naso/labial fold
    no evidence of septal deviation — nose straight

    tender sacro iliac joint. – received anti inflammatory

    likely broken nose, not definitive
    recommended to see ENT – patient refused

    (dear god – who wants to massage george’s ass??)

    treated prior for S/I issues related to constipation

  239. dianetrotter says:

    We all knew he was full of SH*T!!!

  240. type1juve says:

    “Now all jurors taking notes during this testimony”

  241. Brandy says:

    I was hoping she was going to say the nose was NOT broken! UGH

    • Malisha says:

      Doctors and medical providers don’t say that. They say “rule out” or “no evidence of” or “denies” or “no signs” but they can’t say “NOT” until there are tests. He did not get an x-ray.

      • jm says:

        Did not this medical provider say possible or probable? I still want to know how she saw black eyes when his reenactment video shows no black eyes. Is she looking at his hereditary circles under his eyes and calling them black? Why wouldn’t Bernie question the difference between the time she saw GZ and the time he showed up for reenactment video with no black eyes?

  242. NO EMT’s told Zimmerman his nose was broken. He LIED! Everything he tells is a damn lie

  243. Judy75201 says:

    Did you laugh when you saw that large bandaid?

  244. disappointed says:

    Haha his butt hurt.

  245. dianetrotter says:

    2 centimeters = .787 inch. A super sized kotex for that?

  246. gbrbsb says:

    Bernie, please, get her to explain ATRAUMATIC i.e. as per free:

    atraumatic /atrau·mat·ic/ (a″traw-mat´ik) not producing injury or damage.

    Courtesy of the Free Medical Dictionary (http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/atraumatic)

  247. RobertSF says:

    Argh! Why did BDLR skip asking her what “normocephalic” and “autramatic” meant in plain English.

  248. Leisa says:

    Gee he told Detective at reenactment doctor thought he could use a couple of stitches.. Liar liar pants on fire. His ass should be pretty well cooked by now with all of his britches burnt! ; – )

  249. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    do it again… “about this (tiny winny) big! LOL little cuts bitch ass… definitely woulda needed stitches if repeatedly slammed to the point of death… un f’in reasonable FEAR! GUILTY!

  250. smokeegyrl says:

    The truth shall come from the darkness to the light! I told y’all “Patience”… there is more to come! LACERATIONS DEEP OR SERIOUS NOT TO REQUIRE … A WHAT!!!! LOL

  251. type1juve says:

    The murderer looks like he’s about to cry.

  252. bellesouth says:

    MMA trained bulldog, Zimmerman is.

  253. bellesouth says:

    He’s considered obese? Then? Damn! He’s near heart attack level now then.

  254. fauxmccoy says:

    …. and has he become more obese? 😉

  255. disappointed says:

    204 pounds. Not a meek weak person by any means.

  256. Judy75201 says:

    Describes fogen’s report as “story” he is telling me.

  257. disappointed says:

    head trauma my ass

  258. fauxmccoy says:

    no headache
    no change in vision
    no slurred speech
    no dizziness
    no gait abnormality


  259. Tzar says:

    ha ha ha
    who tells their doctor that they used a weapon that they are “authorized to carry”
    this idiot was planting his little story

  260. disappointed says:

    So he could have fought off attacker, but he shot because he should have NEVER put hands on Trayvon and he knew his ass would go to jail. Illegally detaining, kidnapping, assaulting a minor.. kill claim self defense.

    • Ms.X says:

      There it is! But you know, if he would not have murdered Trayvon, he probably could have gotten him arrested. They would’ve believed anything he said over Tray just like they do now.

    • Cercando Luce says:

      Exactly– kill, claim self-defense because the State of Florida has instituted this CRAZY law that incentivizes gun-nuts to do just that! He knew that law would help him if he killed Ms. Fulton’s and Mr. Martin’s son, and it would have prevented his arrest if not for the persistence of the victim’s parents.

      Florida State law that rewards murder!

  261. emt’s nor paramedics can diagnose so they cannot say a nose is broken!

  262. Judy75201 says:

    He only went to the doctor because he had to for a return to work.

  263. Sabrina B. says:

    Back up. Is someone hacking NBC.com?

  264. Ms.X says:

    Would you guys kindly stop using cca? Racism is ugly & painful. I’ll put my dislike bordering on hatred for the murderer up against anyone’s, but I still can’t advocate racism or racial epithets against any humans. Please consider.

    • Sophia33 says:

      We had a discussion about this earlier. Many of us agree with you. Just to let you have support in your position.

      • Ms.X says:

        Thanks, friend.

      • towerflower says:

        I agreed with you also and made a comment further up about it.

      • groans says:

        CAC is just fine. If it’s good enough for Trayvon, it’s good enough for me.

        Unless … Are folks here calling Trayvon racist????

        You seem to be doing so – and buying into the TRUE true racists’ talking points – if you object to it.

        Send his CAC to prison for life!!

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Please consider Ms.X’s request, everyone.

      I agree with her. You did not use it before you heard it, don’t do it now or it invites the opposite “n” response.

      • disappointed says:

        I am sorry I did not see earlier conversation. I do switch back and forth I will stick with Fogen. 🙂

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        The other thing I don’t like is that when whites say “cracker” does not bother them, I become upset because I know that whites live “comfortably” and “safely” in our society where whites live under the protective umbrella of the white power structures that control our society………and thus, the word “cracker” is not threatening.

      • towerflower says:

        You can’t say that whites aren’t bothered by it. It has several meanings and it can be referred to as someone who is poor or it is also a term used to describe slave masters who would whip the slaves…..making a cracking noise of the whip. It also refers to a native and also a cowboy. Florida cowboys were the first cowboys and would herd livestock by cracking a whip. But is it any different than 2 AA who call themselves the N word? Why is that viewed as ok?

        This is why I feel if it is considered to be a derogatory term it shouldn’t be used at all.

      • Malisha says:

        I still offer the use of “Fogen” without attribution and for free. 😀

      • towerflower says:

        Malish, I will join you in the use of that term as well! 🙂

      • groans says:

        I like CAC, because it originated from Trayvon, himself. And Rachel testified that is is not racial or offensive.

        Trayvon gave his killer a descriptor, and I intend to honor Trayvon’s designation.

    • DruDo says:

      Apparently I missed that discussion. So sorry to offend you or anyone else, Ms.X.

      • groans says:

        CAC is just fine. If it’s good enough for Trayvon, it’s good enough for me.

        Unless … Are folks here calling Trayvon racist????

        You seem to be doing so – and buying into the TRUE true racists’ talking points – if you object to it.

        Send his CAC to prison for life!!

    • Sophia33 says:

      Np. Was trying to say you have support for your position.

    • EdgySF says:

      IMO, “cracker” is not a vulgar term like the N word. I don’t know why people think they are equivalent terms.

      “Crackers” didn’t get lynched.

      Nobody bombed a “cracker” church.

      Nobody blocks “crackers” from voting.

      I don’t condone the term. But “reverse racism” does not exist in a country where whites have all of the money and power.

      • Sophia33 says:

        I shared your sentiment too in the prior discussion today on the issue. I don’t think the two terms are equivalent for the reasons that you said. But I don’t think that equivalence is necessary to meet the bar of offensive. Just saying.

        Hence the reason, I personally have not used the term.

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        I agree, EdgySF.

        I just wrote the same sentiment.

      • groans says:

        CAC is just fine. If it’s good enough for Trayvon, it’s good enough for me.

        Unless … Are folks here calling Trayvon racist????

        You seem to be doing so – and buying into the TRUE true racists’ talking points – if you object to it.

        Send his CAC to prison for life!!

    • dianetrotter says:

      I really appreciate you guys chiming in on this. Professor Leatherman is gracious enough to let us commune here and there are many white people who want the right thing to happen. Using CAC can feed into Dennis and other trols. If it weren’t perceived as racial in some settings, Don West would not have used it to suggest that Trayvon was racist.

      • EdgySF says:

        I think it’s only perceived as a racist term by racists….personally, I’ve never heard anyone say it. I didn’t realize kids used if. IMO, that’s our fault (adults), not theirs…

      • groans says:

        CAC is just fine. If it’s good enough for Trayvon, it’s good enough for me.

        Unless … Are folks here calling Trayvon racist????

        You seem to be doing so – and buying into the TRUE true racists’ talking points – if you object to it.

        Send his CAC to prison for life!!

    • groans says:

      I like CAC, because it originated from Trayvon, himself. And Rachel testified that is is not racial or offensive.

      Trayvon gave his killer a descriptor, and I intend to honor Trayvon’s designation.

  265. My Forehead Tho says:

    The NBC link stopped working.

    Here’s another link:


  266. fauxmccoy says:

    no surprise that this witness testifies at end of week, just before weekend. last thing jury hears for a while. good job BDLR!

  267. YQ says:

    Fogenites disconnected the live feed???

  268. Nef05 says:

    Someone post the WTV site please NBC has gone down right in the middle of MMA testimony.

  269. Brandy says:

    There is hope! Praise God, I am feeling much better now! JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON

  270. My Forehead Tho says:

    Hmmmm, The Zimmerman’s made a huge thing about Fogen being described as white in the media, yet that is how he described himself….

  271. DruDo says:

    White and MMA…..So, crazyasscracker, explain that, you lying POS.

  272. Oh! Oh! George Zimmerman engaged in MMA exercise 3 days per week.


    • jm says:

      I hope they establish how long GZ trained in MMA.

    • Malisha says:

      And when he got sucker punched and fell on his tushie, he could not even use his hands to defend his poo widdow nosey wosey from big bad pBa-lack Trayvon’s vicious savage thug-hands? He was mentoring? No he wasn’t, he was TRAINING to bring down his “mark.”

  273. You all have thoughtful comments says:

  274. MedicineBear says:


  275. AHA! Told ya’ll smile and ^5’s!

  276. Sabrina B. says:

    Oh no! My video!

  277. disappointed says:

    NO! Did MOM unplug camera?

  278. Brandy says:

    Bingo!! MMA 3 times a week 🙂 Awesome

  279. fauxmccoy says:

    CAC — you’re a lying sack of shit and your caccy lawyers too!

  280. Leisa says:

    First thing I saw of trial was MMA. Yeah we knew he was full of it.

  281. MedicineBear says:

    Holy fucque!!!!!! MMA!

  282. My Forehead Tho says:

    “started to exercise extently with MMA”

    “Did mixed martials arts 3 days a week”

  283. lurker says:

    3x a week MMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Zim’s going DOWN!

  284. dianetrotter says:

    Three (3) days a week!!!

  285. Sabrina B. says:

    Insurance coverage too. Ambulance claims. Three days per week.

  286. Nellie Nell says:

    Booyow! He forgot about that important piece of information that he gave! CAC

  287. disappointed says:

    I bet he is shitting pants now! haha

  288. Dee says:

    He made sure to classified himself as being white and he not.

  289. gbrbsb says:

    So he did do MMA apart from grappling techniques which surely include arm, shoulder and wrist locks.

  290. Ms.X says:

    I came in on MMA. Faith temporarily restored.

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      We cannot retreat at the first sign of Controversy! Trayvon needs us to be strong! We have to keep the faith and remember FACTS… real FACTS… are on our side….. GZ’s own statements will bury him together with everything else that has been brought to evidence so far…. all this stuff about him being injured will eventually be looked at for what it is NON-LIFE THREATENING… ALL THAT EXTRA DETAIL GZ GAVE ABOUT THE SCUFFLE WILL BE WHAT IT IS … LIES TO THE JURY…. = GUILTY!

  291. disappointed says:

    He has/had insurance.

  292. Two sides to a story says:

    Lack of sleep, adderall for ADD/ADHD – and CCW on patrol? What a mess.

  293. EdgySF says:

    According to his medical records, GZ is white.

    and he took up MMA for insomnia.

    • EdgySF says:

      Also, can I just rant for a minute?

      I caught some of the trial on our local Fox News. They’re so biased toward the defense, it’s sickening.

      They said the Defense is miles ahead of the State….that BDLR has to figure out a way to prove that GZ just suddenly went insane.

      They even suggested that the case is going so well, they might not even put on a defense.

      Just got home and haven’t been watching.

      So many have this wrong. I’m disappointed and a little demoralized.

      At least this blog exists….thanks all.

      • towerflower says:

        WESH had their expert saying the same thing. Saying that MOM was laying the groundwork to have the case dismissed.

      • Malisha says:

        No no don’t be demoralized, do you know the translation of “the trial is going so poorly for the prosecution that the defense might not even put on evidence”? It means even in the face of all that has been proved, they’re afraid to put fogen on the stand and they will not be able to present evidence of self-defense!

        Remember the SYG no-SYG hearing rhetoric? “We’ll get him off on a SYG; he should never have been charged; just wait for the SYG; we’re gonna SYG outta this; the scheme team just wants money but we’re gonna deal with this in two parts; Fogen wants to be SYGGED by a jury; wel maybe we’ll do SYG during trial; well maybe we’ll do SYG after trial….”

        And all along FOX was saying SYG SYG SYG HUH HUH SYG.

        This means: there is no defense.
        Fogen will not try to testify.
        O’Mara will try to sell a woof ticket that “prosecution didn’t prove their case so we won’t even bother to put on a defense” and

        that is the way they sell their lies now. They simply say the opposite of the truth. 1984-ish but really, isn’t that what fogen did? Real suspicious guy [it was him]; unprovoked attack [it was him]; threats of death [it was him]; screams for help [it was him]. Simple formula: OPPOSITE OF THE TRUTH.

  294. tonya B says:

    oh shit MMA

  295. dianetrotter says:

    MMA! holy cow!

  296. fauxmccoy says:

    oh holy shit


    MMA dude

  297. lurker says:

    Started to exercise intensely with MMA!

    Ooooooogh. Go Bernie!

  298. DruDo says:


  299. Judy75201 says:


  300. YQ says:


  301. Woow! says:

    I take it that MOM won that sidebar?

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      No way.. MMA…. experienced fighter… why shoot first! Lets have some faith in BDLR… we cannot jump ship

  302. lurker says:

    OK–got name age AND RACE!

  303. You all have thoughtful comments says:


  304. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    We cannot retreat at the first sign of Controversy! Trayvon needs us to be strong! We have to keep the faith and remember FACTS… real FACTS… are on our side….. GZ’s own statements will bury him together with everything else that has been brought to evidence so far…. all this stuff about him being injured will eventually be looked at for what it is NON-LIFE THREATENING… ALL THAT EXTRA DETAIL GZ GAVE ABOUT THE SCUFFLE WILL BE WHAT IT IS … LIES TO THE JURY…. = GUILTY!

    • Malisha says:

      OK we need to remember the big things:

      It has been established that Fogen chased in the car, chased on foot, and that they fought or there was a scuffle while they stood and moved around, NO SUCKER PUNCH.

      It has been established that Fogen’s injuries were not serious.

      Look how far we have come, baby!

    • groans says:

      No one is retreating, Chicken Little. But we gotta be real, too.

  305. DruDo says:

    Anybody read lips? I’d like to know what cac is saying.

  306. Brandy says:

    Those superficial injuries on George of the Jungle’s head could of came from a tree, slipping and falling on the grass and hitting is head on a sprinkler head, or self inflicted. I tend to think he self inflicted them. George of the Jungle should of Watched out for that tree LOL

  307. So it might be a magic evidence in this case finally.
    The gunshot hole in TM’s sweatshirt being behind the photo pin.

  308. fauxmccoy says:

    hmm …. bernie seems to be highlighting, not redacting … let’s hope this is good news.

  309. disappointed says:

    MOM trying to steal paperwork?

  310. amsterdam1234 says:

    The vibes I am getting is that the system must be protected. No harm may come to the Sanford Police department. Where are the dash Cam recorder for instance? I am not getting the impression that GZ has special protections, but that the evidence that is out there to convict him, may also implicate LE and the judicial system, and that is prevented from happening.

  311. ay2z says:

    MOM has the jury as his pals, and Judge Nelson does nothing but stop him like a kid taking a cookie from the jar, not to do it again.

    • ay2z says:

      About MOM asking the jury if they were ok or wanted a for a break or are they ok to continue. JN told him not to talk to he jury, she would do it.

      • Malisha says:

        I don’t think the jury are the defense lawyers’ pals. We have a long way to go and only one juror is really susceptible to that kind of distortion, I think.

  312. DruDo says:

    Am I wrong to be a little concerned that the pros doesn’t seem to be asking questions they should be? Seems they’re letting a lot of important things slide. Guess I’m just worried.

    • darlinsass says:

      Dru the way the prosecution is going makes me sick. They act like they don’t have a clue. They don’t object, they don’t ask pertinent questions. It almost looks like like they are attempting to throw the case, by a slim thread.

    • groans says:

      There are reasons to be worried. I don’t know why the prosecution is allowing what they’ve allowed to get into evidence without any objection. There’s impropriety on the defense part, but “no objection, no foul.”

  313. crazy1946 says:

    Don West has actually placed his glass of liquid upon the judges bench! What a poor excuse for a human…

  314. Hey guys,

    Did you see the photo Don West’ daughters tweeted with the ice cream cones? It says we beat stupidity celebration cones. #Zimmermandefense.

    The entire family is disgusting. What lawyer does such a thing? He didn’t beat anyone. West having Rachel on the stand for 4 hours = he’s NOT winning.

  315. disappointed says:

    Adderall is the drug many actresses use to loose weight. However it can make any psych issues come to the fore front. I believe it comes with warning labels. Even dangerous machinery, I guess CAC did not think a gun was dangerous machinery.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Haven’t you been listening to the Korrupt Krypt Keepers (“Best Defense Deception Can Buy!”) defense team? He’s a RESPONSIBLE gun owner [except for that one incident which isn’t worth mentioning]!

  316. Big Willie says:

    I’m feeling discouraged.

  317. Donna Flores says:

    They don’t want the jury to see the long list of drugs Zimmerman was on that he listed on his medical report.

  318. Brandy says:

    MSNBC has been showing trial and commenting live too. FYI
    I like them much better that HLN

    • Big Willie says:

      I like MSNBC much better also.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      I did too. My internet was down for almost 30 hours. I watched HLN at first, and it was horribly annoying. Later, I discovered that MSNBC airs a lot of the trial without as much distraction.

  319. Two sides to a story says:

    Damn long sidebar – what’s it all about?

    • Bernie is trying to admit all the reports of each office visit on Aug of 2011….not just the report of the day he went in to get a work permit. That is what I understood they said.

      • Malisha says:

        August 2011 is one month before Fogen decided to organize the NW. I think it may be very relevant.

  320. YQ says:

    Seems like O’Mara is trying to close the door on Adderall and Temazepam.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Ah, so that’s what the sidebar is all about? I’m listening and working at the same time and sometimes don’t quite hear things right.

    • gbrbsb says:

      IMBW, but I seem to recall reading somewhere that she referred to GZ crying and being shaken at her depo, but iirc she doesn’t note it in her report, so that’s maybe why MOM wants report out and testimony only in.

  321. As for some thinking today’s testimony has not been good for Trayvon…..remember the prosecution is painting a picture for the jury. AND remember if you are laying flat on the ground being ground pounded or whatever…….BLOOD DOES NOT RUN FROM BACK OF HEAD TO FRONT OF FACE UNLESS YOUR HEAD IS FACING DOWNWARD WHILE BLEEDING……GZ ON TOP WITH HEAD BENT OVER TRAYVON PERHAPS….

    Keep the faith there is a reason for the prosecution doing what it is doing. It has already been proven GZ was not showing any signs of being physically in a state to have feared for his life when he murdered that beautiful child….

    • Donna Flores says:

      Now I see why it’s important for jurors to take notes. Cause there’s a beginning, a middle and an end.

    • disappointed says:

      Yep and we would rather have the prosecution bring these witnesses. If they don’t and the defense does bring them it will look like the State tried to deceive them. jmo

    • Mike says:


    • YQ says:

      I have some faith that all of this comes into play with the timeline. Maybe that’s why the State is not aggressive, giving them enough rope….

    • chi1224 says:

      Who would the state call to talk about the flow of the dried blood? Would that be an expert of some sort or something that will come out in closing?
      Also- does it really matter if Fogen had some injuries if the jury believes he was the aggressor?

  322. Sabrina B. says:

    Pisses me off because, Trayvon’s young life was plastered for all to pick apart.

  323. Is anybody else angry at Jeremy for taking a pictures of Trayvon’s body and not trying to help the kid?

    • YQ says:

      Nobody tried to help… maybe if someone had heeded the call for help we wouldn’t be here.

      • towerflower says:

        what does this say about society today? I can understand fear of not getting involved but not in helping Trayvon after the shot, no one knew at the time it was a fatal shot….except fogen.

    • ay2z says:

      Jeremy? Did he take pics too?

      John 9sp) did, he was doing that for ‘media’ interest, at least he talked to media and that could have been a reason, you know, reward for pics of news given by tv stations, local or big paying nationals if he were to be interviewed.

    • Denise says:

      Yes, seems to me he was more interested in playing Crime Scene Technician. Who does that? Ask about gun, but not hey what happen? Is the person you shot still alive? Nobody cared. Makes me sick. Those first few seconds were critical and I hope will show GZ was clearly able to think about what needed to be done for his own benefit (to save his ass) and not care what happen to the person he just shot!!!

  324. bellesouth says:

    I fell once on concrete! I was on a hillside and my dogs came zooming from behind me and clipped me good!! Holy Cow! I thought I had seen the light. But I sat up. But totally dazed and confused. My phone was ringing for some reason so I answered it. The phone had dialed my good friend — so called butt call. He said are you all right. Zow za. Blood was detected. Lots of it. But it was very superficial wound.

  325. fauxmccoy says:

    there must be some damning psych info in those records.

  326. MedicineBear says:

    Yeah, those psychotropic and behavior-modifying drugs listed on his medical record couldn’t possibly be relevant to his behavior that tragic evening!

    • dianetrotter says:

      My sister refuses to take medication. She said she saw too many people drooling on themselves when she did a mandatory 72 hours at the state hospital.

  327. Brandy says:

    I have seen and heard of woman in a domestic violence situation with a hell of lot more injuries that GZ shoot and kill husband or boyfriend in self defense and they still went to prison! How is this even fair??

    • MedicineBear says:

      Murder vs. Self Defense is like poker: The “Highest Card” is Rich White Male which beats Poor White Male which beats Rich Nonwhite Male which beats Poor Nonwhite Male which beats White Female which beats Nonwhite Female.

      Male husband had a “better hand” than the female wife.

    • dianetrotter says:

      My sister is in prison because she killed a guy in our parent’s home. My sister is bipolar paranoid schizophrenic. we tried to get help for her in mid 90s and were told that unless she does something to herself or someone else that there was nothing they could do. She said the guy was trying to rape her. They struggled and at some point he went through the window. Another sister called me to tell me that there was a dead man in the back yard with his pants down. They charged 1st degree and it eventually went to voluntary manslaughter.

  328. willisnewton says:

    The pills did it defense next …. Blame twinkies

  329. We have seen the list of medications GZ was on from viewing the PA’s report in discovery. Watch this PA she will be careful to be sure she cover’s her butt. She will be worried about a civil case against her. Right now they are trying to keep past medical records out of testimony. I hope the prosecution knows to ask when she codes why she see’s a patient it it because of what the patient complains of or reports when they come to see her…..ie: possible broken nose…because that is one thing GZ is complaining of!

  330. Dee says:

    I know he was on Adderall for ADD which he probably wasn’t on, because this medication could possibly cause weight gain. Which he is probably what he is on now.

    • chi1224 says:

      Adderall is a stimulant that causes weight loss…. and it causes aggression. I know people who have been on it. It’s like meth imo.

    • YQ says:

      He was on Temazepam also… could those two be taken together?

      • Sophia33 says:

        People on Adderall might take a sleep aid to help them sleep at night. Temazepam is a short acting benzodiazepine that only lasts for 6 to 8 hrs. So it is ideal for sleep and sometimes prescribed for that.

    • Woow! says:

      Adderall cause weight loss. This is what Lohan is addicted to as well as P. Hilton and others.

      • groans says:

        “Addicted to”? Are heart patients “addicted to” their medications??

        There’s a STRONG societal bias against mental health conditions and their medical treatment. To me, it’s a prejudice just like any other prejudice. And for those here who purport to oppose prejudice, you might want to reconsider your assumptions about mental health and its therapy.

    • fauxmccoy says:

      adderall usually causes weight loss – it is doctor prescribed speed. in terms of ADHD, speed will act in the opposite effect from patients without it, calms their thought process, but would still help to control weight.

  331. amsterdam1234 says:

    I kind of have a dirty taste in my mouth, watching today’s proceedings. I can’t put my finger on it, it just feels off after what Rachel was exposed to. Fake people going through fake motions.

    • YQ says:

      I agree. Rachel was consistent, but no one cares.

    • chi1224 says:

      I think I know how you feel… today just hasn’t felt like a stellar day. I’m hoping it’s just getting some necessary junk out of the way. This needs to come back to Trayvon, not the “poor beat up fogen” and his lies.

      • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

        The state had to get through this part of the trial… things always get worse before it get’s better….. 4 good days 1 bad day for the prosecution, I’m still confident in the case… there is much more to come… remember this is just the foundation portion of the fight…. We all knew all this information coming in and we still know it’s murder! the prosecution can overcome, why do you think they brought all this junk up! Think people think!

      • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

        We cannot retreat at the first sign of Controversy! Trayvon needs us to be strong! We have to keep the faith and remember FACTS… real FACTS… are on our side….. GZ’s own statements will bury him together with everything else that has been brought to evidence so far…. all this stuff about him being injured will eventually be looked at for what it is NON-LIFE THREATENING… ALL THAT EXTRA DETAIL GZ GAVE ABOUT THE SCUFFLE WILL BE WHAT IT IS … LIES TO THE JURY…. = GUILTY!

      • Malisha says:

        It wasn’t a bad day for the prosecution. Not a single piece of evidence went in that supports any of Fogen’s false narratives!

    • dianetrotter says:

      All of this does pale in comparison to what Rachel endured.

  332. YQ says:

    I nearly forgot about the “uppers” and “downers”…. I believe he was an addict. Only a recovering drug addict could gain 100 plus lbs in a year.

    • Brandy says:

      So true!

    • Woow! says:

      I never heard he was a drug addict. Where can I find that info?

    • riisey007 says:

      I said when I first saw his weight gain is that O’mara must be having his meds monitored. He as abusing those uppers that were proscribed to him for sure. He kept hi weight off because those type meds decrease your appetite and increase metabolism.

  333. disappointed says:

    Jury must be thinking what are they hiding from us?

    • chi1224 says:

      Exactly. They will be thinking to themselves– what MEDICAL issue is the defense wanting to hide??

    • Shari says:

      Sorry I no longer speculate what a jury is thinking. Especially after Casey Anthony. Go ask 6 random women how they feel about the case so far. I’m biased because I want to see GZ in jail but I have no idea how the jury will see this.

  334. willisnewton says:

    Steroid rage has been speculated about… Could this be it?

  335. Nef05 says:

    Changed medications for adverse aggressive side effects? Previous injuries from fights? Referral to a mental health professional? History of hypochondria?

    Where are we going?

  336. Dee says:

    I totally agree, because they knew him. That’s why Zimmerman didn’t get lawyered up, because he knew that he had friends there that knew him and would believe whatever he said. Zimmerman knew the law. He was in school for it. They never check the butt of his gun to self it that was used to self-inflicted injuries to himself, which I truly believed he did. They have had people shoot themselves to get out of a situation in which they have killed someone to make it look as though they were being attacked. And I truly believed this is what this man did. Or he was injured before he ever met Trayvon, Because why was his hair so short at that time? Was it because he was injured earlier and re injured these prior injuries who knows. Maybe this is what she is about to say.

  337. Woow! says:

    MOM is trying hard to hid something in CAC medical history.

  338. boyd says:

    MOM making sure all the evidence comes out again I see

    • PiranhaMom says:


      And notice that the PA knew his record, had seen him 6 months earlier (with the discussion about MMA), discussed (from what she read) that his “exercise” classes were 3 hours each, three times a week, but she NEVER said “hey, big fella, why don’t you knock off the exercise regimen for a couple of weeks to be sure you’re stable”?

      No discussion of a nose-guard or helmet (she figures this is the ENT’s job).

      No concern for his sacroiliac “pain?”

      Isn’t a “broken” or cracked or even temporarily bopped nose painful? Wouldn’t she check the interior of the nose with one of those cone-shaped lighted viewing devices? (A “schniozz scope?”) Did she report any tenderness? Pain? Did he flinch? Did she see any dried blood up in the nostrils? How come no blood is draining from the nostrils? How did she establish that the septum was not deviated if she didn’t look inside? And if he was “swollen” or “in pain” why was this NOT NOTED?

      Does the report state that he had admittedly SHOT a young stranger to death – and it not by accident?

  339. disappointed says:

    Viagra? WTF is the problem? Why is CAC freaking out over records?

  340. chi1224 says:

    What is in those records that crypto doesn’t want coming out? All of Fogen’s psych meds??

  341. YQ says:

    Seriously. It just doesn’t play out right in my head.

    Maybe if Trayvon tried to get up from off top, this is that lull in the fight where he could have the chance to get to his gun, Pin Trayvon’s right arm down under the armpit and now Trayvon can’t use his left arm for extra leverage. And if Fogen is left-handed, I’d like to hear about what his left hand was doing while his right hand was busy.

    • PiranhaMom says:


      Re: “this is that lull in the fight where he could have the chance to get to his gun, Pin Trayvon’s right arm down under the armpit and now Trayvon can’t use his left arm for extra leverage. And if Fogen is left-handed, I’d like to hear about what his left hand was doing while his right hand was busy.”

      YQ, Fogen’s left hand was grasping Trayvons’s shirts to detain him.

