Ma’at and the Golden Rule

The Ancient Egyptians believed that the universe emerged from chaos. They perceived an enduring harmony and order to it that they regarded as sacred and necessary to sustain. They believed it was created and maintained by a powerful female spiritual force or goddess whom they called Ma’at. In their view, she kept discord and chaos at bay by creating order out of disorder thereby allowing them to live in peace, prosper and be happy. They regarded this ordering principle or Ma’at to be so important that they based their code of moral and ethical conduct on it believing that Ma’at required speaking the truth and treating others with honor and respect in all matters.

Ma’at is the earliest known version of the Golden Rule. As an expression of divine wisdom, Ma’at is reminiscent of St. Thomas Aquinas’s notion of natural or moral law. For example, he believed that the “standards of morality are in some sense derived from, or entailed by, the nature of the world and the nature of human beings.” Ma’at’s sacred status as a fundamental guiding principle that had to be honored in all things created an emphasis on using law to resolve disputes in a manner consistent with Ma’at, or the spirit of the law. Their emphasis on resolving disputes in a fair and equitable manner stands out in marked contrast to the rote application of the most relevant rule in a lengthy and detailed list of rules.

Ma’at was depicted on the walls of temples and tombs performing one of her most sacred duties at the Weighing of the Heart ceremony in the Hall of Two Truths in the Duat, or Egyptian underworld. She is depicted as a young woman holding a scepter with one hand, carrying an ankh with the other, and wearing an ostrich feather tucked into her headband. Known as the feather of truth, she would remove it from her headband and place it on one plate of a scale to counterbalance the weight of a recently departed person’s heart, symbolizing the soul. If the soul were lighter than the feather, it would achieve immortality and accompany Osiris to his home in the constellation of Orion and be reborn as a star. If the soul outweighed the feather, it would achieve eternal restlessness after dying a second time devoured by Amit, depicted as a female demon with a body part lion, hippopotamus, and crocodile.

During the Old Kingdom, the pharaoh’s primary role was to maintain Ma’at in society. Known as the Lord of Ma’at, he was said to decree with his mouth the Ma’at in his heart. This was an extremely important responsibility because the natural order and cosmic harmony would be disturbed, if someone violated Ma’at and pharaoh failed to restore it by making sure that justice was done, or if pharaoh violated Ma’at by his own conduct. Eerily similar to what we modern humans call the butterfly effect, the Ancient Egyptians believed that such disruptions would unleash ever more unpredictable and serious consequences reverberating throughout the Two Lands, including droughts, floods, pestilence, starvation, blindness, epidemics of disease, and accidents resulting in serious injury or death.

Ma’at prevailed over chaos for at least a thousand years beginning no later than the time that Menes unified the Two Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt in approximately 3,000 BCE until the fabled Old Kingdom passed into history at the end of the 6th Dynasty in approximately 2186 BCE with the death of Pharaoh Pepi II. He died at the age of 92 outliving all of his heirs. His death also marked the beginning of the First Intermediate Period, a time of declining central authority and civil war between the rulers of various powerful city states within the Egyptian empire. Eleventh Dynasty Pharaoh Mentuhotep II of Thebes eventually restored Ma’at when he reunited Egypt in 2025 BCE by seizing Herakleopolis, the capitol city of the rival 10th Dynasty. This marked the beginning of the Middle Kingdom and the shift of power from Memphis (modern day Cairo) to Thebes.

I believe our criminal justice system together with our economy and society is degenerating and falling apart. I propose for consideration and discussion the following idea:

We have lost our way because too many of us have discarded Ma’at and the Golden Rule as the fundamental ordering principle guiding our lives and replaced it with Greed.

63 Responses to Ma’at and the Golden Rule

  1. cheryl says:

    In the end, its always been between u & GOD…

  2. Malisha says:

    Professor Leatherman was correct. I was off by one Rabbi and by 300 years. In the first century BC, Rabbi Hillel was the one who said: “That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor. That is the whole Torah; the rest is commentary.” 😳

  3. gsype says:

    Page 126 in the second discovery confirms that GZ attended the firearms safety training course on 11/7/2009 to carry a CW.