      The problem with Zimmerman’s claim that as soon as he felt Trayvon’s hand moving diagonally across his chest to grab Zimmerman’s gun, then he – Zimmerman – “secured” Trayvon’s approaching hand by clamping down on it with Zimmerman’s own ARMPIT, stopping Trayvon’s approach.

      IMMEDIATELY, then, Zimmerman OPENS his armpit “clamp” by lifting up his right shoulder so he can reach down and back to get his gun out of the holster tucked in his right-rear waistband – leaving a gap you could fit a good size cantaloupe in.

      Trayvon’s hand not only would be immediately free to defend himself, he could have tickled Zimmerman’s armpit to death.


      Trayvon not only was NOT beating Zimmerman’s face, nose, or covering Zimmerman’s nose and mouth, stoppng him from breathing, Trayvon could not USE his arms or hands in his own defense because Zimmerman rolled, mounted himself on Trayvon with his knees on Trayvon’s arms at his side, pinning Trayvon helplessly to the ground.

      Zimmerman’s ludicrous I-grabbed-his-hand-with-my armpit “move” was displayed TWICE on Sanford PD video and nobody (wisely) brought this to Zimmerman’s attention. It is there for everyone to see. He opens his fetid armpit like a giant clamshell.

      Obviously, Zimmerman didn’t re-create this stupid, flimsy, unbelievable excuse while LOOKING IN A MIRROR, before going before the cops and their cameras.

      IT’S A FAIL!

  342. Brandy says:

    I am so disgusted! Lets put it this way, I will be shocked if GZ is found guilty. The way things are going he is gonna walk and it makes me physically ill 😦

    • disappointed says:

      Brandy have faith. ME still has to testify, DNA, Forensics and possibly gym membership. Then because MOM is mentally challenged prior violent acts.

      • Shari says:

        Natalie Jackson was interviewed on HLN. She was asked if the family is ready for a not guilty verdict. The attorney said yes all they wanted was a trial. If he is found NG I hope Ben Crump is waiting to serve GZ with a civil suit. I’m not a lawyer so maybe I don’t understand strategy. Maybe they have to put these people on today because the defense was going to anyway. They were witnesses after all.

    • Mike says:

      Well I don’t think so they are setting the stage for all of Fogens statements he’s screwed because of his own statements.

    • Beverly says:

      Even if Zim had been smacked by TM, he would be in little danger. He is a bigger man and carrying a gun….what is the big scary, scary, threat and eminent danger? So you just decide to kill someone? No wonder they did not want the vigillante word….And I could be wrong.

    • Trained Observer says:

      This is Day 5 of a solid week. Upon what do base this notion?

    • Ms.X says:

      I hope he at least gets manslaughter. Thats what I think he will get. From my understanding, the jury will be able to consider the lesser charge in this case. The judge will probably give him 7 yrs. & he will be out in 3.5 or sooner. Its really sad. I hope I’m wrong.

      • Trained Observer says:

        Yes, that’s a possibility, but even manslaughter can carry a chunk of time. CA-Fogen is an adult who shot an unarmed minor and JN doesn’t have a reputation for going easy at sentencing.

      • cielo62 says:

        Ms.x- you are very wrong. Florida has mandatory minimums. 20 years min for a crime committed with a gun PLUS an extra 10 for killing a minor. They are not pansies like Texas. At the very least GZ is looking at 30 years in prison.


      • fauxmccoy says:

        cielo says

        Ms.x- you are very wrong. Florida has mandatory minimums. 20 years min for a crime committed with a gun PLUS an extra 10 for killing a minor. They are not pansies like Texas. At the very least GZ is looking at 30 years in prison

        this is true, other things to consider

        – sentencing up to judge nelson, former homicide prosecutor and always imposes harshest possible sentence

        – florida statutes state that 85% of sentence must be served before any consideration is made for time off for good behavior.

        manslaughter in this case carries a hefty penalty and i for one could accept that.

    • God is there says:

      The trial isn’t over yet Brandy, there’s still a lot of evidence to be seen. I know this may sound corny, but I truly believe that God is in control and that He will not allow this man to go free. I have a this habit of sometimes putting too much confidence in people, but I am trusting that God will allow this jury and all those who are following the trial, regardless if they are big enough to admit that this man is a murderer or not; that the jury will see through the lies, innuendos, false accusations, and tricks. I do believe that the women on this jury are weighing ‘THE FACTS’ and that they are separating what is fabricated and what is authentic. Zimmerman made his mistake leaving his house that night, and he really set himself up for a great fall when he attached God’s Name to his cold blooded, murderous act, and that is one thing he should have never done. He is now boxing with God, and this is why I believe he won’t walk and will go to jail for the rest of his miserable life. Greater is He than he that is in the world. Keep your head up Brandy, IT AIN’T OVER UNTIL GOD SAYS ITS OVER!

  343. Woow! says:

    I guess MOM does not want the medications CAC takes known or the fact he only wanted a doctor’s note to return to work.

  344. fauxmccoy says:

    zimmy getting UPTIGHT! notice the neck cracking. yick

  345. Shari says:

    Prof. Please comment. Does the state have to put these witnesses on because they expect the defense will. Is this just a sham?

  346. Woow! says:

    Who is the bald guy sitting in front of CAC sister?

  347. Sabrina B. says:

    He keeps interrupting when it is the state’s turn. If I were a juror, that would seem pretty suspicious to me.

  348. ladystclaire says:

    I NEVER saw any WETNESS on Fogen’s back and, do you guys think O’dirty is using his Ipad to communicate with the slum house, when he gets up to do his cross examination, there is already a laptop there, het he is using a tablet as well.

    • elcymoo says:

      I think everyone’s overlooking that Trayvon would obviously have wetness and grass clippings on both his front and back, but it’s hard to explain away why the pics taken at the SPD show the toes of GZ’s boots wet and maybe muddy, but the heels look pristine.

      • God is there says:

        That’s exactly my concern as well. Why hasn’t the State brought this up. Isn’t that important information to document as well? Especially since he said he was on his back being beaten to death. This just does not match with what he is wanting folk to believe.

  349. fauxmccoy says:

    oh please, let’s discuss his med load ms physician assistant

  350. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    The State is putting up all of Zimm’s “witnesses in his favor” so that the defense will have to him up because a lot of his story has been rebutted very well

  351. chi1224 says:

    More testimony about Fogan’s injuries, I’m fucking sick of this!

  352. disappointed says:

    Oh this is good! Going to talk about a few boo boos.

    • Malisha says:

      Everybody break out your knuckle ass bandages: you might need them if you laugh too hard and fall on the floor.

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      Knuckle who?
      Knuckle ass big ole bandages, QUICK!

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      That’s really retarded.
      That’s really retarded who?
      That’s really retarded SIR.

      Knock Knock.
      Who’s there?
      Fogen. Don’t bother asking. Fogen’s there in the defendant’s seat although he never expected to be there. He expected this would all “go away” but it didn’t. He really is there and this is real and it’s getting realer and realer and realer. NOW do a voice-stress test and ask the question: “Do you regret anything you did that night?”

    • gbrbsb says:

      Not so sure it will be so “good” because I think I read she said at the depo that GZ was crying and all shook up, which even though it could be said to contradict her report might help the prosecution more than the State ?

  353. YQ says:

    Trayvon on top: I don’t understand how in the hell he could have got to his gun with Trayvon’s knees in the way. Just because the jacket came up is null IMO. If someone is straddling you, you’re not getting to a gun on your hip. The gun absolutely had to be out already.

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      Exactly… they had better have someone reenact that shit and have GZ reenact it on the Stand if he testifies

    • ladystclaire says:

      @YQ, I have thought all along that he was holding that kid at gunpoint and, that was why we hear those terrible heartbreaking cries of help, that belongs to Trayvon. Oh GOD I pray that this bastard won’t get away with murdering this child.

      I also believe that the DOJ has got more than enough proof, proving this kid’s civil rights were violated by this ass hole at the defense table. BTW, I had to go out for a doctors appointment and, I’ve missed some things. so, can someone please tell me why O’dirty wanted to talk to the jury, and JN told him NO, I will talk to them. something tells me that there is a tree slum racist.

      I hope I’m wrong and, you have to ask yourself, with the number of laptops at the defense table, WHY IN THE HILLY HAYSTACK, IS O’DIRTY WALKING AROUND USING A TABLET AS WELL.

      • Endless Summer says:

        I agree with you. From the first time I heard the NEN call, I thought that it sounds like he is loading his gun (clicking noise in the background.) I’ve always thought that he probably left his vehicle with his gun drawn. It’s the only thing that really explains the screams–the gun was already drawn.

      • breelee says:

        Lady, JN asked if the jury needed a potty break and MOM had to butt in and ask them also, that’s when JN slammed him. tee hee

    • God is there says:

      Exactly, and I believe the gun was more behind him than on the side of him. Look at how Z describes where his gun is in the video

  354. lurker says:

    OK–the PA who examined Zim!

  355. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    WTF… they didn’t ask him about the f’n CAR!!!

  356. Dave says:

    Did he notice any further bleeding during the 30-40 minutes while he was observing him?

    • Malisha says:

      “notice any further bleeding?”

      “No, we all figured that amount of blood was enough to get him off.”

      • Malisha says:

        A damn butcher gets more than that amount of blood on his apron from slicing a steak!

      • Malisha says:

        Come to think of it, Shellie could have brought a raw steak down there to help with the pictures they took later. Hmmm. Might explain animal blood on jacket. Hmmmm.

      • groans says:

        Did the State EVER ask either the EMT or Ofc. Smith whether they saw any blood on CAC’s jacket or shirt or on his hands?

        I never heard it, but I was in and out today.

        But HOW do you have a bloody nose of ANY significance without getting blood on your jacket/shirt, sleeves, or hands (and no access to towels/rags/whatever)???

  357. disappointed says:

    LOL! Go Guy!

  358. Tzar says:

    this is like the twilight zone
    I have had serious head injuries, I feel lightheaded
    but heck no I don’t want to go to the hospital
    and heck no we are not going to require you to go the hospital

    what kind of circus is this?
    it’s either serious or it is not

  359. crazy1946 says:

    Hmmmm, to the EMT he was not dizzy or light headed and had no headache, but after they left he suddenly was light headed and had a headache… quick learner, wasn’t he…

  360. Nef05 says:

    He had insurance. Isn’t that what it’s for?

    • Malisha says:

      Police would take an injured suspect to hospital to protect themselves from charges of police brutality. This was a fix.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        No, they ask you if you want to go. They don’t automatically take anyone unless there are severe injuries. I’ve gone to hospital while under arrest to document that the officers gave me a slight fracture to one wrist. They asked me, didn’t automatically take me, but had to ask and had to take me once I said I did (in presence of EMTs). They also asked me if I wanted EMTs, who arrived on the scene and looked at me first.

        This could vary from place to place, of course, but it’s not an automatic fix if the police don’t transport you to hospital. But you’d best do it to cover your butt for whatever reason you have to cover your butt and Fogen didn’t do that.

      • lurker says:

        Pretty sure that the police were on top of liability. Made sure that they documented each and every time they asked Zim if he wanted to get medicatl attention.

      • Malisha says:

        But Two Sides, he and the police WERE claiming they were severe injuries! Even Jonathan Turley posted this dramatic article saying “Serious injuries cast doubt on prosecution’s case” when ABC printed the head-bump catsup rivulet pix. THEY KNEW they should have transported him to the hospital; the HOA would have paid for it, or his good buddy corn-planter (or planter’s wort) or his other good buddy impOSTERMAN. I call bullshit on THAT.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        I agree – if SPD claimed serious injuries that’s clearly BS.

        I had the opposite experience – I was manhandled by police – I did not touch them at all, and they denied they’d done anything to me, but one started punching me in the head – I instinctively shielded my head with my arm and ended up with a small fracture near my wrist from the blow. Was pretty swollen after a few hours. Left untreated even though it was x-rayed in the hospital, but I wasn’t able to collect the medical records until two days later.

        Odd that GZ felt his life was in danger – I got 9 blows from a husky 26-year old cop with all sorts of training, LOL! I was never in fear of my life per se – I was afraid of exactly what they did, was to charge me with more than one count of assault on an officer, which was why I insisted that EMTs see me and that police take me to the hospital. It paid off and the prosecutor completely backed off on the assault charges. I also made sure that the sheriff’s department take pictures of my arms and all the other bruises I received too.

        I think if there was a plan, it came in a few hours after the event, not in the moment.

  361. ic2fools says:

    When has an officer handcuff the person who just killed another person. Puts the handcuffed shooter in the back of their squad car and leave the door open for the handcuffed shooter to sit sideways out of the squad car?

    What did he stand there while the paramedics examined him, no one said that.

    • fauxmccoy says:

      yes, it was stated that ofc smith was observing at that time.

      • ic2fools says:

        ok thanks!

        MMA three times a week!

        (i just whistled, a long whistle….)

      • ic2fools says:

        Wonder if he went to the gym that day and sustained a few knots on that head? We will find out when State questions who ever is the witness for Kokopellis’ (not sure if that spelling is right). Still wound up from working out, hmmmm?

  362. Sabrina B. says:

    So he wasn’t confused enough not to worry about expenses?

  363. disappointed says:

    OMG Expenses? If I were in life threatening fight and hurt I would get aid. Stupid.

  364. boyd says:

    I missed the EMT’s what did they say?

    I’m watching now MOM seems to be implying that if you surrender and say self-defense you’re automatically in the clear. well then almost every self-defense case could be not guilty.

  365. amsterdam1234 says:

    If I would be in charge of a police department, the first change I would implement is to prohibit personel to shave their heads.
    I despise this skinhead look.

    • Two sides to a story says:

      It keeps people from being able to grab officer by the hair. I doubt they’re going to change this.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Ironically, considering what we are here for, it’s very useful in an altercation… makes it real difficult for someone to keep hold of your head !

  366. Judy75201 says:

    I want BDLR to ask him when he noticed fogen’s nose go from walloped to normal.

  367. *this is one of the first

  368. Sabrina B. says:

    Is previous character going to come in?

  369. I’ve seen a few criminal trials in my time, but this is the one of the first where the defense and police are cooperative.

  370. Attention: It was Trayvon Martin who called for help but no one came. Zimmerman stole not only his screams but his calls for help!

  371. chi1224 says:

    I think I am going to be ill
    Fogen- “I was yelling for help but nobody came to help me”

    • Dee says:

      He’s going to say that because he had to cover the screams that Trayvon was making. He knew that they were loud enough to hear him. Even so, remember what he said he was screaming then T put his hands over his mouth. That is not what the 911 tape is reacting. On the tape, the shot came right after the scream so when was Trayvon holding his mouth? That’s were he is lying as well as shooting T while he was on top. Trayvon got away from him, and Z caught him by his jacket swinging him back to the ground this is when Z got on top of him like other said they seen and while still holding Trayvon’s shirt was in his hand, when he ”aimed” and shot Trayvon in the chest, when he probably said you shot me, not you got me as Z said. If he had enough time to say that much. This is why the shirt was away from T body at the time, because Z was still holding on to it as he shot him. This man Z is evil, and if he is let go God help all of us and our children. They will be doing this more and more, and use this law to get away with it.

      • chi1224 says:

        I know WHY he did it… I’m just sick about the fact that he actually did it. I don’t know what I will do if he gets away with this. I will officially lose ALL faith in the so called justice system. I agree with everything you said in your post.

  372. Sabrina B. says:


  373. fauxmccoy says:

    98 degrees in the shade and rising — dear lord, summers here can be brutal. so far no 120 deg, but july/august have yet to come. sorry for whining.

    • chi1224 says:

      Are you in Florida?

    • gbrbsb says:

      Sadly faux, no sympathy from this one here, just envy. In the UK we are at the end of June and no summer even remotely in the forecasts… and I so love the heat ! ; – )

      • fauxmccoy says:

        the climate here is a true mediterranean – just like my beloved espana where i hope to move upon husband’s retirement.

        • gbrbsb says:

          And my beloved España too… Que viva ESPAÑA!

          Ha ha ha…. I’ve got the “ñ”, I’ve got the “ñ”… 😉

          (I have a Spanish keyboard)

    • Ms.X says:

      97 degrees in houston. Not smoldering yet.

    • cielo62 says:

      Faux McCoy- 100 degrees today; 106 heat index. GRATEFULLY my 2 seater Del Sol with working AC is back from the shop! Still saving my pennies to fix the AC in my CRV. 😦


    • camanokat says:

      Love Chico!

    • camanokat says:

      No, just visited during your famous growing season.

      • fauxmccoy says:

        oh, that 🙂 it is a beautiful spot on the planet, i love it. the heat can be unbearable at times … especially growing up on a ranch 20 miles away as i did and dad decides it’s time to herd cows at 110 deg. and CPA dad was too cheap to turn on the AC, insisting ‘it’s not hot in here’. i slept outside all summer and would go jump in the water trough to cool off just to be able to sleep.

    • camanokat says:

      I visited in the fall, it was gorgeous. Liked that cute cafe called Mom’s. Driving back to WA was a pain, snowing in Grant’s pass and a semi overturned, traffic backed up for miles and had to stay overnight in Ashland. Kelly’s or some other Irish name resort. Learned how to trim properly, tho!

  374. gbrbsb says:

    Bernie should ask

    Did GZ ask at any time form that moment after you saw him, how was the person he had shot ?


    And you didn’t think that was “uncaring”?

    • Malisha says:

      Did he ask? OK question.
      You think that was uncaring? Not OK — calls for conclusion and nobody cares about Smith’s opinion.
      Just like the opinions of the officers that “Fogen shouldn’t have been charged” is irrelevant.
      I can’t wait to hear from Serino.

      • gbrbsb says:

        And what about just asking the question, “Did the defendant at any time ask…” and leave it for the jury to work out whether he was “caring” or not ?

    • God is there says:

      Didn’t Manolo say Zimm never looked back at Trayvon’s body? I really thought that question was asked of him and that was his response. I just looked at my notes from his testimony and he did say: “He (GZ) didn’t appear to be in shock. He was coherent just like any other person, and that he never looked back at the body. Also, that GZ was calm.” And the staggering part: West asked if GZ was staggering as if something were wrong or from injuries; and Manolo said: “Just staggering as from getting off the ground.” I took that to mean that nothing was wrong with him, he was just getting up off the ground. And I have a question if someone would please help me out: (I’m just a lay person here trying to understand: Zimm said he was on his back, in the rain and grass, but the pics show grass and wetness only on the front part of his boots; does anyone think the prosecutors will make mention of this and why haven’t they already.) Thanks.

  375. Mike says:

    Wow I think Fogen got the idea to say my jacket lifted up and I think he saw it from being arrested by smith

  376. chi1224 says:

    So according to the defense Fogen went from screaming for his very life, to cool as a cucumber within seconds, with normal vital signs…… yeah, that’s normal….. NOT

  377. Tzar says:

    Weird Fogen complied with the commands of Smith
    I wonder if it was because of the uniform, blinding siren lights, and the call out of “POLICE SHOW ME YOUR HANDS”

    weird how that works
    Why didn’t Zimmerman turn himself him to Manolo?

  378. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Ask if gz talked about anything in patrol car on way to station.

  379. disappointed says:

    Ask him if he were flat on his back if his jacket went up would you be able to see while still flat on back.

  380. Trained Observer says:

    Smith: “I saw Trayvon laying in the grass.”

    Finally, a cop not trying to make him look like an adult. Points for that.

    • MedicineBear says:

      I noticed Officer Ayalo referred to the victim as Trayvon and the killer as Zimmerman. I appreciated that too.

  381. Nef05 says:

    “Alleyway” instead of courtyard. Implying Trayvon was big, balack, scary dude, attacking people in alleys. Ahole!

  382. GrannyStandingforTruth says:

    That was a different video than the one given to the public before the trial.

  383. disappointed says:

    this event? Why can’t we call it a shooting?

  384. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    Why haven’t they asked the officer where or if he saw GZ’s truck

  385. Judy75201 says:

    Get a load of that tie on O’Mara lol.

  386. disappointed says:

    West is smiling.

  387. disappointed says:

    Did he beat nose on table?

  388. Sabrina B. says:

    He even wiped his feet!

  389. fauxmccoy says:

    that is ofc smith removing his own jacket and placing it in trunk of his car. nothing remotely suspicious with that.

    pat down looks lazy.

    state needs to mention zim getting out of car unaided and with ease.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      During pat down, Smith ran his hand along gz’s zipper down to the pull tab and wiped his hand afterwards as if he passed over something sticky.

  390. dianetrotter says:

    He had no problem getting out with hands cuffed. Without head injury getting out with cuffs should be challenging.

  391. elcymoo says:

    Commentary on WFTV is driving me wild. Shaeffer claims that what GZ said to Manolo, guy who first met him and took his picture, was ‘excited utterance’, evidence he didn’t have time to make up a story.

    • chi1224 says:

      He had already frisked Trayvon, put his gun away and got on his phone. He knew as soon as he frisked Trayvon he needed to start lying.

    • Malisha says:

      Fortunately we have Judge Nelson rather than Judge Shaeffer and fortunately Shaeffer is not on the jury.

    • KittySP says:

      Reply sure he did…during those couple of back and forth paces Selma Mora described.

  392. greenwarrior4 says:

    How come, as in the procedure Ayala described, Tim Smith didn’t approach the scene with his gun out?

  393. Tzar says:

    The state is just getting started
    this is just a laying out of the statements which then the forensics will parse out into fact vs. non-fact by establishing what was possible and impossible. These fogen witnesses better be careful.

  394. towerflower says:

    With the nose injury here is a review of the Kel-Tec 9mm that fogen used specifically on recoil.

    2. Shooting the PF-9 creates considerable recoil: the equal and opposite reaction that occurs when the explosion inside the gun sends the bullet forwards.

    The smaller the gun, the harder it is to control the recoil for follow-up shots.

    Recoil can also be painful; reducing the chances that the PF-9′s owner will practice shooting their gun.


    I hope someone brings out the fact of the position of the two people involved. Fogen shooting one handed and the recoil of the gun he used could have caused it to come back and smack him in the nose causing his own injuries.

  395. disappointed says:

    Dang, keys are sticking. I know Twit’s husband….

  396. God is there says:

    No one could see or noticed Zimm’s gun so Trayvon probably didn’t either.

  397. disappointed says:

    Is there any photos from the night of the shooting where you can see where Zimmerman parked his truck? I now Twit’s husband parks in the curve so exactly where did Z park his? Anyone?

    • towerflower says:

      They would have to ask one of the officers who was sent on a license check of vehicles in the area to see if they could determine who TM was. One of the checks was fogen’s truck.

  398. God is there says:

    the pic that was shown of TM’s body, whose home is there? Is that where Jeremy and Jenna lives?

  399. Whonoze, Amsterdam,

    we got the timing of the cctv just right.

    T. Smith route is the one we deduced.
    We were wrong about Ayala ‘s route but checking the correlation table, I could find his car coming thru the gate ~30sec after Smith. b/c he took the wrong route it took him too longer get there.

    So, time wize, we’re right on spot.

    They did not ask Smith anything about seeing GZ’s truck.

  400. RobertSF says:

    I’ve read that Gorge carried his gun on his right side so that he could draw cross-handed with his left (he’s left-handed).

    • Dave says:

      He shot righthanded and carried his gun in a typical position for a righthanded shooter.

      • towerflower says:

        Dave is correct, with a pistol it doesn’t matter. He learned to draw right handed and not left, shooting a pistol is different than shooting a shotgun or rifle and then the eye dominance comes into play…..most people, but not all, if they are right handed are normally right eye dominant and vice versa.

    • smokeegyrl says:

      but if you see his interview… see how he shows how he grabbed his gun from his right side… the holster is left hand holster. that he had it on his right side… check out LLMPapa’s video about that one.. I don’t know which it is… but it shows it……

      • towerflower says:

        smokeegyrl……the holster was a right handed one, not a left. It goes inside the pants and not outside. The holster is also interchangeable and could’ve been switched to a left handed user but it was set up for the right side.

        • smokeegyrl says:

          according to everything I have read which I intensely search that holster was a left handed holster. One of the police reports said it was a left hand holster. I know LLMPapa is very thorough and he wouldn’t have made a video stating otherwise. People are saying he is ambidextrous… or however you spell it… but nobody has heard that he is… or it hasn’t came from his mouth…. nor would I believe he is… he is such a liar…

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            The holster was left handed and just as you would expect, the handle of the gun was in wrong position for a right handed draw! Thus, it should come as no surprise to anyone that gz says that he drew the weapon, turned it around, then took careful aim and fired

            LLMPapa has a video about it as well. When you go to youtube subscribe to LLMPapa’s channel and view the many informative videos he has made to illustrate the evidence.

          • fauxmccoy says:


            everything i have checked out about the holster indicated that it was reversible — do you have a good link to something that would show otherwise?

          • cielo62 says:

            Faux McCoy- when it was shown in court it was clearly a reversible holster. It had clips for attaching on both sides.

            FROM THE CLUTTERED DESK OF Cielo62

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Yes it is reversible but gz says that he wore it for “cross draw” meaning that the butt faced towards the left. In another video / statement he says that when he drew the gun he turned it. Acknowledging that the gun was facing the wrong way for a right handed draw. LLMPapa made a video about it, showing how gz would have had to draw the gun holding it wrong.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Somewhere in the myriad of documents and tapes and videos, gz says that he carried his gun for cross draw and, in some other videos he says that he drew his gun and turned it around before aiming and firing. I don’t know off hand where to find this stuff, I know that LLMPapa has a video up about the gun that shouldn’t be too hard to find, just click on subscribe to him and have a look at his offerings, he usually titles them pretty good.

            Don’t worry, you’ll find it, I must have seen and read this evidence a dozen times or so last year before it lost our attention.

          • fauxmccoy says:

            yes lonnie, i know there is a lot of stuff on the net that indicates what you are saying. what i am saying is that many months ago, i did research that particular holster and it is reversible to the best of my knowledge. i would encourage anyone to do their own primary research on something like that.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            I remember back on the bcc:list.com when this fact about the holster being reversible came to our attention. However, we dismissed it as not probative because, gz himself stated that he drew the gun and turned it around. He stated that he carried it “cross draw style” so when he says that he had to turn the gun, he confirms which way it was facing. Reversible holster or not, all that matters is which way he carried it that night and that’s been settled.

          • fauxmccoy says:

            i guess i would have to see direct evidence of gz saying he carried in such a way. he shot right handed, carried on right hip. cross drawing with your left hand when you shoot right handed would be highly unusual. it makes no real sense.

            yes, i have heard this things spread on the net, but have never seen direct evidence.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Well he says somewhere in all this evidence, that he drew the gun and turned it around. Osterman says that foggen carried his gun set up for cross draw on one of his interviews. But gz confirms it by saying that he had to turn the gun when he drew it.

            Not that it makes much difference because the gun is so small it barely fills his hand.

  401. God is there says:

    When asked if he wanted to go to hospital, first didn’t know what to do, but ultimately didn’t want to go.

  402. crazy1946 says:

    How many of you caught that the ex-detective said it was standard procedure to come onto a shots fired scene with gun drawn and ready? Did you hear that Officer Tim Smith did not draw his gun until he was told by the Fogdoit that he had a weapon? Hmmm, perhaps we need to ask why? Could it be that he knew the defendant? or? Simply why did he not follow the rules of the dept.?

    • God is there says:

      Caught it and a good question that should be asked

    • I rather believe that he made the assumption that the killer ran and the two guys were bystanders. I think it keeps the story simple.

      • crazy1946 says:

        Sorry, but that would not wash in explaining why department policy was disregarded! A normal police officer could be dead making that kind of assumption…. it was said that the Fogdoit called a friend that was a police officer, could this have been who he called? Watch the call that was made by the Fogdoit having been made to an unknown pre paid phone….. aka throw away phone….

      • towerflower says:

        Smith has also been promoted……guess that old phrase is alive and well in the SPD…..F-up, move up.

    • Malisha says:

      Knew the defendant.
      Maybe even knew that defendant was going to apprehend a dangerous criminal that night.
      Maybe even “a police officer that I had called” — as per Hannity interview.

  403. God is there says:

    1st EMT, no problem speaking, oriented, obeyed commands, just cleaned up injuries. It doesn’t sound life-threatening. Lacerations were only 1 inch. No trouble with balance, treatment only took 5 mins. IF further treatment were needed, police would take him.

  404. disappointed says:

    They should object, his shirt is tucked in and he looks just fine. Not looking like someone who got in fight for life. I wrestle with my grand-kids and I am messed up.

    • crazy1946 says:

      Good point, how could he have tucked his shirt tail in and straightened up his clothing while hand cuffed with hands behind his back…. Hmm, it would seem that perhaps his cuffs were off for a while, wonder why. What was the time that officer Smith left the scene (will be on dispatch logs) and what time did he enter the facility (also on police logs) check the time and see if it works out for the distance traveled…. why do I think they have a problem…. The detective was not demoted for no reason, why, the real reason, not the official one….

  405. JN sounds like she’s losing her voice

  406. KittySP says:

    Hmmm…they are pulling it all together getting ready to wrap it up and tie bow on it!

  407. fauxmccoy says:

    ooooh, i bet we’re going to see a relatively uninjured zim-in-the-box pop out of a patrol car

    • jm says:

      Without a distorted nose?

    • fauxmccoy says:

      ding ding ding ding

      • ic2fools says:

        EMT IS LYING! whatever her name was is lying!

        • fauxmccoy says:

          i did not detect any lies. she is low level and not able to even testify to much. more to come from paramedics with significantly more training.

          • ic2fools says:

            his nose could not be that swollen, then not long after that swelling went down.

            help me here, ‘The Gun’ had to have busted that nose and scratch it. Trayvon sure didn’t and it could not have been that swollen. arrrggghhh!!!!

          • ic2fools says:

            notice CAC won’t look at smith, each time the camera is on him he is looking down. all the other witnesses he has looked them directly in the face.

      • fauxmccoy says:

        IC — it is just my own thing, but i do my best not to speculate on such things. i think anything is possible — shellie coulda whacked him with a frying pan that night, he could have fallen during pursuit. if trayvon did get a decent hit in, that is fine with me too — at the time he asks ‘what are you following me for?’ zimmerman has already committed assault.

        but, i do not claim to know any facts regarding injuries, that is my comfort zone.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      (gz’s) distorted nose is one that makes us snort (and snicker due to photo manipulations.)

    • dianetrotter says:

      was he handcuffed on the pic at the station?

  408. kate says:

    no concussion,=head NOT bashed on concreate…he would have required an MRI of the brain

  409. Trained Observer says:

    Dare I say it?
    Hadn’t expected Officer Smith to look/sound so , uh, … wimpy.

  410. chi1224 says:

    Not a single witness has impressed me today…. how depressing.

    • Rachael says:

      I was just thinking the same thing.

    • Malisha says:

      Chi, we’re spoiled. We got so many “highs” from the last four days that we’re just too demanding. Think of it:

      Fucking punks!
      These assholes, they always get away!
      Knock Knock.
      Don’t no no no me.
      Nobody wants to be in a closet for very long.
      You can’t object to your own questions.
      That’s real retarded Sir.
      I’ll talk to the jury, not you.
      I didn’t see any blood.

      and all that … to …

      this dry boring stuff.

      We have to be long-distance runners now.

  411. fauxmccoy says:

    now — let’s ask about previous contact between the defendant and officer smith….. pretty please

  412. Dee says:

    No one is saying that Zimmerman could have been injured prior to meeting Trayvon, and re injured himself in the wresting. Why was his hair so freshly shaven? Normally, people that wear short hair, don’t normally go right back to wearing longer hair right away like he did. How we don’t know he just didn’t re -opened injuries that he already had received before he even meat T. And use this to cover finally getting one that always gets away.

    • Ms.X says:

      The photos of him the night of the murder are menacing. He looks very angry/hostile. You could see a nazi skinhead from his photos. His lawyers probably told him he needed to look more clean cut. It happens a lot in criminal trials. casey anthony didn’t wear her hoochie dresses to court. jodie arias wore pearls & didn’t keep her hair blond.

      • Shari says:

        Does NOT look like someone who almost lost his life. Looks very Nazi like, right word. Or maybe he kept shaved to look more white? Looking at him now next to his lawyers his ethnic side shows.

  413. KittySP says:

    What was the time constraint to him that he couldn’t handle the gun properly!?

    • Dave says:

      There’s been a shooting. He doesn’t know what happened, if other’s are involved etc. He needs to take control of the gun quickly and be alert for whatever else might happen.

  414. Tzar says:

    They are gonna say that Smith wiped off Trayvon’s prints off the gun

    • Xena says:

      If Smith’s handling of the gun wiped off Trayvon’s prints, then it should have also wiped off GZ’s prints. Same theory with the rain discriminating — if it washed off blood and DNA from hands underneath Trayvon’s body, then it would also wash blood off GZ’s big noggin.

      • groans says:

        Don’t give them any ideas, or else the defense will be saying that the rain DID wash blood off CAC’s big noggin – i.e., “he had way more blood than shown in the pictures, but the rain washed lots of it away.”

        After MOM “testified” in a question to the EMT that CAC was “covered in blood” (and the witness went along with that characterization), I was wishing that, on re-direct, Guy would have pulled up the photos and asked the EMT if she thought those photos showed CAC’s head “covered in blood.” If she answered “yes,” she’d look rather foolish.

  415. disappointed says:

    Is this a good cop or a bad cop? Sorry I know there is one or two who are decent.

  416. smokeegyrl says:

    ut oh this officer didn’t see if Trayvon was alive… wow… he didn’t handle the firearm without gloves… omg… wth..

  417. dianetrotter says:

    Was Ayala demoted like Serino? He said he has been an officer for a little over a year. Before that he was a detective.

    • LeaNder says:

      diane, he wasn’t a detective in February 26 either. I doubt Stacie McCoy had authority to modify his report if he was. Besides the first officers order to the scene must all have been ordinary officers and not detectives.

  418. Nef05 says:

    Very dark, cops couldn’t see the gun, witnesses couldn’t see the gun – how did Trayvon see the gun?

    Nicely done, Guy.

    • jm says:

      How did Trayvon see the gun while banging GZ’s head or holding his hand over his mouth?

      • Nef05 says:

        I suspect that part will come up with fogen’s statements. Right now, they putting it together piece by piece and since this officer wasn’t there and didn’t take any statements, he can’t really speak to that part.

    • tonya B says:

      very nice…..

  419. bellesouth says:

    Zimmerman is left handed. Do left handed people keep their holster on their right hip with the handle of the gun pointing forward?

    • Nef05 says:

      He shoots right handed.

    • Ms.X says:

      Hes very ambidextrious. You’ll notice him reaching for water with his right hand.

      • Puck says:

        I write with my left hand but for everything else I’m right-handed — I’ve participated in many research studies in which I’ve taken quite detailed handedness questionnaires, and I’m always assessed as right-handed. Earlier this week I recall someone in court (probably MOM) saying that Fogen writes with his left but, like me, is right-handed. Since I’m that way, it didn’t strike me as odd, though it could be another defense lie.

      • Malisha says:

        Puck, I believe he writes w/left and shoots w/right.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Left-handed people can draw from a holster on the right (the gun handle would be forward) with their left hand crossing in front of their body — this is called a cross draw.

      Some left-handed people draw with their right hand (and the gun handle would generally point aft).

      I’ve not been able to confirm if cac carried his concealed weapon with handle facing forward (for cross draw) or facing backward. His holster is an “inside the belt” holster that sits between the waist of his pants and his body, with a metal clip on the outside that clips to the pants’ waistband. Given these elements, one should be able to look at the configuration of the holster to see if it is a handle-forward carry. I haven’t been able to tell for sure from the evidence pictures I’ve seen. Knowing if he cross draws or if he generally shoots right handed would give much info pertinent to this murder case.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        Fogen did not crossdraw. It’s been established that he shot with his right hand. He wore a reversible holster and the gun was not reversed for crossdrawing.

  420. Woow! says:

    My feed stopped working. Is Officer Smith giving good testimony?

  421. sadlyyes says:

    if Foagey s head was bashed on sidewalk,he would have had a concussion,and had an MRI of the brain…he was not hurt

  422. Nef05 says:

    We haven’t seen Austin. Maybe they won’t have him testify because of his age, and his trauma after the fact?

  423. Rachael says:

    Look up phrenology (reading head bumps)

  424. Got T. Smith route right!!!!!

  425. Shari says:

    What if he slipped and fell and got injured trying to catch Trayvon and that made him even more angry? That combined with Trayvon resisting being detained would explain Fogen saying “You’re gonna die tonight mfer.” I remember an episode of Law and Order where the police were running after a suspect. When they caught him one of them hurt the guy pretty bad.

    • God is there says:

      Raining, dark, slippery, determination, drugged and angry; not a good combination at all and it cost the life of an innocent young man. JUSTICE FOR TRAYVON!!!

  426. EMT’s get about 3 months training in most states, and do not have training to answer half of O’Mara’s questions! That is a paramedic’s duties…sheesh

  427. ada4750 says:

    Patrol in parking lot. LOL.

  428. fauxmccoy says:

    ofc smith looks like a skinhead punk

  429. greenwarrior4 says:

    Back to Manolo: From Manolo’s question to George about what caliber gun, I’m thinking Manolo left his garage with a flashlight and a gun. No one asked him that question.

  430. chi1224 says:

    This EMT is a dolt.

  431. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    He declined to go period.. so if he thought he was going to die moments earlier why would he not want to be transported??? Fishy….

    • jm says:

      This woman is dumb as a rock.

    • Soulcatcher says:

      And anybody knows when your envolved in an accident regardless of how serious your injuries may seem to you, just because you think you feel pain now, tommorrow, next week, or next month you may feel different. Especially if you think the other is at fault. The more times you can show you went to the doctor, the bigger insurance payout you will get. Throw in some physical theraphy for your back, neck, or whatever, and you just one the lottery. Foggen sold insurance so he knows exactly what I am talking about, and we know how he loves money. I sold insurance, so I know he knows every trick in the world and had he made that trip to the ER, he knows it wouldn’t cost him a cent if he had no insurance or no money to pay, he would be a very wealth man……..That is if he is not at fault,

      My guess is he also knows the first thing ER is going to do is a blood test and a urine test, and he would be found to be under the influence of alcolhol and or street drugs, along with the medication he was taking at the time.

  432. chi1224 says:

    That coward Fogen will never take the stand, the crypt keepers are trying to do it for him. Makes me sick.

  433. Ms.X says:

    Why are all roads leading to the victimization of george zimmerman? This is making me sick.

  434. Nef05 says:

    BDLR should ask did she ever hear the defedant being told he didn’t need to go to the hospital. Or, if they told him his nose was broken.

  435. tonya B says:

    NOT ACTIVELY BLEEDING word for the day…….

  436. fauxmccoy says:

    waiting for report of whoever took his vitals …. waiting, waiting, waiting …..

  437. Dave says:

    He’s going to leave that image on the screen as long as he can get away with it

  438. Sabrina B. says:

    But, he wasn’t concerned. He is putting out fogen’s defense, piece by piece, and will not allow him to testify.

  439. Zimmerman wasn’t dizzy or injured. He’s playing the game b/c he know he’ll get the benefit of the doubt when it comes to him vs a black kid.

  440. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Almost everything had stopped bleeding in a relatively short period of time. This makes me think GZ got his injuries while running. Maybe he ran into a tree or fell into bushes. Who knows, but it didn’t just happen from the fight because you bleed more when your adrenaline is going.

    • Ms.X says:

      I think the prosecution should have asked her if it was possible for those injuries to me made by the recoil of a gun or from running into a tree. omara has 30 interns combimg the internet for plausible theories he can introduce in court. Our side doesn’t want to take their job home, so let the chips fall where they may.

      Its also SHOCKING how casual all the people have been about a body laying in the grass. 5 people saw Tray laying in the grass before someone tried to help him. Thats effed up.

      • PerfectlyImperfect says:

        It is very unsettling that no one went to Trayvon to see if he was okay or attempt CPR before others were on scene. I understand that officer Smith could not have done that, but others could have.

      • Malisha says:

        Perfectly, to THEM he was a dead “suspect.”

  441. RobertSF says:

    I don’t think any of the blood came from inside George’s nose but only from the two cuts on the tip of his nose.

    I also wonder if an EMT is qualified to answer these kinds of questions. After all, their training is in maintaining life support, not diagnosing injuries.

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      Very true she has no skill in diagnosing injuries. She also does not handle X-raying individuals.

  442. Sophia33 says:

    I’m sorry, but where is all of this blood where he couldn’t see? Is it just me but didn’t he say he had blood in his eyes and couldn’t see?

    • Malisha says:

      He told that to Erwin, the voice-stress guy who claims that he heard Tracy Martin deny that it was his son’s voice screaming.

  443. Woow! says:

    MOM is not going to get her to say his nose was broken.

  444. disappointed says:

    Are these life threatening injuries?

  445. Sabrina B. says:

    He’s leading her. What do they have a copy of Fogens’s stool?

  446. Two sides to a story says:

    Now we’re right out of the Treestump playbook – swallowing all that blood BS.

  447. tonya B says:

    omoney brings the phony pic out I pray the state brings that picat the police station that night

  448. smokeegyrl says:

    A TrayvonM Gladiator‏@SMoKeeGyRLnow
    It’s funny how CAC face is not injured after police arrived then it is injured when the EMT’s arrived. #trayvonmartin #trayvon LIAR

  449. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    I like the prosecution’s style. The don’t want to ride any one theory too much, because they want the jury to make up there minds as their is so much info that is undetermined. The witnesses all see something a little bit different occurring, and many people have changed something due to the amount of time that has passed since February 26th. The prosecution is leading the horse to water so to speak.

    • Dee says:

      I like them to until they are trying to prosecution, us unjustly for something we didn’t do, then I maybe a little bias. However, we all know that Z is guilty this is why we are routing for the defense. Nevertheless, we have to remember the Defense attorneys are on our side, meaning the people side. They are to keep us from being prosecuted unjustly. Even though, in this case, we are hoping that the prosecution wins, because we know if is guilty of killing this kid for no reason.

      • Malisha says:

        Well they are also on OUR side when they prosecute because they represent THE PEOPLE. People versus Zimmerman. The problem is that if the authorities representing the PEOPLE only want to represent people they consider important (such as, in the case of SPD, people whom Wolfinger and Lee find worthy of their services), we end up with a skewed system where prosecutions can become persecutions and the prisons fill up with people who become serfs in the new feudalism.

    • Ms.X says:

      This failed miserably in the casey anthony trial.

  450. looolooo says:

    They spent 5 minutes tending to his boo boo’s. Nothing further.

  451. groans says:

    LOL!! The State just got the DEFENSE PHOTOS admitted into evidence! Talk about stealing thunder!

  452. Sabrina B. says:

    Not actively bleeding, so when did it run down the side of his head.

  453. Shari says:

    I think his lawyers are telling him to stand up. They keep saying he is cooperating with law enforcement. They said that at his bail hearing. They may argue that since he isn’t hiding his face his self defense story should be credible.

  454. Sabrina B. says:

    She seems hostile.

  455. whonoze says:

    Ayala lied on the stand, in saying he had no involvement in the case after performing CPR on TM. He took John Good’s written statement. Thus he was present when John’s story went from “wrestling” to “MMA-straddle-beatdown.”

    • LeaNder says:

      Wasn’t Ayala the one that tried to get a tool to take Trayvon’s finger prints and even pulled some case supposedly by accident? I think both Ayala’s a Smith’s reports were partly changed by Stacie McCoy? I wonder why. But I also think we will never hear anything about that.

  456. Sabrina B. says:

    * very

  457. Sabrina B. says:

    Does he think his voluntary standing is going to help him?

    • disappointed says:

      He is the only dumbass I know that would stand. If it were me and I am the person on trial, I would hide under the desk. But that is just me.

    • darlinsass says:

      That’s about the only excersize he gets!

      • jm says:

        My theory is the morbidly obese Zimmerman does not want to be not recognized by witnesses because he is so darn fat since they may have last seen him.

      • Deborah says:

        I heard O’Mara complaining about how stressed out Fogen has been and how it has caused him to put on 130 pounds and how dangerous this is for his health blah blah blah. I have to say that the thought of him eating himself to death causes me to shed no tears..

  458. Sophia33 says:

    Did she say the bag for the Arizona was in his front pocket? I missed it.

  459. breelee says:

    I was mad that Jon took the picture of fogen’s head, but I’m so very grateful he took the picture of baby boy. If he hadn’t, the jury couldn’t see how that murderer left him. Hearing his hands were under him doesn’t hit home like seeing the picture does.

  460. chi1224 says:

    I hope Guy asks- Did you give Fogen a bandaid?….. No…. Why not?

  461. We got Ayala’s route wrong.

  462. Woow! says:

    All of the officers are going to cover their butts.

  463. Dave says:

    He didn’t see blood on z’s face

  464. Shari says:

    Depraved mind. Trayvon saw the gun and SAW Fogen moving the button out of the way. Remember in the beginning the state made a big deal about the button. That’s why that last scream was so desperate, Trayvon was his death coming and he knew it was his last chance to get help.

  465. chi1224 says:

    Fogan complied under gunpoint….. good one!

  466. disappointed says:

    Did not notice the blood on CAC.

  467. Woow! says:

    He didn’t notice a bloody nose…… now why was he demoted?

  468. chi1224 says:

    If all these people needed flash lights, how did John Good clearly see colors?

  469. groans says:

    Ofc. Ayala refers to “Mr. Zimmerman” and “Trayvon.”
    Love it.

  470. Dave says:

    So he’s pointing the gun wherever he shines the flashlight ans vice versa.

  471. Sabrina B. says:

    O’mara is admitting fogen knows police procedure by dropping phone without being asked. I think that makes him appear to be more of a cop-wanna be.

  472. darlinsass says:

    Ayala, say’s he was in investigations for many years. Why didn’t he investigate this murder?

  473. fauxmccoy says:

    mr. showboat throws cell phone on the floor.

    pure court theater. pfffffft

  474. Shari says:

    You see a body on the ground who has been shot. Your FIRST instinct is to give the body on the ground verbal commands?

  475. KittySP says:

    Boy, for GZ to claimed to know EVERYBODY in the development, kids included…none of them seem to know him except li’l Ms.Jen L.

    • looolooo says:

      would you admit knowing him?

      • Malisha says:

        I would admit it if there was a record of him being at an HOA meeting with me and another record of him coming to my house to deal with NW stuff and another record of e-mails from me to the HOA or vice versa, Hell Yeah I’d admit it! Or risk another perjury go-round once the shit hit the fan!

  476. ada4750 says:

    Why those questions if Trayvon was answering? Emotionally intend to the jury, i suppose.

    • Sabrina B. says:

      Fogen’s police vid. says he was till fighting and he had to continue to restrain arms. Think they are setting up Trayvon incapacitated immediately.

    • Nef05 says:

      Remember fogen claimed a some B grade movie dialogue and continuing moaning and cursing from Trayvon after the shot, as the reason he needed to “restrain” him.

      BDLR is showing Trayvon did no such thing. He will use it to impeach fogen’s statement, as well as ME testimony. He’s laying the foundation.

  477. chi1224 says:

    We go from eye candy….. to THIS

  478. fauxmccoy says:

    so, had to lift button to see gun shot hole in fabric? is that what we just heard?? that would be a big damn deal.

    • Nef05 says:

      That’s why I wondered a while back, why the button hadn’t been tested for GSR. If he lifted the button, and it seems he must have, would GSR register on the back and not the front of the button and doesn’t that give more support of “intent” and not using every opportunity to retreat, per 776.041?

      • fauxmccoy says:

        well if defendant had to lift/nudge button out of the way AND avoid shooting his own hand (his words) … that does demonstrate careful and purposeful intent.

      • MichelleO says:

        This is a very depraved individual. He taunted that kid and purposely shot him in the chest under the photo of his deceased relative.

  479. That is major GS wound under button!!!

    • groans says:

      Sure is. He also said that the button “flipped up” when they moved Trayvon’s body or clothing … sounded as if it was easily flipped up, based on however Ayala described it.

  480. Shari says:

    I missed the last witness. How do you think the jury will see his testimony? Did the defense do well getting Fogen’s story out?

  481. fauxmccoy says:

    finally!!! mr. guy introduces a laser pointer. if my kids and cat can figure it out, so could any adult!

  482. fauxmccoy says:

    has ayola been demoted as well? it sounds like used to be an investigator but is now on beat patrol.

  483. Dave says:

    Ayala was demoted from investigator to patrolman

  484. Two sides to a story says:

    Guy eye candy.

  485. Deborah Moore says:

    Everything will come out.
    The bullet hole, everything.
    It’ll be a long strange trip.
    Keep the faith.
    Am taking off. See everyone later.

    • Malisha says:

      Deborah, my son had a tie-dyed T-shirt from Ben & Jerry’s ice cream that advertised the “Cherry Garcia” Flavor and said “What a long, strange drip.” 😀

  486. fauxmccoy says:

    what kind of dude does not let his wife look through a window because of a possible fight, but rushes right out when he hears gunshots?

    this is a walking/talking contradiction of a witness.

    • chi1224 says:

      And asks about the caliber of the gun… I find that odd…. although I do think this guy is being honest.

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      keen observation

    • Two sides to a story says:

      The wife / husband thing seems fairly typical – keep the woman safe and venture out to keep things safe. That he asked about the gun caliber is bizarre. I wish they would have asked him why he asked that.

      • Malisha says:

        Lawyers say, “never ask a question starting with the word ‘why’ because it gives people opportunity to just say anything.”

      • Ms.X says:

        A female would’ve asked for sure. I also would’ve asked him about why he wasn’t afraid & what were the circumstances of gz talking on the phone while he photographed him & what he heard him say.

  487. chi1224 says:

    What about Trayvon’s rights? What about his right to defend himself?? When the hell is that going to come up??? I’m getting pissed off! Fogan had a few boo-boos, Trayvon was DEAD, how about showing close ups of his BULLET HOLE?

    • fauxmccoy says:

      they will get to that — remember we have not had any forensic testimony yet. the medical examiner will go through all of that and that is how evidence is properly submitted.

  488. Two sides to a story says:

    West tries to make Fogen the NW hero and Jon somehow irresponsible because he’s not officially involved. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

    • anita says:

      West is such a despicable pos. He has to come across as such an ass, so hateful & arrogant to everyone in the courtroom except the defense.

  489. Don West is nuts. “I don’t care”. That fool is on the edge.

    • ic2fools says:

      He needs to stop showing photos of Trayvon lying there on the ground to establish how dark it was. Really now, enough, there are other photos his lost azz can use. I truly hate his ways.

      Insensitive insulting sneaky and disrespectful, arrrgghhh!!!

      • Don West is a bully and don’t give a damn about anyone not even the judge. He disrespects her too. Maybe that’s why she smacked him down twice yesterday.

        • ic2fools says:

          Shame I hope the jury sees him for what he is. I hate his sneaky way of using words to change peoples statements. The only one to catch him that did a good job stopping him was Racheal. If it wasn’t for her he would have gotten away with much more.

          • Rachel Jeantel shut him down. She wasn’t having it. And that’s why West tried even more to insult and mock her. Evil SOB!

          • ic2fools says:

            Ain’t that the truth.

            Look at CAC, he has looked at every witness directly in their face,, CAC is not looking at Ofc. Tim Smith! Because that is is bud. Smith didn’t even use gloves when he took CACs’ gun.

            That’s some bullshite, and Smith knows it.

  490. Dave says:

    Trayvon’s hoodie sure doesn’t look black in this photo

  491. chi1224 says:

    West is constantly trying to put how own thoughts on other people

    • jm says:

      And this witness is stupid enough to go along with West putting words in his mouth, contradicting his previous testimony on direct.

      • chi1224 says:

        When the paramedics testify they will have his vitals, West won’t be able to alter those. Although he will probably spend an hour trying.

    • tashatexas77048 says:

      He has to he’s testifying for Fogen

    • Two sides to a story says:

      He makes statements too that I would not answer just because they’re statements and not questions. I’m surprised BDLR doesn’t object.

  492. Donna Flores says:

    The cops did everything wrong that night, they let people come and go

    • Ms.X says:

      Which is why they’re going to pay Tray’s survivors millions. It is a lawsuit waiting to happen.

    • Malisha says:

      Also the crime scene was not properly preserved. But still there is enough forensic evidence to hang Fogen on his — petard.

  493. Woow! says:

    Is it just me or does W look like Lord Voldemort (you know who). The only thing missing is the slits for a nose.

  494. breelee says:

    I’m confused. Jon says fogen was on the phone but hung up and talked to him. But the picture he took has him on the phone.??
    What kind of cop lets a bystander take a suspects phone and put it in his pocket? That’s insane!

  495. Sabrina B. says:

    Bernie objects. West goes back in with the same just a different way and nothing.

  496. darlinsass says:

    Did this guy even check to see if Trayvon was alive or may have needed help? I wish they would ask him!

    • Donna Flores says:

      It blows my mind how nobody in their right mind would have checked on Trayvon, it’s heartless…

      • jm says:

        He was too busy checking out what type of gun GZ used and taking pictures than to see if the person who was shot needed help. I thought this guy was smarter than he is because he is being led by defense crypt keeper.

      • jm says:

        I hope Bernie addresses the fact GZ did not want this witness to call 911 because he said he called them. He did not call 911. He called a non emergency line that would not respond with an ambulance. GZ lied to the witness.

      • KittySP says:

        I just can’t believe he had the unmitigated gall to snap a pic if someone’s dead child!

      • Ms.X says:

        I think a female lawyer would have asked if the defendent or he showed any interest in helping the victim, and if not, why not. I think this would add to the concept of depravity.

      • darlinsass says:

        I agree, I just can’t understand that. Not only is it heartless, it’s less than human! Who would not try to help an injured person. They didn’t know the boy was dead

        I can understand that sleaze Z not trying to help. But all those people?

      • Malisha says:

        Should ask if he tried to render help, but not “if not why not” because that gives the witness a chance to make something up. Who cares “why not”? He DIDN’T. End of story.

      • God is there says:

        You have to remember his wife said: ‘Don’t make it our problem’

    • Sophia33 says:

      I’m curious about that too.

    • disappointed says:

      Said he never left side walk.

    • ic2fools says:

      DARLIN!!!!!! Oh my goodness, my buddy!

      Girl ain’t this a shame what O’mushmouth and Lost in space are doing.

      No way Fogen is gonna get out of this without getting in the box.
      Dumazz Duhfense keep that door open introducing evidence that only can be answered by Fogen himself.

      • darlinsass says:

        Hi There, Sunshine! It’s sooo good to see you!

        I am so disappointed in the prosecution today. I think Angela Corey needs to show up more often. BLDR and Guy just dropped the ball too many times today.

        I hope I’m wrong, but I just can’t see the defense putting Fogen on the stand. If they do plan to, they need to start him on new meds to wake him up! XO

      • ic2fools says:


        Girlfriend I missed you, didn’t put a stop to those indignant trolls many days! I have to admit I don’t miss it. I don’t even want to read their lame twisted tales of it coulda, woulda shouldas’ or miss those deranged mentally ill multiple socs’

        Please keep the faith. The State is doing a great job.

        They are widening a door MOM can not close nor keep Fogen from,walking through right into the BOX.

        MOM can not answer or repair for Fogens’ intense 3 day a week, 3 hour a day MMA exercise. Only Fogen can explain that himself among other inconsistent witness testimony, evidence introduced by State and dumazz duh-fense explanations of that evidence.

        Hold on girlfriend and keep the Faith! Hope to see you more.as you see there are many of us here from that site.

      • ic2fools says:

        @darlin correction

        should read: didn’t we put a stop to…..

        apology for the typo.

  497. Donna Flores says:

    why would he say, this guy was beating me up, if he was so fearful, why didn’t he say something to the effect of HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME or HE SAID HE WAS GOING TO KILL ME..

  498. Woow! says:

    This guy just let W put words in his mouth. He said CAC told him he was defending himself so he shot TM not he was beating me so I had to defend myself. Those were W words.

  499. disappointed says:

    Bloody photo 30 seconds after shooting yet all the blood is running down not up.

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      The blood is also not smeared all over the back of his head. If GZ’s head was in the wet grass because he was on the bottom, wouldn’t the blood be smeared around?

    • Malisha says:

      Running “down” as in towards his chin and ears, not “down” towards the back-most part of his head, as it would have if his head had been repeatedly smashed on the pavement. Think of it. When you have a bottle of catsup and it’s 2/3 empty and the rest of it is on the bottom, you keep the lid on it, turn it upside down, and bring it DOWN towards the lid two or three times, while stopping abruptly. The catsup all flies toward the lid and then when you open the lid, there it is ready to come out. Gravity pulls it down while momentum makes it move quickly. So much more so if you’re smacking someone’s head on the sidewalk. Blood will fly out of the head towards the part of the head nearest the concrete, and then quickly, so when the head stops (at contact with the concrete), the blood will gather THERE and splatter THERE. No little rivulets will meander “up” against gravity towards your cute little ears.

  500. amsterdam1234 says:

    It drives me crazy that both the State and the defense do ‘to have their acts in order. We have 911 calls where the called anounce Manola’s arrival. It was more than a minute after the shot, that he met up with GZ.

    • groans says:

      You have such a mastery of the evidence! I can understand how frustrating this must be for you. I can only hope that the State will have a timeline exhibit laid out for their closing argument.

      • Malisha says:

        If they don’t it will be malpractice!

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        Thanks, but I have to give all the credit to people like Tchoupi and Screamin Jay, who have been doing all the documentation.
        Check it out http://imgur.com/a/bcAII

        I would just be shocked if the State would not have organized the information so that it is easily accessible.

  501. cielo62 says:

    “Seemed” completely true.

  502. MusicMan says:

    If you are getting a MMA style beatdown, why would you need to ask if you were bleeding??? Seems like a given to me.

  503. gbrbsb says:

    I think West just dropped the hint that GZ “tried” to call someone so it maybe he was calling SZ after the shot but didn’t get through.

  504. chi1224 says:

    Crypt keeper West is so unlikeable…. like a sleezy con-man

    • Ms.X says:

      He is so pompous. He is a pontificating, pompous ass.

      • chi1224 says:

        Oh I know, I can not STAND him!

      • jm says:

        I wonder if West has a mirror? Does he realize he looks like a real skeleton who looks like he sleeps in a coffin. I can’t see why a skeletal man can be pompous.

      • Ms.X says:

        Because he thinks hes vastly superior to most mere mortals. He doesn’t realize how mediocre he is. He could write a 1000 page paper that doesn’t say shit, but to him, it would be proof of his superior intellect.

  505. Donna Flores says:

    Did he just say the little flashlight was on in the grass

  506. cielo62 says:

    Manala said gz looked normal! Voice was steady! NOTHING about looking like he was beat up.

  507. Ms.X says:

    Manolo has testified that gz was normal & matter of fact & that he was breathing hard & staggering. How weird.

  508. Two sides to a story says:

    Fogen looks resigned.

  509. gbrbsb says:

    Having your “butt beat” is not a near death experience.

    • cielo62 says:

      A little blood means having your butt beat?? DANG! I should have my cats arrested!

      • DruDo says:

        cielo, mine, too.They get into some royal battles sometimes. That also reminds me of one time my sis called and said her dog had been arrested, a cop brought him home and said he’d let him go this time, but next time he was going to the slammer. Poor guy, all he did was dig a hole under the fence and was going for a little stroll. She said the cop noticed him kinda joggin’ along down the sidewalk about half a block from home. Good thing the cop was there and a nice guy and took the time to look at his tags.