  4. Malisha says:

    Professor, I may have my rabbis mixed up. I’ll check and get back to you; if I got it wrong I apologize and correct.

  5. ღℨḉℌїℯḟ says:

    The ethic of reciprocity made sense to me when it was presented to me as a child.

    Tangential– The @RussellTribunal on Palestine in NYC is getting started on livestream after delays due to the volume of attendees:

  6. rachael says:

    @Jun – I left you a reply on the previous thread.

    • Jun says:

      I checked it out and replied back. I can see your point of view as well and you can check out my feelings towards it

  7. I must apologize to Prosecutor Bernie de la Ronda I just saw on Deadly Woman on ID Investigation how he successfully prosecuted the murderer of Office Gary Beveled in Florida. He is a good prosecutor. I was concerned if he was aggressive enough he seen weak. Maybe not….

    I picture Wendy Moore, Barry Scheck, Johnny Cochran and F Lee Bailey taking on Zimmerman lies…

    • Xena says:

      @EveryoneIsEntitled. What we saw of de la Ronda was at the bond hearings. MOM tried to ambush him by raising issues that were improper for those hearings. de la Rionda was smart not to take the bait.

    • Jun says:

      Bernie has Corey backing him.

      They are a good dynamic duo.

      From what I have learned, trials are like the old saying “it’s always the quiet ones…”

      It is like a chess match at trial and having a good plan of attack and the attack of surprise has always been a key concept in war

      • Malisha says:

        DelaRionda cannot actually use surprise in his main case, because the prosecution by law has to give the defense all the essential information it has before trial. It is possible, however, to use surprise on the REBUTTAL of whatever George presents as his affirmative defense of “self-defense.” It seems to me that among these surprises that will await George if O’Mara actually lets him go to trial and try to put on a self-defense defense might be:

        A witness who reported to Serino that George was trying to restrain Trayvon;

        A witness who reveals at NW meetings that he or she opposed George “patrolling while armed with a loaded gun” and that he or she had reported these concerns to the police more than once;

        A witness who reveals that on March 1, 2012, at a meeting of the HOA, Chief Bill Lee intimidated a witness;

        A witness who reveals that something very weird happened with the first and second (and BETWEEN the first and second) photographs of George’s bloody head;

        Phone records we do not yet know about;

        other records we do not yet know about.

        These, I am willing to bet, are deadly to the defense’s alleged case.

      • Jun says:

        Evidence wise Bernie has to hand it over to Omara. How Bernie and Corey plan to argue it, Omara has not been showed that card yet.

        Malisha, we on the same page, girl ❤

  8. Digger says:

    I thought The Golden Rule is in Biblical Scriptures. Am I wrong?
    How is forgiveness associated with The Golden Ruld? Anyone, any
    information appreciated.

    • Xena says:

      Well Digger, do unto others as you would have them do unto you is the same concept. Not returning evil for evil is also within that concept and actually pertains to forgiveness.

    • Jun says:

      Forgiveness is a two way street with repentance coming toward you as you give out forgiveness

    • Malisha says:

      All I know about it is the derivative story told to me and my classmates by a Rabbi in the 1950s. Apparently that derivative story comes from a source called Rabbi Akiva from the third Century AD. One of his students apparently asked him if he could summarize the Hebrew Bible while standing on one foot, so he said that it meant: “That which you do not want done to you, do not do to others.” I don’t think you will find it per se in the Hebrew Bible (which is approximately the Old Testament) but it is a commentary.