        • cielo62 says:

          DruDo- LOL! A real criminal type! Yes they were all lucky that policeman was a nice guy. Probably a fellow animal lover.


  510. cielo62 says:

    STAGGERING? HA! I thought he looked normal!!

    • Nef05 says:

      BDLR will get it on redirect.

      • ic2fools says:

        Lost in Space(west) needs to stop putting words in witness statements. Completely changing the meanings. JN has called him on it several times. Hopes the jury keeps up with that.

  511. disappointed says:

    Why did he say staggering?

  512. Ms.X says:

    Oh boy. Too bad for Manolo! He is being questioned by gramps west. Its his unlucky day. Why do they have that big ass binder? omara’s tie looks like bacon.

  513. cielo62 says:

    AWAY from the T

  514. gbrbsb says:

    He’s gonna be a hard nut to crack West… I hope !

  515. disappointed says:

    Oh Lord. Not him. This will be all day trying to change his mind.

  516. chi1224 says:

    Oh God… West again….

  517. chi1224 says:

    Calm, with normal vitals.

  518. Trained Observer says:

    Defendant “cut him off” when wit telling Shelie that Fogen was being handcuffed , blah blah.
    Wit: Fogen says “Just tell her I shot someone.”

  519. Dave says:

    Doesn’t think to offer aid to a shooting victim

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Sad – no one helped Trayvon until the officers arrived.

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      Clearly everyone made their assumptions that the black guy/kid deserved it. They didn’t care to find out. I mean who stands out there with someone who just shot someone….not me!

    • bettykath says:

      This is not unusual I think. I witnessed a car overtake a motorcycle. The cyclist was thrown in to the air such that I could see the sky between him and the car hood. He came down on the car windshield/hood and slid off. By the time I got there, there were about 4-5 people near the driver of the car who had a small cut on his hand, another 10-12 people were on the other side of the road. NO one approached the cyclist who was bleeding profusely. I applied pressure to stop the bleeding from his leg. No one came near us until the ambulance came. The cyclist lost his leg and had neurological damage. The loss of his leg probably was unavoidable, but the neurological damage might have been less had someone else had stopped the bleeding immediately.

  520. Unabogie says:

    He was out there in 10-20 seconds. Which means the whole swap positions, help me restrain this guy, he was still struggling and cursing. None of that happened.

  521. smokeegyrl says:

    No remorse after he shot Trayvon… none whatsoever… tell her I just shot someone…

    • cielo62 says:

      IF he saw a gun, he didn’t want to get involved at all.

    • Dee says:

      He still is not showing any remorse now in court, if we let this man go. We are going to show these people with their underling agendas. That they can kill our children when ever they feel they want to, and use this law to justify their hateful actions.

  522. Sabrina B. says:

    Not ‘I had to shoot someone.’

  523. disappointed says:

    WOW! Just tell her I shot someone.

  524. Stormwatch says:

    I thought that I has seen Robert Z’s cell phone records for Feb 26, 2012 listed in the states evidence.

  525. Unabogie says:

    So he didn’t call his wife.He called someone else.

  526. Trained Observer says:

    Wit: Do I need to call 911?

    Fogen said no.

  527. chi1224 says:

    What a weird question– what caliber gun did you use??


  528. jo says:

    who was he on the phone to? damn….just got off the phone to 911….not true zim

  529. Sabrina B. says:

    Busted! He didn’t say help me with this guy.

  530. gbrbsb says:

    I always said he was squatting and you need good balance to squat like he is so where is the confusion, staggering, etc.?

  531. gbrbsb says:

    Aha… what was GZ doing at the T ? And how could he think to get on the phone if he was so confused and beat up ?

  532. Dave says:

    Refers to “crime scene”.

  533. chi1224 says:

    Who did Fogen call after the murder?

  534. Trained Observer says:

    Did you see any damage to his nose? No

  535. gbrbsb says:

    Oh good. He’s noted GZ was on the phone… not so staggering or confused so shortly after the shot… and GZ never said he phoned anyone !

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Jon says he rounded the corner and found gz coming towards him at the ‘t’. gz squatted down for the photo. Jon then walked south to take the picture of Trayvon’s body, gz could have dropped the flashlight at the ‘t’ before he followed Jon south. Jon says he did not see that flashlight when he came out.

      Obviously they both walked back south to the body. It doesn’t make sense for gz to drop his phone on wet grass and expect it to keep working, so it’s more likely he gave Jon the phone and asked him to call his wife. Then Ofc. Smith appeared.

  536. Sabrina B. says:

    Fogen looks worried.

  537. Dave says:

    Z had his cellphone to his LEFT ear. Blood

  538. Sabrina B. says:

    Why did he go outside after a gunshot? Is he in the medical profession or something?

  539. crazy1946 says:

    How many of you noticed Don West opening up and using his electronic tablet? Remember this is them man that said he was not able to use a computer? Hmmm, every time I see him use that tablet or his laptop, I realize just how much of a liar he is….

    • Sophia33 says:

      Yep! He is a liar.

      And I wanted to tell you that I agree with your statement crazy1946 about dialogue. MLK, Gandhi, Mandela are revered for a reason.

      • crazy1946 says:

        No one of us can make this change, but we walking hand in hand, voice by voice can cause change to start!

  540. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    What is his profession?

  541. fauxmccoy says:

    defendant using snot for brow gel … charming ;/

  542. check out facebook and wikipedia for georgia crackers:

    Georgia Cracker refers to the original American pioneer settlers of the Province of Georgia (later, the State of Georgia), and their descendants.
    In the late 19th century and the early part of the 20th century, Georgia ranchers came to be known as “Georgia Crackers” by Floridians when they drove their cattle down into the grassy flatlands of Central Florida to graze in the winter, stopping where the citrus groves began. In order to get the cattle’s attention they became very adept at cracking a bullwhip.
    The term “cracker” was in use during Elizabethan times to describe braggarts. The original root of this is the Middle English word crack meaning “entertaining conversation” (One may be said to “crack” a joke; a witty remark is a “wisecrack”). This term and the Gaelic spelling “craic” are still in use in Ireland and Scotland. It is documented in Shakespeare’s King John (1595): “What cracker is this… that deafes our eares / With this abundance of superfluous breath?”

    • Two sides to a story says:

      Thx. It has a long history and I knew that white folks sometimes called themselves that. Not just a perjorative, racist term.

  543. silk says:

    @smokeegyrl is that so??

  544. Danita says:

    My issue is that the testimony from witnesses are not matching, Let me explain Selma from yesterday stated Zimmerman was on top, John said Trayvon was on top. Johns accounts seems like he’s saying things without saying things if that makes sense.At one point he said he didn’t see anyone’s mouth yell help. But why did he go into the house at the most crucial moment.Something is not quite adding up for me with John he seems to most def be a Zimmerman supporter.

    • Boyd says:

      I think they’re matching up pretty close.

      One thing MOM is trying to say is the person on the bottom did not start the fight. Logically the two are not mutual. You have to do better than that to stay out of jail.

      Secondly he has to convince the Jurors that, following a person at night in a car and then on foot until you are two-four feet apart is self-defense.

      Thirdly the witnesses said Zimmerman acted worried not STAGGERED. And we have more forensic evidence. MOM has not made a dent in the forensics. Rain washing away all the blood but not on his face? ha ha ha

    • John Goode saw TM on top for 10sec before the gunshot.
      Selma said GZ was on top 5 seconds after the gunshot.
      Notice that Jeannee stated that the one on top was the one to get up.
      They traded place at least one time.

    • Girlp says:

      John partially recanted part of his statements(1st with MMA) and gave a new statement (w/o MMA), John keeps changing his story the only thing that matches the others is not seeing any blows thrown. One thing to remember is that the confrontation was not static it was moving so different things at different times, I don’t trust John’s statements but it is possible Trayvon was holding George down to get away…in other words pulling away maybe even was able to stand up it’s possible John did not see this just my opinion.

    • mobjack says:

      They were wrestling. It could easily be explained that both was on the top at different points of the fight.

      John did not give any indication who was on top at the time of the shooting. Hopefully forensics will clear that up.

    • mrsdoubtfire says:

      Each witness saw portions or as Guy said slices of the same event. I have no doubt Z knew Selma saw him straddling a dying TM hence he offered that up to the police. He as usual took it too far by claiming TM sat up and said “You got me” No witness saw TM sit up or fall face down. John saw a max 10 seconds of a fluid event. Only Witness # 18 seems to be claiming she was watching when the shot was fired and she says Z was on top..

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      The PA was trying to be as helpful as she could possibly be for gz. Even to the point of ruining her own credibility, which was a consequence of her getting carried away with Omar’s questioning.

      As Omar began pointing out gz’s skull irregularities and started calling them swelling and their shadows abrasions, she suddenly smiles a: “Why didn’t I think of that”, smile and settles into joining him with her “could be’s and possibly’s”. Oh what a merry time they were having of it, until Bernie ended the party with his: “Gee, how come you didn’t make note of all these massive injuries, when you had him in your office back then?” I mean, wouldn’t they have been an indication that gz had suffered some massive trauma that should not go unexamined?

      All those lumps, indicative of massive subcutaneous hemorrhaging, and all you do is send the patient to work with a recommendation that he wash them with soap and water? Omar’s massive dirigible, so nicely built, suddenly deflated quite rapidly and worse yet, it became a millstone around the PA’s own neck.

      • jm says:

        I thought the physician’s assistant was very evasive and if indeed GZ had all those malformations on his skull and abrasions other than the 2 lacerations she noted it should have been part of her physical exam note.

        I also wondered about the black eyes that she noted and concluded it was because of a “possible” broken nose. I did not see black eyes later in day on the reenactment video. Were the black eyes hereditary dark circles he has at the current time or were his eyes enhanced by ShelLIE’s makeup.

        Could the prosecution have stopped all the questions MOM was asking her as far as her opinions which was meant to sway the jury that the injuries were more than they were and justified killing Trayvon?

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Go back and listen to her testimony again. What she’s doing is, she struggles to confirm that what MOM is proposing is a possibility! When ever she can state that something is likely so, she does so. When she corrects MOM she does so, only to say that “if it happened this way it’s possible”.

          When Bernie seemed to be out to lunch, Omar went on a tear and the PA was right there with him. They just kept going on and on, even identifying bumps on the sides and front of gz’s head as hematomas, that are not intuitively optimal pavement strikes. But, after seeing that they got away with that, Omar moves on to describing the shadows around the bumps as abrasions, thus completing their tour of gz’s noggin.

          Omar sits down, with a very self satisfied air about himself, then Bernie rises for re-direct! He punctures the balloon by first asking her if people’s heads are all evenly circular/spherical. Of course she has to admit they are not.

          Then Bernie administers the coup de grace – “You see all these injuries, hematomas and such in this photo?” A: Yes!

          Q: Why didn’t you make note of them and/or examine them when you had him in your office back then?

          A: “Umma… Umma… uma!”

          Q: Your report only notes these two tiny lacerations on the back of his head and says only wash with soap and water?”

          A: “Umma… Ummma… Ummmaaah!

          Q: Do you make it a point to send deathly injured people home or back to work without so much as a bandaid?

          A: “Errrrr…. Ummma… Ummmaaah… Ummmaaah!”

          Q: Thank you your Honor, nothing further!

          A: [Visibly crestfallen PA sulks on the stand over her rapid deflation and likely, rapidly dimming future job prospects!]

          • jm says:

            I would think whoever runs the practice that the PA is seeing patients at would have the same questions BDLR had. Why weren’t these other injuries documented? Stuff like this can lead to malpractice lawsuits.

  545. Tzar,

    I have not finished my timing work and never published it. Adding what I have learned from trial I would put it this way:
    1) Selene is the 1st witness of all. She heard them before the verbal confrontation began as they were moving north toward the T.
    2) Jayne, Jennifer, Jeremy, and the Manalos are the 1st ear-witnesses. The verbal confrontation probably started near the T and the moved back south as witnessed by Jennifer & the Manalos. Selene may have heard some of it as she says she heard “No” or “Yo”
    3) In the time it took TM & GZ to move to the T & back south, Selene went to the sliding glass door to have a look and saw them still standing. This is the beginning of the physical confrontation. They went down to the ground. Jennifer L. could hear them rolling on the grass. The cell phone went dead right after Rachel could hear TM say “get off”.
    4) The first yells are heard by the Manalos, Jennifer, Jeremy & Selene.
    5) Wit #3 which is the only one don’t have the name yet, peeked through her window and saw someone on top with a white tshirt. It has to be the undershirt of either TM or GZ. That means that clothing has been pulled up. She will step away from her back bed room to lock herself in the front bed room and call 911.
    6) Teresa Ullman opens her sliding door to let her dog go pee. She hears the yells.
    7) Austin McLendon walks is dog and hears the yells he goes toward the dogwalk from RVC.
    8) Johnathan Goode, comes out. He sees them down on the grass right behind his back porch. He sees them moving onto the sidewalk. His brain tells him there is a fight but he actually never saw punches.
    9) JG yells at them. The Manalos, jennifer, Jeremy, Teressa, Selene & Amanda Selja (JG’s wife} hear/see him yell.
    10) As JG yells “911”, Teresa locks herself in and move to call 911.
    10) JG goes back home locks himself in and calls police.
    11) Jayne finally hear the cries for “Help” (only 2) she goes to watch and sees two person struggling in the grass.
    11) Mary & Selma hear the cries as whinings.
    12) Austin McLendon start walking on the dog walk and can see one person on the ground with a right tshirt. Notice that he stated the person was lying on his side turning his back to him. Austin’s dog get off leash and the 2 run away from the T.
    11) The gunshot is heard by nearly everybody.
    12) Selma is out within 5sec and sees GZ straddling TM.

    I’ll stop there…

    • Tzar says:

      thank you
      I must be confusing you with whonoze’s blog
      thank you gonna grab a drink and enjoy reading your breakdown

      • gbrbsb says:

        No, you are not confusing him Tzar. tchoupi is posting on whonoze’s blog being one with most at whonoze’s who were previously posting at bcclist before it sort of packed up but didn’t.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Thanks to the T-Mobile man, we now know that from DD’s disconnect to the gunshot is less than a minute all told.

      So things were happening very, very quickly, from witness to witness the position changes are way too many, for there to have been any “in place” fighting at all. Trayvon may, very well have been on top, but on the bottom as well as the two of them struggled and apparently changed places rapidly. I’ve got the new T-Mobil time for when DD’s call actually dropped on my timeline here Thank heavens I added it almost immediately so now I don’t have to go fishing around for it.

    • Lonnie Starr says:

      Please… Don’t stop there, if you can grab a screen cap of the google map and put your timeline on it. I have a hunch that the prosecution has assigned an intern to watch certain blogs more closely. If so this one, whonoze and bcc:list are probably on their list.

      Here’s something I only dimly remember about the physicians assistant testimony: She says that the “swelling” of gz’s nose, in the back-of-the-car picture, could have gone down by time the picture at the station was taken (12am?) if it had been treated with some medication and cold compresses. I don’t remember either the fire/rescue or ofc Smith having given gz any cold compresses or medication.

      I would also note that that “swelling” [which isn’t puffy flesh but rather distorted flesh] was already down when gz exited the car in the Sally port at the station. So, without any treatment at all, gz’s nose somehow magically recovers within half an hour?

      Does anyone think that neither ofc. Smith, Shelly, Osterman and/or anyone else who saw gz before ofc Smith left for the station, would not notice and remark or record the distorted nose? Doesn’t it seem as if they all arrived to find an elephant standing in the courtyard, yet nobody found it remarkable enough to even mention in passing?

  546. smokeegyrl says:

    The hate page was so counting on Witness 6… they thought he was the person that was/is going to set Fogen free. We had noticed statements supposedly after Fogen had bonded out that him and Taafee had gone around to the community talking to some of witnesses and some complained and were told to stop. I don’t know how true that was… but it was mentioned in that room.

  547. willisnewton says:

    Does anyone care to speculate as whether it not the prosecution plans to bring GZs statements to the SPD into evidence before resting and allowing the defense to dart calling witnesses?

    • Boyd says:

      I was wondering that, If GZ does not testify do they come in?

      I say they’ll keep GZ off the stand to prevent the statements to come in. But I’m a non Lawyer. How does he explain he told police he was not following?

      • mrsdoubtfire says:

        His statments will come in. Its the biggest part of the State’s case as Mr Guy outlined in his OS. GZ doesnt need to take the stand for those statements to be played to the Jury. He was fully mirandized. Remember Casey Anthony. That Jury heard all her statements and jail interviews.

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      HLN is saying Serino will be next, so I’m sure GZ statements to police will come into play.

    • aussie says:

      That’s one way to demolish his defence. Let the jury hear what he said to the police. They know enough by now to know none of it could have been true.

      As he told numerous versions, having them brought out now would stop him from getting in the box and claiming only ONE version. This way he can be crossed on why he had so many versions.

      But I still don’t see him getting in the box.

  548. willisnewton says:

    Does anyone care to s

  549. DruDo says:

    Nef, I definitely like my animals much better than some people and say that all the time. 🙂

    • Tzar says:

      I can’t remember who said this, but it is one of my favorite quotes on the human condition:

      “I love my dog, he does nothing for political reasons”

      • Deborah Moore says:

        I love humanity, but I hate people.
        Edna St. Vincent Millay

      • Malisha says:

        My granddog did trick me once, though.
        I fell asleep on the couch.
        He wanted my place from me.
        He began to whine and agitate to go out.
        I got up to get the leash and put on my shoes.
        He jumped up and got my place!
        So he displaced me and he defrauded me, but I forgave him.
        I’d vote for him again, any day.
        If he’d have been in Sanford that night he’d have bitten Fogen right on the … wherever he could reach him.

      • LeaNder says:

        If he’d have been in Sanford that night he’d have bitten Fogen right on the</blockqote

        If there were arguments in the family, after a while our dog would appear and snarled till we stopped then he disappeared again.

        Obviously he couldn't stand it.

        He was also the first who heard the old man screaming and started to bark, and when we finally paid attention he would give the appropriate signs that someone had to go out with him to check what this was about.

      • LeaNder says:

        I never used a blockquote but I am forwarded to wordpress any time I post a comment and told: double comment detected and asked to sign in.

      • LeaNder says:

        Oh, I in fact did and now it works again.

    • Nef05 says:

      Love my fur-babies. They are spoiled rotten and have nothing but love to give. 🙂

  550. Nef05 says:

    So, let me get this straight.
    1.(a) W6 says MMA, which he got from watching it on TV, and that’s fine.
    (b) Rachel says *on the First 48 the police call the last one the victim talked to* and somehow that’s a joke.

    2.(a) Rachel says she heard the wet grass. Which we all know is short for saying she herd something moving in the wet grass – she is asked to describe it, and the GZ supporters vilify her for being able to “hear wet grass”.
    (b) Jenna says she hears a struggle in the wet grass and no one questions it, no one asks her to describe it, and GZ supporters don’t even mention her name other than to say she’s “hot”. It’s all good.

    3.(a) Rachel repeatedly says she gave more information when she was asked specific questions and conversely didn’t give information when it wasn’t asked for – and she is vilified as “inconsistent”, a liar, unbelievable, and worthless to the prosecution’s case.
    (B) John says essentially the same thing – and he’s a hero, everything he said is the gospel truth, all his changes are mere “clarifications” and the prosecution are fools for putting him on the stand, irrespective of the fact that they could not let the defense do it and make it seem as if the prosecution was hiding him.

    I’m pissed af right now! These are the times when I remember why I like my animals better than some people.

    • Boyd says:

      well she is ‘hot’ and stupid. That’s was my impression from the FDLE interviews last year.

      Paraphrasing. “I’m on the HOA board you know” I’m like big frigging deal. Then in the FDLE interview she said “George was getting beat up” But she did not see it. I was like “wow, she’s telling FDLE that she saw this then later says she never saw a thing”

      When I saw her , I said “yeah I thought she was hot’ and when she deleted her twitter account I said “yeah, I thought she was dumb”

    • Boyd says:

      Rachel forced West to acknowledge that Fogen followed him all the way to the fight. And that Trayvon was concerned.

      He never tried to impeach her statements Trayvon used.
      Paraphrase “some creepy cracka following me” “oh shit, the nigga right behind me”. instead went with some silly racist angle. Thereby admitting those statement were authentic

      IMHO he unwittingly proved Trayvon had self-defense

    • type1juve says:

      The reasons you’ve listed above is exactly why this case is racial no matter how much people try to deny it. It’s quite disturbing to me that so many support the racially motivated murder of a teenager. Even more astounding is the apathy of some of the residents/witnesses of RATL.

    • Big Willie says:

      @Nef05 I concur with everything you said. My heart is aching. This is so typical of what is going on all across america, all day everyday. For other races to understand black pain I think they should read Big Little white Lies, written by Carol Chehade.

  551. Mike says:

    If John good saying the he seen them move from one spot to another, why hasn’t earthier side ask if they rolling or scooting.

  552. breelee says:

    Loved when JN told MOM that SHE would talk to the jurors, not him! lmbo I notice him and West trying hard to act nice to the jury, more creepy smiles their way than before.

    Until the trial, fogen’s eyes did weird twirling circle stuff, I don’t see that anymore. Must be on new drugs.??

    • Boyd says:

      well it ain’t working, they are tired of them, NO MORE BREAKS
      I expect they’re working during the weekend.

    • willisnewton says:

      Before the trial whenever you saw GZ and felt his eyes were twirling, I’m guessing that GZ was speaking (aka giving his false answers and spinning his false narrative)

      And now when you see him, he’s listening to other people speak. He’s also probably working under the impression that he won’t have to testify.

      It’s a different sort of stress condition.
      I think people’s eyes twirl when they are trying to think about hat they are about to say rather than speaking straight off the cuff, as the expression goes. A neuroscientist could probably tell you that the eyes move as a means to access certain areas of the brain. I’ve read about this but don’t ask me details !

      • Lonnie Starr says:

        Fake smiles and false courtesies are not going to prevail. Remember, we all have unguarded moments and these attorney’s are no different. So when West puts on his fake smile as he approaches the podium, the jurors know that it’s a contrivance because, they have seen his demeanor when he’s at rest. He pretty nearly always scowls and smiles don’t come easy to him.

        Those momentary flashes of toothy smiles are just grim grins and they look like just what they are; put ons. They vanish without a trace in seconds, never to be seen again.

  553. silk says:

    hay every one , so u think by the prosecutor calling witness 6 , it was to force omara hand??? just trying to figure it out

  554. willisnewton says:

    Thus far i’d say the jury would vote for manslaughter.

    Not sure yet if BDLR can carry it over for the touchdown. feels like he may settle for the field goal instead.

  555. colin black says:

    one thing I agree with if johns all theve got then foggagge has no option but to take the stand.

    An the onlyway I can see that happening is if the court accepts his cnditions.

    He wants two bulletproof vests an one of thos cool glasss shields bullet proof.
    He wants his ccp reinsated so he can defend himself if attacked.

    An lastly he gets to write the questions both the State an his defence ask him.
    An he wants to give it in Spanish so we nned the interpreter back.

    • Woow! says:

      I don’t think MOM will put him on the stand. MOM knows he will not survive cross from BDLR and team.

      I’m waiting for his phone records to come in because I would really like to know who he called right after he killed that child.

      I would like to know why was blood on John’s garage door.

      If anyone was in the truck with him that night.

      If anyone called that CAC and told him a black guy was out walking that night.

      Most of all, I am sad that nothing will be done to the SPD for covering up the murder of this child. It is bad enough there was a cover up but for officers to photo shop pictures to support the narrative of a child killer is just sickening.

  556. jo says:

    pls tell me whats happening..i finally get to see it live and i nodded off because i’m so damn tired. is this a break?

  557. breelee says:

    It makes me so mad to see a witness like John, worry more about covering his own butt than to tell the truth and help put away a child killer. What I’d like to know is how he was in the light of his porch, but could see so much outside in pitch black. Colors even! I cant see squat in my yard if I’m in the light, much less a persons skin color or clothing.

    • Woow! says:

      Because he is lying…. it is my opinion that John and Jenna are friends with Taaffe and CAC and they are trying to protect CAC.

      As one poster noted above John’s wife is FB friend with Jenna and it is logical to assume they have discussed this case. Jenna was quick to say I was careful not discuss this case with anyone. Please. That is a gossiping woman and she became too defensive when BDLR started to question her above Twitter and FB.

      John should be scared but we all know the prosecutors will not file any type of perjury charges against any of them.

      • Danita says:

        Exactly Woow if I may, but here’s the thing Ms Lauer was asked yesterday if her or her husband went outside, she said neither of them went out. Now today when BDLR spoke with him he stated that he stepped out on the patio. Why the lie and most important to me Mr Good seemed as if he was covering without covering. I would like to no why did he go back in the house before the most important part. Then somehow looked out the bathroom window and saw Trayvons dead body.Somethings a miss with that couple…….

    • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

      breelee, that is a good question.

      You cannot see in the dark if your standing in the light. For example,it’s dark outside. You hear a noise outside. You look outside to see what the noise is. You have to turn the lights off first, or you will not be able to see.

  558. dianetrotter says:

    I am reluctantly writing this and hope it will be taken in the spirit I’m saying it. Calling someone a CAC is equivalent to calling someone the “N” word. Perhaps, detestable as he is, George Zimmerman should not be referred to as CAC. In the south, cracker was a racist term. Just as Paula Deen tried to clarify her use of the “N” word, CAC doesn’t go over well. I’m AA and teach in a multicultural setting. I zap anything that sound racists. Thank you for reading.

    • jm says:

      Cracker and niggah was clearly slang between 2 teens on the phone describing another person.

      I have called someone a bitch because of their behavior to another person but not to their face. I have also described certain people as white-trash because of behaviors but I would not confront them with my private thoughts. A teen neighbor describes teens who behave badly as “grits”. Is is descriptive and only derogatory if confronting someone with the name.

      • Tee says:

        Toes FSLIC that are from the inner city of Miami have our own way of speaking.

        Cracker= white person
        Hispanic= o yea
        Black = black person
        Nigga= anyone
        Fool= male person you know
        Haitian = Zoe

        Racism is no where in the picture with these terms, they are slang terms just the way we speak to each other. My mothers side of the family speak like this and since I was raised by my father I don’t, but I do understand because I was allowed to grow up in both enivorments. My family on my mother side call me croaker, because I’m biracial. My little cousins they are called Zoe’s because they the half Haitian, and my baby cousin is a called an o yea because she is half Cuban.

    • Trained Observer says:

      diane — Fogen doesn’t qualify as a cracker.

      He’s a carpetbagger to Florida (as are most of us even long-time Floridians), and an undesirable one at that.

      Crackers, native Floridians going back generations, typically take pride in that — just like Key Westers brag about being Conchs.

      I wish I were a cracker or a conch.

      But within Miami teen lingo? I won’t speculate. At least Trayvon had crazy and ass right.

      P.S. Crackers can be black.

      • dianetrotter says:

        Get out of town! I didn’t know that. I’m from Little Rock, Arkansas. I have vivid memories of the integration of Central High which I attended 10 years after it was integrated. Black people used “cracker” as a racist term for all white people. I do hope white people on this list understand the distinction. It gets to me, having been subjected to painful experiences with segregation and racism in Arkansas. Thank you guys for the distinction.

      • Girlp says:

        I’ve heard White kids here (I do not live in FL) use “Cracka”, it’s slang. I don’t like it either but kids aren’t likely to use their terms in front of their parents if they know their parents will not accept it.

      • anita says:

        In the 80’s I lived in Orlando & St. Pete. The Gov. was Martinez, a rep. He was cuban, white & had a southern accent. People called him a Florida cracker. He was of cuban descent. Early 90’s too.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        Hey, someone called me a cougar the other day.
        I’m not offended at all.
        We all have our individual “filters”.
        People who work with kids should understand their language. Period. Nuff said.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:

        Diane, you probably knew my cousins. One of my cousins was one of “Little Rock Arkansas Nine”.

      • dianetrotter says:

        Granny they were older than me but I went to school with younger brothers, sisters, cousins. Look Magazine did an article on 10 years later. I was in one of the pictures. Which one was your cousin.

      • GrannyStandingforTruth says:


      • BLF says:

        My white southern relatives (male) often refer to themselves as red-neck Crackers and crazy-ass Crackers (when they’ re upset about something). I never use those terms, but I was raised in the north.

    • willisnewton says:

      I agree. It’s time for everyone to speak and LIVE with more tolerance, truth an reconciliation towards everyone.

    • Cercando Luce says:

      Teachers do have to keep it civilized and respectful in a teaching setting. But outside the classroom, adolescents break boundaries big and small, and I have heard a lot of it. In this case, because Rachel told the court of Trayvon’s “excited utterances” (legal term) and because those utterances were accurate and tell us how frightened Trayvon was, we are adopting CAC with regard to defendant. I mean, it’s Trayvon’s reaction to the unknown, stalking, shaved-head hostile guy who was going to kill him moments later, for absolutely no reason or excuse, except that he felt like it and could.

    • crazy1946 says:

      dianetrotter, I respectfully disagree, while I don’t think the Fogdoit is qualified to be a CAC (it is an insult to CAC’s everywhere!), the term cracker or cracker head has been used for many years in a joking or humors way for many years between white folks. Perhaps if we would quit looking for things that are racist in context and start trying to actually change a culture that promotes racism as acceptable, and actually start working on positive ways to solve the problem things will improve. Just a few rambling thoughts from an old cracker head….. Perhaps as has been suggested a “real” CAC(head)?

      • crazy1946 says:

        Can I blame my poor spelling on my keyboard? Please don’t make me take responsibility for my own poor spelling, maybe I can blame my failing eyesight, yes that’s it, it’s my excuse. Hmmm, maybe I should just scamper back under my rock until I learn how to spell?

      • dianetrotter says:

        It is good to hear a white person’s perspective. I grew up calling Japanese “japs” because that was what I heard on tv. Also I heard Native Americans referred to as “injuns.” My block was filled with colored people. The next block was white only. We referred to them as “cowboys” because we related them to white people on western movies.