      One of the things that always bothers me about the way it is misapplied in our society is that it is applied somewhere in the MIDDLE of a transaction, rather than from the beginning. An example. A little girl of four was taken from her mother in a custody battle in Texas, and she was very violently opposed to being separated from her mother, at the time. After two years in foster care while having only supervised visitation with both parents, and watching the supervisors repeatedly tell her that she will never be allowed to go home to mommy but she can go home to daddy if she stops complaining, she does so. Her father then isolated her from her mother for over a year and only after that year, she was allowed to have supervised visits with mom but when she returned from visits she was interrogated and punished until finally she said she didn’t want visits any more. THEN the court assigned her a guardian who insisted that the child should not have to visit a parent she opposed seeing. She had originally gotten into foster care by opposing her visits to her father int he first place. We filed an amicus brief saying the principle of “listening to the child’s wishes” could not be applied suddenly in the middle of a process that had already gone on for half the child’s life, but of course that failed. Her last words to her mother (approved by the law guardian) were “Fuck YOU, get a LIFE!”

      The story is a bit far from what I am trying to say, but only because it has morphed. Let me bring the principle back to the Zimmerman case because it can be illustrated there. Now, folks who are insisting that the prosecution of Zimmerman be straightforward, transparent, and vigorous are being labeled by his supporters as racist, bloodthirsty, manipulators of the system, who are causing a “mob rule mentality” to sacrifice an innocent man for their own inappropriate goals. They would have the Golden Rule applied thus: “If you don’t want to be prosecuted without any evidence of wrongdoing and if you don’t want your own right to defend yourself from thugs to be taken away, then don’t try to prosecute poor George Zimmerman.” This is a fraudulent use of the principle. In fact, it is a perversion of the principle. If you step back one more step in the story, however, you find: “If you don’t want to lose the right to peaceably walk through the streets of a residential neighborhood without being stalked and shot dead, and if you don’t want to lose the right to rely upon police protection to maintain that right, then don’t allow someone who wantonly and in a depraved manner took that right away from one or your innocent fellow Americans to go unpunished.”

      I guess it turns on WHO is your Pharoah. The nation and the city of Sanford have said that they do not want ex-Chief Billy Lee to be on their Pharoah’s staff any longer; will they go farther than that in cleansing their palace?

      • cielo62 says:

        Rabbi Akiva is always one of my favorites! Notice also, that the “Golden Rule” as stated in Judaism is in the negative: DON’T do unto others. Much more like “Do no harm”. Christians turned it into a positive action mandate: DO unto others. It is supposed to be proactive in spreading kindness. but I’ve noticed its become more like getting into people’s business where you have no right to meddle. If people had more discussions about the meaning of the Golden Rule and its proper application, I don’t think we’d see so many ANTI-whatever groups. (anti-gay marriage, anti-Islam, etc). JMO.

        • I am not familiar with Rabbi Akiva.

          I believe Rabbi Hillel is credited with telling one of his students that the whole of the Torah may be summarized as do not do unto others that which you would not want done to you.

    • Matthew 7:12

      Leviticus 19:18

  9. Vicky says:

    Is it greed (are we discounting the other “deadly sins?) or an unwillingness to accept the natural consequences of violating the tenants of Ma’at and the Golden Rule that has caused so many of us to lose our way?
    As the Professor points out Ma’at and it’s 42 ideals boil down to the Golden Rule. IMO, When we ignore the Golden Rule, regardless of the rationalization for doing so, there are always consequences. Some are willing to live with the consequences, others are not. When we refuse to be held accountable or others shield us from accountability our moral and/or ethical development is seriously eroded. After awhile it becomes easy to view ourselves as more important or more entitled than the next person. At that point, greed becomes a badge of honor as opposed to something to be ashamed of. Total lack of Golden Rule application.

    Ma’at calls for justice to be carried out the spirit of truth and fairness. Are we moving away from this in modern times? Our prisons are filled with non violent offenders. Are all laws and the penalties for violating them based upon the best interest of society or have they been created as a convenient way to ignore critical social and/or economic issues? We invest billions of dollars in the construction of prisons and a tenth of that on prevention and early intervention. We incarcerate people with no clear plan for reintegrating them into society upon their release. I don’t see a lot of Golden Rule in that process either.

  10. tubeinatube says:

    PFL said: We have lost our way because too many of us have discarded Ma’at and the Golden Rule as the fundamental ordering principle guiding our lives and replaced it with Greed.