      • Beverly says:

        Yes, I have never known it to be racist….more like saying one’s a hillbilly or rube….ignorant white is much more the context Ive heard, and likely Southern white cracker….

      • crazy1946 says:

        Wouldn’t it be wonderful if at some point in our history that people are just simply people and not “white, black, yellow, green, or even red”? Perhaps if we all work together as a unified people this can happen. If we continue to fight amongst ourselves only those who want to control the process will win…

    • DruDo says:

      TM’s comment was in private to his friend,not to a NEN operator with it being recorded.

      • Malisha says:

        I think another big difference is that Trayvon Martin was not hanging around the mailboxes telling DeeDee, “Hey I see a creepy ass cracka” or “Hey there goes a nigga.” He was minding his own BUSINESS. Then sone creepy ass cracka started to FOLLOW HIM. Yeah he’s allowed to use derogatory terms; he was being abused.

      • Malisha says:

        Also, insulting someone is a far cry from killing them.

    • jo says:

      the difference is…one is a word universally known to be a racist and derogatory term, against people who were abused, assaulted, enslaved and dehumanised…the other is a smart ass term that must be recent (never heard of it myself) and is a slang description used towards people that does not have the history, weight or oppression behind it as does the n word. I don’t give a shit if you call me a cracker…means nothing…i have not been oppressed or treated as a lesser human and neither have my family members. Call me what you want, i havent been vilified and written about (to remain forever) in history in such a way that any term can hurt me..but i completely understand the hurt caused by other words and i wont utter them or accept them being uttered by others…

    • Sophia33 says:

      I thank you for writing.

      While no doubt offensive, I do not think that calling someone a CAC is the equivalent to calling someone an “N-word. The reason that I don’t think the two are equivalent is because the N-word was very often the last word that generations of black people heard for hundreds of years before they were killed barbarically. Cracker is not attached to such history. For this reason, that is why I don’t view two as the same.

      Is cracker offensive? Absolutely. Is it bigoted? Absolutely. Hence the reason, I have chosen NOT to use the CAC even in jest when referring to GZ. For me it has less to do with GZ, but more to do with the fact that I don’t people to think that I think it is acceptable to call anyone this. So on that point, you and I both agree.


      • dianetrotter says:

        Sophia, I couldn’t have said it better. I don’t want it in my vocabulary because I would hate to have to explain the difference after someone says they are offended. Thank you!

    • Woow! says:

      Diane that CAC is racist so the term fits him perfectly.

    • Diane, I am from Atlanta and I’ve been a cracker a long time:). It is not a word that is used as racist.

      • dianetrotter says:

        So what does it mean to you. Do you think BDLR needs to explain the use to the jury because they probably have varied perceptions based on their experiences.

    • Tzar says:

      Don’t be reluctant
      though the history of the word and it’s colloquial evolution has varied regionally I think for the sake of civility and fraternity on this board it should be avoided
      there are plenty of awesome words to call the killer without risking offending anyone else

    • Dave says:

      I agree with dianetrotter. I’m white and don’ especailly care if someone calls me a cracker, an old pale thing or whatever but using a term like “cracker” tends to give permission to all sorts of people to use racial pejoratives toward anybody.

      Let’s take the high road and abandon this sort of terminology.

    • MedicineBear says:

      “Cracker” and “nigger” are not only used as slang, but as shorthand. “Nigger” is a term used for those who are oppressed by a domineering oppressive group. “Cracker” is often applied as shorthand to identify those supremisist-type oppressors who bully and overpower those they think should be kowtowing (or submissive) to them. One can be treated like an N-word without being called the N-word. I’ve encountered many in my life who have treated me with contempt, superiority, dismissiveness, and condescension — but I’ve never been called N-word b/c I’m not black. I HAVE been called “Ma’am,” “honey,” “sweetie,” when CLEARLY their “acceptable” euphimisms were screaming “asshole,” “bitch,” and “nigger.” Keep your proper euphimisms, everyone knows what being treated like a N-word is and if someone is being treated like a N-word, why not take that power back from the oppressors and use the actual word that represents the way they’re treating their “inferiors”? And, just as N-word has less to do with race than power-bullying, “cracker” has less to do with RACE than with those who would stalk, oppress, intimidate, ridicule, terrorize — even kill those who they believe are not submissive enough to their superiority.

      If you’re teaching in a multicultural setting, you should probably have this discussion. It’s NOT just the words — it’s the imbalance of power. A good example of both being treated like a dumb N-word and those “crackers” mistreating her — see Dee Dee’s witness experience the past two days.

      A “CAC” perfectly describes a predator who would profile a innocent kid walking back from the store as an “asshole” who “always gets away,” then intimidates, follows, stalks, overpowers, and kills said kid. Not every white person is a cracker. GZ is the definition of a CAC. . . I’ll continue to refer to him by this most appropriate shorthand term.

      • dianetrotter says:

        Kids try to explain the difference between “nigger” and “nigga”, “niggah”, etc. It doesn’t go over well. I’m not talking about Trayvon’s use. I certainly understand that. I was referring to us picking up what was said in fear and making our own use of it.

    • diary73 says:

      I totally agree with diane. It has made me uncomfortable also.

      • cielo62 says:

        Diary/ LOL! I guess everybody is having fun at GZs expense. I highly doubt any of those using it “feel” it is an actual insult (it doesn’t have that deep gut taboo feeling like. REAL naughty word) but maybe folks should consider that the word does raise some people’s hackles. I laughed out loud with delight when Dee Dee said it! But I for one will refrain. His name alone is curse enough.


      • diary73 says:

        Thank you, Cielo. I know it is only meant in jest.

  559. colin black says:


    Or he is a raceist S O B

    He keeps sying over an ever on T H COMMENTRY.

    3 x At least he dint express as opinion he states as FACT.


    W T FUCK

    pristine face few tiny scratches no bruiseing swelling.

    Trayvon pristine hands no blood no d n a even under finger nalis.


    An is not a shock jock


  560. Boyd says:

    when John testified they were on the ground, where were Fogen’s hands? neither attorneys asked. It’s only confirmation of a fight. curious to know where the liars hands were

    • LeaNder says:

      He was asked, I remember O’Mara’s acrobatics. He suggested could the arms not be somehow kept from moving by the legs of Trayvon.

      But strictly, there goes the star witness. Indirectly he confirms what Rachel said yesterday.

    • dianetrotter says:

      His MMA comment should allow info about Zimmerman taking MMA.

      • type1juve says:

        That’s what I’m hoping for too.

      • Deborah Moore says:


        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Omar says that the martial arts classes were merely aerobic exercise classes. Hee hee hee… Boy is he gonna get mileage out of that… NOT!

          • jm says:

            Can the prosecution call someone from the gym to explain the exact nature of the classes GZ took. I hope the prosecution doesn’t let this MMA subject rest with the physician assistant saying he took classes and MOM countering her testimony with the classes were aerobics.

          • Yes they can and yes they will because that is what competent lawyers do.

            Also, I am relatively certain that the aerobics class at Kokopelli, the numero uno fighting gym in the world, features a mix of martial arts and aerobics.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            I’m pretty sure he was there for the fighting/self defense training, since he hoped to be a police officer, my guess is, he dreamed this was his police academy stint. Hardly a wonder then, that this is one of the few services he actually paid for without complaint.

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            Omar has “countered” nothing at all… Remember the jurors were instructed that, what the attorney’s say is not evidence. Thus, there is no evidence that these classes were aerobic at all, just Omar’s wishful thinking out loud. But I’m sure there’s more to come on this, there probably will be an instructor to tell us a story.

          • jm says:

            I hope that they have an instructor come on and explain the nature of the classes GZ took and how many hours/days/months/years GZ spent at the gym.

            RZJ was tweeting after court testimony came out that GZ was doing MMA classes that GZ barely used his membership.

            Funny GZ’s MMA training was never mentioned before by RZJ or any one else on defense team. They were too busy pointing the finger at Trayvon’s MMA. .

          • Lonnie Starr says:

            RJ is being watch because he not even a laughingstock, he’s a train wreck waiting to happen and we all know how people love watching train wrecks. You just can’t look away.

      • SearchingMind says:

        GZ’s MMA training will be comming in – REGARDLESS of what JG said.

  561. Woow! says:

    Was John the prosecutions witness or defense?

    • Boyd says:


    • colin black says:

      BOTH he was called by prosecution.
      but he is dufences star witness also.

      Its called destroying your oponents case.

      By nullificarion
      or in foggagges case nullification as he has nill

      An also in his case aniilattion anileation alienation nilleism
      He ahnillated TRAYVON….

      Paypack is in motion..

      • Boyd says:

        if he’s the star witness, they’re in trouble

      • Trained Observer says:

        Payback in motion? I second that emotion!

      • Boyd says:

        what happened to STFU and the cement pounding 50 times?

        Add that to West admitting Zimmerman followed Trayvon all the way unitl he was in his face. Like that’s normal.

        he’s been unable to come close to proving anything. Recall people saw things before John came out. And all the witness heard noises before they came out to look.

        So far it’s not what Fogen said. West in his opening suggested the blows made Fogen dizzy and unsure, He’s suggested manslaughter without using that term.

        What ever it is it better be a long time in jail

      • lurker says:

        I think that John is really out to protect himself at this point. He cannot actually admit that he fed the po-po a story that was influenced by what would help Zim out. But he also knows it wasn’t true and can’t stand up too strongly without risking perjury charges.

        Damned if he does, damned if he doesn’t.

        Fine line he’s gotta walk.

    • Deborah Moore says:

      First, the prosecution puts on their case. Lays out the facts, the evidence and they are doing so in a manner that shows in a timeline what happened.
      Defense gets to cross examine the prosecutions witnesses.
      Then, the defense puts up their case. And, the prosecution will cross the witnesses.
      You got it? Sorry. Didn’t mean to be rude, but I just love Rachel’s telling of it.
      Now, that said. People are saying that John Good was the Defense’s best witness, but that doesn’t preclude the prosecution from calling that person.
      As others have said, calling them now takes out the shock value.
      You can’t silence the truth.

  562. Woow! says:

    What just happened with John, I had to step away for a quick meeting?

    • Boyd says:

      both sides were trying to use him to their advantage, as usual MOM tries to get him to change his testimony to favor Fogen. And BDLR attempted to prevent that and keep him on track.

      And the Jurors are tired of the breaks, they denied two of MOM’s request for a break and kept it going till lunch.

  563. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    So did the proffer get settled? Will GZ’s prior arrests and Jenna’s twitter & FB be entered into evidence?

    • Boyd says:

      I hope it all gets in. I hope witness #9 testifies. MOM opened GZ up when he tried to get Jenna to vouch he’s a great guy.

      Funny she did that and promptly deleted her Twitter account. lol! Instead watching reality shows should have been watching Law and Order.

      Funny to watch a highly respected experienced lawyer combat a high school kid , followed by the Master degree student you lied on the stand.

  564. Michael Stewart says:

    The Raw Story has an excellent piece out this morning titled “Reminder: Someone Was Murdered”


  565. Boyd says:

    The jurors are tired of MOM/West, no more breaks keep it going.

  566. smokeegyrl says:

    @NatJackEsq: Lol…the defense is trying to impeach their own “STAR” witness.”

    • aussie says:

      They are just demolishing this witness so the defence can’t use him.

      A case is not just about proving what happened. It is also about proving what did NOT happen, and witnesses like this one are excellent for that.

  567. Tee says:

    The media think that Bernie didn’t have a choice but to put this witness on. I’m happy to know that although it took me a minute to wrap my head around why Bernie put him on, I soon realized why he did it. The only way GZ won’t testify is that he choose not to put on a case at all.

  568. Tzar says:

    I don’t get BDLR’s approach with W6

    • He needs him b/c :
      1) He did not see punches and when he stated seeing MMA it was only based on what his brain processed in 10sec of panic.
      2) He could educate the jury about witness always having evolving statements,
      3) He is a clock reference as many other witnesses saw and heard him yell at TM & GZ. he sets the clock for all witnesses allowing to understand who saw what where & WHEN.

      About point #3, I attempted doing this work. I believe it is damning for GZ.

      • Tzar says:

        About point #3, I attempted doing this work. I believe it is damning for GZ.

        tchoupi, you have a link to that analysis? I started reading it ages ago but never saw the complete work.

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        Point 3 is all important. I got Selena, w12, w19 seeing John. W11 and w17 hearing him.

        I know Selena and 19 give a description of the things they did after seeing John and before they heard the shot. John saw what he claims he saw, at the beginning of the altercation.

      • LeaNder says:

        Tzar, I respect John for not claiming you can attribute sound as coming from a special direction. That’s just not the way sound spreads. It’s not at all bad that Good is in there. What I also like is that he clearly states that he did not see more than 10 seconds, and that in this really short time frame the fighters moved.

        Why do you want him to be out?

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Although sound is not always the best indication of direction, you’ve no doubt noticed that when people hear a sound, they look in the direction they think the sound came from.

          Of course the hero being hunted, usually picks up an object and tosses it a good distance away from him, that sound causes his attacker to look in that direction and the hero takes full advantage of the misdirection.

          If that were not true, then these scripts would not be believable and would have to be re-written.

          • LeaNder says:

            Lonnie, I once was drawn into a struggle between two couples living in the house. One blamed the other for every type of noise and wrote a noise protocol in which she attributed seemingly every noise in the house to that couple living above her.

            One night the lady in total distress rang my bell, and asked me if my room mate was hammering. She thought he could be, and that it would be again attributed to her. I lived above her. I said no the person that she in turn now suspected was already asleep. It was long after midnight.

            the partner of the lady finanally found the source of the noise, it came from the next building and the hammering occured in the cellar. The lady writing the protocol had in fact attributed this noise again to the couple on the third floor. She lived herself on the second and I lived above “the suspect” on the third.

            A couple of days later I had to pick up something somewhere, I rang the bell and followed the voice, seemingly. After a while I heard the voice again. Not upstairs we are here in the cellar.

            Now I could connect my experience with the law in physics I had learned. Noice spreads ball shaped and not all pitches spread equally far. It is really hard to tell.

            His echo theory feels nonsensical too, a body with close cannot produce an echo.

    • Tee says:

      To me he’s taking away all the defence options, by presenting them himself. So if he call this witness for the state, the defence can’t use him to get GZ story in without him testifying. I really think it was his intention to close all doors to force them to put GZ on the stand.

      • lurker says:

        Puts a big hole in Zim’s claim to have been laid out by a single blow to the nose at the ‘t’ and then having his head bashed into the concrete until he could wriggle away from it. It didn’t happen that way.

        • Lonnie Starr says:

          Now, thanks to T-Mobil guy, we have the exact times for DD’s dropped call and the gunshot. You’ll find them here on my timeline.

          Now take that time, and list all the positions and different locations the witnesses saw these people. What you’ll see is that there just isn’t time for any “in place” fighting of any kind, less what gz claims.

    • bettykath says:

      He also needed him to bolster Rachael’s story. Her testimony evolved based on when questions were asked. Not to worry about the troublesome parts. Bernie has a very full tool kit. The damaging part of John’s testimony is likely to be impeached indirectly by other witnesses while the needed stuff stays in. Remember, no blood on the sidewalk and John didn’t say he saw blows.

  569. Boyd says:

    we know there was a fight silly MOM. Zimmerman would NOT let the kid go. “get off, get off”

  570. Natalie Jackson :

    The defense is trying to IMPEACH there own “STAR WITNESS”

    • Girlp says:

      I’m hoping the jury will disregard him as a witness. The only thing you can rely on is that he called 911. Never know what a jury is going to think but IMO he doesn’t help anybody really other than having to admit he did now see any blows to Zimmerman or Trayvon nor did any of the other witnesses.

      • Puck says:

        Good’s the only witness who says Trayvon was on top and GZ was on the bottom, and after the shot had to get up from under him. Everyone else who saw this moment place GZ on top, crouching over, and getting up right after the shot.

  571. KittySP says:

    Whew! At least got the final point home that he didn’t see/hear GZ being hit.

  572. Tee says:

    OMG! You did not see blows been thrown on the guy below.
    No! Ha ha! Ha! Learn not to lie.

  573. lurker says:

    Final words from John–he did not see any blows to the face.

  574. DruDo says:

    O’Mushmouth is going to talk to him and reinforce his lies.

  575. disappointed says:

    What is this MOM gets to talk to witness?

    • greenwarrior4 says:

      Exactly, I thought witnesses were given instructions to not talk to anyone, including the lawyers.

      • bettykath says:

        Only while they are still testifying, as during a recess. John has been “released”. MOM may want to recall him.

      • greenwarrior4 says:


        • jm says:

          I thought Rachael was told she could not talk about her testimony INCLUDING lawyers. What is up with Jon and O’Mara being able to talk.

      • bettykath says:

        Rachael was not released . She was in the middle of her testimony. After the second day of cross, she was released. John has been released after the two lawyers finished with him. It’s ok for any of the lawyers to talk with him.

    • Romaine says:

      yeah what is that about, will the prosecutor be present

    • crazy1946 says:

      Do you think maybe this is what MOM is going to say?” Hey we agreed you would go along with my clients story, why did you lie to me, you were supposed to lie to them not me! Get with the program and start remembering what we agreed you would remember and nothing else”!!

    • lurker says:

      He will be called as a witness for the defense, perhaps? As he is officially off the stand, I believe that they can prep their witness (or explain that they won’t need him after all).

    • groans says:

      Looked like bad form, to me! MOM says right in front of the jury that he wants to talk to the witness during lunch.

      So, now, if MOM calls this witness later, the jury will know that MOM could have done some coaching of the witness – maybe today, or maybe at another time that MOM wants to set up today.

  576. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    W6’s 911 call
    Dispatch: 911. Do you need police, fire or medical?
    W6: Police. I just heard a shot right behind my house.
    Dispatch: Where at?
    W6: And they’re wrestling right in the back of my porch.
    Dispatch: You just heard one shot go off?

    Witness 6 written statement Feb. 26, 2012 ———————————————
I heard yelling out back in grass area of homes. Was not sure at first, but after second “HELP” yell I opened blinds, and saw nothing but everything dark outside. I opened the door and saw a guy on the ground getting hit by another man on top of him in a straddling position hitting a guy in a red sweatshirt or something of a red top. The guy on the bottom getting hit was yelling Help (guy getting hit on ground was wearing red calling out help). I said I was calling the cops, and ran upstairs then heard a gun shot. When I got upstairs I saw the guy on top who was hitting the guy in the red layout spot on the grass as if he had been shot. Also say the guy in red standing near end of sidewalk where 2 guys with flashlights probably neighbors were talking to him asking what happened.

    Serino interview

    W6: And then, you know, I tried to tell them, you know, get out of here, you know, stop or whatever. And then the one guy on top in the black hoodie was pretty much just throwing down blows on the guy kind of MMA style.
    Serino: Ground and pound, okay?
    W6: Yeah. Like a ground and pound on the concrete at this point. So, at this point I told them I was calling 911. I locked my door. I went inside. Heard a pop.

  577. SearchingMind says:

    Ofcourse, the adrenaline will be flowing if you know someone was about to be executed in front of you.

  578. MichelleO says:

    This is not a game, folks.

    • cielo62 says:

      MichelleO~ no, it’s not a game. But strategy is part of the way this game of justice is played. Luckily Bernie has many rounds under his belt. He KNOWS how to build a solid case in logical small steps. MOM came prepared for tiddly winks and Bernie is playing Capture the Flag!

  579. Tee says:

    Bring your mop bucket, and mop MOM you got a lot of cleaning to do

  580. Nef05 says:

    O’Mara is reinforcing (unintentionally) that being asked additional questions and giving more info is not a “lie”.

    Why he doesn’t think they’ll apply that to Rachel, given the amount of time they spent crucifying her for this same issue, I don’t know.

  581. chi1224 says:

    “I did not see punches”

  582. DruDo says:

    If it had been Rachel, he would have called her a liar.

  583. Ms.X says:

    omara is 100x more emotionally invested in this case than BDLR & the state. Did I hear omara say Mr. DeLaRionda’s histronics? Please let me know if I misheard. I wish the state was hungrier to achieve justice (win).

  584. William Walton says:

    I think Rachael (DeeDee) did very well on the stand. With Amoco, I spent many months in Trinidad, WI. Each time I would go down there it would take me several days to become accustomed to their way of speaking and their culture. On one of my trips, a black friend of mine stated he would like my authority while I was gone. So, I wrote the letter of authority designating him and told him he could call me down there and I would be back in 2 weeks. He called down to Trinidad to ask a question and the secretary asked him “what ya want boy”. DS was taken back and the secretary asked him if he remembered the first time I was down there and a white guy told a black fork lift operator to “Boy, take that drum back and bring the right drum.” She went on to say Bill’s face lit up like Oh Shit We Are Going to Have a Race Riot Down Here! People from Trinidad telexed that descripition of me back to Houston such that when I did get back they had all had a good laugh. The secretary went on to explain to DS that in Trinidad if you are a guy no matter what race,color or age, you are a “boy.” And, if you are female, no matter what race, color, or age, you are a “girl.” When DS thought about it he LHAO. After 10 weeks instead of 2 when I returned to Houston, went into the office, and DS came out of my office I asked “How did it go Boy.” The black gal who was purchasing agent overheard me and wrote me up for uttering a racial statement. She gave this information to the director of HR who forwarded on Amoco headquarters in Chicago. The next thing I knew a black attorney from Amoco appears and we go into a meeting. During the meeting DS stated that he was not offended since I had just come back from a 10 week stint in Trinidad and the way I greeted him was part of their culture. Also stated what the secretary stated when called down. The attorney stated that there was no racial slur and the three of us went to lunch. People of the Carribean culture also have a way of thinking based on experience which they thing is totally right. During the 10 week stint in Trinidad conducting an oil treatment process project, I encountered several different situations as to how these people think. Yes, they are slow speaking, much layed back, make strange decisions based on their experience, but one has to remember you are on their turf. We would go offshore and come back finding a runaway chemical pump, chemical pump turned off, etc. Keep in mind the treatment plant was union so we could not order anyone to do anything. To illustrate the way these people think based on their past experiences, Fortuna, a black plant operator, came into the lab at 3AM in the morning and stated “Man you put too much chemical in, I can feel it on me hands.” Explained to him that there was not too much chemical but he was feeling treated oil. For 7 mornings he would come in and exclaim the same thing. On the 7th morning gave him a large mouth bottle and asked him to go to the sand pit, get a small amount of sand, and add the treated crude to it. He did and came back and stated that that was how the crude was supposed to feel. Told him no because in the past they had been shipping crude containing 6.6%-18% sand. He went back out to the treating vessel, wetted his hand and came back in and exlaimed, I now know you are right. This isllustrates what Rachael (DeeDee) was telling West. I know what I heard and until you can demonstrate to me where I am wrong, I will stick by my convictions. With regards to West, if my friends Grandfather were still alive and saw West on the TV, his comment would be “this guy does not know whether he is washing or hanging out to dry.” I always liked that quote. In reality, DD did a great job and telling West that some of his questions were retarded, she was right on track.

    • Ms.X says:

      Thanks for sharing this interesting story. I have always wanted to go to Trinidad. I had a penpal from there as a kid. Now I think its too dangerous. A few people told me not to go. Are you a chemist? What is your job in the oil industry? My son wants to major in Supply Chain mgmt & I’m trying to get him to consider oil logistics.

      • William Walton says:

        Ms.X, I have degrees in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering as well as a MBA. Most of the people I worked with in Trinidad in the early ’80s have moved out because they felt the country had changed too drastically. When I was going down there it was fun and my most favorite place to have to go for Amoco. Amoco had a camp there where we stayed and this camp had a resturant. We would eat at the resturant some times, however, most times when we were onshore, we would go to Angie & Bill’s cantina which was located on a beach of the Carribean. Had many a good meal and many beers there. Every time I would be leaving Trinidad, Angie & Bill would have a seafood BBQ. They would dig holes in the sand, build a fire with teak wood. Once the coals were hot, they would cover them with wet banna leaves on which they would place a layer of seafood, another layer of we banna leaves and seafood. They would continue this until all seafood was in place, add more wet banna leaves, then cover with sand. The Trinidad prawn were huge and delious but could only eat one because of their size. Of course all the seafood was delicious but my favorite was the Carribean lobster. Smaller than the Maine lobster but much more flavor. Hope this answers your questions.

      • William Walton says:

        Ms.X, if your son can handle the math and science he would do better to work for a degree in engineer. The most sought after engineering degree is Chemical Engineering. Not saying this because I have that degree, but oil compainies seek that degree because the individual understands the rock chemistry, fluid chemistry, and how they interact. Just a thought.

  585. smokeegyrl says:

    Bernie left it open for O’M to come in there and say something to JohnnieBGood so he can come back at him. Watch… He didn’t let him off.. He is not done.

  586. Deborah says:

    what about that diagram Jon Good drew? Doesn’t it show that George lied about being attacked at the T with one punch knocking him to the ground?He drew a diagram of where he saw them RIGHT BEHIND his patio — NOWHERE near the T!!!!!!! They were on the ground at that point. Do you remember George said he was right by the T when Trayvon Martin jumped him.

    • lurker says:

      If they put Zim on the stand, they lose. Everything that he has said was a fabrication utterly unsupported by even the friendliest of eye witnesses.

      And I am guessing that the prosecution will have not problem getting in enough of his statements to show that he flat-out lied to police.

      • cielo62 says:

        lurker~ as so many great people have realized, gz is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. He CAN’T have his attorneys claim self defense FOR him; he HAS to do that himself. And by now, not one of his many fabrications has survived intact for him to say anything on the stand. Indeed, his taking the stand might just depend on whether gz is arrogant enough to try to sweet talk his way out of this, seeing as there are 6 women in the jury AND a lady judge. He’s stupid enough to overrule MOM and demand to say his piece. I sure HOPE he does!!

  587. Bernie used JG’s clarifications thru his testimonies as a way to explain’s Rachel’s ones. That was a smart move. he won’t impeach him to help RJ and b/c JG clarifications mostly go his way from MMA fighting to I saw no punches.

  588. DruDo says:

    O’Mushmouth really thinks he’s smarter than JN and everyone else. Just like his scummy client.

  589. disappointed says:

    MOM talking to jury.

  590. Romaine says:

    wtf is wrong with Bernie second guessing himself…giving omara the upper hand….uuuggghhhh

  591. Trained Observer says:

    JN to MOM: “I’ll talk to th jury, not you. Go ahead.”


  592. gbrbsb says:

    anyone got a quick link to John’s written statement ?

      • You all have thoughtful comments says:

        Witness 6 written statement Feb. 26, 2012 ———————————————
        I heard yelling out back in grass area of homes. Was not sure at first, but after second “HELP” yell I opened blinds, and saw nothing but everything dark outside. I opened the door and saw a guy on the ground getting hit by another man on top of him in a straddling position hitting a guy in a red sweatshirt or something of a red top. The guy on the bottom getting hit was yelling Help (guy getting hit on ground was wearing red calling out help). I said I was calling the cops, and ran upstairs then heard a gun shot. When I got upstairs I saw the guy on top who was hitting the guy in the red layout spot on the grass as if he had been shot. Also say the guy in red standing near end of sidewalk where 2 guys with flashlights probably neighbors were talking to him asking what happened.

      • gbrbsb says:

        A thousand tas 🙂

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        No ground and pound. Impeach his ass.

  593. AMETIA: clarify means I LIED, and I’m changing my story.

  594. Tzar says:

    Bernie let him off the hook
    I don’t get it

    • gbrbsb says:

      I think it was because he accepted it could have been Serino’s words… or not ?

      • Tzar says:

        he had more to play with
        I don’t believe the whole gliding from grass to pavement
        and he speaks out of both sides of his mouth when it comes to the MMA
        He speculates too far afield to be let off the hook that easily but I presume Bernie has a strategy or goal for letting it slide

      • Dave says:

        Is he going to throw Serino under the bus?

  595. amsterdam1234 says:

    That was the defense’s case.

    • Tee says:

      Yes exactly! GZ got to testify Bernie took away all his options. LMAO! Take the stand You lying child murder!

  596. Sophia33 says:

    I’ll talk to the jury, not you.

  597. DruDo says:

    Guy is a real comedian. Thinks he’s clever.

  598. lurker says:

    No MMA training.

    AND he just said he didn’t know Zimmerman.

  599. Woow! says:

    So how could CAC have given TM CPR with TM being facedown?

  600. Sabrina B. says:

    George flipped him over?

  601. ada4750 says:

    The question from BDLR if Good lied will be use to enforce Rachel’s testimony

    BDLR insisted that the apparent lies exist because the questions were not ask, just as Rachel.

  602. lurker says:

    The body was face down. Is he going to ask him how he knew it was the black guy who was dead?

  603. Trained Observer says:

    BDLR hauling out heavier artillery …

  604. Get him , Bernie! Not clarifying. LYING! That’s the word!

  605. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    no muffled sounds of help? no smothering

  606. Nef05 says:

    Back door cleanup for Rachel. If HIS clarification wasn’t lying, neither is Rachel’s.

    • Nef05 says:

      Note how he paused and looked at the jury when he said it. Making a point.

    • groans says:

      Exactly. Bald Dude definitely took this opportunity to show parallels between Rachel J and John G, in terms of differences among statements that were made at different times.

      If it’s OK for John G, then it’s OK for Rachel J.

  607. lurker says:

    He just asked him if he was lying in his earlier statements. Is this going to blow up?

  608. Sophia33 says:

    Good point Bernie.

  609. DruDo says:

    Whoa! LOL! Lying!

  610. bob kealing :

    B-29 has head on her right hand. Keeping it there.

    • chi1224 says:

      I read this earlier this morning about the jurors and Rachael:

      Two of the jurors, E-6 and E-40, hardly ever looked up during the entire seven hours that Rachel Jeantel was on the stand. They were completely engaged and wrote down virtually every word she said.

      In dramatic contrast, juror B-29, the only juror of color, seemed clearly to not like Rachel Jeantel. She spent the whole time the witness was on the stand refusing to look at her and instead looked straight ahead at the attorneys.

      Read more: http://communities.washingtontimes.com/neighborhood/todays-news/2013/jun/28/zimmerman-attorney-grills-witness-trayvon-martin-c/#ixzz2XWZKEnlz
      Follow us: @wtcommunities on Twitter

      • chi1224 says:

        So what is up with B29? She is the Hispanic mother of 8, moved from Chicago 7 months ago.

      • Nellie Nell says:

        The comments by some people are so concerning and disheartening. I just do not understand people with their racist views and lack of willingness to accept people from all walks of life as human beings. These are the 1st people in need of transplants to keep them living. Do you think they tell the Dr’s that they do not want an organ from anyone with a skin tone different than their own? It is so frustrating for me that people, especially grown folks act this way. No one is perfect and everyone should be treated the way they would like to be treated. Those cold hearts will one day cease to beat – ashes to ashes and dust to dust! Grrrrrrr

        • chi1224 says:

          I don’t understand it either and it makes me grateful to have been raised by parents who were not racist. Racism is pure ignorance, plane and simple. Diversity in cultures is a good thing and we should all embrace it! Yet some are too ignorant and fear it.
          This case has sadly shown me racism is still alive and well and we still have a long way to go.

      • type1juve says:

        self hatred…

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        The Washington Times? I was transfixed on West too, putting imaginary nails in an imaginary voodoo doll. B29 was first called black and then hispanic.

  611. disappointed says:

    What about a hand over the mouth? Would that be muffled?

  612. gbrbsb says:

    Bingo: “I didn’t hear a muffled help”, not Trayvon’s not GZ’s either!

  613. Tee says:

    Can you smell impeachment!

  614. DruDo says:

    He reminds me of CAC trying to suit his words to a story.

  615. lurker says:

    Neither saw nor heard actual blows.

  616. crazy1946 says:

    One think that is known by most people who test for truth, is that a person who is not truthful seem to be quite thirsty! This man has devoured the bottle of water he was provided and now probably needs a bucket more!

  617. Tzar says:

    John is an arrogant idiot
    If Bernie is telling you you did not say it then he most likely has proof you did not say it

    • gwynne says:

      I don’t think j is smart enough to figure that out. Totally agree, Bernie doesn’t open any doors unless he knows what is on the other side.

      • Cercando Luce says:

        Makes you think, Rachel remembered EVERYTHING she said, when, and to whom.

      • aussie says:

        Well but it was real easy for Rachel to remember — she was telling the truth., She only had that one story to keep track of.

        This guy John, maybe even without being asked to, first told a story that would help GZ, possibly for no other reason than that he KNEW HIM, and if someone you know is claiming self defence against a stranger you don’t contradict him to get him into trouble. Especially when it seems nothing will happen to him IF the cops accept the self defence story.

  618. chi1224 says:

    This witness has a pissy attitude. I don’t like him.

  619. gwynne says:

    mom looks worried and unhappy.

  620. amsterdam1234 says:

    GZ, you better pay close attention now. What we are about to see, will be happening to you.

  621. disappointed says:

    Det Serino said ground and pound.

  622. DruDo says:

    He’s so evasive.

  623. ZCBest says:

    Here comes the boom, here comes the boom!

  624. Tee says:

    I was thinking of why the state choose to use this witness and the one yesterday and it just occurred to me that they are closing all doors so not to allow GZ to escape taking the stand. My brain takes a minute to warm up, so it took me a minute to get it straight in my head what could they possibly be doing.

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      If the State doesn’t put them on the stand, the defense will. Better to be pro active and deal with them head on, instead of giving the defense the chance to pretend the State is trying to hide these witnesses.

  625. Ugh, Bernie please stop apologizing

  626. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    The total time that John watch was ONLY 10 SECONDS.

    This includes the movement from the grass to the sidewalk.

    How could he watch much arm action on the sidewalk with the remaining 6 to 10 seconds???

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      I mean the remaining 6 seconds

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      John’s testimony is bullshit. Anyone trained in any of the martial arts will tell you.
      If I were the State, I would’ve had 2 wrestlers, 2 mma experts, 2 judo experts and 2 jiu jitsu experts try to make the move John was describing. They would’ve had to roll, or the person on top would have to carry the person on the bottom, or the person on the bottom had to be holding on to the person on top while allowing himself to be dragged, to go from the one position to the next.

  627. SearchingMind says:

    When Jonathan Good was outside his house he could not see whether the person on top was black or white. Then he when inside and heard the shot as he dialed 911. BUT, in that 911 call he said that the black guy has been shot? How did he know Trayvon was black (if Trayvon lay dead face down)?

  628. Tzar says:

    Let’s bring it home Bernie

  629. disappointed says:

    Where we going with this Bernie?

  630. Woow! says:

    MOM has a big smile on his face.

  631. gwynne says:

    OK Bernie, time to list the inconsistencies.

  632. willisnewton says:

    go bernie go – redirect

  633. Lord, hear this prayer. Please allow Bernie to rip John Good a new one until he won’t be able to walk for days.

  634. lurker says:

    Just his opinion that the screaming was Zim.

  635. willisnewton says:

    MOM is trying to use John G’s confusion about hte arrival of FIRST jon w13 and THEN ofc tim smith, later to shorten the time frame.

    John good is mistaken – Jon Mw13 was there alone with GZ longer than John G seems to think

  636. gbrbsb says:

    I agree with Boyd above. The only thing MOM gets from all of this and other witnesses is that there was a scuffle or fight. Further, even if a witness or several see parts of the scuffle on the path, Trayvon was shot on the grass.

  637. Woow! says:

    Is this the guy that CAC was asking to help him pin down TM? Is this the guy that called that CAC wife for him?

    This guys home was right where the murder took place, how is it that witnesses whose home was further away could hear and see more than this guy that was in close range to that CAC and TM.

  638. KittySP says:

    I think the states strategy is to get the state to use the witnesses to disprove/contradict GZs statements

  639. DruDo says:

    Did he say GZ was trying to give CPR? Did I hear right?

  640. MedicineBear says:

    He reports a lot of what he RATIONALLY THOUGHT — did he rationally think the person on top was dominating? What if the person on top was fighting for his life against someone with a gun? Would he have a different RATIONAL perception if the kid “on top” was defending himself against an attacker with a GUN?

    In MMA fighting does ONE of the combatants have a gun?

  641. SearchingMind says:

    Jonathan Good is the BEST defense witness. We knew that all along. I expect O’Mara to milk him to death. The much that Bernie can do about him is to show that his story has changed a lot in the past and as a result not reliable.

  642. Sabrina B. says:

    Flip him over? What was that?

  643. Boyd says:

    The only thing MOM getting out of this is THERE WAS A FIGHT.

    so what? Fogen cannot use self-defense after West agreed with almost everything Rachel said.

    • chi1224 says:

      Exactly. The evidence shows Trayvon resisted Fogen trying to restrain him… when Rachael heard “get off me” coming from Trayvon, that says it all. He had the right to fight back. Fogen did not have the right to use lethal force, or to try and detain Trayvon.

  644. bettykath says:

    Did he explain how they moved from grass to concrete with a 90 degree turn? It would seem that the person on the bottom would be the one directing the movement.

    • gbrbsb says:

      No and I am hoping Bernie will pick up on this in re-direct because he merely said “they moved up to the sidewalk” !

    • willisnewton says:

      yes, and perfectly able to lift the top figure and control where he needed to be.

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      Yep. It is almost impossible. The only way they could’ve moved the way John described it, would be if the person on top would’ve tried to get up and get away, and dragging the person on the bottom, who is trying to hold on, with him.

      • gbrbsb says:

        Absolutely amsterdam, you’ve nailed it. A person on top would not be able to drag the one on the bottom only the person on the bottom can do that. There is only one other option, i.e. they rolled.

        • amsterdam1234 says:

          But if they rolled, there would’ve been a change in position.

          • gbrbsb says:

            Very true, but I must have got it wrong because I was thinking there were two different periods of observation… so it was one episode no breaks correct ?

          • amsterdam1234 says:

            He only watched for about 10 seconds. He claims he
            saw the change in position within that period of time. He doesn’t describe a break in his observations. He just reports one position and then the next, without giving an explanation how it moved from one to the next.

            If I were the State, I would’ve had a martial arts expert ready to take the stand. It doesn’t matter which martial arts, the aw of physics applies to all of them.

          • gbrbsb says:

            Then if no change of position and they move from grass to path and GZ was on the bottom then it HAS to be like you say, i.e. GZ was hanging on to Trayvon who was trying to get away. SOME ONE TWEET IT !

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        Now imagine throwing punches at the same time. The prosecution should’ve been better prepared.

  645. Sabrina B. says:

    I wish, Bernie would stop allowing O’Mara to introduce his own evidence after the fact. He doesn’t seem to be tech savvy and has no idea what can be done with enhancements and such.

  646. Tee says:

    He went from I didn’t see any head banging to I can’t be 100% that there was head banging. If you didn’t see it you didn’t see it. Thank God I don’t have neighbors like them.

  647. DruDo says:

    So, according to him, he saw everything?

  648. bettykath says:

    Good is using his “rational thinking” to create facts. Who was yelling? Was the person on the bottom trying to get up?

    • gbrbsb says:

      Reich got barred from giving an opinion for using “common sense” or “rational thinking”, both of them granted in “critical listening”

    • HereslookingatYou says:

      rational thinking says the one having the gun pointed at him is the screaming for his life

    • Malisha says:

      “Rational thinking” is the jury’s job. Reporting facts from his own observations is the only job the witness has.

  649. disappointed says:

    Bernie is going to mop the floor with this guy shortly.

  650. DruDo says:

    I’d like to ground and pound the crypt keeper, O’Mushmouth and crazyasscracker.

  651. Dave says:

    Show him the actual hoodie, asshole!

  652. chi1224 says:

    The fact that Fogen got a few boo-boos while Trayvon resisted him does not give Fogen the right to use lethal force. That is not a valid claim of “self defense”. The jury will have to consider who was the aggressor, because Trayvon had every right to defend himself too. I expect the prosecution will get into that heavily later on.

  653. lurker says:

    He is being evasive–I think that his legal counsel has advised him to be pretty careful. “Possibly” the same color he saw.

  654. Puck says:

    Interesting that they didn’t play the 911 call from an iPod docked on speakers, not on the computer over the regular court speakers like EVERY OTHER TIME it’s been played.

  655. Tee says:

    The more he say ground and pound the more I laugh. All that blood over Trayvon hands from pounding on GZ face.

    • Girlp says:

      No swelling or bruises to the face, no black eyes, no black eyes, no ground and pound

    • chi1224 says:

      There is much more evidence in this case than faulty eye-witness testimony from unsure witnesses.

    • Endless Summer says:

      IMO, the weird photo of Fogen’s busted nose is like those close up pictures you see of dogs, where they zoom in on the end of their nose. I don’t think his nose was that swollen, I think it’s the perspective of the camera lens.

  656. lurker says:

    Consistent with every statement he has ever given.

    Hard to do, since the other statements are not consistent.

  657. willisnewton says:

    here we go. endless going over the sequence of his statements. this should take about three hours.

  658. disappointed says:

    This is so stupid. Beat up, let me show them what beat up is. I have had worse done to be by my sons on accident than CAC got from his death fight.

  659. lurker says:

    The media found him out.

    Gee, that must have been really difficult–his house was right next to the place where a dead body was found.

  660. Tee says:

    Smh! Bernie need to do better. If this is all the prosecution have, I expect better.

    • Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

      They are just going through the witnesses first… then the experts … ballistics, medical, blood spatter (Hopefully) etc…. relax this is only day 5, they have much more to lay out.. plus this guy is not exactly corroborating GZ

      • Dennis says:

        Yep. I can’t wait for the forensic evidence. The lack of DNA or blood on Trayvon’s hands is going to be a dagger. I wonder how O’Mara thinks he can get around that one.

  661. Romaine says:

    Red or White?

  662. sparger says:

    I think John knows he lied and doesn’t want to admit it and is doing his best not to help George but not really change his story.

  663. amsterdam1234 says:

    Next witness w19. Opened her sliding glass door, heard John say call 911. She went back inside, checked if everything was locked, checked her alarm, went upstairs, walked to the window heard the shot.

  664. jo says:

    ground and pound….ground and pound……we get it omara…you like the ground and pound……..keep it between you and yours

  665. lurker says:

    MO’M is being very careful to say over and over again that Trayvon Martin was on top and that Zimmerman was on the bottom.

  666. DruDo says:

    MOM is such a dumb a**

  667. dianetrotter says:

    This guy is allowed to guess and use common sense. I OBJECT!!!

  668. willisnewton says:

    i think he’s a normal eyewitness. they get a LOT of things wrong on average.

    I also think like most he’s trying to cover his ass

    • Judy75201 says:

      I agree. He is also getting annoyed with O’Mara

    • Tzar says:

      I also think like most he’s trying to cover his ass

      He is covering his lies

      • type1juve says:

        Yup… only concerned for himself, no regard at all for an innocent, dead teenager.

      • Trained Observer says:

        The support blabber for Fogen he so willingly offered back on the night when “they” all thought Trayvon was a disposable thug has come back to haunt …

        Now he’s trying to cross the Grand Canyon on a tightrope to avoid SheLie’s fate with perjury.

        Am looking forward to BDLR’s redirect after MOM gets done fumbling.

    • gbrbsb says:

      Agreed willis, but didn’t say anything to not contrary anyone. To me he seems to be trying to stop MOM pinning him down.

  669. disappointed says:

    Did you look CAC in the eyes?

  670. Dennis says:

    I just read an Infowars article about the Trayvon Martin case. They are discussing how people are using this case to express their racist views. It seems many people have no problem expressing their hatred toward Hispanics and they openly admit they will kill Fogen if he is acquitted. I think Fogen is in extreme danger if he is acquitted. Even worse, there will be riots and innocent people will probably get hurt. He has to be convicted because he is guilty of his crime and the public will not take an acquittal.


    • DruDo says:

      Stirring the pot, Dennis?

    • Puck says:

      Which Dennis is this?

    • willisnewton says:

      I know Alex Jones, the publisher of that rag personally. I;ve been to his home, I’ve worked on a motion picture with him and been on set for hours and hours and been to parties with him on several occasions over the course of at least four to five years. He’s an IDIOT and a blowhard and as such is occasionally entertaining. Don’t take him seriously, please.

      The things he says and writes and publishes are foro entertainment purpose only and are almost always factually incorrect. Do not confuse him with a journalist, ever.

      • Puck says:

        I think this might be the “other” Dennis.

      • Dennis says:

        Did you see the Bohemian Grove one? Alex infiltrated their ceremony with his cameraman and got the whole thing on film. It is completely shocking that our politicians meet there and worship a giant stone owl that represents Moloch/Lilith. They also do a mock sacrifice, but Alex claims it is a real one. Our leaders are mostly Satanists and pedophiles.

        As for Alex Jones, whistleblower Stew Webb outed him as a cointelpro agent. People wonder why Alex never discusses the Zionist involvement in 9/11.

      • Malisha says:

        OK Dennis royal blue, now I have to go back and check the SHAPE of your avatar because I am beginning to think you’re lavender-boy with a new design.

    • lurker says:

      Most of the people I have heard advancing this sort of theory are Z supporters trying to pump up the notion that black people are inherently violent. They need that to support the notion that Trayvon would logically have attacked Zimmerman for no particular reason and try to kill him.

    • crazy1946 says:

      And your point to bring up this BS is what? Rubbish like that belongs in the tree slum, did you post it there or did you find it there?

      • Dennis says:

        This article is intelligent because it addresses the real problem, the Illuminati. Are you not disturbed that your leaders are Satanists that sacrifice children to Moloch?

        • crazy1946 says:

          Sorry to disappoint you, but your whole line of thought has absolutely nothing to do with this trial, nor should any rational human consider that man to be anything other than delusional! Again as I said that rubbish needs to go back to the tree slum where you found it…

      • Cercando Luce says:

        Illuminati– those Italian characters from the Twilight series?

    • Sophia33 says:

      Look, I know I have already clashed with a few folks, already. And I intend no disrespect. But I would like to say that I find these riot allegations to be offensive. If black people rioted every time we felt that justice was not served, there would multiple riots going on every day.

      That’s all. Didn’t mean to offend any one person and won’t comment further on this issue.

      • willisnewton says:

        there would have been a riot every day for the last 300 years, yep. great point. And maybe there SHOULD have been a riot every day untl justice is served properly. But yeah, this “riot” business is a lot of horse shit.

      • crazy1946 says:

        Sophia33, I find no disrespect in your words and I am not AA, however I will state on the record that it is time that the entire nation open their eyes and realize the worth of a person is not determined by the color of their skin! Perhaps this old man needs to learn how to be a racist to fit into society? Nope, don’t think this old dog can learn that trick, guess I will just continue to consider that actions speak louder than skin color! If we need riots to open eyes to the problem of racial bias then the problem will never be resolved. If we need dialogue to solve the problem then there is hope that action to bring the problem out into the open where it can be resolved. As long as the problem is allowed to fester like a wound that is untreated it will only get worse eventually killing the host..

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        I’ve come to realize that the word riot is used as a dog whistle. First time I became aware of that was after Katrina.

    • dianetrotter says:

      Who knows? You can believe it won’t be the college educated, employed/retired people who respectfully participate on this blog. Everyone can’t be held responsible for the actions of a few. George Zimmerman’s actions are not ascribed to all Afro-Peruvians-Caucasians.

  671. Sabrina B. says:

    They guy heard help not the excruciating screams on the tape. O’Mara is trying to link the two together as one person.

  672. DruDo says:

    So he really doesn’t know who was on top.

  673. Tee says:

    I have a cousin that live in the area. I remember telling her well before this happened why as a black woman would she want to live there, She stated because she could. I respected her answer but told her I hope she never need a helping hand from one of her neighbours.

  674. Ty Flair says:

    O’Mara was counting on this witness,it back fire in his face. West would of went crazy with this witness.

  675. gbrbsb says:

    Reich was using “common sense” which is a granted of “critical listening” but his opinion was not accepted.

  676. willisnewton says:

    slight humor. MOM said John could see TM’s right side and then said he could see GZ’s LEFT side and John Good said “yes”

    of course if that were true TM would have been punching GZ in the nuts and sticking his rear in GZ’s face.

  677. disappointed says:

    I do not think this guy is truthful.

  678. Girlp says:

    Does anyone know of a good mobile site, the link I have won’t connect…takes up too much bandwidth here they will complain.

  679. Romaine says:

    John is a big ass liar, there is no way in hell he didn’t hear all that yelling and Trayvon begging

  680. chi1224 says:

    Not 100% certain– he has said that multiple times.

  681. gbrbsb says:

    It wasn’t “across the street”, MOM, it was NEXT DOOR !

  682. disappointed says:

    Did he say it sounded different because he was inside? Were they outside?

  683. John Good’s wife friends with Jenna Lauer on Facebook


    • Tzar says:

      screen caps my dear
      all these thing are being deleted

    • type1juve says:

      I think they all decided early on to cover for the murderer. They didn’t think this would end up in court.

      • J4TMinATL says:

        Hi all. I’m new to posting but not new to reading everything here for a good 6 months. I feel like I know many of you : ) I got a screenshot, have to figure out how to upload it here or embed it.

  684. Nef05 says:

    Good Morning all. Reading all the comments to catch up. I’m hoping BDLR tore him a new one.

  685. Where is the professor, danged, I have a lot of questions about this testimony?

  686. chi1224 says:

    O’mara keeps trying to elicit the testimony he wants, but it’s not working. This witness has downplayed his own testimony multiple times. He is purposely coming of as unsure, which imo will ultimately help the prosecution.

  687. MedicineBear says:

    Bernie — ask what the person on bottom was doing with his hands! Can you confirm that HE wasn’t hitting TM? Can you confirm GZ wasn’t pointing a gun at Trayvon?

  688. Sophia33 says:

    If you hear a skull on concrete it is unforgettable and jarring. Sorry, typed to fast before and had two thoughts in my head.

    • William Walton says:

      Sophia33 you are right it is an unforgettable sound. My own fault for wearing new boots at a resturant ouside of Denver, but I slipped on ice and hit my head on pavement and the people I were with described the sound of a watermelon hitting the pavement. Suffered a subdural hematoma and had to have surgery. So, my thoughts of what GZ says about his head beating are bullshit. When I hit my head, my lower eye lids filled with blood so I looked like I had been in an auto accident.

      • Sophia33 says:

        I’m glad you are alright. That story makes me cringe.

        Years ago, I was waiting for the bus. This woman was having a seizure near the bus stop but in the street, like near the curb. At one point she kind of raise up and then almost as passing out her head plopped backwards. That sound. And mind you, she only hit her head ONCE! Now imagine if GZ’s story were true? Please.

      • tinytruthseeker says:

        I have a 3lb furbaby who goes with me EVERYWHERE…. at school this spring I was carrying her in my left arm and something else in my right hand and walking down a short flight of concrete steps outside my classroom…. my baby wiggled and fell from my arm…. I heard her tiny head hit the step… I almost threw up right there on the spot. She was fine but the sound of her tiny head hitting that cement is a sound I wont forget,,,, NO WAY the killer was having his head pounded on concrete and this loser witness was nearby and didn’t hear it…. it is an UNFORGETTABLE sound….. unforgettable

  689. disappointed says:

    Play it often so the jury can here I’m begging you! MOM is stupid.

  690. Ms.X says:

    Ha! Ha! He is NOT corroborating gz’s lies.

  691. sparger says:

    John doesn’t want to admit what a lying liar he is. So he is dialing back.

  692. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    he is describing the movement of the struggle in the opposite direction that GZ described… i.e from grass upward to concrete as opposed to concrete to shimmy down to grass…

    • Dave says:

      Moving uphill

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        And 3 to 4 ft lateral with the same person on top. That os almost impossible. Just try it or just imagine it.
        One person on his back, another person on top, bellies touching. Now move without changing position, 90 degrees and 4 ft in a lateral position, up a slope.

    • amsterdam1234 says:


    • KittySP says:

      Exactly! Isn’t the “shimmy, shimmy, shake” also when he claims his jacket lifts and Trayvon sees the gun? Hold up…how was he able to manage shimmying any where if The straddle demo MOM gave, was to immobilize GZ?

  693. Am I missing something or has this exchange established that JG heard “help” far in advance of the gunshot..which completely contradicts the 911 call?

  694. towerflower says:

    John had said in his changed statement that he did not hear the sounds of fists hitting something or a body being slammed. Now he can’t remember.

  695. jo says:

    i don’t think jon is on defense side…i’m not feeling it….

    • Tzar says:

      he is
      he is parsing his statements to not overtly impeach himself
      I think he is lying about a few things
      He knows exactly who the fuck was screaming help
      he even says it on the 911 call

      • jm says:

        He is changing again. Now he says it sounds like it was coming from the bottom. Previously he said common sense made him think it was coming from the person on the bottom. Jon is a crazy ass lying cracker.

      • lurker says:

        I think he has had some very careful convo with his legal rep.

  696. DruDo says:

    Oh, c’mon! Can’t remember if he ever heard a skull being pounded?

  697. lurker says:

    I have heard the sound of a head on concrete. It is memorable and sets teeth on edge.

  698. DruDo says:

    Bernie should fix this. This guy is lying.

  699. lurker says:

    Interpreting the screams based on “logic.”

  700. gbrbsb says:

    If GZ had been in a “ground & pound” situation his face and head would have looked a lot lot worse than the few scratches he ended up with and they can’t include the nose job because that was when GZ was standing up according to him.

  701. degraveegmailcom says:

    All of a sudden Omom said Trayvon was on top?

  702. Tzar says:

    Bernie should be able to tear this up

  703. Ms.X says:

    Who is this person?

  704. disappointed says:

    Incorrect when I first went out. He screamed for help…

  705. MedicineBear says:

    “Trained in MMA” — isn’t cca the one with MMA training not the victim?

  706. DruDo says:

    O’M makes me sick.

  707. lurker says:

    The person you now know to be Trayvon Martin was on top?

  708. chi1224 says:

    Did he just say it looked like Trayvon on top throwing punches on Fogen?

  709. smokeegyrl says:

    Rene Stutzman‏@renestutzman37s
    John Good: darker-skinned person was doing “ground & pound” on fella on bottom. #Trayvon, #Zimmerman

  710. John Good is lying his ass off.

  711. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Where is Mark O’Mara going with this speculative scenarios. They are just confusing and prove nothing.

  712. chi1224 says:

    crypto repeating “ground and pound” is so transparent.

  713. lurker says:

    He’s claiming that John is an MMA expert because he has watched a bunch of it?

  714. Elizabeth says:

    JG didn’t anwer as to what the person on top was wearing.Yet.?

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:

      He said the person on tope was wearing dark clothing and the person on bottom was wearing red.

      • crazy1946 says:

        actually think again he said the person on bottom was wearing a “light” color, possibly red? Hmmm how could a red jacket look white? In the dark red turns toward looking dark or black not white! Whoops!

      • cielo62 says:

        BUT the pictures taken at the cops shop show NO grass stains, mud or debris of any kind! So HOW can this story be true? IT’S NOT.

      • God is there says:

        I know the jacket was water absorbent, but wouldn’t the rain still make it look dark after being in the rain for a while? I couldn’t understand how he could say he couldn’t really tell about anything, but could see what the person on the bottom and top were wearing, and its dark. It doesn’t make sense to me.

  715. DruDo says:

    Why didn’t he say any of these things to Bernie? I’m confused and distracted by a phone call from son in college. He always confuses me.

  716. ZCBest says:

    lying asshole

  717. lurker says:

    All weight on the hips–kinda sorta where the gun was located, eh? O’Mara?

  718. chi1224 says:

    “But I did not see any of that”


  719. disappointed says:

    He did not distract the jury he wanted the jury to hear it again.

  720. John knows quite a bit about MMA style fighting, eh?

  721. Ms.X says:

    What did I miss?

  722. disappointed says:

    Someone needs to slap this guy.

  723. lurker says:

    Arm movements–couldn’t say if they were strikes or just arm movements.

  724. jo says:

    thanks omara….they were on the ground flat on flat (zim pulled trayvon on top of him) then trayvon was straddling (possibly breaking free)…..keep going omara

  725. smokeegyrl says:

    both voicez are annoying… had to mute! MUTE! MUTE! sounding like little demons. lol…

  726. lurker says:

    But no accounting of how they got there.

  727. SearchingMind says:

    @ Amsterdam

    Re: surveillance video

    “They didn’t do any work. I am so disappointed”.

    Pls. explain.

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      We did the analysis on BCClist. We tried the 18 minute difference and found that could not be reconciled with known events. We used police radio records, 911 event reports, 911 statements made by witnesses. Using all that information we know the videos began at 6:46:36 give or take 4 seconds.

      Whonoze put a video together with what we found.
      Just check the video and compare it with Rachel’s testimony, and the Google map where GZ drew his movements on TTL, on the first interview he had with Singleton.

      • Malisha says:

        They didn’t even have to DO the work; you did the work FOR them. (Maybe they were worried about complexity and confusion; but wait, the trial is yet young.)

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        I hope so Malisha.
        Those videos back up Rachel’s statements completely.
        Those videos show a car parking on TTL facing the mail area. Trayvon would’ve have to pass that car to get home.

      • lady2soothe says:

        I believe Jane S. was speaking: at the 39:30 “He just shot him dead” is what it sounds like, will someone verify this for me. Thanks

  728. amsterdam1234 says:

    The change of position John is describing is impossible.

  729. disappointed says:

    they were on the cement?

  730. chi1224 says:

    This is a guy who though he saw a dog attack…. I don’t give his account as much weight as the others.

  731. gbrbsb says:

    Important Bernie, how did “THEY MOVE UP TO THE SIDEWALK” WITHOUT changing positions?

    • Nellie Nell says:

      That is ridiculous and totally contradict all 5 of the killers accounts! Not only did the move to the sidewalk, but the are no longer “vertical” and are now fully on the sidewalk head to toe? Then how did Trayvon end up dead in the grass with his hands underneath him? All of this happened in a short time frame. And certainly you would run to the aid of CAC if being attacked by a dog but not to the aid of a Black teen that you heard begging for help?

  732. lurker says:

    While straddling they were ON the cement.

  733. Tzar says:

    So Jon has them shimmying to the side walk
    ha ha ha

  734. amsterdam1234 says:

    How did they move John? Did they fly there?

  735. Sabrina B. says:

    Oh good! it wasn’t initially a straddle, it was a fight that fogen was losing.

  736. chi1224 says:

    flat on flat, then straddle at the sidewalk

  737. smokeegyrl says:

    Would you consider to be a Good ole CAC? no offense to anybody… just John!

  738. chi1224 says:

    close to the sidewalk, but NOT ON the sidewalk

  739. jo says:

    o’mara needs a good feed and a good sleep….dude has aged 50 years

  740. disappointed says:

    MOM is making it sound like he is going to be killed by bl cks. He pisses me off. He is scaring the witness. Not bl cks.

  741. Tzar says:

    I love that M’OM may have to impeach his “own” witness

  742. amsterdam1234 says:

    It is called perpendicular John.

  743. jo says:

    go jon….

  744. Judy75201 says:

    LOL, did I hear JN laugh while sustaining “calls for speculation”?

  745. Tzar says:

    He iz so skurred right now
    ha ha ha ha

  746. amsterdam1234 says:

    After all those brave women testifying, we get this coward who fled upstairs.

  747. Rachael says:

    Why didn’t West kiss Rachel’s ass the way you MO’M kissed his?

  748. ay2z says:

    What does “not 100%” mean, what does HE mean, is he really saying he knows what is what, but he has to equivocate so opts for the closest to what he ibelieves.