    I propose to you professor that is it not that anyone has discarded the golden rule it is that many have create faulty reasoning to circumscribe and limit who they shall apply it too and we are left with the age old struggle of the state vs. the family.

  11. Fed-up taxpayer says:

    I was late to read about this case, in late March, which put me out of balance as soon as I heard TM’s screams of horror and fear on the released 911 recording. They were stuck in my head for days and kept me from sleeping. The gunshot… that sobbing teacher, and a police department, state attorney, everyone, publicly declaring that the law has not been broken– that the law is such that George Zimmerman has done nothing wrong. And a mob is still declaring that, and moreover that the American public should be grateful and that the country needs more like him.

    To compound the horror, law enforcement at Florida’s highest and lowest levels for weeks was supportive and protective of the perpetrator of this monstrous act, and even now it isn’t clear that it isn’t still.

    Maybe I have just been lucky, or never outgrew my schooling, but I had been reasonably sure that the laws of the United States of America for the most part define right from wrong the way a reasonable person would, promoting right, and dissuading and punishing wrong. But look at the case of Trayvon Martin– an egregious unbalanced murderer who most certainly would kill again is only arrested after millions of people sign petitions and write untold thousands of protesting emails. What this tells me is that law-abiding citizens of Florida cannot rely on this state’s laws and those charged with with enforcing them to ensure their safety.

    The Golden Rule must be repaired where sloppy lawmaking and bad morals have undermined it.

  12. Lonnie Starr says:

    I wish that it were so, that mere greed was what was undoing us. Unfortunately, we have a very complex society and a technologically dependent one at that. This forces us to recognize injustice as a tool to achieve desirable goals, causing the mandate for justice to fall by the wayside. Remember the German scientists who rained terror down on Merry old England? That very same kind of thinking is going on today in a myriad of lesser ways.
    “Too big to fail” ring any bells anyone?

    I often wonder, how far behind, would we really have been left, it we hadn’t essentially sold our souls to the devil to gain mastery over space and the atom? Somehow, I don’t get the impression that these trade offs were either as necessary as they appear, or even very good. But they did cement into place the idea of “necessary expeditiousness”. That idea is coloring and clouding America’s vision, I believe.

  13. Malisha says:

    Wow. LLMPapa, this film gets the Academy Award of teaching. Simplifying. Showing. Demonstrating. Evidencing. Putting it out there so it can be understood. Fabulous. Bravo. I am in awe.

    • Xena says:

      It’s a good birthday present for GZ. LOL

      In spite of his consistencies (obvious fabrications), Wolfinger did not find sufficient evidence to charge GZ with manslaughter. SMH.

      • Malisha says:

        Wolfinger’s head has GOT to roll. Lee’s has already. There are others; their heads have GOT to roll. If DOJ does not do its job there are going to be several Hells to pay. Each one is expensive.

      • looneydoone says:

        Yes, Malisha
        Wolfinger’s head has to roll.
        It’s my understanding the Feds never step in until the State has concluded it’s business. I fully expect Federal Criminal Indictments will be handed down charging conspiracy to obstruct justice and various civil rights violations……Wolfinger, Lee, and Officer Timothy Smith, at minimum.

  14. Xena says:

    LLMPapa has done it again!!! Outstanding! Thank you LLMPapa.

    • Jun says:

      Its one of the first things I recognized from Zimmerman’s claims is he leaves out 2 minutes of his story, and claims everything happened at the drop of his NEN as he was walking back to his car. Since Zimmerman, by his own words was heading back to his car, he should have been back there by 2 minutes, and the fight never happened at the drop of his Z NEN call. Zimmerman is going to have to explain and prove his 2 minutes and how he ended up back there (which I am sure he is planning now) and also explain why he lied about it in his first statement and why we should believe that….