  749. lurker says:

    He’s one who wanted to testify behind a screen.


  750. Unabogie says:

    I don’t think this is helpful to the prosecution and I don’t think he’s lying. Several things he just said help the state quite a bit. He didn’t hear all this dialog that Zimmerman claimed, and he SAW THEM UPRIGHT!

  751. Trial-is-underwaybaby says:

    Can someone post a video of the club house camera’s presented in Trial this morning… I missed it… I reviewed the comments above and it appears that someone with a flash light was seen trolling the clubhouse correct?

    • Puck says:

      There was no discussion of what the video actually showed. The witness just needed to validate the videos so they can be used later.

  752. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    He only heard “help help” = two voices on W11’s 911 call

  753. DruDo says:

    I think he knows more than he’s telling.

  754. ay2z says:

    This witness could have saved a life.

  755. SearchingMind says:

    Jonathan Good ain’t feeling comfortable. I think this guy saw the murder occur.

    • HereslookingatYou says:

      He knows he is a coward and a liar and it should weigh heavy on his heart and mind he probably could have stopped this murder

      • Malisha says:

        I don’t believe he feels guilt. He feels ANXIETY because he knows he lied early on and he’s being fried now.

    • Tzar says:

      I am positive he saw it
      I want to know how well he knew the killer

      • type1juve says:

        I think so too.

      • looneydoone says:

        I agree, he witnessed the murder of Trayvon
        Witness #6, one pinche gilipolla !

      • God is there says:

        That possibly makes 2. John and I believe Jeremy saw it too.

      • Nellie Nell says:

        He definitely saw more than he admits. When you listen to his 911 call, it becomes clear that he saw it. He was about to say that the guy screaming for help is dead. The others witnessed him out there before the shot. He did not call 911 until after the shot. He seen it. Too bad he does not value Trayvon’s life enough to be honest.

  756. DruDo says:

    I don’t like this guy.

  757. disappointed says:

    West going to go at him?

  758. Tee says:

    The scuffling is something all the witnesses have in ccommon. Negates GZ claim that it was a puch to the nose than an immediate head bang.

    • chi1224 says:

      Indeed, and I think that is very important. Not a single witness has backed up any of Fogen’s claims.

  759. ZCBest says:

    He is so smug.

  760. My Forehead Tho says:

    Hopefully the same people who got on RJ for being angry get on this witness as well.

    The most likely won’t though

  761. Boyd says:

    They were both standing, 3 witnesses said this, Fogen said he was decked on the first punch at the T

  762. Tzar says:

    I think Bernie is establishing his Mr. Magoo/potatoe head/fumbles finger persona to disarm him
    wait for it

  763. jo says:

    setting up for the “i was looking for a street address”

  764. John Good says No slamming! No head pounding on the concrete.

  765. jo says:

    numerical address mofo’s haha

  766. HereslookingatYou says:

    smart for the prosecution to call them first…takes wind out sails of defense

    • Trained Observer says:

      Smoothe …

    • Nellie Nell says:

      There will be no sting for the defense using him and that is a wonderful thing! So who is going to give that sting that the defense needs? The killer himself? Mrs. Big Bandaid? Papa? Or is it the other 2 people that MOM wanted to have testify in secrecy? Oh wait, that was mama and papa! LOL

  767. MedicineBear says:

    BOOM! Never saw any slamming of head on sidewalk!!!

  768. DruDo says:

    NO head pounding! Crazy Ass Cracker goin’ down!

    • HereslookingatYou says:

      lol,,,dayum straight

    • Malisha says:

      No striking.
      No head-pounding.
      Black guy dead.
      So who cares who screamed?
      And who cares who’s a cracka and who’s a nigga?

      • cielo62 says:

        I just read a newsite that says that Good still maintains that blows were exchanged! IIRC one of the witnesses said she saw arms flailing, like windmilling. THAT is NOT exchanging MMA style blows! WHAT EXACTLY did Good say??

  769. disappointed says:

    Did he say the scream for help did not sound outside did not sound like the scream for help on recording?

  770. ks says:

    This is good. The prosecution is frying John and any pro-Fogen witnesses before the defense can get to them which, later on, will force GZ to testify.

  771. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Go Bernie! There was no slamming! He saw the scuffle before the shot and no pounding of head into concrete! Woot!

  772. lurker says:

    Ooooh. Go Bernie! Never saw any head slamming.

  773. Judy75201 says:

    Fogen looks pissed.

  774. crazy1946 says:

    Did y’all notice that in the 911 call that he showed no emotion like could be expected from someone who had a lot of adredilin flowing like he said? Hmmm, wonder why?

  775. Judy75201 says:

    MMA, like fogen would have learned at the gym?

  776. Tzar says:

    He went back in kind of late

  777. lurker says:

    Ask him how he suddenly knew that the dead guy laying face down was black.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Yes! Gap between he couldn’t identify either to reporting black guy being dead . . . when did he notice there was a black guy?

    • God is there says:

      Exactly, couldn’t seem to see anything or tell what anything or who anyone was; but then, walla! 20/20 vision. even described the red and black jacket when he supposedly couldn’t make anything out.

      • Nellie Nell says:

        From upstairs looking out of what he thinks was the bathroom window. Even further away from the murder! Hmmmmmm, he was outside and close enough to see more.

  778. smokeegyrl says:

    Why is it that Good is the ONLY ONE WITNESS that has SEEN/TALK to Fogen? mmmmmm sounds strange to me. Did Fogen plead with him after he had shot him? This doesn’t sound right to me. he is the only one that seen him on the bottom… All others seen him on top.

  779. disappointed says:

    the guy yelling for help is dead!

  780. ZCBest says:

    He is going to get tripped up. Let’s just wait for it.

  781. chi1224 says:

    “The guys yelling for help, I’m not going out”

    A bunch of cowards living there

  782. willisnewton says:

    good one bernie. The gun may have been out already, John G confirms

  783. Tzar says:

    The female attorney for the prosecution is a wholesome beauty
    ok, back on focus

  784. jo says:

    shit i need to pee …but don’t want to leave my computer

  785. Tee says:

    Check his face. I find him to be a lying mess. Bernie should not have called him. He should be for the defence and Bernie should be able to cross him but this way, I don’t know what Bernie was thinking of.

  786. chi1224 says:

    He’s very non-committal and unsure- I don’t think his testimony is powerful either way

  787. disappointed says:

    He looks angry.

  788. DruDo says:


  789. willisnewton says:

    objection overrruled twice

  790. Rachael says:

    something is off here.

  791. Tzar says:

    He is committed
    and I hope Bernie makes him pay

  792. jo says:

    echoed off a wall??…duuuuude

  793. lurker says:

    Heard no blows and cannot say if there were blows or just holding down.

    • God is there says:

      He’s just trying to weave a web of deception, but its gonna turn against him. Hard to keep up with a first lie, even harder when you’re trying to remember the lie you told to cover the first lie you told, in order to cover the other lie you told…..

  794. Tzar says:

    it got dark in my memory later on
    fucking liar

  795. chi1224 says:

    No striking!!
    Nice job Bernie

  796. Tee says:

    Changing testimony that’s what he sounds like.

  797. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    tussle moved in only 10 seconds from next to his townhouse to sidewalk

  798. Sabrina B. says:

    Okay, I am lost is this the witness for the prosecution because he sounds like a George groupie. Moved towards the concrete?

  799. lurker says:

    Don’t understand vertical and horizontal? In relationship to the ground? In both cases he is reporting someone on top and someone on the bottom.

  800. MrSykes says:


  801. ay2z says:

    John needs a dictionary. Vertical? Is there a new meaning out (vs opposite of horizontal– Maybe this is old school thinking,, where he is probably thinking in a new use today, as flipping images on a computer graphics program.)

  802. Yesterday, I finally realized how important it is to have a jury of one’s peers (i.e. people from the same community) given the stupid comments some folks on TV were making about “hearing grass”. Anyone who lives in that area of St. Augustine or Bermuda “grass” knows that grass has a sound and wet grass has a different sound and grass wetted by a drizzle as opposed to a frog-strangler might sound different still.

    (BTW – I don’t comment here much, but I’m “drjoann” from HP & am familiar with several of y’all. WordPress signs me in with the name of a blog I don’t really use.)

  803. Tee says:

    This witness seem like he don’t want to be there either. I’m guessing this is why Trayvon died, some of them really seem to lack compassion.

    • Rachael says:

      Have you ever had to testify in a trial? No one ever really wants to be there, even if you know you are doing it for the right reasons. And this one is being watched around the world. And you’ve seen what the defense’s job is. No, it is really not a place anyone really wants to be.

  804. DruDo says:

    I think CAC grabbed TM by his jacket and TM tried to get him off him.

    • KittySP says:

      Yep…he grabbed his hoodie with such force they fell to the ground (wet grass sounds heard by RJ and JL) his arms flailing in attempt to break free (get off, get off) of the CAC that had been following him.

  805. lurker says:

    The were perpendicular to the sidewalk–not ON the sidewalk!

  806. Tzar says:

    “the object”

    this guy is so lying
    ha ha ha

  807. SearchingMind says:

    Jonathan Good is blood RED. His big lie(s) is/are making him very nervous and fearful.

  808. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    At first – tussel –they were vertical

  809. disappointed says:

    Now he calls it a tussle. Should have been honest to begin with.

    • God is there says:


    • Nellie Nell says:

      It is amazing the ability for him to see so much in the dark in that 8-10 second window in time. If that is his porch in the background with the light on that Manalo captured in his photo of Trayvon and the flashlight, he either had to be closer to them or he did not see all that he describes. I could barely see the sidewalk in the photo. What a liar.

  810. jo says:

    bad…i just saw a crime scene pic on a gossip web site..were the uncensored photo’s released or was it a fake photo? it looked real to me and has kind of broken my heart. i did not think such photo’s would be released to the public and have not seen anything in the news to say that they had been.released, i thought only the jury were shown. I’m sadder than ever. If it was real then how the hell did it make it on to the internet.

    • disappointed says:

      they released some photos Tuesday. Trayvon face down and others of him.

    • Rachael says:

      They tried not to even show it on the live feed, but when they were switching to other pictures, it was there for a very brief portion of a second and could be isolated by individual frames, copied and there you have it.

  811. Unabogie says:

    I think it’s very interesting that the state is calling these witnesses who were considered defense witnesses. Professor, can you opine about the strategy here? I think the idea is that by calling them you remove the drama as some sort of “aha! the state hid this witnesss!” Then they can bring in the police to give the theory of the case.

      • Unabogie says:

        Sorry, I just woke up here. The fact that the state is calling John Good is surprising, and people are asking “why is the state calling people helpful to the defense?”

        My theory is that this is done on purpose to remove their dramatic impact if the defense called them and made it appear that the state had hid the witness from the jury.

  812. DruDo says:

    Is this the guy who changed his story?

  813. Tzar says:

    I noticed that Bernie has handled all the potentially hostile witnesses

  814. chi1224 says:

    Was this guy pro-Fogen?

  815. DruDo says:

    Why didn’t the pros make the point the car didn’t stop?

  816. disappointed says:

    Is this liars husband, Mrs. Twit?

  817. willisnewton says:

    okay AT BEST the defense got the states witness to speak about “drift” and admit the camera may be off by a minute, i think. Even if it was, there are NO OTHER CARS ANYWHERE ELSE IN THE AREA in that time frame except GZ’s car, trolling the mail kiosk.

    • KittySP says:

      Where I’ve been confused about the videos is…do they pick up GZs vehicle, pulling in, backing up?

      • aussie says:

        NO. That is the whole point. The videos show nobody pulled into the clubhouse parking lot or backed out of it. The videos DO show a car patrolling up and down on RVC and turning down towards the mailboxes.

    • whonoze says:

      Silly MOM. There is no drift in any modern timing system. We’re not talking about mechanical or electro-mechanical clocks here.

  818. Tzar says:

    Here we go!!!!!!

  819. jo says:

    which jon is this…the one who spoke to zim after or the one who walked upstairs to call 911

  820. PerfectlyImperfect says:

    Is this Jenna Lauer’s hubby?

    • chi1224 says:

      No her hubby is Jeremy.

    • Puck says:

      No, it’s the guy who claimed Trayvon was on top hitting Fogen MMA-style but later recanted.

      • God is there says:

        And he is lying his butt off. There is absolutely no proof that Trayvon was beating on the ‘idiot’ that’s why he had to change his story. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.

        • Puck says:

          Amazing how every other witness so far has placed GZ on top and getting up right away. Meanwhile, you have this nervous dude, a bit smarmy, saying the opposite and that he’s not “100% sure” on other things. Who is the jury going to believe? I have complete confidence that one all the evidence comes in, especially forensics, GPS (maybe), and GZ’s phone records and texts, that the preponderance of all of it taken together will overcome any reasonable doubt.

      • Nellie Nell says:

        During his 911 call it sound like he was getting ready to tell the operator that the guy screaming for help is dead, but he caught himself and did not finish. We know he is lying for the kid killer. He will pay for his sins dearly.

  821. ada4750 says:

    That’s it???

  822. Tee says:

    Ok what do the cameras show? I am lost

  823. ZCBest says:

    Here comes Johnny!

  824. Rachael says:

    Buckle your seatbelts – here we go!!

  825. DruDo says:

    I thought he said within 19 sec.

  826. jo says:

    oooooh who said jon good…you were RIGHT

  827. smokeegyrl says:

    ut oh here comes John Good

  828. willisnewton says:

    we fucking know. what is this guy doing?

  829. MrSykes says:

    John Good. Showtime!!

  830. Tzar says:

    John Good in the box

  831. jo says:

    does o’mara sound like he’s been drinking or does he always slur?

  832. willisnewton says:

    so they only showed two clips – what exatly was the first one?

    now it says the time is approx. here we go.

    gast forward to the cops arriving, damn it

  833. Shari says:

    It was so dark that night. I don’t know how the jury will see that video.

  834. chi1224 says:

    I’m confused. What was just established??

  835. willisnewton says:

    YES> there’s zimmerman, trolling the mail kiosk.

    YES> high fives all around. the state “gets it”

  836. willisnewton says:

    first camera the state calls to attention. – kitchen camera

    exterior camera – east pool hall, west pool hall camera….

    not pool HALL< damnit, the pool itself

    GET IT RIGHT. At least he's going slow.

    • Nellie Nell says:

      With seeing the picture of the flashlight laying next to Trayvon it is all being tied in together. The flashlight picture is the picture that I had never seen but new that there were 3 pictures taken by Mr. Mananlo. The picture is getting clearer.

  837. smokeegyrl says:

    I remembered two people whom one was bi-racial female and the other black male conservatists were embarassed by DeeDee’s behavior and said it was disrespectful. The other on the panel were Natalie Jackson, Michael Skolnick, 1 black female, 2 white females were for Dee Dee/Trayvon Martin. Frank Taaffe, 1 Black Male, 1 bi-racial female were for Fogen . Interesting!

  838. Puck says:

    I see “Good” and “Good-002” in the application taskbar. Each of the video exhibits are labeled like this for each witness. Does that mean we’ll hear from John Good today?

  839. willisnewton says:

    YES YES YES. I hope they get it right. (thanks tchoupi)

    HE JUST SAID 18 minutes….

  840. jo says:

    my refresh button has threatened to retire

  841. Uh oh..here comes the cameras

  842. crazy1946 says:

    Hmmm, if MOM and West had spent the time they used for giving press conference’s to actually working on this case they would not have required the courts time to now review the tapes from the club house that have been in evidence for a long time….

  843. Sabrina B. says:

    Uh oh! What’s happening? Defense did not know about cameras?

  844. YQ says:

    I wonder how the defense is going to realistically rebut.

    “Oh, that guy with the huge booming flashlight seen shortly before the killing at the clubhouse could have been someone else.”

  845. crazy1946 says:

    Did anyone else notice that the Fogdoit checked his cell phone that was located in his left shirt pocket? Do you suppose he is live streaming the trial to his family? Would that not be a violation of the rules of the court as stated by Judge Nelson about no witness being allowed to follow the ongoing testimony?

    • You all have thoughtful comments says:

      Maybe he was checking his heart monitor 🙂

    • Deborah Moore says:

      You have Great Eyes for an antique, Sir. 🙂

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      “Did anyone else notice that the Fogdoit checked his cell phone that was located in his left shirt pocket? Do you suppose he is live streaming the trial to his family? Would that not be a violation of the rules of the court as stated by Judge Nelson about no witness being allowed to follow the ongoing testimony?”
      Maybe someone should have the state check, can they do that?

  846. chi1224 says:

    I don’t recall what was caught on video! Anyone??

  847. disappointed says:

    LOL MOM is already shitting his pants.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Oh no! A white male witness! How is he going to bully, ridicule, and manipulate a white male?!

  848. jo says:

    Jesus, GZ isn’t looking to good….haven’t seen recent pics,

    • jm says:

      GZ looks more guilty today. Just look at his face. Can his parents watch live feed to see the case building against him?

  849. Nellie Nell says:

    Oh snap….. here are the videos!

  850. Tzar says:

    the cameras are going to be discussed

  851. disappointed says:

    this should be good!

  852. amsterdam1234 says:

    The clubhouse videos.

  853. disappointed says:

    Fogen still looking like a CAC and a fatazz to boot.

  854. jo says:

    holy shit..i just posted the above comment and now the live feed has started!!!! i was expecting it would be at 2 in the morning my time…my first day of watching the trial after following the case for over a year…i kind of want to cry…bring on justice.

    • chi1224 says:

      Hi Jo, you can find recordings on you-tube if you want to see the testimony you missed. Rachael/DeeDee did GREAT and was a star witness!

      • jo says:

        thanks chi….i haven’t had a chance yet, i only just got online in time to see todays proceedings…will check out you tube in the breaks..cheers!!!

  855. jo says:

    hey all, i have missed the last month as i couldn’t be online. so pissed that the trial is finally here and there has been NO word on Aussie television so i have been trying to update myself in the last few hours. Missed DeeDee….or now Rachel…was shocked she testified in person…i think i always imagined she would remain hidden forever…From what i have read above she held her own and gave more detailed information. Im freaking pissed that the defense wanted T’s parents removed from the court house…WTF…i’ve never heard of such a cold hearted defense in all my life.

  856. You all have thoughtful comments says:

    Good mornng.

    O’mara will not be able to overcome the forensic evidence that incriminates gz.

  857. Boyd says:

    so when you call someone a cracka and a nigga does that make you a racist?
    I’m glad she said what he said, gives credibility to the story and those who are screaming Trayvon is a racist are also admitting the story is credible. he he he

    • tashatexas77048 says:

      Zimmerman looked like a skinhead the night he killed Martin. I think even white people would generally regard skinheads as a creepy bunch of crackas.

    • MedicineBear says:

      “Cracker” is slang for creepy dude following one with questionable intent. Synonym: fogen.

    • God is there says:

      When someone is called a ‘b…’ or a ‘wh….’, does it mean its gonna be a fight? Not these days. I’ve heard young people use these terms and they are best of friends. It would have been a fight in my day. 🙂

  858. MedicineBear says:

    Buckle up! Here we go . . .

  859. LeaNder says:

    Hi, afternoon here, I guess morning for most of you.

    Today Serino will be on the witness stand.
    what a pity that defense may be able to keep Fogen’s prof out.

  860. Boyd says:

    I love the fact that the kids took the insult words that were around before they were born and changed their meanings to what it is at the moment.

    The old people can;t wrap their heads around it. Hope they do not let killer walk for their ignorance

    • Cercando Luce says:

      Let’s face it, once upon a time Elvis Presley was totally shocking. Come to think of it, dancing the “Charleston” was cause for police action. Be-bop and the fox-trot once shocked the elders of kids that liked it. Lyrics like “Mista Whatchacallit, whatcha doin’ tonight” made 30 year-olds blush.

  861. uhoh says:

    @Deborah Moore 7:13 AM. It was ridiculous that West chose that his last question to RJ, as she had already put him in his place with her “I don’t understand you, I do understand English” comment.

  862. Deborah Moore says:

    Another question before we get started. If Lauer’s testimony is thown out, is her 9/11 call with the screaming still in as evidence?

  863. Sabrina B. says:

    Good morning, everyone.

  864. Shari says:

    People in the media are still talking about SYG. That is an immunity hearing, the prosecution doesn’t have to disprove Fogen was standing his ground. We have been following this case for so long in the media that we are forgetting that the jury is SUPPOSED to come in as a blank slate. Fogen is charged with Murder 2 and when you consider the definition of Murder 2 that will be easy to prove in my opinion. The only photo of Fogen I will accept as accurate is the one that Crime Scene Technician Smith took at the station. This was NOT a man who almost lost his life. He did NOT go to the ER.

    Additionaly the fact that the media focuses on what they see is the humorous testimony of Rachel proves they are not interested in informing on the truth of the matter. Fogen is on trial for murder, it would be important to inform the public that all the ear/eye witnesses are telling different parts to the same story-Fogen’s depraved act of murder.

    One consistent fact, private citizen Fogen says himself he followed the child. Other people confirm this. He killed the child and his life was never in danger.

  865. smokeegyrl says:

    Good Morning All. I watched HLN last night It seems to me that most… such as Nancy Grace, Jane Velez are for Trayvon Martin. Nancy pounced on Taaffe about the gun. Asking him why did Fogen needed a gun a loaded a gun with a safety off to go to Target? She kept asking him until Taaffe turned red in the face and finally could answer… He one time answer that he could because he had the 2nd amendment right and that he had a CCW… and Nancy said she she knew about the 2nd Amendment Right… and asked it again… until he couldn’t answer… I said right on.. Nancy… I don’t care too much for Nancy but she got some Kudos from me last night and PLUS she stood up for Dee Dee big time as most of her guest did.

    • Deborah Moore says:

      Thanks for the report. I don’t watch those folks at all.

    • Trained Observer says:

      S-l-o-w-l-y, the media is beginning to get the drift. The MOM/West slime job maligning Trayvon and conducted during the past year has been has been remarkable …

      Even this morning Click Orlando made gratuitous passing reference to Trayvon’s “drug use” and how he had been “out so late.”

      For what it’s worth, an unexpected electrical panel glitch immobilized my Malibu yesterday forcing a tow to dealership for warranty work. Tow truckdriver (Hispanic, early ’30s) thinks Fogen ought to fry, and from what I gathered he’s tracked the case as closely as many of us. Folks in waiting room (nice mix of young, old, fat, skinny, black, white, and Hispanic — about a dozen in all — agreed Fogen is cooked.

      Reasons cited varied, but most centered on the notion that (as one guy said, “You don’t track somebody down and shoot ’em when you know cops are coming and you could have kept your butt in the truck.”

    • lurker says:

      Nancy and Jane shout too much–and they have adopted a style of bringing commentators on in a gaggle who end up shouting at one another. I was watching to see the snips of courtroom–but they are not good at reporting news or fostering intelligent conversation.

      • smokeegyrl says:

        no better then Facebook right right…

      • abbyj1 says:

        True enough, lurker. I just tried to catch up on Jane, and she was screaming her guts out like she’d been plugged into an electrical socket. It may be that she has something interesting and insightful to say, but the screaming and shouting are impossible to abide. I left a comment on the HLN site that her outrageous shouting is an impediment to watching her program. Nancy does that super Drama Queen thing with the shouting, but no one is as bad as that Jane VM. I mean, she’s screams and shouts without letting up. Sad, b/c I’ll never watch her again.

    • towerflower says:

      Nancy was wrong about the KelTec, it does not have a safety that most guns have. She kept saying that it did and argued with Taffee about it. Taffee was also wrong about the KelTec saying it had a “Longer trigger” that acted as a safety. It does not, it has less than a 5 pound trigger pull.

      • smokeegyrl says:

        I don’t know anything about a Keltec only that it killed TrayvonMartin and that it makes a 3 click sounds when the magazine sound when loaded in which I demonstrate in a video… lol…

      • towerflower says:

        smokeegyrl…..when I heard the click, click sounds on the tape and the recording of a keltec having it’s slide brought back it brought chills to me. They do sound alike.

  866. Deborah Moore says:

    There was something so very wrong with the way West attacked RS over You don’t see how calling someone a Crazy Ass Cracker is seen as racially inappropriate. She said no and I believe her. I’m a 61 year old “white wimmen” and I get that she doesn’t see it the way he does. They are from different worlds. We can’t judge another by our own limited standards and morays. There’s a term for this and I can’t remember what it is…I’ll think on it some more.

    • disappointed says:

      I chalk it up to slang. I am not offended by the cracker comment. Not sure why the defense team would be either. Client is Afro-Peruvian. I think they wanted it worded Creepy Ass Homie and then all would have been well.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        Could be. But, it’s a little more complicated than Slang, I fear, but that is definitely part of the clash.

      • MedicineBear says:

        I daresay NOBODY is outraged by the cracker comment — even though there is widespread FAUX outrage.

      • lurker says:

        It looked like a fairly desperate attempt to lay racism on Trayvon instead of Zim.

        Reality is that Zim’s behavior (following) WAS in fact suspicious–and the arousal of less than respectful descriptors would be called for.

        Trayvon’s behavior (walking), however WAS NOT suspicious–and Zim’s anger and less than respectful descriptors was based on a profile he had developed in his own head.

      • God is there says:

        It wasn’t the ‘creepy a..’ they were offended by, it was the ‘cracker’ so I suppose its okay that he’s creepy. Go figure.

    • Girlp says:

      It’s slang “craka”, the way teens talk today I’ve heard White kids use the term too.

    • Trained Observer says:

      Am with you, Deborah.

    • Cercando Luce says:

      Is it Creepy-Ass Cracka, or Creepy Ass-Cracker?

    • looneydoone says:

      My dad, rest his soul, was a southern gentleman, deeply ashamed of, and embarrassed by willfully ignorant, racist whites.
      He often used “white trash” and “crackers” in describing them. It’s nothing new, my dad was born 98 years ago.

      • fauxmccoy says:

        looney — similar in my family. although born in southern california, i’ve known the term from birth. my mother is from atlanta, was poor, but worked hard to get her RN.

        spoke with her 76 year old self yesterday and she reminded me that ‘crackers will be crackers’.

      • Nellie Nell says:

        Faux that shiggedy is too funny!

    • towerflower says:

      I knew that the cracker comment would send some running to the presses. Last night they even said the defense is changing it’s theory to TM is a racist, he hid and ambushed their client.

      Cracker has several meanings one of which is bad. A cracker could be a Florida native. A cracker could be a cowboy. The Florida Seminoles almost were the Florida Crackers (the name made the top 5). We have Cracker Festivals (rodeo themed), and cracker creeks in Florida. A cracker is also a derogatory term that was used to describe the white slave masters who would crack the whip on their slaves.

      Sadly derogatory terms can work both ways. Teens nowadays will use the term nigga to describe a friend. I had a nanny who used the N word to describe her friends. Now if fogen had used that word that night we would all be screaming racist just like with the coon/punks word that is debated on being on the tape. TM even used the N word to say at one point that fogen was still following him.

      I don’t know how to express clearly what I’m trying to say…….but if a term is considered derogatory in one instance than it shouldn’t be used at other times. Could I as a white middle aged woman get away with using the term nigga out in public without raising an eyebrow? No. How many people would believe that I was using it as a term of endearment?

      I was afraid of the reaction when Rachel said that Trayvon called fogen a CAC. I knew that some would view it as a racist comment, they aren’t looking at it as a stressful situation that TM was in. A lot of times in the past we have talked about if the situation was reversed, what if fogen was black and TM was white and TM told Rachel that a nigga was following him, would everyone’s reaction be the same? Can everyone honestly say it would be?

      • LeaNder says:

        Thanks interesting. Concerning your comments about nigger, I have tried to argue that way by using the word freak as an example, that was nothing derogatory for my generation, quite the opposite. You obviously use these type of reversals maybe even more as a teenager where you are still experimenting with roles and especially with societies rules and societies prejudices. Doing it is a challenge to fixed preconceptions.

      • Two sides to a story says:

        I love when West asked Rachel if that wasn’t a racially charged comment and she said, “No, pervert.” LOL!

  867. EdgySF says:

    I loved Rachel on the stand…she touched more hearts than she will ever know.

    I think she has a bright future. 🙂

    • disappointed says:

      I agree.

    • MedicineBear says:

      She should at least get her own TV series!

    • Tzar says:

      gotta get the peeps in Florida to support her and show her much deserved love
      she was a tyrant on the stand
      love her!!!!

    • God is there says:

      Speaks 2 other languages other than English, definitely a bright future.

    • abbyj1 says:

      Edgy, She was so cool. I loved her spirit and her “take no prisoners” confidence in herself. West attempted to portray Rachel as an illiterate dumb-ass, but she let everyone know how smart she really is—and she’s tri-lingual. That’s more than West can say. He has the gift of using his only language so well. Maybe he’ll tell us another one of his famous knock-knock jokes.

  868. SearchingMind says:

    W#11 Perjury

    Yesterday, Ms. J. Lauer emphatically denied under oath following RZ jr. on twitter. In fact she does follow RJ jr. on twitter. She thus lied under oath. That’s perjurious. Her testimony must be impeached and the jury given instruction to that effect.

    Character Evidence: GZ’s violent past

    Also, on cross-examination, O’Mara inquired of Ms. Lauer if she has seen GZ angry, upset and if GZ came across as a “hothead” in her observations and interactions with GZ. Ms. Lauer answered all these questions in the negative.

    O’Mara also asked if Ms. Lauer thought GZ’s involvement with the NW was inappropriate; if GZ was a vigilante who wanted to start a NW; if GZ acted appropriately with community members and if GZ’s NW was to the benefit of the community. Ms. Lauer answered all these questions in favor of Zimmerman.

    I think the prosecution will be allowed to introduce ‘specific character evidence’ (as opposed to “reputation evidence”), e.g. the records regarding GZ’s assault on police officers, the restraining order, etc., to rebut the claims Ms. Lauer.

    • Boyd says:

      Exactly he introduced it and the Jurors now must now see the evidence to counter that.

      Then watch MOM explain that Bullsheet away, oh no big deal hitting a cop. Notice how he never mentioned the Anger management class he was forced to take.

    • Sabrina B. says:

      I hope so. That is not a ‘fine, upstanding. citizen’ sitting there. He is a man with issues of control, who is being medicated for psychological maladies and believes that everybody is wrong except him.

      • jm says:

        Jenna has lots of issues after Frank Taaffe used her name agreeing with her testimony on Nancy Grace last night. She is now associated with a racist.

    • God is there says:

      Good Play!

    • fauxmccoy says:

      @searching mind

      not sure if you saw yesterday — but i did get screen shots of ms. lauer’s twitter followings and forwarded it to corey’s office. the twitter account was deleted within minutes.

  869. chi1224 says:

    Good morning to everyone. Being glued to the trial I can’t believe how fast this week has gone. With each day and witness Fogen gets closer and closer to that conviction. I am more confident than ever that we will see a guilty verdict in this case. No matter what the haters spew the jury will not hear it. I’m so glad they are sequestered. They are getting facts and no media spin.
    Gearing up for another day of more nails in Fogen’s coffin!

    Hoodies up!

  870. Tee says:

    Good morning all. i woke up early this morning thinking of this case, my first thought was to pray for my children. I pray that God keep them safe because this is a crazy world. In our American you better not run or fight for your life, you better not be tall, male & black at the same time. Your childhood have better be squeaky clean, no experimenting with anything, you better not even point you middle finger. Please watch your mouth dont use bad language. Lastly, please, oh please if you don’t remember any of the above dont’s, remember this, don’t get yourself murdered because all that you were. all that you could have become. all those things that you went through, the good, the bad, and the ugly that made you a better person the person you yourself are proud of wont matter. As a victim you now are on trial, and you better be able to show that you didn’t deserve what you got. Your past better be clean, and you better have tried to call the police before you were murdered. If you fail at any of these I’m sorry to say that it’s a great possibility that justice may not be given to you. You will be demonized, vilified, and your family and friends rediculed and given no real time to grieve. I hate to start off my morning like this but it was heavy on my heart. A child should not have to prove that they didn’t deserved to be shot down by an adult, that adult should have the burden of proof. I guess the saying is true, “dead men tell no tales”.

    • ZCBest says:


    • chi1224 says:

      Hang on Tee, justice is coming. You point out something very important– children. Five mothers on that jury my friend. When all the facts are laid out they will think of their own children, walking home with snacks, innocent and being a teenager….. and the creepy ass Fogen who stalked, grabbed and shot that terrified teenager. GUILTY.

  871. Deborah Moore says:

    Here’s a question I have. I know that the jury is admonished to not talk about the case, but are there any rules for the attornies? Just wondering. Like, could someone take Don West aside and have a Come To Jesus moment? If you know what I mean?

    • disappointed says:

      I think his client would have to sign a waiver, and we know the only thing he signs is autographs. Therefore won’t happen imo.

  872. turtlecoal says:

    Rachel was called Madea by Lolo Jones. What strikes me as odd is that people are mad she wasnt composed or briefed how to conduct herself. She is in the courtroom where a man who she heard chase & kill her friend since * Kindergarten* is 10 feet away. & she is not to be angry or upset & defensive with a attitude? The defense with all their degrees & legal mumbo jumbo, tried to IMPEACH HER. Calling her a liar. But she stood fast. She was ridiculed for her speech by Don West, & she undoubtedly knew this would occur since from the look of frustration on her face she probably had this problem all her life, but Trayvon understood her. BDLR caught it & brought up that she has a different dialect that you might need a subtitle to comprehend, just like when the rednecks talk in these reality TV shows & you cant understand them.

    Rachel was Trayvon’s friend, he didnt judge her on her appearance on her way of talking, on her take no shit atitude. He liked her as a person. She if there that night would have whooped CAC for following her & CAC knows it. But she told something very telling in her interview with BDLR. She said Trayvon wouldnt fight that was his problem. But CAC pushed Trayvon to the point he had no other options & found out Trayvon’s HOMEGIRL RACHEL HEARD YOU AND SHE AINT NO *PUNK* WHO IS SCARED OF YOU & THE MEDIA RIDUCLE, CAC CRAZED FOLLOWERS,DON WEST OR MARK OMARA, SHE HAS COURAGE & SHE AINT RUNNING


    • Rachael says:

      Agreed 100 percent

    • PerfectlyImperfect says:


    • disappointed says:

      FT had the nerve to call her Precious. I do believe he was yapping on JVM and she sat him straight with that sh . I would think she is the kind of friend my Grandfather talked about. The kind of friend that you can count on 1 hand. The trustworthy caring kind. She can be my friend any day of the week all day long forever.

    • Girlp says:

      West was really pushing her she is only 19 (still a teen) she is grieving and she feels guilty. West knows this and attempted to use it against her, of course she stood up to him and she was nothing like Medea. Actually I think at her age and with the pressure she was under I think she did very well.

    • MedicineBear says:

      This is the ubiquitous nature of racism. There IS no “right way” for the victim of (institutional + societal) racism to act. Whatever the victim of racism, sexism, otherism does or says is ridiculed.

      This kind of oppression is particularly pernicious because it blames the victim.

      Rachel is perfect. She is a modern Joan of Arc!

      Let’s all remember to shine our lights on the lack of education/decorum/civility of the bullies, liars, and oppressors.

      Trayvon was the victim of wrongful death — he is not on trial.
      Dee Dee was a witness badgered, ridiculed, and bullied — she should not be judged, her persecutors should be judged.

    • MedicineBear says:

      Failed to mention — yours was a passionate, beautiful post!

      • turtlecoal says:

        I am just shocked that people dont realise she saw Trayvon in shorts & tank tops on hot day’s, she saw him drink from a water fountain as she told him to hurry up cause she was next or vice versa, play dodgeball,duck duck goose, hide & seek,ask a teacher a question, pass a note, offered a cookie, use a crayons,sharpen a pencil graduate from kindergarten with all there little friends singing songs that they practiced with there kindergarten teacher. They took class photo’s together. She knew Trayvon 11 years. He wasnt a hoodie or a march to her, he wasnt a call to action from an outraged community demanding justice he was her friend plain & simple. She has proved that she was good friend to Trayvon also.

      • Trained Observer says:

        turtlecoal — thank you, thank you for reminding one and all. Friendships are precious.

    • Nellie Nell says:

      Boy or boy, does this touch my heart!

    • Girlp says:

      Trayvon was a good person, caring and loving. I love seeing the pics of him with his family I know he is missed.

    • God is there says:

      It was actually better that DeeDee wasn’t briefed. No one could say: ‘So and so told her to say that.’ She was real, she was sweet and most importantly, she was HONEST!! Just loved her.

  873. MedicineBear says:

    I’m thinking of coming up with a product called “Crazy Ass Crackers!”. The crackers will be made with highly processed white flour, corn, and lots of nuts. Any other suggestions?

  874. disappointed says:

    Good morning Everyone. Just wanted to let you know I am following all of you. 😉

  875. Malisha says:

    @ BookerT: Rereading the same older post I noticed, again, your sudden and, to me, bizarre attack on what you seem to identify as a single “culture” that has shown itself poorly. Diverse individuals whose only similarity to each other is color call down serious criticism from you. But the more intriguing issue to me is that you appear to regard this trial as a comparison measure of some “white” social/behavioral standard and an inferior black one. You appear to believe that people of color are wrongfully rejecting properly high standards simply because they APPEAR “white.”

    So a 19-year-old challenged young woman earns your scorn because she has “willfully” refused to educate herself; a family whose child was killed receives a tongue-lashing for not reporting him missing until morning; a woman who has noticed a disturbance but has not called the police is seen as negligent.

    You don’t know the background of any of the incidents you use as illustrations of the inadequacy or inferiority of these people. We have been analyzing a 20-minute stretch of conduct for over a year here, yet you blithely lash out at people for what you perceive as wrongful minute-long segments of their lives that you have weighed in your balances and found lacking.

    Did these people ask to become involved in a murder trial? Did they seek celebrity so you could see them and clap for them or reject them and judge them? Did they do something to merit the world picking apart their lives to find fault with them?

    And as for “acting white” being rejected: The absolutely ONLY thing to be criticized about this process we see these people put through is this: George Michael Zimmerman was “acting white” when he set himself up as the judge and the enforcer to profile, apprehend and regulate and dominate Trayvon Benjamin Martin on 2/26/2012 and he killed him. HIS LIFE and HIS BADNESS we are entitled to evaluate. HIS “kingdom” has been weighed in OUR balances and is soon to be found lacking. HIS days will be numbered. Our society, with its adequately and inadequately educated individuals, with its perfect and imperfect families, with its responsible and irresponsible citizens, in fact, with its socially attractive and socially embarrassed members, and with its varied racial and cultural ancestry, still demands it.

    • crazy1946 says:

      Thank you, well said!

    • ZCBest says:

      The early morning smackdown gets me going.

    • Rachael says:

      What I thought you said his life and his band aids ugh ugh those butterfly bandages just get me svery time

      • disappointed says:

        Rachael who the hell uses knuckle band-aids on their head or even their nose? The whole lot of them are ignorant and more but I will leave it at that.

      • ladystclaire says:

        @disappointed, Fogen’s use of those knuckle band aids on his head and especially on his nose, showed us his mentality as well as that of his perjury committing wife.

    • Girlp says:

      Wow! Thanks Malisha well said.

    • Tzar says:

      *slow clap*
      for your patience and words

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      How the f*** does he know how educated Rachael is? I’ll tell you what! The white race has failed civilization, we destroyed cultures that cared for the land, we caused wars because of greed & exploitation , destroyed our air . You find what you look for . I saw Rachael bathed and saturated with God’s Love, she has more strength of character than CAC could ever dream of possessing, she has the gentleness and honesty of Jesus. I’m not talking about silly stuff like age or little white lies. God sees all and knows everybody’s heart, whoever criticizes Rachael is lacking basic human compassion & their karma will catch up with them.

    • dianetrotter says:

      I just had time to read this and absolutely love it.

  876. EdgySF says:

    Please take a moment and join with me:

    And picture in your Mind’s Eye
    a joyous Trayvon Martin

    We see him surrounded
    By God’s Glory.

    Trayvon Martin is free.
    He suffers not.

    He knows the love we have for him.
    The *deep love* we have for him.

    And he Truly knows that
    God’s Will is *life.*

    Hoodies up.

    Hearts open.

    Today we pray for Divine Justice.

    • MedicineBear says:


    • ic2fools says:

      I’m joining you EdgySF! Thank you for posting this.

      I remember you from HP, good to see you and missed your posts, Welcome. Hope to see you more here. Have a Blessed Day!

      • ladystclaire says:

        Good morning to you all, I’m not having such a good morning. But ic2fools and Edgy SF, I remember you both from HP. I haven’t read any comments from either one of you in a while. That place has become nothing but a cesspool of RACIST BIGOTS and, something tells me that Ms.Thang has been posting on that site as well.

        • ic2fools says:

          Dear ole friend, I miss all ya’ll. Very happy to see you here and hope to see you more.

          Yep I left that mess a while ago. I started reading up on HP and found on wikipedia that Andrew Breibart helped Araianna Huffington launch HP. Explained to me why it allowed such hate and did nothing to stop it, even though the rules read differently. Who is a hero over at CTH.

    • Deborah Moore says:

      Thank you.
      I am visualizing Justice for Trayvon.
      And, peace for everyone else.
      (And, isn’t that one of the hardest things about this trial? We see attitudes and actions that we abhor. But, if we pray for one, shouldn’t we pray for all?)

      • Two sides to a story says:

        I agree, Deborah. We should pray or intend for the highest and best for all concerned. Even those who commit a crime can be changed.

    • MedicineBear says:

      I can easily visualize a beaming, triumphant, loving Trayvon after seeing Dee Dee’s superlative testimony.

      She is a righteous warrior for the Truth and I know Trayvon is very proud of her. We all are.

      Blessings to the beautiful Diamond.
      Justice for Trayvon.
      Justice for all Trayvons.

  877. Malisha says:


    I was going over an older post and I saw that you asked me to “make sense please” and I didn’t see your comment so I didn’t respond. Sorry.

    I had read a comment calling Rachel J a “devastating witness for the defense.”

    Here we go, grammatical misunderstandings. I believed she was being described as “devastating” (which she was) but was being mis-identified as a witness for the “defense” (she was state’s witness) incorrectly. Now, looking back, I see that the sentence meant she was a witness for the STATE who was devastating to the DEFENSE. She was, however, “FOR” the State.

    I thought the poster just mixed up “state” and “defense” because we have, unfortunately, been thinking of the prosecution as the defenders in this case. Fogen was an aggressor and the SPD when they excused him and refused to charge him was was defending an AGGRESSOR and the outcry that arose was defending Trayvon Martin’s rights and his family’s rights, his community’s rights, civil rights, human rights, and our society’s legal rights.

    My comment was the confusing result of a misreading of someone else’s sentence and a few clumsy assumptions. (In the last year or so I have seen a few people mix up prosecution with defense in the case, thanks to O’Mara’s constant attacks on the victims in the press.)

    • cielo62 says:

      Thank you! You NEVER not make sense. 🙂

    • Hey Malisha, i did mean it as Rachel was devistating for the defense’s lies. She was great, honest and compelling for the state. She let the jury know Trayvon was a normal kid hanging out w his step- bother playing games&watching ball games. Her account was consistant with all the phone records from everyone. I’m pretty sure the jury believed her entire testimony, even the reasons she lied about non-material facts! and with all the badgering west did she was able to express why she lied about those thongs even more convincingly!
      I think west actually helped her not hurt her!

      Btw I’m only on my phone so my comments might not be in the right places! 🙂

  878. Surrealdreamer says:

    Good morning everyone, did anyone else find that the woman with the translator was a very good prosecution witness? I thought that she came off very honest but I thought that Dee Dee did also even though West tried to destroy her with his craziness. She stood her ground well. Now the other woman with the husband Jeramy I thought she was sort of hostile from the very beginning. I loved when Mr. Guy showed Bernie who she follows on twitter and facebook, that was priceless. Bernie needs to get social media for dummies though so he can at least have some clue of what all this stuff means.

    • crazy1946 says:

      Surrealdreamer, you think that Bernie needs to learn more about social media? Now I would ask you to think for just a moment about that, if you were a juror, would you rather have an “expert” like MOM or a “novice” like BDLR when it comes down to hearing evidence introduced? I think you will soon realize that BDLR is dumb like a fox and is has much more knowledge than you give him credit for…

  879. KittySP says:

    Good morning all! Happy Friday😀

    I want to say that the women on Dr. Drew’s Behavior Bureau have not wavered in their support of Ms. Rachel (KeepingItReal) Jeantel, and I applaud them for that!

    • tashatexas77048 says:

      I knew other women would take to her. She just makes you want to grab hee and hug her!

      • God is there says:

        Dee Dee speaks 3 different languages; Creole (French), Spanish, and English. They spoke of it on Politics Nation, yesterday evening. I just wonder who’s feeling kind of stupid now? Ummm, might be the cud-chewer, West.

      • abbyj says:

        tasha, so well expressed, the affection I and others must feel for her. She’s the real thing, and the jury must know it. For those of you who haven’t had a chance to read some of the very insightful articles about how shabbily Rachel was treated by West and the privileged, white male prosecutors who are trying to pretend that she’s so intellectually undeveloped as to be retarded, this is a treat:


    • Deborah Moore says:

      Chris Hayes had a fabulous segment on last night, calling it a Culture Clash between Don and Rachel. It was fascinating and right on. He was just jaw dropped p./o’d at West.

      • ZCBest says:

        I like Chris. He is a sweetie pie.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        I enjoy him in the evenings, but I still miss him on W/E mornings. I think he had better guests than Steve Kornacki, who seems more mainstream.

      • KittySP says:

        I posted this earlier on yesterday’s post…

        KittySP says:
        June 28, 2013 at 6:10 am
        She’d definitely set a couple of politicians straight as well…can you picture her testifying at a senate hearing on some ‘common sense’ issue, and her replying, “Mr. Senator, Sir!”. “Are you listening!?”…”Ugh”, “You can go(continue)”…”That sounds real retarded, sir (mr. Senator, with your privileged up bringing, Ivy League education, power, and money).
        -rkir (Rachel-keeping it real)

      • ladystclaire says:

        @kp, RKIRJ, for sure.

      • abbyj says:

        Wish I’d seen it, Deborah. Thanks for mentioning it. I’ll see if there’s a video or clip of it on the MSNBC site.

  880. tashatexas77048 says:

    I thought I couldn’t hate this bastard more. I had no clue so many witnesses saw him on top BEFORE the gun sounded, a position he never admitted to being in. And all of them confirm Tray never moved when he was shot so he died in grass, not on the sidewalk. There was no beating taken by Zimmerman. Cold blooded murderer.

    • abbyj says:

      I second that, tashatx. My feelings exactly. It was a cold-blooded execution coming from the depths of his depravity. I thought I could not hate him more, either, but each day we see just how low he is, a psychopathic personality in full display. With each passing day, I wish he were up for the death penalty.

  881. Deborah Moore says:

    Raising my hand.
    I’m here. On the West (Left) Coast, too.
    And, it didn’t cool down much over night. Oh, bruddah.
    Hoodies Up.
    On To Justice.

    • ZCBest says:

      I wake up in the middle of night thinking about the case. I am transfixed.

      • Deborah Moore says:

        I did sleep better last night than the night before. I had worried so for Rachel, but she did great yesterday. My new favorite phrase is You got it? Bwaa Ha Ha.
        That young lady gives me hope and courage.
        (You really are one of the Best, ZC.)

        • ZCBest says:

          LOL…I love that, you got it!

          She is truly an inspiration. My son and I discussed it, he is 6. He said mommy, she is just a kid like me.

          Thank you so much. I got lucky with my name for sure, thanks to the hubster! You are certainly awesome as well!

      • Malisha says:

        My new favorite is: “That would be retarded, sir.”

      • ZCBest says:

        Malisha…that was classic. Hand to the sky, that will go down in history as one of the most real and funny trial moments!

      • Deborah Moore says:

        Can you imagine the mash up of clips that we’ll inevitably see when this circus is over?

      • Nellie Nell says:

        I do too ZCBest and have done so from day one. I finally admitted to being obsessed with the case last week. I am obsessed for justice for Trayvon and proud of it!

    • ic2fools says:

      I’m here representing East Coast!

      Cool here and rainy all night, right now its’ cool, dreary and intermittent drizzle.

      About out the door, proudly wearing my HOODIE UP!!!!

    • Rachael says:

      Yesterday I saw someone refer to it as the Best Coast. I’ve seen you left I’ve seen West but I like best

  882. crazy1946 says:

    As difficult as it sometimes is, I read every post here every day. Some I simply ignore, others while I do not answer, I place into the memory chips between my ears for possible future use. It seems sometimes that a few folks on here are looking for a Perry Mason moment and the case will suddenly be over and the Fogdoit will go instantly to prison. This will not happen (IMO), what the state is doing is putting a lot of little bits of fact out there that when all of it is taken into consideration will prove without a doubt that he is guilty of 2nd degree murder. I suspect we all are sometime guilty of overlooking the little pieces of information that we are being fed, maybe that might explain to you why sometimes I point out a little factoid that you might consider irrelevant. Then again perhaps my name is actually more correct than I admit to myself, hmmmm…..

    • tashatexas77048 says:

      I just worry that the state is not pointing out these small facts to jurors unless they secretly believe the jurors already know more about this case than they let on in voir dire.

      • crazy1946 says:

        To think that these jurors had a little knowledge about this case is simply ludicrous, this case to the average human has been like a light to a bug! While you might think they are not hearing the little facts that are being brought out, I think you will find out at the end, they did in fact hear them like thunder in the dark of night….

      • Malisha says:

        You cannot catch every scrap of wind. But you do know that a big wind has come by if you see that lawn furniture is overturned, rubble is everywhere, and a tree has fallen across the street. One of the reasons I knew Fogen was a liar was that he said as he was being beaten nearly to death, he shimmied and his jacket rode up. Bull…Sh!t. If you’re taking a beating like that you don’t even KNOW you HAVE a jacket. If someone saved you and said: “Quick, tell me what you’re wearing!” you’d say, “ugh…uh…huh?” There was no “I feel like he saw my gun.”

        You cannot rebuild a building with every brick or reconstruct an incident with every move. Even actors who have rehearsed their scenes and then played them over and over with careful directors and choreographers play them differently at every single performance. So the prosecution will not get all the details in. But that’s not to worry. We will never know what happened on 2/26/2012 but we will be able to show that Fogen murdered Trayvon Martin.

      • tashatexas77048 says:

        Then my point is valid because the jurors don’t know about the story Malisha just brought up. They don’t know any of the details of his stories. For instance they now know he is claiming self defense and a concrete to sidewalk bashing but do the jurors know WHEN he claims to have had his head bashed? Do they know it was supposedly the last thing that happened before he pulled the trigger? Without knowing that the position of his body and the fact that it was found in grass and not by the sidewalk might not tie together.

      • fauxmccoy says:

        tasha – that is what closing arguments are for — try to calm down

      • Big Willie says:


        You make a damn good point about Fogen claiming to have his head bashed, and pulling out his gun and shooting! The shooting occurred no where near the sidewalk, so right there his story is blown.

    • Nellie Nell says:

      Do you mean like the way MOM asked Sean if the knocking noise heard during his NEN call could have been GZ banging on his flashlight? My 1st thought was that if GZ was not looking for the kid in the dark, then he would not need a flashlight.

      Also an interesting fact that West seemed to keep tugging at when trying to trip Rachel was that she could hear the wind as Trayvon ran which is the same wind we hear on his NEN call even after being told “We don’t need you to do that” yet the sound continued for another 20 or more seconds?

      I got bent all out of shape when BDLR objected to the speculation about the flashlight, but I thought that coming from the defense he could have touched on it.

      I was also hoping BDLR would also go back to the wind sounds that West kept mentioning, but he did not.

      There were other things that I think are those key points that you mention. I am just so frustrated that the defense seems to be attacking the witnesses to make them seem like evil liars rather than poking holes in their testimony that will leave some doubt. What they are doing would turn me off if I sat on any jury especially if it is done with each and every one they cross examine. I would view the defense as hostile liars themselves with the tactic they are using.

      • crazy1946 says:

        The key to winning a war is knowing how to choose your battles! The state is (IMO) allowing MOM and West to not only hang their own client, but allowing them to furnish the rope as well….

      • tashatexas77048 says:

        I do agree they are giving the defense the rope but we are at an advantage because we know all of Fogen’s stories, the jurors do.not.

      • Cercando Luce says:

        Crazy (a great croon by Patsy Cline), They are nailing the platform together, too. AND providing a chair. I wonder if they’ll kick it out from under him at the end.

      • aussie says:

        We know his stories. To us, the witnesses are disproving them. To the jury, they are setting up what really happened.

        By just stating what DID happen, the State is setting it up so that when the jury gets to hear GZ’s stories, they will die laughing at how ridiculous they are.

  883. ZCBest says:

    Morning my dears!

  884. Romaine says:

    During the Selene Bahador testimony she stated seeing two residents watching from their patio, Bernie only referred to John, who was the second resident and why was that info not questioned?
    I believe she said it was the neighbor directly across from her town home..would that be Jeremy or his then fiancé?

    • whonoze says:

      No. W3 is directly across from Selene.

    • amsterdam1234 says:

      No, it wouldn’t. She said she saw the person looking from the sliding glass door from the house right across her house. That is w3’s house, but w3 stated she was in her office upstairs facing the dogwalk, when she heard the noises. She then moved to a bedroom facing Twin Trees to call 911.
      Maybe there was another person living there we haven’t heard from.

    • God is there says:

      I think so and I also believe that Jeremy might have actually saw the CAC kill Trayvon. Remember how his girl told him to: ‘get in here Jeremy.’ He was already out there and I believe he was out there when the shot went off. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I just really believe he saw the whole thing take place.

      • Nellie Nell says:

        I think that Jenna was also out there at the start of her 911 call because the screams were really loud in the background and then they got further away as if she ran back into the house. I am sure she seen more than she admits and being part of the HOA and CAC supporter, she is not going to admit she seen Fogen man handling the kid.

      • Rachael says:

        I kinda think Jeremy may have seen it all too

      • tashatexas77048 says:

        The state believes he and his girl are full o shyt and they will seek to discredit both of them as the only two with oddball testimonys. They are the only ones that put the action at the T and Jeremy will say Martin was on top and they moved towards the sidewalk. Both of them are pro Fogen.

      • ladystclaire says:

        I believe they both saw him do it and, they are both lying to help their fellow friend and RACIST.

      • God is there says:

        And if all the punching was going on that this guy on the stand is trying to insinuate, then there should be some kind of evidence on Trayvon’s hands, under his nails, something; but there wasn’t. Jenna already got caught in her lie about following RZ, and she will eventually be shown to be the liar and racist we already know she is. (with her snooty attitude) This is why they have reserved to call her back, they’re gonna expose her true heart. The puzzle pieces are coming together, slowly, but SURELY they are coming together.

  885. amsterdam1234 says:

    Goodmorning everyone. I hope today will be as good as yesterday.

    • ic2fools says:

      Good morning amsterdam1234 and everyone!

    • ic2fools says:

      I am confident we will have a good day today. Let’s start the day with a smile.

      lol 2 funny;

      • ZCBest says:

        Funny as heck! Way to start of the day!

      • ZCBest says:

        off not of…let me wash my face before I start typing LOL

        • ic2fools says:

          I’m about to leave for the day, will have a lot of catching up to do when I get back.

          my phone charged, headphones, car charger

          just hope my 3g don’t start ‘Skippin’, its’ raining here

          • ZCBest says:

            OMG…I was doing the same thing on the first two days of trial. I listened to it on my iphone until i lost service so many times i lost count, but I kept trying to connect and heard what I could. Then for comic relief I watched Trent’s videos at night. That guy can be a hoot sometimes!

            Have a great day!

          • ic2fools says:

            Girl! I know what you mean. I watch Trent and others’.

            BTW you are not alone, I wake up at night thinking about Trayvon and now its’ been Rachael. Praying for them.

            Hell Lost in Space (a.k.a. west) cursed himself (ehehem), objecting to his own questions, JN continually made him look like a fool and caught him trying to sneak by with his ‘creative transcript’.

            More of that to come, so stay tuned, same time same channel!! 😛

            See ya laters….

      • amsterdam1234 says:

        Good start of the day. Not very hard for me to picture MOM’s face making the facial contortions.

        • ic2fools says:

          The only thing CAOmar is not doing is jumpin up and down.

          Lost in Space (a.k.a.west) objecting to his own question, that was priceless.

    • abbyj says:

      Good morning, everyone. Looking for a good day today!

  886. MedicineBear says:

    This is an ungodly early hour to be up here in Oregon (3:56 am)!

    • crazy1946 says:

      MedicineBear, have you ever thought about how much time we lose in our lives sleeping? If you sleep eight hours a day you have wasted 1/3 of your life! But if you only sleep two hours a day your have only lost 1/12 of your life, so you see it is a great time for you to be up! 😉

      • MedicineBear says:

        With this cac trial I’m getting back previous 1/3 of my life wasted on sleep!

      • MedicineBear says:

        Are you at all tempted to change your screen name to “crazyass1946”? ; D

      • crazy1946 says:


      • Rachael says:

        You know I used to think that time was being wasted by sleeping but that was when I was younger.

      • Rachael says:

        Yesterday I missed everything because of exhaustion. I’ve been working 2 jobs and trying to keep up with this trial and yesterday I couldn’t work I couldn’t watch it I just had to sleep.

        • crazy1946 says:

          Just remember, even when you are not here, some one else is to cover your back, and some of us did notice you were not here. Hang tough, we will all make it thru this ordeal, and justice will be served..

      • Rachael says:

        Yeah I am kind of a pain in the b*** aren’t I. I can’t help it though I just don’t wanna miss a second of it.

        • crazy1946 says:

          Hmmm, I never considered you to be a pain, then again being a happily divorced antique male, I tend to listen more than some other people do. There is no way you could miss a second, too many places to watch and read about what has taken place to do that..

      • Rachael says:

        Happily divorced antique male. You sound like my kinda guy!

        • crazy1946 says:

          I must ask, do you have a 4X4 pickup, a bass boat, and no dog (I have my own four legged child)? Ok, I know, bad joke? This day will be very important, because any statements made today will be on the minds of the jurors all week end long…. Glad you are here to hear and see them, keep ears open listen very carefully and you will hear things said that most don’t realize!

      • Trained Observer says:

        Glad you’re back and rested, Rachael … and good morning, all.

    • Malisha says:

      MedicineBear, are you in Portland?

    • Rachael says:

      I’m in Seattle and I agree

    • abbyj says:

      @MedicineBear, OMG. Reading this at a later hour from the same coast, and a lot of us were snoozing here at 3:56 a.m.! What a trouper you are.

    • vickie s. votaw says:

      I wake up at 2:00 am every day, go to sleep at about 7:30pm

  887. PiranhaMom says:

    @The Professor, Crazy1946 and Rachael –

    It’s “a great, gettin’ up mornin’ day!”

    Mo’ destruction derby against Fogen’s fatuous claims!
    Let the evidence roll ……

    • tashatexas77048 says:

      Yeah buddy! Witness after witness prove what we all knew from the start, once Tray was shot HE NEVER MOVED. So he died where he lay and that negates the fat fk screaming in pain and shooting Trayvon because of a sidewalk beating. Trayvon died in grass.

  888. MedicineBear says:


  889. Rachael says:


  890. crazy1946 says:

    Good morning Professor…..

  891. crazy1946 says:


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