      This is why you dont lie, because you have to keep covering lie after lie after lie… and then get impeached on credibility

      I dont know is not gonna cut it either… the judge is not going to award immunity and let him kill a kid without evidence

      • Xena says:

        Right Jun. Let’s not forget that Osterman said on Dr. Phil that after GZ replied “okay” to “We don’t need you to do that,” that GZ closed his phone and headed back to his truck. We know from the NEN recording that GZ continued to talk to dispatch, giving his name, phone number, THEN being asked for the address where he had parked, agreeing to meet the cop at the mailbox then changing his mind.

        I get the impression that Osterman presents what he told GZ to say because he knew GZ would have no SYG claim if admitting he got out of his truck to follow Trayvon. To wit, GZ has lied all around why he left his truck because he knows that action took the confrontation to Trayvon.

      • Jun says:

        Zimmerman’s head will spin with all the lies he has made. He might not even take the stand LOL. We may hear Omara continually try to push hearsay and Bernie objecting it at every turn LOL

  15. ed nelson says:

    Thankyou Fred for this wonderful synopses… or, incling of the background of the legacy of what is… often thought of… stupidly as, some kind of “Western ‘rule of law”’. (some manna from Magna…(cum laudly!!… haha.)

    “nothin’ new under da sun”, anybody ever heard anything lik dat?

    Thank you and some of the peanut gallory for all them’s efforts to demystify, to edify, to, in general to attempt to… incorporate Ma’at.

    And thanks, although I think I read books years ago that would have mentiioned that, (I sure am going to look into it soon,) I forget if I ever knew… so, the Prof earned his name yet again!!

    All that “Eastern Religeous stuff” was frowned upon, by the likes of
    … the greed meister class/ and their massive cohort contingents.


    The comments yesterday on entropy, seem to chim a little, here, and as I meant to aver: (In some sense, that as now the physisists are all pushing a kind of “world view”… hee hee…) about, how the stars are being sort of… consumed by these… “black holes” like and all that.

    Oh just to add that: The “black holes eat up the stars…” Well don’t that sound like some kind of… cycle of things… analogue to, detritous feeders”… cycling the non-ending flow of carrion attendent with… mortal flesh… as… we… know it?

    Ed’s ville
    Thanks to all!

  16. MichelleO says:

    “In days gone by, the owner of an employer felt a sense of responsibility to its employees.”

    Because of unionization and labor laws demanded by the working classes and later implemented . There is strength in numbers.

    • There IS strength in numbers. When you are watching the erosion of a middle class – you will find the domino effect. If the middle class do not have jobs – who pays the bulk of the taxes and taxes fund those who are less fortunate (there will ALWAYS be less fortunate). It is the middle class that keeps the country alive. Without tax money, government services are slashed. The quality of life deteriorates and violence follows.

      There is a Scottish tradition (in my family, anyway) to use what you need and share the rest. Andrew Carnegie became a very wealthy man. He funded libraries, the arts, schools, etc., etc. In other words, he shared his wealth. Many of the wealthy have lost the sense of social responsibility (unless there is a tax deduction or a corporate promotion).

      If I am interpreting the Professors topic to be tonight – I can narrow it down to 3 little words — DO NO HARM.

    • Xena says:

      For every 100 employers who feel a sense of responsibility to its employees, there is one that doesn’t give a flip. I know of one such company that kept its discriminatory practices and COBRA violations secret by settling all complaints. Then they were bought out by Xerox and added a clause in their settlement agreements that those employees filing complaints with the EEOC or complaints in court could not apply for employment with any of their subsidiaries.

      What makes it worst is that the company then issues 1099’s for the settlement amounts, but classifies it as “non employee wages,” which has resulted in some of its past employees fighting with the IRS.

  17. Someone (I think Clinton) said a democracy can not survive without a strong middle class. In days gone by, the owner of an employer felt a sense of responsibility to its employees. Company benefits, a fair living wage, etc. Those that did not were faced with the formation of unions representing those employees who felt injustices – working conditions, safety issues, wages, etc.. Those companies lost site of responsibility to its workers and labour laws were established to ensure, at least, the basics were afforded those non-union employees. Then, the almighty dollar and bottom line in Corporate America looked elsewhere for a cheaper, non-unionized workforce who would receive no benefits and a living wage only – a living wage in a third world country or in a country with a government with little regard for its citizens. The upper class Corporate executives saw more opportunities to increase their wealth and have absolutely no sense of responsibility to society as we know it — and that is called greed. When jobs are hard to come by — order in society falters, the gap between the haves and the have-nots widens, and chaos follows. Is it greedy to want a job in order to put a roof over your head and food on the table. Or is it greed to take advantage of citizens by moving their jobs to the Orient or third world countries then raise the price of goods and services in this country —- higher and higher profits for that One Per Cent. All free to carry on without ANY sense of responsibility. Chaos is what we are witnessing around the globe. The middle class is under attack.

    • Xena says:

      Along with corporate greed, drug abuse in America has created a different type of citizen. Addictive personality disorder is greed that cannot be satisfied. Some drug users gave up the drugs but did not learn to deal with the addictive personality. That is not limited to illegal drugs. For instance, look at Michael Jackson.

    • We have been blessed with the freedom of choice. But, choices have consequences. Freedom has responsibility. There are only three words to live by – do no harm. After freedom is choice, after choice, after choice is responsibility, after responsibility is consequence.

      When there is no consequence, there is no responsibilty. If we are no longer a responsible society, our choices become limited and we lose the freedoms we now enjoy.

      DO NO HARM

      • Malisha says:


      • Fed-up taxpayer says:

        Thumbs up. By the way, that’s part of the Hippocratic Oath. Hippocrates would have known of the philosophers of the southern Mediterranean– although I dunno if he’d have known of it as Ma’at.

  18. Malisha says:

    I just put a comment up on the prior thread, about the idea of a plea deal in the Zimmerman case, and strangely, it had to do with what Xena said, above.

    It strikes me that our society is not built upon accountability, but only on liability, and this is where we fail, and we cannot stop failing because of this. Ma’at is, of course, the embodiment of what it takes for people to live together, and of course, we must. I used to laugh because in my Jewish youth group we sang a song, “Hinei ma-tov umanayim shevet achim gam yachad,” meaning, “Hey, it’s good for us to live together like brothers [siblings].” I laughed because there was so much sibling rivalry. I used to say, “But we ARE living together like brothers, and the brothers are always fighting like Cain and Abel, and still for the same fool reason!” And my contemporaries were a little shocked at me — because that was not a nice comment.

    Seems I have become Queen of the not nice comments! 😈

    But my examination of the ideas Professor expressed — which I hope and believe are a natural result of his deeply pondering the ultimate meaning of the Zimmerman case — leads me to say this: the only way for us to discourage behavior that destroys ma’at is to show our disapproval for it, as a society, and to insist that no matter what happens, we THINK it is WRONG. Even if Zimmerman walks and avoids all civil liability, we have our job cut out for us. IF you do not want life as we all know it to suffer, do not destroy the life you see walking in the rain on any given evening.

    If there is any restorative justice, if it has any power, if it can redeem anyone or anything, maybe some of us have a slight chance of coming out of all this OK. That is what keeps me going at times. A deep meditation on the Professor’s article is in order. I’m going to look for just the right music to provide the backdrop. Oh, yes:

    • Jun says:

      its a tough concept. We live in a world with many corrupt, evil people who lie, cheat, steal, kill and do not want to face the reparations for it. We have a kid killed for walking home with candy and look at all his vile supporters. There are many other atrocities as well. People do not want to be held accountable.

    • MichelleO says:


    • Xena says:

      It strikes me that our society is not built upon accountability, but only on liability, and this is where we fail, and we cannot stop failing because of this.

      You mean like, having to be perfect to prevent being sued? Having to be perfect to prevent being punished for not being perfect? Insure your career in case you are not perfect although causing no damage? Investing in testing equipment where the cost is passed to consumers because you can’t afford to make a mistake?

      A bed partner are people who refuse to accept others correcting their mistakes and making things right if they can. Then too, we have people who want to be paid for correcting their own mistake on the premise that if they do it for free, that it admits liability.

      Tangled webs.

  19. MichelleO says:

    GEE, Bonnie. Thank you.

    • You’re welcome.
      I heard the founder of the Charter on NPR a few years ago.
      Please give the link to your blog again. I think I joined, but not sure if I did it right. I have a Google account.

  20. cielo62 says:

    Professor- I agree. Money has become the predominant deity if our times. Romney and Bain exemplify this. Loyalty? Compassion? Empathy? Does it even enter in our considerations anymore? I don’t know it gets lost or compromised but we are born with an innate feeling that we should be fair. I see it in most elementary school kids. But by college, those values are gone. It’s rare to find adults who still value those virtues. Ma’at needs to return.

  21. cielo62 says:

    Bastet is in the pyramid!

    • looneydoone says:

      cielo62>>> “Bastet is in the pyramid !”
      From Helena Blatvasky’s writings ?

      Off topic
      Love the cat avatar
      A week after my beloved dog crossed over, a feral kitten showed up at the door(actually, in the kitchen window.) Months have passed, she has the run of the house, sleeps at the foot of the bed BUT no one can pick her up. She’s wild ! Looks a lot like yours. I wonder if our cat hating dog sent her to make us crazy 😉

      • MichelleO says:

        FERAL cats are not wimps and will not allow people to “pussify” them.

      • looneydoone……I have seven cats…three of which were feral kittens from two different litters rescued from a neighbors yard. (The rest were just rescued from bad situations.) It takes a lot of time and patience but, they WILL warm up to your family. As far as strangers go, they will probably always be skittish. You almost have to force them to accept affection by holding them for short periods of time and talking slowly to them in a low voice while lightly petting them, then setting them down, don’t let them jump on their own. I have socialized many cats, my own rescues and a couple at the local shelter. Some come around completely, others will always remain a bit skitzy but will be fine companions nevertheless. They all have different people!

    • looneydoone says:

      Gray Winter Sky,
      Mi Sombra (“my Shadow,” because she follows me everywhere) is our second feral cat. She’ll never be a docile, she’s a wild one, and we like her immensely, just as she is. We laugh about the dog having sent her….he was a character, but hated cats.

      • cielo62 says:

        looneydoone~ I might be considered a loone myself but I do believe your dog sent you someone to love, since he had to cross. Love is love, no matter what fur it come in! 🙂 and that “Bastet is in the pyramid” was totally original to me.

  22. Xena says:

    WOW Professor. Deep thoughts.

    We have lost our way because too many of us have discarded Ma’at and the Golden Rule as the fundamental ordering principle guiding our lives and replaced it with Greed.

    IMO, greed is rooted in envy and covertness. What I see as more prevalent in our society is that hurting people hurt others. There is little seeking of self-healing because it is easier to blame others, holding them responsible.

    For instance, GZ avoids self-examination for his reason for getting out of his vehicle and following Trayvon. This resulted in him misrepresenting the facts, blaming the dispatcher for asking for the address he was parked in front of, to ultimately blaming God.

    The idea that I perceive from the belief in Ma’at is the same that I perceive from the teachings of Jesus Christ, which is not to return evil for evil. Our courts are filled with family cases because of the mindset that evil is a justifiable response to evil and the law is not equitable but rather, awards the person who blames their evil on the other.

    There is much that I could write on this issue because of its roots being in the spirituality of mankind. You have indeed provided interesting thoughts and considerations.

  23. changsterdj says:

    Reblogged this on changsterdj and commented:

    • Brown says:


    • MichelleO says:

      “We have lost our way because too many of us have discarded Ma’at and the Golden Rule as the fundamental ordering principle guiding our lives and replaced it with Greed.”

      THIS is true, but it could not happen if the general population was not as greedy and did not go along with it. For instance, I was raised a Catholic, and when I was a kid people generally looked out for one another, and did not view one another as constant adversaries. Now, I get the feeling that nobody trusts the other one, and that no one is given the benefit of the doubt. I have a great concern about this.

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